mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 18:21:23 -05:00
Refactor interactions in workspace.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 107 additions and 76 deletions
@ -72,12 +72,22 @@
(defonce scroll-left (rx/to-atom scroll-left-s))
;; Mouse Position Stream
;; Interactions
(defonce shapes-dragging? (atom false))
(defonce selrect-dragging? (atom false))
(defonce selrect-pos (atom nil))
;; (defonce shapes-dragging? (atom false))
;; (defonce selrect-dragging? (atom false))
(defonce interactions-b (rx/bus))
(defn emit-interaction!
(rx/push! interactions-b {:type type}))
([type payload]
(rx/push! interactions-b {:type type :payload payload})))
;; Mouse Position Stream
(defonce mouse-b (rx/bus))
(defonce mouse-s
@ -109,65 +119,6 @@
(defonce bounding-rect (atom {}))
;; Subscriptions
(define-once :mouse-subscriptions
(as-> mouse-delta-s $
(rx/filter #(deref shapes-dragging?) $)
(rx/on-value $ (fn [delta]
(let [pageid (get-in @st/state [:workspace :page])
selected (get-in @st/state [:workspace :selected])
shapes (->> (vals @shapes-by-id)
(filter #(= (:page %) pageid))
(filter (comp selected :id)))]
(doseq [{:keys [id group]} shapes]
(rs/emit! (dw/move-shape id delta))))))))
(defn selrect->rect
(let [start (:start data)
current (:current data )
start-x (min (first start) (first current))
start-y (min (second start) (second current))
current-x (max (first start) (first current))
current-y (max (second start) (second current))
width (- current-x start-x)
height (- current-y start-y)]
{:x start-x
:y start-y
:width (- current-x start-x)
:height (- current-y start-y)}))
(define-once :selrect-subscriptions
(let [ss (as-> (rx/from-atom selrect-dragging?) $
(rx/dedupe $)
(rx/merge $ (rx/of false))
(rx/buffer 2 1 $)
(rx/share $))]
(as-> ss $
(rx/filter #(= (vec %) [false true]) $)
(rx/with-latest-from vector mouse-s $)
(rx/on-value $ (fn [[_ [x y :as pos]]]
(let [scroll (or @scroll-top 0)
pos [x (+ y scroll)]]
(swap! selrect-pos assoc
:start pos
:current pos)))))
(as-> ss $
(rx/filter #(= (vec %) [true false]) $)
(rx/on-value $ (fn []
(let [selrect (selrect->rect @selrect-pos)]
(rs/emit! (dw/select-shapes selrect))
(reset! selrect-pos nil)))))
(as-> mouse-s $
(rx/filter #(deref selrect-dragging?) $)
(rx/on-value $ (fn [[x y :as pos]]
(let [scroll (or @scroll-top 0)
pos [x (+ y scroll)]]
(swap! selrect-pos assoc :current pos)))))))
;; Constants
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
[uxbox.ui.mixins :as mx]
[uxbox.ui.dom :as dom]
[uxbox.ui.workspace.base :as wb]
[uxbox.ui.workspace.canvas.selection :refer (shapes-selection)]
[uxbox.ui.workspace.canvas.selrect :refer (selrect)]
[uxbox.ui.workspace.grid :refer (grid)]
@ -51,9 +52,6 @@
local (:rum/local own)]
(letfn [(on-mouse-down [event]
(when-not (:blocked item)
;; (let [local (:rum/local own)]
;; (swap! local assoc :init-coords [x y])
;; (reset! wb/shapes-dragging? true))
(and group (:locked (sh/resolve-parent item)))
@ -62,15 +60,14 @@
(dom/stop-propagation event)
(swap! local assoc :init-coords [x y])
(reset! wb/shapes-dragging? true)
(wb/emit-interaction! :shape/movement)
(rs/emit! (dw/select-shape id)))
(and (not selected?) (not (empty? selected)))
(dom/stop-propagation event)
(swap! local assoc :init-coords [x y])
(reset! wb/shapes-dragging? true)
#_(reset! wb/shapes-dragging? true)
(if (.-ctrlKey event)
(rs/emit! (dw/select-shape id))
(rs/emit! (dw/deselect-all)
@ -80,7 +77,7 @@
(dom/stop-propagation event)
(swap! local assoc :init-coords [x y])
(reset! wb/shapes-dragging? true)))))
(wb/emit-interaction! :shape/movement)))))
(on-mouse-up [event]
@ -90,7 +87,8 @@
(dom/stop-propagation event)
(reset! wb/shapes-dragging? false))))]
(wb/emit-interaction! :nothing)
