mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 17:21:17 -05:00
16 changed files with 166 additions and 117 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
## :rocket: Next
### :boom: Breaking changes & Deprecations
@ -22,6 +21,9 @@
- Fix problem when undoing multiple selected colors [Taiga #4920](https://tree.taiga.io/project/penpot/issue/4920)
- Allow selection of empty board by partial rect [Taiga #4806](https://tree.taiga.io/project/penpot/issue/4806)
- Improve behavior for undo on text edition [Taiga #4693](https://tree.taiga.io/project/penpot/issue/4693)
- Improve deeps selection of nested arboards [Taiga #4913](https://tree.taiga.io/project/penpot/issue/4913)
- Fix problem on selection numeric inputs on Firefox [#2991](https://github.com/penpot/penpot/issues/2991)
- Changed the text dominant-baseline to use ideographic [Taiga #4791](https://tree.taiga.io/project/penpot/issue/4791)
### :arrow_up: Deps updates
@ -29,8 +31,6 @@
- To @ondrejkonec: for contributing to the code with:
- Refactor CSS variables [Github #2948](https://github.com/penpot/penpot/pull/2948)
>>>>>>> origin/staging
## 1.17.3
### :bug: Bugs fixed
@ -24,9 +24,11 @@
(and (= type :frame) (= id uuid/zero)))
(defn root-frame?
[{:keys [frame-id type]}]
(and (= type :frame)
(= frame-id uuid/zero)))
([objects id]
(root-frame? (get objects id)))
([{:keys [frame-id type]}]
(and (= type :frame)
(= frame-id uuid/zero))))
(defn frame-shape?
([objects id]
@ -179,18 +179,22 @@
([objects ids {:keys [bottom-frames?] :as options}]
(letfn [(comp [id-a id-b]
(let [type-a (dm/get-in objects [id-a :type])
type-b (dm/get-in objects [id-b :type])]
(let [frame-a? (= :frame (dm/get-in objects [id-a :type]))
frame-b? (= :frame (dm/get-in objects [id-b :type]))]
(and (not= :frame type-a) (= :frame type-b))
(if bottom-frames? -1 1)
(and (= :frame type-a) (not= :frame type-b))
(if bottom-frames? 1 -1)
(= id-a id-b)
(and (not frame-a?) frame-b?)
(if bottom-frames? -1 1)
(and frame-a? (not frame-b?))
(if bottom-frames? 1 -1)
;; When comparing frames we invert the order if the flag `bottom-frames?` is on
(and frame-a? frame-b? bottom-frames?)
(if (is-shape-over-shape? objects id-b id-a) 1 -1)
(is-shape-over-shape? objects id-b id-a)
@ -194,47 +194,43 @@
(defn ensure-loaded!
(p/create (fn [resolve]
(ensure-loaded! id resolve))))
([id on-loaded]
(log/debug :action "try-ensure-loaded!" :font-id id)
(if-not (exists? js/window)
;; If we are in the worker environment, we just mark it as loaded
;; without really loading it.
(swap! loaded conj id)
(p/resolved id))
(log/debug :action "try-ensure-loaded!" :font-id id)
(if-not (exists? js/window)
;; If we are in the worker environment, we just mark it as loaded
;; without really loading it.
