mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 15:51:37 -05:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/staging' into develop
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 131 additions and 82 deletions
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
[app.util.time :as dt]
[app.worker :as-alias wrk]
[clojure.edn :as edn]
[clojure.set :as set]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[datoteka.fs :as fs]
[integrant.core :as ig]
@ -91,67 +92,77 @@
:timeout (:timeout config)
:type :semaphore))
(defmacro ^:private measure-and-log!
[metrics mlabels stats id action limit-id limit-label profile-id elapsed]
`(let [mpermits# (:max-permits ~stats)
mqueue# (:max-queue ~stats)
permits# (:permits ~stats)
queue# (:queue ~stats)
queue# (- queue# mpermits#)
queue# (if (neg? queue#) 0 queue#)
level# (if (pos? queue#) :warn :trace)]
(mtx/run! ~metrics
:id :rpc-climit-queue
:val queue#
:labels ~mlabels)
(defn measure!
[metrics mlabels stats elapsed]
(let [mpermits (:max-permits stats)
permits (:permits stats)
queue (:queue stats)
queue (- queue mpermits)
queue (if (neg? queue) 0 queue)]
(mtx/run! ~metrics
:id :rpc-climit-permits
:val permits#
:labels ~mlabels)
(mtx/run! metrics
:id :rpc-climit-queue
:val queue
:labels mlabels)
(l/log level#
:hint ~action
:req ~id
:id ~limit-id
:label ~limit-label
:profile-id (str ~profile-id)
:permits permits#
:queue queue#
:max-permits mpermits#
:max-queue mqueue#
~@(if (some? elapsed)
[:elapsed `(dt/format-duration ~elapsed)]
(mtx/run! metrics
:id :rpc-climit-permits
:val permits
:labels mlabels)
(when elapsed
(mtx/run! metrics
:id :rpc-climit-timing
:val (inst-ms elapsed)
:labels mlabels))))
(defn log!
[action req-id stats limit-id limit-label params elapsed]
(let [mpermits (:max-permits stats)
queue (:queue stats)
queue (- queue mpermits)
queue (if (neg? queue) 0 queue)
level (if (pos? queue) :warn :trace)]
(l/log level
:hint action
:req req-id
:id limit-id
:label limit-label
:queue queue
:elapsed (some-> elapsed dt/format-duration)
:params (-> (select-keys params [::rpc/profile-id :file-id :profile-id])
(set/rename-keys {::rpc/profile-id :profile-id})
(update-vals str)))))
(def ^:private idseq (AtomicLong. 0))
(defn- invoke
[limiter metrics limit-id limit-key limit-label profile-id f params]
[limiter metrics limit-id limit-key limit-label handler params]
(let [tpoint (dt/tpoint)
mlabels (into-array String [(id->str limit-id)])
limit-id (id->str limit-id limit-key)
stats (pbh/get-stats limiter)
id (.incrementAndGet ^AtomicLong idseq)]
req-id (.incrementAndGet ^AtomicLong idseq)]
(measure-and-log! metrics mlabels stats id "enqueued" limit-id limit-label profile-id nil)
(measure! metrics mlabels stats nil)
(log! "enqueued" req-id stats limit-id limit-label params nil)
(px/invoke! limiter (fn []
(let [elapsed (tpoint)
stats (pbh/get-stats limiter)]
(measure-and-log! metrics mlabels stats id "acquired" limit-id limit-label profile-id elapsed)
(mtx/run! metrics
:id :rpc-climit-timing
:val (inst-ms elapsed)
:labels mlabels)
(apply f params))))
(measure! metrics mlabels stats elapsed)
(log! "acquired" req-id stats limit-id limit-label params elapsed)
(handler params))))
(catch ExceptionInfo cause
(let [{:keys [type code]} (ex-data cause)]
(if (= :bulkhead-error type)
(let [elapsed (tpoint)]
(measure-and-log! metrics mlabels stats id "reject" limit-id limit-label profile-id elapsed)
