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🎉 Backport binfile improvements from develop

This commit is contained in:
Andrey Antukh 2022-08-11 07:44:47 +02:00
parent 6df2089a60
commit a77f9eae7c
2 changed files with 361 additions and 351 deletions

View file

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
;; Threshold in MiB when we pass from using
@ -50,22 +50,6 @@
(def temp-file-threshold
(* 1024 1024 2))
;; Represents the current processing file-id on
;; export process.
(def ^:dynamic *file-id*)
;; Stores all media file object references of
;; processed files on import process.
(def ^:dynamic *media*)
;; Stores the objects index on reamping subprocess
;; part of the import process.
(def ^:dynamic *index*)
;; Has the current connection used on the import
;; process.
(def ^:dynamic *conn*)
@ -211,33 +195,33 @@
(read-obj! input)))
(defn write-header!
[^DataOutputStream output & {:keys [version metadata]}]
[^OutputStream output version]
(l/trace :fn "write-header!"
:version version
:metadata metadata
:position @*position*
::l/async false)
(doto output
(write-byte! (get-mark :header))
(write-long! penpot-magic-number)
(write-long! version)
(write-obj! metadata)))
(let [vers (-> version name (subs 1) parse-long)
output (bs/data-output-stream output)]
(doto output
(write-byte! (get-mark :header))
(write-long! penpot-magic-number)
(write-long! vers))))
(defn read-header!
[^DataInputStream input]
[^InputStream input]
(l/trace :fn "read-header!" :position @*position* ::l/async false)
(let [mark (read-byte! input)
(let [input (bs/data-input-stream input)
mark (read-byte! input)
mnum (read-long! input)
vers (read-long! input)]
(when (or (not= mark (get-mark :header))
(not= mnum penpot-magic-number))
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :invalid-penpot-file))
:code :invalid-penpot-file
:hint "invalid penpot file"))
(-> (read-obj! input)
(assoc ::version vers))))
(keyword (str "v" vers))))
(defn copy-stream!
[^OutputStream output ^InputStream input ^long size]
@ -349,8 +333,84 @@
(with-open [^AutoCloseable conn (db/open pool)]
(db/exec! conn [sql:file-library-rels (db/create-array conn "uuid" ids)])))
(defn- create-or-update-file
[conn params]
(let [sql (str "INSERT INTO file (id, project_id, name, revn, is_shared, data, created_at, modified_at) "
"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) "
(db/exec-one! conn [sql
(:id params)
(:project-id params)
(:name params)
(:revn params)
(:is-shared params)
(:data params)
(:created-at params)
(:modified-at params)
(:data params)])))
(def ^:dynamic *state*)
(def ^:dynamic *options*)
(defn- embed-file-assets
[data conn file-id]
(letfn [(walk-map-form [form state]
(uuid? (:fill-color-ref-file form))
(vswap! state conj [(:fill-color-ref-file form) :colors (:fill-color-ref-id form)])
(assoc form :fill-color-ref-file file-id))
(uuid? (:stroke-color-ref-file form))
(vswap! state conj [(:stroke-color-ref-file form) :colors (:stroke-color-ref-id form)])
(assoc form :stroke-color-ref-file file-id))
(uuid? (:typography-ref-file form))
(vswap! state conj [(:typography-ref-file form) :typographies (:typography-ref-id form)])
(assoc form :typography-ref-file file-id))
(uuid? (:component-file form))
(vswap! state conj [(:component-file form) :components (:component-id form)])
(assoc form :component-file file-id))
(process-group-of-assets [data [lib-id items]]
;; NOTE: there are a posibility that shape refers to a not
;; existing file because the file was removed. In this
;; case we just ignore the asset.
(if-let [lib (retrieve-file conn lib-id)]
(reduce (partial process-asset lib) data items)
(process-asset [lib data [bucket asset-id]]
(let [asset (get-in lib [:data bucket asset-id])
;; Add a special case for colors that need to have
;; correctly set the :file-id prop (pending of the
;; refactor that will remove it).
asset (cond-> asset
(= bucket :colors) (assoc :file-id file-id))]
(update data bucket assoc asset-id asset)))]
(let [assets (volatile! [])]
(walk/postwalk #(cond-> % (map? %) (walk-map-form assets)) data)
(->> (deref assets)
(filter #(as-> (first %) $ (and (uuid? $) (not= $ file-id))))
(d/group-by first rest)
(reduce (partial process-group-of-assets) data)))))
(defmulti write-export ::version)
(defmulti write-section ::section)
(s/def ::output bs/output-stream?)
