mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 07:11:32 -05:00
✨ Right click options on grid editor
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 422 additions and 112 deletions
@ -517,6 +517,13 @@
(->> (apply c/iteration args)
(defn add-at-index
"Insert an element in a vector at an arbitrary index"
[coll index element]
(assert (vector? coll))
(let [[before after] (split-at index coll)]
(concat-vec [] before [element] after)))
(defn insert-at-index
"Insert a list of elements at the given index of a previous list.
Replace all existing elems."
@ -329,14 +329,14 @@
(defn h-padding
[{:keys [layout-padding-type layout-padding]}]
(let [{pad-top :p1 pad-right :p2 pad-bottom :p3 pad-left :p4} layout-padding]
(let [{pad-right :p2 pad-left :p4} layout-padding]
(if (= :simple layout-padding-type)
(+ pad-right pad-right)
(+ pad-right pad-left))))
(defn v-padding
[{:keys [layout-padding-type layout-padding]}]
(let [{pad-top :p1 pad-right :p2 pad-bottom :p3 pad-left :p4} layout-padding]
(let [{pad-top :p1 pad-bottom :p3} layout-padding]
(if (= :simple layout-padding-type)
(+ pad-top pad-top)
(+ pad-top pad-bottom))))
@ -615,53 +615,201 @@
:justify-self :auto
:shapes []})
(declare resize-cell-area)
(declare cells-by-column)
(declare cells-by-row)
(defn remove-cell-areas
"Remove the areas in the given `index` before and after the index"
[parent prop index]
(let [prop-span (if (= prop :column) :row-span :column-span)
cells (if (= prop :column) (cells-by-column parent index) (cells-by-row parent index))]
(->> cells
(filter #(> (get % prop-span) 1))
(fn [parent cell]
(let [changed-cells
;; New track at the beginning
(= (get cell prop) (inc index))
[(assoc cell prop-span 1)
(assoc cell :id (uuid/next) :shapes [] prop (inc (get cell prop)) prop-span (dec (get cell prop-span)))]
;; New track at the middle
(< (get cell prop) (inc index) (+ (get cell prop) (dec (get cell prop-span))))
[(assoc cell prop-span (- (inc index) (get cell prop)))
(assoc cell :id (uuid/next) :shapes [] prop (inc index) prop-span 1)
(assoc cell :id (uuid/next) :shapes [] prop (+ index 2) prop-span (- (+ (get cell prop) (dec (get cell prop-span))) (inc index)))]
;; New track at the end
(= (+ (get cell prop) (dec (get cell prop-span))) (inc index))
[(assoc cell prop-span (- (inc index) (get cell prop)))
(assoc cell :id (uuid/next) :shapes [] prop (inc index) prop-span 1)])]
(->> changed-cells
(reduce #(update %1 :layout-grid-cells assoc (:id %2) %2) parent))))
(defn remove-cell-areas-after
"Remove the areas in the given `index` but only after the index."
