Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/penpot/penpot.git synced 2025-03-26 06:31:26 -05:00

Allow for nested frames

This commit is contained in:
alonso.torres 2022-05-31 11:21:00 +02:00
parent 0bbd898173
commit a9303c37c4
23 changed files with 540 additions and 283 deletions

View file

@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
(dm/export focus/is-in-focus?)
;; Indices
(dm/export indices/calculate-z-index)
(dm/export indices/update-z-index)
#_(dm/export indices/calculate-z-index)
#_(dm/export indices/update-z-index)
(dm/export indices/generate-child-all-parents-index)
(dm/export indices/generate-child-parent-index)
(dm/export indices/create-clip-index)

View file

@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
(let [invalid-targets (calculate-invalid-targets objects shape-id)]
(and (contains? objects shape-id)
(not (invalid-targets parent-id))
(cph/valid-frame-target? objects parent-id shape-id))))
#_(cph/valid-frame-target? objects parent-id shape-id))))
(insert-items [prev-shapes index shapes]
(let [prev-shapes (or prev-shapes [])]

View file

@ -82,6 +82,8 @@
:r1 :r2 :r3 :r4

View file

@ -13,21 +13,16 @@
(defn focus-objects
[objects focus]
(let [[ids-with-children z-index]
(let [ids-with-children
(when (d/not-empty? focus)
[(into (conj focus uuid/zero)
(mapcat (partial cph/get-children-ids objects))
(cpi/calculate-z-index objects)])
(fn [coll]
(->> coll (sort-by (fn [a b] (- (get z-index a) (get z-index b))))))]
(into (conj focus uuid/zero)
(mapcat (partial cph/get-children-ids objects))
(cond-> objects
(some? ids-with-children)
(-> (select-keys ids-with-children)
(assoc-in [uuid/zero :shapes] (sort-by-z-index focus))))))
(assoc-in [uuid/zero :shapes] (cph/sort-z-index objects focus))))))
(defn filter-not-focus
[objects focus ids]

View file

@ -141,6 +141,38 @@
(keep lookup)))))
(defn get-frames-ids
"Retrieves all frame objects as vector. It is not implemented in
function of `get-immediate-children` for performance reasons. This
function is executed in the render hot path."
(let [lookup (d/getf objects)
xform (comp (remove #(= uuid/zero %))
(keep lookup)
(filter frame-shape?)
(map :id))]
(->> (keys objects)
(into [] xform))))
(defn get-frames
"Retrieves all frame objects as vector. It is not implemented in
function of `get-immediate-children` for performance reasons. This
function is executed in the render hot path."
(let [lookup (d/getf objects)
xform (comp (remove #(= uuid/zero %))
(keep lookup)
(filter frame-shape?))]
(->> (keys objects)
(into [] xform))))
(defn get-nested-frames
[objects frame-id]
(into #{}
(comp (filter frame-shape?)
(map :id))
(get-children objects frame-id)))
(defn get-root-frames-ids
"Retrieves all frame objects as vector. It is not implemented in
function of `get-immediate-children` for performance reasons. This
function is executed in the render hot path."
@ -152,7 +184,7 @@
(->> (:shapes (lookup uuid/zero))
(into [] xform))))
(defn get-frames
(defn get-root-frames
"Retrieves all frame objects as vector. It is not implemented in
function of `get-immediate-children` for performance reasons. This
function is executed in the render hot path."
@ -163,15 +195,62 @@
(->> (:shapes (lookup uuid/zero))
(into [] xform))))
(defn- get-base
[objects id-a id-b]
(let [parents-a (reverse (get-parents-seq objects id-a))
parents-b (reverse (get-parents-seq objects id-b))
[base base-child-a base-child-b]
(loop [parents-a (rest parents-a)
parents-b (rest parents-b)
base uuid/zero]
(if (not= (first parents-a) (first parents-b))
[base (first parents-a) (first parents-b)]
(recur (rest parents-a) (rest parents-b) (first parents-a))))
index-base-a (when base-child-a (get-position-on-parent objects base-child-a))
index-base-b (when base-child-b (get-position-on-parent objects base-child-b))]
[base index-base-a index-base-b]))
(defn is-shape-over-shape?
[objects base-shape-id over-shape-id]
(let [[base parent-a parent-b] (get-base objects base-shape-id over-shape-id)]
(= base base-shape-id)
;; over-shape is a child of base-shape. Will be over if base is a root-frame
(= uuid/zero (get-in objects [base-shape-id :parent-id]))
(= base over-shape-id)
(not= uuid/zero (get-in objects [over-shape-id :parent-id]))
(< parent-a parent-b))))
(defn sort-z-index
[objects ids]
(letfn [(comp [id-a id-b]
(= id-a id-b) 0
(is-shape-over-shape? objects id-a id-b) 1
:else -1))]
(sort comp ids)))
(defn frame-id-by-position
[objects position]
(let [frames (get-frames objects)]
(->> frames
(d/seek #(and position (gsh/has-point? % position)))
(let [frames (->> (get-frames objects)
(filter #(and position (gsh/has-point? % position))))
(reduce (fn [current-top frame]
(if (is-shape-over-shape? objects (:id current-top) (:id frame))
(first frames)
(rest frames))]
(or (:id top-frame) uuid/zero)))
(declare indexed-shapes)

