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mirror of https://github.com/penpot/penpot.git synced 2025-03-17 10:11:22 -05:00

Simplify SVGO module API

This commit is contained in:
Andrey Antukh 2024-01-14 20:53:03 +01:00
parent 4fc391763e
commit 944d167bbb
6 changed files with 205 additions and 237 deletions

View file

@ -209,7 +209,6 @@
(s/def ::telemetry-uri ::us/string)
(s/def ::telemetry-with-taiga ::us/boolean)
(s/def ::tenant ::us/string)
(s/def ::svgo-max-procs ::us/integer)
(s/def ::config
(s/keys :opt-un [::secret-key
@ -329,9 +328,7 @@
(def default-flags

View file

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
[app.common.types.shape-tree :as ctst]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.db :as db]
[app.db.sql :as sql]
[app.features.fdata :as fdata]
[app.http.sse :as sse]
[app.media :as media]
@ -41,6 +42,7 @@
[app.storage.tmp :as tmp]
[app.svgo :as svgo]
[app.util.blob :as blob]
[app.util.cache :as cache]
[app.util.pointer-map :as pmap]
[app.util.time :as dt]
[buddy.core.codecs :as bc]
@ -52,20 +54,19 @@
"A dynamic var for setting up state for collect stats globally."
(def ^:dynamic *skip-on-error*
"A dynamic var for setting up the default error behavior."
(def ^:dynamic *cache*
"A dynamic var for setting up a cache instance."
(def ^:dynamic *skip-on-graphic-error*
"A dynamic var for setting up the default error behavior for graphics processing."
(def ^:dynamic ^:private *system*
"An internal var for making the current `system` available to all
internal functions without the need to explicitly pass it top down."
(def ^:dynamic ^:private *max-procs*
"A dynamic variable that can optionally indicates the maxumum number
of concurrent graphics migration processes."
(def ^:dynamic ^:private *file-stats*
"An internal dynamic var for collect stats by file."
@ -576,37 +577,30 @@
(defn- collect-and-persist-images
[svg-data file-id]
(letfn [(process-image [{:keys [href] :as item}]
(let [item (if (str/starts-with? href "data:")
(let [[mtype data] (parse-datauri href)
size (alength data)
path (tmp/tempfile :prefix "penpot.media.download.")
written (io/write-to-file! data path :size size)]
(let [item (if (str/starts-with? href "data:")
(let [[mtype data] (parse-datauri href)
size (alength data)
path (tmp/tempfile :prefix "penpot.media.download.")
written (io/write-to-file! data path :size size)]
(when (not= written size)
(ex/raise :type :internal
:code :mismatch-write-size
:hint "unexpected state: unable to write to file"))
(when (not= written size)
(ex/raise :type :internal
:code :mismatch-write-size
:hint "unexpected state: unable to write to file"))
(-> item
(assoc :size size)
(assoc :path path)
(assoc :filename "tempfile")
(assoc :mtype mtype)))
(-> item
(assoc :size size)
(assoc :path path)
(assoc :filename "tempfile")
(assoc :mtype mtype)))
(let [result (cmd.media/download-image *system* href)]
(-> (merge item result)
(assoc :name (extract-name href)))))]
(let [result (cmd.media/download-image *system* href)]
(-> (merge item result)
(assoc :name (extract-name href)))))]
;; The media processing adds the data to the
;; input map and returns it.
(media/run {:cmd :info :input item}))
(catch Throwable cause
(l/warn :hint "unexpected exception on processing internal image shape (skiping)"
:cause cause)
(when-not *skip-on-error*
(throw cause)))))
;; The media processing adds the data to the
;; input map and returns it.
(media/run {:cmd :info :input item})))
(persist-image [acc {:keys [path size width height mtype href] :as item}]
(let [storage (::sto/storage *system*)
@ -642,23 +636,36 @@
(completing persist-image) {}))]
(assoc svg-data :image-data images))))
(defn- get-svg-content
(defn- resolve-sobject-id
(let [fmobject (db/get *system* :file-media-object {:id id}
{::db/check-deleted false
::db/remove-deleted false
::sql/columns [:media-id]})]
(:media-id fmobject)))
(defn- get-sobject-content
(let [storage (::sto/storage *system*)
conn (::db/conn *system*)
fmobject (db/get conn :file-media-object {:id id})
sobject (sto/get-object storage (:media-id fmobject))]
sobject (sto/get-object storage id)]
(with-open [stream (sto/get-object-data storage sobject)]
(slurp stream))))
(defn- create-shapes-for-svg
[{:keys [id] :as mobj} file-id objects frame-id position]
(let [svg-text (get-svg-content id)
svg-text (svgo/optimize *system* svg-text)
svg-data (-> (csvg/parse svg-text)
(assoc :name (:name mobj))
