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mirror of https://github.com/penpot/penpot.git synced 2025-01-24 23:49:45 -05:00

wip estotienemejorpinta

This commit is contained in:
Andrés Moya 2022-10-10 15:12:25 +02:00
parent 1cba7346fd
commit 7ba15b9a3a
2 changed files with 143 additions and 32 deletions

View file

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
[app.common.pages.common :as cpc]
[app.common.pages.helpers :as cph]
[app.common.spec :as us]
[app.common.types.component :as ctk]
[app.common.types.container :as ctn]
[app.common.types.shape-tree :as ctst]
[app.main.data.workspace.changes :as dch]
@ -31,6 +32,110 @@
[cljs.spec.alpha :as s]
[potok.core :as ptk]))
;; --- copies ---------------------------
(defn- get-copies
"If one or more of the shapes belongs to a component's main instance, find all copies of
the component in the same page.
Return a map {<main-root-id> [<main-root> [<copy-root> <copy-root>...]] ...}"
[shapes objects modifiers]
(letfn [(get-copies-one [shape]
(let [root-shape (ctn/get-root-shape objects shape)]
(when (:main-instance? root-shape)
(let [children (->> root-shape
(map #(get objects %))
(map #(gsh/apply-modifiers % (get-in modifiers [(:id %) :modifiers]))))
root-shape (gsh/update-group-selrect root-shape children)]
[(:id root-shape) [root-shape (ctn/get-instances objects root-shape)]]))))]
(into {} (map get-copies-one shapes))))
(defn- reposition-shape
[shape origin-root dest-root]
(let [shape-pos (fn [shape]
(gpt/point (get-in shape [:selrect :x])
(get-in shape [:selrect :y])))
origin-root-pos (shape-pos origin-root)
dest-root-pos (shape-pos dest-root)
delta (gpt/subtract dest-root-pos origin-root-pos)]
(gsh/move shape delta)))
(defn- sync-shape
[main-shape copy-shape copy-root main-root]
;; (js/console.log "+++")
;; (js/console.log "main-shape" (clj->js main-shape))
;; (js/console.log "copy-shape" (clj->js copy-shape))
(if (ctk/touched-group? copy-shape :geometry-group)
(let [main-shape (reposition-shape main-shape main-root copy-root)
translation (gpt/subtract (gsh/orig-pos main-shape)
(gsh/orig-pos copy-shape))
center (gsh/orig-pos copy-shape)
mult-w (/ (gsh/width main-shape) (gsh/width copy-shape))
mult-h (/ (gsh/height main-shape) (gsh/height copy-shape))
resize (gpt/point mult-w mult-h)]
(cond-> {}
(not (gpt/almost-zero? translation))
(assoc :displacement (gmt/translate-matrix translation))
(not (gpt/close? resize (gpt/point 1 1)))
(assoc :resize-vector resize
:resize-origin center)))))
(defn- process-text-modifiers
"For texts we only use the displacement because resize
needs to recalculate the text layout"
[shape modifiers]
;; (cond-> modifiers
;; (= :text (:type shape))
;; (select-keys [:displacement :rotation])))
(defn- add-copies-modifiers
"Add modifiers to all necessary shapes inside the copies"
[copies objects modifiers]
(letfn [(add-copy-modifiers-one [modifiers copy-shape copy-root main-root main-shapes main-shapes-modif]
(let [main-shape-modif (d/seek #(ctk/is-main-of? % copy-shape) main-shapes-modif)
modifier (cond-> (sync-shape main-shape-modif copy-shape copy-root main-root)
(some? (:rotation (get-in modifiers [(:id main-shape-modif) :modifiers])))
(assoc :rotation (:rotation (get-in modifiers [(:id main-shape-modif) :modifiers])))
(if (seq modifier)
(assoc-in modifiers [(:id copy-shape) :modifiers] modifier)
(add-copy-modifiers [modifiers copy-root main-root main-shapes main-shapes-modif]
(let [copy-shapes (into [copy-root] (cph/get-children objects (:id copy-root)))]
(reduce #(add-copy-modifiers-one %1 %2 copy-root main-root main-shapes main-shapes-modif)
(add-copies-modifiers-one [modifiers [main-root copy-roots]]
(let [main-shapes (into [main-root] (cph/get-children objects (:id main-root)))
main-shapes-modif (map (fn [shape]
(let [; shape (cond-> shape
; (some? (:transform-inverse shape))
; (gsh/apply-transform (:transform-inverse shape)))
(->> (get-in modifiers [(:id shape) :modifiers])
(process-text-modifiers shape)
(gsh/apply-modifiers shape))))
(reduce #(add-copy-modifiers %1 %2 main-root main-shapes main-shapes-modif)
(reduce add-copies-modifiers-one
(vals copies))))
;; -- Helpers --------------------------------------------------------
;; For each of the 8 handlers gives the multiplier for resize
@ -138,16 +243,21 @@
(contains? (:workspace-layout state) :snap-pixel-grid))
(gsh/set-objects-modifiers ids objects (constantly modifiers) ignore-constraints snap-pixel?)]
(gsh/set-objects-modifiers ids objects (constantly modifiers) ignore-constraints snap-pixel?)
copies (get-copies (mapv (d/getf objects) ids) objects modif-tree)
;; TODO: mark new modifiers to be ignored in apply-modifiers
modif-tree (add-copies-modifiers copies objects modif-tree)]
(update state :workspace-modifiers merge modif-tree))))))
(defn set-modifiers-raw
(ptk/reify ::set-modifiers-raw
(update [_ state]
(update state :workspace-modifiers merge modifiers))))
;; (defn set-modifiers-raw
;; [modifiers]
;; (ptk/reify ::set-modifiers-raw
;; ptk/UpdateEvent
;; (update [_ state]
;; (update state :workspace-modifiers merge modifiers))))
;; Rotation use different algorithm to calculate children modifiers (and do not use child constraints).
(defn- set-rotation-modifiers

