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synced 2025-03-26 06:31:26 -05:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/token-studio-develop' into florian/computed-set-checkmark
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 45 additions and 6 deletions
@ -143,6 +143,14 @@
[value shape-ids]
(update-color wdc/change-stroke value shape-ids))
(defn update-fill-stroke [value shape-ids attributes]
(ptk/reify ::update-fill-stroke
(watch [_ _ _]
(when (:fill attributes) (update-fill value shape-ids))
(when (:stroke-color attributes) (update-stroke-color value shape-ids))))))
(defn update-shape-dimensions [value shape-ids attributes]
(ptk/reify ::update-shape-dimensions
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
:id (if mixed? ic/remove ic/tick)}])]))
(mf/defc sets-tree-set-group
[{:keys [active? label tree-depth tree-path selected? collapsed? editing? on-edit on-edit-reset on-edit-submit]}]
[{:keys [label tree-depth tree-path active? selected? collapsed? editing? on-edit on-edit-reset _on-edit-submit]}]
(let [editing?' (editing? tree-path)
active?' (active? tree-path)
@ -23,8 +23,9 @@
{:title "Color"
:attributes ctt/color-keys
:on-update-shape wtch/update-fill
:attributes #{:fill}
:all-attributes ctt/color-keys
:on-update-shape wtch/update-fill-stroke
:modal {:key :tokens/color
:fields [{:label "Color" :key :color}]}}
@ -19,8 +19,7 @@
(def attributes->shape-update
{#{:rx :ry} (fn [v ids _] (wtch/update-shape-radius-all v ids))
#{:r1 :r2 :r3 :r4} wtch/update-shape-radius-single-corner
#{:fill} wtch/update-fill
#{:stroke-color} wtch/update-stroke-color
ctt/color-keys wtch/update-fill-stroke
ctt/stroke-width-keys wtch/update-stroke-width
ctt/sizing-keys wtch/update-shape-dimensions
ctt/opacity-keys wtch/update-opacity
@ -168,7 +168,6 @@
(.removeEventListener js/self "message" on-message))
(defn ^:dev/after-load start []
(set! process-message-sub (subscribe-buffer-messages))
(.addEventListener js/self "message" on-message))
@ -129,6 +129,38 @@
(t/testing "while :r4 was kept with borderRadius.sm"
(t/is (= (:r4 (:applied-tokens rect-1')) (:name token-sm)))))))))))
(t/deftest test-apply-color
(t/testing "applies color token and updates the shape fill and stroke-color"
(let [color-token {:name "color.primary"
:value "red"
:type :color}
file (-> (setup-file-with-tokens)
(update-in [:data :tokens-lib]
#(ctob/add-token-in-set % "Set A" (ctob/make-token color-token))))
store (ths/setup-store file)
rect-1 (cths/get-shape file :rect-1)
events [(wtch/apply-token {:shape-ids [(:id rect-1)]
:attributes #{:color}
:token (toht/get-token file "color.primary")
:on-update-shape wtch/update-fill})
(wtch/apply-token {:shape-ids [(:id rect-1)]
:attributes #{:stroke-color}
:token (toht/get-token file "color.primary")
:on-update-shape wtch/update-stroke-color})]]
store done events
(fn [new-state]
(let [file' (ths/get-file-from-store new-state)
token-target' (toht/get-token file' "rotation.medium")
rect-1' (cths/get-shape file' :rect-1)]
(t/is (some? (:applied-tokens rect-1')))
(t/is (= (:fill (:applied-tokens rect-1')) (:name token-target')))
(t/is (= (get-in rect-1' [:fills 0 :fill-color]) "#ff0000"))
(t/is (= (:stroke (:applied-tokens rect-1')) (:name token-target')))
(t/is (= (get-in rect-1' [:strokes 0 :stroke-color]) "#ff0000")))))))))
(t/deftest test-apply-dimensions
(t/testing "applies dimensions token and updates the shapes width and height"
Add table
Reference in a new issue