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mirror of https://github.com/penpot/penpot.git synced 2025-02-10 09:08:31 -05:00

Minor readability and consistency fixes on images.

This commit is contained in:
Andrey Antukh 2016-05-23 17:22:15 +03:00
parent 57c53ba6a1
commit a60fbca002
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4DFEBCB8316A8B95
4 changed files with 135 additions and 123 deletions

View file

@ -43,14 +43,14 @@
;; --- Color Collections Fetched
(defrecord CollectionFetched [items]
(defrecord CollectionsFetched [items]
(-apply-update [_ state]
(reduce sti/assoc-collection state items)))
(defn collections-fetched
(CollectionFetched. items))
(CollectionsFetched. items))
;; --- Fetch Color Collections
@ -260,23 +260,6 @@
;; --- Helpers
(defn sort-images-by
[ordering projs]
(case ordering
:name (sort-by :name projs)
:created (reverse (sort-by :created-at projs))
(defn contains-term?
[phrase term]
(str/contains? (str/lower phrase) (str/trim (str/lower term))))
(defn filter-images-by
[term projs]
(if (str/blank? term)
(filter #(contains-term? (:name %) term) projs)))
(defn set-images-ordering

View file

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
(ns uxbox.state.images
"A collection of functions for manage dashboard data insinde the state.")
(ns uxbox.state.images)
(defn assoc-collection
"A reduce function for assoc the image collection
@ -25,4 +24,6 @@
"A reduce function for dissoc the image collection
to the state map."
[state coll-id image]
(update-in state [:images-by-id coll-id :images] disj image))
(let [images (get-in state [:images-by-id coll-id :images])
images (filterv #(not= (:id image) (:id %)) images)]
(assoc-in state [:images-by-id coll-id images] images)))

