Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/penpot/penpot.git synced 2025-03-15 01:01:30 -05:00

Allow repeated registers after small delay

Helps users with expired tokens proceed with a new register
This commit is contained in:
Andrey Antukh 2022-09-21 14:20:26 +02:00
parent 395a7096bf
commit 37e2fe5c65
10 changed files with 487 additions and 293 deletions

View file

@ -222,6 +222,7 @@
(->> (sv/scan-ns 'app.rpc.commands.binfile (->> (sv/scan-ns 'app.rpc.commands.binfile
'app.rpc.commands.comments 'app.rpc.commands.comments
'app.rpc.commands.management 'app.rpc.commands.management
'app.rpc.commands.auth 'app.rpc.commands.auth
'app.rpc.commands.ldap 'app.rpc.commands.ldap
'app.rpc.commands.demo 'app.rpc.commands.demo

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
(ns app.rpc.commands.auth (ns app.rpc.commands.auth
(:require (:require
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.exceptions :as ex] [app.common.exceptions :as ex]
[app.common.spec :as us] [app.common.spec :as us]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid] [app.common.uuid :as uuid]
@ -184,8 +185,9 @@
;; ---- COMMAND: Prepare Register ;; ---- COMMAND: Prepare Register
(defn prepare-register (defn validate-register-attempt!
[{:keys [pool sprops] :as cfg} params] [{:keys [pool sprops]} params]
(when-not (contains? cf/flags :registration) (when-not (contains? cf/flags :registration)
(if-not (contains? params :invitation-token) (if-not (contains? params :invitation-token)
(ex/raise :type :restriction (ex/raise :type :restriction
@ -208,20 +210,46 @@
:code :email-has-permanent-bounces :code :email-has-permanent-bounces
:hint "looks like the email has one or many bounces reported")) :hint "looks like the email has one or many bounces reported"))
(check-profile-existence! pool params) ;; Perform a basic validation of email & password
(when (= (str/lower (:email params)) (when (= (str/lower (:email params))
(str/lower (:password params))) (str/lower (:password params)))
(ex/raise :type :validation (ex/raise :type :validation
:code :email-as-password :code :email-as-password
:hint "you can't use your email as password")) :hint "you can't use your email as password")))
(let [params {:email (:email params) (def register-retry-threshold
:password (:password params) (dt/duration "15m"))
:invitation-token (:invitation-token params)
:backend "penpot" (defn- elapsed-register-retry-threshold?
:iss :prepared-register [profile]
:exp (dt/in-future "48h")} (let [elapsed (dt/diff (:modified-at profile) (dt/now))]
(pos? (compare elapsed register-retry-threshold))))
(defn prepare-register
[{:keys [pool sprops] :as cfg} params]
(validate-register-attempt! cfg params)
(let [profile (when-let [profile (profile/retrieve-profile-data-by-email pool (:email params))]
(if (:is-active profile)
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :email-already-exists
:hint "profile already exists and correctly validated")
(if (elapsed-register-retry-threshold? profile)
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :email-already-exists
:hint "profile already exists"))))
params {:email (:email params)
:password (:password params)
:invitation-token (:invitation-token params)
:backend "penpot"
:iss :prepared-register
:profile-id (:id profile)
:exp (dt/in-future {:days 7})}
params (d/without-nils params)
token (tokens/generate sprops params)] token (tokens/generate sprops params)]
(with-meta {:token token} (with-meta {:token token}
@ -240,11 +268,10 @@
;; ---- COMMAND: Register Profile ;; ---- COMMAND: Register Profile
(defn create-profile (defn create-profile
"Create the profile entry on the database with limited input filling "Create the profile entry on the database with limited set of input
all the other fields with defaults." attrs (all the other attrs are filled with default values)."
[conn params] [conn params]
(let [id (or (:id params) (uuid/next)) (let [id (or (:id params) (uuid/next))
props (-> (audit/extract-utm-params params) props (-> (audit/extract-utm-params params)
(merge (:props params)) (merge (:props params))
(merge {:viewed-tutorial? false (merge {:viewed-tutorial? false
@ -320,22 +347,36 @@
(defn register-profile (defn register-profile
[{:keys [conn sprops session] :as cfg} {:keys [token] :as params}] [{:keys [conn sprops session] :as cfg} {:keys [token] :as params}]
(let [claims (tokens/verify sprops {:token token :iss :prepared-register}) (let [claims (tokens/verify sprops {:token token :iss :prepared-register})
params (merge params claims)] params (merge params claims)]
(check-profile-existence! conn params)
(let [is-active (or (:is-active params) (let [is-active (or (:is-active params)
(not (contains? cf/flags :email-verification)) (not (contains? cf/flags :email-verification))
;; DEPRECATED: v1.15 ;; DEPRECATED: v1.15
(contains? cf/flags :insecure-register)) (contains? cf/flags :insecure-register))
profile (->> (assoc params :is-active is-active) profile (if-let [profile-id (:profile-id claims)]
(create-profile conn) (profile/retrieve-profile conn profile-id)
(create-profile-relations conn) (->> (assoc params :is-active is-active)
(profile/decode-profile-row)) (create-profile conn)
(create-profile-relations conn)
audit-fn (:audit cfg)
invitation (when-let [token (:invitation-token params)] invitation (when-let [token (:invitation-token params)]
(tokens/verify sprops {:token token :iss :team-invitation}))] (tokens/verify sprops {:token token :iss :team-invitation}))]
;; If profile is filled in claims, means it tries to register
;; again, so we proceed to update the modified-at attr
;; accordingly.
(when-let [id (:profile-id claims)]
(db/update! conn :profile {:modified-at (dt/now)} {:id id})
(audit-fn :cmd :submit
:type "fact"
:name "register-profile-retry"
:profile-id id))
(cond (cond
;; If invitation token comes in params, this is because the ;; If invitation token comes in params, this is because the
;; user comes from team-invitation process; in this case, ;; user comes from team-invitation process; in this case,

