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Add utilities to calculate boolean shapes

This commit is contained in:
alonso.torres 2021-09-09 14:42:05 +02:00
parent 57245dd77e
commit 5031700af6
8 changed files with 532 additions and 103 deletions

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@ -22,7 +22,8 @@
(defn ^boolean point?
"Return true if `v` is Point instance."
(instance? Point v))
(or (instance? Point v)
(and (map? v) (contains? v :x) (contains? v :y))))
(defn ^boolean point-like?
[{:keys [x y] :as v}]
@ -257,15 +258,12 @@
(and (mth/almost-zero? x)
(mth/almost-zero? y)))
(defn line-val
"Given a line with two points p1-p2 and a 'percent'. Returns the point in the vector
generated by these two points. For example: for p1=(0,0) p2=(1,1) and v=0.25 will return
the point (0.25, 0.25)"
[p1 p2 v]
(let [v (-> (to-vec p1 p2)
(scale v))]
(add p1 v)))
(defn lerp
"Calculates a linear interpolation between two points given a tvalue"
[p1 p2 t]
(let [x (mth/lerp (:x p1) (:x p2) t)
y (mth/lerp (:y p1) (:y p2) t)]
(point x y)))
(defn rotate
"Rotates the point around center with an angle"

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@ -156,7 +156,6 @@
(d/export gtr/calc-child-modifiers)
(d/export gsp/content->points)
(d/export gsp/content->selrect)
(d/export gsp/transform-content)

View file

@ -168,6 +168,26 @@
(is-point-inside-evenodd? (first points) rect-lines)
(intersects-lines? rect-lines points-lines))))
(defn overlaps-rects?
"Check for two rects to overlap. Rects won't overlap only if
one of them is fully to the left or the top"
[rect-a rect-b]
(let [x1a (:x rect-a)
y1a (:y rect-a)
x2a (+ (:x rect-a) (:width rect-a))
y2a (+ (:y rect-a) (:height rect-a))
x1b (:x rect-b)
y1b (:y rect-b)
x2b (+ (:x rect-b) (:width rect-b))
y2b (+ (:y rect-b) (:height rect-b))]
(and (> x2a x1b)
(> x2b x1a)
(> y2a y1b)
(> y2b y1a))))
(defn overlaps-path?
"Checks if the given rect overlaps with the path in any point"
[shape rect]
@ -308,3 +328,4 @@
(->> shape
(every? (partial has-point-rect? rect))))

