mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 23:31:21 -05:00
wip otro más
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 130 additions and 50 deletions
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.geom.shapes :as gsh]
[app.common.geom.shapes.rect :as gpr]
[app.common.math :as mth]
[app.common.pages.common :as cpc]
[app.common.pages.helpers :as cph]
@ -39,69 +40,147 @@
Return a map {<main-root-id> [<main-root> [<copy-root> <copy-root>...]] ...}"
[shapes objects modif-tree]
(debug/logjs "==================================" "")
(debug/logjs "modif-tree" modif-tree)
(letfn [(get-copies-one [shape]
(let [root-shape (ctn/get-root-shape objects shape)]
(when (:main-instance? root-shape)
(let [children (->> root-shape
(map #(get objects %))
(map #(gsh/transform-shape % (get-in modif-tree [(:id %) :modifiers])))) ;; esto es para que funcione
root-shape (gsh/update-group-selrect root-shape children)] ;; lo de que se mueve la raiz
[(:id root-shape) [root-shape (ctn/get-instances objects root-shape)]]))))] ;; al salirse la shape interna
;; (map #(gsh/transform-shape % (get-in modif-tree [(:id %) :modifiers])))
get-bounds (fn [shape]
(let [modifiers (-> (get modif-tree (:id shape)) :modifiers)]
(cond-> (:points shape)
(some? modifiers)
(gsh/transform-bounds modifiers))))
;; ;; Update the bounds of the root group to accomodate the moved shapes,
;; ;; so its position is also synced to the copy root later.
;; root-shape (gsh/update-group-selrect root-shape children)
root-shape (assoc root-shape
(-> (mapcat get-bounds children)
[(:id root-shape) [root-shape (ctn/get-instances objects root-shape)]]))))]
(into {} (map get-copies-one shapes))))
(defn- reposition-shape
[shape origin-root dest-root]
;; (debug.logjs "+++" "")
;; (debug.logjs "shape" shape)
;; (debug.logjs "origin-root" origin-root)
;; (debug.logjs "dest-root" dest-root)
(let [shape-pos (fn [shape]
(gpt/point (get-in shape [:selrect :x])
(get-in shape [:selrect :y])))
origin-root-pos (shape-pos origin-root)
dest-root-pos (shape-pos dest-root)
delta (gpt/subtract dest-root-pos origin-root-pos)]
(gsh/move shape delta)))
(defn- sync-shape
[main-shape copy-shape main-root copy-root]
(if (ctk/touched-group? copy-shape :geometry-group)
(let [modif-shape (reposition-shape (:modif-shape main-shape) main-root copy-root)
[main-shape copy-shape main-root copy-root modif-tree]
(debug/logjs "+++" "")
(debug/logjs "main-shape" main-shape)
(debug/logjs "copy-shape" copy-shape)
(debug/logjs "main-root" main-root)
(debug/logjs "copy-root" copy-root)
(let [;root-modif (-> modif-tree (:id main-root) :modifiers)
;shape-modif (-> modif-tree (:id main-shape) :modifiers)
orig (fn [obj] (gpt/point (:x obj) (:y obj)))
;; _ (when (not= (:name main-shape) "Rect-1xx")
;; (debug.logjs "+++" "")
;; (debug.logjs "main-shape" main-shape)
;; (debug.logjs "copy-shape" copy-shape)
;; (debug.logjs "main-root" main-root)
;; (debug.logjs "copy-root" copy-root)
;; (debug.logjs "modif-shape" modif-shape))
translation (gpt/subtract (gsh/orig-pos modif-shape)
(gsh/orig-pos copy-shape))
get-displacement (fn [shape]
;; Accumulate all :move modifiers of a shape
(let [modifiers (-> (get modif-tree (:id shape)) :modifiers)]
(reduce (fn [move modifier]
(if (= (:type modifier) :move)
(gpt/add move (:vector modifier))
(gpt/point 0 0)
(:geometry-child modifiers))))
orig (gsh/orig-pos copy-shape)
mult-w (/ (gsh/width modif-shape) (gsh/width copy-shape))
mult-h (/ (gsh/height modif-shape) (gsh/height copy-shape))
resize (gpt/point mult-w mult-h)
;; Distance from main-root to copy-root
root-delta (gpt/subtract (orig copy-root) (orig main-root))
center (gsh/center-shape copy-shape)
rotation (- (:rotation modif-shape)
(:rotation copy-shape))]
;; Displacement from main-root to modified main-root
root-displacement (gpt/subtract (orig (:modif-selrect main-root))
(orig (:selrect main-root)))
;; (debug/logjs "..." "")
