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mirror of https://github.com/penpot/penpot.git synced 2025-03-12 07:41:43 -05:00

Improved geometry for rects

This commit is contained in:
alonso.torres 2021-02-23 21:26:31 +01:00 committed by Andrey Antukh
parent 23d531a664
commit 94c5004c33
7 changed files with 228 additions and 88 deletions

View file

@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
(toString [_]
(str "matrix(" a "," b "," c "," d "," e "," f ")")))
(defonce matrix-regex #"matrix\((.*),(.*),(.*),(.*),(.*),(.*)\)")
(defn matrix
"Create a new matrix instance."
@ -32,13 +30,6 @@
([a b c d e f]
(Matrix. a b c d e f)))
(defn parse-matrix [mtx]
(let [[_ a b c d e f] (re-matches matrix-regex mtx)]
(->> [a b c d e f]
(map str/trim)
(map d/parse-double)
(apply matrix))))
(defn multiply
([{m1a :a m1b :b m1c :c m1d :d m1e :e m1f :f}
{m2a :a m2b :b m2c :c m2d :d m2e :e m2f :f}]
@ -64,8 +55,6 @@
(instance? Matrix v))
(def base (matrix))
(defn base?

View file

@ -204,6 +204,11 @@
(defn to-vec [p1 p2]
(subtract p2 p1))
(defn scale [v scalar]
(-> v
(update :x * scalar)
(update :y * scalar)))
(defn dot [{x1 :x y1 :y} {x2 :x y2 :y}]
(+ (* x1 x2) (* y1 y2)))

View file

@ -41,13 +41,6 @@
(nil? tag) "node"
:else (str tag))))
(defn fix-dot-number
"Fixes decimal numbers starting in dot but without leading 0"
(if (str/starts-with? num-str ".")
(str "0" num-str)
(defn setup-fill [shape]
(cond-> shape
;; Color present as attribute
@ -97,7 +90,8 @@
(-> (update-in [:svg-attrs :style] dissoc :stroke-width)
(assoc :stroke-width (-> (get-in shape [:svg-attrs :style :stroke-width])
(if (d/any-key? shape :stroke-color :stroke-opacity :stroke-width)
#_(if (d/any-key? shape :stroke-color :stroke-opacity :stroke-width)
(merge default-stroke shape)
@ -131,14 +125,13 @@
(assoc :svg-attrs (-> (:attrs svg-data)
(dissoc :viewBox :xmlns))))))
(defn apply-svg-transform [content transform-str]
(let [transform (gmt/parse-matrix transform-str)]
(gsh/transform-content content transform)))
(defn create-path-shape [name frame-id svg-data {:keys [attrs] :as data}]
(let [content (cond-> (ugp/path->content (:d attrs))
(contains? attrs :transform)
(apply-svg-transform (:transform attrs)))
(let [svg-transform (usvg/parse-transform (:transform attrs))
content (cond-> (ugp/path->content (:d attrs))
(gsh/transform-content svg-transform))
attrs (d/update-when attrs :transform #(-> (usvg/parse-transform %) str))
selrect (gsh/content->selrect content)
points (gsh/rect->points selrect)]
@ -151,7 +144,8 @@
:points points}
(assoc :svg-viewbox (select-keys selrect [:x :y :width :height]))
(assoc :svg-attrs (dissoc attrs :d :transform))
#_(gsh/translate-to-frame svg-data))))
(assoc :svg-transform svg-transform)
(gsh/translate-to-frame svg-data))))
(defn create-group [name frame-id svg-data {:keys [attrs]}]
(let [{:keys [x y width height]} svg-data]
@ -208,37 +202,42 @@
(ptk/reify ::svg-uploaded
(watch [_ state stream]
(let [page-id (:current-page-id state)
objects (dwc/lookup-page-objects state page-id)
frame-id (cp/frame-id-by-position objects {:x x :y y})
selected (get-in state [:workspace-local :selected])
(let [page-id (:current-page-id state)
objects (dwc/lookup-page-objects state page-id)
frame-id (cp/frame-id-by-position objects {:x x :y y})
selected (get-in state [:workspace-local :selected])
[width height] (svg-dimensions svg-data)
x (- x (/ width 2))
y (- y (/ height 2))
[width height] (svg-dimensions svg-data)
x (- x (/ width 2))
y (- y (/ height 2))
unames (dwc/retrieve-used-names objects)
unames (dwc/retrieve-used-names objects)
svg-name (->> (str/replace (:name svg-data) ".svg" "")
(dwc/generate-unique-name unames))
svg-name (->> (str/replace (:name svg-data) ".svg" "")
(dwc/generate-unique-name unames))
ids-mappings (usvg/generate-id-mapping svg-data)
svg-data (-> svg-data
(assoc :x x
:y y
:width width
:height height
:name svg-name))
ids-mappings (usvg/generate-id-mapping svg-data)
svg-data (-> svg-data
(assoc :x x
:y y
:width width
:height height
:name svg-name))
[def-nodes svg-data] (usvg/extract-defs svg-data)
svg-data (assoc svg-data :defs def-nodes)
[def-nodes svg-data] (usvg/extract-defs svg-data)
svg-data (assoc svg-data :defs def-nodes)
root-shape (create-svg-root frame-id svg-data)
root-id (:id root-shape)
root-shape (create-svg-root frame-id svg-data)
root-id (:id root-shape)
changes (dwc/add-shape-changes page-id objects selected root-shape)
changes (dwc/add-shape-changes page-id objects selected root-shape)
reducer-fn (partial add-svg-child-changes page-id objects selected frame-id root-id svg-data ids-mappings)
[_ [rchanges uchanges]] (reduce reducer-fn [unames changes] (d/enumerate (:content svg-data)))]
(rx/of (dwc/commit-changes rchanges uchanges {:commit-local? true})
(dwc/select-shapes (d/ordered-set root-id)))))))
reducer-fn (partial add-svg-child-changes page-id objects selected frame-id root-id svg-data ids-mappings)
[_ [rchanges uchanges]] (reduce reducer-fn [unames changes] (d/enumerate (:content svg-data)))]
(rx/of (dwc/commit-changes rchanges uchanges {:commit-local? true})
(dwc/select-shapes (d/ordered-set root-id))))
(catch :default e
(.error js/console e))