[parent prop index]
(let [prop-span (if (= prop :column) :column-span :row-span)
cells (if (= type :column) (cells-by-column parent index) (cells-by-row parent index))]
(->> cells
(filter #(> (get % prop-span) 1))
(fn [parent cell]
(let [changed-cells
;; New track at the beginning
(= (get cell prop) (inc index))
[(assoc cell prop-span 1)
(assoc cell :id (uuid/next) :shapes [] prop (inc (get cell prop)) prop-span (dec (get cell prop-span)))]
;; New track at the middle
(< (get cell prop) (inc index) (+ (get cell prop) (dec (get cell prop-span))))
[(assoc cell prop-span (- (+ index 2) (get cell prop)))
(assoc cell :id (uuid/next) :shapes [] prop (+ index 2) prop-span (- (+ (get cell prop) (dec (get cell prop-span))) (inc index)))])]
(->> changed-cells
(reduce #(update %1 :layout-grid-cells assoc (:id %2) %2) parent))))
;; Adding a track creates the cells. We should check the shapes that are not tracked (with default values) and assign to the correct tracked values
(defn add-grid-track
([type parent value]
(add-grid-track type parent value nil))
([type parent value index]
"expected a valid grid definition for `value`"
(check-grid-track! value))
(let [[tracks-prop tracks-prop-other prop prop-other prop-span prop-span-other]
(if (= type :column)
[:layout-grid-columns :layout-grid-rows :column :row :column-span :row-span]
[:layout-grid-rows :layout-grid-columns :row :column :row-span :column-span])
new-index (d/nilv index (count (get parent tracks-prop)))
new-track-num (inc new-index)
;; Increase the values for the existing cells
(-> (:layout-grid-cells parent)
(fn [cell]
(cond-> cell
(>= (get cell prop) new-track-num)
(update prop inc)
(and (< (get cell prop) new-track-num)
(> (get cell prop-span) 1)
(>= (+ (get cell prop) (dec (get cell prop-span))) new-track-num))
(update prop-span inc)))))
;; Search for the cells already created
(into #{}
(comp (filter
(fn [cell]
(and (>= new-track-num (get cell prop))
(< new-track-num (+ (get cell prop) (get cell prop-span))))))
(mapcat #(range (get % prop-other) (+ (get % prop-other) (get % prop-span-other)))))
(vals layout-grid-cells))
;; Create the new cells as necesary
(->> (d/enumerate (get parent tracks-prop-other))
(remove (fn [[idx _]] (exist-cells? (inc idx))))
(fn [result [idx _]]
(let [id (uuid/next)]
(assoc result id
(merge {:id id
prop-other (inc idx)
prop new-track-num}
(-> parent
(update tracks-prop d/add-at-index new-index value)
(assoc :layout-grid-cells layout-grid-cells)))))
(defn add-grid-column
[parent value]
"expected a valid grid definition for `value`"
(check-grid-track! value))
(let [rows (:layout-grid-rows parent)
new-col-num (inc (count (:layout-grid-columns parent)))
(->> (d/enumerate rows)
(reduce (fn [result [row-idx _]]
(let [id (uuid/next)]
(assoc result id
(merge {:id id
:row (inc row-idx)
:column new-col-num}
(:layout-grid-cells parent)))]
(-> parent
(update :layout-grid-columns (fnil conj []) value)
(assoc :layout-grid-cells layout-grid-cells))))
([parent value]
(add-grid-column parent value nil))
([parent value index]
(add-grid-track :column parent value index)))
(defn add-grid-row
[parent value]
"expected a valid grid definition for `value`"
(check-grid-track! value))
([parent value]
(add-grid-row parent value nil))
([parent value index]
(add-grid-track :row parent value index)))
(let [cols (:layout-grid-columns parent)
new-row-num (inc (count (:layout-grid-rows parent)))
(defn- duplicate-cells
[shape prop from-index to-index ids-map]
(->> (d/enumerate cols)
(reduce (fn [result [col-idx _]]
(let [id (uuid/next)]
(assoc result id
(merge {:id id
:column (inc col-idx)
:row new-row-num}
(:layout-grid-cells parent)))]
(-> parent
(update :layout-grid-rows (fnil conj []) value)
(assoc :layout-grid-cells layout-grid-cells))))
(let [[prop-span prop-other prop-other-span]
(if (= prop :column)
[:column-span :row :row-span]
[:row-span :column :column-span])
(if (= prop :column)
(cells-by-column shape from-index)
(cells-by-row shape from-index))
(if (= prop :column)
(cells-by-column shape to-index)