(s/def ::file-ids (s/every ::us/uuid :kind vector? :min-count 1))
(s/def ::include-libraries? (s/nilable ::us/boolean))
@ -370,147 +430,104 @@
`::embed-assets?`: instead of including the libraryes, embedd in the
same file library all assets used from external libraries.
[{:keys [pool storage ::output ::file-ids ::include-libraries? ::embed-assets?] :as options}]
same file library all assets used from external libraries."
[{:keys [::include-libraries? ::embed-assets?] :as options}]
(us/assert! ::write-export-options options)
:expr (not (and include-libraries? embed-assets?))
:hint "the `include-libraries?` and `embed-assets?` are mutally excluding options")
(write-export options))
(letfn [(write-header [output files]
(let [sections [:v1/files :v1/rels :v1/sobjects]
mdata {:penpot-version (:full cf/version)
:sections sections
:files files}]
(write-header! output :version 1 :metadata mdata)))
(defmethod write-export :default
[{:keys [::output] :as options}]
(write-header! output :v1)
(with-open [output (bs/zstd-output-stream output :level 12)]
(with-open [output (bs/data-output-stream output)]
(binding [*state* (volatile! {})]
(run! (fn [section]
(l/debug :hint "write section" :section section ::l/async false)
(write-label! output section)
(let [options (-> options
(assoc ::output output)
(assoc ::section section))]
(binding [*options* options]
(write-section options))))
(write-files [output files sids]
(l/debug :hint "write section" :section :v1/files :total (count files) ::l/async false)
(write-label! output :v1/files)
(doseq [file-id files]
(let [file (cond-> (retrieve-file pool file-id)
embed-assets? (update :data embed-file-assets file-id))
media (retrieve-file-media pool file)]
[:v1/metadata :v1/files :v1/rels :v1/sobjects])))))
;; Collect all storage ids for later write them all under
;; specific storage objects section.
(vswap! sids into (sequence storage-object-id-xf media))
(defmethod write-section :v1/metadata
[{:keys [pool ::output ::file-ids ::include-libraries?]}]
(let [libs (when include-libraries?
(retrieve-libraries pool file-ids))
files (into file-ids libs)]
(write-obj! output {:version cf/version :files files})
(vswap! *state* assoc :files files)))
(l/trace :hint "write penpot file"
:id file-id
:media (count media)
::l/async false)
(defmethod write-section :v1/files
[{:keys [pool ::output ::embed-assets?]}]
(doto output
(write-obj! file)
(write-obj! media)))))
;; Initialize SIDS with empty vector
(vswap! *state* assoc :sids [])
(write-rels [output files]
(let [rels (when include-libraries? (retrieve-library-relations pool files))]
(l/debug :hint "write section" :section :v1/rels :total (count rels) ::l/async false)
(doto output
(write-label! :v1/rels)
(write-obj! rels))))
(doseq [file-id (-> *state* deref :files)]
(let [file (cond-> (retrieve-file pool file-id)
(update :data embed-file-assets pool file-id))
(write-sobjects [output sids]
(l/debug :hint "write section"
:section :v1/sobjects
:items (count sids)
::l/async false)
media (retrieve-file-media pool file)]
;; Write all collected storage objects
(doto output
(write-label! :v1/sobjects)
(write-obj! sids))
(l/debug :hint "write penpot file"
:id file-id
:media (count media)
::l/async false)
(let [storage (media/configure-assets-storage storage)]
(doseq [id sids]
(let [{:keys [size] :as obj} @(sto/get-object storage id)]
(l/trace :hint "write sobject" :id id ::l/async false)
(doto output
(write-obj! file)
(write-obj! media))
(doto output
(write-uuid! id)
(write-obj! (meta obj)))
(vswap! *state* update :sids into storage-object-id-xf media))))
(with-open [^InputStream stream @(sto/get-object-data storage obj)]
(let [written (write-stream! output stream size)]
(when (not= written size)
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :mismatch-readed-size
:hint (str/ffmt "found unexpected object size; size=% written=%" size written)))))))))
(defmethod write-section :v1/rels
[{:keys [pool ::output ::include-libraries?]}]
(let [rels (when include-libraries?
