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Boolean shapes enhancements

This commit is contained in:
alonso.torres 2021-10-01 15:01:55 +02:00 committed by Andrey Antukh
parent 68e3d53cb7
commit 9f03e353c7
6 changed files with 187 additions and 88 deletions

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
(def ^:const curve-range-precision 2)
(defn s= [a b]
(mth/almost-zero? (- (mth/abs a) b)))
(mth/almost-zero? (- a b)))
(defn calculate-opposite-handler
"Given a point and its handler, gives the symetric handler"
@ -285,7 +285,8 @@
ykey (keyword (str prefix "y"))
x (get params xkey)
y (get params ykey)]
(gpt/point x y))))
(when (and (some? x) (some? y))
(gpt/point x y)))))
(defn command->line
@ -582,32 +583,42 @@
(defn line-has-point?
"Using the line equation we put the x value and check if matches with
the given Y. If it does the point is inside the line"
[point [from-p to-p :as line]]
[point [from-p to-p]]
(let [{x1 :x y1 :y} from-p
{x2 :x y2 :y} to-p
{px :x py :y} point
m (when-not (s= x1 x2) (/ (- y2 y1) (- x2 x1)))
vy (when (some? m) (+ (* m px) (* (- m) x1) y1))
t (get-line-tval line point)]
vy (when (some? m) (+ (* m px) (* (- m) x1) y1))]
;; If x1 = x2 there is no slope, to see if the point is in the line
;; only needs to check the x is the same
(and (or (and (s= x1 x2) (s= px x1))
(and (some? vy) (s= py vy)))
;; This will check if is between both segments
(or (> t 0) (s= t 0))
(or (< t 1) (s= t 1)))))
(or (and (s= x1 x2) (s= px x1))
(and (some? vy) (s= py vy)))))
(defn segment-has-point?
"Using the line equation we put the x value and check if matches with
the given Y. If it does the point is inside the line"
[point line]
(and (line-has-point? point line)
(let [t (get-line-tval line point)]
(and (or (> t 0) (s= t 0))
(or (< t 1) (s= t 1))))))
(defn curve-has-point?
[_point _curve]
#_(or (< (gpt/distance point from-p) 0.01)
(< (gpt/distance point to-p) 0.01))
[point curve]
(letfn [(check-range [from-t to-t]
(let [r (curve-range->rect curve from-t to-t)]
(when (gpr/contains-point? r point)
(if (s= from-t to-t)
(< (gpt/distance (curve-values curve from-t) point) 0.1)
(let [half-t (+ from-t (/ (- to-t from-t) 2.0))]
(or (check-range from-t half-t)
(check-range half-t to-t)))))))]
(check-range 0 1)))
(defn line-line-crossing
[[from-p1 to-p1 :as l1] [from-p2 to-p2 :as l2]]
@ -627,13 +638,23 @@
d (- (* (- x1 x2) (- y3 y4))
(* (- y1 y2) (- x3 x4)))]
(when-not (mth/almost-zero? d)
(not (mth/almost-zero? d))
;; Coordinates in the line. We calculate the tvalue that will
;; return 0-1 as a percentage in the segment
(let [cross-p (gpt/point (/ nx d) (/ ny d))
t1 (get-line-tval l1 cross-p)
t2 (get-line-tval l2 cross-p)]
[t1 t2]))))
[t1 t2])
;; If they are parallels they could define the same line
(line-has-point? from-p2 l1) [(get-line-tval l1 from-p2) 0]
(line-has-point? to-p2 l1) [(get-line-tval l1 to-p2) 1]
(line-has-point? to-p1 l2) [1 (get-line-tval l2 to-p1)]
(line-has-point? from-p1 l2) [0 (get-line-tval l2 from-p1)]
(defn line-curve-crossing
[[from-p1 to-p1]
@ -657,12 +678,17 @@
(defn ray-line-intersect
[point line]
[point [a b :as line]]
;; If the ray is paralell to the line there will be no crossings
(let [ray-line [point (gpt/point (inc (:x point)) (:y point))]
[ray-t line-t] (line-line-crossing ray-line line)]
(when (and (some? line-t)
;; Rays fail when fall just in a vertex so we move a bit upward
;; because only want to use this for insideness
a (if (and (some? a) (s= (:y a) (:y point))) (update a :y + 10) a)
b (if (and (some? b) (s= (:y b) (:y point))) (update b :y + 10) b)
[ray-t line-t] (line-line-crossing ray-line [a b])]
(when (and (some? line-t) (some? ray-t)
(> ray-t 0)
(or (> line-t 0) (s= line-t 0))
(or (< line-t 1) (s= line-t 1)))
@ -778,30 +804,33 @@
(gpr/points->rect (into [from-p to-p] extremes))))
(defn is-point-in-border?
[point content]
(letfn [(inside-border? [cmd]
(case (:command cmd)
:line-to (segment-has-point? point (command->line cmd))
:curve-to (curve-has-point? point (command->bezier cmd))
#_:else false))]
(->> content
(some inside-border?))))
(defn is-point-in-content?
[point content]
(letfn [(cast-ray [[cmd prev]]
(letfn [(cast-ray [cmd]
(let [ray-line [point (gpt/point (inc (:x point)) (:y point))]]
(case (:command cmd)
:line-to (ray-line-intersect point (command->line cmd (command->point prev)))
:curve-to (ray-curve-intersect ray-line (command->bezier cmd (command->point prev)))
#_:else [])))
:line-to (ray-line-intersect point (command->line cmd))
:curve-to (ray-curve-intersect ray-line (command->bezier cmd))
#_:else [])))]
(inside-border? [[cmd prev]]
(case (:command cmd)
:line-to (line-has-point? point (command->line cmd (command->point prev)))
:curve-to (curve-has-point? point (command->bezier cmd (command->point prev)))
#_:else false)
(let [content-with-prev (d/with-prev content)]
(or (->> content-with-prev
(some inside-border?))
(->> content-with-prev
(mapcat cast-ray)
(map second)
(reduce +)
(not= 0))))))
(->> content
(mapcat cast-ray)
(map second)
(reduce +)
(not= 0))))
(defn split-line-to
"Given a point and a line-to command will create a two new line-to commands