(collect-and-persist-images file-id))]
(let [get-svg (fn [sid]
(let [svg-text (get-sobject-content sid)
svg-text (svgo/optimize *system* svg-text)]
(-> (csvg/parse svg-text)
(assoc :name (:name mobj)))))
sid (resolve-sobject-id id)
svg-data (if (cache/cache? *cache*)
(cache/get *cache* sid get-svg)
(get-svg sid))
svg-data (collect-and-persist-images file-id)]
(sbuilder/create-svg-shapes svg-data position objects frame-id frame-id #{} false)))
@ -717,42 +724,34 @@
(defn- create-media-grid
[fdata page-id frame-id grid media-group]
(let [process (fn [mobj position]
(let [position (gpt/add position (gpt/point grid-gap grid-gap))
tp1 (dt/tpoint)]
(process-media-object fdata page-id frame-id mobj position)
(catch Throwable cause
(l/wrn :hint "unable to process file media object (skiping)"
:file-id (str (:id fdata))
:id (str (:id mobj))
:cause cause)
(if-not *skip-on-error*
(throw cause)
(l/trc :hint "graphic processed"
:file-id (str (:id fdata))
:media-id (str (:id mobj))
:elapsed (dt/format-duration (tp1)))))))]
(letfn [(process [fdata mobj position]
(let [position (gpt/add position (gpt/point grid-gap grid-gap))
tp (dt/tpoint)]
(let [changes (process-media-object fdata page-id frame-id mobj position)]
(cp/process-changes fdata changes false))
(catch Throwable cause
(if *skip-on-graphic-error*
(l/wrn :hint "unable to process file media object (skiping)"
:file-id (str (:id fdata))
:id (str (:id mobj))
:cause cause)
(throw cause))
(let [elapsed (tp)]
(l/trc :hint "graphic processed"
:file-id (str (:id fdata))
:media-id (str (:id mobj))
:elapsed (dt/format-duration elapsed)))))))]
(->> (d/zip media-group grid)
(partition-all (or *max-procs* 1))
(mapcat (fn [partition]
(->> partition
(map (fn [[mobj position]]
(sse/tap {:type :migration-progress
:section :graphics
:name (:name mobj)})
(p/vthread (process mobj position))))
(map deref)
(filter some?)
(reduce (fn [fdata changes]
(-> (assoc-in fdata [:options :components-v2] true)
(cp/process-changes changes false)))
(reduce (fn [fdata [mobj position]]
(sse/tap {:type :migration-progress
:section :graphics
:name (:name mobj)})
(or (process fdata mobj position) fdata))
(assoc-in fdata [:options :components-v2] true)))))
(defn- migrate-graphics
@ -832,17 +831,12 @@
(defn- validate-file!
[file libs throw-on-validate?]
(cfv/validate-file! file libs)
(cfv/validate-file-schema! file)
(catch Throwable cause
(if throw-on-validate?
(throw cause)
(l/wrn :hint "migrate:file:validation-error" :cause cause)))))
[file libs]
(cfv/validate-file! file libs)
(cfv/validate-file-schema! file))
(defn- process-file
[{:keys [::db/conn] :as system} id & {:keys [validate? throw-on-validate?]}]
[{:keys [::db/conn] :as system} id & {:keys [validate?]}]
(let [file (get-file system id)
libs (->> (files/get-file-libraries conn id)
@ -855,7 +849,7 @@
(update :features conj "components/v2"))
_ (when validate?
(validate-file! file libs throw-on-validate?))
(validate-file! file libs))
file (if (contains? (:features file) "fdata/objects-map")
(fdata/enable-objects-map file)
@ -901,10 +895,10 @@
(defn migrate-file!
[system file-id & {:keys [validate? throw-on-validate? max-procs]}]
(let [tpoint (dt/tpoint)]
[system file-id & {:keys [validate? skip-on-graphic-error?]}]
(let [tpoint (dt/tpoint)]
(binding [*file-stats* (atom {})
*max-procs* max-procs]
*skip-on-graphic-error* skip-on-graphic-error?]
(l/dbg :hint "migrate:file:start" :file-id (str file-id))
@ -913,9 +907,7 @@
(fn [system]
(binding [*system* system]
(fsnap/take-file-snapshot! system {:file-id file-id :label "migration/components-v2"})
(process-file system file-id
:validate? validate?
:throw-on-validate? throw-on-validate?)))))
(process-file system file-id :validate? validate?)))))
(let [elapsed (tpoint)
components (get @*file-stats* :processed/components 0)
@ -931,7 +923,7 @@
(some-> *team-stats* (swap! update :processed/files (fnil inc 0)))))))))
(defn migrate-team!
[system team-id & {:keys [validate? throw-on-validate? max-procs]}]
[system team-id & {:keys [validate? skip-on-graphic-error?]}]
(l/dbg :hint "migrate:team:start"
:team-id (dm/str team-id))
@ -941,9 +933,8 @@
(fn [system file-id]
(migrate-file! system file-id
:max-procs max-procs
:validate? validate?
:throw-on-validate? throw-on-validate?))
:skip-on-graphics-error? skip-on-graphic-error?))
(fn [{:keys [::db/conn] :as system} {:keys [id features] :as team}]
(let [features (-> features