View file

@ -11,93 +11,180 @@
[app.common.geom.shapes.rect :as gpr]
[app.common.math :as mth]))
(defn content->points [content]
(->> content
(map #(when (-> % :params :x) (gpt/point (-> % :params :x) (-> % :params :y))))
(remove nil?)
(into [])))
;; https://medium.com/@Acegikmo/the-ever-so-lovely-b%C3%A9zier-curve-eb27514da3bf
;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernstein_polynomial
(defn curve-values
"Parametric equation for cubic beziers. Given a start and end and
two intermediate points returns points for values of t.
If you draw t on a plane you got the bezier cube"
[start end h1 h2 t]
([[start end h1 h2] t]
(curve-values start end h1 h2 t))
(let [t2 (* t t) ;; t square
t3 (* t2 t) ;; t cube
([start end h1 h2 t]
(let [t2 (* t t) ;; t square
t3 (* t2 t) ;; t cube
start-v (+ (- t3) (* 3 t2) (* -3 t) 1)
h1-v (+ (* 3 t3) (* -6 t2) (* 3 t))
h2-v (+ (* -3 t3) (* 3 t2))
end-v t3
start-v (+ (- t3) (* 3 t2) (* -3 t) 1)
h1-v (+ (* 3 t3) (* -6 t2) (* 3 t))
h2-v (+ (* -3 t3) (* 3 t2))
end-v t3
coord-v (fn [coord]
(+ (* (coord start) start-v)
(* (coord h1) h1-v)
(* (coord h2) h2-v)
(* (coord end) end-v)))]
coord-v (fn [coord]
(+ (* (coord start) start-v)
(* (coord h1) h1-v)
(* (coord h2) h2-v)
(* (coord end) end-v)))]
(gpt/point (coord-v :x) (coord-v :y))))
(gpt/point (coord-v :x) (coord-v :y)))))
(defn curve-split
"Splits a curve into two at the given parametric value `t`.
Calculates the Casteljau's algorithm intermediate points"
[start end h1 h2 t]
([[start end h1 h2] t]
(curve-split start end h1 h2 t))
(let [p1 (gpt/line-val start h1 t)
p2 (gpt/line-val h1 h2 t)
p3 (gpt/line-val h2 end t)
p4 (gpt/line-val p1 p2 t)
p5 (gpt/line-val p2 p3 t)
sp (gpt/line-val p4 p5 t)]
[[start sp p1 p4]
[sp end p5 p3]]))
([start end h1 h2 t]
(let [p1 (gpt/lerp start h1 t)
p2 (gpt/lerp h1 h2 t)
p3 (gpt/lerp h2 end t)
p4 (gpt/lerp p1 p2 t)
p5 (gpt/lerp p2 p3 t)
sp (gpt/lerp p4 p5 t)]
[[start sp p1 p4]
[sp end p5 p3]])))
(defn subcurve-range
"Given a curve returns a new curve between the values t1-t2"
([[start end h1 h2] [t1 t2]]
(subcurve-range start end h1 h2 t1 t2))
([[start end h1 h2] t1 t2]
(subcurve-range start end h1 h2 t1 t2))
([start end h1 h2 t1 t2]
;; Make sure that t2 is greater than t1
(let [[t1 t2] (if (< t1 t2) [t1 t2] [t2 t1])
t2' (/ (- t2 t1) (- 1 t1))
[_ curve'] (curve-split start end h1 h2 t1)]
(first (curve-split curve' t2')))))
;; https://trans4mind.com/personal_development/mathematics/polynomials/cubicAlgebra.htm
(defn- solve-roots
"Solvers a quadratic or cubic equation given by the parameters a b c d"
([a b c]
(solve-roots a b c 0))
([a b c d]
(let [sqrt-b2-4ac (mth/sqrt (- (* b b) (* 4 a c)))]
;; No solutions
(and (mth/almost-zero? d) (mth/almost-zero? a) (mth/almost-zero? b))
;; Linear solution
(and (mth/almost-zero? d) (mth/almost-zero? a))
[(/ (- c) b)]
;; Cuadratic
(mth/almost-zero? d)
[(/ (+ (- b) sqrt-b2-4ac)
(* 2 a))
(/ (- (- b) sqrt-b2-4ac)
(* 2 a))]
;; Cubic
(let [a (/ a d)
b (/ b d)
c (/ c d)
p (/ (- (* 3 b) (* a a)) 3)
q (/ (+ (* 2 a a a) (* -9 a b) (* 27 c)) 27)
p3 (/ p 3)
q2 (/ q 2)
discriminant (+ (* q2 q2) (* p3 p3 p3))]
(< discriminant 0)
(let [mp3 (/ (- p) 3)
mp33 (* mp3 mp3 mp3)
r (mth/sqrt mp33)
t (/ (- q) (* 2 r))
cosphi (cond (< t -1) -1
(> t 1) 1
:else t)
phi (mth/acos cosphi)
crtr (mth/cubicroot r)
t1 (* 2 crtr)
root1 (- (* t1 (mth/cos (/ phi 3))) (/ a 3))
root2 (- (* t1 (mth/cos (/ (+ phi (* 2 mth/PI)) 3))) (/ a 3))
root3 (- (* t1 (mth/cos (/ (+ phi (* 4 mth/PI)) 3))) (/ a 3))]
[root1 root2 root3])
(= discriminant 0)
(let [u1 (if (< q2 0) (mth/cubicroot (- q2)) (- (mth/cubicroot q2)))
root1 (- (* 2 u1) (/ a 3))
root2 (- (- u1) (/ a 3))]
[root1 root2])
(let [sd (mth/sqrt discriminant)
u1 (mth/cubicroot (- sd q2))
v1 (mth/cubicroot (+ sd q2))
root (- u1 v1 (/ a 3))]
