mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 04:49:03 -05:00
✨ Refactor style props
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 136 additions and 175 deletions
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
[app.common.colors :as clr]
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.files.helpers :as cfh]
[app.common.geom.shapes :as gsh]
[app.common.svg :as csvg]
[app.common.types.shape :refer [stroke-caps-line stroke-caps-marker]]
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@
(->> values (map #(+ % width)) (str/join ","))))
(defn get-border-radius
(defn get-border-props
(case (ctsr/radius-mode shape)
@ -58,7 +59,7 @@
(defn add-border-props!
[props shape]
(obj/merge! props (get-border-radius shape)))
(obj/merge! props (get-border-props shape)))
(defn add-fill!
[attrs fill-data render-id index type]
@ -145,14 +146,18 @@
(defn add-layer-props!
(defn add-layer-styles!
[props shape]
(let [opacity (:opacity shape)]
(if (some? opacity)
(obj/set! props "opacity" opacity)
(defn get-svg-props
(defn get-layer-styles
(add-layer-styles! #js {} shape))
(defn- get-svg-props
[shape render-id]
(let [attrs (get shape :svg-attrs {})
defs (get shape :svg-defs {})]
@ -168,82 +173,92 @@
(dissoc :id)
(defn add-fill-props!
[props shape render-id]
(let [svg-attrs (get-svg-props shape render-id)
svg-style (obj/get svg-attrs "style")
shape-type (dm/get-prop shape :type)
shape-fills (get shape :fills [])
fill-image (get shape :fill-image)
style (-> (obj/get props "style" #js {})
(obj/merge! svg-style)
(add-layer-props! shape))]
(or (some? fill-image)
(= :image shape-type)
(> (count shape-fills) 1)
(some #(some? (:fill-color-gradient %)) shape-fills))
(obj/set! style "fill" (dm/str "url(#fill-0-" render-id ")"))
;; imported svgs can have fill and fill-opacity attributes
(contains? svg-style "fill")
(-> style
(obj/set! "fill" (obj/get svg-style "fill"))
(obj/set! "fillOpacity" (obj/get svg-style "fillOpacity")))
(obj/contains? svg-attrs "fill")
(-> style
(obj/set! "fill" (obj/get svg-attrs "fill"))
(obj/set! "fillOpacity" (obj/get svg-attrs "fillOpacity")))
;; If the shape comes from an imported SVG (we know because
;; it has the :svg-attrs atribute), and it does not have an
;; own fill, we set a default black fill. This will be
;; inherited by child nodes, and is for emulating the
;; behavior of standard SVG, in that a node that has no
;; explicit fill has a default fill of black. This may be
;; reset to normal if a Penpot frame shape appears below
;; (see main.ui.shapes.frame/frame-container).
(and (contains? shape :svg-attrs)
(or (= :svg-raw shape-type)
(= :group shape-type))
(empty? shape-fills))
(let [wstyle (get shape :wrapper-styles)
fill (obj/get wstyle "fill")
fill (d/nilv fill clr/black)]
(obj/set! style "fill" fill))
(d/not-empty? shape-fills)
(let [fill (d/without-nils (nth shape-fills 0))]
(add-fill! style fill render-id 0 shape-type)))
(-> props
(obj/merge! svg-attrs)
(obj/set! "style" style))))
(defn get-style-props
[shape render-id]
(-> #js {}
(add-fill-props! shape render-id)
(add-border-props! shape)))
(defn get-stroke-style
[stroke-data index render-id]
(add-stroke! #js {} stroke-data render-id index))
(defn get-fill-style
[fill-data index render-id type]
(add-fill! #js {} fill-data render-id index type))
(defn extract-border-radius-attrs
(-> (obj/create)
(add-border-props! shape)))
(defn add-fill-props!
([props shape render-id]
(add-fill-props! props shape 0 render-id))
(defn get-border-radius-props
(add-border-props! #js {} shape))
([props shape position render-id]
(let [shape-fills (get shape :fills)
shape-shadow (get shape :shadow)
shape-blur (get shape :blur)
svg-attrs (get-svg-props shape render-id)
svg-styles (obj/get svg-attrs "style")
shape-type (dm/get-prop shape :type)
style (-> (obj/get props "style")
(obj/merge! svg-styles)
(add-layer-styles! shape))
url-fill? (or ^boolean (some? (:fill-image shape))
^boolean (cfh/image-shape? shape)
^boolean (> (count shape-fills) 1)
^boolean (some? (some :fill-color-gradient shape-fills))
^boolean (some? (some :fill-image shape-fills)))
props (if (cfh/frame-shape? shape)
(if (or (some? (->> shape-shadow (remove :hidden) seq))
(and (some? shape-blur) (not ^boolean (:hidden shape-blur))))
(obj/set! props "filter" (dm/fmt "url(#filter-%)" render-id))
;; If the shape comes from an imported SVG (we know because
;; it has the :svg-attrs atribute), and it does not have an
;; own fill, we set a default black fill. This will be
;; inherited by child nodes, and is for emulating the
;; behavior of standard SVG, in that a node that has no
;; explicit fill has a default fill of black. This may be
;; reset to normal if a Penpot frame shape appears below
;; (see main.ui.shapes.frame/frame-container).
