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mirror of https://github.com/penpot/penpot.git synced 2025-03-28 15:41:25 -05:00

WIP: project creation now work.

This commit is contained in:
Andrey Antukh 2015-12-14 14:17:18 +02:00
parent 62b9267d4f
commit 56f7613453
11 changed files with 201 additions and 103 deletions

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
(ns uxbox.core
(:require [uxbox.state]
[uxbox.ui :as ui]
[uxbox.rstore :as rs]
[uxbox.data.projects :as dp]
[goog.dom :as dom]))
@ -11,3 +11,19 @@
(let [dom (dom/getElement "app")]
(ui/mount! dom))
(defonce +setup-stuff+
(rs/emit! (dp/create-project {:name "foo"
:width 600
:height 600
:layout :mobile}))
(rs/emit! (dp/create-project {:name "bar"
:width 600
:height 600
:layout :mobile}))
(rs/emit! (dp/create-project {:name "baz"
:width 600
:height 600
:layout :mobile}))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
(ns uxbox.data.projects
(:require [uxbox.rstore :as rs]
[uxbox.state :as st]
[uxbox.schema :as sc]
[bouncer.validators :as v]))
(def ^:static +project-schema+
{:name [v/required v/string]
:width [v/required v/integer]
:height [v/required v/integer]
:layout [v/required sc/keyword?]})
(defn create-project
[{:keys [name width height layout] :as data}]
(sc/validate! +project-schema+ data)
(println "create-project")
(-apply-update [_ state]
(let [uuid (random-uuid)
proj {:id uuid
:name name
:width width
:height height
:pages []}]
(-> state
(update-in [:projects] conj uuid)
(update-in [:projects-by-id] assoc uuid {:name name}))))
(-pr-writer [mv writer _]
(-write writer "#<event:u.s.p/create-project>"))))

View file

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
(ns uxbox.rstore
"Reactive storage management architecture helpers."
(:require [beicon.core :as rx]
[promesa.core :as prom]))
(:require [beicon.core :as rx]))
;; An abstraction for implement a simple state
;; transition. The `-apply-update` function receives
@ -45,7 +44,7 @@
(satisfies? EffectEvent e))
(defonce ^:static bus (rx/bus))
(defonce bus (rx/bus))
(defn emit!
"Emits an event or a collection of them.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
(ns uxbox.schema
(:refer-clojure :exclude [keyword?])
(:require [bouncer.core :as b]
[bouncer.validators :as v]))
;; Validators
(v/defvalidator keyword?
"Validates maybe-an-int is a valid integer.
For use with validation functions such as `validate` or `valid?`"
{:default-message-format "%s must be a keyword"}
(cljs.core/keyword? v))
;; Public Api
(defn validate
([schema] #(validate schema %))
([schema data] (first (b/validate data schema))))
(defn validate!
([schema] #(validate! schema %))
([schema data]
(when-let [errors (validate schema data)]
(throw (ex-info "Invalid data" errors)))))

View file

@ -6,10 +6,15 @@
(defonce state (atom {}))
(def stream
(defonce stream
(rs/init {:user {:fullname "Cirilla"
:avatar "http://lorempixel.com/50/50/"}
:projects []
:pages []
:projects-by-id {}
:pages-by-id {}}))
(rx/to-atom stream state)
(defonce +setup-stuff+
(rx/to-atom stream state)))

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
[uxbox.ui.users :as ui.u]
[uxbox.ui.dashboard :as ui.d]))
(def ^:private ^:static state
(def ^:static state
(as-> (l/select-keys [:location :location-params]) $
(l/focus-atom $ s/state)))