View file

@ -446,36 +446,36 @@
(let [prev-shapes (mf/use-var nil)
prev-modifiers (mf/use-var nil)
prev-transforms (mf/use-var nil)
prev-copies (mf/use-var nil)
;; prev-copies (mf/use-var nil)
(mf/use-memo ; TODO: ojo estas deps hay que revisarlas
(mf/deps modifiers (and (d/not-empty? @prev-modifiers) (d/not-empty? modifiers)))
(fn []
(let [shapes (->> (keys modifiers)
(mapv (d/getf objects)))]
(get-copies shapes objects modifiers))))
;; copies
;; (mf/use-memo ; TODO: ojo estas deps hay que revisarlas
;; (mf/deps modifiers (and (d/not-empty? @prev-modifiers) (d/not-empty? modifiers)))
;; (fn []
;; (let [shapes (->> (keys modifiers)
;; (mapv (d/getf objects)))]
;; (get-copies shapes objects modifiers))))
(mf/deps objects modifiers copies @prev-copies)
(fn []
(if (= (count copies) (count @prev-copies))
(let [new-modifiers (add-copies-modifiers copies objects modifiers)]
(js/console.log "==================")
(js/console.log "modifiers (antes)" (clj->js modifiers))
(js/console.log "copies" (clj->js copies))
(js/console.log "modifiers (después)" (clj->js new-modifiers))
(when (seq new-modifiers)
(tm/schedule #(st/emit! (dwt/set-modifiers-raw new-modifiers))))
;; modifiers
;; (mf/use-memo
;; (mf/deps objects modifiers copies @prev-copies)
;; (fn []
;; (if (= (count copies) (count @prev-copies))
;; modifiers
;; (let [new-modifiers (add-copies-modifiers copies objects modifiers)]
;; (js/console.log "==================")
;; (js/console.log "modifiers (antes)" (clj->js modifiers))
;; (js/console.log "copies" (clj->js copies))
;; (js/console.log "modifiers (después)" (clj->js new-modifiers))
;; (when (seq new-modifiers)
;; (tm/schedule #(st/emit! (dwt/set-modifiers-raw new-modifiers))))
;; new-modifiers))))
(mf/deps modifiers)
(fn []
(js/console.log "****modifiers" (clj->js modifiers))
;; (js/console.log "****modifiers" (clj->js modifiers))
(when (seq modifiers)
(d/mapm (fn [id {modifiers :modifiers}]
(let [shape (get objects id)
@ -492,7 +492,7 @@
(mf/deps transforms)
(fn []
(js/console.log "transforms" (clj->js transforms))
;; (js/console.log "transforms" (clj->js transforms))
(->> (keys transforms)
(map (d/getf objects)))))
@ -699,4 +699,5 @@
(reset! prev-modifiers modifiers)
(reset! prev-transforms transforms)
(reset! prev-shapes shapes)
(reset! prev-copies copies))))))
;; (reset! prev-copies copies)