(retrieve-library-relations pool (-> *state* deref :files)))]
(l/debug :hint "found rels" :total (count rels) ::l/async false)
(write-obj! output rels)))
(embed-file-assets [data file-id]
(binding [*file-id* file-id]
(let [assets (volatile! [])]
(walk/postwalk #(cond-> % (map? %) (walk-map-form assets)) data)
(->> (deref assets)
(filter #(as-> (first %) $ (and (uuid? $) (not= $ file-id))))
(d/group-by first rest)
(reduce process-group-of-assets data)))))
(defmethod write-section :v1/sobjects
[{:keys [storage ::output]}]
(let [sids (-> *state* deref :sids)
storage (media/configure-assets-storage storage)]
(l/debug :hint "found sobjects"
:items (count sids)
::l/async false)
(walk-map-form [form state]
(uuid? (:fill-color-ref-file form))
(vswap! state conj [(:fill-color-ref-file form) :colors (:fill-color-ref-id form)])
(assoc form :fill-color-ref-file *file-id*))
;; Write all collected storage objects
(write-obj! output sids)
(uuid? (:stroke-color-ref-file form))
(vswap! state conj [(:stroke-color-ref-file form) :colors (:stroke-color-ref-id form)])
(assoc form :stroke-color-ref-file *file-id*))
(doseq [id sids]
(let [{:keys [size] :as obj} @(sto/get-object storage id)]
(l/debug :hint "write sobject" :id id ::l/async false)
(doto output
(write-uuid! id)
(write-obj! (meta obj)))
(uuid? (:typography-ref-file form))
(vswap! state conj [(:typography-ref-file form) :typographies (:typography-ref-id form)])
(assoc form :typography-ref-file *file-id*))
(with-open [^InputStream stream @(sto/get-object-data storage obj)]
(let [written (write-stream! output stream size)]
(when (not= written size)
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :mismatch-readed-size
:hint (str/ffmt "found unexpected object size; size=% written=%" size written)))))))))
(uuid? (:component-file form))
(vswap! state conj [(:component-file form) :components (:component-id form)])
(assoc form :component-file *file-id*))
(declare lookup-index)
(declare update-index)
(declare relink-media)
(declare relink-shapes)
(process-group-of-assets [data [lib-id items]]
;; NOTE: there are a posibility that shape refers to a not
;; existing file because the file was removed. In this
;; case we just ignore the asset.
(if-let [lib (retrieve-file pool lib-id)]
(reduce #(process-asset %1 lib %2) data items)
(process-asset [data lib [bucket asset-id]]
(let [asset (get-in lib [:data bucket asset-id])
;; Add a special case for colors that need to have
;; correctly set the :file-id prop (pending of the
;; refactor that will remove it).
asset (cond-> asset
(= bucket :colors) (assoc :file-id *file-id*))]
(update data bucket assoc asset-id asset)))]
(with-open [output (bs/zstd-output-stream output :level 12)]
(with-open [output (bs/data-output-stream output)]
(let [libs (when include-libraries? (retrieve-libraries pool file-ids))
files (into file-ids libs)
sids (volatile! #{})]
;; Write header with metadata
(l/debug :hint "exportation summary"
:files (count files)
:embed-assets? embed-assets?
:include-libs? include-libraries?
::l/async false)
(write-header output files)
(write-files output files sids)
(write-rels output files)
(write-sobjects output (vec @sids)))))))
(defmulti read-import ::version)
(defmulti read-section ::section)
(s/def ::project-id ::us/uuid)
(s/def ::input bs/input-stream?)
@ -538,31 +555,178 @@
happen with broken files; defaults to: `false`.
[{:keys [pool storage ::project-id ::timestamp ::input ::overwrite? ::migrate? ::ignore-index-errors?]
