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mirror of https://github.com/penpot/penpot.git synced 2025-03-12 07:41:43 -05:00

Adds synchronization for typography

This commit is contained in:
alonso.torres 2020-09-30 18:46:10 +02:00 committed by Hirunatan
parent 718a676fa8
commit 7248b168fa
3 changed files with 167 additions and 96 deletions

View file

@ -452,9 +452,10 @@
(watch [_ state stream]
(let [[rchanges1 uchanges1] (dwlh/generate-sync-file-components state file-id)
[rchanges2 uchanges2] (dwlh/generate-sync-library-components state file-id)
[rchanges3 uchanges3] (dwlh/generate-sync-file-colors state file-id)
rchanges (d/concat rchanges1 rchanges2 rchanges3)
uchanges (d/concat uchanges1 uchanges2 uchanges3)]
[rchanges3 uchanges3] (dwlh/generate-sync-file :colors file-id state)
[rchanges4 uchanges4] (dwlh/generate-sync-file :typography file-id state)
rchanges (d/concat rchanges1 rchanges2 rchanges3 rchanges4)
uchanges (d/concat uchanges1 uchanges2 uchanges3 uchanges4)]
(rx/of (dm/hide-tag :sync-dialog))
(when rchanges

View file

@ -9,25 +9,167 @@
(ns app.main.data.workspace.libraries-helpers
[cljs.spec.alpha :as s]
[app.common.spec :as us]
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.pages-helpers :as cph]
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.pages :as cp]))
[app.common.pages :as cp]
[app.util.text :as ut]))
(defonce empty-changes [[] []])
(declare generate-sync-page)
(declare generate-sync-shape)
(declare generate-sync-file-components)
(declare generate-sync-page-components)
(declare generate-sync-library-components)
(declare generate-sync-component-components)
(declare generate-sync-shape-and-children-components)
(declare generate-sync-shape-components)
(declare generate-sync-file-colors)
(declare generate-sync-page-colors)
(declare generate-sync-shape-colors)
(declare remove-component-and-ref)
(declare remove-ref)
(declare update-attrs)
(declare calc-new-pos)
(defn generate-sync-file
"Generic method that given a type of asset will iterate through the file pages
and call synchronize"
[asset-type library-id state]
(s/assert #{:colors :components :typography} asset-type)
(s/assert (s/nilable ::us/uuid) library-id)
(let [library-items
(if (nil? library-id)
(get-in state [:workspace-data asset-type])
(get-in state [:workspace-libraries library-id :data asset-type]))]
(if (empty? library-items)
(loop [pages (vals (get-in state [:workspace-data :pages-index]))
rchanges []
uchanges []]
(if-let [page (first pages)]
(let [[page-rchanges page-uchanges]
(generate-sync-page asset-type library-id library-items page)]
(recur (next pages)
(d/concat rchanges page-rchanges)
(d/concat uchanges page-uchanges)))
[rchanges uchanges])))))
(defn has-asset-reference-fn
[asset-type library-id]
(case asset-type
(fn [shape] (and (some? (:component-id shape))
(= (:component-file shape) library-id)))
(fn [shape] (some
#(let [attr (name %)
attr-ref-id (keyword (str attr "-ref-id"))
attr-ref-file (keyword (str attr "-ref-file"))]
(and (get shape attr-ref-id)
(= library-id (get shape attr-ref-file))))
(fn [shape]
(and (= (:type shape) :text)
(->> shape
;; Check if any node in the content has a reference for the library
#(and (some? (:typography-ref-id %))
(= library-id (:typography-ref-file %)))))))))
(defn generate-sync-page
[asset-type library-id library-items page]
(let [has-asset-reference? (has-asset-reference-fn asset-type library-id)
linked-shapes (cph/select-objects has-asset-reference? page)]
(loop [shapes (seq linked-shapes)
rchanges []
uchanges []]
(if-let [shape (first shapes)]
(let [[shape-rchanges shape-uchanges]
(generate-sync-shape asset-type library-id library-items page shape)]
(recur (next shapes)
(d/concat rchanges shape-rchanges)
(d/concat uchanges shape-uchanges)))
[rchanges uchanges]))))
(defmulti generate-sync-shape (fn [type _ _ _ _ _] type))
(defmethod generate-sync-shape :components
[_ library-id library-items page shape]
(let [root-shape shape
objects (:objects page)
components library-items
page-id nil
component-id (:id page)
reset-touched? false]
(generate-sync-shape-and-children-components root-shape objects components page-id component-id reset-touched?)))
(defmethod generate-sync-shape :colors
[_ library-id library-items page shape]
(loop [attrs (seq cp/color-sync-attrs)
roperations []
uoperations []]
(let [attr (first attrs)]
(if (nil? attr)
(if (empty? roperations)
(let [rchanges [{:type :mod-obj