View file

@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns app.rpc.commands.verify-token
[app.common.exceptions :as ex]
[app.common.spec :as us]
[app.db :as db]
[app.loggers.audit :as audit]
[app.rpc.mutations.teams :as teams]
[app.rpc.queries.profile :as profile]
[app.tokens :as tokens]
[app.rpc.doc :as-alias doc]
[app.tokens.spec.team-invitation :as-alias spec.team-invitation]
[app.util.services :as sv]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[cuerdas.core :as str]))
(s/def ::iss keyword?)
(s/def ::exp ::us/inst)
(defmulti process-token (fn [_ _ claims] (:iss claims)))
(s/def ::verify-token
(s/keys :req-un [::token]
:opt-un [::profile-id]))
(sv/defmethod ::verify-token
{:auth false
::doc/added "1.15"}
[{:keys [pool sprops] :as cfg} {:keys [token] :as params}]
(db/with-atomic [conn pool]
(let [claims (tokens/verify sprops {:token token})
cfg (assoc cfg :conn conn)]
(process-token cfg params claims))))
(defmethod process-token :change-email
[{:keys [conn] :as cfg} _params {:keys [profile-id email] :as claims}]
(when (profile/retrieve-profile-data-by-email conn email)
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :email-already-exists))
(db/update! conn :profile
{:email email}
{:id profile-id})
(with-meta claims
{::audit/name "update-profile-email"
::audit/props {:email email}
::audit/profile-id profile-id}))
(defmethod process-token :verify-email
[{:keys [conn session] :as cfg} _ {:keys [profile-id] :as claims}]
(let [profile (profile/retrieve-profile conn profile-id)
claims (assoc claims :profile profile)]
(when-not (:is-active profile)
(when (not= (:email profile)
(:email claims))
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :invalid-token))
(db/update! conn :profile
{:is-active true}
{:id (:id profile)}))
(with-meta claims
{:transform-response ((:create session) profile-id)
::audit/name "verify-profile-email"
::audit/props (audit/profile->props profile)
::audit/profile-id (:id profile)})))
(defmethod process-token :auth
[{:keys [conn] :as cfg} _params {:keys [profile-id] :as claims}]
(let [profile (profile/retrieve-profile conn profile-id)]
(assoc claims :profile profile)))
;; --- Team Invitation
(defn- accept-invitation
[{:keys [conn] :as cfg} {:keys [member-id team-id role member-email] :as claims} invitation]
(let [member (profile/retrieve-profile conn member-id)
;; Update the role if there is an invitation
role (or (some-> invitation :role keyword) role)
params (merge
{:team-id team-id
:profile-id member-id}
(teams/role->params role))]
;; Insert the invited member to the team
(db/insert! conn :team-profile-rel params {:on-conflict-do-nothing true})
;; If profile is not yet verified, mark it as verified because
;; accepting an invitation link serves as verification.
(when-not (:is-active member)
(db/update! conn :profile
{:is-active true}
{:id member-id}))
;; Delete the invitation
(db/delete! conn :team-invitation
{:team-id team-id :email-to member-email})
(assoc member :is-active true)))
(s/def ::spec.team-invitation/profile-id ::us/uuid)
(s/def ::spec.team-invitation/role ::us/keyword)
(s/def ::spec.team-invitation/team-id ::us/uuid)
(s/def ::spec.team-invitation/member-email ::us/email)
(s/def ::spec.team-invitation/member-id (s/nilable ::us/uuid))
(s/def ::team-invitation-claims
(s/keys :req-un [::iss ::exp
:opt-un [::spec.team-invitation/member-id]))
(defmethod process-token :team-invitation
[{:keys [conn session] :as cfg} {:keys [profile-id token]} {:keys [member-id team-id member-email] :as claims}]
(us/assert ::team-invitation-claims claims)
(let [invitation (db/get-by-params conn :team-invitation
{:team-id team-id :email-to member-email}
{:check-not-found false})]
(when (nil? invitation)
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :invalid-token
:hint "no invitation associated with the token"))
;; This happens when token is filled with member-id and current
;; user is already logged in with exactly invited account.
(and (uuid? profile-id) (uuid? member-id))
(if (= member-id profile-id)
(let [profile (accept-invitation cfg claims invitation)]
(assoc claims :state :created)
{::audit/name "accept-team-invitation"
::audit/props (merge
(audit/profile->props profile)
{:team-id (:team-id claims)
:role (:role claims)})
::audit/profile-id member-id}))
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :invalid-token
:hint "logged-in user does not matches the invitation"))
;; This happens when an unlogged user, uses an invitation link.
(and (not profile-id) (uuid? member-id))
(let [profile (accept-invitation cfg claims invitation)]
(assoc claims :state :created)
{:transform-response ((:create session) (:id profile))
::audit/name "accept-team-invitation"
::audit/props (merge
(audit/profile->props profile)
{:team-id (:team-id claims)
:role (:role claims)})
::audit/profile-id member-id}))
;; This case means that invitation token does not match with
;; registred user, so we need to indicate to frontend to redirect
;; it to register page.
(and (not profile-id) (nil? member-id))
{:invitation-token token
:iss :team-invitation
:redirect-to :auth-register
:state :pending}
;; In all other cases, just tell to fontend to redirect the user
;; to the login page.
{:invitation-token token
:iss :team-invitation
:redirect-to :auth-login
:state :pending})))
;; --- Default
(defmethod process-token :default
[_ _ _]
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :invalid-token))

