mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 04:49:03 -05:00
♻️ Refactor image uploading from workspace.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 114 additions and 137 deletions
@ -12,10 +12,11 @@
[uxbox.builtins.icons :as i]
[uxbox.config :as cfg]
[uxbox.main.data.history :as udh]
[uxbox.main.data.lightbox :as udl]
[uxbox.main.data.pages :as udp]
[uxbox.main.data.undo :as udu]
[uxbox.main.data.workspace :as dw]
[uxbox.main.ui.workspace.images :refer [import-image-modal]]
[uxbox.main.ui.modal :as modal]
[uxbox.main.refs :as refs]
[uxbox.main.store :as st]
[uxbox.main.ui.users :refer [user]]
@ -46,8 +47,9 @@
(let [toggle #(st/emit! (dw/toggle-flag %))
on-undo #(st/emit! (udu/undo))
on-redo #(st/emit! (udu/redo))
on-image #(udl/open! :import-image)
on-download #(udl/open! :download)]
on-image #(modal/show! import-image-modal {})
;;on-download #(udl/open! :download)
[:a {:on-click #(st/emit! (rt/nav :dashboard/projects))} i/logo-icon]]
@ -101,7 +103,8 @@
{:alt "Download (Ctrl + E)"
:on-click on-download}
;; :on-click on-download
{:alt "Image (Ctrl + I)"
@ -8,16 +8,13 @@
(ns uxbox.main.ui.workspace.images
[lentes.core :as l]
[potok.core :as ptk]
[rumext.core :as mx :include-macros true]
[rumext.alpha :as mf]
[rumext.core :as mx]
[uxbox.builtins.icons :as i]
[uxbox.main.data.images :as udi]
[uxbox.main.data.lightbox :as udl]
[uxbox.main.data.shapes :as uds]
[uxbox.main.data.workspace :as udw]
[uxbox.main.data.workspace-drawing :as udwd]
[uxbox.main.store :as st]
[uxbox.main.ui.lightbox :as lbx]
[uxbox.main.ui.modal :as modal]
[uxbox.util.data :refer [read-string jscoll->vec]]
[uxbox.util.dom :as dom]
[uxbox.util.i18n :as t :refer [tr]]
@ -25,30 +22,30 @@
;; --- Refs
(def ^:private dashboard-ref
(-> (l/in [:dashboard :images])
(l/derive st/state)))
(def ^:private collections-ref
(def ^:private collections-iref
(-> (l/key :images-collections)
(l/derive st/state)))
(def ^:private images-ref
(def ^:private images-iref
(-> (l/key :images)
(l/derive st/state)))
(def ^:private uploading?-ref
(-> (l/key :uploading)
(l/derive dashboard-ref)))
(def ^:private uploading-iref
(-> (l/in [:dashboard :images :uploading])
(l/derive st/state)))
;; --- Components
;; --- Import Image Modal
(mx/defcs import-image-lightbox
{:mixins [mx/static mx/reactive]}
(declare import-image-from-coll-modal)
(mf/defc import-image-modal
(let [input (mf/use-ref* nil)
uploading? (mf/deref uploading-iref)]
(letfn [(on-upload-click [event]
(let [input (mx/ref-node own "input")]
(dom/click input)))
(let [input-el (mf/ref-node input)]
(dom/click input-el)))
(on-uploaded [[image]]
(let [{:keys [id name width height]} image
shape {:type :image
@ -58,133 +55,110 @@
:height height}
:image id}]
(st/emit! (udwd/select-for-drawing shape))
(on-files-selected [event]
(let [files (dom/get-event-files event)
files (jscoll->vec files)]
(st/emit! (udi/create-images nil files on-uploaded))))
(on-select-from-library [event]
(dom/prevent-default event)
(udl/open! :import-image-from-collections))
(modal/show! import-image-from-coll-modal {}))
(on-close [event]
(dom/prevent-default event)
(let [uploading? (mx/react uploading?-ref)]
[:div.lightbox-body {}
[:h3 {} "New image"]
[:div.row-flex {}
[:h3 "New image"]
[:div.lightbox-big-btn {:on-click on-select-from-library}
[:span.big-svg {} i/image]
[:span.text {} "Select from library"]]
[:span.big-svg i/image]
[:span.text "Select from library"]]
[:div.lightbox-big-btn {:on-click on-upload-click}
(if uploading?