View file

@ -85,7 +85,8 @@
;; If contains svg-attrs the origin is svg. If it's not svg origin
;; we setup the default fill as transparent (instead of black)
(not (contains? shape :svg-attrs))
(and (not (contains? shape :svg-attrs))
(not (= :svg-raw (:type shape))))
{:fill "transparent"}

View file

@ -84,12 +84,17 @@
(mf/defc svg-defs [{:keys [shape render-id]}]
(let [svg-defs (:svg-defs shape)
_ (when (:svg-transform shape) (.log js/console (str (:svg-transform shape))))
transform (mf/use-memo
(mf/deps shape)
#(if (= :svg-raw (:type shape))
(usvg/svg-transform-matrix shape)))
;;transform (gmt/multiply
;; transform
;; (:svg-transform shape (gmt/matrix)))
(fn [id]
(cond->> id

View file

@ -15,8 +15,17 @@
[app.util.a2c :refer [a2c]]
[app.util.data :as d]
[app.util.geom.path-impl-simplify :as impl-simplify]
[app.util.svg :as usvg]
[cuerdas.core :as str]))
(defn calculate-opposite-handler
"Given a point and its handler, gives the symetric handler"
[point handler]
(let [handler-vector (gpt/to-vec point handler)]
(gpt/add point (gpt/negate handler-vector))))
(defn simplify
(simplify points 0.1))
@ -33,11 +42,6 @@
(def flag-regex #"[01]")
(defn fix-dot-number [val]
(if (str/starts-with? val ".")
(str "0" val)
(defn extract-params [cmd-str extract-commands]
(loop [result []
extract-idx 0
@ -51,7 +55,7 @@
match (re-find regex remain)]
(if match
(let [value (-> match first fix-dot-number d/read-string)
(let [value (-> match first usvg/fix-dot-number d/read-string)
remain (str/replace-first remain regex "")
current (assoc current param value)
extract-idx (inc extract-idx)
@ -144,8 +148,8 @@
(defmethod parse-command "S" [cmd]
(let [relative (str/starts-with? cmd "s")
param-list (extract-params cmd [[:c1x :number]
[:c2y :number]
param-list (extract-params cmd [[:cx :number]
[:cy :number]
[:x :number]
[:y :number]])]
(for [params param-list]
@ -155,8 +159,8 @@
(defmethod parse-command "Q" [cmd]
(let [relative (str/starts-with? cmd "s")
param-list (extract-params cmd [[:c1x :number]
[:c1y :number]
param-list (extract-params cmd [[:cx :number]
[:cy :number]
[:x :number]
[:y :number]])]
(for [params param-list]
@ -203,12 +207,13 @@
param-list (command->param-list entry)]
(str/fmt "%s%s" command-str (str/join " " param-list))))
(defn cmd-pos [{:keys [params]}]
(when (and (contains? params :x)
(contains? params :y))
(gpt/point params)))
(defn cmd-pos [prev-pos {:keys [relative params]}]
(let [{:keys [x y] :or {x (:x prev-pos) y (:y prev-pos)}} params]
(if relative
(-> prev-pos (update :x + x) (update :y + y))
(gpt/point x y))))
(defn arc->beziers [prev command]
(defn arc->beziers [from-p command]
(let [to-command
(fn [[_ _ c1x c1y c2x c2y x y]]
{:command :curve-to
@ -217,7 +222,7 @@
:c2x c2x :c2y c2y
:x x :y y}})
{from-x :x from-y :y} (:params prev)
{from-x :x from-y :y} from-p
{:keys [rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y]} (:params command)
result (a2c from-x from-y x y large-arc-flag sweep-flag rx ry x-axis-rotation)]
@ -227,35 +232,99 @@
"Removes some commands and convert relative to absolute coordinates"
(let [simplify-command