(swap! loaded conj id)
(p/resolved id))
(when-let [font (get @fontsdb id)]
;; Font already loaded, we just continue
(contains? @loaded id)
(on-loaded id)
(let [font (get @fontsdb id)]
(nil? font)
(p/resolved id)
;; Font is currently downloading. We attach the caller to the promise
(contains? @loading id)
(-> (get @loading id)
(p/then #(do (on-loaded id) id)))
;; Font already loaded, we just continue
(contains? @loaded id)
(p/resolved id)
;; First caller, we create the promise and then wait
(let [on-load (fn [resolve]
(swap! loaded conj id)
(swap! loading dissoc id)
(on-loaded id)
(resolve id))
;; Font is currently downloading. We attach the caller to the promise
(contains? @loading id)
(p/resolved (get @loading id))
load-p (p/create
(fn [resolve _]
(-> font
(assoc ::on-loaded (partial on-load resolve))
;; First caller, we create the promise and then wait
(let [on-load (fn [resolve]
(swap! loaded conj id)
(swap! loading dissoc id)
(resolve id))
(swap! loading assoc id load-p)
load-p (p/create
(fn [resolve _]
(-> font
(assoc ::on-loaded (partial on-load resolve))
(swap! loading assoc id load-p)
(defn ready
@ -69,16 +69,21 @@
[:> :g group-props
(for [[index data] (d/enumerate position-data)]
(let [alignment-bl (when (cf/check-browser? :safari) "text-before-edge")
dominant-bl (when-not (cf/check-browser? :safari) "text-before-edge")
rtl? (= "rtl" (:direction data))
(let [rtl? (= "rtl" (:direction data))
(cf/check-browser? :safari)
#js {:dominantBaseline "hanging"
:dy "0.2em"
:y (- (:y data) (:height data))})
props (-> #js {:key (dm/str "text-" (:id shape) "-" index)
:x (if rtl? (+ (:x data) (:width data)) (:x data))
:y (- (:y data) (:height data))
:y (:y data)
:dominantBaseline "ideographic"
:textLength (:width data)
:lengthAdjust "spacingAndGlyphs"
:alignmentBaseline alignment-bl
:dominantBaseline dominant-bl
:style (-> #js {:fontFamily (:font-family data)
:fontSize (:font-size data)
:fontWeight (:font-weight data)
@ -88,7 +93,9 @@
:fontStyle (:font-style data)
:direction (:direction data)
:whiteSpace "pre"}
(obj/set! "fill" (str "url(#fill-" index "-" render-id ")")))})
(obj/set! "fill" (str "url(#fill-" index "-" render-id ")")))}
(cond-> browser-props
(obj/merge! browser-props)))
shape (assoc shape :fills (:fills data))]
[:& (mf/provider muc/render-id) {:key index :value (str render-id "_" (:id shape) "_" index)}
@ -15,9 +15,54 @@
[app.main.refs :as refs]
[app.main.ui.shapes.shape :refer [shape-container]]
[app.main.ui.shapes.text :as text]
[app.util.dom :as dom]
[debug :refer [debug?]]
[rumext.v2 :as mf]))
(mf/defc debug-text-bounds
{::mf/wrap-props false}
(let [shape (unchecked-get props "shape")
zoom (mf/deref refs/selected-zoom)
bounding-box (gsht/position-data-selrect shape)
ctx (js* "document.createElement(\"canvas\").getContext(\"2d\")")]
[:g {:transform (gsh/transform-str shape)}
[:rect {:x (:x bounding-box)
:y (:y bounding-box)
:width (:width bounding-box)
:height (:height bounding-box)
:style {:fill "none"
:stroke "orange"
:stroke-width (/ 1 zoom)}}]
(for [[index data] (d/enumerate (:position-data shape))]
(let [{:keys [x y width height]} data
res (dom/measure-text ctx (:font-size data) (:font-family data) (:text data))]
[:g {:key (dm/str index)}
;; Text fragment bounding box
[:rect {:x x
:y (- y height)
:width width
:height height
:style {:fill "none"
:stroke "red"
:stroke-width (/ 1 zoom)}}]
;; Text baseline
[:line {:x1 (mth/round x)
:y1 (mth/round (- (:y data) (:height data)))
:x2 (mth/round (+ x width))
:y2 (mth/round (- (:y data) (:height data)))
:style {:stroke "blue"
:stroke-width (/ 1 zoom)}}]
[:line {:x1 (:x data)
:y1 (- (:y data) (:descent res))