:or {overwrite? false migrate? false timestamp (dt/now)}
:as options}]
[{:keys [::input ::timestamp] :or {timestamp (dt/now)} :as options}]
(us/verify! ::read-import-options options)
(let [version (read-header! input)]
(read-import (assoc options ::version version ::timestamp timestamp))))
(us/assert! ::read-import-options options)
(defmethod read-import :v1
[{:keys [pool ::input] :as options}]
(with-open [input (bs/zstd-input-stream input)]
(with-open [input (bs/data-input-stream input)]
(db/with-atomic [conn pool]
(db/exec-one! conn ["SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERRED;"])
(binding [*state* (volatile! {:media [] :index {}})]
(run! (fn [section]
(l/debug :hint "reading section" :section section ::l/async false)
(assert-read-label! input section)
(let [options (-> options
(assoc ::section section)
(assoc ::input input)
(assoc :conn conn))]
(binding [*options* options]
(read-section options))))
[:v1/metadata :v1/files :v1/rels :v1/sobjects])
(letfn [(lookup-index [id]
(let [val (get @*index* id)]
(l/trace :fn "lookup-index" :id id :val val ::l/async false)
(when (and (not ignore-index-errors?) (not val))
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :incomplete-index
:hint "looks like index has missing data"))
(or val id)))
(update-index [index coll]
(loop [items (seq coll)
index index]
(if-let [id (first items)]
(let [new-id (if overwrite? id (uuid/next))]
(l/trace :fn "update-index" :id id :new-id new-id ::l/async false)
(recur (rest items)
(assoc index id new-id)))
;; Knowing that the ids of the created files are in
;; index, just lookup them and return it as a set
(let [files (-> *state* deref :files)]
(into #{} (keep #(get-in @*state* [:index %])) files)))))))
(process-map-form [form]
(defmethod read-section :v1/metadata
[{:keys [::input]}]
(let [{:keys [version files]} (read-obj! input)]
(l/debug :hint "metadata readed" :version (:full version) :files files ::l/async false)
(vswap! *state* update :index update-index files)
(vswap! *state* assoc :version version :files files)))
(defmethod read-section :v1/files
[{:keys [conn ::input ::migrate? ::project-id ::timestamp ::overwrite?]}]
(doseq [expected-file-id (-> *state* deref :files)]
(let [file (read-obj! input)
media' (read-obj! input)
file-id (:id file)]
(when (not= file-id expected-file-id)
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :inconsistent-penpot-file
:hint "the penpot file seems corrupt, found unexpected uuid (file-id)"))
;; Update index using with media
(l/debug :hint "update index with media" ::l/async false)
(vswap! *state* update :index update-index (map :id media'))
;; Store file media for later insertion
(l/debug :hint "update media references" ::l/async false)
(vswap! *state* update :media into (map #(update % :id lookup-index)) media')
(l/debug :hint "procesing file" :file-id file-id ::l/async false)
(let [file-id' (lookup-index file-id)
data (-> (:data file)
(assoc :id file-id')
(cond-> migrate? (pmg/migrate-data))
(update :pages-index relink-shapes)
(update :components relink-shapes)
(update :media relink-media))
params {:id file-id'
:project-id project-id
:name (str "Imported: " (:name file))
:revn (:revn file)
:is-shared (:is-shared file)
:data (blob/encode data)
:created-at timestamp
:modified-at timestamp}]
(l/debug :hint "create file" :id file-id' ::l/async false)
(if overwrite?
(create-or-update-file conn params)
(db/insert! conn :file params))
(when overwrite?
