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Merge pull request #3538 from penpot/hiru-validate-shapes

 Add function to validate shape referential integrity
This commit is contained in:
Pablo Alba 2023-08-23 10:03:38 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 9618bd6697
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
4 changed files with 348 additions and 19 deletions

View file

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.logging :as l]
[app.common.pages.helpers :as cph]
[app.common.pprint :refer [pprint]]
[app.common.types.component :as ctk]
[app.common.types.container :as ctn]
[app.common.types.file :as ctf]
@ -19,6 +20,21 @@
[app.srepl.helpers :as h]
[app.util.blob :as blob]))
(defn validate-file
(let [libs (->> (files/get-file-libraries app.srepl.helpers/*conn* (:id file))
(cons file)
(map #(files/get-file app.srepl.helpers/*conn* (:id %) (:features file)))
(d/index-by :id))
update-page (fn [page]
(let [errors (ctf/validate-shape uuid/zero file page libs)]
(when (seq errors)
(prn "******Errors in file " (:id file) " page " (:id page))
(pprint errors {:level 3}))))]
(update file :data h/update-pages update-page)))
(defn repair-orphaned-shapes
"There are some shapes whose parent has been deleted. This function
detects them and puts them as children of the root node."

View file

@ -122,6 +122,13 @@
[libraries library-id component-id & {:keys [include-deleted?] :or {include-deleted? false}}]
(ctkl/get-component (dm/get-in libraries [library-id :data]) component-id include-deleted?))
(defn resolve-component
"Retrieve the referenced component, from the local file or from a library"
[shape file libraries & params]
(if (= (:component-file shape) (:id file))
(ctkl/get-component (:data file) (:component-id shape) params)
(get-component libraries (:component-file shape) (:component-id shape) params)))
(defn get-component-library
"Retrieve the library the component belongs to."
[libraries instance-root]
@ -162,21 +169,23 @@
(dm/get-in component [:objects shape-id]))))
(defn get-ref-shape
"Retrieve the shape in the component that is referenced by the
instance shape."
"Retrieve the shape in the component that is referenced by the instance shape."
[file-data component shape]
(when (:shape-ref shape)
(get-component-shape file-data component (:shape-ref shape))))
(defn get-component-shapes
"Retrieve all shapes of the component"
[file-data component]
(let [components-v2 (dm/get-in file-data [:options :components-v2])]
(if (and components-v2
(not (:deleted component))) ;; the deleted components have its children in the :objects property
(let [instance-page (get-component-page file-data component)]
(cph/get-children-with-self (:objects instance-page) (:main-instance-id component)))
(vals (:objects component)))))
(defn find-ref-shape
"Locate the near component in the local file or libraries, and retrieve the shape
referenced by the instance shape."
[file page libraries shape]
(let [root-shape (ctn/get-component-shape (:objects page) shape)
component-file (if (= (:component-file root-shape) (:id file))
(get libraries (:component-file root-shape)))
component (when component-file
(ctkl/get-component (:data component-file) (:component-id root-shape)))]
(when component
(get-ref-shape (:data component-file) component shape))))
(defn find-remote-shape
"Recursively go back by the :shape-ref of the shape until find the correct shape of the original component"
@ -190,6 +199,16 @@
(find-remote-shape component-container libraries remote-shape))))
(defn get-component-shapes
"Retrieve all shapes of the component"
[file-data component]
(let [components-v2 (dm/get-in file-data [:options :components-v2])]
(if (and components-v2
(not (:deleted component))) ;; the deleted components have its children in the :objects property
(let [instance-page (get-component-page file-data component)]
(cph/get-children-with-self (:objects instance-page) (:main-instance-id component)))
(vals (:objects component)))))
;; Return true if the object is a component that exists on the file or its libraries (even a deleted one)
(defn is-known-component?
[shape libraries]
@ -583,7 +602,6 @@
(d/not-empty? used-typographies)
(absorb-typographies used-typographies))))
;; Debug helpers
(declare dump-shape-component-info)
@ -838,3 +856,283 @@
(when-not (:deleted component)
(dump-page page file libraries* (assoc flags :root-id (:id root))))))))))))))))
;; Validation
(declare validate-shape)
(defn validate-parent-children
"Validate parent and children exists, and the link is bidirectional."
[shape file page report-error]
(let [parent (ctst/get-shape page (:parent-id shape))]
(if (nil? parent)
(report-error :parent-not-found
(str/format "Parent %s not found" (:parent-id shape))
shape file page)
(when-not (cph/root? shape)
(when-not (some #{(:id shape)} (:shapes parent))
(report-error :child-not-in-parent
(str/format "Shape %s not in parent's children list" (:id shape))
shape file page)))
(doseq [child-id (:shapes shape)]
(when (nil? (ctst/get-shape page child-id))
(report-error :child-not-found
(str/format "Child %s not found" child-id)
shape file page)))))))
(defn validate-component-main-head
"Validate shape is a main instance head, component exists and its main-instance points to this shape."
[shape file page libraries report-error]
(when (nil? (:main-instance shape))
(report-error :component-not-main
(str/format "Shape expected to be main instance")
shape file page))
(let [component (resolve-component shape file libraries {:include-deleted? true})]
(if (nil? component)
(report-error :component-not-found
(str/format "Component %s not found in file" (:component-id shape) (:component-file shape))
shape file page)
(when-not (= (:main-instance-id component) (:id shape))
(report-error :invalid-main-instance-id
(str/format "Main instance id of component %s is not valid" (:component-id shape))
shape file page))
(when-not (= (:main-instance-page component) (:id page))
(report-error :invalid-main-instance-page
(str/format "Main instance page of component %s is not valid" (:component-id shape))
shape file page))))))
(defn validate-component-not-main-head
"Validate shape is a not-main instance head, component exists and its main-instance does not point to this shape."
[shape file page libraries report-error]
(when (some? (:main-instance shape))
(report-error :component-not-main
(str/format "Shape not expected to be main instance")
shape file page))
(let [component (resolve-component shape file libraries {:include-deleted? true})]
(if (nil? component)
(report-error :component-not-found
(str/format "Component %s not found in file" (:component-id shape) (:component-file shape))
shape file page)
(when (and (= (:main-instance-id component) (:id shape))
(= (:main-instance-page component) (:id page)))
(report-error :invalid-main-instance
(str/format "Main instance of component %s should not be this shape" (:id component))
shape file page))))))
(defn validate-component-not-main-not-head
"Validate that this shape is not main instance and not head."
[shape file page report-error]
(when (some? (:main-instance shape))
(report-error :component-main