View file

@ -11,10 +11,12 @@
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[clojure.set :as set]))
(defn calculate-frame-z-index
#_(defn calculate-frame-z-index
[z-index frame-id base-idx objects]
(let [is-frame? (fn [id] (= :frame (get-in objects [id :type])))
(let [is-root-frame? (fn [id]
(and (= :frame (get-in objects [id :type]))
(= uuid/zero (get-in objects [id :parent-id]))))
children (or (get-in objects [frame-id :shapes]) [])]
(if (empty? children)
@ -25,8 +27,8 @@
z-index z-index]
(let [children (get-in objects [current :shapes])
is-frame? (is-frame? current)
pending (if (not is-frame?)
is-root-frame? (is-root-frame? current)
pending (if (not is-root-frame?)
(d/concat-vec pending children)
@ -41,12 +43,12 @@
;; internal z-index. To calculate the "final" z-index we add the shape z-index with
;; the z-index of its frame. This way we can update the z-index per frame without
;; the need of recalculate all the frames
(defn calculate-z-index
#_(defn calculate-z-index
"Given a collection of shapes calculates their z-index. Greater index
means is displayed over other shapes with less index."
(let [frames (cph/get-frames objects)
(let [frames (cph/get-root-frames objects)
by-frame (cph/objects-by-frame objects)
frame-base-idx (d/update-vals by-frame count)
@ -57,7 +59,7 @@
(fn [z-index {:keys [id]}]
(calculate-frame-z-index z-index id (get frame-base-idx id) objects)) z-index))))
(defn update-z-index
#_(defn update-z-index
"Updates the z-index given a set of ids to change and the old and new objects
[z-index changed-ids old-objects new-objects]

View file

@ -52,6 +52,8 @@
(s/def ::fill-color-ref-id (s/nilable uuid?))
(s/def ::hide-fill-on-export boolean?)
(s/def ::show-content boolean?)
(s/def ::hide-in-viewer boolean?)
(s/def ::file-thumbnail boolean?)
(s/def ::masked-group? boolean?)
@ -254,8 +256,7 @@
(s/def :internal.shape.text.position-data/x ::us/safe-number)
(s/def :internal.shape.text.position-data/y ::us/safe-number)
@ -303,7 +304,9 @@
(defmethod shape-spec :frame [_]
(s/and ::shape-attrs
(s/keys :opt-un [::file-thumbnail
(s/def ::shape
(s/and (s/multi-spec shape-spec :type)