View file

@ -411,8 +411,7 @@
::migrations (ig/ref :app.migrations/migrations)}
{::wrk/executor (ig/ref ::wrk/executor)
::svgo/max-procs (cf/get :svgo-max-procs)}
{::props (ig/ref ::setup/props)

View file

@ -664,9 +664,7 @@
(case feature
(feat.compv2/migrate-file! options file-id
:max-procs 2
:validate? validate?
:throw-on-validate? true)
:validate? validate?)

View file

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
[app.common.pprint :as pp]
[app.db :as db]
[app.features.components-v2 :as feat]
[app.svgo :as svgo]
[app.util.time :as dt]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[promesa.core :as p]
@ -35,14 +36,10 @@
(fn [_ _ oldv newv]
(when (not= (:processed/files oldv)
(:processed/files newv))
(let [total (:total/files newv)
completed (:processed/files newv)
progress (/ (* completed 100.0) total)
(let [completed (:processed/files newv)
elapsed (tpoint)]
(l/dbg :hint "progress"
:completed (:processed/files newv)
:total (:total/files newv)
:progress (str (int progress) "%")
:elapsed (dt/format-duration elapsed))))))
(defn- report-progress-teams
@ -50,21 +47,13 @@
(fn [_ _ oldv newv]
(when (not= (:processed/teams oldv)
(:processed/teams newv))
(let [total (:total/teams newv)
completed (:processed/teams newv)
progress (/ (* completed 100.0) total)
progress (str (int progress) "%")
(let [completed (:processed/teams newv)
elapsed (dt/format-duration (tpoint))]
(when (fn? on-progress)
(on-progress {:total total
:elapsed elapsed
:completed completed
:progress progress}))
(on-progress {:elapsed elapsed
:completed completed}))
(l/dbg :hint "progress"
:completed completed
:progress progress
:elapsed elapsed)))))
(defn- get-total-files
@ -92,7 +81,6 @@
res (db/exec-one! pool [sql])]
(:count res)))
(defn- mark-team-migration!
[{:keys [::db/pool]} team-id]
;; We execute this out of transaction because we want this
@ -113,24 +101,68 @@
" WHERE id = ?")]
(db/exec-one! pool [sql team-id])))
;; (def ^:private sql:get-teams
;; "SELECT id, features
;; FROM team
;; WHERE deleted_at IS NULL
;; ORDER BY created_at DESC")
;; (def ^:private sql:get-teams
;; "SELECT t.id, t.features,
;; (SELECT count(*)
;; FROM file_media_object AS fmo
;; JOIN file AS f ON (f.id = fmo.file_id)
;; JOIN project AS p ON (p.id = f.project_id)
;; WHERE p.team_id = t.id
;; AND fmo.mtype = 'image/svg+xml'
;; AND fmo.is_local = false) AS graphics
;; FROM team AS t
;; ORDER BY t.created_at DESC")
(def ^:private sql:get-teams
"SELECT id, features
FROM team
WHERE deleted_at IS NULL
ORDER BY created_at ASC")
"WITH teams AS (
SELECT t.id, t.features,
(SELECT count(*)
FROM file_media_object AS fmo
JOIN file AS f ON (f.id = fmo.file_id)
JOIN project AS p ON (p.id = f.project_id)
WHERE p.team_id = t.id
AND fmo.mtype = 'image/svg+xml'
AND fmo.is_local = false) AS graphics
FROM team AS t
SELECT * FROM teams ")
(defn- read-pred
[[op val field]]
(let [field (name field)]
(case op
:lt [(str/ffmt "WHERE % < ?" field) val]
:lte [(str/ffmt "WHERE % <= ?" field) val]