(str/format "Shape not expected to be main instance")
shape file page))
(when (or (some? (:component-id shape))
(some? (:component-file shape)))
(report-error :component-main
(str/format "Shape not expected to be component head")
shape file page)))
(defn validate-component-root
"Validate that this shape is an instance root."
[shape file page report-error]
(when (nil? (:component-root shape))
(report-error :missing-component-root
(str/format "Shape should be component root")
shape file page)))
(defn validate-component-not-root
"Validate that this shape is not an instance root."
[shape file page report-error]
(when (some? (:component-root shape))
(report-error :missing-component-root
(str/format "Shape should not be component root")
shape file page)))
(defn validate-component-ref
"Validate that the referenced shape exists in the near component."
[shape file page libraries report-error]
(let [ref-shape (find-ref-shape file page libraries shape)]
(when (nil? ref-shape)
(report-error :missing-component-root
(str/format "Referenced shape %s not found in near component" (:shape-ref shape))
shape file page))))
(defn validate-component-not-ref
"Validate that this shape does not reference other one."
[shape file page report-error]
(when (some? (:shape-ref shape))
(report-error :shape-ref-in-main
(str/format "Shape inside main instance should not have shape-ref")
shape file page)))
(defn validate-shape-main-root-top
"Root shape of a top main instance
[shape file page libraries report-error]
(validate-component-main-head shape file page libraries report-error)
(validate-component-root shape file page report-error)
(validate-component-not-ref shape file page report-error)
(doseq [child-id (:shapes shape)]
(validate-shape child-id file page libraries :context :main-top :report-error report-error)))
(defn validate-shape-main-root-nested
"Root shape of a nested main instance
[shape file page libraries report-error]
(validate-component-main-head shape file page libraries report-error)
(validate-component-not-root shape file page report-error)
(validate-component-not-ref shape file page report-error)
(doseq [child-id (:shapes shape)]
(validate-shape child-id file page libraries :context :main-nested :report-error report-error)))
(defn validate-shape-copy-root-top
"Root shape of a top copy instance
[shape file page libraries report-error]
(validate-component-not-main-head shape file page libraries report-error)
(validate-component-root shape file page report-error)
(validate-component-ref shape file page libraries report-error)
(doseq [child-id (:shapes shape)]
(validate-shape child-id file page libraries :context :copy-top :report-error report-error)))
(defn validate-shape-copy-root-nested
"Root shape of a nested copy instance
[shape file page libraries report-error]
(validate-component-not-main-head shape file page libraries report-error)
(validate-component-not-root shape file page report-error)
(validate-component-ref shape file page libraries report-error)
(doseq [child-id (:shapes shape)]
(validate-shape child-id file page libraries :context :copy-nested :report-error report-error)))
(defn validate-shape-main-not-root
"Not-root shape of a main instance
(not any attribute)"
[shape file page libraries report-error]
(validate-component-not-main-not-head shape file page report-error)
(validate-component-not-root shape file page report-error)
(validate-component-not-ref shape file page report-error)
(doseq [child-id (:shapes shape)]
(validate-shape child-id file page libraries :context :main-any :report-error report-error)))
(defn validate-shape-copy-not-root
"Not-root shape of a copy instance
[shape file page libraries report-error]
(validate-component-not-main-not-head shape file page report-error)
(validate-component-not-root shape file page report-error)
(validate-component-ref shape file page libraries report-error)
(doseq [child-id (:shapes shape)]
(validate-shape child-id file page libraries :context :copy-any :report-error report-error)))
(defn validate-shape-not-component
"Shape is not in a component or is a fostered children
(not any attribute)"
[shape file page libraries report-error]
(validate-component-not-main-not-head shape file page report-error)
(validate-component-not-root shape file page report-error)
(validate-component-not-ref shape file page report-error)
(doseq [child-id (:shapes shape)]
(validate-shape child-id file page libraries :context :not-component :report-error report-error)))
(defn validate-shape
"Validate referential integrity and semantic coherence of a shape and all its children.
The context is the situation of the parent in respect to components:
[shape-id file page libraries & {:keys [context throw? report-error]
:or {context :not-component throw? false}}]
(let [shape (ctst/get-shape page shape-id)
errors (volatile! [])
report-error (or report-error
(fn [code msg shape file page]
(if throw?
(throw (ex-info msg {:type :validation
:code code
:hint msg
::explain (str/format "file %s\npage %s\nshape %s"
(:id file)
(:id page)
(:id shape))}))
(vswap! errors conj {:hint msg
:code code
:shape shape
:file file
:page page}))))]
(dm/assert! (str/format "Shape %s not found" shape-id) (some? shape))
(validate-parent-children shape file page report-error)
(if (ctk/main-instance? shape)
(if (ctk/instance-root? shape)
(if (not= context :not-component)
(report-error :root-main-not-allowed
(str/format "Root main component not allowed inside other component")
shape file page)
(validate-shape-main-root-top shape file page libraries report-error))
(if (= context :not-component)
(report-error :nested-main-not-allowed
(str/format "Nested main component only allowed inside other component")
shape file page)
(validate-shape-main-root-nested shape file page libraries report-error)))
(if (ctk/instance-head? shape)
(if (ctk/instance-root? shape)
(if (not= context :not-component)
(report-error :root-copy-not-allowed
(str/format "Root copy not allowed inside other component")
shape file page)
(validate-shape-copy-root-top shape file page libraries report-error))
(if (= context :not-component)
(report-error :nested-copy-not-allowed
(str/format "Nested copy only allowed inside other component")
shape file page)
(validate-shape-copy-root-nested shape file page libraries report-error)))
(if (ctn/component-main? (:objects page) shape)
(if-not (#{:main-top :main-nested :main-any} context)
(report-error :not-head-main-not-allowed
(str/format "Non-root main only allowed inside a main component")
shape file page)
(validate-shape-main-not-root shape file page libraries report-error))
(if (ctk/in-component-copy? shape)
(if-not (#{:copy-top :copy-nested :copy-any} context)
(report-error :not-head-copy-not-allowed
(str/format "Non-root copy only allowed inside a copy")
shape file page)
(validate-shape-copy-not-root shape file page libraries report-error))
(if (#{:main-top :main-nested :main-any} context)
(report-error :not-component-not-allowed
(str/format "Not compoments are not allowed inside a main")
shape file page)
(validate-shape-not-component shape file page libraries report-error))))))