[:span.big-svg.upload {} i/loader-pencil]
[:span.big-svg.upload {} i/exit])
[:span.text {} "Upload file"]
[:span.big-svg.upload i/loader-pencil]
[:span.big-svg.upload i/exit])
[:span.text "Upload file"]
{:style {:display "none"}
:accept "image/jpeg,image/png"
:type "file"
:ref "input"
:ref input
:on-change on-files-selected}]]]
[:a.close {:on-click on-close} i/close]])))
(mx/defc image-item
{:mixins [mx/static]}
[{:keys [thumbnail name id width height] :as image}]
;; --- Import Image from Collection Modal
(mf/defc image-item
[{:keys [image] :as props}]
(letfn [(on-click [event]
(let [shape {:type :image
:name name
:name (:name image)
:id (uuid/random)
:metadata {:width width
:height height}
:image id}]
:metadata {:width (:width image)
:height (:height image)}
:image (:id image)}]
(st/emit! (udwd/select-for-drawing shape))
[:div.library-item {:key (str id)
:on-click on-click}
[:div.library-item {:on-click on-click}
{:style {:background-image (str "url('" thumbnail "')")}}]
[:span {} name]]))
{:style {:background-image (str "url('" (:thumbnail image) "')")}}]
[:span (:name image)]]))
(mx/defc image-collection
{:mixins [mx/static]}
[:div.library-content {}
(mf/defc image-collection
[{:keys [images] :as props}]
(for [image images]
(-> (image-item image)
(mx/with-key (str (:id image)))))])
[:& image-item {:image image :key (:id image)}])])
(defn init
(let [local (::mx/local own)]
(st/emit! (udi/fetch-collections))
(st/emit! (udi/fetch-images nil))
(add-watch local ::key (fn [_ _ _ v]
(st/emit! (udi/fetch-images (:id v)))))
(defn will-unmount
(let [local (::mx/local own)]
(remove-watch local ::key)
(mx/defcs image-collections-lightbox
{:mixins [mx/reactive (mx/local)]
:init init
:will-unmount will-unmount}
(let [local (::mx/local own)
(mf/defc import-image-from-coll-modal
(let [local (mf/use-state {:id nil :type :own})
id (:id @local)
type (:type @local :own)
type (:type @local)
own? (= type :own)
builtin? (= type :builtin)
colls (mx/react collections-ref)
colls (mf/deref collections-iref)
colls (->> (vals colls)
(filter #(= type (:type %)))
(sort-by :name))
id (if (and (nil? id) builtin?)
(:id (first colls) ::no-value)
images (mx/react images-ref)
images (mf/deref images-iref)
images (->> (vals images)
(filter #(= id (:collection %))))]
(letfn [(on-close [event]
(dom/prevent-default event)
(select-type [event type]
(swap! local assoc :type type))
(on-coll-change [event]
(let [value (dom/event->value event)
value (read-string value)]
(swap! local assoc :id value)))]
[:div.lightbox-body.big-lightbox {}
[:h3 {} "Import image from library"]
[:div.import-img-library {}
[:div.library-actions {}
[:ul.toggle-library {}
(filter #(= id (:collection %))))
on-close #(do (dom/prevent-default %)
select-type #(swap! local assoc :type %)
on-change #(-> (dom/event->value %)
(swap! local assoc :id))]
{:init #(do (st/emit! (udi/fetch-collections))
(st/emit! (udi/fetch-images nil)))})
{:deps #js [type id]
:init #(st/emit! (udi/fetch-images id))})
[:h3 "Import image from library"]
[:li.your-images {:class (when own? "current")
:on-click #(select-type % :own)}
:on-click #(select-type :own)}
[:li.standard {:class (when builtin? "current")
:on-click #(select-type % :builtin)}
:on-click #(select-type :builtin)}
[:select.input-select {:on-change on-coll-change}
[:select.input-select {:on-change on-change}
(when own?
[:option {:value (pr-str nil)} "Storage"])
(for [coll colls]
(let [id (:id coll)
name (:name coll)]
[:option {:key (str id) :value (pr-str id)} name]))]]
(image-collection images)]
[:a.close {:href "#" :on-click on-close} i/close]])))
(defmethod lbx/render-lightbox :import-image
(defmethod lbx/render-lightbox :import-image-from-collections
[:& image-collection {:images images}]]
[:a.close {:href "#" :on-click on-close} i/close]]))
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