View file

@ -25,3 +25,170 @@
(def has-layout-item false)
(def size-presets
[{:name "APPLE"}
{:name "iPhone 12/12 Pro"
:width 390
:height 844}
{:name "iPhone 12 Mini"
:width 360
:height 780}
{:name "iPhone 12 Pro Max"
:width 428
:height 926}
{:name "iPhone X/XS/11 Pro"
:width 375
:height 812}
{:name "iPhone XS Max/XR/11"
:width 414
:height 896}
{:name "iPhone 6/7/8 Plus"
:width 414
:height 736}
{:name "iPhone 6/7/8/SE2"
:width 375
:height 667}
{:name "iPhone 5/SE"
:width 320
:height 568}
{:name "iPad"
:width 768
:height 1024}
{:name "iPad Pro 10.5in"
:width 834
:height 1112}
{:name "iPad Pro 12.9in"
:width 1024
:height 1366}
{:name "Watch 44mm"
:width 368
:height 448}
{:name "Watch 42mm"
:width 312
:height 390}
{:name "Watch 40mm"
:width 324
:height 394}
{:name "Watch 38mm"
:width 272
:height 340}
{:name "ANDROID"}
{:name "Mobile"
:width 360
:height 640}
{:name "Tablet"
:width 768
:height 1024}
{:name "Google Pixel 4a/5"
:width 393
:height 851}
{:name "Samsung Galaxy S20+"
:width 384
:height 854}
{:name "Samsung Galaxy A71/A51"
:width 412
:height 914}
{:name "MICROSOFT"}
{:name "Surface Pro 3"
:width 1440
:height 960}
{:name "Surface Pro 4/5/6/7"
:width 1368
:height 912}
{:name "ReMarkable"}
{:name "Remarkable 2"
:width 840
:height 1120}
{:name "WEB"}
{:name "Web 1280"
:width 1280
:height 800}
{:name "Web 1366"
:width 1366
:height 768}
{:name "Web 1024"
:width 1024
:height 768}
{:name "Web 1920"
:width 1920
:height 1080}
{:name "PRINT (96dpi)"}
{:name "A0"
:width 3179
:height 4494}
{:name "A1"
:width 2245
:height 3179}
{:name "A2"
:width 1587
:height 2245}
{:name "A3"
:width 1123
:height 1587}
{:name "A4"
:width 794
:height 1123}
{:name "A5"
:width 559
:height 794}
{:name "A6"
:width 397
:height 559}
{:name "Letter"
:width 816
:height 1054}
{:name "DIN Lang"
:width 835
:height 413}
{:name "SOCIAL MEDIA"}
{:name "Instagram profile"
:width 320
:height 320}
{:name "Instagram post"
:width 1080
:height 1080}
{:name "Instagram story"
:width 1080
:height 1920}
{:name "Facebook profile"
:width 720
:height 720}
{:name "Facebook cover"
:width 820
:height 312}
{:name "Facebook post"
:width 1200
:height 630}
{:name "LinkedIn profile"
:width 400
:height 400}
{:name "LinkedIn cover"
:width 1584
:height 396}
{:name "LinkedIn post"
:width 1200
:height 627}
{:name "Twitter profile"
:width 400
:height 400}
{:name "Twitter header"
:width 1500
:height 500}
{:name "Twitter post"
:width 1024
:height 512}
{:name "YouTube profile"
:width 800
:height 800}
{:name "YouTube banner"
:width 2560
:height 1440}
{:name "YouTube thumb"
:width 1280
:height 720}])

View file

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
(ns app.main.data.workspace
[app.main.data.workspace.indices :as dwidx]
[app.common.attrs :as attrs]
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
@ -127,7 +129,8 @@
team-id (dm/get-in bundle [:project :team-id])]
(rx/of (dwn/initialize team-id file-id)
(dwp/initialize-file-persistence file-id))
(dwp/initialize-file-persistence file-id)
(dwidx/start-indexing file-id))
(->> stream
(rx/filter #(= ::dwc/index-initialized %))
@ -194,6 +197,7 @@
(watch [_ _ _]
(rx/of (dwn/finalize file-id))
(rx/of (dwidx/stop-indexing file-id))
(->> (rx/of ::dwp/finalize)
(rx/observe-on :async))))))
@ -1214,16 +1218,14 @@
;; selected and its parents
objects (cph/selected-subtree objects selected)
z-index (cp/calculate-z-index objects)
z-values (->> selected
(map #(vector %
(+ (get z-index %)
(get z-index (get-in objects [% :frame-id]))))))
(->> z-values
(sort-by second)
(map first)
(into (d/ordered-set)))]
;;z-index (cp/calculate-z-index objects)
;;z-values (->> selected
;; (map #(vector %
;; (+ (get z-index %)
;; (get z-index (get-in objects [% :frame-id]))))))
selected (-> (cph/sort-z-index objects selected)
(into (d/ordered-set)))]
(assoc data :selected selected)))