:x2 (+ (:x data) (:width data))
:y2 (- (:y data) (:descent res))
:style {:stroke "green"
:stroke-width (/ 2 zoom)}}]]))]))
;; --- Text Wrapper for workspace
(mf/defc text-wrapper
{::mf/wrap-props false}
@ -39,28 +84,4 @@
[:& text/text-shape {:shape shape}]]
(when (and (debug? :text-outline) (d/not-empty? (:position-data shape)))
[:g {:transform (gsh/transform-str shape)}
(let [bounding-box (gsht/position-data-selrect shape)]
[:rect {
:x (:x bounding-box)
:y (:y bounding-box)
:width (:width bounding-box)
:height (:height bounding-box)
:style { :fill "none" :stroke "orange"}}])
(for [[index data] (d/enumerate (:position-data shape))]
(let [{:keys [x y width height]} data]
[:g {:key (dm/str index)}
;; Text fragment bounding box
[:rect {:x x
:y (- y height)
:width width
:height height
:style {:fill "none" :stroke "red"}}]
;; Text baseline
[:line {:x1 (mth/round x)
:y1 (mth/round (- (:y data) (:height data)))
:x2 (mth/round (+ x width))
:y2 (mth/round (- (:y data) (:height data)))
:style {:stroke "blue"}}]]))])]))
[:& debug-text-bounds {:shape shape}])]))
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@
[:span.element-set-subtitle.wide (tr "workspace.options.interaction-delay")]
[:div.input-element {:title (tr "workspace.options.interaction-ms")}
[:> numeric-input {:ref ext-delay-ref
:on-click (select-text ext-delay-ref)
:on-focus (select-text ext-delay-ref)
:on-change change-delay
:value (:delay interaction)
:title (tr "workspace.options.interaction-ms")}]
@ -523,7 +523,7 @@
[:span.element-set-subtitle.wide (tr "workspace.options.interaction-duration")]
[:div.input-element {:title (tr "workspace.options.interaction-ms")}
[:> numeric-input {:ref ext-duration-ref
:on-click (select-text ext-duration-ref)
:on-focus (select-text ext-duration-ref)
:on-change change-duration
:value (-> interaction :animation :duration)
:title (tr "workspace.options.interaction-ms")}]
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
[:div.input-element {:title (tr "workspace.options.opacity") :class "percentail"}
[:> numeric-input {:value (-> values :opacity opacity->string)
:placeholder (tr "settings.multiple")
:on-click select-all
:on-focus select-all
:on-change handle-opacity-change
:min 0
:max 100}]]
@ -266,10 +266,11 @@
[:span.icon.rotated i/auto-padding-both-sides]
[:> numeric-input
{:placeholder "--"
:on-click #(dom/select-target %)
:on-change (partial on-change :simple :p1)
:on-focus #(select-paddings true false true false)
:on-blur #(select-paddings false false false false)
:on-blur #(do
(dom/select-target %)
(select-paddings false false false false))
:value p1}]]
@ -277,9 +278,9 @@
[:span.icon i/auto-padding-both-sides]
[:> numeric-input
{:placeholder "--"
:on-click #(dom/select-target %)
:on-change (partial on-change :simple :p2)
:on-focus #(select-paddings false true false true)
:on-focus #(do (dom/select-target %)
(select-paddings false true false true))
:on-blur #(select-paddings false false false false)
:value p2}]]]
@ -296,9 +297,9 @@
[:> numeric-input
{:placeholder "--"
:on-click #(dom/select-target %)
:on-change (partial on-change :multiple num)
:on-focus #(select-padding num)
:on-focus #(do (dom/select-target %)
(select-padding num))
:on-blur #(select-paddings false false false false)
:value (num (:layout-padding values))}]]])])
@ -320,7 +321,7 @@
[:> numeric-input {:no-validate true
:placeholder "--"
:on-click (fn [event]
:on-focus (fn [event]
(reset! gap-selected? :column-gap)
(dom/select-target event))
:on-change (partial set-gap (= :nowrap wrap-type) :column-gap)
@ -334,7 +335,7 @@
[:> numeric-input {:no-validate true
:placeholder "--"
:on-click (fn [event]