;; https://pomax.github.io/bezierinfo/#extremities
(defn curve-extremities
"Given a cubic bezier cube finds its roots in t. This are the extremities
if we calculate its values for x, y we can find a bounding box for the curve."
[start end h1 h2]
"Calculates the extremities by solving the first derivative for a cubic
bezier and then solving the quadratic formula"
([[start end h1 h2]]
(curve-extremities start end h1 h2))
(let [coords [[(:x start) (:x h1) (:x h2) (:x end)]
[(:y start) (:y h1) (:y h2) (:y end)]]
([start end h1 h2]
(fn [[c0 c1 c2 c3]]
(let [coords [[(:x start) (:x h1) (:x h2) (:x end)]
[(:y start) (:y h1) (:y h2) (:y end)]]
(let [a (+ (* -3 c0) (* 9 c1) (* -9 c2) (* 3 c3))
b (+ (* 6 c0) (* -12 c1) (* 6 c2))
c (+ (* 3 c1) (* -3 c0))
(fn [[c0 c1 c2 c3]]
(let [a (+ (* -3 c0) (* 9 c1) (* -9 c2) (* 3 c3))
b (+ (* 6 c0) (* -12 c1) (* 6 c2))
c (+ (* 3 c1) (* -3 c0))]
sqrt-b2-4ac (mth/sqrt (- (* b b) (* 4 a c)))]
(solve-roots a b c)))]
(->> coords
(mapcat coord->tvalue)
(and (mth/almost-zero? a)
(not (mth/almost-zero? b)))
;; When the term a is close to zero we have a linear equation
[(/ (- c) b)]
;; Only values in the range [0, 1] are valid
(filterv #(and (> % 0.01) (< % 0.99)))))))
;; If a is not close to zero return the two roots for a cuadratic
(not (mth/almost-zero? a))
[(/ (+ (- b) sqrt-b2-4ac)
(* 2 a))
(/ (- (- b) sqrt-b2-4ac)
(* 2 a))]
(defn curve-roots
"Uses cardano algorithm to find the roots for a cubic bezier"
([[start end h1 h2] coord]
(curve-roots start end h1 h2 coord))
;; If a and b close to zero we can't find a root for a constant term
(->> coords
(mapcat coord->tvalue)
([start end h1 h2 coord]
;; Only values in the range [0, 1] are valid
(filter #(and (>= % 0) (<= % 1)))
(let [coords [[(get start coord) (get h1 coord) (get h2 coord) (get end coord)]]
;; Pass t-values to actual points
(map #(curve-values start end h1 h2 %)))
(fn [[pa pb pc pd]]
(let [a (+ (* 3 pa) (* -6 pb) (* 3 pc))
b (+ (* -3 pa) (* 3 pb))
c pa
d (+ (- pa) (* 3 pb) (* -3 pc) pd)]
(solve-roots a b c d)))]
(->> coords
(mapcat coord->tvalue)
;; Only values in the range [0, 1] are valid
(filterv #(and (> % 0.01) (< % 0.99)))))))
(defn command->point
([command] (command->point command nil))
@ -123,10 +210,12 @@
:curve-to (d/concat
[(command->point prev)
(command->point command)]
(curve-extremities (command->point prev)
(command->point command)
(command->point command :c1)
(command->point command :c2)))
(let [curve [(command->point prev)
(command->point command)
(command->point command :c1)
(command->point command :c2)]]
(->> (curve-extremities curve)
(mapv #(curve-values curve %)))))
extremities (mapcat calc-extremities
@ -302,24 +391,25 @@
"Given a path and a position"
[shape position]
(let [point+distance (fn [[cur-cmd prev-cmd]]
(let [from-p (command->point prev-cmd)
to-p (command->point cur-cmd)
h1 (gpt/point (get-in cur-cmd [:params :c1x])
(get-in cur-cmd [:params :c1y]))
h2 (gpt/point (get-in cur-cmd [:params :c2x])
(get-in cur-cmd [:params :c2y]))
(case (:command cur-cmd)
(line-closest-point position from-p to-p)
(let [point+distance
(fn [[cur-cmd prev-cmd]]
(let [from-p (command->point prev-cmd)
to-p (command->point cur-cmd)
h1 (gpt/point (get-in cur-cmd [:params :c1x])
(get-in cur-cmd [:params :c1y]))
h2 (gpt/point (get-in cur-cmd [:params :c2x])
(get-in cur-cmd [:params :c2y]))
(case (:command cur-cmd)
(line-closest-point position from-p to-p)
(curve-closest-point position from-p to-p h1 h2)
(curve-closest-point position from-p to-p h1 h2)
(when point
[point (gpt/distance point position)])))
(when point
[point (gpt/distance point position)])))
find-min-point (fn [[min-p min-dist :as acc] [cur-p cur-dist :as cur]]
(if (and (some? acc) (or (not cur) (<= min-dist cur-dist)))
@ -331,3 +421,4 @@
(map point+distance)
(reduce find-min-point)