:gt [(str/ffmt "WHERE % > ?" field) val]
:gte [(str/ffmt "WHERE % >= ?" field) val]
:eq [(str/ffmt "WHERE % = ?" field) val]
(defn- get-teams
(->> (db/cursor conn sql:get-teams)
(map feat/decode-row)))
[conn pred]
(let [[sql & params] (read-pred pred)]
(->> (db/cursor conn (apply vector (str sql:get-teams sql) params))
(map feat/decode-row)
(remove (fn [{:keys [features]}]
(or (contains? features "ephimeral/v2-migration")
(contains? features "components/v2"))))
(map :id))))
(defn migrate-file!
[system file-id & {:keys [rollback? max-procs]
:or {rollback? true}}]
[system file-id & {:keys [rollback?] :or {rollback? true}}]
(l/dbg :hint "migrate:start" :rollback rollback?)
(let [tpoint (dt/tpoint)
@ -140,7 +172,7 @@
(binding [feat/*stats* (atom {})]
(-> (assoc system ::db/rollback rollback?)
(feat/migrate-file! file-id :max-procs max-procs))
(feat/migrate-file! file-id))
(-> (deref feat/*stats*)
(assoc :elapsed (dt/format-duration (tpoint))))
@ -153,11 +185,11 @@
(l/dbg :hint "migrate:end" :rollback rollback? :elapsed elapsed)))))))
(defn migrate-team!
[{:keys [::db/pool] :as system} team-id & {:keys [rollback? skip-on-error validate? max-procs]
[{:keys [::db/pool] :as system} team-id & {:keys [rollback? skip-on-graphic-error? validate? skip-mark?]
:or {rollback? true
skip-on-error true
validate? false
max-procs 1}
validate? true
skip-on-graphic-error? false
skip-mark? false}
:as opts}]
(l/dbg :hint "migrate:start" :rollback rollback?)
@ -165,34 +197,30 @@
(let [team-id (if (string? team-id)
(parse-uuid team-id)
total (get-total-files pool :team-id team-id)
stats (atom {:total/files total})
stats (atom {})
tpoint (dt/tpoint)]
(add-watch stats :progress-report (report-progress-files tpoint))
(binding [feat/*stats* stats
feat/*skip-on-error* skip-on-error]
(binding [feat/*stats* stats]
(mark-team-migration! system team-id)
(when-not skip-mark?
(mark-team-migration! system team-id))
(-> (assoc system ::db/rollback rollback?)
(feat/migrate-team! team-id
:max-procs max-procs
:validate? validate?
:throw-on-validate? (not skip-on-error)))
:skip-on-graphics-error? skip-on-graphic-error?))
(-> (deref feat/*stats*)
(dissoc :total/files)
(assoc :elapsed (dt/format-duration (tpoint)))))
(catch Throwable cause
(l/dbg :hint "migrate:error" :cause cause))
(unmark-team-migration! system team-id)
(when-not skip-mark?
(unmark-team-migration! system team-id))
(let [elapsed (dt/format-duration (tpoint))]
(l/dbg :hint "migrate:end" :rollback rollback? :elapsed elapsed)))))))
@ -202,100 +230,78 @@
This function starts multiple concurrent team migration processes
until thw maximum number of jobs is reached which by default has the
value of `1`. This is controled with the `:max-jobs` option.
value of `1`. This is controled with the `:max-jobs` option."
Each tram migration process also can start multiple procs for
graphics migration, the total of that procs is controled with the
`:max-procs` option.
Internally, the graphics migration process uses SVGO module which by