;; (debug/logjs "translation" translation)
;; (debug/logjs "resize" resize)
;; (debug/logjs "orig" orig)
;; (debug/logjs "rotation" rotation)
;; (debug/logjs "center" center)
(-> (ctm/empty)
(ctm/rotation center rotation)
(ctm/move translation)
(ctm/resize resize orig)
(vary-meta assoc :copied-modifier? true)))))
;; Displacement to apply to the copy shape
shape-displacement (gpt/subtract (get-displacement main-shape)
copy-rotation (fn [acc shape]
(let [modifiers (-> (get modif-tree (:id shape)) :modifiers)]
(reduce (fn [acc modifier]
(if (= (:type modifier) :rotation)
(let [center (:center modifier)
rotation (:rotation modifier)]
(ctm/rotation acc
(when (some? center)
(gpt/add center root-delta))
(:geometry-child modifiers))))
(debug/logjs "root-displacement" root-displacement)
(debug/logjs "shape-displacement (antes)" (get-displacement main-shape))
(debug/logjs "shape-displacement" shape-displacement)
(-> (ctm/empty)
;; (ctm/rotation center rotation)
(ctm/move shape-displacement)
(copy-rotation main-shape)
(vary-meta assoc :copied-modifier? true))))
;; $$ algoritmo tipo component sync (reposicionando la shape)
;; (defn- reposition-shape
;; [shape origin-root dest-root]
;; ;; (debug.logjs "+++" "")
;; ;; (debug.logjs "shape" shape)
;; ;; (debug.logjs "origin-root" origin-root)
;; ;; (debug.logjs "dest-root" dest-root)
;; (let [shape-pos (fn [shape]
;; (gpt/point (get-in shape [:selrect :x])
;; (get-in shape [:selrect :y])))
;; origin-root-pos (shape-pos origin-root)
;; dest-root-pos (shape-pos dest-root)
;; delta (gpt/subtract dest-root-pos origin-root-pos)]
;; (gsh/move shape delta)))
;; (defn- sync-shape
;; [main-shape copy-shape main-root copy-root]
;; (debug/logjs "+++" "")
;; (debug/logjs "main-shape" main-shape)
;; (debug/logjs "copy-shape" copy-shape)
;; (debug/logjs "main-root" main-root)
;; (debug/logjs "copy-root" copy-root)
;; (if (ctk/touched-group? copy-shape :geometry-group)
;; {}
;; (let [modif-shape (reposition-shape (:modif-shape main-shape) main-root copy-root)
;; ;; _ (when (not= (:name main-shape) "Rect-1xx")
;; ;; (debug.logjs "+++" "")
;; ;; (debug.logjs "main-shape" main-shape)
;; ;; (debug.logjs "copy-shape" copy-shape)
;; ;; (debug.logjs "main-root" main-root)
;; ;; (debug.logjs "copy-root" copy-root)
;; ;; (debug.logjs "modif-shape" modif-shape))
;; translation (gpt/subtract (gsh/orig-pos modif-shape)
;; (gsh/orig-pos copy-shape))
;; orig (gsh/orig-pos copy-shape)
;; mult-w (/ (gsh/width modif-shape) (gsh/width copy-shape))
;; mult-h (/ (gsh/height modif-shape) (gsh/height copy-shape))
;; resize (gpt/point mult-w mult-h)
;; center (gsh/center-shape copy-shape)
;; rotation (- (:rotation modif-shape)
;; (:rotation copy-shape))]
;; ;; (debug/logjs "..." "")
;; ;; (debug/logjs "translation" translation)
;; ;; (debug/logjs "resize" resize)
;; ;; (debug/logjs "orig" orig)
;; ;; (debug/logjs "rotation" rotation)
;; ;; (debug/logjs "center" center)
;; (-> (ctm/empty)
;; (ctm/rotation center rotation)
;; (ctm/move translation)
;; (ctm/resize resize orig)
;; (vary-meta assoc :copied-modifier? true)))))
;; =========nofun
;; (defn- shape-delta
@ -162,7 +241,7 @@
[copies objects modif-tree]
(letfn [(add-modifiers-shape [modif-tree copy-root copy-shape main-root main-shapes]
(let [main-shape (d/seek #(ctk/is-main-of? % copy-shape) main-shapes)
modifiers (sync-shape main-shape copy-shape main-root copy-root)
modifiers (sync-shape main-shape copy-shape main-root copy-root modif-tree)
;; %%(cond-> (sync-shape main-shape-modif copy-shape copy-root main-root)
;; %% (some? (:rotation (get-in modifiers [(:id main-shape-modif) :modifiers])))
;; %% (assoc :rotation (:rotation (get-in modifiers [(:id main-shape-modif) :modifiers])))
@ -437,6 +516,7 @@
(get-copies shapes objects modif-tree)
_ (debug/logjs "copies" copies)
;; TODO: mark new modifiers to be ignored in apply-modifiers
modif-tree (add-modifiers copies objects modif-tree)]
Add table
Reference in a new issue