(cells-by-row shape to-index))
to-cells-idx (d/index-by prop-other to-cells)
;; This loop will go throught the original cells and copy their data to the target cell
;; After this some cells could have no correspondence and should be removed
[shape matched]
(loop [from-cells (seq from-cells)
matched #{}
result shape]
(if-let [cell (first from-cells)]
(let [match-cell
(-> (get to-cells-idx (get cell prop-other))
(d/patch-object (select-keys cell [prop-other-span :position :align-self :justify-self]))
(cond-> (= (get cell prop-span) 1)
(assoc :shapes (mapv ids-map (:shapes cell)))))]
(recur (rest from-cells)
(conj matched (:id match-cell))
(assoc-in result [:layout-grid-cells (:id match-cell)] match-cell)))
[result matched]))
;; Remove cells that haven't been matched
(->> to-cells
(remove (fn [{:keys [id]}] (contains? matched id)))
(reduce (fn [shape cell]
(update shape :layout-grid-cells dissoc (:id cell)))
(defn duplicate-row
[shape index ids-map]
(let [value (dm/get-in shape [:layout-grid-rows index])]
(-> shape
(remove-cell-areas-after :row index)
(add-grid-row value (inc index))
(duplicate-cells :row index (inc index) ids-map))))
(defn duplicate-column
[shape index ids-map]
(let [value (dm/get-in shape [:layout-grid-columns index])]
(-> shape
(remove-cell-areas-after :column index)
(add-grid-column value (inc index))
(duplicate-cells :column index (inc index) ids-map))))
(defn make-remove-cell
[attr span-attr track-num]
@ -762,12 +910,9 @@
(fn [cell] (update cell prop #(get remap-tracks % %)))))))
(declare resize-cell-area)
(declare cells-by-column)
(declare cells-by-row)
(defn- reorder-grid-track
[parent from-index to-index move-content? cells-by tracks-props prop prop-span]
[parent from-index to-index move-content? tracks-props prop]
(let [from-track (inc from-index)
to-track (if (< to-index from-index)
(+ to-index 2)
@ -776,23 +921,10 @@
(and move-content? (not= from-track to-track))
(if move-content?
(->> (concat (cells-by parent (dec from-track))
(cells-by parent (dec to-track)))
(reduce (fn [parent cell]
(cond-> parent
(and (> (get cell prop-span) 1)
(or (> to-track from-track) (not (= to-track (get cell prop))))
(or (< to-track from-track) (not (= to-track (+ (get cell prop) (dec (get cell prop-span)))))))
(:row cell)
(:column cell)
(:row cell)
(:column cell)
(if (= prop :row) 1 (:row-span cell))
(if (= prop :column) 1 (:column-span cell)))))
(cond-> parent
(-> (remove-cell-areas prop (dec from-track))
(remove-cell-areas prop (dec to-track))))
(reorder-grid-tracks parent tracks-props from-index to-index)]
@ -803,11 +935,11 @@
(defn reorder-grid-column
[parent from-index to-index move-content?]
(reorder-grid-track parent from-index to-index move-content? cells-by-column :layout-grid-columns :column :column-span))
(reorder-grid-track parent from-index to-index move-content? :layout-grid-columns :column))
(defn reorder-grid-row
[parent from-index to-index move-content?]
(reorder-grid-track parent from-index to-index move-content? cells-by-row :layout-grid-rows :row :row-span))
(reorder-grid-track parent from-index to-index move-content? :layout-grid-rows :row))
(defn cells-seq
[{:keys [layout-grid-cells layout-grid-dir]} & {:keys [sort?] :or {sort? false}}]
@ -1239,30 +1371,42 @@
(assoc parent :shapes (into [] (reverse new-shapes)))))
(defn cells-by-row
[parent index]
(->> (:layout-grid-cells parent)
(filter (fn [[_ {:keys [row row-span]}]]
(and (>= (inc index) row)
(< (inc index) (+ row row-span)))))
(map second)))
([parent index]
(cells-by-row parent index true))
([parent index check-span?]
(->> (:layout-grid-cells parent)
(filter (fn [[_ {:keys [row row-span]}]]
(if check-span?
(and (>= (inc index) row)
(< (inc index) (+ row row-span)))
(= (inc index) row))))
(map second))))
(defn cells-by-column
[parent index]
(->> (:layout-grid-cells parent)
(filter (fn [[_ {:keys [column column-span]}]]
(and (>= (inc index) column)
(< (inc index) (+ column column-span)))))
(map second)))
([parent index]
(cells-by-column parent index true))
([parent index check-span?]