(db/delete! conn :file-thumbnail {:file-id file-id'}))))))
(defmethod read-section :v1/rels
[{:keys [conn ::input ::timestamp]}]
(let [rels (read-obj! input)]
;; Insert all file relations
(doseq [rel rels]
(let [rel (-> rel
(assoc :synced-at timestamp)
(update :file-id lookup-index)
(update :library-file-id lookup-index))]
(l/debug :hint "create file library link"
:file-id (:file-id rel)
:lib-id (:library-file-id rel)
::l/async false)
(db/insert! conn :file-library-rel rel)))))
(defmethod read-section :v1/sobjects
[{:keys [storage conn ::input ::overwrite?]}]
(let [storage (media/configure-assets-storage storage)
ids (read-obj! input)]
(doseq [expected-storage-id ids]
(let [id (read-uuid! input)
mdata (read-obj! input)]
(when (not= id expected-storage-id)
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :inconsistent-penpot-file
:hint "the penpot file seems corrupt, found unexpected uuid (storage-object-id)"))
(l/debug :hint "readed storage object" :id id ::l/async false)
(let [[size resource] (read-stream! input)
hash (sto/calculate-hash resource)
content (-> (sto/content resource size)
(sto/wrap-with-hash hash))
params (-> mdata
(assoc ::sto/deduplicate? true)
(assoc ::sto/content content)
(assoc ::sto/touched-at (dt/now))
(assoc :bucket "file-media-object"))
sobject @(sto/put-object! storage params)]
(l/debug :hint "persisted storage object" :id id :new-id (:id sobject) ::l/async false)
(vswap! *state* update :index assoc id (:id sobject)))))
(doseq [item (:media @*state*)]
(l/debug :hint "inserting file media object"
:id (:id item)
:file-id (:file-id item)
::l/async false)
(let [file-id (lookup-index (:file-id item))]
(if (= file-id (:file-id item))
(l/warn :hint "ignoring file media object" :file-id (:file-id item) ::l/async false)
(db/insert! conn :file-media-object
(-> item
(assoc :file-id file-id)
(d/update-when :media-id lookup-index)
(d/update-when :thumbnail-id lookup-index))
{:on-conflict-do-nothing overwrite?}))))))
(defn- lookup-index
(let [val (get-in @*state* [:index id])]
(l/trace :fn "lookup-index" :id id :val val ::l/async false)
(when (and (not (::ignore-index-errors? *options*)) (not val))
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :incomplete-index
:hint "looks like index has missing data"))
(or val id)))
(defn- update-index
[index coll]
(loop [items (seq coll)
index index]
(if-let [id (first items)]
(let [new-id (if (::overwrite? *options*) id (uuid/next))]
(l/trace :fn "update-index" :id id :new-id new-id ::l/async false)
(recur (rest items)
(assoc index id new-id)))
(defn- relink-shapes
"A function responsible to analyze all file data and
replace the old :component-file reference with the new
ones, using the provided file-index."
(letfn [(process-map-form [form]
(cond-> form
;; Relink Image Shapes
(and (map? (:metadata form))
@ -584,189 +748,35 @@
;; This covers the shadows and grids (they have directly
;; the :file-id prop)
(uuid? (:file-id form))
(update :file-id lookup-index)))
(update :file-id lookup-index)))]
;; a function responsible to analyze all file data and
;; replace the old :component-file reference with the new
;; ones, using the provided file-index
(relink-shapes [data]
(walk/postwalk (fn [form]
(if (map? form)
(process-map-form form)
(catch Throwable cause
(l/trace :hint "failed form" :form (pr-str form) ::l/async false)
(throw cause)))
(walk/postwalk (fn [form]
(if (map? form)
(process-map-form form)
(catch Throwable cause
(l/warn :hint "failed form" :form (pr-str form) ::l/async false)
(throw cause)))
;; A function responsible of process the :media attr of file
;; data and remap the old ids with the new ones.
(relink-media [media]
(reduce-kv (fn [res k v]
(let [id (lookup-index k)]
(if (uuid? id)
(-> res
(assoc id (assoc v :id id))
(dissoc k))
(defn- relink-media
"A function responsible of process the :media attr of file data and
remap the old ids with the new ones."
