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mirror of https://github.com/penpot/penpot.git synced 2025-01-24 15:39:50 -05:00

🐛 Add migrations to fix wrongly migrated data

Also port the migration introduced in main branch
for the recent hotfix
This commit is contained in:
Andrey Antukh 2022-03-29 17:59:38 +02:00 committed by Andrés Moya
parent ba398569c1
commit 6f7f74f7c6
4 changed files with 191 additions and 136 deletions

View file

@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
(ns app.common.data
"Data manipulation and query helper functions."
(:refer-clojure :exclude [read-string hash-map merge name parse-double group-by iteration])
(:refer-clojure :exclude [read-string hash-map merge name update-vals
parse-double group-by iteration])
(:require-macros [app.common.data]))
@ -198,6 +199,23 @@
([mfn coll]
(into {} (mapm mfn) coll)))
;; TEMPORARY COPY of clojure.core/update-vals until we migrate to clojure 1.11
(defn update-vals
"m f => {k (f v) ...}
Given a map m and a function f of 1-argument, returns a new map where the keys of m
are mapped to result of applying f to the corresponding values of m."
[m f]
(reduce-kv (fn [acc k v] (assoc! acc k (f v)))
(if #?(:clj (instance? clojure.lang.IEditableCollection m)
:cljs (implements? core/IEditableCollection m))
(transient m)
(transient {}))
(meta m)))
(defn removev
"Returns a vector of the items in coll for which (fn item) returns logical false"
[fn coll]

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
[app.common.colors :as clr]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]))
(def file-version 16)
(def file-version 17)
(def default-color clr/gray-20)
(def root uuid/zero)

View file

@ -34,6 +34,10 @@
[{:keys [type]}]
(= type :text))
(defn ^boolean image-shape?
[{:keys [type]}]
(= type :image))
(defn ^boolean unframed-shape?
"Checks if it's a non-frame shape in the top level."

