+(ns app.error-reporter
+ "A mattermost integration for error reporting."
+ (:require
+ [app.common.exceptions :as ex]
+ [app.common.spec :as us]
+ [app.config :as cfg]
+ [app.db :as db]
+ [app.tasks :as tasks]
+ [app.util.async :as aa]
+ [app.worker :as wrk]
+ [app.util.http :as http]
+ [clojure.core.async :as a]
+ [clojure.data.json :as json]
+ [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
+ [clojure.tools.logging :as log]
+ [cuerdas.core :as str]
+ [mount.core :as mount :refer [defstate]]
+ [promesa.exec :as px]))
+;; Public API
+(defonce enqueue identity)
+;; Implementation
+(defn- send-to-mattermost!
+ [log-event]
+ (try
+ (let [text (str/fmt "Unhandled exception: `host='%s'`, `version=%s`.\n@channel ⇊\n```%s\n```"
+ (:host cfg/config)
+ (:full @cfg/version)
+ (str log-event))
+ rsp (http/send! {:uri (:error-reporter-webhook cfg/config)
+ :method :post
+ :headers {"content-type" "application/json"}
+ :body (json/write-str {:text text})})]
+ (when (not= (:status rsp) 200)
+ (log/warnf "Error reporting webhook replying with unexpected status: %s\n%s"
+ (:status rsp)
+ (pr-str rsp))))
+ (catch Exception e
+ (log/warnf e "Unexpected exception on error reporter."))))
+(defn- send!
+ [val]
+ (aa/thread-call wrk/executor (partial send-to-mattermost! val)))
+(defn- start
+ []
+ (let [qch (a/chan (a/sliding-buffer 128))]
+ (log/info "Starting error reporter loop.")
+ ;; Only enable when a valid URL is provided.
+ (when (:error-reporter-webhook cfg/config)
+ (alter-var-root #'enqueue (constantly #(a/>!! qch %)))
+ (a/go-loop []
+ (let [val (a/" (:explain response) "\n")}
+ :body (str ""
+ (with-out-str
+ (:data edata))
+ "
{:status 400
- :body response})))
+ :body edata})))
(defmethod handle-exception :ratelimit
[_ _]
@@ -60,11 +65,38 @@
:body {:type :parse
:message (ex-message err)}})
+(defn get-context-string
+ [err request]
+ (str
+ "=| uri: " (pr-str (:uri request)) "\n"
+ "=| method: " (pr-str (:request-method request)) "\n"
+ "=| path-params: " (pr-str (:path-params request)) "\n"
+ "=| query-params: " (pr-str (:query-params request)) "\n"
+ (when-let [bparams (:body-params request)]
+ (str "=| body-params: " (pr-str bparams) "\n"))
+ (when (ex/ex-info? err)
+ (str "=| ex-data: " (pr-str (ex-data err)) "\n"))
+ "\n"))
+(defmethod handle-exception :assertion
+ [err request]
+ (let [{:keys [data] :as edata} (ex-data err)]
+ (log/errorf err
+ (str "Assertion error\n"
+ (get-context-string err request)
+ (with-out-str (expound/printer data))))
+ {:status 500
+ :body {:type :internal-error
+ :message "Assertion error"
+ :data (ex-data err)}}))
(defmethod handle-exception :default
- [err req]
- (log/error "Unhandled exception on request:" (:path req) "\n"
- (with-out-str
- (.printStackTrace ^Throwable err (java.io.PrintWriter. *out*))))
+ [err request]
+ (log/errorf err (str "Internal Error\n" (get-context-string err request)))
{:status 500
:body {:type :internal-error
:message (ex-message err)
diff --git a/backend/src/app/http/handlers.clj b/backend/src/app/http/handlers.clj
index 3d3855175..1265a97e1 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/http/handlers.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/http/handlers.clj
@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@
(ns app.http.handlers
+ [app.common.data :as d]
+ [app.common.exceptions :as ex]
+ [app.emails :as emails]
+ [app.http.session :as session]
[app.services.mutations :as sm]
[app.services.queries :as sq]))
@@ -25,36 +29,40 @@
(defn query-handler
- [req]
- (let [type (keyword (get-in req [:path-params :type]))