(log! "rejected" req-id stats limit-id limit-label params elapsed)
(ex/raise :type :concurrency-limit
:code code
:hint "concurrency limit reached"
@ -161,7 +172,9 @@
(let [elapsed (tpoint)
stats (pbh/get-stats limiter)]
(measure-and-log! metrics mlabels stats id "finished" limit-id limit-label profile-id elapsed))))))
(measure! metrics mlabels stats nil)
(log! "finished" req-id stats limit-id limit-label params elapsed))))))
@ -219,10 +232,8 @@
(let [limit-key (key-fn params)
cache-key [limit-id limit-key]
limiter (cache/get cache cache-key (partial create-limiter config))
profile-id (if (= key-fn ::rpc/profile-id)
(get params ::rpc/profile-id))]
(invoke limiter metrics limit-id limit-key label profile-id handler [cfg params])))))
handler (partial handler cfg)]
(invoke limiter metrics limit-id limit-key label handler params)))))
(l/wrn :hint "no config found for specified queue" :id (id->str limit-id))
@ -237,15 +248,15 @@
(defn- build-exec-chain
[{:keys [::label ::profile-id ::rpc/climit ::mtx/metrics] :as cfg} f]
[{:keys [::label ::rpc/climit ::mtx/metrics] :as cfg} f]
(let [config (get climit ::config)
cache (get climit ::cache)]
(reduce (fn [handler [limit-id limit-key :as ckey]]
(if-let [config (get config limit-id)]
(fn [& params]
(let [limiter (cache/get cache ckey (partial create-limiter config))]
(invoke limiter metrics limit-id limit-key label profile-id handler params)))
(fn [cfg params]
(let [limiter (cache/get cache ckey (partial create-limiter config))
handler (partial handler cfg)]
(invoke limiter metrics limit-id limit-key label handler params)))
(l/wrn :hint "config not found" :label label :id limit-id)
@ -255,9 +266,9 @@
(defn invoke!
"Run a function in context of climit.
Intended to be used in virtual threads."
[{:keys [::executor] :as cfg} f & params]
[{:keys [::executor] :as cfg} f params]
(let [f (if (some? executor)
(fn [& params] (px/await! (px/submit! executor (fn [] (apply f params)))))
(fn [cfg params] (px/await! (px/submit! executor (fn [] (f cfg params)))))
f (build-exec-chain cfg f)]
(apply f params)))
(f cfg params)))
@ -243,12 +243,13 @@
;; NOTE: we use the climit here in a dynamic invocation because we
;; don't want saturate the process-image limit with IO (download
;; of external image)
(-> cfg
(assoc ::climit/id [[:process-image/by-profile (:profile-id params)]
(assoc ::climit/profile-id (:profile-id params))
(assoc ::climit/label "create-file-media-object-from-url")
(climit/invoke! db/run! cfg create-file-media-object params))))
(climit/invoke! #(db/run! %1 create-file-media-object %2) params))))
;; --- Clone File Media object (Upload and create from url)
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
:file-mtype (:mtype file)}}))))
(defn- generate-thumbnail!
[_ file]
(let [input (media/run {:cmd :info :input file})
thumb (media/run {:cmd :profile-thumbnail
:format :jpeg
@ -250,15 +250,15 @@
:content-type (:mtype thumb)}))
(defn upload-photo
[{:keys [::sto/storage ::wrk/executor] :as cfg} {:keys [file]}]
[{:keys [::sto/storage ::wrk/executor] :as cfg} {:keys [file] :as params}]
(let [params (-> cfg
(assoc ::climit/id :process-image/global)
(assoc ::climit/id [[:process-image/by-profile (:profile-id params)]
(assoc ::climit/label "upload-photo")
(assoc ::climit/executor executor)
(climit/invoke! generate-thumbnail! file))]
(sto/put-object! storage params)))
;; --- MUTATION: Request Email Change
(declare ^:private request-email-change!)