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@ -72,17 +72,24 @@
(* v v))
(defn pow
"Returns the base to the exponent power."
[b e]
#?(:cljs (js/Math.pow b e)
:clj (Math/pow b e)))
(defn sqrt
"Returns the square root of a number."
#?(:cljs (js/Math.sqrt v)
:clj (Math/sqrt v)))
(defn pow
"Returns the base to the exponent power."
[b e]
#?(:cljs (js/Math.pow b e)
:clj (Math/pow b e)))
(defn cubicroot
"Returns the cubic root of a number"
(if (pos? v)
(pow v (/ 1 3))
(- (pow (- v) (/ 1 3)))))
(defn floor
"Returns the largest integer less than or
@ -151,3 +158,9 @@
"Equality for float numbers. Check if the difference is within a range"
[num1 num2]
(<= (abs (- num1 num2)) float-equal-precision))
(defn lerp
"Calculates a the linear interpolation between two values and a given percent"
[v0 v1 t]
(+ (* (- 1 t) v0)
(* t v1)))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) UXBOX Labs SL
(ns app.util.path.bool
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.geom.matrix :as gmt]
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.geom.shapes.intersect :as gsi]
[app.common.geom.shapes.path :as gpp]
[app.common.geom.shapes.rect :as gpr]
[app.common.math :as mth]
[app.util.path.geom :as upg]
[cuerdas.core :as str]))
(def ^:const curve-curve-precision 0.001)
(defn curve->rect
[[from-p to-p :as curve]]
(let [extremes (->> (gpp/curve-extremities curve)
(mapv #(gpp/curve-values curve %)))]
(gpr/points->rect (into [from-p to-p] extremes))))
(defn curve-range->rect
[curve from-t to-t]
(let [[from-p to-p :as curve] (gpp/subcurve-range curve from-t to-t)
extremes (->> (gpp/curve-extremities curve)
(mapv #(gpp/curve-values curve %)))]
(gpr/points->rect (into [from-p to-p] extremes))))
(defn line+point->tvalue
[[{x1 :x y1 :y} {x2 :x y2 :y}] {:keys [x y]}]
(if (mth/almost-zero? (- x2 x1))
(/ (- y y1) (- y2 y1))
(/ (- x x1) (- x2 x1))))
(defn line-line-intersect
[[from-p1 to-p1] [from-p2 to-p2]]
(let [{x1 :x y1 :y} from-p1
{x2 :x y2 :y} to-p1
{x3 :x y3 :y} from-p2
{x4 :x y4 :y} to-p2
nx (- (* (- x3 x4) (- (* x1 y2) (* y1 x2)))
(* (- x1 x2) (- (* x3 y4) (* y3 x4))))
ny (- (* (- y3 y4) (- (* x1 y2) (* y1 x2)))
(* (- y1 y2) (- (* x3 y4) (* y3 x4))))
d (- (* (- x1 x2) (- y3 y4))
(* (- y1 y2) (- x3 x4)))]
(when-not (mth/almost-zero? d)
;; ix,iy are the coordinates in the line. We calculate the
;; tvalue that will return 0-1 as a percentage in the segment
(let [ix (/ nx d)
iy (/ ny d)
t1 (if (mth/almost-zero? (- x2 x1))
(/ (- iy y1) (- y2 y1))
(/ (- ix x1) (- x2 x1)))
t2 (if (mth/almost-zero? (- x4 x3))
(/ (- iy y3) (- y4 y3))
(/ (- ix x3) (- x4 x3)))]
(when (and (> t1 0) (< t1 1)
(> t2 0) (< t2 1))
[[t1] [t2]])))))
(defn line-curve-intersect
[[from-p1 to-p1 :as l1]
[from-p2 to-p2 h1-p2 h2-p2 :as c2]]
(let [theta (-> (mth/atan2 (- (:y to-p1) (:y from-p1))
(- (:x to-p1) (:x from-p1)))
transform (-> (gmt/matrix)
(gmt/rotate (- theta))
(gmt/translate (gpt/negate from-p1)))
c2' [(gpt/transform from-p2 transform)
(gpt/transform to-p2 transform)
(gpt/transform h1-p2 transform)
(gpt/transform h2-p2 transform)]
;; Curve intersections as t-values
curve-ts (->> (gpp/curve-roots c2' :y)
(filterv #(let [curve-v (gpp/curve-values c2 %)
line-t (line+point->tvalue l1 curve-v)]
(and (> line-t 0.001) (< line-t 0.999)))))
;; Intersection line-curve points
intersect-ps (->> curve-ts
(mapv #(gpp/curve-values c2 %)))
line-ts (->> intersect-ps
(mapv #(line+point->tvalue l1 %)))]
[line-ts curve-ts]))
(defn curve-curve-intersect
[c1 c2]
(letfn [(remove-close-ts [ts]
(loop [current (first ts)
pending (rest ts)
acc nil
result []]
(if (nil? current)
(if (and (some? acc)
(< (mth/abs (- current acc)) 0.01))
(recur (first pending)
(rest pending)
(recur (first pending)
(rest pending)
