mirror of
synced 2025-02-08 16:18:11 -05:00
🐛 Fix several SVG upload issues
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 63 additions and 28 deletions
@ -92,9 +92,11 @@
(= :image (dm/get-prop shape :type))))
(defn svg-raw-shape?
(and (some? shape)
(= :svg-raw (dm/get-prop shape :type))))
([objects id]
(svg-raw-shape? (get objects id)))
(and (some? shape)
(= :svg-raw (dm/get-prop shape :type)))))
(defn path-shape?
([objects id]
@ -876,6 +876,12 @@
(if (map? node)
(let [attrs (-> (format-styles attrs)
(add-transform (:transform group-attrs)))
;; Don't inherit a property that is already in the style attribute
inherit-style (-> (:style group-attrs) (d/without-keys (keys attrs)))
inheritable-props (->> inheritable-props (remove #(contains? (:styles attrs) %)))
group-attrs (-> group-attrs (assoc :style inherit-style))
attrs (d/deep-merge (select-keys group-attrs inheritable-props) attrs)]
(assoc node :attrs attrs))
@ -988,7 +994,7 @@
(get-in node [:attrs :patternUnits])
(get-in node [:attrs :clipUnits]))]
(cond-> node
(= "objectBoundingBox" units)
(or (= "objectBoundingBox" units) (nil? units))
(update :attrs fix-percent-attrs-numeric)
(not= "objectBoundingBox" units)
@ -265,19 +265,19 @@
(gmt/transform-in (gpt/point svg-data)))
origin (gpt/negate (gpt/point svg-data))
rect (-> (parse-rect-attrs attrs)
vbox (parse-rect-attrs attrs)
rect (-> vbox
(update :x - (:x origin))
(update :y - (:y origin)))
props (-> (dissoc attrs :x :y :width :height :rx :ry :transform)
(-> (calculate-rect-metadata rect transform)
(assoc :type :rect)
(assoc :name name)
(assoc :frame-id frame-id)
(assoc :svg-viewbox rect)
(assoc :svg-viewbox vbox)
(assoc :svg-attrs props)
;; We need to ensure fills are empty on import process
;; because setup-shape assings one by default.
@ -395,9 +395,9 @@
(str/trim (:stroke style)))
color (cond
(= stroke "currentColor") clr/black
(= stroke "none") nil
:else (clr/parse stroke))
(= stroke "currentColor") clr/black
(= stroke "none") nil
(clr/color-string? stroke) (clr/parse stroke))
opacity (when (some? color)
@ -415,17 +415,21 @@
(get style :strokeLinecap))
linecap (some-> linecap str/trim keyword)
attrs (-> attrs
(dissoc :stroke)
(dissoc :strokeWidth)
(dissoc :strokeOpacity)
(update :style (fn [style]
(-> style
(dissoc :stroke)
(dissoc :strokeLinecap)
(dissoc :strokeWidth)
(dissoc :strokeOpacity))))
(-> attrs
(cond-> linecap
(dissoc :strokeLinecap))
(cond-> (some? color)
(dissoc :stroke :strokeWidth :strokeOpacity))
(fn [style]
(-> style
(cond-> linecap
(dissoc :strokeLinecap))
(cond-> (some? color)
(dissoc :stroke :strokeWidth :strokeOpacity)))))
(cond-> (assoc shape :svg-attrs attrs)
(some? color)
@ -467,6 +471,16 @@
(-> (update-in [:svg-attrs :style] dissoc :mixBlendMode)
(assoc :blend-mode (-> (dm/get-in shape [:svg-attrs :style :mixBlendMode]) assert-valid-blend-mode)))))
(defn setup-other [shape]
(cond-> shape
(= (dm/get-in shape [:svg-attrs :display]) "none")
(-> (update-in [:svg-attrs :style] dissoc :display)
(assoc :hidden true))
(= (dm/get-in shape [:svg-attrs :style :display]) "none")
(-> (update :svg-attrs dissoc :display)
(assoc :hidden true))))
(defn tag->name
"Given a tag returns its layer name"
@ -525,6 +539,7 @@
(update :svg-attrs (fn [attrs]
(if (empty? (:style attrs))
(dissoc attrs :style)
@ -215,11 +215,15 @@
([stream on-subscribe]
(use-stream stream (mf/deps) on-subscribe))
([stream deps on-subscribe]
(use-stream stream deps on-subscribe nil))
([stream deps on-subscribe on-dispose]
(fn []
(let [sub (->> stream (rx/subs! on-subscribe))]
#(rx/dispose! sub))))))
(rx/dispose! sub)
(when on-dispose (on-dispose))))))))
;; https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-faq.html#how-to-get-the-previous-props-or-state
(defn use-previous
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
(add-layer-styles! #js {} shape))
(defn- get-svg-props
(defn get-svg-props
[shape render-id]
(let [attrs (get shape :svg-attrs {})
defs (get shape :svg-defs {})]
@ -475,13 +475,17 @@
shape-shadow (get shape :shadow)
shape-strokes (get shape :strokes)
svg-attrs (attrs/get-svg-props shape render-id)
style (-> (obj/get props "style")
(attrs/add-layer-styles! shape))
props #js {:id stroke-id
:className "strokes"
:style style}
props (-> svg-attrs
{:id stroke-id
:className "strokes"
:style style}))
props (if ^boolean (cfh/frame-shape? shape)
@ -299,11 +299,11 @@
(not (cfh/is-direct-child-of-root? shape))
(empty? (get shape :fills)))))
(->> ids
(remove remove-id?)
(remove (partial cfh/hidden-parent? objects))
(remove (partial cfh/svg-raw-shape? objects))
(remove #(and mod? (no-fill-nested-frames? %)))
(filter #(or (empty? focus) (cpf/is-in-focus? objects focus %)))
@ -315,6 +315,7 @@
(->> ids
(remove #(group-empty-space? % objects ids))
(remove (partial cfh/hidden-parent? objects))
(remove (partial cfh/svg-raw-shape? objects))
(remove #(and mod? (no-fill-nested-frames? %)))
(filter #(or (empty? focus) (cpf/is-in-focus? objects focus %)))
@ -192,7 +192,10 @@
(fn [shape]
(if (and (false? using-selrect?) (empty? (:fills shape)))
(if (and (false? using-selrect?)
(empty? (:fills shape))
(not (contains? (-> shape :svg-attrs) :fill))
(not (contains? (-> shape :svg-attrs :style) :fill)))
(case (:type shape)
;; If the shape has no fills the overlap depends on the stroke
:rect (and (overlaps-outer-shape? shape) (not (overlaps-inner-shape? shape)))
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