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Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/staging' into develop

This commit is contained in:
Andrey Antukh 2025-01-27 12:12:46 +01:00
commit 74bdd72d2f
8 changed files with 369 additions and 82 deletions

View file

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
- Fix exception on importing some templates from templates slider
- Consolidate adding share button to workspace
- Fix problem when pasting text [Taiga #9929](https://tree.taiga.io/project/penpot/issue/9929)
- Fix incorrect media reference handling on component instantiation
## 2.4.2

View file

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.exceptions :as ex]
[app.common.features :as cfeat]
[app.common.files.helpers :as cfh]
[app.common.files.migrations :as fmg]
[app.common.files.validate :as fval]
[app.common.logging :as l]
@ -29,7 +30,6 @@
[app.util.time :as dt]
[app.worker :as-alias wrk]
[clojure.set :as set]
[clojure.walk :as walk]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[datoteka.fs :as fs]
[datoteka.io :as io]))
@ -251,40 +251,65 @@
:data nil}
{::sql/columns [:media-id :file-id :revn]}))
(def ^:private sql:get-missing-media-references
"SELECT fmo.*
FROM file_media_object AS fmo
WHERE fmo.id = ANY(?::uuid[])
AND file_id != ?")
(def ^:private
(map :objects)
(mapcat vals)
(mapcat (fn [obj]
;; NOTE: because of some bug, we ended with
;; many shape types having the ability to
;; have fill-image attribute (which initially
;; designed for :path shapes).
(keep :id)
(concat [(:fill-image obj)
(:metadata obj)]
(map :fill-image (:fills obj))
(map :stroke-image (:strokes obj))
(->> (:content obj)
(tree-seq map? :children)
(mapcat :fills)
(map :fill-image))))))))
(defn update-media-references!
"Given a file and a coll of media-refs, check if all provided
references are correct or fix them in-place"
[{:keys [::db/conn] :as cfg} {file-id :id :as file} media-refs]
(let [missing-index
(reduce (fn [result {:keys [id] :as fmo}]
(assoc result id
(-> fmo
(assoc :id (uuid/next))
(assoc :file-id file-id)
(dissoc :created-at)
(dissoc :deleted-at))))
(db/exec! conn [sql:get-missing-media-references
(->> (into #{} xf-map-id media-refs)
(db/create-array conn "uuid"))
(defn collect-used-media
"Given a fdata (file data), returns all media references."
(-> #{}
(into xform:collect-media-id (vals (:pages-index data)))
(into xform:collect-media-id (vals (:components data)))
(into (keys (:media data)))))
(fn [id]
(if-let [mobj (get missing-index id)]
(l/trc :hint "lookup index"
:file-id (str file-id)
:snap-id (str (:snapshot-id file))
:id (str id)
:result (str (get mobj :id)))
(get mobj :id))
(fn [data {:keys [page-id shape-id]}]
(d/update-in-when data [:pages-index page-id :objects shape-id] cfh/relink-media-refs lookup-index))
(update file :data #(reduce update-shapes % media-refs))]
(doseq [[old-id item] missing-index]
(l/dbg :hint "create missing references"
:file-id (str file-id)
:snap-id (str (:snapshot-id file))
:old-id (str old-id)
:id (str (:id item)))
(db/insert! conn :file-media-object item
{::db/return-keys false}))
(defn get-file-media
[cfg {:keys [data id] :as file}]
(db/run! cfg (fn [{:keys [::db/conn]}]
(let [ids (collect-used-media data)
(let [ids (cfh/collect-used-media data)
ids (db/create-array conn "uuid" ids)
sql (str "SELECT * FROM file_media_object WHERE id = ANY(?)")]
@ -337,48 +362,7 @@
replace the old :component-file reference with the new
ones, using the provided file-index."
(letfn [(process-map-form [form]
(cond-> form
;; Relink image shapes
(and (map? (:metadata form))
(= :image (:type form)))
(update-in [:metadata :id] lookup-index)
;; Relink paths with fill image
(map? (:fill-image form))
(update-in [:fill-image :id] lookup-index)
;; This covers old shapes and the new :fills.
(uuid? (:fill-color-ref-file form))
(update :fill-color-ref-file lookup-index)
;; This covers the old shapes and the new :strokes
(uuid? (:stroke-color-ref-file form))
(update :stroke-color-ref-file lookup-index)
;; This covers all text shapes that have typography referenced
(uuid? (:typography-ref-file form))
(update :typography-ref-file lookup-index)
;; This covers the component instance links
(uuid? (:component-file form))
(update :component-file lookup-index)
;; This covers the shadows and grids (they have directly
;; the :file-id prop)
(uuid? (:file-id form))
(update :file-id lookup-index)))
(process-form [form]
(if (map? form)
(process-map-form form)
(catch Throwable cause
(l/warn :hint "failed form" :form (pr-str form) ::l/sync? true)
(throw cause)))
(walk/postwalk process-form data)))
(cfh/relink-media-refs data lookup-index))
(defn- relink-media
"A function responsible of process the :media attr of file data and