View file

@ -1,48 +1,53 @@
(ns uxbox.ui.dashboard
(:require [sablono.core :as html :refer-macros [html]]
[rum.core :as rum]
[cats.labs.lens :as l]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[uxbox.util :as util]
[uxbox.router :as r]
[uxbox.rstore :as rs]
[uxbox.state :as s]
[uxbox.data.projects :as dp]
[uxbox.ui.icons.dashboard :as icons]
[uxbox.ui.icons :as i]
[uxbox.ui.dom :as dom]
[uxbox.ui.header :as ui.h]
[uxbox.ui.lightbox :as lightbox]
;; [uxbox.ui.activity :refer [timeline]]
[uxbox.ui.icons.dashboard :as icons]
;; [uxbox.projects.queries :as q]
;; [uxbox.projects.actions :as actions]
[uxbox.time :refer [ago]]))
;; Config
;; TODO: i18nized names
(def project-orderings {:project/name "name"
:project/last-updated "date updated"
:project/created "date created"})
;; Helpers & Constants
(def project-layouts {:mobile {:name "Mobile"
:id "mobile"
:width 320
:height 480}
:tablet {:name "Tablet"
:id "tablet"
:width 1024
:height 768}
:notebook {:name "Notebook"
:id "notebook"
:width 1366
:height 768}
:desktop {:name "Desktop"
:id "desktop"
:width 1920
:height 1080}})
;; FIXME rename
(def +ordering-options+ {:name "name"
:last-updated "date updated"
:created "date created"})
(def new-project-defaults {:name ""
:width 1920
:height 1080
:layout :desktop})
(def +layouts+ {:mobile {:name "Mobile"
:id "mobile"
:width 320
:height 480}
:tablet {:name "Tablet"
:id "tablet"
:width 1024
:height 768}
:notebook {:name "Notebook"
:id "notebook"
:width 1366
:height 768}
:desktop {:name "Desktop"
:id "desktop"
:width 1920
:height 1080}})
(def name->order (into {} (for [[k v] project-orderings] [v k])))
(def ^:static ^:private
+project-defaults+ {:name ""
:width 1920
:height 1080
:layout :desktop})
;; (def name->order (into {} (for [[k v] project-orderings] [v k])))
;; Views
@ -52,28 +57,31 @@
(defn layout-input
[local layout-id]
(let [layout (get-in project-layouts [layout-id])
(let [layout (get-in +layouts+ [layout-id])
id (:id layout)
name (:name layout)
width (:width layout)
height (:height layout)]
{:type "radio"
:key id
:id id
:name "project-layout"
:value name
:checked (= layout-id (:layout @local))
:on-change #(swap! local merge {:layout layout-id :width width :height height})}]
[:label {:value (:name @local) :for id} name])))
{:type "radio"
:key id
:id id
:name "project-layout"
:value name
:checked (= layout-id (:layout @local))
:on-change #(swap! local merge {:layout layout-id :width width :height height})}]
[:label {:value (:name @local) :for id} name]])))
(defn- layout-selector
(vec (cons :div.input-radio.radio-primary
(mapcat #(layout-input local %) (keys project-layouts))))]))
(layout-input local :mobile)
(layout-input local :tablet)
(layout-input local :notebook)
(layout-input local :desktop)]))
(defn- new-project-lightbox-render
@ -116,10 +124,15 @@
(when-not (empty? (str/trim name))
{:value "Go go go!"
:on-click #(do
(dom/prevent-default %)
(rs/emit! (dp/create-project @local))
:type "submit"}])]
{:href "#"
:on-click #(lightbox/close!)}
[:a.close {:href "#"
:on-click #(do (dom/prevent-default %)
;; (.preventDefault e)
@ -134,7 +147,7 @@
{:render new-project-lightbox-render
:name "new-project-lightbox"
:mixins [(rum/local new-project-defaults)]}))
:mixins [(rum/local +project-defaults+)]}))
(defmethod lightbox/render-lightbox :new-project
@ -144,35 +157,39 @@
;; Menu
(def ^:static menu-state
(as-> (l/select-keys [:projects]) $
(l/focus-atom $ s/state)))
(rum/defc project-sort-selector < rum/reactive
(let [sort-name (get project-orderings (rum/react sort-order))]
{:on-change #(reset! sort-order (name->order (.-value (.-target %))))
:value sort-name}
(for [order (keys project-orderings)
:let [name (get project-orderings order)]]
[:option {:key name} name])]))
(rum/defc project-count < rum/static
[:span.dashboard-projects n " projects"])
;; (let [sort-name (get project-orderings (rum/react sort-order))]
;; [:select.input-select
;; {:on-change #(reset! sort-order (name->order (.-value (.-target %))))
;; :value sort-name}
;; (for [order (keys project-orderings)
;; :let [name (get project-orderings order)]]
;; [:option {:key name} name])]))
(defn menu-render
(project-count 0)
[:span "Sort by"]
(project-sort-selector (atom :name))]
(let [state (rum/react menu-state)
pcount (count (:projects state))]
[:span.dashboard-projects pcount " projects"]
[:span "Sort by"]
#_(project-sort-selector (atom :name))]
(def menu
{:render menu-render
:name "dashboard-menu"}))
:name "dashboard-menu"
:mixins [rum/reactive]}))
;; Project Item
@ -200,7 +217,7 @@
(def project
(def project-item
{:render project-render
:name "project"
@ -217,18 +234,26 @@
;; Grid
(def ^:static grid-state
(as-> (l/select-keys [:projects :projects-by-id]) $
(l/focus-atom $ s/state)))
(defn grid-render
(letfn [(on-click [e]
(dom/prevent-default e)
(lightbox/set! :new-project))]
[:h2 "Your projects"]
[:div.grid-item.add-project {:on-click on-click}
[:span "+ New project"]]]]])))
(let [state (rum/react grid-state)]
[:h2 "Your projects"]
[:div.grid-item.add-project {:on-click on-click}
[:span "+ New project"]]
(for [pid (:projects state)]
(let [item (get-in state [:projects-by-id pid])]
(rum/with-key (project-item item) (str pid))))]]]))))
(def grid
@ -247,17 +272,9 @@
#_(timeline conn)]))
(def dashboard
(util/component {:render dashboard-render
:mixins [rum/reactive]
:mixins [rum/static]
:name "dashboard"}))
;; (rum/defc dashboard
;; [conn]
;; [:div
;; (dashboard* conn)
;; #_(lightbox conn)])

