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mirror of https://github.com/penpot/penpot.git synced 2025-03-13 16:21:57 -05:00

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into develop

This commit is contained in:
alonso.torres 2021-05-26 16:26:53 +02:00
commit 6489ad4114
10 changed files with 123 additions and 104 deletions

View file

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
- Fix issue when group creation leaves an empty group [#1724](https://tree.taiga.io/project/penpot/issue/1724)
- Fix problem with :multiple for colors and typographies [#1668](https://tree.taiga.io/project/penpot/issue/1668)
- Fix problem with locked shapes when change parents [#974](https://github.com/penpot/penpot/issues/974)
- Fix problem with new nodes in paths [#978](https://github.com/penpot/penpot/issues/978)
### :arrow_up: Deps updates

View file

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
the nearest integer."
#?(:cljs (js/Math.round v)
:clj (Math/round v)))
:clj (Math/round (float v))))
(defn ceil
"Returns the smallest integer greater than

View file

@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
(defmethod process-change :reg-objects
[data {:keys [page-id component-id shapes]}]
(letfn [(reg-objects [objects]
(reduce #(update %1 %2 update-group %1) objects
(reduce #(d/update-when %1 %2 update-group %1) objects
(sequence (comp
(mapcat #(cons % (cph/get-parents % objects)))
(map #(get objects %))
@ -221,28 +221,31 @@
;; the new destination target parent id.
(if (= prev-parent-id parent-id)
(loop [sid shape-id
pid prev-parent-id
objects objects]
(let [obj (get objects pid)]
(cond-> objects
(update-in [pid :shapes] strip-id sid)
(let [sid shape-id
pid prev-parent-id
obj (get objects pid)
component? (and (:shape-ref obj)
(= (:type obj) :group)
(not ignore-touched))]
(and (:shape-ref obj)
(= (:type obj) :group)
(not ignore-touched))
(update-in [pid :touched]
cph/set-touched-group :shapes-group)
(d/dissoc-in [pid :remote-synced?]))))))))
(-> objects
(d/update-in-when [pid :shapes] strip-id sid)
(cond-> component?
#(-> %
(update :touched cph/set-touched-group :shapes-group)
(dissoc :remote-synced?)))))))))
(update-parent-id [objects id]
(assoc-in objects [id :parent-id] parent-id))
(-> objects
(d/update-when id assoc :parent-id parent-id)))
;; Updates the frame-id references that might be outdated
(assign-frame-id [frame-id objects id]
(let [objects (update objects id assoc :frame-id frame-id)
(let [objects (-> objects
(d/update-when id assoc :frame-id frame-id))
obj (get objects id)]
(cond-> objects
;; If we moving frame, the parent frame is the root

View file

@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
(defn calculate-invalid-targets
[shape-id objects]
(let [result #{shape-id}
children (get-in objects [shape-id :shape])
children (get-in objects [shape-id :shapes])
reduce-fn (fn [result child-id]
(into result (calculate-invalid-targets child-id objects)))]
(reduce reduce-fn result children)))

View file

@ -115,7 +115,6 @@
[{:keys [redo-changes undo-changes origin save-undo? file-id]
:or {save-undo? true}}]
(log/debug :msg "commit-changes"
:js/redo-changes redo-changes
:js/undo-changes undo-changes)