(->> (:layout-grid-cells parent)
(filter (fn [[_ {:keys [column column-span]}]]
(if check-span?
(and (>= (inc index) column)
(< (inc index) (+ column column-span)))
(= (inc index) column))))
(map second))))
(defn shapes-by-row
[parent index]
(->> (cells-by-row parent index)
(mapcat :shapes)))
([parent index]
(shapes-by-row parent index true))
([parent index check-span?]
(->> (cells-by-row parent index check-span?)
(mapcat :shapes))))
(defn shapes-by-column
[parent index]
(->> (cells-by-column parent index)
(mapcat :shapes)))
([parent index]
(shapes-by-column parent index true))
([parent index check-span?]
(->> (cells-by-column parent index check-span?)
(mapcat :shapes))))
(defn cells-coordinates
"Given a group of cells returns the coordinates that define"
@ -1490,6 +1490,27 @@
(rx/of (show-context-menu
(-> params (assoc :kind :page :selected (:id page))))))))
(defn show-track-context-menu
[{:keys [grid-id type index] :as params}]
(ptk/reify ::show-track-context-menu
(watch [_ _ _]
(rx/of (show-context-menu
(-> params (assoc :kind :grid-track
:grid-id grid-id
:type type
:index index)))))))
(defn show-grid-cell-context-menu
[{:keys [grid-id] :as params}]
(ptk/reify ::show-grid-cell-context-menu
(watch [_ state _]
(let [cells (get-in state [:workspace-grid-edition grid-id :selected])]
(rx/of (show-context-menu
(-> params (assoc :kind :grid-cells
:grid-id grid-id
:cells cells))))))))
(def hide-context-menu
(ptk/reify ::hide-context-menu
@ -1497,6 +1518,8 @@
(assoc-in state [:workspace-local :context-menu] nil))))
;; Clipboard
@ -9,7 +9,9 @@
[app.common.colors :as clr]
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.files.changes-builder :as pcb]
[app.common.files.helpers :as cfh]
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.geom.shapes.flex-layout :as flex]
[app.common.geom.shapes.grid-layout :as grid]
[app.common.types.component :as ctc]
@ -247,27 +249,29 @@
(dwu/commit-undo-transaction undo-id))))))
(defn add-layout-track
[ids type value]
(assert (#{:row :column} type))
(ptk/reify ::add-layout-column
(watch [_ _ _]
(let [undo-id (js/Symbol)]
(rx/of (dwu/start-undo-transaction undo-id)
(fn [shape]
(case type
:row (ctl/add-grid-row shape value)
:column (ctl/add-grid-column shape value))))
(ptk/data-event :layout/update ids)
(dwu/commit-undo-transaction undo-id))))))
([ids type value]
(add-layout-track ids type value nil))
([ids type value index]
(assert (#{:row :column} type))
(ptk/reify ::add-layout-track
(watch [_ _ _]
(let [undo-id (js/Symbol)]
(rx/of (dwu/start-undo-transaction undo-id)
(fn [shape]
(case type
:row (ctl/add-grid-row shape value index)
:column (ctl/add-grid-column shape value index))))
(ptk/data-event :layout/update ids)
(dwu/commit-undo-transaction undo-id)))))))
(defn remove-layout-track
[ids type index]
(assert (#{:row :column} type))
(ptk/reify ::remove-layout-column
(ptk/reify ::remove-layout-track
(watch [_ _ _]
(let [undo-id (js/Symbol)]
@ -281,6 +285,59 @@
(ptk/data-event :layout/update ids)
(dwu/commit-undo-transaction undo-id))))))
(defn duplicate-layout-track
[ids type index]
(assert (#{:row :column} type))
(ptk/reify ::duplicate-layout-track
(watch [it state _]
(let [file-id (:current-file-id state)
page (wsh/lookup-page state)
objects (:objects page)
libraries (wsh/get-libraries state)
library-data (wsh/get-file state file-id)
shape-id (first ids)
base-shape (get objects shape-id)
(if (= type :column)