View file

@ -399,6 +399,7 @@
[{:keys [conn sprops team profile role email] :as cfg}] [{:keys [conn sprops team profile role email] :as cfg}]
(let [member (profile/retrieve-profile-data-by-email conn email) (let [member (profile/retrieve-profile-data-by-email conn email)
token-exp (dt/in-future "168h") ;; 7 days token-exp (dt/in-future "168h") ;; 7 days
email (str/lower email)
itoken (tokens/generate sprops itoken (tokens/generate sprops
{:iss :team-invitation {:iss :team-invitation
:exp token-exp :exp token-exp
@ -412,9 +413,6 @@
:profile-id (:id profile) :profile-id (:id profile)
:exp (dt/in-future {:days 30})})] :exp (dt/in-future {:days 30})})]
(when (contains? cf/flags :log-invitation-tokens)
(l/trace :hint "invitation token" :token itoken))
(when (and member (not (eml/allow-send-emails? conn member))) (when (and member (not (eml/allow-send-emails? conn member)))
(ex/raise :type :validation (ex/raise :type :validation
:code :member-is-muted :code :member-is-muted
@ -428,6 +426,9 @@
:email email :email email
:hint "the email you invite has been repeatedly reported as spam or bounce")) :hint "the email you invite has been repeatedly reported as spam or bounce"))
(when (contains? cf/flags :log-invitation-tokens)
(l/trace :hint "invitation token" :token itoken))
;; When we have email verification disabled and invitation user is ;; When we have email verification disabled and invitation user is
;; already present in the database, we proceed to add it to the ;; already present in the database, we proceed to add it to the
;; team as-is, without email roundtrip. ;; team as-is, without email roundtrip.

View file

@ -6,170 +6,23 @@
(ns app.rpc.mutations.verify-token (ns app.rpc.mutations.verify-token
(:require (:require
[app.common.exceptions :as ex]
[app.common.spec :as us]
[app.db :as db] [app.db :as db]
[app.loggers.audit :as audit]
[app.rpc.mutations.teams :as teams]
[app.rpc.queries.profile :as profile]
[app.tokens :as tokens] [app.tokens :as tokens]
[app.tokens.spec.team-invitation :as-alias spec.team-invitation] [app.rpc.doc :as-alias doc]
[app.rpc.commands.verify-token :refer [process-token]]
[app.util.services :as sv] [app.util.services :as sv]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s] [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))
[cuerdas.core :as str]))
(defmulti process-token (fn [_ _ claims] (:iss claims)))
(s/def ::verify-token (s/def ::verify-token
(s/keys :req-un [::token] (s/keys :req-un [::token]
:opt-un [::profile-id])) :opt-un [::profile-id]))
(sv/defmethod ::verify-token {:auth false} (sv/defmethod ::verify-token
{:auth false
::doc/added "1.1"
::doc/deprecated "1.15"}
[{:keys [pool sprops] :as cfg} {:keys [token] :as params}] [{:keys [pool sprops] :as cfg} {:keys [token] :as params}]
(db/with-atomic [conn pool] (db/with-atomic [conn pool]
(let [claims (tokens/verify sprops {:token token}) (let [claims (tokens/verify sprops {:token token})
cfg (assoc cfg :conn conn)] cfg (assoc cfg :conn conn)]
(process-token cfg params claims)))) (process-token cfg params claims))))
(defmethod process-token :change-email
[{:keys [conn] :as cfg} _params {:keys [profile-id email] :as claims}]
(when (profile/retrieve-profile-data-by-email conn email)
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :email-already-exists))
(db/update! conn :profile
{:email email}
{:id profile-id})
(with-meta claims
{::audit/name "update-profile-email"
::audit/props {:email email}
::audit/profile-id profile-id}))
(defmethod process-token :verify-email
[{:keys [conn session] :as cfg} _ {:keys [profile-id] :as claims}]
(let [profile (profile/retrieve-profile conn profile-id)
claims (assoc claims :profile profile)]
(when-not (:is-active profile)
(when (not= (:email profile)
(:email claims))
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :invalid-token))
(db/update! conn :profile
{:is-active true}
{:id (:id profile)}))
(with-meta claims
{:transform-response ((:create session) profile-id)
::audit/name "verify-profile-email"
::audit/props (audit/profile->props profile)
::audit/profile-id (:id profile)})))
(defmethod process-token :auth
[{:keys [conn] :as cfg} _params {:keys [profile-id] :as claims}]
(let [profile (profile/retrieve-profile conn profile-id)]
(assoc claims :profile profile)))
;; --- Team Invitation
(s/def ::iss keyword?)
(s/def ::exp ::us/inst)
(s/def ::spec.team-invitation/profile-id ::us/uuid)
(s/def ::spec.team-invitation/role ::us/keyword)
(s/def ::spec.team-invitation/team-id ::us/uuid)
(s/def ::spec.team-invitation/member-email ::us/email)
(s/def ::spec.team-invitation/member-id (s/nilable ::us/uuid))
(s/def ::team-invitation-claims
(s/keys :req-un [::iss ::exp
:opt-un [::spec.team-invitation/member-id]))
(defn- accept-invitation
[{:keys [conn] :as cfg} {:keys [member-id team-id role member-email] :as claims}]
(let [
member (profile/retrieve-profile conn member-id)
invitation (db/get-by-params conn :team-invitation
{:team-id team-id :email-to (str/lower member-email)}
{:check-not-found false})
;; Update the role if there is an invitation
role (or (some-> invitation :role keyword) role)
params (merge {:team-id team-id
:profile-id member-id}
(teams/role->params role))
;; Insert the invited member to the team
(db/insert! conn :team-profile-rel params {:on-conflict-do-nothing true})
;; If profile is not yet verified, mark it as verified because
;; accepting an invitation link serves as verification.
(when-not (:is-active member)
(db/update! conn :profile
{:is-active true}
{:id member-id}))
(assoc member :is-active true)
;; Delete the invitation
(db/delete! conn :team-invitation
{:team-id team-id :email-to (str/lower member-email)})))
(defmethod process-token :team-invitation
[cfg {:keys [profile-id token]} {:keys [member-id] :as claims}]
(us/assert ::team-invitation-claims claims)
(let [conn (:conn cfg)
team-id (:team-id claims)
member-email (:member-email claims)
invitation (db/get-by-params conn :team-invitation
{:team-id team-id :email-to (str/lower member-email)}
{:check-not-found false})]
(when (nil? invitation)
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :invalid-token)))
;; This happens when token is filled with member-id and current
;; user is already logged in with exactly invited account.
(and (uuid? profile-id) (uuid? member-id) (= member-id profile-id))
(let [profile (accept-invitation cfg claims)]
(assoc claims :state :created)
{::audit/name "accept-team-invitation"
::audit/props (merge
(audit/profile->props profile)
{:team-id (:team-id claims)
:role (:role claims)})
::audit/profile-id member-id}))
;; This case means that invitation token does not match with
;; registred user, so we need to indicate to frontend to redirect
;; it to register page.
(nil? member-id)
{:invitation-token token
:iss :team-invitation
:redirect-to :auth-register
:state :pending}
;; In all other cases, just tell to fontend to redirect the user
;; to the login page.
{:invitation-token token
:iss :team-invitation
:redirect-to :auth-login
:state :pending}))
;; --- Default
(defmethod process-token :default
[_ _ _]
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :invalid-token))

