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Merge pull request #5053 from penpot/niwinz-update-file-refactor

♻️ Refactor file-update for make it more reusable
This commit is contained in:
Alejandro 2024-09-04 12:30:36 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 59063e861c
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
3 changed files with 240 additions and 189 deletions

View file

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ export PENPOT_FLAGS="\
enable-rpc-climit \
enable-rpc-rlimit \
enable-soft-rpc-rlimit \
enable-file-snapshot \
enable-auto-file-snapshot \
enable-webhooks \
enable-access-tokens \
enable-tiered-file-data-storage \

View file

@ -38,6 +38,20 @@
[clojure.set :as set]
[promesa.exec :as px]))
(declare ^:private get-lagged-changes)
(declare ^:private send-notifications!)
(declare ^:private update-file)
(declare ^:private update-file*)
(declare ^:private process-changes-and-validate)
(declare ^:private take-snapshot?)
(declare ^:private delete-old-snapshots!)
;; PUBLIC API; intended to be used outside of this module
(declare update-file!)
(declare update-file-data!)
(declare persist-file!)
(declare get-file)
;; --- SCHEMA
(def ^:private
@ -97,41 +111,6 @@
(or (contains? library-change-types type)
(contains? file-change-types type)))
(def ^:private sql:get-file
"SELECT f.*, p.team_id
FROM file AS f
JOIN project AS p ON (p.id = f.project_id)
WHERE f.id = ?
AND (f.deleted_at IS NULL OR
f.deleted_at > now())
(defn get-file
[conn id]
(let [file (db/exec-one! conn [sql:get-file id])]
(when-not file
(ex/raise :type :not-found
:code :object-not-found
:hint (format "file with id '%s' does not exists" id)))
(update file :features db/decode-pgarray #{})))
(defn- wrap-with-pointer-map-context
(fn [cfg {:keys [id] :as file}]
(binding [pmap/*tracked* (pmap/create-tracked)
pmap/*load-fn* (partial feat.fdata/load-pointer cfg id)]
(let [result (f cfg file)]
(feat.fdata/persist-pointers! cfg id)
(declare ^:private delete-old-snapshots!)
(declare ^:private get-lagged-changes)
(declare ^:private send-notifications!)
(declare ^:private take-snapshot?)
(declare ^:private update-file)
(declare ^:private update-file*)
(declare ^:private update-file-data)
;; If features are specified from params and the final feature
;; set is different than the persisted one, update it on the
;; database.
@ -147,7 +126,8 @@
::sm/result schema:update-file-result
::doc/module :files
::doc/added "1.17"}
[cfg {:keys [::rpc/profile-id id] :as params}]
[{:keys [::mtx/metrics] :as cfg}
{:keys [::rpc/profile-id id changes changes-with-metadata] :as params}]
(db/tx-run! cfg (fn [{:keys [::db/conn] :as cfg}]
(files/check-edition-permissions! conn profile-id id)
(db/xact-lock! conn id)
@ -161,14 +141,30 @@
(cfeat/check-client-features! (:features params))
(cfeat/check-file-features! (:features file) (:features params)))
params (assoc params
:profile-id profile-id
:features features
:team team
:file file)
changes (if changes-with-metadata
(->> changes-with-metadata (mapcat :changes) vec)
(vec changes))
params (-> params
(assoc :profile-id profile-id)
(assoc :features features)
(assoc :team team)
(assoc :file file)
(assoc :changes changes))
cfg (assoc cfg ::timestamp (dt/now))
tpoint (dt/tpoint)]
(when (> (:revn params)
(:revn file))
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :revn-conflict
:hint "The incoming revision number is greater that stored version."
:context {:incoming-revn (:revn params)
:stored-revn (:revn file)}))
;; When newly computed features does not match exactly with
;; the features defined on team row, we update it.
(when (not= features (:features team))
@ -177,90 +173,126 @@
{:features features}
{:id (:id team)})))
(mtx/run! metrics {:id :update-file-changes :inc (count changes)})
(binding [l/*context* (some-> (meta params)
(get :app.http/request)
(-> (update-file cfg params)
(-> (update-file* cfg params)
(rph/with-defer #(let [elapsed (tpoint)]