(ctl/shapes-by-column base-shape index false)
(ctl/shapes-by-row base-shape index false))
;; Change to set in order to use auxiliary functions
selected (set shapes-by-track)
(->> (dwse/prepare-duplicate-changes objects page selected (gpt/point 0 0) it libraries library-data file-id)
(dwse/duplicate-changes-update-indices objects selected))
;; Creates a map with shape-id => duplicated-shape-id
(->> changes
(filter #(= (:type %) :add-obj))
(filter #(selected (:old-id %)))
(map #(vector (:old-id %) (get-in % [:obj :id])))
(into {}))
(-> changes
(fn [shape]
;; The duplication could have altered the grid so we restore the values, we'll calculate the good ones now
(let [shape (merge shape (select-keys base-shape [:layout-grid-cells :layout-grid-columns :layout-grid-rows]))]
(case type
:row (ctl/duplicate-row shape index ids-map)
:column (ctl/duplicate-column shape index ids-map))))))
undo-id (js/Symbol)]
(rx/of (dwu/start-undo-transaction undo-id)
(dwc/commit-changes changes)
(ptk/data-event :layout/update ids)
(dwu/commit-undo-transaction undo-id))))))
(defn reorder-layout-track
[ids type from-index to-index move-content?]
(assert (#{:row :column} type))
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
[app.common.types.component :as ctk]
[app.common.types.container :as ctn]
[app.common.types.page :as ctp]
[app.common.types.shape.layout :as ctl]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.main.data.events :as ev]
[app.main.data.modal :as modal]
@ -549,6 +550,64 @@
:shortcut (sc/get-tooltip :toggle-focus-mode)
:on-click do-toggle-focus-mode}])]))
(mf/defc grid-track-context-menu
[{:keys [mdata] :as props}]
(let [{:keys [type index grid-id]} mdata
(mf/deps grid-id type index)
(fn []
(st/emit! (dwsl/remove-layout-track [grid-id] type index))))
(mf/deps grid-id type index)
(fn []
(st/emit! (dwsl/add-layout-track [grid-id] type ctl/default-track-value index))))
(mf/deps grid-id type index)
(fn []
(st/emit! (dwsl/add-layout-track [grid-id] type ctl/default-track-value (inc index)))))
(mf/deps grid-id type index)
(fn []
(st/emit! (dwsl/duplicate-layout-track [grid-id] type index))))]
(if (= type :column)
[:& menu-entry {:title "Duplicate column" :on-click do-duplicate-track}]
[:& menu-entry {:title "Add 1 column to the left" :on-click do-add-track-before}]
[:& menu-entry {:title "Add 1 column to the right" :on-click do-add-track-after}]
[:& menu-entry {:title "Delete column" :on-click do-delete-track}]]
[:& menu-entry {:title "Duplicate row" :on-click do-duplicate-track}]
[:& menu-entry {:title "Add 1 row above" :on-click do-add-track-before}]
[:& menu-entry {:title "Add 1 row bellow" :on-click do-add-track-after}]
[:& menu-entry {:title "Delete row" :on-click do-delete-track}]])))
(mf/defc grid-cells-context-menu
[{:keys [mdata] :as props}]
(let [{:keys [grid-id cells]} mdata
(mf/deps grid-id cells)
(fn []))
(mf/deps grid-id cells)
(fn []))]
[:& menu-entry {:title "Merge cells" :on-click do-merge-cells}]
[:& menu-entry {:title "Create board" :on-click do-create-board}]]))
(mf/defc context-menu
(let [mdata (mf/deref menu-ref)
@ -583,6 +642,8 @@
(case (:kind mdata)
:shape [:& shape-context-menu {:mdata mdata}]
:page [:& page-item-context-menu {:mdata mdata}]
:grid-track [:& grid-track-context-menu {:mdata mdata}]
:grid-cells [:& grid-cells-context-menu {:mdata mdata}]
[:& viewport-context-menu {:mdata mdata}])]]))
@ -337,9 +337,18 @@
(mf/deps (:id shape) (:id cell) selected?)