View file

@ -250,9 +250,10 @@
(t/deftest test-allow-send-messages-predicate-with-bounces (t/deftest test-allow-send-messages-predicate-with-bounces
(with-mocks [mock {:target 'app.config/get (with-mocks [mock {:target 'app.config/get
:return (th/mock-config-get-with :return (th/config-get-mock
{:profile-bounce-threshold 3 {:profile-bounce-threshold 3
:profile-complaint-threshold 2})}] :profile-complaint-threshold 2})}]
(let [profile (th/create-profile* 1) (let [profile (th/create-profile* 1)
pool (:app.db/pool th/*system*)] pool (:app.db/pool th/*system*)]
(th/create-complaint-for pool {:type :bounce :id (:id profile) :created-at (dt/in-past {:days 8})}) (th/create-complaint-for pool {:type :bounce :id (:id profile) :created-at (dt/in-past {:days 8})})
@ -260,7 +261,7 @@
(th/create-complaint-for pool {:type :bounce :id (:id profile)}) (th/create-complaint-for pool {:type :bounce :id (:id profile)})
(t/is (true? (emails/allow-send-emails? pool profile))) (t/is (true? (emails/allow-send-emails? pool profile)))
(t/is (= 4 (:call-count (deref mock)))) (t/is (= 4 (:call-count @mock)))
(th/create-complaint-for pool {:type :bounce :id (:id profile)}) (th/create-complaint-for pool {:type :bounce :id (:id profile)})
(t/is (false? (emails/allow-send-emails? pool profile)))))) (t/is (false? (emails/allow-send-emails? pool profile))))))
@ -268,7 +269,7 @@
(t/deftest test-allow-send-messages-predicate-with-complaints (t/deftest test-allow-send-messages-predicate-with-complaints
(with-mocks [mock {:target 'app.config/get (with-mocks [mock {:target 'app.config/get
:return (th/mock-config-get-with :return (th/config-get-mock
{:profile-bounce-threshold 3 {:profile-bounce-threshold 3
:profile-complaint-threshold 2})}] :profile-complaint-threshold 2})}]
(let [profile (th/create-profile* 1) (let [profile (th/create-profile* 1)
@ -280,7 +281,7 @@
(th/create-complaint-for pool {:type :complaint :id (:id profile)}) (th/create-complaint-for pool {:type :complaint :id (:id profile)})
(t/is (true? (emails/allow-send-emails? pool profile))) (t/is (true? (emails/allow-send-emails? pool profile)))
(t/is (= 4 (:call-count (deref mock)))) (t/is (= 4 (:call-count @mock)))
(th/create-complaint-for pool {:type :complaint :id (:id profile)}) (th/create-complaint-for pool {:type :complaint :id (:id profile)})
(t/is (false? (emails/allow-send-emails? pool profile)))))) (t/is (false? (emails/allow-send-emails? pool profile))))))