View file

@ -261,25 +261,21 @@
(defn get-shape-layer-position
[objects selected attrs]
(if (= :frame (:type attrs))
;; Frames are always positioned on the root frame
[uuid/zero uuid/zero nil]
;; Calculate the frame over which we're drawing
(let [position @ms/mouse-position
frame-id (:frame-id attrs (cph/frame-id-by-position objects position))
shape (when-not (empty? selected)
(cph/get-base-shape objects selected))]
;; Calculate the frame over which we're drawing
(let [position @ms/mouse-position
frame-id (:frame-id attrs (cph/frame-id-by-position objects position))
shape (when-not (empty? selected)
(cph/get-base-shape objects selected))]
;; When no shapes has been selected or we're over a different frame
;; we add it as the latest shape of that frame
(if (or (not shape) (not= (:frame-id shape) frame-id))
[frame-id frame-id nil]
;; When no shapes has been selected or we're over a different frame
;; we add it as the latest shape of that frame
(if (or (not shape) (not= (:frame-id shape) frame-id))
[frame-id frame-id nil]
;; Otherwise, we add it to next to the selected shape
(let [index (cph/get-position-on-parent objects (:id shape))
{:keys [frame-id parent-id]} shape]
[frame-id parent-id (inc index)])))))
;; Otherwise, we add it to next to the selected shape
(let [index (cph/get-position-on-parent objects (:id shape))
{:keys [frame-id parent-id]} shape]
[frame-id parent-id (inc index)]))))
(defn make-new-shape
[attrs objects selected]
@ -325,7 +321,7 @@
changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it page-id)
(pcb/add-object shape {:index (when (= :frame (:type shape)) 0)}))]
(pcb/add-object shape #_{:index (when (= :frame (:type shape)) 0)}))]
(rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)

View file

@ -65,12 +65,7 @@
focus (:workspace-focus-selected state)
zoom (get-in state [:workspace-local :zoom] 1)
frames (cph/get-frames objects)
fid (or (->> frames
(filter #(gsh/has-point? % initial))
fid (cph/frame-id-by-position objects initial)
shape (-> state
(get-in [:workspace-drawing :object])

View file

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
[objects selected]
(->> selected
(map #(get objects %))
(filter #(not= :frame (:type %)))
(map #(assoc % ::index (cph/get-position-on-parent objects (:id %))))
(sort-by ::index)))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) UXBOX Labs SL
(ns app.main.data.workspace.indices
[app.main.data.workspace.state-helpers :as wsh]
[app.main.data.workspace.indices.object-tree :as dwi-object-tree]
[app.main.refs :as refs]
[app.main.data.workspace.changes :as dwc]
[beicon.core :as rx]
[app.common.data :as d]
[potok.core :as ptk]))
(def stop-indexing? (ptk/type? ::stop-indexing))
(def objects-changes #{:add-obj :mod-obj :del-obj :mov-objects})
(defn stop-indexing
(ptk/reify ::stop-indexing
(update [_ state]
(-> state
(dissoc :index-object-tree)))))
(defn process-changes
"Simplify changes so we have only the type of operation and the ids"
(->> changes
(filter #(contains? objects-changes (:type %)))
(mapcat (fn [{:keys [type id shapes]}]
(if (some? shapes)
(->> shapes (map #(vector type %)))
[[type id]])))))
(defn update-indexing
[change-type shape-id old-objects new-objects]
(ptk/reify ::update-indexing
(update [_ state]
(let [objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects state)]
(-> state
(update :index-object-tree dwi-object-tree/update-index shape-id change-type old-objects new-objects))))))
(defn start-indexing
(ptk/reify ::start-indexing
(update [_ state]
(let [objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects state)]
(-> state
(assoc :index-object-tree (dwi-object-tree/init-index objects)))))
(watch [_ state stream]
(let [stopper (->> stream (rx/filter stop-indexing?) (rx/take 1))
objects-delta (->> (rx/from-atom refs/workspace-page-objects {:emit-current-value? true}) (rx/buffer 2 1))]
(->> stream
(rx/filter dwc/commit-changes?)
(rx/flat-map #(->> % deref :changes process-changes))
(rx/with-latest-from objects-delta)
(rx/map (fn [[[type id] [objects-old objects-new]]]
(update-indexing type id objects-old objects-new)))
#_(rx/tap (fn [[[type id] [objects-old objects-new]]]
(let [obj-old (get objects-old id)
obj-new (get objects-new id)]
(prn ">change" (or (:name obj-old) (:name obj-new)))
(prn " > " type)
(.log js/console " >" (clj->js obj-old))
(.log js/console " >" (clj->js obj-new))
(rx/take-until stopper)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) UXBOX Labs SL
(ns app.main.data.workspace.indices.object-tree
[app.common.pages.helpers :as cph]
(defn objects-tree
(defn init-index
(defn update-index
[index shape-id change-type old-objects new-objects]