(conj result current))))))
(check-range [c1-from c1-to c2-from c2-to]
(let [r1 (curve-range->rect c1 c1-from c1-to)
r2 (curve-range->rect c2 c2-from c2-to)]
(when (gsi/overlaps-rects? r1 r2)
(if (and (< (mth/abs (- c1-from c1-to)) curve-curve-precision)
(< (mth/abs (- c2-from c2-to)) curve-curve-precision))
[(sorted-set (mth/precision c1-from 4))
(sorted-set (mth/precision c2-from 4))]
(let [c1-half (+ c1-from (/ (- c1-to c1-from) 2))
c2-half (+ c2-from (/ (- c2-to c2-from) 2))
[c1-ts-1 c2-ts-1] (check-range c1-from c1-half c2-from c2-half)
[c1-ts-2 c2-ts-2] (check-range c1-from c1-half c2-half c2-to)
[c1-ts-3 c2-ts-3] (check-range c1-half c1-to c2-from c2-half)
[c1-ts-4 c2-ts-4] (check-range c1-half c1-to c2-half c2-to)]
[(into (sorted-set) (d/concat [] c1-ts-1 c1-ts-2 c1-ts-3 c1-ts-4))
(into (sorted-set) (d/concat [] c2-ts-1 c2-ts-2 c2-ts-3 c2-ts-4))])))))]
(let [[c1-ts c2-ts] (check-range 0.005 0.995 0.005 0.995)
c1-ts (remove-close-ts c1-ts)
c2-ts (remove-close-ts c2-ts)]
[c1-ts c2-ts])))
(defn- line-to->line
[(:prev cmd) (gpp/command->point cmd)])
(defn- curve-to->bezier
[(:prev cmd)
(gpp/command->point cmd)
(gpt/point (-> cmd :params :c1x) (-> cmd :params :c1y))
(gpt/point (-> cmd :params :c2x) (-> cmd :params :c2y))])
(defn- split-command
[cmd values]
(case (:command cmd)
:line-to (upg/split-line-to-ranges (:prev cmd) cmd values)
:curve-to (upg/split-curve-to-ranges (:prev cmd) cmd values)
(defn split [seg-1 seg-2]
(let [[ts-seg-1 ts-seg-2]
(and (= :line-to (:command seg-1))
(= :line-to (:command seg-2)))
(line-line-intersect (line-to->line seg-1) (line-to->line seg-2))
(and (= :line-to (:command seg-1))
(= :curve-to (:command seg-2)))
(line-curve-intersect (line-to->line seg-1) (curve-to->bezier seg-2))
(and (= :curve-to (:command seg-1))
(= :line-to (:command seg-2)))
(let [[seg-2' seg-1']
(line-curve-intersect (line-to->line seg-2) (curve-to->bezier seg-1))]
;; Need to reverse because we send the arguments reversed
[seg-1' seg-2'])
(and (= :curve-to (:command seg-1))
(= :curve-to (:command seg-2)))
(curve-curve-intersect (curve-to->bezier seg-1) (curve-to->bezier seg-2))
[[] []])]
[(split-command seg-1 ts-seg-1)
(split-command seg-2 ts-seg-2)]))
(defn add-previous
(add-previous content nil))
([content first]
(->> (d/with-prev content)
(mapv (fn [[cmd prev]]
(cond-> cmd
(and (nil? prev) (some? first))
(assoc :prev first)
(some? prev)
(assoc :prev (gpp/command->point prev))))))))
(defn content-intersect-split
"Given two path contents will return the intersect between them"
[content-a content-b]
(let [content-a (add-previous content-a)
content-b (add-previous content-b)]
(if (or (empty? content-a) (empty? content-b))
[content-a content-b]
(loop [current (first content-a)
pending (rest content-a)
content-b content-b
new-content-a []]
(if (not (some? current))
[new-content-a content-b]
(let [[new-current new-pending new-content-b]
(loop [current current
pending pending
other (first content-b)
head-content []
tail-content (rest content-b)]
(if (not (some? other))
;; Finished recorring second content
[current pending head-content]
;; We split the current
(let [[new-as new-bs] (split current other)
new-as (add-previous new-as (:prev current))
new-bs (add-previous new-bs (:prev other))]
(if (> (count new-as) 1)
;; We add the new-a's to the stack and change the b then we iterate to the top
(recur (first new-as)
(d/concat [] (rest new-as) pending)
(first tail-content)
(d/concat [] head-content new-bs)
(rest tail-content))
;; No current segment-segment split we continue searching
(recur current
(first tail-content)
(conj head-content other)
(rest tail-content))))))]
(recur (first new-pending)
(rest new-pending)
(conj new-content-a new-current))))))))