View file

@ -18,20 +18,20 @@
(t/is (some? (:shape-ref shape)))
(t/is (some? (:component-id shape)))
(t/is (= (:component-root? shape) true)))
(t/is (= (:component-root shape) true)))
(defn check-instance-subroot
(t/is (some? (:shape-ref shape)))
(t/is (some? (:component-id shape)))
(t/is (nil? (:component-root? shape))))
(t/is (nil? (:component-root shape))))
(defn check-instance-child
(t/is (some? (:shape-ref shape)))
(t/is (nil? (:component-id shape)))
(t/is (nil? (:component-file shape)))
(t/is (nil? (:component-root? shape))))
(t/is (nil? (:component-root shape))))
(defn check-instance-inner
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
(t/is (nil? (:shape-ref shape)))
(t/is (nil? (:component-id shape)))
(t/is (nil? (:component-file shape)))
(t/is (nil? (:component-root? shape)))
(t/is (nil? (:component-root shape)))
(t/is (nil? (:remote-synced? shape)))
(t/is (nil? (:touched shape))))

View file

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
(ns debug
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.logging :as l]
[app.common.math :as mth]
[app.common.transit :as t]
@ -421,6 +422,23 @@
(st/emit! (dw/set-workspace-read-only read-only?)))
;; Validation and repair
(defn ^:export validate
([] (validate nil))
(let [file (assoc (get @st/state :workspace-file)
:data (get @st/state :workspace-data))
page (dm/get-in file [:data :pages-index (get @st/state :current-page-id)])
libraries (get @st/state :workspace-libraries)
errors (ctf/validate-shape (or shape-id uuid/zero)
(clj->js errors))))
(defn ^:export fix-orphan-shapes
(st/emit! (dw/fix-orphan-shapes)))
@ -433,12 +451,10 @@
[id shape-ref]
(st/emit! (dw/set-shape-ref id shape-ref)))
(defn ^:export list-available-snapshots
(let [file-id (d/parse-uuid file-id)]
@ -453,7 +469,6 @@
(update row :id str))))]
(js/console.table (clj->js result))))))))
(defn ^:export take-snapshot
[file-id label]
(let [file-id (d/parse-uuid file-id)]