@ -21,6 +21,10 @@
flex-direction: column;
.public-DraftStyleDefault-block {
white-space: pre;
&.align-top {
.DraftEditor-root {
justify-content: flex-start;
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
(ptk/reify ::logged-in
(-data [_]
{::ev/name "signing"
{::ev/name "signin"
::ev/type "identify"
:email (:email profile)
:auth-backend (:auth-backend profile)
@ -1711,8 +1711,14 @@
(process-entry [[type data]]
(case type
(if (str/empty? data)
(str/empty? data)
(re-find #"<svg\s" data)
(rx/of (paste-svg-text data))
(rx/of (paste-text data)))
@ -1757,8 +1763,7 @@
text-data (some-> pdata wapi/extract-text)
transit-data (ex/ignoring (some-> text-data t/decode-str))]
(and (string? text-data)
(str/includes? text-data "<svg "))
(and (string? text-data) (re-find #"<svg\s" text-data))
(rx/of (paste-svg-text text-data))
(seq image-data)
@ -1491,9 +1491,22 @@
{:type :reg-objects
:shapes all-parents})]))))
(let [roperation {:type :set
(let [;; position-data is a special case because can be affected by :geometry-group and :content-group
;; so, if the position-data changes but the geometry is touched we need to reset the position-data
;; so it's calculated again
(and (cfh/text-shape? origin-shape)
(= attr :position-data)
(not= (get origin-shape attr) (get dest-shape attr))
(touched :geometry-group))
roperation {:type :set
:attr attr
:val (get origin-shape attr)
:val (cond
;; If position data changes and the geometry group is touched
;; we need to put to nil so we can regenerate it
reset-pos-data? nil
:else (get origin-shape attr))
:ignore-touched true}
uoperation {:type :set
:attr attr
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
@extend .button-icon;
stroke: var(--tab-foreground-color);
.content {
@include headlineSmallTypography;
text-align: center;
@ -53,17 +54,21 @@
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
&.current:hover {
background: var(--tab-background-color-selected);
border-color: var(--tab-border-color-selected);
color: var(--tab-foreground-color-selected);
svg {
stroke: var(--tab-foreground-color-selected);
&:hover {
color: var(--tab-foreground-color-hover);
svg {
stroke: var(--tab-foreground-color-hover);
@ -78,6 +83,7 @@
min-width: $s-24;
padding: 0 $s-6;
border-radius: $br-5;
svg {
@include flexCenter;
height: $s-16;
@ -87,6 +93,7 @@
fill: none;
color: transparent;
&:hover {
svg {
stroke: var(--icon-foreground-hover);
@ -107,3 +114,10 @@
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
//Firefox doesn't respect scrollbar-gutter
@supports (-moz-appearance: none) {
.tab-container-content {
padding-right: $s-8;
@ -181,14 +181,14 @@
[:span {:class (stl/css :resalted-area)}]]]
[:div {:class (stl/css :constraints-center)}
[:button {:class (stl/css-case :constraint-btn true
:active (= constraints-h :center))
:data-value "centerh"
:active (= constraints-v :center))
:data-value "centerv"
:on-click on-constraint-button-clicked}
[:span {:class (stl/css :resalted-area)}]]
[:button {:class (stl/css-case :constraint-btn-special true
:constraint-btn-rotated true
:active (= constraints-v :center))
:data-value "centerv"
:active (= constraints-h :center))
:data-value "centerh"
:on-click on-constraint-button-clicked}
[:span {:class (stl/css :resalted-area)}]]]
[:div {:class (stl/css :constraints-right)}
@ -69,33 +69,34 @@
(mf/deps ids)
(mf/deps ids fills)
(fn [_]
(st/emit! (dc/add-fill ids {:color default-color
:opacity 1}))
(when (not (some? (seq fills))) (open-content))))
(when (or (= :multiple fills)
(not (some? (seq fills))))
(mf/deps ids)
(fn [index]
(fn [color]
(st/emit! (dc/change-fill ids color index)))))
(fn [index]
(fn [color]
(st/emit! (dc/change-fill ids color index))))
(mf/deps ids)
(fn [new-index]
(fn [index]
(st/emit! (dc/reorder-fills ids index new-index)))))
(fn [new-index]
(fn [index]
(st/emit! (dc/reorder-fills ids index new-index))))
(fn [index]
(fn []
(st/emit! (dc/remove-fill ids {:color default-color
:opacity 1} index))
(when (= 1 (count (seq fills))) (close-content))))
(when (or (= :multiple fills)
(= 1 (count (seq fills))))
(fn [_]
(st/emit! (dc/remove-all-fills ids {:color clr/black
Add table
Reference in a new issue