default has a limited number of maximum concurent
operations (globally), ensure setting up correct number with
PENPOT_SVGO_MAX_PROCS environment variable."
[{:keys [::db/pool] :as system} & {:keys [max-jobs max-procs max-items
[{:keys [::db/pool] :as system} & {:keys [max-jobs max-items max-time
rollback? validate? preset
skip-on-error max-time
pred max-procs skip-mark?
on-start on-progress on-error on-end]
:or {validate? false
:or {validate? true
rollback? true
skip-on-error true
preset :shutdown-on-failure
skip-mark? true
max-jobs 1
max-procs 10
max-items Long/MAX_VALUE}
:as opts}]
(let [total (get-total-teams pool)
stats (atom {:total/teams (min total max-items)})
(let [stats (atom {})
tpoint (dt/tpoint)
mtime (some-> max-time dt/duration)
tpoint (dt/tpoint)
mtime (some-> max-time dt/duration)
scope (px/structured-task-scope :preset preset :factory :virtual)
sjobs (ps/create :permits max-jobs)
factory (px/thread-factory :virtual false :prefix "penpot/migration/compv2/")
executor (px/cached-executor :factory factory)
max-procs (or max-procs max-jobs)
sjobs (ps/create :permits max-jobs)
sprocs (ps/create :permits max-procs)
(fn [{:keys [id features] :as team}]
(fn [team-id]
(ps/acquire! sjobs)
(let [ts (tpoint)]
(and mtime (neg? (compare mtime ts)))
(if (and mtime (neg? (compare mtime ts)))
(l/inf :hint "max time constraint reached"
:team-id (str id)
:team-id (str team-id)
:elapsed (dt/format-duration ts))
(ps/release! sjobs)
(reduced nil))
(or (contains? features "ephimeral/v2-migration")
(contains? features "components/v2"))
(l/dbg :hint "skip team" :team-id (str id))
(ps/release! sjobs))
(px/submit! scope (fn []
(px/run! executor (fn []
(mark-team-migration! system id)
(when-not skip-mark?
(mark-team-migration! system team-id))
(-> (assoc system ::db/rollback rollback?)
(feat/migrate-team! id
:max-procs max-procs
:validate? validate?
:throw-on-validate? (not skip-on-error)))
(feat/migrate-team! team-id :validate? validate?))
(catch Throwable cause
(l/err :hint "unexpected error on processing team"
:team-id (str id)
(l/err :hint "unexpected error on processing team (skiping)"
:team-id (str team-id)
:cause cause))
(ps/release! sjobs)
(unmark-team-migration! system id))))))))]
(when-not skip-mark?
(unmark-team-migration! system team-id)))))))))]
(l/dbg :hint "migrate:start"
:rollback rollback?
:total total
:max-jobs max-jobs
:max-procs max-procs
:max-items max-items)
(add-watch stats :progress-report (report-progress-teams tpoint on-progress))
(binding [feat/*stats* stats
feat/*skip-on-error* skip-on-error]
svgo/*semaphore* sprocs]
(when (fn? on-start)
(on-start {:total total :rollback rollback?}))
(on-start {:rollback rollback?}))
(db/tx-run! system
(fn [{:keys [::db/conn]}]
(run! (partial migrate-team)
(->> (get-teams conn)
(->> (get-teams conn pred)
(take max-items)))))
(p/await! scope)
(pu/close! scope)))
;; Close and await tasks
(pu/close! executor)
(if (fn? on-end)
(-> (deref stats)