(let [smooth->curve (fn [{:keys [params]} pos]
{:c1x (:x pos)
:c1y (:y pos)
:c2x (:cx params)
:c2y (:cy params)})
quadratic->curve (fn [{:keys [params]} pos]
(let [sp (gpt/point (:x pos) (:y pos)) ;; start point
ep (gpt/point (:x params) (:y params)) ;; end-point
cp (gpt/point (:cx params) (:cy params)) ;; control-point
cp1 (-> (gpt/to-vec sp cp)
(gpt/scale (/ 2 3))
(gpt/add sp))
cp2 (-> (gpt/to-vec ep cp)
(gpt/scale (/ 2 3))
(gpt/add ep))]
{:c1x (:x cp1)
:c1y (:y cp1)
:c2x (:x cp2)
:c2y (:y cp2)}))
smooth-quadratic->curve (fn [cmd {:keys [params]} pos]
(let [point (gpt/point (:x params) (:y params))
handler (gpt/point (:cx params) (:cy params))
oh (calculate-opposite-handler point handler)]
(quadratic->curve (update cmd :params assoc :cx (:x oh) :cy (:y oh)) pos)))
(fn [[pos result] [command prev]]
(let [command
(cond-> command
(:relative command)
(-> (assoc :relative false)
(cd/update-in-when [:params :c1x] + (:x pos))
(cd/update-in-when [:params :c1y] + (:y pos))
(cd/update-in-when [:params :c2x] + (:x pos))
(cd/update-in-when [:params :c2y] + (:y pos))
(cd/update-in-when [:params :cx] + (:x pos))
(cd/update-in-when [:params :cy] + (:y pos))
(cd/update-in-when [:params :x] + (:x pos))
(cd/update-in-when [:params :y] + (:y pos))
(= :line-to-horizontal (:command command))
(cd/update-in-when [:params :value] + (:x pos))
(= :line-to-vertical (:command command))
(cd/update-in-when [:params :value] + (:y pos)))))
params (:params command)
(cond-> command
(= :line-to-horizontal (:command command))
(-> (assoc :command :line-to)
(update :params dissoc :value)
(assoc-in [:params :x] (get-in command [:params :value]))
(assoc-in [:params :y] (if (:relative command) 0 (:y pos))))
(assoc-in [:params :x] (:value params))
(assoc-in [:params :y] (:y pos)))
(= :line-to-vertical (:command command))
(-> (assoc :command :line-to)
(update :params dissoc :value)
(assoc-in [:params :y] (get-in command [:params :value]))
(assoc-in [:params :x] (if (:relative command) 0 (:x pos))))
(assoc-in [:params :y] (:value params))
(assoc-in [:params :x] (:x pos)))
(:relative command)
(-> (assoc :relative false)
(cd/update-in-when [:params :x] + (:x pos))
(cd/update-in-when [:params :y] + (:y pos))))
(= :smooth-curve-to (:command command))
(-> (assoc :command :curve-to)
(update :params dissoc :cx :cy)
(update :params merge (smooth->curve command pos)))
(= :quadratic-bezier-curve-to (:command command))
(-> (assoc :command :curve-to)
(update :params dissoc :cx :cy)
(update :params merge (quadratic->curve command pos)))
(= :smooth-quadratic-bezier-curve-to (:command command))
(-> (assoc :command :curve-to)
(update :params merge (smooth-quadratic->curve command prev pos))))
result #_(conj result command)
(if (= :elliptical-arc (:command command))
(cd/concat result (arc->beziers prev command))
(conj result command))]
[(cmd-pos command) result]))
(cd/concat result (arc->beziers pos command))
(conj result command))]
[(cmd-pos pos command) result]))
start (first commands)
start-pos (cmd-pos start)]
start-pos (gpt/point (:params start))]
(->> (map vector (rest commands) commands)

