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Add minor performance optimization to all-frames-by-position

This commit is contained in:
Andrey Antukh 2023-08-25 11:06:43 +02:00 committed by Andrés Moya
parent 80826e58ad
commit 9cc7f3c600

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@ -240,6 +240,22 @@
(sort comp ids))))
(defn sort-z-index-objects
([objects items]
(sort-z-index-objects objects items nil))
([objects items {:keys [bottom-frames?]
:or {bottom-frames? false}}]
(fn [obj-a obj-b]
(let [id-a (dm/get-prop obj-a :id)
id-b (dm/get-prop obj-b :id)]
(if (= id-a id-b)
(if ^boolean (is-shape-over-shape? objects id-a id-b bottom-frames?)
(defn frame-id-by-position
([objects position] (frame-id-by-position objects position nil))
([objects position options]
@ -261,9 +277,10 @@
(defn all-frames-by-position
([objects position] (all-frames-by-position objects position nil))
([objects position options]
(->> (get-frames-ids objects options)
(filter #(and position (gsh/has-point? (get objects %) position)))
(sort-z-index objects))))
(->> (get-frames objects options)
(filter #(and ^boolean (some? position)
^boolean (gsh/has-point? % position)))
(sort-z-index-objets objects))))
(defn top-nested-frame
"Search for the top nested frame for positioning shapes when moving or creating.
@ -275,23 +292,24 @@
([objects position excluded]
(assert (or (nil? excluded) (set? excluded)))
(let [frame-ids (cond->> (all-frames-by-position objects position)
(some? excluded)
(remove excluded)
(let [frames (cond->> (all-frames-by-position objects position)
(some? excluded)
(remove (fn [obj]
(let [id (dm/get-prop obj :id)]
(contains? excluded id))))
(remove #(or (dm/get-in objects [% :hidden])
(dm/get-in objects [% :blocked]))))
(remove #(or ^boolean (true? (:hidden %))
^boolean (true? (:blocked %)))))
frame-set (set frame-ids)]
frame-set (into #{} (map #(dm/get-prop % :id)) frames)]
(loop [current-id (first frame-ids)]
(let [current-shape (get objects current-id)
child-frame-id (d/seek #(contains? frame-set %)
(-> (:shapes current-shape) reverse))]
(loop [current-shape (first frames)]
(let [child-frame-id (d/seek #(contains? frame-set %)
(reverse (:shapes current-shape)))]
(if (nil? child-frame-id)
(or current-id uuid/zero)
(recur child-frame-id)))))))
(or (:id current-shape) uuid/zero)
(recur (get objects child-frame-id))))))))
(defn top-nested-frame-ids
"Search the top nested frame in a list of ids"