View file

@ -539,8 +539,8 @@
:components-v2 true} :components-v2 true}
{:keys [error result] :as out} (th/query! data)] {:keys [error result] :as out} (th/query! data)]
;; (th/print-result! out) ;; (th/print-result! out)
(t/is (= :validation (th/ex-type error))) (t/is (th/ex-of-type? error :validation))
(t/is (= :spec-validation (th/ex-code error))))) (t/is (th/ex-of-code? error :spec-validation (th/ex-code error)))))
(t/testing "RPC :file-data-for-thumbnail" (t/testing "RPC :file-data-for-thumbnail"
;; Insert a thumbnail data for the frame-id ;; Insert a thumbnail data for the frame-id
@ -728,8 +728,8 @@
;; Then query the specific revn ;; Then query the specific revn
(let [{:keys [result error] :as out} (th/query! (assoc data :revn 1))] (let [{:keys [result error] :as out} (th/query! (assoc data :revn 1))]
(t/is (= :not-found (th/ex-type error))) (t/is (th/ex-of-type? error :not-found))
(t/is (= :file-thumbnail-not-found (th/ex-code error))))) (t/is (th/ex-of-code? error :file-thumbnail-not-found))))
)) ))

View file

@ -119,15 +119,14 @@
)) ))
(t/deftest profile-deletion-simple (t/deftest profile-deletion-simple
(let [task (:app.tasks.objects-gc/handler th/*system*) (let [prof (th/create-profile* 1)
prof (th/create-profile* 1)
file (th/create-file* 1 {:profile-id (:id prof) file (th/create-file* 1 {:profile-id (:id prof)
:project-id (:default-project-id prof) :project-id (:default-project-id prof)
:is-shared false})] :is-shared false})]
;; profile is not deleted because it does not meet all ;; profile is not deleted because it does not meet all
;; conditions to be deleted. ;; conditions to be deleted.
(let [result (task {:min-age (dt/duration 0)})] (let [result (th/run-task! :objects-gc {:min-age (dt/duration 0)})]
(t/is (= 0 (:processed result)))) (t/is (= 0 (:processed result))))
;; Request profile to be deleted ;; Request profile to be deleted
@ -146,7 +145,7 @@
(t/is (= 1 (count (:result out))))) (t/is (= 1 (count (:result out)))))
;; execute permanent deletion task ;; execute permanent deletion task
(let [result (task {:min-age (dt/duration "-1m")})] (let [result (th/run-task! :objects-gc {:min-age (dt/duration "-1m")})]
(t/is (= 1 (:processed result)))) (t/is (= 1 (:processed result))))
;; query profile after delete ;; query profile after delete
@ -166,7 +165,7 @@
(t/testing "not allowed email domain" (t/testing "not allowed email domain"
(t/is (false? (cauth/email-domain-in-whitelist? whitelist "username@somedomain.com")))))) (t/is (false? (cauth/email-domain-in-whitelist? whitelist "username@somedomain.com"))))))
(t/deftest prepare-register-and-register-profile (t/deftest prepare-register-and-register-profile-1
(let [data {::th/type :prepare-register-profile (let [data {::th/type :prepare-register-profile
:email "user@example.com" :email "user@example.com"
:password "foobar"} :password "foobar"}
@ -195,6 +194,100 @@
(t/is (nil? error)))) (t/is (nil? error))))
)) ))
(t/deftest prepare-register-and-register-profile-1
(let [data {::th/type :prepare-register-profile
:email "user@example.com"
:password "foobar"}
out (th/mutation! data)
token (get-in out [:result :token])]
(t/is (string? token))
;; try register without token
(let [data {::th/type :register-profile
:fullname "foobar"
:accept-terms-and-privacy true}
out (th/mutation! data)]
(let [error (:error out)]
(t/is (th/ex-info? error))
(t/is (th/ex-of-type? error :validation))
(t/is (th/ex-of-code? error :spec-validation))))
;; try correct register
(let [data {::th/type :register-profile
:token token
:fullname "foobar"
:accept-terms-and-privacy true
:accept-newsletter-subscription true}]
(let [{:keys [result error]} (th/mutation! data)]
(t/is (nil? error))))
(t/deftest prepare-register-and-register-profile-2
(with-redefs [app.rpc.commands.auth/register-retry-threshold (dt/duration 500)]
(with-mocks [mock {:target 'app.emails/send! :return nil}]
(let [current-token (atom nil)]
(let [data {::th/type :prepare-register-profile
:email "hello@example.com"
:password "foobar"}
out (th/command! data)
token (get-in out [:result :token])]
(t/is (string? token))
(reset! current-token token))
;; DO REGISTRATION: try correct register attempt 1
(let [data {::th/type :register-profile
:token @current-token
:fullname "foobar"
:accept-terms-and-privacy true
:accept-newsletter-subscription true}
out (th/command! data)]
(t/is (nil? (:error out)))
(t/is (= 1 (:call-count @mock))))
(th/reset-mock! mock)
;; PREPARE REGISTER without waiting for threshold
(let [data {::th/type :prepare-register-profile
:email "hello@example.com"
:password "foobar"}
out (th/command! data)]
(t/is (not (th/success? out)))
(t/is (= :validation (-> out :error th/ex-type)))
(t/is (= :email-already-exists (-> out :error th/ex-code))))
(th/sleep {:millis 500})
(th/reset-mock! mock)
;; PREPARE REGISTER waiting the threshold
(let [data {::th/type :prepare-register-profile
:email "hello@example.com"
:password "foobar"}
out (th/command! data)]
(t/is (th/success? out))
(t/is (= 0 (:call-count @mock)))
(let [result (:result out)]
(t/is (contains? result :token))
(reset! current-token (:token result))))
;; DO REGISTRATION: try correct register attempt 1