View file

@ -20,6 +20,3 @@
{:render header-render
:name "header"
:mixins [rum/static]}))

View file

@ -24,7 +24,8 @@
"m159.4607 552.36219-52.57675 74.05348 0 41.86098-45.753774 21.76184-0.412151-0.19478 0 17.20283 0 255.89707 178.379885 84.27239 10.90209 5.1462 10.89926-5.1462 178.38271-84.27239 0-273.0999-0.33593 0.15808-45.76789-21.76749 0-41.81863-1.60059-2.25268-50.97899-71.8008-52.57958 74.05348 0 0.0734-38.25894-53.88377-37.96254 53.4688-1.35782-1.91111-50.97899-71.8008zm9.3015 43.01555 20.33627 28.64128-59.27553 0 20.09914-28.30535 18.84012-0.33593zm181.13787 0 20.33626 28.64128-59.27553 0 20.09632-28.30535 18.84295-0.33593zm-90.83852 20.24593 20.33626 28.63846-59.2727 0 20.09631-28.30535 18.84013-0.33311zm-134.85903 22.82891 28.11339 0 0 94.66356-28.11339-13.2818 0-81.38176zm42.54695 0 27.97224 0-0.003 114.69495-27.97224-13.21405 0.003-101.4809zm138.58809 0 28.11622 0-0.003 101.38492-28.11057 13.27898-0.003-114.6639zm42.54695 0 27.97224 0 0 81.3507-27.97224 13.21406 0-94.56476zm-133.38265 20.24311 28.11339 0 0 117.07749-28.11339-13.2818 0-103.79569zm42.54695 0 27.97225 0-0.003 104.02152-27.97224 13.21688 0.003-117.2384zm136.12651 31.11133 24.75131 10.12014-24.75131 11.6925 0-21.81264zm-286.29137 0.0367 0 21.80982-24.748483-11.6925 24.748483-10.11732zm-24.367392 34.4113 156.581352 73.96879 0 224.87888-156.581352-73.96877 0-224.8789zm334.964042 0 0 224.8789-156.58134 73.96877 0-224.87888 156.58134-73.96879z"}]]])
(def toggle
{:viewBox "0 0 500 500"
:height "500"
:width "500"}
@ -32,10 +33,11 @@
{:transform "translate(0,-552.36216)"}
"M242.73663 599.38868C163.57806 601.0776 88.346101 653.99887 60.111 727.95837c-8.390852 20.57554-12.24129 42.66061-15.117359 64.45053-4.803234 8.88466-16.33794 5.54629-24.470319 6.43033C13.682384 798.91173 6.840036 798.83905-9.9999995e-7 798.99372 25.63356 832.47115 51.422449 865.84222 78.249131 898.37694c26.307739-32.91176 52.665089-65.76455 78.102589-99.34039-16.06651-0.36539-32.13758-0.0441-48.20603-0.18485 0.29693-58.54979 41.79772-113.77646 97.616-131.0965 41.18685-13.76752 88.1145-6.40366 123.9888 17.75689 4.01222-0.61662 6.93149-7.42265 10.38107-10.53887 9.65474-12.2476 19.62255-24.45846 28.60936-37.07428-34.7249-25.56995-77.57435-39.35496-120.55113-38.53281-1.81793-0.0145-3.6354-0.006-5.45316 0.0225zm170.60569 117.51909c-24.0119 29.3282-47.72899 58.93963-70.99027 88.83533 15.77603 0.57194 31.70034 0.36368 47.53423 0.7304 1.59863 35.02643-14.72674 69.17811-38.46406 94.213-29.08175 30.109-71.7312 46.59472-113.53911 42.72692-25.16607-1.4966-49.21373-11.48724-70.15843-24.89653-12.52259 15.82689-25.56921 31.55174-37.1667 48.2173 36.91833 28.00994 83.87484 41.27591 130.05674 38.23121 69.0409-1.8477 134.5274-44.51738 167.50906-105.00819 14.61985-25.97408 22.86126-55.03915 24.94387-84.7032 1.04015-6.42585 7.52749-10.31884 13.78912-9.20721 11.04527-0.30586 22.09669-0.11472 33.14323-0.33751-25.59796-33.40251-51.66435-66.44474-78.10936-99.18034-2.84944 3.45961-5.69888 6.91921-8.54832 10.37882z"}]]])