(fn [event]
(if (and (kbd/shift? event) selected?)
(st/emit! (dwge/remove-selection (:id shape) (:id cell)))
(st/emit! (dwge/select-grid-cell (:id shape) (:id cell) (kbd/shift? event)) ))))]
(when (or (dom/left-mouse? event) (not selected?))
(if (and (kbd/shift? event) selected?)
(st/emit! (dwge/remove-selection (:id shape) (:id cell)))
(st/emit! (dwge/select-grid-cell (:id shape) (:id cell) (kbd/shift? event)))))))
(fn [event]
(dom/prevent-default event)
(dom/stop-propagation event)
(let [position (dom/get-client-position event)]
(st/emit! (dw/show-grid-cell-context-menu {:position position :grid-id (:id shape)})))))]
@ -352,6 +361,7 @@
:width cell-width
:height cell-height
:on-context-menu handle-context-menu
:on-pointer-enter handle-pointer-enter
:on-pointer-leave handle-pointer-leave
:on-pointer-down handle-pointer-down}]
@ -746,12 +756,6 @@
(fn []
(st/emit! (dwsl/hover-layout-track [(:id shape)] type index false))))
(mf/deps (:id shape) type index)
(fn []
(st/emit! (dwsl/remove-layout-track [(:id shape)] type index))))
track-list-prop (if (= type :column) :column-tracks :row-tracks)
[text-x text-y text-width text-height]
(if (= type :column)
@ -776,6 +780,19 @@
(fn [_ position]
(on-move-reorder-track type index position)))
(fn [event]
(dom/stop-propagation event)
(dom/prevent-default event)
(let [position (cond-> (dom/get-client-position event)
(= type :column) (update :y + 40)
(= type :row) (update :x + 30))]
(st/emit! (dw/show-track-context-menu {:position position
:grid-id (:id shape)
:type type
:index index})))))
trackwidth (* text-width zoom)
medium? (and (>= trackwidth small-size-limit) (< trackwidth medium-size-limit))
small? (< trackwidth small-size-limit)
@ -811,6 +828,7 @@
(when (not small?)
[:foreignObject {:x text-x :y text-y :width text-width :height text-height}
[:div {:class (stl/css :grid-editor-wrapper)
:on-context-menu handle-show-track-menu
:on-pointer-down handle-pointer-down
:on-lost-pointer-capture handle-lost-pointer-capture
:on-pointer-move handle-pointer-move}
@ -825,7 +843,7 @@
:on-blur handle-blur-track-input}]
(when (and hovering? (not medium?) (not small?))
[:button {:class (stl/css :grid-editor-button)
:on-click handle-remove-track} i/delete-refactor])]])]
:on-click handle-show-track-menu} i/menu-refactor])]])]
[:g {:transform (when (= type :row) (dm/fmt "rotate(-90 % %)" (:x marker-p) (:y marker-p)))}
[:& track-marker
@ -952,7 +970,7 @@
(mf/deps layout-data)
(fn [type from-idx]
(fn [type _from-idx]
;; Initialize target-tracks
(let [line-vec (if (= type :column) (vv 1) (hv 1))
@ -979,7 +997,7 @@
(fn [type from-idx position]
(fn [_type _from-idx position]
(let [index
(->> (mf/ref-val target-tracks*)
(d/seek (fn [[[p1 p2 v] _]]
@ -991,7 +1009,7 @@
(mf/deps base-shape @drop-track-target*)
(fn [type from-index position move-content?]
(fn [type from-index _position move-content?]
(when-let [to-index @drop-track-target*]
(let [ids [(:id base-shape)]]
Add table
Reference in a new issue