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
(ns app.rpc.commands.files-update
[app.binfile.common :as bfc]
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.exceptions :as ex]
[app.common.features :as cfeat]
@ -415,19 +416,37 @@
(l/error :hint "file validation error"
:cause cause))))
(defn- process-changes-and-validate
[cfg file changes skip-validate]
(let [;; WARNING: this ruins performance; maybe we need to find
;; some other way to do general validation
libs (when (and (or (contains? cf/flags :file-validation)
(contains? cf/flags :soft-file-validation))
(not skip-validate))
(get-file-libraries cfg file))
(when (and (or (contains? cf/flags :file-validation)
(contains? cf/flags :soft-file-validation))
(not skip-validate))
(get-file-libraries cfg file))
file (-> (files/check-version! file)
(update :revn inc)
(update :data cpc/process-changes changes)
(update :data d/without-nils))]
;; The main purpose of this atom is provide a contextual state
;; for the changes subsystem where optionally some hints can
;; be provided for the changes processing. Right now we are
;; using it for notify about the existence of media refs when
;; a new shape is added.
(atom {})
(binding [cpc/*state* state]
(-> (files/check-version! file)
(update :revn inc)
(update :data cpc/process-changes changes)
(update :data d/without-nils)))
(if-let [media-refs (-> @state :media-refs not-empty)]
(bfc/update-media-references! cfg file media-refs)
(binding [pmap/*tracked* nil]
(when (contains? cf/flags :soft-file-validation)

View file

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
fixes all not propertly referenced file-media-object for a file"
[{:keys [id data] :as file} & _]
(let [conn (db/get-connection h/*system*)
used (bfc/collect-used-media data)
used (cfh/collect-used-media data)
ids (db/create-array conn "uuid" used)
sql (str "SELECT * FROM file_media_object WHERE id = ANY(?)")
rows (db/exec! conn [sql ids])

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
file is eligible to be garbage collected after some period of
inactivity (the default threshold is 72h)."
[app.binfile.common :as bfc]
[app.common.files.helpers :as cfh]
[app.common.files.migrations :as fmg]
[app.common.files.validate :as cfv]
[app.common.logging :as l]
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
(def ^:private xf:collect-used-media
(map :data)
(mapcat bfc/collect-used-media)))
(mapcat cfh/collect-used-media)))
(defn- clean-file-media!
"Performs the garbage collection of file media objects."