View file

@ -95,3 +95,19 @@
(or (>= x2b x1a) (s= x2b x1a))
(or (<= y1b y2a) (s= y1b y2a))
(or (<= y1a y2b) (s= y1a y2b)))))
(defn contains-point?
[rect point]
(assert (gpt/point? point))
(let [x1 (:x rect)
y1 (:y rect)
x2 (+ (:x rect) (:width rect))
y2 (+ (:y rect) (:height rect))
px (:x point)
py (:y point)]
(and (or (> px x1) (s= px x1))
(or (< px x2) (s= px x2))
(or (> py y1) (s= py y1))
(or (< py y2) (s= py y2)))))

View file

@ -134,22 +134,34 @@
:page-id page-id
:id id}))
(fn [change-set id]
(let [shape (get objects id)]
{:type :add-obj
:page-id page-id
:parent-id (:parent-id shape)
:parent-id (:frame-id shape)
:frame-id (:frame-id shape)
:id id
:obj (cond-> shape
(contains? shape :shapes)
(assoc :shapes []))
:index (h/position-on-parent id objects)})))]
(assoc :shapes []))})))
(fn [change-set id]
(let [shape (get objects id)]
{:type :mov-objects
:page-id page-id
:parent-id (:parent-id shape)
:shapes [id]
:index (h/position-on-parent id objects)
:ignore-touched true})))]
(-> changes
(update :redo-changes #(reduce add-redo-change % ids))
(update :undo-changes #(reduce add-undo-change % ids)))))
(update :undo-changes #(as-> % $
(reduce add-undo-change-parent $ ids)
(reduce add-undo-change-shape $ ids))))))

