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mirror of https://github.com/penpot/penpot.git synced 2025-03-13 00:01:51 -05:00

Fix specs for grid layout

This commit is contained in:
alonso.torres 2023-05-18 12:06:36 +02:00
parent 7e7b642e20
commit 664825a2a6
2 changed files with 75 additions and 68 deletions

View file

@ -19,8 +19,7 @@
[app.common.types.shape.blur :as ctsb]
[app.common.types.shape.export :as ctse]
[app.common.types.shape.interactions :as ctsi]
;; FIXME: missing spec -> schema
#_[app.common.types.shape.layout :as ctsl]
[app.common.types.shape.layout :as ctsl]
[app.common.types.shape.shadow :as ctss]
[app.common.types.shape.text :as ctsx]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
@ -232,48 +231,57 @@
[:merge {:title "GroupShape"}
[:merge {:title "FrameShape"}
[:merge {:title "BoolShape"}
[:merge {:title "RectShape"}
[:merge {:title "CircleShape"}
[:merge {:title "ImageShape"}
[:merge {:title "SvgRawShape"}
[:merge {:title "PathShape"}
[:merge {:title "TextShape"}
(def shape?
(sm/pred-fn ::shape))

View file

@ -21,15 +21,16 @@
;; :layout-gap ;; {:row-gap number , :column-gap number}
;; :layout-align-items ;; :start :end :center :stretch
;; :layout-justify-content ;; :start :center :end :space-between :space-around :space-evenly
;; :layout-align-content ;; :start :center :end :space-between :space-around :space-evenly :stretch (by default)
;; :layout-justify-items ;; :start :center :end :space-between :space-around :space-evenly
;; :layout-justify-content ;; :start :center :end :space-between :space-around :space-evenly
;; :layout-wrap-type ;; :wrap, :nowrap
;; :layout-padding-type ;; :simple, :multiple
;; :layout-padding ;; {:p1 num :p2 num :p3 num :p4 num} number could be negative
;; layout-grid-rows
;; layout-grid-columns
;; layout-justify-items
;; layout-grid-rows ;; vector of grid-track
;; layout-grid-columns ;; vector of grid-track
;; layout-grid-cells ;; map of id->grid-cell
;; :layout-item-margin ;; {:m1 0 :m2 0 :m3 0 :m4 0}
@ -40,8 +41,9 @@
;; :layout-item-min-h ;; num
;; :layout-item-max-w ;; num
;; :layout-item-min-w ;; num
;; :layout-item-absolute
;; :layout-item-z-index
;; :layout-item-absolute ;; boolean
;; :layout-item-z-index ;; int
(def layout-types
#{:flex :grid})
@ -49,6 +51,9 @@
(def flex-direction-types
#{:row :reverse-row :row-reverse :column :reverse-column :column-reverse}) ;;TODO remove reverse-column and reverse-row after script
(def grid-direction-types
#{:row :column})
(def gap-types
#{:simple :multiple})
@ -59,7 +64,7 @@
#{:simple :multiple})
(def justify-content-types
#{:start :center :end :space-between :space-around :space-evenly})
#{:start :center :end :space-between :space-around :space-evenly :stretch})
(def align-content-types
#{:start :end :center :space-between :space-around :space-evenly :stretch})
@ -90,48 +95,49 @@
[:layout-justify-content {:optional true} [::sm/one-of justify-content-types]]
[:layout-justify-items {:optional true} [::sm/one-of justify-items-types]]
[:layout-align-content {:optional true} [::sm/one-of align-content-types]]
[:layout-align-items {:optional true} [::sm/one-of align-items-types]]])
[:layout-align-items {:optional true} [::sm/one-of align-items-types]]
;; (s/def :grid/type #{:percent :flex :auto :fixed})
;; (s/def :grid/value (s/nilable ::us/safe-number))
;; (s/def ::grid-definition (s/keys :req-un [:grid/type]
;; :opt-un [:grid/value]))