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
(ns uxbox.ui.dashboard.images
(:require [sablono.core :as html :refer-macros [html]]
[rum.core :as rum]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[lentes.core :as l]
[uxbox.locales :as t :refer (tr)]
[uxbox.state :as st]
@ -19,9 +20,10 @@
[uxbox.ui.icons :as i]
[uxbox.ui.mixins :as mx]
[uxbox.ui.lightbox :as lbx]
[uxbox.ui.keyboard :as k]
[uxbox.ui.keyboard :as kbd]
[uxbox.ui.library-bar :as ui.library-bar]
[uxbox.ui.dashboard.header :refer (header)]
[uxbox.util.data :as data]
[uxbox.util.lens :as ul]
[uxbox.util.dom :as dom]))
@ -31,32 +33,47 @@
{:name "ds.project-ordering.by-name"
:created "ds.project-ordering.by-creation-date"})
(defn- sort-images-by
[ordering projs]
(case ordering
:name (sort-by :name projs)
:created (reverse (sort-by :created-at projs))
(defn- contains-term?
[phrase term]
(str/contains? (str/lower phrase) (str/trim (str/lower term))))
(defn- filter-images-by
[term projs]
(if (str/blank? term)
(filter #(contains-term? (:name %) term) projs)))
;; --- Lenses
(def ^:const ^:private dashboard-l
(def ^:private dashboard-l
(-> (l/key :dashboard)
(l/focus-atom st/state)))
(def ^:const ^:private collections-by-id-l
(def ^:private collections-by-id-l
(-> (comp (l/key :images-by-id)
(ul/merge library/+image-collections-by-id+))
(l/focus-atom st/state)))
(def images-ordering-l
(as-> (l/in [:dashboard :images-order]) $
(l/focus-atom $ st/state)))
(def images-filtering-l
(as-> (l/in [:dashboard :images-filter]) $
(l/focus-atom $ st/state)))
(def ^:private images-ordering-l
(-> (l/in [:dashboard :images-order])
(l/focus-atom st/state)))
(def ^:private images-filtering-l
(-> (l/in [:dashboard :images-filter])
(l/focus-atom st/state)))
(defn- focus-collection
(-> (l/key collid)
(l/focus-atom collections-by-id-l)))
;; --- Page Title
(defn page-title-render
@ -69,8 +86,8 @@
(swap! local assoc :edit false))
(on-title-edited [e]
(k/esc? e) (swap! local assoc :edit false)
(k/enter? e) (on-title-save e)
(kbd/esc? e) (swap! local assoc :edit false)
(kbd/enter? e) (on-title-save e)
:else (let [content (dom/event->inner-text e)]
(swap! local assoc :coll-name content))))
(on-title-edit [e]
@ -78,8 +95,8 @@
(on-delete [e]
(rs/emit! (di/delete-collection (:id coll))))]
[:div.dashboard-title {}
[:h2 {}
(if (:edit @local)
@ -102,7 +119,7 @@
{:render page-title-render
:name "page-title"
:mixins [(rum/local {}) mx/static rum/reactive]}))
:mixins [(mx/local) mx/static rum/reactive]}))
;; --- Nav
@ -113,45 +130,45 @@
collid (:collection-id dashboard)
own? (= (:collection-type dashboard) :own)
builtin? (= (:collection-type dashboard) :builtin)
collections (as-> (vals collections-by-id) $
(if own?
(filter (comp not :builtin) $)
(filter :builtin $)))]
collections (cond->> (vals collections-by-id)
(true? own?) (filter (comp not :builtin))
(false? own?) (filter :builtin))
show-builtin #(rs/emit! (di/set-collection-type :builtin))
show-own #(rs/emit! (di/set-collection-type :own))
new-coll #(rs/emit! (di/create-collection))
select-coll #(rs/emit! (di/set-collection %))]
[:li {:class-name (when builtin? "current")
:on-click #(rs/emit! (di/set-collection-type :builtin))}
:on-click show-builtin}
[:li {:class-name (when own? "current")
:on-click #(rs/emit! (di/set-collection-type :own))}
:on-click show-own}
(when own?
{:on-click #(rs/emit! (di/create-collection))}
"+ New library"]])
(for [props collections
:let [num (count (:images props))]]
[:li {:key (str (:id props))
:on-click #(rs/emit! (di/set-collection (:id props)))
:class-name (when (= (:id props) collid) "current")}
[:span.element-title (:name props)]
[:a.btn-primary {:on-click new-coll} "+ New library"]])
(for [{:keys [id images name]} collections
:let [num (count images)]]
[:li {:key (str id)
:on-click (partial select-coll id)
:class (when (= id collid) "current")}
[:span.element-title name]
(tr "ds.num-elements" (t/c num))]])]]])))
(def ^:const ^:private nav
(def ^:private nav
{:render nav-render
:name "nav"
:mixins [rum/reactive]}))
:mixins [rum/reactive mx/static]}))
;; --- Grid
(defn grid-render
(defn- grid-render
(let [local (:rum/local own)
dashboard (rum/react dashboard-l)
@ -161,70 +178,76 @@
coll (rum/react (focus-collection coll-id))
images-filtering (rum/react images-filtering-l)
images-ordering (rum/react images-ordering-l)
