mirror of
synced 2025-01-24 15:39:50 -05:00
Refactor icons page.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 323 additions and 114 deletions
@ -9,148 +9,357 @@
(:require [sablono.core :refer-macros [html]]
[rum.core :as rum]
[lentes.core :as l]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[uxbox.main.state :as st]
[uxbox.util.rstore :as rs]
[uxbox.util.schema :as sc]
[uxbox.util.i18n :refer (tr)]
[uxbox.main.library :as library]
[uxbox.main.data.dashboard :as dd]
[uxbox.main.data.lightbox :as udl]
[uxbox.main.data.icons :as di]
[uxbox.main.ui.icons :as i]
[uxbox.main.ui.shapes.icon :as icon]
[uxbox.main.ui.lightbox :as lbx]
[uxbox.util.mixins :as mx]
[uxbox.main.ui.dashboard.header :refer (header)]
[uxbox.main.ui.keyboard :as kbd]
[uxbox.util.i18n :as t :refer (tr)]
[uxbox.util.data :refer (read-string)]
[uxbox.util.mixins :as mx :include-macros true]
[uxbox.util.rstore :as rs]
[uxbox.util.schema :as sc]
[uxbox.util.lens :as ul]
[uxbox.util.i18n :refer (tr)]
[uxbox.util.dom :as dom]))
;; --- Lenses
;; --- Helpers & Constants
(def dashboard-ref
(as-> (l/in [:dashboard]) $
(l/derive $ st/state)))
(def +ordering-options+
{:name "ds.project-ordering.by-name"
:created "ds.project-ordering.by-creation-date"})
(defn- sort-icons-by
[ordering icons]
(case ordering
:name (sort-by :name icons)
:created (reverse (sort-by :created-at icons))
(defn- contains-term?
[phrase term]
(let [term (name term)]
(str/includes? (str/lower phrase) (str/trim (str/lower term)))))
(defn- filter-icons-by
[term icons]
(if (str/blank? term)
(filter #(contains-term? (:name %) term) icons)))
;; --- Refs
(def ^:private dashboard-ref
(-> (l/in [:dashboard :icons])
(l/derive st/state)))
(def ^:private collections-map-ref
(-> (comp (l/key :icon-colls-by-id)
(ul/merge library/+icon-collections-by-id+))
(l/derive st/state)))
(def ^:private collections-ref
(-> (l/lens vals)
(l/derive collections-map-ref)))
(defn- focus-collection
(-> (l/key id)
(l/derive collections-map-ref)))
;; --- Page Title
(defn- page-title-render
[own coll]
(let [dashboard (mx/react dashboard-ref)
own? (:builtin coll false)]
[:div.dashboard-title {}
[:h2 {}
[:span (tr "ds.library-title")]
[:span {:content-editable ""
:on-key-up (constantly nil)}
(:name coll)]]
(if (and (not own?) coll)
[:div.edition {}
[:span {:on-click (constantly nil)}
(mx/defcs page-title
{:mixins [(mx/local {}) mx/static mx/reactive]}
[own {:keys [id] :as coll}]
(let [local (:rum/local own)
dashboard (mx/react dashboard-ref)
own? (= :builtin (:type coll))
edit? (:edit @local)]
(letfn [(on-save [e]
(let [dom (mx/ref-node own "input")
name (.-innerText dom)]
#_(rs/emit! (di/rename-collection id (str/trim name)))
(swap! local assoc :edit false)))
(on-cancel [e]
(swap! local assoc :edit false))
(on-edit [e]
(swap! local assoc :edit true))
(on-input-keydown [e]
(kbd/esc? e) (on-cancel e)
(kbd/enter? e)
(dom/prevent-default e)
(dom/stop-propagation e)
(on-save e))))
(def ^:private page-title
{:render page-title-render
:name "page-title"
:mixins [mx/static mx/reactive]}))
(delete []
#_(rs/emit! (di/delete-collection (:id coll))))
(on-delete []
(udl/open! :confirm {:on-accept delete}))]
(if edit?
{:content-editable true
:ref "input"
:on-key-down on-input-keydown}
(:name coll)]
[:span.close {:on-click on-cancel} i/close]]
{:on-double-click on-edit}
(:name coll)])]
(if (and (not own?) coll)
(if edit?