(and ^boolean (contains? shape :svg-attrs)
^boolean (or ^boolean (= :svg-raw shape-type)
^boolean (= :group shape-type))
^boolean (empty? shape-fills))
(let [wstyle (get shape :wrapper-styles)
fill (obj/get wstyle "fill")
fill (d/nilv fill clr/black)]
(obj/set! style "fill" fill))
^boolean url-fill?
(obj/unset! style "fill")
(obj/unset! style "fillOpacity")
(obj/set! props "fill" (dm/fmt "url(#fill-%-%)" position render-id)))
(and ^boolean (some? svg-styles)
^boolean (obj/contains? svg-styles "fill"))
(let [fill (obj/get svg-styles "fill")
opacity (obj/get svg-styles "fillOpacity")]
(when (some? fill)
(obj/set! style "fill" fill))
(when (some? opacity)
(obj/set! style "fillOpacity" opacity)))
(and ^boolean (some? svg-attrs)
^boolean (empty? shape-fills))
(let [fill (obj/get svg-attrs "fill")
opacity (obj/get svg-attrs "fillOpacity")]
(when (some? fill)
(obj/set! style "fill" fill))
(when (some? opacity)
(obj/set! style "fillOpacity" opacity)))
^boolean (d/not-empty? shape-fills)
(let [fill (nth shape-fills 0)]
(obj/merge! style (get-fill-style fill render-id 0 shape-type)))
(and ^boolean (cfh/path-shape? shape)
^boolean (empty? shape-fills))
(obj/set! style "fill" "none"))
(-> props
(obj/merge! svg-attrs)
(obj/set! "style" style)))))
@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.geom.shapes :as gsh]
[app.main.ui.context :as muc]
[app.main.ui.shapes.attrs :as attrs]
[app.main.ui.shapes.custom-stroke :refer [shape-custom-strokes]]
[app.util.object :as obj]
[rumext.v2 :as mf]))
@ -31,10 +29,8 @@
rx (/ w 2)
ry (/ h 2)
rid (mf/use-ctx muc/render-id)
props (mf/with-memo [shape]
(-> (attrs/get-style-props shape rid)
(-> #js {}
(obj/merge! #js {:cx cx :cy cy :rx rx :ry ry :transform t})))]
[:& shape-custom-strokes {:shape shape}
@ -419,67 +419,11 @@
(defn- build-fill-element
[shape child position render-id]
(let [shape-fills (get shape :fills)
shape-shadow (get shape :shadow)
shape-blur (get shape :blur)
type (obj/get child "type")
(let [type (obj/get child "type")
props (-> (obj/get child "props")
style (-> (obj/get props "style")
url-fill? (or ^boolean (some? (:fill-image shape))
^boolean (cfh/image-shape? shape)
^boolean (> (count shape-fills) 1)
^boolean (some? (some :fill-color-gradient shape-fills))
^boolean (some? (some :fill-image shape-fills)))
props (if (cfh/frame-shape? shape)
(if (or (some? (->> shape-shadow (remove :hidden) seq))
(and (some? shape-blur) (not ^boolean (:hidden shape-blur))))
(obj/set! props "filter" (dm/fmt "url(#filter-%)" render-id))
svg-attrs (attrs/get-svg-props shape render-id)
svg-styles (obj/get svg-attrs "style")]
^boolean url-fill?
(obj/unset! style "fill")
(obj/unset! style "fillOpacity")
(obj/set! props "fill" (dm/fmt "url(#fill-%-%)" position render-id)))
(and ^boolean (some? svg-styles)
^boolean (obj/contains? svg-styles "fill"))
(let [fill (obj/get svg-styles "fill")
opacity (obj/get svg-styles "fillOpacity")]
(when (some? fill)
(obj/set! style "fill" fill))
(when (some? opacity)
(obj/set! style "fillOpacity" opacity)))
(and ^boolean (some? svg-attrs)
^boolean (empty? shape-fills))
(let [fill (obj/get svg-attrs "fill")
opacity (obj/get svg-attrs "fillOpacity")]
(when (some? fill)
(obj/set! style "fill" fill))
(when (some? opacity)
(obj/set! style "fillOpacity" opacity)))
^boolean (d/not-empty? shape-fills)
(let [fill (nth shape-fills 0)]
(obj/merge! style (attrs/get-fill-style fill render-id 0 (dm/get-prop shape :type))))
(and ^boolean (cfh/path-shape? shape)
^boolean (empty? shape-fills))
(obj/set! style "fill" "none"))
(let [props (obj/set! props "style" style)]
(mf/html [:> type props]))))
props (attrs/add-fill-props! props shape position render-id)]
(mf/html [:> type props])))
(defn- build-stroke-element
[child value position render-id]
@ -490,11 +434,11 @@
(obj/set! "fill" "none")
(obj/set! "fillOpacity" "none")
(obj/merge! (attrs/get-stroke-style value position render-id)))
(attrs/add-stroke! value render-id position))
style (if (:stroke-image value)
(obj/set! style "stroke" (dm/fmt "url(#stroke-fill-%-%)" render-id position))
style (if (:stroke-image value)
(obj/set! style "stroke" (dm/fmt "url(#stroke-fill-%-%)" render-id position))