:on-focus (fn [event]
(reset! gap-selected? :row-gap)
(dom/select-target event))
:on-change (partial set-gap (= :nowrap wrap-type) :row-gap)
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
[:span.icon i/auto-margin-both-sides]
[:> numeric-input
{:placeholder "--"
:on-click #(dom/select-target %)
:on-focus #(dom/select-target %)
:on-change (partial on-margin-change :simple :m1)
:value m1}]]
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
[:span.icon.rotated i/auto-margin-both-sides]
[:> numeric-input
{:placeholder "--"
:on-click #(dom/select-target %)
:on-focus #(dom/select-target %)
:on-change (partial on-margin-change :simple :m2)
:value m2}]]]
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
[:> numeric-input
{:placeholder "--"
:on-click #(dom/select-target %)
:on-focus #(dom/select-target %)
:on-change (partial on-margin-change :multiple num)
:value (num (:layout-item-margin values))}]]])])
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
[:> numeric-input
{:placeholder "--"
:on-click #(dom/select-target %)
:on-focus #(dom/select-target %)
:on-change #(on-change-z-index %)
:value (:layout-item-z-index values)}]]]])
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@
:min 0
:data-wrap true
:placeholder "--"
:on-click #(dom/select-target %)
:on-focus #(dom/select-target %)
:on-change (partial on-size-change item)
:value (get values item)
:nillable true}]]])]]])]]))
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
[:> numeric-input {:min 0.01
:no-validate true
:placeholder "--"
:on-click select-all
:on-focus select-all
:on-change on-width-change
:disabled disabled-width-sizing?
:value (:width values)}]]
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@
[:> numeric-input {:min 0.01
:no-validate true
:placeholder "--"
:on-click select-all
:on-focus select-all
:on-change on-height-change
:disabled disabled-height-sizing?
:value (:height values)}]]
@ -345,14 +345,14 @@
[:div.input-element.Xaxis {:title (tr "workspace.options.x")}
[:> numeric-input {:no-validate true
:placeholder "--"
:on-click select-all
:on-focus select-all
:on-change on-pos-x-change
:disabled disabled-position-x?
:value (:x values)}]]
[:div.input-element.Yaxis {:title (tr "workspace.options.y")}
[:> numeric-input {:no-validate true
:placeholder "--"
:on-click select-all
:on-focus select-all
:disabled disabled-position-y?
:on-change on-pos-y-change
:value (:y values)}]]])
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@
:max 359
:data-wrap true
:placeholder "--"
:on-click select-all
:on-focus select-all
:on-change on-rotation-change
:value (:rotation values)}]]])
@ -396,7 +396,7 @@
{:placeholder "--"
:ref radius-input-ref
:min 0
:on-click select-all
:on-focus select-all
:on-change on-radius-1-change
:value (:rx values)}]]
@ -406,7 +406,7 @@
{:type "number"
:placeholder "--"
:min 0
:on-click select-all
:on-focus select-all
:on-change on-radius-multi-change
:value ""}]]
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@
[:> numeric-input
{:placeholder "--"
:min 0
:on-click select-all
:on-focus select-all
:on-change on-radius-r1-change
:value (:r1 values)}]]
@ -424,7 +424,7 @@
[:> numeric-input
{:placeholder "--"
:min 0
:on-click select-all
:on-focus select-all
:on-change on-radius-r2-change
:value (:r2 values)}]]
@ -432,7 +432,7 @@
[:> numeric-input
{:placeholder "--"
:min 0
:on-click select-all
:on-focus select-all
:on-change on-radius-r3-change
:value (:r3 values)}]]
@ -440,7 +440,7 @@
[:> numeric-input
{:placeholder "--"
:min 0
:on-click select-all
:on-focus select-all
:on-change on-radius-r4-change
:value (:r4 values)}]]])])
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