View file

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
(let [shape (obj/get props "shape")]
(when (:thumbnail shape)
(let [{:keys [x y width height]} shape
(let [{:keys [x y width height show-content]} shape
transform (gsh/transform-matrix shape)
props (-> (attrs/extract-style-attrs shape)
@ -59,8 +59,9 @@
render-id (mf/use-ctx muc/render-ctx)]
[:g {:clip-path (frame-clip-url shape render-id)}
[:& frame-clip-def {:shape shape :render-id render-id}]
[:g {:clip-path (when (not show-content) (frame-clip-url shape render-id))}
(when (not show-content)
[:& frame-clip-def {:shape shape :render-id render-id}])
[:& shape-fills {:shape shape}
(if path?
[:> :path props]
@ -88,7 +89,7 @@
(let [childs (unchecked-get props "childs")
shape (unchecked-get props "shape")
{:keys [x y width height]} shape
{:keys [x y width height show-content]} shape
transform (gsh/transform-matrix shape)
@ -104,7 +105,8 @@
render-id (mf/use-ctx muc/render-ctx)]
[:g {:clip-path (frame-clip-url shape render-id)}
[:g {:clip-path (when (not show-content)
(frame-clip-url shape render-id))}
[:& shape-fills {:shape shape}
(if path?
[:> :path props]

View file

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
(ns app.main.ui.workspace.shapes.frame
[app.main.store :as st]
[app.main.data.workspace.state-helpers :as wsh]
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
@ -45,8 +47,7 @@
[new-props old-props]
(= (unchecked-get new-props "thumbnail?") (unchecked-get old-props "thumbnail?"))
(= (unchecked-get new-props "shape") (unchecked-get old-props "shape"))
(= (unchecked-get new-props "objects") (unchecked-get old-props "objects"))))
(= (unchecked-get new-props "shape") (unchecked-get old-props "shape"))))
(defn frame-wrapper-factory
@ -59,7 +60,7 @@
(let [shape (unchecked-get props "shape")
thumbnail? (unchecked-get props "thumbnail?")
objects (unchecked-get props "objects")
objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects @st/state)
render-id (mf/use-memo #(str (uuid/next)))
fonts (mf/use-memo (mf/deps shape objects) #(ff/shape->fonts shape objects))