[:span {:on-click on-save} i/save]
[:span {:on-click on-edit} i/pencil])
[:span {:on-click on-delete} i/trash]])])))
;; --- Nav
(defn nav-render
(let [dashboard (mx/react dashboard-ref)
collid (:collection-id dashboard)
own? (= (:collection-type dashboard) :own)
builtin? (= (:collection-type dashboard) :builtin)
collections (if own?
[] #_(sort-by :id (vals colors))
[:li {:class-name (when builtin? "current")
:on-click #(rs/emit! (dd/set-collection-type :builtin))}
(tr "ds.standard-title")]
[:li {:class-name (when own? "current")
:on-click #(rs/emit! (dd/set-collection-type :own))}
(tr "ds.your-libraries-title")]]
(when own?
{:on-click (constantly nil)}
"+ New library"]])
(for [props collections]
[:li {:key (str (:id props))
:on-click #(rs/emit! (dd/set-collection (:id props)))
:class-name (when (= (:id props) collid) "current")}
[:span.element-title (:name props)]
(str (count (:icons props)) " elements")]])]]])))
(mx/defc nav-item
{:mixins [mx/static]}
[collection selected?]
(letfn [(on-click [event]
(let [type (:type collection)
id (:id collection)]
(rs/emit! (di/select-collection type id))))]
(let [icons (count (:icons collection))]
[:li {:on-click on-click
:class-name (when selected? "current")}
[:span.element-title (:name collection)]
(tr "ds.num-elements" (t/c icons))]])))
(def ^:private nav
{:render nav-render
:name "nav"
:mixins [mx/reactive]}))
(mx/defc nav-section
{:mixins [mx/static mx/reactive]}
[type selected]
(let [own? (= type :own)
builtin? (= type :builtin)
collections (cond->> (mx/react collections-ref)
own? (filter #(= :own (:type %)))
builtin? (filter #(= :builtin (:type %)))
own? (sort-by :id))]
(when own?
#_{:on-click #(rs/emit! (di/create-collection))}
"+ New library"]])
(for [coll collections
:let [selected? (= (:id coll) selected)
key (str (:id coll))]]
(-> (nav-item coll selected?)
(mx/with-key key)))]))
(mx/defc nav
{:mixins [mx/static]}
(let [selected (:id state)
type (:type state)
own? (= type :own)
builtin? (= type :builtin)]
(letfn [(select-tab [type]
(let [xf (filter #(= type (:type %)))
colls (sequence xf @collections-ref)]
(if-let [item (first colls)]
(rs/emit! (di/select-collection type (:id item)))
(rs/emit! (di/select-collection type)))))]
[:li {:class-name (when builtin? "current")
:on-click (partial select-tab :builtin)}
[:li {:class-name (when own? "current")
:on-click (partial select-tab :own)}
(nav-section type selected)]])))
;; --- Grid
(defn grid-render
(let [dashboard (mx/react dashboard-ref)
coll-type (:collection-type dashboard)
coll-id (:collection-id dashboard)
own? (= coll-type :own)
coll (get library/+icon-collections-by-id+ coll-id)]
(when coll
(page-title coll)
(for [icon (:icons coll)]
[:div.grid-item.small-item.project-th {}
[:span.grid-item-image (icon/icon-svg icon)]
[:h3 (:name icon)]
[:div.project-th-icon.edit i/pencil]
[:div.project-th-icon.delete i/trash]]])]]]))))
;; (defn grid-render
;; [own]
;; (let [dashboard (mx/react dashboard-ref)
;; coll-type (:collection-type dashboard)
;; coll-id (:collection-id dashboard)
;; own? (= coll-type :own)
;; coll (get library/+icon-collections-by-id+ coll-id)]
;; (when coll
;; (html
;; [:section.dashboard-grid.library
;; (page-title coll)
;; [:div.dashboard-grid-content
;; [:div.dashboard-grid-row
;; (for [icon (:icons coll)]
;; [:div.grid-item.small-item.project-th {}
;; [:span.grid-item-icon (icon/icon-svg icon)]
;; [:h3 (:name icon)]
;; #_[:div.project-th-actions
;; [:div.project-th-icon.edit i/pencil]
;; [:div.project-th-icon.delete i/trash]]])]]]))))
(def grid
{:render grid-render
:name "grid"
:mixins [mx/static mx/reactive]}))
;; (def grid
;; (mx/component
;; {:render grid-render
;; :name "grid"
;; :mixins [mx/static mx/reactive]}))
(mx/defc grid-options
(let [own? (= (:type coll) :own)]
(letfn [(delete []
#_(rs/emit! (di/delete-selected)))
(on-delete [event]
(udl/open! :confirm {:on-accept delete}))]
(if own?