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
(ns app.util.svg
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.common.data :as cd]
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.geom.matrix :as gmt]
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.geom.shapes :as gsh]
@ -22,6 +22,19 @@
(->> (re-seq replace-regex val)
(mapv second)))
(defn fix-dot-number
"Fixes decimal numbers starting in dot but without leading 0"
(str/starts-with? num-str ".")
(str "0" num-str)
(str/starts-with? num-str "-.")
(str "-0" (subs num-str 1))
(defn clean-attrs
"Transforms attributes to their react equivalent"
@ -59,7 +72,7 @@
(letfn [(update-ids [key val]
(map? val)
(cd/mapm update-ids val)
(d/mapm update-ids val)
(= key :id)
(replace-fn val)
@ -69,7 +82,7 @@
(fn [result it]
(str/replace result it (replace-fn it)))]
(reduce replace-id val (extract-ids val)))))]
(cd/mapm update-ids attrs)))
(d/mapm update-ids attrs)))
(defn replace-attrs-ids
"Replaces the ids inside a property"
@ -119,7 +132,7 @@
(defn find-node-references [node]
(let [current (->> (find-attr-references (:attrs node)) (into #{}))
children (->> (:content node) (map find-node-references) (flatten) (into #{}))]
(-> (cd/concat current children)
(-> (d/concat current children)
(defn find-def-references [defs references]
@ -141,7 +154,7 @@
(let [node (get defs to-check)
new-refs (find-node-references node)]
(recur (cd/concat result new-refs)
(recur (d/concat result new-refs)
(conj checked? to-check)
(first pending)
(rest pending))))))
@ -166,3 +179,62 @@
;; :else
;; Parse transform attributes to native matrix format so we can transform paths instead of
;; relying in SVG transformation. This is necessary to import SVG's and not to break path tooling
;; Transforms spec:
;; https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/single-page.html#coords-TransformAttribute
(def matrices-regex #"(matrix|translate|scale|rotate|skewX|skewY)\(([^\)]*)\)")
(def params-regex #"[+-]?\d*(\.\d+)?(e[+-]?\d+)?")
(defn format-translate-params [params]
(assert (or (= (count params) 1) (= (count params) 2)))
(if (= (count params) 1)
[(gpt/point (nth params 0))]
[(gpt/point (nth params 0) (nth params 1))]))
(defn format-scale-params [params]
(assert (or (= (count params) 1) (= (count params) 2)))
(if (= (count params) 1)
[(gpt/point (nth params 0))]
[(gpt/point (nth params 0) (nth params 1))]))
(defn format-rotate-params [params]
(assert (or (= (count params) 1) (= (count params) 3)) (str "??" (count params)))
(if (= (count params) 1)
[(nth params 0)]
[(nth params 0) (gpt/point (nth params 1) (nth params 2))]))
(defn format-skew-x-params [params]
(assert (= (count params) 1))
[(nth params 0) 0])
(defn format-skew-y-params [params]
(assert (= (count params) 1))
[0 (nth params 0)])
(defn to-matrix [{:keys [type params]}]
(assert (#{"matrix" "translate" "scale" "rotate" "skewX" "skewY"} type))
(case type
"matrix" (apply gmt/matrix params)
"translate" (apply gmt/translate-matrix (format-translate-params params))
"scale" (apply gmt/scale-matrix (format-scale-params params))
"rotate" (apply gmt/rotate-matrix (format-rotate-params params))
"skewX" (apply gmt/skew-matrix (format-skew-x-params params))
"skewY" (apply gmt/skew-matrix (format-skew-y-params params))))
(defn parse-transform [transform-attr]
(when transform-attr
(let [process-matrix
(fn [[_ type params]]
(let [params (->> (re-seq params-regex params)
(filter #(-> % first empty? not))
(map (comp d/parse-double first)))]
{:type type :params params}))
matrices (->> (re-seq matrices-regex transform-attr)
(map process-matrix)
(map to-matrix))]
(reduce gmt/multiply (gmt/matrix) matrices))))