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
(ns app.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.menus.measures
[app.main.constants :refer [size-presets]]
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.geom.shapes :as gsh]
[app.common.spec.radius :as ctr]
@ -30,12 +31,14 @@
:rx :ry
:r1 :r2 :r3 :r4
(def ^:private type->options
{:bool #{:size :position :rotation}
:circle #{:size :position :rotation}
:frame #{:presets :size :position :radius}
:frame #{:presets :size :position :radius :clip-content :show-in-viewer}
:group #{:size :position :rotation}
:image #{:size :position :rotation :radius}
:path #{:size :position :rotation}
@ -43,8 +46,6 @@
:svg-raw #{:size :position :rotation}
:text #{:size :position :rotation}})
(declare +size-presets+)
;; -- User/drawing coords
(mf/defc measures-menu
[{:keys [ids ids-with-children values type all-types shape] :as props}]
@ -103,6 +104,9 @@
radius-multi? (mf/use-state nil)
radius-input-ref (mf/use-ref nil)
clip-content-ref (mf/use-ref nil)
show-in-viewer-ref (mf/use-ref nil)
(fn [width height]
(st/emit! (udw/update-dimensions ids :width width)
@ -146,13 +150,13 @@
(mf/deps ids-with-children)
(fn [update-fn]
(dch/update-shapes ids-with-children
(fn [shape]
(if (ctr/has-radius? shape)
(update-fn shape)
(mf/deps ids-with-children)
(fn [update-fn]
(dch/update-shapes ids-with-children
(fn [shape]
(if (ctr/has-radius? shape)
(update-fn shape)
@ -200,17 +204,38 @@
on-radius-r3-change #(on-radius-4-change % :r3)
on-radius-r4-change #(on-radius-4-change % :r4)
(mf/deps ids)
(fn [event]
(let [value (-> event dom/get-target dom/checked?)]
(dch/update-shapes ids (fn [shape]) (assoc shape :show-content (not value))))))
(mf/deps ids)
(fn [event]
(let [value (-> event dom/get-target dom/checked?)]
(st/emit! (dch/update-shapes ids (fn [shape] (assoc shape :show-content (not value))))))))
(mf/deps ids)
(fn [event]
(let [value (-> event dom/get-target dom/checked?)]
(st/emit! (dch/update-shapes ids (fn [shape] (assoc shape :hide-in-viewer (not value))))))))
select-all #(-> % (dom/get-target) (.select))]
(mf/deps radius-mode @radius-multi?)
(fn []
(when (and (= radius-mode :radius-1)
(= @radius-multi? false))
;; when going back from radius-multi to normal radius-1,
;; restore focus to the newly created numeric-input
(let [radius-input (mf/ref-val radius-input-ref)]
(dom/focus! radius-input)))))
(mf/deps radius-mode @radius-multi?)
(fn []
(when (and (= radius-mode :radius-1)
(= @radius-multi? false))
;; when going back from radius-multi to normal radius-1,
;; restore focus to the newly created numeric-input
(let [radius-input (mf/ref-val radius-input-ref)]
(dom/focus! radius-input)))))
@ -226,7 +251,7 @@
[:& dropdown {:show @show-presets-dropdown?
:on-close #(reset! show-presets-dropdown? false)}
(for [size-preset +size-presets+]
(for [size-preset size-presets]
(if-not (:width size-preset)
[:li.dropdown-label {:key (:name size-preset)}
[:span (:name size-preset)]]
@ -367,172 +392,30 @@
:min 0
:on-click select-all
:on-change on-radius-r4-change
:value (:r4 values)}]]])])]]]))