coll-images (->> (:images coll)
(remove nil?)
(di/filter-images-by images-filtering)
(di/sort-images-by images-ordering))
toggle-image-check (fn [image]
(swap! local update :selected #(if (% image) (disj % image) (conj % image))))
delete-selected-images #(doseq [image (:selected @local)]
(rs/emit! (di/delete-image coll-id image)))]
(when coll
(page-title coll)
(if own?
{:on-click #(dom/click (dom/get-element-by-class "upload-image-input"))}
[:span "+ New image"]
[:input.upload-image-input {:style {:display "none"}
:type "file"
:on-change #(rs/emit! (di/create-images coll-id (dom/get-event-files %)))}]])
images (->> (:images coll)
(remove nil?)
(filter-images-by images-filtering)
(sort-images-by images-ordering))
show-menu? (not (empty? (:selected @local)))]
(letfn [(toggle-check [image]
(swap! local update :selected #(data/conj-or-disj % image)))
(toggle-check-card [image event]
(when (kbd/shift? event)
(toggle-check image)))
(forward-click [event]
(dom/click (mx/get-ref-dom own "file-input")))
(delete-selected []
(->> (:selected @local)
(run! #(rs/emit! (di/delete-image coll-id %)))))
(on-file-selected [event]
(let [files (dom/get-event-files event)]
(rs/emit! (di/create-images coll-id files))))]
(when coll
(page-title coll)
(if own?
[:div.grid-item.add-project {:on-click forward-click}
[:span "+ New image"]
{:style {:display "none"}
:ref "file-input"
:type "file"
:on-change on-file-selected}]])
(for [image coll-images]
{:key (:id image) :on-click #(when (k/shift? %) (toggle-image-check image))}
{:background-image (str "url('" (:thumbnail image) "')")}}
[:input {:type "checkbox"
:id (:id image)
:on-click #(toggle-image-check image)
:checked ((:selected @local) image)}]
[:label {:for (:id image)}]]]
[:span (:name image)]])]
(for [image images
:let [selected? (contains? (:selected @local) image)]]
{:key (:id image)
:on-click (partial toggle-check-card image)}
{:style {:background-image (str "url('" (:thumbnail image) "')")}}
[:input {:type "checkbox"
:id (:id image)
:on-click (partial toggle-check image)
:checked selected?}]
[:label {:for (:id image)}]]]
[:span (:name image)]])]
(when (not (empty? (:selected @local)))
{:alt "Copy to"}
(if own?
{:alt "Duplicate"}
(if own?
{:alt "Delete"
:on-click #(delete-selected-images)}
(when show-menu?
[:span.move-item.tooltip.tooltip-top {:alt "Copy to"} i/organize]
(if own?
[:span.copy.tooltip.tooltip-top {:alt "Duplicate"} i/copy])
(if own?
{:alt "Delete"
:on-click delete-selected}
(def ^:const ^:private grid
(def ^:private grid
{:render grid-render
:name "grid"
:mixins [(rum/local {:selected #{}})
:mixins [(rum/local {:selected #{}}) mx/static rum/reactive]}))
;; --- Sort Widget
(defn sort-widget-render
(defn- sort-widget-render
(let [ordering (rum/react images-ordering-l)
on-change #(rs/emit! (di/set-images-ordering
@ -234,7 +257,7 @@
[:span (tr "ds.project-ordering")]
{:on-change on-change
:value (:name ordering)}
:value (:name ordering "")}
(for [option (keys +ordering-options+)
:let [option-id (get +ordering-options+ option)
option-value (:name option)
@ -252,7 +275,7 @@
;; --- Filtering Widget
(defn search-widget-render
(defn- search-widget-render
(letfn [(on-term-change [event]
(-> (dom/get-target event)
@ -270,9 +293,7 @@
:auto-focus true
:placeholder (tr "ds.project-search.placeholder")
:value (rum/react images-filtering-l)}]
{:on-click on-clear}
[:div.clear-search {:on-click on-clear} i/close]])))
(def ^:private search-widget
@ -280,10 +301,9 @@
:name "search-widget"
:mixins [rum/reactive mx/static]}))
;; --- Menu
(defn menu-render
(defn- menu-render
(let [dashboard (rum/react dashboard-l)
coll-id (:collection-id dashboard)
@ -296,7 +316,7 @@
(def menu
(def ^:private menu
{:render menu-render
:name "menu"
@ -305,7 +325,7 @@
;; --- Images Page
(defn images-page-render
(defn- images-page-render
@ -315,13 +335,13 @@
(defn images-page-will-mount
(defn- images-page-will-mount
(rs/emit! (dd/initialize :dashboard/images)
(defn images-page-transfer-state
(defn- images-page-transfer-state
[old-state state]
(rs/emit! (dd/initialize :dashboard/images))

View file

@ -61,6 +61,14 @@
(apply merge-with deep-merge maps)
(last maps)))
(defn conj-or-disj
"Given a set, and an element remove that element from set
if it exists or add it if it does not exists."
[s v]
(if (contains? s v)
(disj s v)
(conj s v)))
;; Numbers Parsing