View file

@ -1658,3 +1658,174 @@
components (get-in result [:data :components])]
(t/is (not (contains? components c-id)))))))
(defn add-file-media-object
[& {:keys [profile-id file-id]}]
(let [mfile {:filename "sample.jpg"
:path (th/tempfile "backend_tests/test_files/sample.jpg")
:mtype "image/jpeg"
:size 312043}
params {::th/type :upload-file-media-object
::rpc/profile-id profile-id
:file-id file-id
:is-local true
:name "testfile"
:content mfile}
out (th/command! params)]
;; (th/print-result! out)
(t/is (nil? (:error out)))
(:result out)))
(t/deftest file-gc-with-media-assets-and-absorb-library
(let [storage (:app.storage/storage th/*system*)
profile (th/create-profile* 1)
file-1 (th/create-file* 1 {:profile-id (:id profile)
:project-id (:default-project-id profile)
:is-shared true})
file-2 (th/create-file* 2 {:profile-id (:id profile)
:project-id (:default-project-id profile)
:is-shared false})
fmedia (add-file-media-object :profile-id (:id profile) :file-id (:id file-1))
rel (th/link-file-to-library*
{:file-id (:id file-2)
:library-id (:id file-1)})
s-id-1 (uuid/random)
s-id-2 (uuid/random)
c-id (uuid/random)
f1-page-id (first (get-in file-1 [:data :pages]))
f2-page-id (first (get-in file-2 [:data :pages]))
{:id (:id fmedia)
:name "test"
:width 200
:height 200}}]]
;; Update file library inserting new component
:file-id (:id file-1)
:profile-id (:id profile)
:revn 0
:vern 0
[{:type :add-obj
:page-id f1-page-id
:id s-id-1
:parent-id uuid/zero
:frame-id uuid/zero
:components-v2 true
:obj (cts/setup-shape
{:id s-id-1
:name "Board"
:frame-id uuid/zero
:parent-id uuid/zero
:type :frame
:fills fills
:main-instance true
:component-root true
:component-file (:id file-1)
:component-id c-id})}
{:type :add-component
:path ""
:name "Board"
:main-instance-id s-id-1
:main-instance-page f1-page-id
:id c-id
:anotation nil}])
;; Instanciate a component in a different file
:file-id (:id file-2)
:profile-id (:id profile)
:revn 0
:vern 0
[{:type :add-obj
:page-id f2-page-id
:id s-id-2
:parent-id uuid/zero
:frame-id uuid/zero
:components-v2 true
:obj (cts/setup-shape
{:id s-id-2
:name "Board"
:frame-id uuid/zero
:parent-id uuid/zero
:type :frame
:fills fills
:main-instance false
:component-root true
:component-file (:id file-1)
:component-id c-id})}])
;; Check that file media object references are present for both objects
;; the original one and the instance.
(let [rows (th/db-exec! ["SELECT * FROM file_media_object ORDER BY created_at ASC"])]
(t/is (= 2 (count rows)))
(t/is (= (:id file-1) (:file-id (get rows 0))))
(t/is (= (:id file-2) (:file-id (get rows 1))))
(t/is (every? (comp nil? :deleted-at) rows)))
;; Check if the underlying media reference on shape is different
;; from the instantiation
(let [data {::th/type :get-file
::rpc/profile-id (:id profile)
:id (:id file-2)}
out (th/command! data)]
(t/is (th/success? out))
(let [result (:result out)
fill (get-in result [:data :pages-index f2-page-id :objects s-id-2 :fills 0 :fill-image])]
(t/is (some? fill))
(t/is (not= (:id fill) (:id fmedia)))))
;; Run the file-gc on file and library
(t/is (true? (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0 :file-id (:id file-1)})))
(t/is (true? (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0 :file-id (:id file-2)})))
;; Now proceed to delete file and absorb it
(let [data {::th/type :delete-file
::rpc/profile-id (:id profile)
:id (:id file-1)}
out (th/command! data)]
(t/is (th/success? out)))
(th/run-task! :delete-object
{:object :file
:deleted-at (dt/now)
:id (:id file-1)})
;; Check that file media object references are marked all for deletion
(let [rows (th/db-exec! ["SELECT * FROM file_media_object ORDER BY created_at ASC"])]
;; (pp/pprint rows)
(t/is (= 2 (count rows)))
(t/is (= (:id file-1) (:file-id (get rows 0))))
(t/is (some? (:deleted-at (get rows 0))))
(t/is (= (:id file-2) (:file-id (get rows 1))))
(t/is (nil? (:deleted-at (get rows 1)))))
(th/run-task! :objects-gc
{:min-age 0})
(let [rows (th/db-exec! ["SELECT * FROM file_media_object ORDER BY created_at ASC"])]
(t/is (= 1 (count rows)))
(t/is (= (:id file-2) (:file-id (get rows 0))))
(t/is (nil? (:deleted-at (get rows 0)))))))