:value (:r4 values)}]]])])
(def +size-presets+
[{:name "APPLE"}
{:name "iPhone 12/12 Pro"
:width 390
:height 844}
{:name "iPhone 12 Mini"
:width 360
:height 780}
{:name "iPhone 12 Pro Max"
:width 428
:height 926}
{:name "iPhone X/XS/11 Pro"
:width 375
:height 812}
{:name "iPhone XS Max/XR/11"
:width 414
:height 896}
{:name "iPhone 6/7/8 Plus"
:width 414
:height 736}
{:name "iPhone 6/7/8/SE2"
:width 375
:height 667}
{:name "iPhone 5/SE"
:width 320
:height 568}
{:name "iPad"
:width 768
:height 1024}
{:name "iPad Pro 10.5in"
:width 834
:height 1112}
{:name "iPad Pro 12.9in"
:width 1024
:height 1366}
{:name "Watch 44mm"
:width 368
:height 448}
{:name "Watch 42mm"
:width 312
:height 390}
{:name "Watch 40mm"
:width 324
:height 394}
{:name "Watch 38mm"
:width 272
:height 340}
(when (options :clip-content)
[:input {:type "checkbox"
:id "clip-content"
:ref clip-content-ref
:checked (not (:show-content values))
:on-change on-change-clip-content}]
{:name "ANDROID"}
{:name "Mobile"
:width 360
:height 640}
{:name "Tablet"
:width 768
:height 1024}
{:name "Google Pixel 4a/5"
:width 393
:height 851}
{:name "Samsung Galaxy S20+"
:width 384
:height 854}
{:name "Samsung Galaxy A71/A51"
:width 412
:height 914}
[:label {:for "clip-content"}
(tr "workspace.options.clip-content")]])
{:name "MICROSOFT"}
{:name "Surface Pro 3"
:width 1440
:height 960}
{:name "Surface Pro 4/5/6/7"
:width 1368
:height 912}
(when (options :show-in-viewer)
[:input {:type "checkbox"
:id "show-in-viewer"
:ref show-in-viewer-ref
:checked (not (:hide-in-viewer values))
:on-change on-change-show-in-viewer}]
{:name "ReMarkable"}
{:name "Remarkable 2"
:width 840
:height 1120}
[:label {:for "show-in-viewer"}
(tr "workspace.options.show-in-viewer")]])
{:name "WEB"}
{:name "Web 1280"
:width 1280
:height 800}
{:name "Web 1366"
:width 1366
:height 768}
{:name "Web 1024"
:width 1024
:height 768}
{:name "Web 1920"
:width 1920
:height 1080}
{:name "PRINT (96dpi)"}
{:name "A0"
:width 3179
:height 4494}
{:name "A1"
:width 2245
:height 3179}
{:name "A2"
:width 1587
:height 2245}
{:name "A3"
:width 1123
:height 1587}
{:name "A4"
:width 794
:height 1123}
{:name "A5"
:width 559
:height 794}
{:name "A6"
:width 397
:height 559}
{:name "Letter"
:width 816
:height 1054}
{:name "DIN Lang"
:width 835
:height 413}
{:name "SOCIAL MEDIA"}
{:name "Instagram profile"
:width 320
:height 320}
{:name "Instagram post"
:width 1080
:height 1080}
{:name "Instagram story"
:width 1080
:height 1920}
{:name "Facebook profile"
:width 720
:height 720}
{:name "Facebook cover"
:width 820
:height 312}
{:name "Facebook post"
:width 1200
:height 630}
{:name "LinkedIn profile"
:width 400
:height 400}
{:name "LinkedIn cover"
:width 1584
:height 396}
{:name "LinkedIn post"
:width 1200
:height 627}
{:name "Twitter profile"
:width 400
:height 400}
{:name "Twitter header"
:width 1500
:height 500}
{:name "Twitter post"
:width 1024
:height 512}
{:name "YouTube profile"
:width 800
:height 800}
{:name "YouTube banner"
:width 2560
:height 1440}
{:name "YouTube thumb"
:width 1280
:height 720}])