(l/trace :hint "update-file" :time (dt/format-duration elapsed))))))))))
(defn update-file
[{:keys [::mtx/metrics] :as cfg}
{:keys [file features changes changes-with-metadata] :as params}]
(let [features (-> features
(set/difference cfeat/frontend-only-features)
(set/union (:features file)))
update-fn (cond-> update-file*
(contains? features "fdata/pointer-map")
changes (if changes-with-metadata
(->> changes-with-metadata (mapcat :changes) vec)
(vec changes))]
(when (> (:revn params)
(:revn file))
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :revn-conflict
:hint "The incoming revision number is greater that stored version."
:context {:incoming-revn (:revn params)
:stored-revn (:revn file)}))
(mtx/run! metrics {:id :update-file-changes :inc (count changes)})
(binding [cfeat/*current* features
cfeat/*previous* (:features file)]
(let [file (assoc file :features features)
params (-> params
(assoc :file file)
(assoc :changes changes)
(assoc ::created-at (dt/now)))]
(-> (update-fn cfg params)
(vary-meta assoc ::audit/replace-props
{:id (:id file)
:name (:name file)
:features (:features file)
:project-id (:project-id file)
:team-id (:team-id file)}))))))
(defn- update-file*
[{:keys [::db/conn ::wrk/executor] :as cfg}
{:keys [profile-id file changes session-id ::created-at skip-validate] :as params}]
"Internal function, part of the update-file process, that encapsulates
the changes application offload to a separated thread and emit all
corresponding notifications.
Follow the inner implementation to `update-file-data!` function.
Only intended for internal use on this module."
[{:keys [::db/conn ::wrk/executor ::timestamp] :as cfg}
{:keys [profile-id file features changes session-id skip-validate] :as params}]
(let [;; Retrieve the file data
file (feat.fdata/resolve-file-data cfg file)
file (feat.fdata/resolve-file-data cfg file)
file (assoc file :features
(-> features
(set/difference cfeat/frontend-only-features)
(set/union (:features file))))
;; Process the file data on separated thread for avoid to do
;; the CPU intensive operation on vthread.
file (px/invoke! executor
(fn []
(binding [cfeat/*current* features
cfeat/*previous* (:features file)]
(update-file-data! cfg file
changes skip-validate))))]
file (px/invoke! executor (partial update-file-data cfg file changes skip-validate))
features (db/create-array conn "text" (:features file))]
;; NOTE: if file was offloaded, we need to touch the referenced
;; storage object because on this update operation the data will
;; be overwritted.
(when (= "objects-storage" (:data-backend file))
(when (feat.fdata/offloaded? file)
(let [storage (sto/resolve cfg ::db/reuse-conn true)]
(sto/touch-object! storage (:data-ref-id file))))
(db/insert! conn :file-change
{:id (uuid/next)
:session-id session-id
:profile-id profile-id
:created-at created-at
:file-id (:id file)
:revn (:revn file)
:version (:version file)
:label (::snapshot-label file)
:data (::snapshot-data file)
:features (db/create-array conn "text" (:features file))
:changes (blob/encode changes)}
{::db/return-keys false})
(some->> (:data-ref-id file) (sto/touch-object! storage))))
;; TODO: move this to asynchronous task
(when (::snapshot-data file)
(delete-old-snapshots! cfg file))
(persist-file! cfg file)
(let [params (assoc params :file file)
response {:revn (:revn file)
:lagged (get-lagged-changes conn params)}
features (db/create-array conn "text" (:features file))]
;; Insert change (xlog)
(db/insert! conn :file-change
{:id (uuid/next)
:session-id session-id
:profile-id profile-id
:created-at timestamp
:file-id (:id file)
:revn (:revn file)
:version (:version file)
:features features
:label (::snapshot-label file)
:data (::snapshot-data file)
:changes (blob/encode changes)}
{::db/return-keys false})
;; Send asynchronous notifications
(send-notifications! cfg params)
(vary-meta response assoc ::audit/replace-props
{:id (:id file)
:name (:name file)
:features (:features file)