"M242.73663 599.38868C163.57806 601.0776 88.346101 653.99887 60.111 727.95837c-8.390852 20.57554-12.24129 42.66061-15.117359 64.45053-4.803234 8.88466-16.33794 5.54629-24.470319 6.43033C13.682384 798.91173 6.840036 798.83905-9.9999995e-7 798.99372 25.63356 832.47115 51.422449 865.84222 78.249131 898.37694c26.307739-32.91176 52.665089-65.76455 78.102589-99.34039-16.06651-0.36539-32.13758-0.0441-48.20603-0.18485 0.29693-58.54979 41.79772-113.77646 97.616-131.0965 41.18685-13.76752 88.1145-6.40366 123.9888 17.75689 4.01222-0.61662 6.93149-7.42265 10.38107-10.53887 9.65474-12.2476 19.62255-24.45846 28.60936-37.07428-34.7249-25.56995-77.57435-39.35496-120.55113-38.53281-1.81793-0.0145-3.6354-0.006-5.45316 0.0225zm170.60569 117.51909c-24.0119 29.3282-47.72899 58.93963-70.99027 88.83533 15.77603 0.57194 31.70034 0.36368 47.53423 0.7304 1.59863 35.02643-14.72674 69.17811-38.46406 94.213-29.08175 30.109-71.7312 46.59472-113.53911 42.72692-25.16607-1.4966-49.21373-11.48724-70.15843-24.89653-12.52259 15.82689-25.56921 31.55174-37.1667 48.2173 36.91833 28.00994 83.87484 41.27591 130.05674 38.23121 69.0409-1.8477 134.5274-44.51738 167.50906-105.00819 14.61985-25.97408 22.86126-55.03915 24.94387-84.7032 1.04015-6.42585 7.52749-10.31884 13.78912-9.20721 11.04527-0.30586 22.09669-0.11472 33.14323-0.33751-25.59796-33.40251-51.66435-66.44474-78.10936-99.18034-2.84944 3.45961-5.69888 6.91921-8.54832 10.37882z"}]]]))
(def chat
{:viewBox "0 0 500.00001 500.00001"
:height "500"
:width "500"}
@ -43,10 +45,11 @@
{:transform "translate(0,-552.36216)"}
"M245.37443 560.1539C172.43183 561.04855 97.905533 588.76783 48.423952 643.62506 15.67037 679.30951-3.7043597 728.21528 0.59304145 776.92522 4.0123162 833.37045 37.0557 884.73674 81.104903 918.73698c8.098235 6.39662 16.538249 12.35111 25.158027 18.0212 0.95406 31.91859-0.82752 64.10242 2.36912 95.85342 5.26909 12.8142 23.80421 15.9744 33.66354 6.5707 26.23006-21.6325 52.72651-42.96164 78.96925-64.59768 24.56188 2.49228 49.46518 1.12 73.87321-2.21543 68.69794-11.16255 134.94494-48.38561 173.49703-107.33344 26.15943-39.43305 37.9981-89.1593 27.62356-135.76607C486.16938 681.36056 455.05913 639.8301 415.67534 611.62635 366.73341 575.99591 305.60292 559.0112 245.37443 560.1539Zm5.61963 