View file

@ -172,6 +172,7 @@
(mf/deps page-id objects)
(fn [ids]
#_(prn "??hover-ids" (->> ids (map #(get-in objects [% :name]))))
(let [is-group?
(fn [id]
(contains? #{:group :bool} (get-in objects [id :type])))
@ -221,7 +222,7 @@
[objects hover-ids selected active-frames zoom transform vbox]
(let [frame? #(= :frame (get-in objects [% :type]))
all-frames (mf/use-memo (mf/deps objects) #(cph/get-frames-ids objects))
all-frames (mf/use-memo (mf/deps objects) #(cph/get-root-frames-ids objects))
selected-frames (mf/use-memo (mf/deps selected) #(->> all-frames (filter selected)))
xf-selected-frame (comp (remove frame?) (map #(get-in objects [% :frame-id])))
selected-shapes-frames (mf/use-memo (mf/deps selected) #(into #{} xf-selected-frame selected))

View file

@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
:color color}
props (map->obj (merge common-props props))]
(case type
:rotation (when (not= :frame (:type shape)) [:> rotation-handler props])
:rotation [:> rotation-handler props]
:resize-point [:> resize-point-handler props]
:resize-side [:> resize-side-handler props])))])))

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
(ns app.main.ui.workspace.viewport.widgets
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.geom.shapes :as gsh]
@ -182,15 +183,16 @@
(for [frame frames]
[:& frame-title {:key (dm/str "frame-title-" (:id frame))
:frame frame
:selected? (contains? selected (:id frame))
:zoom zoom
:show-artboard-names? show-artboard-names?
:modifiers modifiers
:on-frame-enter on-frame-enter
:on-frame-leave on-frame-leave
:on-frame-select on-frame-select}])]))
(when (= (:frame-id frame) uuid/zero)
[:& frame-title {:key (dm/str "frame-title-" (:id frame))
:frame frame
:selected? (contains? selected (:id frame))
:zoom zoom
:show-artboard-names? show-artboard-names?
:modifiers modifiers
:on-frame-enter on-frame-enter
:on-frame-leave on-frame-leave
:on-frame-select on-frame-select}]))]))
(mf/defc frame-flow
[{:keys [flow frame modifiers selected? zoom on-frame-enter on-frame-leave on-frame-select]}]

View file

@ -86,12 +86,17 @@
index (reduce index-shape initial-quadtree shapes)
z-index (cp/calculate-z-index objects)]
;;z-index (cp/calculate-z-index objects)
{:index index :z-index z-index :bounds bounds}))
{:index index
;;:z-index z-index
:bounds bounds}))
(defn- update-index
[{index :index z-index :z-index :as data} old-objects new-objects]
[{index :index
;; z-index :z-index
:as data} old-objects new-objects]
(let [changes? (fn [id]
(not= (get old-objects id)
(get new-objects id)))
@ -112,12 +117,16 @@
index-shape (make-index-shape new-objects parents-index clip-parents-index)
index (reduce index-shape new-index shapes)
z-index (cp/update-z-index z-index changed-ids old-objects new-objects)]
;;z-index (cp/update-z-index z-index changed-ids old-objects new-objects)
(assoc data :index index :z-index z-index)))
(assoc data :index index ;;:z-index z-index
(defn- query-index
[{index :index z-index :z-index} rect frame-id full-frame? include-frames? ignore-groups? clip-children? reverse?]
[{index :index
;;z-index :z-index
} rect frame-id full-frame? include-frames? ignore-groups? clip-children? reverse?]
(let [result (-> (qdt/search index (clj->js rect))
@ -145,10 +154,10 @@
(fn [clip-parents]
(->> clip-parents (some (comp not overlaps?)) not))
(fn [{:keys [id frame-id] :as shape}]
(assoc shape :z (+ (get z-index id)
(get z-index frame-id 0))))
;;(fn [{:keys [id frame-id] :as shape}]
;; (assoc shape :z (+ (get z-index id)
;; (get z-index frame-id 0))))
;; Shapes after filters of overlapping and criteria
@ -160,14 +169,15 @@
(filter (if clip-children?
(comp overlaps-parent? :clip-parents)
(constantly true)))
(map add-z-index))
#_(map add-z-index))
keyfn (if reverse? (comp - :z) :z)]
;;keyfn (if reverse? (comp - :z) :z)
(into (d/ordered-set)
(->> matching-shapes
(sort-by keyfn)
#_(sort-by keyfn)
(map :id)))))
@ -208,7 +218,7 @@
(when-let [index (get @state page-id)]
(query-index index rect frame-id full-frame? include-frames? ignore-groups? clip-children? reverse?)))
(defmethod impl/handler :selection/query-z-index
#_(defmethod impl/handler :selection/query-z-index
[{:keys [page-id objects ids]}]
(when-let [{z-index :z-index} (get @state page-id)]
(->> ids (map #(+ (get z-index %)

View file

@ -3890,6 +3890,12 @@ msgstr "X"
msgid "workspace.options.y"
msgstr "Y"
msgid "workspace.options.clip-content"
msgstr "Clip content"
msgstr "Show in view mode"
msgid "workspace.path.actions.add-node"
msgstr "Add node (%s)"

View file

@ -4058,6 +4058,12 @@ msgstr "X"
msgid "workspace.options.y"
msgstr "Y"
msgid "workspace.options.clip-content"
msgstr "Truncar contenido"
msgstr "Mostrar en modo visualización"
msgid "workspace.path.actions.add-node"
msgstr "Añadir nodo (%s)"