View file

@ -7,16 +7,10 @@
(ns app.svgo
"A SVG Optimizer service"
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.jsrt :as jsrt]
[app.common.logging :as l]
[app.common.spec :as us]
[app.worker :as-alias wrk]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[integrant.core :as ig]
[promesa.exec :as px]
[promesa.exec.bulkhead :as bh]
[promesa.exec.semaphore :as ps]
[promesa.util :as pu]))
@ -26,40 +20,23 @@
(defn optimize
[system data]
(dm/assert! "expect data to be a string" (string? data))
(letfn [(optimize-fn [pool]
(jsrt/run! pool
(fn [context]
(jsrt/set! context "svgData" data)
(jsrt/eval! context "penpotSvgo.optimize(svgData, {plugins: ['safeAndFastPreset']})"))))]
(some-> *semaphore* ps/acquire!)
(let [{:keys [::jsrt/pool ::wrk/executor]} (::optimizer system)]
(dm/assert! "expect optimizer instance" (jsrt/pool? pool))
(px/invoke! executor (partial optimize-fn pool)))
(some-> *semaphore* ps/release!)))))
(s/def ::max-procs (s/nilable ::us/integer))
(defmethod ig/pre-init-spec ::optimizer [_]
(s/keys :req [::wrk/executor ::max-procs]))
(defmethod ig/prep-key ::optimizer
[_ cfg]
(merge {::max-procs 20} (d/without-nils cfg)))
[{pool ::optimizer} data]
(some-> *semaphore* ps/acquire!)
(jsrt/run! pool
(fn [context]
(jsrt/set! context "svgData" data)
(jsrt/eval! context "penpotSvgo.optimize(svgData, {plugins: ['safeAndFastPreset']})")))
(some-> *semaphore* ps/release!))))
(defmethod ig/init-key ::optimizer
[_ {:keys [::wrk/executor ::max-procs]}]
(l/inf :hint "initializing svg optimizer pool" :max-procs max-procs)
(let [init (jsrt/resource->source "app/common/svg/optimizer.js")
executor (bh/create :type :executor :executor executor :permits max-procs)]
{::jsrt/pool (jsrt/pool :init init)
::wrk/executor executor}))
[_ _]
(l/inf :hint "initializing svg optimizer pool")
(let [init (jsrt/resource->source "app/common/svg/optimizer.js")]
(jsrt/pool :init init)))
(defmethod ig/halt-key! ::optimizer
[_ {:keys [::jsrt/pool]}]
[_ pool]
(l/info :hint "stopping svg optimizer pool")
(pu/close! pool))