:page-id (:id page)
:id (:id shape)
:operations roperations}]
uchanges [{:type :mod-obj
:page-id (:id page)
:id (:id shape)
:operations uoperations}]]
[rchanges uchanges]))
(let [attr-ref-id (keyword (str (name attr) "-ref-id"))]
(if-not (contains? shape attr-ref-id)
(recur (next attrs)
(let [color (get library-items (get shape attr-ref-id))
roperation {:type :set
:attr attr
:val (:value color)
:ignore-touched true}
uoperation {:type :set
:attr attr
:val (get shape attr)
:ignore-touched true}]
(recur (next attrs)
(conj roperations roperation)
(conj uoperations uoperation)))))))))
(defmethod generate-sync-shape :typography
[_ library-id library-items page shape]
(let [update-node (fn [node]
(if-let [typography (get library-items (:typography-ref-id node))]
(merge node (d/without-keys typography [:name :id]))
old-content (:content shape)
new-content (ut/map-node update-node old-content)
rchanges [{:type :mod-obj
:page-id (:id page)
:id (:id shape)
:operations [{:type :set
:attr :content
:val new-content}]}]
lchanges [{:type :mod-obj
:page-id (:id page)
:id (:id shape)
:operations [{:type :set
:attr :content
:val old-content}]}]]
(if (= new-content old-content)
[rchanges lchanges])))
;; ---- Create a new component ----
(defn make-component-shape
@ -59,6 +201,8 @@
;; ---- Synchronize shapes with components
(declare generate-sync-page-components)
(defn generate-sync-file-components
"Generate changes to synchronize all shapes in current file that are linked
to some component in the given library. All attributes of the components
@ -121,7 +265,7 @@
(get-in state [:workspace-data :components])
(get-in state [:workspace-libraries library-id :data :components]))]
(if (nil? components)
[[] []]
(loop [local-components (seq (vals (get-in state [:workspace-data :components])))
rchanges []
uchanges []]
@ -348,88 +492,3 @@
;; ---- Synchronize shapes with colors
(defn generate-sync-file-colors
"Generate changes to synchronize all shapes in current file that have
any color linked to some color in the given library."
[state library-id]
(let [colors
(if (nil? library-id)
(get-in state [:workspace-data :colors])
(get-in state [:workspace-libraries library-id :data :colors]))]
(when (some? colors)
(loop [pages (seq (vals (get-in state [:workspace-data :pages-index])))
rchanges []
uchanges []]
(let [page (first pages)]
(if (nil? page)
[rchanges uchanges]
(let [[page-rchanges page-uchanges]
(generate-sync-page-colors library-id page colors)]
(recur (next pages)
(d/concat rchanges page-rchanges)
(d/concat uchanges page-uchanges)))))))))
(defn generate-sync-page-colors
"Generate changes to synchronize all shapes in a particular page."
[library-id page colors]
(let [linked-color? (fn [shape]
#(let [attr (name %)
attr-ref-id (keyword (str attr "-ref-id"))
attr-ref-file (keyword (str attr "-ref-file"))]
(and (get shape attr-ref-id)
(= library-id (get shape attr-ref-file))))
linked-shapes (cph/select-objects linked-color? page)]
(loop [shapes (seq linked-shapes)
rchanges []
uchanges []]
(let [shape (first shapes)]
(if (nil? shape)
[rchanges uchanges]
(let [[shape-rchanges shape-uchanges]
(generate-sync-shape-colors shape page colors)]
(recur (next shapes)
(d/concat rchanges shape-rchanges)
(d/concat uchanges shape-uchanges))))))))
(defn generate-sync-shape-colors
"Generate changes to synchronize colors of one shape."
[shape page colors]
(loop [attrs (seq cp/color-sync-attrs)
roperations []
uoperations []]
(let [attr (first attrs)]
(if (nil? attr)
(if (empty? roperations)
[[] []]
(let [rchanges [{:type :mod-obj
:page-id (:id page)
:id (:id shape)
:operations roperations}]
uchanges [{:type :mod-obj
:page-id (:id page)
:id (:id shape)
:operations uoperations}]]
[rchanges uchanges]))
(let [attr-ref-id (keyword (str (name attr) "-ref-id"))]
(if-not (contains? shape attr-ref-id)
(recur (next attrs)
(let [color (get colors (get shape attr-ref-id))
roperation {:type :set
:attr attr
:val (:value color)
:ignore-touched true}
uoperation {:type :set
:attr attr
:val (get shape attr)
:ignore-touched true}]
(recur (next attrs)
(conj roperations roperation)
(conj uoperations uoperation)))))))))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
(ns app.util.text)
(defn some-node
[predicate node]
(or (predicate node)
(some #(some-node predicate %) (:children node))))
(defn map-node
[map-fn node]
(cond-> (map-fn node)
(:children node) (update :children (fn [children] (mapv #(map-node map-fn %) children)))))