View file

@ -34,14 +34,15 @@
(loop [head (first content)
content (rest content)
result []
last-move nil]
last-move nil
last-p nil]
(if (nil? head)
(let [head-p (gsp/command->point head)
head (cond
(and (= :close-path (:command head))
(< (gpt/distance head-p last-move) 0.01))
(< (gpt/distance last-p last-move) 0.01))
(= :close-path (:command head))
@ -55,7 +56,8 @@
(cond-> result (some? head) (conj head))
(if (= :move-to (:command head))
(defn- split-command
[cmd values]
@ -152,6 +154,19 @@
:curve-to (-> (gsp/command->bezier segment)
(gsp/curve-values 0.5)))]
(or (gsp/is-point-in-content? point content)
(gsp/is-point-in-border? point content))))
(defn inside-segment?
[segment content]
(let [point (case (:command segment)
:line-to (-> (gsp/command->line segment)
(gsp/line-values 0.5))
:curve-to (-> (gsp/command->bezier segment)
(gsp/curve-values 0.5)))]
(gsp/is-point-in-content? point content)))
(defn overlap-segment?
@ -159,42 +174,57 @@
segment meaning they have the same coordinates"
[segment content]
(letfn [(overlap-single?
(when (and (= (:command segment) (:command other))
(contains? #{:line-to :curve-to} (:command segment)))
(let [overlap-single?
(fn [other]
(when (and (= (:command segment) (:command other))
(contains? #{:line-to :curve-to} (:command segment)))
(case (:command segment)
:line-to (let [[p1 q1] (gsp/command->line segment)
[p2 q2] (gsp/command->line other)]
(case (:command segment)
:line-to (let [[p1 q1] (gsp/command->line segment)
[p2 q2] (gsp/command->line other)]
(or (and (< (gpt/distance p1 p2) 0.1)
(< (gpt/distance q1 q2) 0.1))
(and (< (gpt/distance p1 q2) 0.1)
(< (gpt/distance q1 p2) 0.1))))
(when (or (and (< (gpt/distance p1 p2) 0.1)
(< (gpt/distance q1 q2) 0.1))
(and (< (gpt/distance p1 q2) 0.1)
(< (gpt/distance q1 p2) 0.1)))
[segment other]))
:curve-to (let [[p1 q1 h11 h21] (gsp/command->bezier segment)
[p2 q2 h12 h22] (gsp/command->bezier other)]
:curve-to (let [[p1 q1 h11 h21] (gsp/command->bezier segment)
[p2 q2 h12 h22] (gsp/command->bezier other)]
(or (and (< (gpt/distance p1 p2) 0.1)
(< (gpt/distance q1 q2) 0.1)
(< (gpt/distance h11 h12) 0.1)
(< (gpt/distance h21 h22) 0.1))
(when (or (and (< (gpt/distance p1 p2) 0.1)
(< (gpt/distance q1 q2) 0.1)
(< (gpt/distance h11 h12) 0.1)
(< (gpt/distance h21 h22) 0.1))
(and (< (gpt/distance p1 q2) 0.1)
(< (gpt/distance q1 p2) 0.1)
(< (gpt/distance h11 h22) 0.1)
(< (gpt/distance h21 h12) 0.1)))))))]
(some? (d/seek overlap-single? content))))
(and (< (gpt/distance p1 q2) 0.1)
(< (gpt/distance q1 p2) 0.1)
(< (gpt/distance h11 h22) 0.1)
(< (gpt/distance h21 h12) 0.1)))
[segment other])))))]
(->> content
(d/seek overlap-single?)
(defn create-union [content-a content-a-split content-b content-b-split]
;; Pick all segments in content-a that are not inside content-b
;; Pick all segments in content-b that are not inside content-a
(->> content-a-split (filter #(not (contains-segment? % content-b))))
(->> content-b-split (filter #(or (not (contains-segment? % content-a))
(overlap-segment? % content-a-split))))))
(let [content
(->> content-a-split (filter #(not (contains-segment? % content-b))))
(->> content-b-split (filter #(not (contains-segment? % content-a)))))
;; Overlapping segments should be added when they are part of the border
(->> content-b-split
(filterv #(and (contains-segment? % content-a)
(overlap-segment? % content-a-split)
(not (inside-segment? % content)))))]
(d/concat content border-content)))
(defn create-difference [content-a content-a-split content-b content-b-split]
;; Pick all segments in content-a that are not inside content-b

View file

@ -24,9 +24,7 @@
(def allowed-transform-types
(def style-group-properties
@ -146,16 +144,26 @@
(declare convert-to-path)
(defn fix-first-relative
"Fix an issue with the simplify commands not changing the first relative"
(let [head (first content)]
(cond-> content
(and head (:relative head))
(update 0 assoc :relative false))))
(defn group-to-path
[group objects]
(let [xform (comp (map #(get objects %))
(map #(-> (convert-to-path % objects))))
child-as-paths (into [] xform (:shapes group))
head (first child-as-paths)
head (last child-as-paths)
head-data (select-keys head style-properties)
content (into [] (mapcat :content) child-as-paths)]
content (into []
(comp (filter #(= :path (:type %)))
(mapcat #(fix-first-relative (:content %))))
(-> group
(assoc :type :path)
(assoc :content content)
@ -184,14 +192,14 @@
(convert-to-path shape {}))
([{:keys [type x y width height r1 r2 r3 r4 rx metadata] :as shape} objects]
(assert (map? objects))
(= (:type shape) :group)
(case (:type shape)
(group-to-path shape objects)
(= (:type shape) :bool)
(bool-to-path shape objects)
(contains? allowed-transform-types type)
(:rect :circle :image :text)
(let [new-content
(case type
:circle (circle->path x y width height)
@ -209,6 +217,6 @@
(cond-> (= :image type)
(assoc :fill-image metadata))
(d/without-keys dissoc-attrs)))
;; Do nothing if the shape is not of a correct type
;; For the rest return the plain shape

View file

@ -292,6 +292,10 @@
[result next-pos next-start next-cc next-qc]))
start (first commands)
start (cond-> start
(:relative start)
(assoc :relative false))
start-pos (gpt/point (:params start))]
(->> (map vector (rest commands) commands)