mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 23:31:21 -05:00
🎉 Show transient changes in component copies
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 209 additions and 100 deletions
@ -64,6 +64,16 @@
(gpt/point (left-bound shape) (top-bound shape)))
(defn width
"Return the width of the shape BEFORE transformations."
(-> shape :selrect :width))
(defn height
"Return the height of the shape BEFORE transformations."
(-> shape :selrect :height))
(defn fully-contained?
"Checks if one rect is fully inside the other"
[rect other]
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
(defn is-main-of?
"Check if the first shape is the near main of the second one."
[shape-main shape-inst]
(and (not= shape-main shape-inst)
(and (not= (:id shape-main) (:id shape-inst))
(:shape-ref shape-inst)
(or (= (:shape-ref shape-inst) (:id shape-main))
(= (:shape-ref shape-inst) (:shape-ref shape-main)))))
@ -253,20 +253,102 @@
(dom/remove-attribute! node "data-old-transform")
(dom/remove-attribute! node "transform")))))))))
(defn get-copy-shapes
(defn- get-copies
"If one or more of the shapes belongs to a component's main instance, find all copies of
the component in the same page. Ignore copies with the geometry values touched."
[shapes objects]
(letfn [(get-copy-shapes-one [shape]
the component in the same page.
Return a map {<main-root-id> [<main-root> [<copy-root> <copy-root>...]] ...}"
[shapes objects modifiers]
(letfn [(get-copies-one [shape]
(let [root-shape (ctn/get-root-shape objects shape)]
(when (:main-instance? root-shape)
(->> (ctn/get-instances objects shape)
(filter #(not (ctk/touched-group? % :geometry-group)))))))
(let [children (->> root-shape
(map #(get objects %))
(map #(gsh/apply-modifiers % (get-in modifiers [(:id %) :modifiers]))))
root-shape (gsh/update-group-selrect root-shape children)]
[(:id root-shape) [root-shape (ctn/get-instances objects root-shape)]]))))]
(pack-main-copies [shape]
(map #(vector shape %) (get-copy-shapes-one shape)))]
(into {} (map get-copies-one shapes))))
(mapcat pack-main-copies shapes)))
(defn- reposition-shape
[shape origin-root dest-root]
(let [shape-pos (fn [shape]
(gpt/point (get-in shape [:selrect :x])
(get-in shape [:selrect :y])))
origin-root-pos (shape-pos origin-root)
dest-root-pos (shape-pos dest-root)
delta (gpt/subtract dest-root-pos origin-root-pos)]
(gsh/move shape delta)))
(defn- sync-shape
[main-shape copy-shape copy-root main-root]
;; (js/console.log "+++")
;; (js/console.log "main-shape" (clj->js main-shape))
;; (js/console.log "copy-shape" (clj->js copy-shape))
(if (ctk/touched-group? copy-shape :geometry-group)
(let [main-shape (reposition-shape main-shape main-root copy-root)
translation (gpt/subtract (gsh/orig-pos main-shape)
(gsh/orig-pos copy-shape))
center (gsh/orig-pos copy-shape)
mult-w (/ (gsh/width main-shape) (gsh/width copy-shape))
mult-h (/ (gsh/height main-shape) (gsh/height copy-shape))
resize (gpt/point mult-w mult-h)]
(cond-> (gmt/matrix)
(not (gpt/almost-zero? translation))
(gmt/multiply (gmt/translate-matrix translation))
(not (gpt/almost-zero? resize))
(gmt/multiply (gmt/scale-matrix resize center))))))
(defn- add-copies-transforms
"Add transform to all necessary shapes inside the copies"
[copies objects modifiers transforms]
;; (js/console.log "copies" (clj->js copies))
(letfn [(add-copy-transforms-one [transforms copy-shape copy-root main-root main-shapes main-shapes-modif]
(update transforms (:id copy-shape)
(fn [transform]
(let [transform (or transform (gmt/matrix))
main-shape-modif (d/seek #(ctk/is-main-of? % copy-shape) main-shapes-modif)]
(gmt/multiply transform (sync-shape main-shape-modif copy-shape copy-root main-root))))))
(add-copy-transforms [transforms copy-root main-root main-shapes main-shapes-modif]
(let [copy-shapes (into [copy-root] (cph/get-children objects (:id copy-root)))]
(reduce #(add-copy-transforms-one %1 %2 copy-root main-root main-shapes main-shapes-modif)
(add-copies-transforms-one [transforms [main-root copy-roots]]
(let [main-shapes (into [main-root] (cph/get-children objects (:id main-root)))
main-shapes-modif (map #(gsh/apply-modifiers % (get-in modifiers [(:id %) :modifiers]))
(reduce #(add-copy-transforms %1 %2 main-root main-shapes main-shapes-modif)
(reduce add-copies-transforms-one
(vals copies))))
;; (defn get-copy-shapes
;; "If one or more of the shapes belongs to a component's main instance, find all copies of
;; the component in the same page. Ignore copies with the geometry values touched."