View file

@ -12,7 +12,9 @@
[app.common.geom.shapes.path :as gsp]
[app.common.math :as mth]
[app.common.pages :as cp]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]))
[app.common.pages.helpers :as cph]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[cuerdas.core :as str]))
;; TODO: revisit this and rename to file-migrations
@ -45,17 +47,16 @@
;; Ensure that all :shape attributes on shapes are vectors.
(defmethod migrate 2
(letfn [(update-object [_ object]
(letfn [(update-object [object]
(d/update-when object :shapes
(fn [shapes]
(if (seq? shapes)
(into [] shapes)
(update-page [page]
(update page :objects d/update-vals update-object))]
(update-page [_ page]
(update page :objects #(d/mapm update-object %)))]
(update data :pages-index #(d/mapm update-page %))))
(update data :pages-index d/update-vals update-page)))
;; Changes paths formats
(defmethod migrate 3
@ -89,7 +90,7 @@
(empty? (:points shape))
(assoc :points (gsh/rect->points (:selrect shape))))))
(update-object [_ object]
(update-object [object]
(cond-> object
(= :curve (:type object))
(assoc :type :path)
@ -97,25 +98,22 @@
(#{:curve :path} (:type object))
(= :frame (:type object))
(cph/frame-shape? object)
(and (empty? (:points object)) (not= (:id object) uuid/zero))
;; Setup an empty transformation to re-calculate selrects
;; and points data
;; Setup an empty transformation to re-calculate selrects
;; and points data
(assoc :modifiers {:displacement (gmt/matrix)})
(-> (assoc :modifiers {:displacement (gmt/matrix)})
(update-page [page]
(update page :objects d/update-vals update-object))]
(update-page [_ page]
(update page :objects #(d/mapm update-object %)))]
(update data :pages-index #(d/mapm update-page %))))
(update data :pages-index d/update-vals update-page)))
;; We did rollback version 4 migration.
;; Keep this in order to remember the next version to be 5
@ -124,61 +122,55 @@
;; Put the id of the local file in :component-file in instances of local components
(defmethod migrate 5
(letfn [(update-object [_ object]
(letfn [(update-object [object]
(if (and (some? (:component-id object))
(nil? (:component-file object)))
(assoc object :component-file (:id data))
(update-page [_ page]
(update page :objects #(d/mapm update-object %)))]
(update data :pages-index #(d/mapm update-page %))))
(defn fix-line-paths
"Fixes issues with selrect/points for shapes with width/height = 0 (line-like paths)"
[_ shape]
(if (= (:type shape) :path)
(let [{:keys [width height]} (gsh/points->rect (:points shape))]
(if (or (mth/almost-zero? width) (mth/almost-zero? height))
(let [selrect (gsh/content->selrect (:content shape))
points (gsh/rect->points selrect)
transform (gmt/matrix)
transform-inv (gmt/matrix)]
(assoc shape
:selrect selrect
:points points
:transform transform
:transform-inverse transform-inv))
(update-page [page]
(update page :objects d/update-vals update-object))]
(update data :pages-index d/update-vals update-page)))
(defmethod migrate 6
(letfn [(update-container [_ container]
(-> container
(update :objects #(d/mapm fix-line-paths %))))]
;; Fixes issues with selrect/points for shapes with width/height = 0 (line-like paths)"
(letfn [(fix-line-paths [shape]
(if (= (:type shape) :path)
(let [{:keys [width height]} (gsh/points->rect (:points shape))]
(if (or (mth/almost-zero? width) (mth/almost-zero? height))
(let [selrect (gsh/content->selrect (:content shape))
points (gsh/rect->points selrect)
transform (gmt/matrix)
transform-inv (gmt/matrix)]
(assoc shape
:selrect selrect
:points points
:transform transform
:transform-inverse transform-inv))
(update-container [container]
(update container :objects d/update-vals fix-line-paths))]
(-> data
(update :components #(d/mapm update-container %))
(update :pages-index #(d/mapm update-container %)))))
(update :pages-index d/update-vals update-container)
(update :components d/update-vals update-container))))
;; Remove interactions pointing to deleted frames
(defmethod migrate 7
(letfn [(update-object [page _ object]
(letfn [(update-object [page object]
(d/update-when object :interactions
(fn [interactions]
(filterv #(get-in page [:objects (:destination %)])
(fn [interactions]
(filterv #(get-in page [:objects (:destination %)]) interactions))))
(update-page [_ page]
(update page :objects #(d/mapm (partial update-object page) %)))]
(update data :pages-index #(d/mapm update-page %))))
(update-page [page]
(update page :objects d/update-vals (partial update-object page)))]
(update data :pages-index d/update-vals update-page)))
;; Remove groups without any shape, both in pages and components
@ -210,7 +202,7 @@
[(count deleted)
(d/mapm #(clean-parents %2 deleted) result)]))))
(clean-container [_ container]
(clean-container [container]
(loop [n 0
objects (:objects container)]
(let [[deleted objects] (clean-objects objects)]
@ -219,8 +211,8 @@
(assoc container :objects objects)))))]
(-> data
(update :pages-index #(d/mapm clean-container %))
(d/update-when :components #(d/mapm clean-container %)))))
(update :pages-index d/update-vals clean-container)
(update :components d/update-vals clean-container))))
(defmethod migrate 9
@ -252,35 +244,35 @@
(defmethod migrate 10
(letfn [(update-page [_ page]
(letfn [(update-page [page]
(d/update-in-when page [:objects uuid/zero] dissoc :points :selrect))]
(update data :pages-index #(d/mapm update-page %))))
(update data :pages-index d/update-vals update-page)))
(defmethod migrate 11
(letfn [(update-object [objects _id shape]
(if (= :frame (:type shape))
(letfn [(update-object [objects shape]
(if (cph/frame-shape? shape)
(d/update-when shape :shapes (fn [shapes]
(filterv (fn [id] (contains? objects id)) shapes)))
(update-page [_ page]
(update page :objects #(d/mapm (partial update-object %) %)))]
(update data :pages-index #(d/mapm update-page %))))
(update-page [page]
(update page :objects (fn [objects]
(d/update-vals objects (partial update-object objects)))))]