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
(ns app.util.path.geom
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.geom.shapes.path :as gshp]
[app.util.path.commands :as upc]))
@ -16,21 +17,54 @@
(let [handler-vector (gpt/to-vec point handler)]
(gpt/add point (gpt/negate handler-vector))))
(defn split-line-to [from-p cmd val]
(defn split-line-to
"Given a point and a line-to command will create a two new line-to commands
that will split the original line into two given a value between 0-1"
[from-p cmd t-val]
(let [to-p (upc/command->point cmd)
sp (gpt/line-val from-p to-p val)]
sp (gpt/lerp from-p to-p t-val)]
[(upc/make-line-to sp) cmd]))
(defn split-curve-to [from-p cmd val]
(defn split-curve-to
"Given the point and a curve-to command will split the curve into two new
curve-to commands given a value between 0-1"
[from-p cmd t-val]
(let [params (:params cmd)
end (gpt/point (:x params) (:y params))
h1 (gpt/point (:c1x params) (:c1y params))
h2 (gpt/point (:c2x params) (:c2y params))
[[_ to1 h11 h21]
[_ to2 h12 h22]] (gshp/curve-split from-p end h1 h2 val)]
[_ to2 h12 h22]] (gshp/curve-split from-p end h1 h2 t-val)]
[(upc/make-curve-to to1 h11 h21)
(upc/make-curve-to to2 h12 h22)]))
(defn split-line-to-ranges
"Splits a line into several lines given the points in `values`
for example (split-line-to-ranges p c [0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1] will split
the line into 4 lines"
[from-p cmd values]
(let [to-p (upc/command->point cmd)]
(->> (conj values 1)
(mapv (fn [val]
(upc/make-line-to (gpt/lerp from-p to-p val)))))))
(defn split-curve-to-ranges
"Splits a curve into several curves given the points in `values`
for example (split-curve-to-ranges p c [0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1] will split
the curve into 4 curves that draw the same curve"
[from-p cmd values]
(let [to-p (upc/command->point cmd)
params (:params cmd)
h1 (gpt/point (:c1x params) (:c1y params))
h2 (gpt/point (:c2x params) (:c2y params))]
(->> (d/with-prev (conj values 1))
(fn [[t1 t0]]
(let [t0 (if (nil? t0) 0 t0)
[_ to-p h1' h2'] (gshp/subcurve-range from-p to-p h1 h2 t0 t1)]
(upc/make-curve-to to-p h1' h2')))))))
(defn opposite-handler
"Calculates the coordinates of the opposite handler"
[point handler]
@ -47,9 +81,12 @@
(gpt/point old-distance))]
(gpt/add point phv2)))
(defn content->points [content]
(defn content->points
"Returns the points in the given content"
(->> content
(map #(when (-> % :params :x) (gpt/point (-> % :params :x) (-> % :params :y))))
(map #(when (-> % :params :x)
(gpt/point (-> % :params :x) (-> % :params :y))))
(remove nil?)
(into [])))

View file

@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
(case (:command cmd)
:line-to [index (upg/split-line-to start cmd value)]
:curve-to [index (upg/split-curve-to start cmd value)]
:close-path [index [(upc/make-line-to (gpt/line-val start end value)) cmd]]
:close-path [index [(upc/make-line-to (gpt/lerp start end value)) cmd]]