(let [data {::th/type :register-profile
:token @current-token
:fullname "foobar"
:accept-terms-and-privacy true
:accept-newsletter-subscription true}
out (th/command! data)]
(t/is (th/success? out))
(t/is (= 1 (:call-count @mock))))
(t/deftest prepare-and-register-with-invitation-and-disabled-registration-1 (t/deftest prepare-and-register-with-invitation-and-disabled-registration-1
(with-redefs [app.config/flags [:disable-registration]] (with-redefs [app.config/flags [:disable-registration]]
(let [sprops (:app.setup/props th/*system*) (let [sprops (:app.setup/props th/*system*)
@ -239,34 +332,39 @@
:invitation-token itoken :invitation-token itoken
:email "user@example.com" :email "user@example.com"
:password "foobar"} :password "foobar"}
{:keys [result error] :as out} (th/mutation! data)] out (th/command! data)]
(t/is (th/ex-info? error))
(t/is (= :restriction (th/ex-type error)))
(t/is (= :email-does-not-match-invitation (th/ex-code error))))))
(t/is (not (th/success? out)))
(let [edata (-> out :error ex-data)]
(t/is (= :restriction (:type edata)))
(t/is (= :email-does-not-match-invitation (:code edata))))
(t/deftest prepare-register-with-registration-disabled (t/deftest prepare-register-with-registration-disabled
(th/with-mocks {#'app.config/flags nil} (with-redefs [app.config/flags #{}]
(let [data {::th/type :prepare-register-profile (let [data {::th/type :prepare-register-profile
:email "user@example.com" :email "user@example.com"
:password "foobar"}] :password "foobar"}
(let [{:keys [result error] :as out} (th/mutation! data)] out (th/command! data)]
(t/is (th/ex-info? error))
(t/is (th/ex-of-type? error :restriction)) (t/is (not (th/success? out)))
(t/is (th/ex-of-code? error :registration-disabled)))))) (let [edata (-> out :error ex-data)]
(t/is (= :restriction (:type edata)))
(t/is (= :registration-disabled (:code edata)))))))
(t/deftest prepare-register-with-existing-user (t/deftest prepare-register-with-existing-user
(let [profile (th/create-profile* 1) (let [profile (th/create-profile* 1)
data {::th/type :prepare-register-profile data {::th/type :prepare-register-profile
:email (:email profile) :email (:email profile)
:password "foobar"}] :password "foobar"}
(let [{:keys [result error] :as out} (th/mutation! data)] out (th/command! data)]
;; (th/print-result! out)
(t/is (th/ex-info? error))
(t/is (th/ex-of-type? error :validation))
(t/is (th/ex-of-code? error :email-already-exists)))))
(t/deftest test-register-profile-with-bounced-email (t/is (not (th/success? out)))
(let [edata (-> out :error ex-data)]
(t/is (= :validation (:type edata)))
(t/is (= :email-already-exists (:code edata))))))
(t/deftest register-profile-with-bounced-email
(let [pool (:app.db/pool th/*system*) (let [pool (:app.db/pool th/*system*)
data {::th/type :prepare-register-profile data {::th/type :prepare-register-profile
:email "user@example.com" :email "user@example.com"
@ -274,34 +372,38 @@
(th/create-global-complaint-for pool {:type :bounce :email "user@example.com"}) (th/create-global-complaint-for pool {:type :bounce :email "user@example.com"})
(let [{:keys [result error] :as out} (th/mutation! data)] (let [out (th/command! data)]
(t/is (th/ex-info? error)) (t/is (not (th/success? out)))
(t/is (th/ex-of-type? error :validation)) (let [edata (-> out :error ex-data)]
(t/is (th/ex-of-code? error :email-has-permanent-bounces))))) (t/is (= :validation (:type edata)))
(t/is (= :email-has-permanent-bounces (:code edata)))))))
(t/deftest test-register-profile-with-complained-email (t/deftest register-profile-with-complained-email
(let [pool (:app.db/pool th/*system*) (let [pool (:app.db/pool th/*system*)
data {::th/type :prepare-register-profile data {::th/type :prepare-register-profile
:email "user@example.com" :email "user@example.com"
:password "foobar"}] :password "foobar"}]
(th/create-global-complaint-for pool {:type :complaint :email "user@example.com"}) (th/create-global-complaint-for pool {:type :complaint :email "user@example.com"})
(let [{:keys [result error] :as out} (th/mutation! data)]
(t/is (nil? error))
(t/is (string? (:token result))))))
(t/deftest test-register-profile-with-email-as-password (let [out (th/command! data)]
(let [data {::th/type :prepare-register-profile (t/is (th/success? out))
:email "user@example.com" (let [result (:result out)]
:password "USER@example.com"}] (t/is (contains? result :token))))))
(let [{:keys [result error] :as out} (th/mutation! data)] (t/deftest register-profile-with-email-as-password
(t/is (th/ex-info? error)) (let [data {::th/type :prepare-register-profile
(t/is (th/ex-of-type? error :validation)) :email "user@example.com"
(t/is (th/ex-of-code? error :email-as-password))))) :password "USER@example.com"}
out (th/command! data)]
(t/deftest test-email-change-request (t/is (not (th/success? out)))
(with-mocks [email-send-mock {:target 'app.emails/send! :return nil}] (let [edata (-> out :error ex-data)]
(t/is (= :validation (:type edata)))
(t/is (= :email-as-password (:code edata))))))
(t/deftest email-change-request
(with-mocks [mock {:target 'app.emails/send! :return nil}]