42.2586c60.35202 0.21034 122.75637 21.19128 165.3291 65.52883 25.94218 26.56891 42.87607 63.05006 40.95847 100.32047-0.7981 42.23442-23.44831 81.85956-54.77729 109.38195-44.67518 39.7667-105.84101 58.81146-164.93222 55.55457-10.1878 0.36226-20.63735-2.84553-30.55684-1.60842-19.30569 15.7333-38.62146 31.45426-57.90097 47.21962-0.49451-22.26332-0.39985-44.53369-0.63345-66.80017C104.31499 889.73884 64.261664 853.73701 48.832688 805.66642 35.513029 765.19011 43.174207 718.30247 69.658619 684.4439 111.31831 628.35156 182.93963 602.05496 250.99406 602.4125Z"}]]])
"M245.37443 560.1539C172.43183 561.04855 97.905533 588.76783 48.423952 643.62506 15.67037 679.30951-3.7043597 728.21528 0.59304145 776.92522 4.0123162 833.37045 37.0557 884.73674 81.104903 918.73698c8.098235 6.39662 16.538249 12.35111 25.158027 18.0212 0.95406 31.91859-0.82752 64.10242 2.36912 95.85342 5.26909 12.8142 23.80421 15.9744 33.66354 6.5707 26.23006-21.6325 52.72651-42.96164 78.96925-64.59768 24.56188 2.49228 49.46518 1.12 73.87321-2.21543 68.69794-11.16255 134.94494-48.38561 173.49703-107.33344 26.15943-39.43305 37.9981-89.1593 27.62356-135.76607C486.16938 681.36056 455.05913 639.8301 415.67534 611.62635 366.73341 575.99591 305.60292 559.0112 245.37443 560.1539Zm5.61963 42.2586c60.35202 0.21034 122.75637 21.19128 165.3291 65.52883 25.94218 26.56891 42.87607 63.05006 40.95847 100.32047-0.7981 42.23442-23.44831 81.85956-54.77729 109.38195-44.67518 39.7667-105.84101 58.81146-164.93222 55.55457-10.1878 0.36226-20.63735-2.84553-30.55684-1.60842-19.30569 15.7333-38.62146 31.45426-57.90097 47.21962-0.49451-22.26332-0.39985-44.53369-0.63345-66.80017C104.31499 889.73884 64.261664 853.73701 48.832688 805.66642 35.513029 765.19011 43.174207 718.30247 69.658619 684.4439 111.31831 628.35156 182.93963 602.05496 250.99406 602.4125Z"}]]]))
(def close
{:viewBox "0 0 500 500"
:height "500"
:width "500"}
@ -54,7 +57,7 @@
{:transform "translate(0,-552.36216)"}
"m254.83206 1051.8787c-2.65759 0.6446-7.00641 0.6446-9.66407 0-5.77272-1.4-13.14681-8.2641-14.84551-13.8188-0.64086-2.0956-1.13697-50.68291-1.10251-107.97192 0.0345-57.28903-0.56181-104.78648-1.32503-105.5499-0.76322-0.76342-48.24831-1.35984-105.52242-1.32537-57.274094 0.0345-105.848829-0.46179-107.943842-1.10281-2.095015-0.641-5.7968829-3.15684-8.2263775-5.59077-8.2697477-8.28472-8.2697131-19.89906 0-28.18382 2.4299131-2.4335 6.1313615-4.94977 8.2263775-5.59077 2.095016-0.64101 50.66975-1.13727 107.943842-1.1028 57.27411 0.0345 104.7592-0.56195 105.52242-1.32538 0.76322-0.76342 1.35948-48.26087 1.32503-105.54989-0.0345-57.28901 0.46168-105.87639 1.10252-107.97196 