(reduce-kv (fn [res k v]
(let [id (lookup-index k)]
(if (uuid? id)
(-> res
(assoc id (assoc v :id id))
(dissoc k))
(create-or-update-file [params]
(let [sql (str "INSERT INTO file (id, project_id, name, revn, is_shared, data, created_at, modified_at) "
"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) "
(db/exec-one! *conn* [sql
(:id params)
(:project-id params)
(:name params)
(:revn params)
(:is-shared params)
(:data params)
(:created-at params)
(:modified-at params)
(:data params)])))
(read-files-section! [input expected-files]
(l/debug :hint "reading section" :section :v1/files ::l/async false)
(assert-read-label! input :v1/files)
;; Process/Read all file
(doseq [expected-file-id expected-files]
(let [file (read-obj! input)
media' (read-obj! input)
file-id (:id file)]
(when (not= file-id expected-file-id)
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :inconsistent-penpot-file
:hint "the penpot file seems corrupt, found unexpected uuid (file-id)"))
;; Update index using with media
(l/trace :hint "update index with media" ::l/async false)
(vswap! *index* update-index (map :id media'))
;; Store file media for later insertion
(l/trace :hint "update media references" ::l/async false)
(vswap! *media* into (map #(update % :id lookup-index)) media')
(l/trace :hint "procesing file" :file-id file-id ::l/async false)
(let [file-id' (lookup-index file-id)
data (-> (:data file)
(assoc :id file-id')
(cond-> migrate? (pmg/migrate-data))
(update :pages-index relink-shapes)
(update :components relink-shapes)
(update :media relink-media))
params {:id file-id'
:project-id project-id
:name (str "Imported: " (:name file))
:revn (:revn file)
:is-shared (:is-shared file)
:data (blob/encode data)
:created-at timestamp
:modified-at timestamp}]
(l/trace :hint "create file" :id file-id' ::l/async false)
(if overwrite?
(create-or-update-file params)
(db/insert! *conn* :file params))
(when overwrite?
(db/delete! *conn* :file-thumbnail {:file-id file-id'}))))))
(read-rels-section! [input]
(l/debug :hint "reading section" :section :v1/rels ::l/async false)
(assert-read-label! input :v1/rels)
(let [rels (read-obj! input)]
;; Insert all file relations
(doseq [rel rels]
(let [rel (-> rel
(assoc :synced-at timestamp)
(update :file-id lookup-index)
(update :library-file-id lookup-index))]
(l/trace :hint "create file library link"
:file-id (:file-id rel)
:lib-id (:library-file-id rel)
::l/async false)
(db/insert! *conn* :file-library-rel rel)))))
(read-sobjects-section! [input]
(l/debug :hint "reading section" :section :v1/sobjects ::l/async false)
(assert-read-label! input :v1/sobjects)
(let [storage (media/configure-assets-storage storage)
ids (read-obj! input)]
(doseq [expected-storage-id ids]
(let [id (read-uuid! input)
mdata (read-obj! input)]
(when (not= id expected-storage-id)
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :inconsistent-penpot-file
:hint "the penpot file seems corrupt, found unexpected uuid (storage-object-id)"))
(l/trace :hint "readed storage object" :id id ::l/async false)
(let [[size resource] (read-stream! input)
hash (sto/calculate-hash resource)
content (-> (sto/content resource size)
(sto/wrap-with-hash hash))
params (-> mdata
(assoc ::sto/deduplicate? true)
(assoc ::sto/content content)
(assoc ::sto/touched-at (dt/now)))
sobject @(sto/put-object! storage params)]
(l/trace :hint "persisted storage object" :id id :new-id (:id sobject) ::l/async false)
(vswap! *index* assoc id (:id sobject)))))))
(persist-file-media-objects! []
(l/debug :hint "processing file media objects" :section :v1/sobjects ::l/async false)
;; Step 2: insert all file-media-object rows with correct
;; storage-id reference.
(doseq [item @*media*]
(l/trace :hint "inserting file media object"
:id (:id item)
:file-id (:file-id item)
::l/async false)
(let [file-id (lookup-index (:file-id item))]
(if (= file-id (:file-id item))
(l/warn :hint "ignoring file media object" :file-id (:file-id item) ::l/async false)
(db/insert! *conn* :file-media-object
(-> item
(assoc :file-id file-id)
(d/update-when :media-id lookup-index)
(d/update-when :thumbnail-id lookup-index))
{:on-conflict-do-nothing overwrite?})))))]
(with-open [input (bs/zstd-input-stream input)]
(with-open [input (bs/data-input-stream input)]
(db/with-atomic [conn pool]
(db/exec-one! conn ["SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERRED;"])
;; Verify that we received a proper .penpot file
(let [{:keys [sections files]} (read-header! input)]
(l/debug :hint "import verified" :files files :overwrite? overwrite?)
(binding [*index* (volatile! (update-index {} files))
*media* (volatile! [])
*conn* conn]
(doseq [section sections]
(case section
:v1/rels (read-rels-section! input)
:v1/files (read-files-section! input files)
:v1/sobjects (do
(read-sobjects-section! input)
(defn export!

Binary file not shown.