(let [profile (th/create-profile* 1) (let [profile (th/create-profile* 1)
pool (:app.db/pool th/*system*) pool (:app.db/pool th/*system*)
data {::th/type :request-email-change data {::th/type :request-email-change
@ -312,7 +414,7 @@
(let [out (th/mutation! data)] (let [out (th/mutation! data)]
;; (th/print-result! out) ;; (th/print-result! out)
(t/is (nil? (:result out))) (t/is (nil? (:result out)))
(let [mock (deref email-send-mock)] (let [mock @mock]
(t/is (= 1 (:call-count mock))) (t/is (= 1 (:call-count mock)))
(t/is (true? (:called? mock))))) (t/is (true? (:called? mock)))))
@ -321,7 +423,7 @@
(let [out (th/mutation! data)] (let [out (th/mutation! data)]
;; (th/print-result! out) ;; (th/print-result! out)
(t/is (nil? (:result out))) (t/is (nil? (:result out)))
(t/is (= 2 (:call-count (deref email-send-mock))))) (t/is (= 2 (:call-count @mock))))
;; with bounces ;; with bounces
(th/create-global-complaint-for pool {:type :bounce :email (:email data)}) (th/create-global-complaint-for pool {:type :bounce :email (:email data)})
@ -331,28 +433,26 @@
(t/is (th/ex-info? error)) (t/is (th/ex-info? error))
(t/is (th/ex-of-type? error :validation)) (t/is (th/ex-of-type? error :validation))
(t/is (th/ex-of-code? error :email-has-permanent-bounces)) (t/is (th/ex-of-code? error :email-has-permanent-bounces))
(t/is (= 2 (:call-count (deref email-send-mock)))))))) (t/is (= 2 (:call-count @mock)))))))
(t/deftest test-email-change-request-without-smtp (t/deftest email-change-request-without-smtp
(with-mocks [email-send-mock {:target 'app.emails/send! :return nil}] (with-mocks [mock {:target 'app.emails/send! :return nil}]
(with-redefs [app.config/flags #{}] (with-redefs [app.config/flags #{}]
(let [profile (th/create-profile* 1) (let [profile (th/create-profile* 1)
pool (:app.db/pool th/*system*) pool (:app.db/pool th/*system*)
data {::th/type :request-email-change data {::th/type :request-email-change
:profile-id (:id profile) :profile-id (:id profile)
:email "user1@example.com"}] :email "user1@example.com"}
out (th/mutation! data)]
(let [out (th/mutation! data) ;; (th/print-result! out)
res (:result out)] (t/is (false? (:called? @mock)))
(let [res (:result out)]
;; (th/print-result! out) (t/is (= {:changed true} res)))))))
(t/is (= {:changed true} res))
(let [mock (deref email-send-mock)]
(t/is (false? (:called? mock)))))))))
(t/deftest test-request-profile-recovery (t/deftest request-profile-recovery
(with-mocks [mock {:target 'app.emails/send! :return nil}] (with-mocks [mock {:target 'app.emails/send! :return nil}]
(let [profile1 (th/create-profile* 1) (let [profile1 (th/create-profile* 1)
profile2 (th/create-profile* 2 {:is-active true}) profile2 (th/create-profile* 2 {:is-active true})
@ -363,13 +463,13 @@
(let [data (assoc data :email "foo@bar.com") (let [data (assoc data :email "foo@bar.com")
out (th/mutation! data)] out (th/mutation! data)]
(t/is (nil? (:result out))) (t/is (nil? (:result out)))
(t/is (= 0 (:call-count (deref mock))))) (t/is (= 0 (:call-count @mock))))
;; with valid email inactive user ;; with valid email inactive user
(let [data (assoc data :email (:email profile1)) (let [data (assoc data :email (:email profile1))
out (th/mutation! data) out (th/mutation! data)
error (:error out)] error (:error out)]
(t/is (= 0 (:call-count (deref mock)))) (t/is (= 0 (:call-count @mock)))
(t/is (th/ex-info? error)) (t/is (th/ex-info? error))
(t/is (th/ex-of-type? error :validation)) (t/is (th/ex-of-type? error :validation))
(t/is (th/ex-of-code? error :profile-not-verified))) (t/is (th/ex-of-code? error :profile-not-verified)))
@ -379,7 +479,7 @@
out (th/mutation! data)] out (th/mutation! data)]
;; (th/print-result! out) ;; (th/print-result! out)
(t/is (nil? (:result out))) (t/is (nil? (:result out)))
(t/is (= 1 (:call-count (deref mock))))) (t/is (= 1 (:call-count @mock))))
;; with valid email and active user with global complaints ;; with valid email and active user with global complaints
(th/create-global-complaint-for pool {:type :complaint :email (:email profile2)}) (th/create-global-complaint-for pool {:type :complaint :email (:email profile2)})
@ -387,7 +487,7 @@
out (th/mutation! data)] out (th/mutation! data)]
;; (th/print-result! out) ;; (th/print-result! out)
(t/is (nil? (:result out))) (t/is (nil? (:result out)))
(t/is (= 2 (:call-count (deref mock))))) (t/is (= 2 (:call-count @mock))))
;; with valid email and active user with global bounce ;; with valid email and active user with global bounce
(th/create-global-complaint-for pool {:type :bounce :email (:email profile2)}) (th/create-global-complaint-for pool {:type :bounce :email (:email profile2)})
@ -395,7 +495,7 @@
out (th/mutation! data) out (th/mutation! data)
error (:error out)] error (:error out)]
;; (th/print-result! out) ;; (th/print-result! out)
(t/is (= 2 (:call-count (deref mock)))) (t/is (= 2 (:call-count @mock)))
(t/is (th/ex-info? error)) (t/is (th/ex-info? error))
(t/is (th/ex-of-type? error :validation)) (t/is (th/ex-of-type? error :validation))
(t/is (th/ex-of-code? error :email-has-permanent-bounces))) (t/is (th/ex-of-code? error :email-has-permanent-bounces)))