[:g.shape {:class (when selected? "selected")
:on-mouse-down on-mouse-down
@ -189,11 +187,10 @@
(dom/stop-propagation event)
(when-not (empty? (:selected workspace))
(rs/emit! (dw/deselect-all)))
(reset! wb/selrect-dragging? true))
(wb/emit-interaction! :selrect/draw))
(on-mouse-up [event]
(dom/stop-propagation event)
(reset! wb/shapes-dragging? false)
(reset! wb/selrect-dragging? false))
(wb/emit-interaction! :nothing))
(on-click [event wstate]
(let [mousepos @wb/mouse-position
scroll-top @wb/scroll-top
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
(ns uxbox.ui.workspace.canvas.movement
(:require-macros [uxbox.util.syntax :refer [define-once]])
(:require [beicon.core :as rx]
[cats.labs.lens :as l]
[uxbox.rstore :as rs]
[uxbox.state :as st]
[uxbox.ui.workspace.base :as wb]
[uxbox.data.workspace :as dw]))
(define-once :mouse-subscriptions
(as-> (rx/with-latest-from vector wb/interactions-b wb/mouse-delta-s) $
(rx/filter #(= (:type (second %)) :shape/movement) $)
(rx/map first $)
(rx/on-value $ (fn [delta]
(let [pageid (get-in @st/state [:workspace :page])
selected (get-in @st/state [:workspace :selected])
shapes (->> (vals @wb/shapes-by-id)
(filter #(= (:page %) pageid))
(filter (comp selected :id)))]
(doseq [{:keys [id group]} shapes]
(rs/emit! (dw/move-shape id delta))))))))
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
(ns uxbox.ui.workspace.canvas.selrect
"Components for indicate the user selection and selected shapes group."
(:require-macros [uxbox.util.syntax :refer [define-once]])
(:require [sablono.core :as html :refer-macros [html]]
[rum.core :as rum]
[beicon.core :as rx]
@ -7,18 +8,23 @@
[uxbox.rstore :as rs]
[uxbox.state :as st]
[uxbox.shapes :as sh]
[uxbox.data.workspace :as dw]
[uxbox.ui.workspace.base :as wb]
[uxbox.ui.mixins :as mx]
[uxbox.ui.dom :as dom]))
(defonce selrect-pos (atom nil))
;; Component
(declare selrect->rect)
(defn selrect-render
(when-let [data (rum/react wb/selrect-pos)]
(let [{:keys [x y width height]} (wb/selrect->rect data)]
(when-let [data (rum/react selrect-pos)]
(let [{:keys [x y width height]} (selrect->rect data)]
{:x x
@ -31,3 +37,58 @@
{:render selrect-render
:name "selrect"
:mixins [mx/static rum/reactive]}))
;; Subscriptions
(defn selrect->rect
(let [start (:start data)
current (:current data )
start-x (min (first start) (first current))
start-y (min (second start) (second current))
current-x (max (first start) (first current))
current-y (max (second start) (second current))
width (- current-x start-x)
height (- current-y start-y)]
{:x start-x
:y start-y
:width (- current-x start-x)
:height (- current-y start-y)}))
(define-once :selrect-subscriptions
(let [events #{:selrect/draw :nothing}
ss (as-> wb/interactions-b $
(rx/filter #(contains? events (:type %)) $)
(rx/dedupe $)
(rx/merge (rx/of {:type :nothing}) $)
(rx/map (fn [event]
(case (:type event)
:selrect/draw true
:nothing false)) $)
(rx/buffer 2 1 $)
(rx/share $))]
(as-> ss $
(rx/filter #(= (vec %) [false true]) $)
(rx/with-latest-from vector wb/mouse-s $)
(rx/pr-log "kaka1" $)
(rx/on-value $ (fn [[_ [x y :as pos]]]
(let [scroll (or @wb/scroll-top 0)
pos [x (+ y scroll)]]
(swap! selrect-pos assoc
:start pos
:current pos)))))
(as-> ss $
(rx/filter #(= (vec %) [true false]) $)
(rx/on-value $ (fn []
(let [selrect (selrect->rect @selrect-pos)]
(rs/emit! (dw/select-shapes selrect))
(reset! selrect-pos nil)))))
(as-> (rx/with-latest-from vector wb/interactions-b wb/mouse-s) $
(rx/filter #(= (:type (second %)) :selrect/draw) $)
(rx/map first $)
(rx/on-value $ (fn [[x y :as pos]]
(let [scroll (or @wb/scroll-top 0)
pos [x (+ y scroll)]]
(swap! selrect-pos assoc :current pos)))))))
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