props (-> (obj/clone props)
(obj/unset! "fill")
@ -537,22 +481,28 @@
shape-shadow (get shape :shadow)
shape-strokes (get shape :strokes)
props #js {:id stroke-id :className "strokes"}
style (-> (obj/get props "style")
(attrs/add-layer-styles! shape))
props #js {:id stroke-id
:className "strokes"
:style style}
props (if ^boolean (cfh/frame-shape? shape)
(cond-> props
(and (some? shape-blur)
(not ^boolean (:hidden shape-blur)))
(obj/set! props "filter" (dm/fmt "url(#filter-blur-%)" render-id))
(not ^boolean (:hidden shape-blur)))
(obj/set! "filter" (dm/fmt "url(#filter-blur-%)" render-id))
(and (empty? shape-fills)
(some? (->> shape-shadow (remove :hidden) seq)))
(obj/set! props "filter" (dm/fmt "url(#filter-%)" render-id))))]
(some? (->> shape-shadow (remove :hidden) seq)))
(obj/set! "filter" (dm/fmt "url(#filter-%)" render-id))))]
(when (d/not-empty? shape-strokes)
[:> :g props
(for [[index value] (-> (d/enumerate shape-strokes) reverse)]
(for [[index value] (reverse (d/enumerate shape-strokes))]
[:& shape-custom-stroke {:shape shape
:stroke value
:index index
@ -41,8 +41,9 @@
h (dm/get-prop shape :height)
t (gsh/transform-str shape)
props (mf/with-memo [shape render-id]
(-> (attrs/get-style-props shape render-id)
props (mf/with-memo [shape]
(-> #js {}
(attrs/add-border-props! shape)
(obj/merge! #js {:x x :y y :width w :height h :transform t})))
path? (some? (.-d props))]
@ -72,8 +73,9 @@
show-content? (get shape :show-content)
props (mf/with-memo [shape render-id]
(-> (attrs/get-style-props shape render-id)
props (mf/with-memo [shape]
(-> #js {}
(attrs/add-border-props! shape)
#js {:x x
:y y
@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
(ns app.main.ui.shapes.path
[app.common.logging :as log]
[app.main.ui.context :as muc]
[app.main.ui.shapes.attrs :as attrs]
[app.main.ui.shapes.custom-stroke :refer [shape-custom-strokes]]
[app.util.object :as obj]
[app.util.path.format :as upf]
@ -24,13 +22,12 @@
(upf/format-path content)
(catch :default e
(log/error :hint "unexpected error on formatting path"
:shape-name (:name shape)
:shape-id (:id shape)
:cause e)
:shape-name (:name shape)
:shape-id (:id shape)
:cause e)
render-id (mf/use-ctx muc/render-id)
props (-> (attrs/get-style-props shape render-id)
props (-> #js {}
(obj/set! "d" pdata))]
[:& shape-custom-strokes {:shape shape}
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.geom.shapes :as gsh]
[app.main.ui.context :as muc]
[app.main.ui.shapes.attrs :as attrs]
[app.main.ui.shapes.custom-stroke :refer [shape-custom-strokes]]
[app.util.object :as obj]
@ -25,10 +24,10 @@
h (dm/get-prop shape :height)
t (gsh/transform-str shape)
rid (mf/use-ctx muc/render-id)
props (mf/with-memo [shape rid]
(-> (attrs/get-style-props shape rid)
props (mf/with-memo [shape]
(-> #js {}
(attrs/add-border-props! shape)
(obj/merge! #js {:x x :y y :transform t :width w :height h})))
path? (some? (.-d props))]
@ -40,7 +40,8 @@
render-id (mf/use-ctx muc/render-id)
props (mf/with-memo [shape render-id]
(-> (usa/get-style-props shape render-id)
(-> #js {}
(usa/add-fill-props! shape render-id)
(obj/unset! "transform")
(obj/set! "x" x)
(obj/set! "y" y)
@ -78,10 +79,11 @@
(mf/with-memo [shape render-id]
(let [element-id (dm/get-in shape [:svg-attrs :id])
props (usa/get-style-props shape render-id)]
props (-> #js {}
(usa/add-fill-props! shape render-id))]
(when (and (some? element-id)
(contains? ids-mapping element-id))
(contains? ids-mapping element-id))
(obj/set! props "id" (get ids-mapping element-id)))
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
:transform transform
:width (if (#{:auto-width} grow-type) 100000 width)
:height (if (#{:auto-height :auto-width} grow-type) 100000 height)
:style (attrs/add-layer-props! #js {} shape)
:style (attrs/get-layer-styles shape)
:ref ref}
;; We use a class here because react has a bug that won't use the appropriate selector for
;; `background-clip`
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
(d/nilv (ex/ignoring (upf/format-path content)) "")))
(attrs/get-border-radius shape)
(attrs/get-border-props shape)
(case type
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