View file

@ -264,13 +264,14 @@
objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects state page-id)
selected (wsh/lookup-selected state)
selected (cp/clean-loops objects selected)]
(let [[group rchanges uchanges]
(dwlh/generate-add-component selected objects page-id file-id)]
(when-not (empty? rchanges)
(rx/of (dch/commit-changes {:redo-changes rchanges
:undo-changes uchanges
:origin it})
(dwc/select-shapes (d/ordered-set (:id group))))))))))
(when-not (empty? selected)
(let [[group rchanges uchanges]
(dwlh/generate-add-component selected objects page-id file-id)]
(when-not (empty? rchanges)
(rx/of (dch/commit-changes {:redo-changes rchanges
:undo-changes uchanges
:origin it})
(dwc/select-shapes (d/ordered-set (:id group)))))))))))
(defn rename-component
"Rename the component with the given id, in the current file library."
@ -414,22 +415,22 @@
(get component :objects)
rchanges (map (fn [obj]
{:type :add-obj
:id (:id obj)
:page-id page-id
:frame-id (:frame-id obj)
:parent-id (:parent-id obj)
:ignore-touched true
:obj obj})
rchanges (mapv (fn [obj]
{:type :add-obj
:id (:id obj)
:page-id page-id
:frame-id (:frame-id obj)
:parent-id (:parent-id obj)
:ignore-touched true
:obj obj})
uchanges (map (fn [obj]
{:type :del-obj
:id (:id obj)
:page-id page-id
:ignore-touched true})
uchanges (mapv (fn [obj]
{:type :del-obj
:id (:id obj)
:page-id page-id
:ignore-touched true})
(rx/of (dch/commit-changes {:redo-changes rchanges
:undo-changes uchanges
@ -448,53 +449,53 @@
objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects state page-id)
shapes (cp/get-object-with-children id objects)
rchanges (map (fn [obj]
{:type :mod-obj
:page-id page-id
:id (:id obj)
:operations [{:type :set
:attr :component-id
:val nil}
{:type :set
:attr :component-file
:val nil}
{:type :set
:attr :component-root?
:val nil}
{:type :set
:attr :remote-synced?
:val nil}
{:type :set
:attr :shape-ref
:val nil}
{:type :set
:attr :touched
:val nil}]})
rchanges (mapv (fn [obj]
{:type :mod-obj
:page-id page-id
:id (:id obj)
:operations [{:type :set
:attr :component-id
:val nil}
{:type :set
:attr :component-file
:val nil}
{:type :set
:attr :component-root?
:val nil}
{:type :set
:attr :remote-synced?
:val nil}
{:type :set
:attr :shape-ref
:val nil}
{:type :set
:attr :touched
:val nil}]})
uchanges (map (fn [obj]
{:type :mod-obj
:page-id page-id
:id (:id obj)
:operations [{:type :set
:attr :component-id
:val (:component-id obj)}
{:type :set
:attr :component-file
:val (:component-file obj)}
{:type :set
:attr :component-root?
:val (:component-root? obj)}
{:type :set
:attr :remote-synced?
:val (:remote-synced? obj)}
{:type :set
:attr :shape-ref
:val (:shape-ref obj)}
{:type :set
:attr :touched
:val (:touched obj)}]})
uchanges (mapv (fn [obj]
{:type :mod-obj
:page-id page-id
:id (:id obj)
:operations [{:type :set
:attr :component-id
:val (:component-id obj)}
{:type :set
:attr :component-file
:val (:component-file obj)}
{:type :set
:attr :component-root?
:val (:component-root? obj)}
{:type :set
:attr :remote-synced?
:val (:remote-synced? obj)}
{:type :set
:attr :shape-ref
:val (:shape-ref obj)}
{:type :set
:attr :touched
:val (:touched obj)}]})
(rx/of (dch/commit-changes {:redo-changes rchanges
:undo-changes uchanges

View file

@ -282,7 +282,8 @@
moving-shapes (->> ids
(cp/clean-loops objects)
(map #(get objects %))
(remove #(= (:frame-id %) frame-id)))
(remove #(or (nil? %)
(= (:frame-id %) frame-id))))
rch [{:type :mov-objects
:page-id page-id

View file

@ -246,12 +246,19 @@
:or {font-variant-id "regular"}}]
(let [{:keys [backend family variants]} (get @fontsdb font-id)]
(if (= :google backend)
(= :google backend)
(-> (generate-gfonts-url
{:family family
:variants [{:id font-variant-id}]})
(= :custom backend)
(let [variant (d/seek #(= (:id %) font-variant-id) variants)
result (generate-custom-font-variant-css family variant)]
(p/resolved result))
(let [{:keys [weight style suffix] :as variant}
(d/seek #(= (:id %) font-variant-id) variants)
font-data {:family family

View file

@ -171,7 +171,8 @@
(for [{:keys [id] :as project} projects]
(let [files (when recent-map
(->> (vals recent-map)
(filterv #(= id (:project-id %)))))]
(filterv #(= id (:project-id %)))
(sort-by :modified-at #(compare %2 %1))))]
[:& project-item {:project project
:files files
:first? (= project (first projects))

View file

@ -164,11 +164,12 @@
[content points]
(let [point-set (set points)]
(loop [segments []
prev-point nil
(loop [segments []
prev-point nil
start-point nil
cur-cmd (first content)
content (rest content)]
index 0
cur-cmd (first content)
content (rest content)]
(let [;; Close-path makes a segment from the last point to the initial path point
cur-point (if (= :close-path (:command cur-cmd))
@ -191,12 +192,16 @@
segments (cond-> segments
(conj [prev-point cur-point cur-cmd]))]
(conj {:start prev-point
:end cur-point
:cmd cur-cmd
:index index}))]
(if (some? cur-cmd)
(recur segments
(inc index)
(first content)
(rest content))
@ -205,12 +210,13 @@
(defn split-segments
"Given a content creates splits commands between points with new segments"
[content points value]
(let [split-command
(fn [[start end cmd]]
(fn [{:keys [start end cmd index]}]
(case (:command cmd)
:line-to [cmd (upg/split-line-to start cmd value)]
:curve-to [cmd (upg/split-curve-to start cmd value)]
:close-path [cmd [(upc/make-line-to (gpt/line-val start end value)) cmd]]
:line-to [index (upg/split-line-to start cmd value)]
:curve-to [index (upg/split-curve-to start cmd value)]
:close-path [index [(upc/make-line-to (gpt/line-val start end value)) cmd]]
@ -219,12 +225,12 @@
(filter (comp not nil?)))))
(fn [command]
(if (contains? cmd-changes command)
(get cmd-changes command)
(fn [[index command]]
(if (contains? cmd-changes index)
(get cmd-changes index)
(into [] (mapcat process-segments) content)))
(into [] (mapcat process-segments) (d/enumerate content))))
(defn remove-nodes
"Removes from content the points given. Will try to reconstruct the paths