:project-id (:project-id file)
:team-id (:team-id file)}))))
(defn update-file!
"A public api that allows apply a transformation to a file with all context setup."
[cfg file-id update-fn & args]
(let [file (get-file cfg file-id)
file (apply update-file-data! cfg file update-fn args)]
(persist-file! cfg file)))
(def ^:private sql:get-file
"SELECT f.*, p.team_id
FROM file AS f
JOIN project AS p ON (p.id = f.project_id)
WHERE f.id = ?
AND (f.deleted_at IS NULL OR
f.deleted_at > now())
(defn get-file
"Get not-decoded file, only decodes the features set."
[conn id]
(let [file (db/exec-one! conn [sql:get-file id])]
(when-not file
(ex/raise :type :not-found
:code :object-not-found
:hint (format "file with id '%s' does not exists" id)))
(update file :features db/decode-pgarray #{})))
(defn persist-file!
"Function responsible of persisting already encoded file. Should be
used together with `get-file` and `update-file-data!`.
It also updates the project modified-at attr."
[{:keys [::db/conn ::timestamp]} file]
(let [features (db/create-array conn "text" (:features file))
;; The timestamp can be nil because this function is also
;; intended to be used outside of this module
modified-at (or timestamp (dt/now))]
(db/update! conn :project
{:modified-at modified-at}
{:id (:project-id file)}
{::db/return-keys false})
(db/update! conn :file
{:revn (:revn file)
:data (:data file)
@ -268,20 +300,95 @@
:features features
:data-backend nil
:data-ref-id nil
:modified-at created-at
:modified-at modified-at
:has-media-trimmed false}
{:id (:id file)})
{:id (:id file)}
{::db/return-keys false})))
(db/update! conn :project
{:modified-at created-at}
{:id (:project-id file)})
(defn- update-file-data!
"Perform a file data transformation in with all update context setup.
(let [params (assoc params :file file)]
;; Send asynchronous notifications
(send-notifications! cfg params)
This function expected not-decoded file and transformation function. Returns
an encoded file.
{:revn (:revn file)
:lagged (get-lagged-changes conn params)})))
This function is not responsible of saving the file. It only saves
fdata/pointer-map modified fragments."
[cfg {:keys [id] :as file} update-fn & args]
(binding [pmap/*tracked* (pmap/create-tracked)
pmap/*load-fn* (partial feat.fdata/load-pointer cfg id)]
(let [file (update file :data (fn [data]
(-> data
(assoc :id (:id file)))))
;; For avoid unnecesary overhead of creating multiple pointers
;; and handly internally with objects map in their worst
;; case (when probably all shapes and all pointers will be
;; readed in any case), we just realize/resolve them before
;; applying the migration to the file
file (if (fmg/need-migration? file)
(-> file
(update :data feat.fdata/process-pointers deref)
(update :data feat.fdata/process-objects (partial into {}))
file (apply update-fn cfg file args)
;; TODO: reuse operations if file is migrated
;; TODO: move encoding to a separated thread
file (if (take-snapshot? file)
(let [tpoint (dt/tpoint)
snapshot (-> (:data file)
(feat.fdata/process-pointers deref)
(feat.fdata/process-objects (partial into {}))
elapsed (tpoint)
label (str "internal/snapshot/" (:revn file))]
(l/trc :hint "take snapshot"
:file-id (str (:id file))
:revn (:revn file)
:label label
:elapsed (dt/format-duration elapsed))
(-> file
(assoc ::snapshot-data snapshot)
(assoc ::snapshot-label label)))
file (cond-> file
(contains? cfeat/*current* "fdata/objects-map")
(contains? cfeat/*current* "fdata/pointer-map")
(update :data blob/encode))]
(feat.fdata/persist-pointers! cfg id)
(defn- get-file-libraries
"A helper for preload file libraries, mainly used for perform file
semantical and structural validation"
[{:keys [::db/conn] :as cfg} file]
(->> (files/get-file-libraries conn (:id file))
(into [file] (map (fn [{:keys [id]}]
(binding [pmap/*load-fn* (partial feat.fdata/load-pointer cfg id)
pmap/*tracked* nil]
;; We do not resolve the objects maps here
;; because there is a lower probability that all