- data (merge (:params req)
- {::sq/type type})
- data (cond-> data
- (:profile-id req) (assoc :profile-id (:profile-id req)))]
- (if (or (:profile-id req) (contains? unauthorized-services type))
+ [{:keys [profile-id] :as request}]
+ (let [type (keyword (get-in request [:path-params :type]))
+ data (assoc (:params request) ::sq/type type)
+ data (if profile-id
+ (assoc data :profile-id profile-id)
+ (dissoc data :profile-id))]
+ (if (or (uuid? profile-id)
+ (contains? unauthorized-services type))
{:status 200
- :body (sq/handle (with-meta data {:req req}))}
+ :body (sq/handle (with-meta data {:req request}))}
{:status 403
:body {:type :authentication
:code :unauthorized}})))
(defn mutation-handler
- [req]
- (let [type (keyword (get-in req [:path-params :type]))
- data (merge (:params req)
- (:body-params req)
- (:uploads req)
- {::sm/type type})
- data (cond-> data
- (:profile-id req) (assoc :profile-id (:profile-id req)))]
- (if (or (:profile-id req) (contains? unauthorized-services type))
- (let [result (sm/handle (with-meta data {:req req}))
+ [{:keys [profile-id] :as request}]
+ (let [type (keyword (get-in request [:path-params :type]))
+ data (d/merge (:params request)
+ (:body-params request)
+ (:uploads request)
+ {::sm/type type})
+ data (if profile-id
+ (assoc data :profile-id profile-id)
+ (dissoc data :profile-id))]
+ (if (or (uuid? profile-id)
+ (contains? unauthorized-services type))
+ (let [result (sm/handle (with-meta data {:req request}))
mdata (meta result)
resp {:status (if (nil? (seq result)) 204 200)
:body result}]
(cond->> resp
- (:transform-response mdata) ((:transform-response mdata) req)))
+ (:transform-response mdata) ((:transform-response mdata) request)))
{:status 403
:body {:type :authentication
:code :unauthorized}})))
diff --git a/backend/src/app/services.clj b/backend/src/app/services.clj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2268ed791
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/src/app/services.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+;; This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+;; defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+;; Copyright (c) 2020 UXBOX Labs SL
+(ns app.services
+ "A initialization of services."
+ (:require
+ [app.services.middleware :as middleware]
+ [app.util.dispatcher :as uds]
+ [mount.core :as mount :refer [defstate]]))
+;; --- Initialization
+(defn- load-query-services
+ []
+ (require 'app.services.queries.projects)
+ (require 'app.services.queries.files)
+ (require 'app.services.queries.comments)
+ (require 'app.services.queries.profile)
+ (require 'app.services.queries.recent-files)
+ (require 'app.services.queries.viewer))
+(defn- load-mutation-services
+ []
+ (require 'app.services.mutations.demo)
+ (require 'app.services.mutations.media)
+ (require 'app.services.mutations.projects)
+ (require 'app.services.mutations.files)
+ (require 'app.services.mutations.comments)
+ (require 'app.services.mutations.profile)
+ (require 'app.services.mutations.viewer)
+ (require 'app.services.mutations.verify-token))
+(defstate query-services
+ :start (load-query-services))
+(defstate mutation-services
+ :start (load-mutation-services))
diff --git a/backend/src/app/services/init.clj b/backend/src/app/services/init.clj
index d0b69fa73..6223b121b 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/services/init.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/services/init.clj
@@ -7,33 +7,4 @@
;; Copyright (c) 2020 UXBOX Labs SL
-(ns app.services.init
- "A initialization of services."