(update data :pages-index d/update-vals update-page)))
(defmethod migrate 12
(letfn [(update-grid [_key grid]
(letfn [(update-grid [grid]
(cond-> grid
(= :auto (:size grid))
(assoc :size nil)))
(update-page [_id page]
(d/update-in-when page [:options :saved-grids] #(d/mapm update-grid %)))]
(update-page [page]
(d/update-in-when page [:options :saved-grids] d/update-vals update-grid))]
(update data :pages-index #(d/mapm update-page %))))
(update data :pages-index d/update-vals update-page)))
;; Add rx and ry to images
(defmethod migrate 13
@ -291,83 +283,124 @@
(assoc :rx 0)
(assoc :ry 0))
(update-object [_ object]
(update-object [object]
(cond-> object
(= :image (:type object))
(cph/image-shape? object)
(update-page [_ page]
(update page :objects #(d/mapm update-object %)))]
(update-page [page]
(update page :objects d/update-vals update-object))]
(update data :pages-index #(d/mapm update-page %))))
(update data :pages-index d/update-vals update-page)))
(defn set-fills
(let [attrs {:fill-color (:fill-color shape)
:fill-color-gradient (:fill-color-gradient shape)
:fill-color-ref-file (:fill-color-ref-file shape)
:fill-color-ref-id (:fill-color-ref-id shape)
:fill-opacity (:fill-opacity shape)}
clean-attrs (d/without-nils attrs)]
(cond-> shape
(d/not-empty? clean-attrs)
(assoc :fills [clean-attrs]))))
;; Add fills to shapes
(defmethod migrate 14
(letfn [(update-object [_ object]
(cond-> object
(and (not (= :text (:type object))) (nil? (:fills object)))
(letfn [(process-shape [shape]
(let [fill-color (str/upper (:fill-color shape))
fill-opacity (:fill-opacity shape)]
(cond-> shape
(and (= 1 fill-opacity)
(or (= "#B1B2B5" fill-color)
(= "#7B7D85" fill-color)))
(dissoc :fill-color :fill-opacity))))
(update-page [_ page]
(update page :objects #(d/mapm update-object %)))]
(update data :pages-index #(d/mapm update-page %))))
(update-container [{:keys [objects] :as container}]
(loop [objects objects
shapes (->> (vals objects)
(filter cph/image-shape?))]
(if-let [shape (first shapes)]
(let [{:keys [id frame-id] :as shape'} (process-shape shape)]
(if (identical? shape shape')
(recur objects (rest shapes))
(recur (-> objects
(assoc id shape')
(d/update-when frame-id dissoc :thumbnail))
(rest shapes))))
(assoc container :objects objects))))]
(defn set-strokes
(let [attrs {:stroke-style (:stroke-style shape)
:stroke-alignment (:stroke-alignment shape)
:stroke-width (:stroke-width shape)
:stroke-color (:stroke-color shape)
:stroke-color-ref-id (:stroke-color-ref-id shape)
:stroke-color-ref-file (:stroke-color-ref-file shape)
:stroke-opacity (:stroke-opacity shape)
:stroke-color-gradient (:stroke-color-gradient shape)
:stroke-cap-start (:stroke-cap-start shape)
:stroke-cap-end (:stroke-cap-end shape)}
(-> data
(update :pages-index d/update-vals update-container)
(update :components d/update-vals update-container))))
clean-attrs (d/without-nils attrs)]
(cond-> shape
(d/not-empty? clean-attrs)
(assoc :strokes [clean-attrs]))))
;; Add strokes to shapes
(defmethod migrate 15
(letfn [(update-object [_ object]
(cond-> object
(and (not (= :text (:type object))) (nil? (:strokes object)))
(update-page [_ page]
(update page :objects #(d/mapm update-object %)))]
(update data :pages-index #(d/mapm update-page %))))
;; Add fills and strokes to components
(defmethod migrate 15 [data] data)
;; Add fills and strokes
(defmethod migrate 16
(letfn [(update-object [_ object]
(cond-> object
(and (not (= :text (:type object))) (nil? (:strokes object)))
(letfn [(assign-fills [shape]
(let [attrs {:fill-color (:fill-color shape)
:fill-color-gradient (:fill-color-gradient shape)
:fill-color-ref-file (:fill-color-ref-file shape)
:fill-color-ref-id (:fill-color-ref-id shape)
:fill-opacity (:fill-opacity shape)}
clean-attrs (d/without-nils attrs)]
(cond-> shape
(d/not-empty? clean-attrs)
(assoc :fills [clean-attrs]))))
(assign-strokes [shape]
(let [attrs {:stroke-style (:stroke-style shape)
:stroke-alignment (:stroke-alignment shape)
:stroke-width (:stroke-width shape)
:stroke-color (:stroke-color shape)
:stroke-color-ref-id (:stroke-color-ref-id shape)
:stroke-color-ref-file (:stroke-color-ref-file shape)
:stroke-opacity (:stroke-opacity shape)
:stroke-color-gradient (:stroke-color-gradient shape)
:stroke-cap-start (:stroke-cap-start shape)
:stroke-cap-end (:stroke-cap-end shape)}
clean-attrs (d/without-nils attrs)]
(cond-> shape
(d/not-empty? clean-attrs)
(assoc :strokes [clean-attrs]))))
(update-object [object]
(cond-> object
(and (not (cph/text-shape? object))
(not (contains? object :strokes)))
(and (not (cph/text-shape? object))
(not (contains? object :fills)))
(update-container [container]
(update container :objects d/update-vals update-object))]
(and (not (= :text (:type object))) (nil? (:fills object)))
(update-container [_ container]
(update container :objects #(d/mapm update-object %)))]
(-> data
(update :components #(d/mapm update-container %)))))
(update :pages-index d/update-vals update-container)
(update :components d/update-vals update-container))))
(defmethod migrate 17
(letfn [(affected-object? [object]
(and (cph/image-shape? object)
(some? (:fills object))
(= 1 (count (:fills object)))
(some? (:fill-color object))
(some? (:fill-opacity object))
(let [color-old (str/upper (:fill-color object))
color-new (str/upper (get-in object [:fills 0 :fill-color]))
opacity-old (:fill-opacity object)
opacity-new (get-in object [:fills 0 :fill-opacity])]
(and (= color-old color-new)
(or (= "#B1B2B5" color-old)
(= "#7B7D85" color-old))
(= 1 opacity-old opacity-new)))))
(update-object [object]
(cond-> object
(affected-object? object)
(assoc :fills [])))
(update-container [container]
(update container :objects d/update-vals update-object))]
(-> data
(update :pages-index d/update-vals update-container)
(update :components d/update-vals update-container))))
;; TODO: pending to do a migration for delete already not used fill
;; and stroke props. This should be done for >1.14.x version.