;; shapes needed to be loded into memory, so we
;; leeave it on lazy status
(-> (files/get-file cfg id :migrate? false)
(update :data feat.fdata/process-pointers deref) ; ensure all pointers resolved
(update :data feat.fdata/process-objects (partial into {}))
(d/index-by :id)))
(defn- soft-validate-file-schema!
@ -298,68 +405,19 @@
(l/error :hint "file validation error"
:cause cause))))
(defn- update-file-data
[{:keys [::db/conn] :as cfg} file changes skip-validate]
(let [file (update file :data (fn [data]
(-> data
(assoc :id (:id file)))))
;; For avoid unnecesary overhead of creating multiple pointers
;; and handly internally with objects map in their worst
;; case (when probably all shapes and all pointers will be
;; readed in any case), we just realize/resolve them before
;; applying the migration to the file
file (if (fmg/need-migration? file)
(-> file
(update :data feat.fdata/process-pointers deref)
(update :data feat.fdata/process-objects (partial into {}))
;; WARNING: this ruins performance; maybe we need to find
(defn- process-changes-and-validate
[cfg file changes skip-validate]
(let [;; WARNING: this ruins performance; maybe we need to find
;; some other way to do general validation
libs (when (and (or (contains? cf/flags :file-validation)
(contains? cf/flags :soft-file-validation))
(not skip-validate))
(->> (files/get-file-libraries conn (:id file))
(into [file] (map (fn [{:keys [id]}]
(binding [pmap/*load-fn* (partial feat.fdata/load-pointer cfg id)
pmap/*tracked* nil]
;; We do not resolve the objects maps here
;; because there is a lower probability that all
;; shapes needed to be loded into memory, so we
;; leeave it on lazy status
(-> (files/get-file cfg id :migrate? false)
(update :data feat.fdata/process-pointers deref) ; ensure all pointers resolved
(update :data feat.fdata/process-objects (partial into {}))
(d/index-by :id)))
(get-file-libraries cfg file))
file (-> (files/check-version! file)
(update :revn inc)
(update :data cpc/process-changes changes)
(update :data d/without-nils))
file (if (take-snapshot? file)
(let [tpoint (dt/tpoint)
snapshot (-> (:data file)
(feat.fdata/process-pointers deref)
(feat.fdata/process-objects (partial into {}))
elapsed (tpoint)
label (str "internal/snapshot/" (:revn file))]
(l/trc :hint "take snapshot"
:file-id (str (:id file))
:revn (:revn file)
:label label
:elapsed (dt/format-duration elapsed))
(-> file
(assoc ::snapshot-data snapshot)
(assoc ::snapshot-label label)))
(update :data d/without-nils))]
(binding [pmap/*tracked* nil]
(when (contains? cf/flags :soft-file-validation)
@ -376,15 +434,7 @@
(not skip-validate))
(val/validate-file-schema! file)))
(cond-> file
(contains? cfeat/*current* "fdata/objects-map")
(contains? cfeat/*current* "fdata/pointer-map")
(update :data blob/encode))))
(defn- take-snapshot?
"Defines the rule when file `data` snapshot should be saved."
@ -426,8 +476,7 @@
result (db/exec-one! conn [sql:delete-snapshots id last-date])]
(l/trc :hint "delete old snapshots" :file-id (str id) :total (db/get-update-count result)))))
(def ^:private
(def ^:private sql:lagged-changes
"select s.id, s.revn, s.file_id,
s.session_id, s.changes
from file_change as s

View file

@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
(defn state-init
@ -304,16 +304,18 @@
([params] (update-file* *system* params))
([system {:keys [file-id changes session-id profile-id revn]
:or {session-id (uuid/next) revn 0}}]
(db/tx-run! system (fn [{:keys [::db/conn] :as system}]
(let [file (files.update/get-file conn file-id)]
(files.update/update-file system
(-> system
(assoc ::files.update/timestamp (dt/now))
(db/tx-run! (fn [{:keys [::db/conn] :as system}]
(let [file (files.update/get-file conn file-id)]
(#'files.update/update-file* system
{:id file-id
:revn revn
:file file
:features (:features file)
:changes changes
:session-id session-id
:profile-id profile-id}))))))
:profile-id profile-id})))))))
(declare command!)