;; [shapes objects]
;; (letfn [(get-copy-shapes-one [shape]
;; (let [root-shape (ctn/get-root-shape objects shape)]
;; (when (:main-instance? root-shape)
;; (->> (ctn/get-instances objects shape)
;; (filter #(not (ctk/touched-group? % :geometry-group)))))))
;; (pack-main-copies [shape]
;; (map #(vector shape %) (get-copy-shapes-one shape)))]
;; (mapcat pack-main-copies shapes)))
(defn use-dynamic-modifiers
[objects node modifiers]
@ -276,6 +358,7 @@
(mf/deps modifiers)
(fn []
(when (some? modifiers)
;; (js/console.log "-----------------")
(d/mapm (fn [id {modifiers :modifiers}]
(let [shape (get objects id)
center (gsh/center-shape shape)
@ -298,104 +381,119 @@
prev-modifiers (mf/use-var nil)
prev-transforms (mf/use-var nil)
(mf/deps (and (d/not-empty? @prev-modifiers) (d/not-empty? modifiers)))
(mf/use-memo ; TODO: ojo estas deps hay que revisarlas
(mf/deps modifiers (and (d/not-empty? @prev-modifiers) (d/not-empty? modifiers)))
(fn []
(get-copy-shapes shapes objects)))
(get-copies shapes objects modifiers)))
(mf/deps objects modifiers transforms copy-shapes)
(mf/deps objects modifiers transforms copies)
(fn []
(let [add-copy-transforms
(fn [transforms main-shape copy-shape]
(let [main-bounds (gsh/bounding-box main-shape)
copy-bounds (gsh/bounding-box copy-shape)
delta (gpt/subtract (gpt/point (:x copy-bounds) (:y copy-bounds))
(gpt/point (:x main-bounds) (:y main-bounds)))
;; (js/console.log "modifiers" (clj->js modifiers))
(add-copies-transforms copies objects modifiers transforms)))
;; Move the modifier origin points to the position of the copy.
main-modifiers (get-in modifiers [(:id main-shape) :modifiers])
copy-modifiers (let [origin (:resize-origin main-modifiers)
origin-2 (:resize-origin-2 main-modifiers)]
(cond-> main-modifiers
(some? origin)
(assoc :resize-origin (gpt/add origin delta))
;; copy-shapes
;; (mf/use-memo
;; (mf/deps (and (d/not-empty? @prev-modifiers) (d/not-empty? modifiers)))
;; (fn []
;; (get-copy-shapes shapes objects)))
(some? origin-2)
(assoc :resize-origin-2 (gpt/add origin-2 delta))))
;; transforms
;; (mf/use-memo
;; (mf/deps objects modifiers transforms copy-shapes)
;; (fn []
;; (let [add-copy-transforms
;; (fn [transforms main-shape copy-shape]
;; (let [main-bounds (gsh/bounding-box main-shape)
;; copy-bounds (gsh/bounding-box copy-shape)
;; delta (gpt/subtract (gpt/point (:x copy-bounds) (:y copy-bounds))
;; (gpt/point (:x main-bounds) (:y main-bounds)))
;; ;; Move the modifier origin points to the position of the copy.
;; main-modifiers (get-in modifiers [(:id main-shape) :modifiers])
;; copy-modifiers (let [origin (:resize-origin main-modifiers)
;; origin-2 (:resize-origin-2 main-modifiers)]
;; (cond-> main-modifiers
;; (some? origin)
;; (assoc :resize-origin (gpt/add origin delta))
;; (some? origin-2)
;; (assoc :resize-origin-2 (gpt/add origin-2 delta))))
;; center (gsh/center-shape copy-shape)]
;; (update transforms (:id copy-shape)
;; #(let [transform (or % (gmt/matrix))]
;; (gmt/multiply transform
;; (gsh/modifiers->transform center copy-modifiers))))))
;; apply-delta
;; (fn [transforms shape-id delta]
;; (let [shape-ids (-> (cph/get-children-ids objects shape-id)
;; (conj shape-id))
;; add-delta (fn [transform]
;; (let [transform (or transform (gmt/matrix))]
;; (gmt/multiply transform (gmt/translate-matrix delta))))]
;; (reduce #(update %1 %2 add-delta)
;; transforms
;; shape-ids)))
;; manage-root
;; (fn [transforms main-shape copy-shape]
;; (let [main-modifiers (get-in modifiers [(:id main-shape) :modifiers])
;; modified-main (gsh/apply-modifiers main-shape main-modifiers)
;; delta (gpt/subtract (gsh/orig-pos main-shape)
;; (gsh/orig-pos modified-main))]
;; (cond-> transforms
;; (not (gpt/almost-zero? delta))
;; (apply-delta (:id copy-shape) delta))))
;; manage-nonroot
;; (fn [transforms main-shape copy-shape]