;; (s/def ::layout-grid-rows (s/coll-of ::grid-definition :kind vector?))
;; (s/def ::layout-grid-columns (s/coll-of ::grid-definition :kind vector?))
[:layout-grid-dir {:optional true} [::sm/one-of grid-direction-types]]
[:layout-grid-rows {:optional true}
[:vector {:gen/max 2} ::grid-track]]
[:layout-grid-columns {:optional true}
[:vector {:gen/max 2} ::grid-track]]
[:layout-grid-cells {:optional true}
[:map-of {:gen/max 5} ::sm/uuid ::grid-cell]]])
;; (s/def :grid-cell/id uuid?)
;; (s/def :grid-cell/area-name ::us/string)
;; (s/def :grid-cell/row-start ::us/safe-integer)
;; (s/def :grid-cell/row-span ::us/safe-integer)
;; (s/def :grid-cell/column-start ::us/safe-integer)
;; (s/def :grid-cell/column-span ::us/safe-integer)
;; (s/def :grid-cell/position #{:auto :manual :area})
;; (s/def :grid-cell/align-self #{:auto :start :end :center :stretch})
;; (s/def :grid-cell/justify-self #{:auto :start :end :center :stretch})
;; (s/def :grid-cell/shapes (s/coll-of uuid?))
;; Grid types
(def grid-track-types
#{:percent :flex :auto :fixed})
;; (s/def ::grid-cell (s/keys :opt-un [:grid-cell/id
;; :grid-cell/area-name
;; :grid-cell/row-start
;; :grid-cell/row-span
;; :grid-cell/column-start
;; :grid-cell/column-span
;; :grid-cell/position ;; auto, manual, area
;; :grid-cell/align-self
;; :grid-cell/justify-self
;; :grid-cell/shapes]))
;; (s/def ::layout-grid-cells (s/map-of uuid? ::grid-cell))
(def grid-position-types
#{:auto :manual :area})
;; (s/def ::layout-container-props
;; (s/keys :opt-un [
;; ;; grid
;; ::layout-grid-dir
;; ::layout-justify-items
;; ::layout-grid-rows
;; ::layout-grid-columns
;; ::layout-grid-cells
;; ]))
(def grid-cell-align-self-types
#{:auto :start :center :end :stretch})
(def grid-cell-justify-self-types
#{:auto :start :center :end :stretch})
(sm/def! ::grid-cell
[:map {:title "GridCell"}
[:id ::sm/uuid]
[:area-name {:optional true} :string]
[:row ::sm/safe-int]
[:row-span ::sm/safe-int]
[:column ::sm/safe-int]
[:column-span ::sm/safe-int]
[:position {:optional true} [::sm/one-of grid-position-types]]
[:align-self {:optional true} [::sm/one-of grid-cell-align-self-types]]
[:justify-self {:optional true} [::sm/one-of grid-cell-justify-self-types]]
[:vector {:gen/max 1} ::sm/uuid]]])
(sm/def! ::grid-track
[:map {:title "GridTrack"}
[:type [::sm/one-of grid-track-types]]
[:value {:optional true} [:maybe ::sm/safe-number]]])
(def item-margin-types
#{:simple :multiple})
@ -164,13 +170,7 @@
[:layout-item-absolute {:optional true} :boolean]
[:layout-item-z-index {:optional true} ::sm/safe-number]])
(def schema:grid-definition
[:map {:title "LayoutGridDefinition"}
[:type [::sm/one-of #{:percent :flex :auto :fixed}]]
[:value {:optional true} [:maybe ::sm/safe-int]]])
(def grid-definition?
(sm/pred-fn schema:grid-definition))
(def grid-track? (sm/pred-fn ::grid-track))
@ -524,11 +524,11 @@
@ -570,7 +570,6 @@
(d/update-in-when [:layout-item-margin :m3] * scale)
(d/update-in-when [:layout-item-margin :m4] * scale)))
(declare assign-cells)
(def default-track-value
@ -589,7 +588,7 @@
[parent value]
"expected a valid grid definition for `value`"
(grid-definition? value))
(grid-track? value))
(let [rows (:layout-grid-rows parent)
new-col-num (inc (count (:layout-grid-columns parent)))
@ -612,7 +611,7 @@
[parent value]
"expected a valid grid definition for `value`"
(grid-definition? value))
(grid-track? value))
(let [cols (:layout-grid-columns parent)
new-row-num (inc (count (:layout-grid-rows parent)))