[:> numeric-input {:ref adv-offset-x-ref
:no-validate true
:placeholder "--"
:on-click (select-text adv-offset-x-ref)
:on-focus (select-text adv-offset-x-ref)
:on-change (update-attr index :offset-x valid-number? basic-offset-x-ref)
:value (:offset-x value)}]
[:span.after (tr "workspace.options.shadow-options.offsetx")]]
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
[:> numeric-input {:ref adv-offset-y-ref
:no-validate true
:placeholder "--"
:on-click (select-text adv-offset-y-ref)
:on-focus (select-text adv-offset-y-ref)
:on-change (update-attr index :offset-y valid-number? basic-offset-y-ref)
:value (:offset-y value)}]
[:span.after (tr "workspace.options.shadow-options.offsety")]]]
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
[:> numeric-input {:ref adv-blur-ref
:no-validate true
:placeholder "--"
:on-click (select-text adv-blur-ref)
:on-focus (select-text adv-blur-ref)
:on-change (update-attr index :blur valid-number? basic-blur-ref)
:min 0
:value (:blur value)}]
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
[:> numeric-input {:ref adv-spread-ref
:no-validate true
:placeholder "--"
:on-click (select-text adv-spread-ref)
:on-focus (select-text adv-spread-ref)
:on-change (update-attr index :spread valid-number?)
:value (:spread value)}]
[:span.after (tr "workspace.options.shadow-options.spread")]]]
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
(-> color :color uc/remove-hash))
:placeholder (tr "settings.multiple")
:on-click select-all
:on-focus select-all
:on-blur on-blur
:on-change handle-value-change}]]
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
{:class (dom/classnames :percentail (not= (:opacity color) :multiple))}
[:> numeric-input {:value (-> color :opacity opacity->string)
:placeholder (tr "settings.multiple")
:on-click select-all
:on-focus select-all
:on-blur on-blur
:on-change handle-opacity-change
:min 0
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
:value (-> (:stroke-width stroke) width->string)
:placeholder (tr "settings.multiple")
:on-change (on-stroke-width-change index)
:on-click select-all
:on-focus select-all
:on-blur on-blur}]]
[:select#style.input-select {:value (enum->string (:stroke-alignment stroke))
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
(ns app.main.ui.workspace.viewport.hooks
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.geom.shapes :as gsh]
[app.common.pages :as cp]
[app.common.pages.helpers :as cph]
@ -169,7 +170,8 @@
;; but the mouse has not been moved from its position.
(->> mod-str
(rx/observe-on :async)
(rx/map #(deref last-point-ref)))
(rx/map #(deref last-point-ref))
(rx/merge-map query-point))
(->> move-stream
(rx/tap #(reset! last-point-ref %))
@ -241,10 +243,17 @@
(into selected-with-parents remove-id-xf ids)
(fn [id]
(and (cph/frame-shape? objects id)
(not (cph/root-frame? objects id))
(empty? (dm/get-in objects [id :fills]))))
(->> ids
(remove remove-id?)
(remove (partial cph/hidden-parent? objects))
(remove no-fill-nested-frames?)
(filter #(or (empty? focus) (cp/is-in-focus? objects focus %)))
(get objects))]
@ -662,3 +662,12 @@
(defn has-children?
[^js node]
(> (-> node .-children .-length) 0))
;; WARNING: Use only for debugging. It's to costly to use for real
(defn measure-text
"Given a canvas' context 2d and the text info returns tis ascent/descent info"
[context-2d font-size font-family text]
(let [_ (set! (.-font context-2d) (str font-size " " font-family))
measures (.measureText context-2d text)]
{:descent (.-actualBoundingBoxDescent measures)
:ascent (.-actualBoundingBoxAscent measures)}))
Add table
Reference in a new issue