;; ; TODO: comparar el orig-pos de la main-shape modificada con el del su propio
;; ; root también modificado (antes de rotación). Si es menor que cero en alguno
;; ; de los dos ejes, añadir un desplazamiento al root y todos sus hijos
;; (let [main-root (ctn/get-root-shape objects main-shape)
;; main-root-modifiers (get-in modifiers [(:id main-root) :modifiers])
;; modified-main-root (gsh/apply-modifiers main-root main-root-modifiers)
;; main-shape-modifiers (get-in modifiers [(:id main-shape) :modifiers])
;; modified-main-shape (gsh/apply-modifiers main-shape main-shape-modifiers)
;; delta (gpt/subtract (gsh/orig-pos modified-main-shape)
;; (gsh/orig-pos modified-main-root))
;; delta-x (- (min 0 (:x delta)))
;; delta-y (- (min 0 (:y delta)))]
;; (if (or (pos? delta-x) (pos? delta-y))
;; (let [copy-root (ctn/get-root-shape objects copy-shape)]
;; (apply-delta transforms (:id copy-root) (gpt/point delta-x delta-y)))
;; transforms)))
;; add-all-transforms
;; (fn [transforms [main-shape copy-shape]]
;; ;; (js/console.log "----------------------")
;; ;; (js/console.log "main-shape" (clj->js main-shape))
;; ;; (js/console.log "copy-shape" (clj->js copy-shape))
;; (as-> transforms $
;; (add-copy-transforms $ main-shape copy-shape)
;; (if (ctk/instance-root? main-shape)
;; (manage-root $ main-shape copy-shape)
;; (manage-nonroot $ main-shape copy-shape))))]
;; ;; (js/console.log "==================")
;; (reduce add-all-transforms
;; transforms
;; copy-shapes))))
center (gsh/center-shape copy-shape)]
(update transforms (:id copy-shape)
#(let [transform (or % (gmt/matrix))]
(gmt/multiply transform
(gsh/modifiers->transform center copy-modifiers))))))
(fn [transforms shape-id delta]
(let [shape-ids (-> (cph/get-children-ids objects shape-id)
(conj shape-id))
add-delta (fn [transform]
(let [transform (or transform (gmt/matrix))]
(gmt/multiply transform (gmt/translate-matrix delta))))]
(reduce #(update %1 %2 add-delta)
(fn [transforms main-shape copy-shape]
(let [main-modifiers (get-in modifiers [(:id main-shape) :modifiers])
modified-main (gsh/apply-modifiers main-shape main-modifiers)
delta (gpt/subtract (gsh/orig-pos main-shape)
(gsh/orig-pos modified-main))]
(cond-> transforms
(not (gpt/almost-zero? delta))
(apply-delta (:id copy-shape) delta))))
(fn [transforms main-shape copy-shape]
; TODO: comparar el orig-pos de la main-shape modificada con el del su propio
; root también modificado (antes de rotación). Si es menor que cero en alguno
; de los dos ejes, añadir un desplazamiento al root y todos sus hijos
(let [main-root (ctn/get-root-shape objects main-shape)
main-root-modifiers (get-in modifiers [(:id main-root) :modifiers])
modified-main-root (gsh/apply-modifiers main-root main-root-modifiers)
main-shape-modifiers (get-in modifiers [(:id main-shape) :modifiers])
modified-main-shape (gsh/apply-modifiers main-shape main-shape-modifiers)
delta (gpt/subtract (gsh/orig-pos modified-main-shape)
(gsh/orig-pos modified-main-root))
delta-x (- (min 0 (:x delta)))
delta-y (- (min 0 (:y delta)))]
(if (or (pos? delta-x) (pos? delta-y))
(let [copy-root (ctn/get-root-shape objects copy-shape)]
(apply-delta transforms (:id copy-root) (gpt/point delta-x delta-y)))
(fn [transforms [main-shape copy-shape]]
(js/console.log "----------------------")
(js/console.log "main-shape" (clj->js main-shape))
(js/console.log "copy-shape" (clj->js copy-shape))
(as-> transforms $
(add-copy-transforms $ main-shape copy-shape)
(if (ctk/instance-root? main-shape)
(manage-root $ main-shape copy-shape)
(manage-nonroot $ main-shape copy-shape))))]
(js/console.log "==================")
(reduce add-all-transforms
;; ---- old
;; (let [translate1
;; (fn [shape modifiers]
@ -476,6 +574,7 @@
(mf/deps transforms)
(fn []
(js/console.log "transforms" (clj->js transforms))
(map #(get objects %) (keys transforms))))]
Add table
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