View file

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
[app.util.time :as dt] [app.util.time :as dt]
[clojure.java.io :as io] [clojure.java.io :as io]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s] [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[clojure.test :as t]
[cuerdas.core :as str] [cuerdas.core :as str]
[datoteka.core :as fs] [datoteka.core :as fs]
[environ.core :refer [env]] [environ.core :refer [env]]
@ -299,6 +300,14 @@
(let [method-fn (get-in *system* [:app.rpc/methods :queries type])] (let [method-fn (get-in *system* [:app.rpc/methods :queries type])]
(try-on! (method-fn (dissoc data ::type))))) (try-on! (method-fn (dissoc data ::type)))))
(defn run-task!
(run-task! name {}))
([name params]
(let [tasks (:app.worker/registry *system*)]
(let [task-fn (get tasks name)]
(task-fn params)))))
;; --- UTILS ;; --- UTILS
(defn print-error! (defn print-error!
@ -358,6 +367,10 @@
(let [data (ex-data e)] (let [data (ex-data e)]
(= code (:code data)))) (= code (:code data))))
(defn success?
[{:keys [result error]}]
(nil? error))
(defn tempfile (defn tempfile
[source] [source]
(let [rsc (io/resource source) (let [rsc (io/resource source)
@ -366,29 +379,6 @@
(io/file tmp)) (io/file tmp))
tmp)) tmp))
(defn sleep
(Thread/sleep ms))
(defn mock-config-get-with
"Helper for mock app.config/get"
(get data key (get cf/config key)))
([key default]
(get data key (get cf/config key default)))))
(defmacro with-mocks
[rebinds & body]
`(with-redefs-fn ~rebinds
(fn [] ~@body)))
(defn reset-mock!
(reset! m @(mk/make-mock {})))
(defn pause (defn pause
[] []
(let [^java.io.Console cnsl (System/console)] (let [^java.io.Console cnsl (System/console)]
@ -408,3 +398,18 @@
[& params] [& params]
(apply db/query *pool* params)) (apply db/query *pool* params))
(defn sleep
(Thread/sleep (inst-ms (dt/duration ms-or-duration))))
(defn config-get-mock
(get data key (get cf/config key)))
([key default]
(get data key (get cf/config key default)))))
(defn reset-mock!
(reset! m @(mk/make-mock {})))

View file

@ -62,33 +62,34 @@
[{:keys [route] :as props}] [{:keys [route] :as props}]
(let [token (get-in route [:query-params :token]) (let [token (get-in route [:query-params :token])
bad-token (mf/use-state false)] bad-token (mf/use-state false)]
(fn []
(dom/set-html-title (tr "title.default"))
(->> (rp/mutation :verify-token {:token token})
(fn [tdata]
(handle-token tdata))
(fn [{:keys [type code] :as error}]
(or (= :validation type)
(= :invalid-token code)
(= :token-expired (:reason error)))
(reset! bad-token true)
(= :email-already-exists code)
(let [msg (tr "errors.email-already-exists")]
(ts/schedule 100 #(st/emit! (dm/error msg)))
(st/emit! (rt/nav :auth-login)))
(= :email-already-validated code) (mf/with-effect []
(let [msg (tr "errors.email-already-validated")] (dom/set-html-title (tr "title.default"))
(ts/schedule 100 #(st/emit! (dm/warn msg))) (->> (rp/command! :verify-token {:token token})
(st/emit! (rt/nav :auth-login))) (rx/subs
(fn [tdata]
(handle-token tdata))
(fn [{:keys [type code] :as error}]
(or (= :validation type)
(= :invalid-token code)
(= :token-expired (:reason error)))
(reset! bad-token true)
:else (= :email-already-exists code)
(let [msg (tr "errors.generic")] (let [msg (tr "errors.email-already-exists")]
(ts/schedule 100 #(st/emit! (dm/error msg))) (ts/schedule 100 #(st/emit! (dm/error msg)))
(st/emit! (rt/nav :auth-login))))))))) (st/emit! (rt/nav :auth-login)))
(= :email-already-validated code)
(let [msg (tr "errors.email-already-validated")]
(ts/schedule 100 #(st/emit! (dm/warn msg)))
(st/emit! (rt/nav :auth-login)))
(let [msg (tr "errors.generic")]
(ts/schedule 100 #(st/emit! (dm/error msg)))
(st/emit! (rt/nav :auth-login))))))))
(if @bad-token (if @bad-token
[:> static/static-header {} [:> static/static-header {}