{:alt "Move to"}
{:alt "Delete"
:on-click on-delete}
{:alt "Copy to"}
(mx/defc grid-item
[{:keys [id] :as icon} selected?]
(letfn [(toggle-selection [event]
(rs/emit! (di/toggle-icon-selection id)))
(toggle-selection-shifted [event]
(when (kbd/shift? event)
(toggle-selection event)))]
{:on-click toggle-selection-shifted}
[:span.grid-item-image (icon/icon-svg icon)]
[:h3 (:name icon)]
[:div.project-th-icon.edit i/pencil]
[:div.project-th-icon.delete i/trash]]]))
(mx/defc grid
{:mixins [mx/static]}
[state selected {:keys [id type icons] :as coll}]
(let [own? (= type :own)
ordering (:order state)
filtering (:filter state)
icons (->> icons
(remove nil?)
(filter-icons-by filtering)
(sort-icons-by ordering))]
#_(when own?
(grid-form id))
(for [icon icons
:let [id (:id icon)
selected? (contains? selected id)]]
(-> (grid-item icon selected?)
(mx/with-key (str id))))]]))
(mx/defc content
{:mixins [mx/static]}
[state coll]
(let [selected (:selected state)
coll-type (:type coll)
own? (= coll-type :own)]
(when coll
(page-title coll)
(grid state selected coll)
(when (seq selected)
(grid-options coll))])))
;; --- Menu
(mx/defc menu
{:mixins [mx/static]}
[state coll]
(let [ordering (:order state :name)
filtering (:filter state "")
icount (count (:icons coll))]
(letfn [(on-term-change [event]
(let [term (-> (dom/get-target event)
(rs/emit! (di/update-opts :filter term))))
(on-ordering-change [event]
(let [value (dom/event->value event)
value (read-string value)]
(rs/emit! (di/update-opts :order value))))
(on-clear [event]
(rs/emit! (di/update-opts :filter "")))]
;; Counter
[:span.dashboard-icons (tr "ds.num-icons" (t/c icount))]
;; Sorting
[:span (tr "ds.project-ordering")]
{:on-change on-ordering-change
:value (pr-str ordering)}
(for [[key value] (seq +ordering-options+)
:let [ovalue (pr-str key)
olabel (tr value)]]
[:option {:key ovalue :value ovalue} olabel])]]
;; Search
{:key :icons-search-box
:type "text"
:on-change on-term-change
:auto-focus true
:placeholder (tr "ds.project-search.placeholder")
:value (or filtering "")}]
[:div.clear-search {:on-click on-clear} i/close]]]])))
;; --- Icons Page
(defn icons-page-render
(defn- icons-page-will-mount
(let [[type id] (:rum/args own)]
(rs/emit! (di/initialize type id))
(defn icons-page-will-mount
(rs/emit! (dd/initialize :dashboard/icons))
(defn- icons-page-did-remount
[old-own own]
(let [[old-type old-id] (:rum/args old-own)
[new-type new-id] (:rum/args own)]
(when (or (not= old-type new-type)
(not= old-id new-id))
(rs/emit! (di/initialize new-type new-id)))
(defn icons-page-did-remount
[old-state state]
(rs/emit! (dd/initialize :dashboard/icons))
(def icons-page
{:render icons-page-render
:will-mount icons-page-will-mount
:did-remount icons-page-did-remount
:name "icons-page"
:mixins [mx/static]}))
(mx/defc icons-page
{:will-mount icons-page-will-mount
:did-remount icons-page-did-remount
:mixins [mx/static mx/reactive]}
(let [state (mx/react dashboard-ref)
coll-id (:id state)
coll (mx/react (focus-collection coll-id))]
(nav state)
(menu state coll)
(content state coll)]]))
;; --- New Icon Lightbox (TODO)
Add table
Reference in a new issue