- (:require
- [mount.core :as mount :refer [defstate]]))
-(defn- load-query-services
- []
- (require 'app.services.queries.projects)
- (require 'app.services.queries.files)
- (require 'app.services.queries.comments)
- (require 'app.services.queries.profile)
- (require 'app.services.queries.recent-files)
- (require 'app.services.queries.viewer))
-(defn- load-mutation-services
- []
- (require 'app.services.mutations.demo)
- (require 'app.services.mutations.media)
- (require 'app.services.mutations.projects)
- (require 'app.services.mutations.files)
- (require 'app.services.mutations.comments)
- (require 'app.services.mutations.profile)
- (require 'app.services.mutations.viewer)
- (require 'app.services.mutations.verify-token))
-(defstate query-services
- :start (load-query-services))
-(defstate mutation-services
- :start (load-mutation-services))
+(ns app.services.init)
diff --git a/backend/src/app/worker.clj b/backend/src/app/worker.clj
index 2b71beacd..f7de49abf 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/worker.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/worker.clj
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@
(defn thread-pool
([] (thread-pool {}))
([{:keys [min-threads max-threads name]
- :or {min-threads 0 max-threads 128}}]
+ :or {min-threads 0 max-threads 256}}]
(let [executor (QueuedThreadPool. max-threads min-threads)]
(.setName executor (or name "default-tp"))
(.start executor)
diff --git a/backend/tests/app/tests/helpers.clj b/backend/tests/app/tests/helpers.clj
index 2ae597a02..4ff4232df 100644
--- a/backend/tests/app/tests/helpers.clj
+++ b/backend/tests/app/tests/helpers.clj
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
[mount.core :as mount]
[environ.core :refer [env]]
[app.common.pages :as cp]
- [app.services.init]
+ [app.services]
[app.services.mutations.profile :as profile]
[app.services.mutations.projects :as projects]
[app.services.mutations.teams :as teams]
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
- #'app.services.init/query-services
- #'app.services.init/mutation-services
+ #'app.services/query-services
+ #'app.services/mutation-services
diff --git a/common/app/common/data.cljc b/common/app/common/data.cljc
index 5cde2320a..a52991a68 100644
--- a/common/app/common/data.cljc
+++ b/common/app/common/data.cljc
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(ns app.common.data
"Data manipulation and query helper functions."
- (:refer-clojure :exclude [concat read-string hash-map])
+ (:refer-clojure :exclude [concat read-string hash-map merge])
(:require-macros [app.common.data]))
@@ -210,6 +210,17 @@
(assoc m key v)
+(defn merge
+ "A faster merge."
+ [& maps]
+ (loop [res (transient (first maps))
+ maps (next maps)]
+ (if (nil? maps)
+ (persistent! res)
+ (recur (reduce-kv assoc! res (first maps))
+ (next maps)))))
;; Data Parsing / Conversion
diff --git a/common/app/common/exceptions.cljc b/common/app/common/exceptions.cljc
index 69885361b..389178255 100644
--- a/common/app/common/exceptions.cljc
+++ b/common/app/common/exceptions.cljc
@@ -48,3 +48,7 @@
(defmacro try
[& exprs]
`(try* (^:once fn* [] ~@exprs) identity))
+(defn ex-info?
+ [v]
+ (instance? #?(:clj clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo :cljs cljs.core.ExceptionInfo) v))
diff --git a/common/app/common/spec.cljc b/common/app/common/spec.cljc
index 1292e1bf9..929396e91 100644
--- a/common/app/common/spec.cljc
+++ b/common/app/common/spec.cljc
@@ -189,9 +189,7 @@
(let [edata (s/explain-data spec data)]
(throw (ex/error :type :validation
:code :spec-validation
- :explain (with-out-str
- (expound/printer edata))
- :data (::s/problems edata)))))
+ :data data))))
(defmacro instrument!