View file

@ -509,6 +509,11 @@
(def ^:dynamic *state*
"A general purpose state to signal some out of order operations
to the processor backend."
(defmulti process-change (fn [_ change] (:type change)))
(defmulti process-operation (fn [_ op] (:type op)))
@ -643,12 +648,38 @@
;; --- Shape / Obj
;; The main purpose of this is ensure that all created shapes has
;; valid media references; so for make sure of it, we analyze each
;; shape added via `:add-obj` change for media usage, and if shape has
;; media refs, we put that media refs on the check list (on the
;; *state*) which will subsequently be processed and all incorrect
;; references will be corrected. The media ref is anything that can
;; be pointing to a file-media-object on the shape, per example we
;; have fill-image, stroke-image, etc.
(defn- collect-shape-media-refs
[state obj page-id]
(let [media-refs
(-> (cfh/collect-shape-media-refs obj)
(map (fn [id]
{:page-id page-id
:shape-id (:id obj)
:id id}))]
(update state :media-refs into xform media-refs)))
(defmethod process-change :add-obj
[data {:keys [id obj page-id component-id frame-id parent-id index ignore-touched]}]
(let [update-container
(fn [container]
(ctst/add-shape id obj container frame-id parent-id index ignore-touched))]
(when *state*
(swap! *state* collect-shape-media-refs obj page-id))
(if page-id
(d/update-in-when data [:pages-index page-id] update-container)
(d/update-in-when data [:components component-id] update-container))))

View file

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
[app.common.schema :as sm]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[clojure.set :as set]
[clojure.walk :as walk]
[cuerdas.core :as str]))
#?(:clj (set! *warn-on-reflection* true))
@ -533,6 +534,86 @@
(get-position-on-parent objects)
(defn collect-shape-media-refs
"Collect all media refs on the provided shape. Returns a set of ids"
(keep :id)
;; NOTE: because of some bug, we ended with
;; many shape types having the ability to
;; have fill-image attribute (which initially
;; designed for :path shapes).
(concat [(:fill-image shape)
(:metadata shape)]
(map :fill-image (:fills shape))
(map :stroke-image (:strokes shape))
(->> (:content shape)
(tree-seq map? :children)
(mapcat :fills)
(map :fill-image)))))
(def ^:private
"A transducer for collect media-id usage across a container (page or
(map :objects)
(mapcat vals)
(mapcat collect-shape-media-refs)))
(defn collect-used-media
"Given a fdata (file data), returns all media references used in the
file data"
(-> #{}
(into xform:collect-media-refs (vals (:pages-index data)))
(into xform:collect-media-refs (vals (:components data)))
(into (keys (:media data)))))
(defn relink-media-refs
"A function responsible to analyze all file data and replace the
old :component-file reference with the new ones, using the provided
[data lookup-index]
(letfn [(process-map-form [form]
(cond-> form
;; Relink image shapes
(and (map? (:metadata form))
(= :image (:type form)))
(update-in [:metadata :id] lookup-index)
;; Relink paths with fill image
(map? (:fill-image form))
(update-in [:fill-image :id] lookup-index)
;; This covers old shapes and the new :fills.
(uuid? (:fill-color-ref-file form))
(update :fill-color-ref-file lookup-index)
;; This covers the old shapes and the new :strokes
(uuid? (:stroke-color-ref-file form))
(update :stroke-color-ref-file lookup-index)
;; This covers all text shapes that have typography referenced
(uuid? (:typography-ref-file form))
(update :typography-ref-file lookup-index)
;; This covers the component instance links
(uuid? (:component-file form))
(update :component-file lookup-index)
;; This covers the shadows and grids (they have directly
;; the :file-id prop)
(uuid? (:file-id form))
(update :file-id lookup-index)))
(process-form [form]
(if (map? form)
(process-map-form form)
(walk/postwalk process-form data)))