0.64083-2.09555 3.15602-5.79839 5.58931-8.22852 8.28279-8.27168 19.89389-8.27186 28.17649 0 2.43287 2.43055 4.94848 6.13297 5.58931 8.22852 0.64085 2.09557 1.13698 50.68295 1.10252 107.97196-0.0345 57.28901 0.56181 104.78647 1.32503 105.54989 0.76322 0.76343 48.24831 1.35984 105.52241 1.32539 57.2741-0.0345 105.84882 0.46176 107.94383 1.10278 2.09504 0.64101 5.79694 3.1569 8.22638 5.59077 8.26952 8.28494 8.26976 19.8991 0 28.18383-2.43138 2.43202-6.13137 4.94974-8.22634 5.5908-2.09503 0.64098-50.66977 1.13725-107.94386 1.10278-57.27411-0.0345-104.7592 0.56195-105.52242 1.32537-0.76322 0.76342-1.35948 48.26087-1.32504 105.54989 0.0345 57.28902-0.46166 105.87643-1.10248 107.97203-1.69867 5.5546-9.07281 12.4187-14.84557 13.8187z"}]]])
"m254.83206 1051.8787c-2.65759 0.6446-7.00641 0.6446-9.66407 0-5.77272-1.4-13.14681-8.2641-14.84551-13.8188-0.64086-2.0956-1.13697-50.68291-1.10251-107.97192 0.0345-57.28903-0.56181-104.78648-1.32503-105.5499-0.76322-0.76342-48.24831-1.35984-105.52242-1.32537-57.274094 0.0345-105.848829-0.46179-107.943842-1.10281-2.095015-0.641-5.7968829-3.15684-8.2263775-5.59077-8.2697477-8.28472-8.2697131-19.89906 0-28.18382 2.4299131-2.4335 6.1313615-4.94977 8.2263775-5.59077 2.095016-0.64101 50.66975-1.13727 107.943842-1.1028 57.27411 0.0345 104.7592-0.56195 105.52242-1.32538 0.76322-0.76342 1.35948-48.26087 1.32503-105.54989-0.0345-57.28901 0.46168-105.87639 1.10252-107.97196 0.64083-2.09555 3.15602-5.79839 5.58931-8.22852 8.28279-8.27168 19.89389-8.27186 28.17649 0 2.43287 2.43055 4.94848 6.13297 5.58931 8.22852 0.64085 2.09557 1.13698 50.68295 1.10252 107.97196-0.0345 57.28901 0.56181 104.78647 1.32503 105.54989 0.76322 0.76343 48.24831 1.35984 105.52241 1.32539 57.2741-0.0345 105.84882 0.46176 107.94383 1.10278 2.09504 0.64101 5.79694 3.1569 8.22638 5.59077 8.26952 8.28494 8.26976 19.8991 0 28.18383-2.43138 2.43202-6.13137 4.94974-8.22634 5.5908-2.09503 0.64098-50.66977 1.13725-107.94386 1.10278-57.27411-0.0345-104.7592 0.56195-105.52242 1.32537-0.76322 0.76342-1.35948 48.26087-1.32504 105.54989 0.0345 57.28902-0.46166 105.87643-1.10248 107.97203-1.69867 5.5546-9.07281 12.4187-14.84557 13.8187z"}]]]))
(def page

View file

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
[uxbox.router :as r]
[uxbox.state :as s]
[uxbox.util :as util]
;; [uxbox.users.queries :as q]
;; [uxbox.ui.mixins :as mx]
[uxbox.ui.icons :as icons]
[uxbox.ui.navigation :as nav]))

View file

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.7.189"]
[funcool/cuerdas "0.7.0"]
[rum "0.6.0"]
[bouncer "0.3.3"]
[funcool/promesa "0.6.0"]
[funcool/beicon "0.3.0"]
[funcool/cats "1.2.0"]