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synced 2025-02-03 04:49:03 -05:00
⚡ Add performance improvements to start-resize
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 125 additions and 86 deletions
@ -45,17 +45,19 @@
;; For each of the 8 handlers gives the multiplier for resize
;; for example, right will only grow in the x coordinate and left
;; will grow in the inverse of the x coordinate
(def ^:private handler-multipliers
{:right [1 0]
:bottom [0 1]
:left [-1 0]
:top [0 -1]
:top-right [1 -1]
:top-left [-1 -1]
:bottom-right [1 1]
:bottom-left [-1 1]})
(defn get-handler-multiplier
(case handler
:right (gpt/point 1 0)
:bottom (gpt/point 0 1)
:left (gpt/point -1 0)
:top (gpt/point 0 -1)
:top-right (gpt/point 1 -1)
:top-left (gpt/point -1 -1)
:bottom-right (gpt/point 1 1)
:bottom-left (gpt/point -1 1)))
(defn- handler-resize-origin
(defn- get-handler-resize-origin
"Given a handler, return the coordinate origin for resizes.
This is the opposite of the handler so for right we want the
left side as origin of the resize.
@ -64,39 +66,66 @@
mx, my => middle x/y
ex, ey => end x/y
[{sx :x sy :y :keys [width height]} handler]
(let [mx (+ sx (/ width 2))
my (+ sy (/ height 2))
ex (+ sx width)
ey (+ sy height)
[x y] (case handler
:right [sx my]
:bottom [mx sy]
:left [ex my]
:top [mx ey]
:top-right [sx ey]
:top-left [ex ey]
:bottom-right [sx sy]
:bottom-left [ex sy])]
(gpt/point x y)))
[selrect handler]
(let [sx (dm/get-prop selrect :x)
sy (dm/get-prop selrect :y)
width (dm/get-prop selrect :width)
height (dm/get-prop selrect :height)
mx (+ sx (/ width 2))
my (+ sy (/ height 2))
ex (+ sx width)
ey (+ sy height)]
(case handler
:right (gpt/point sx my)
:bottom (gpt/point mx sy)
:left (gpt/point ex my)
:top (gpt/point mx ey)
:top-right (gpt/point sx ey)
:top-left (gpt/point ex ey)
:bottom-right (gpt/point sx sy)
:bottom-left (gpt/point ex sy))))
(defn- fix-init-point
"Fix the initial point so the resizes are accurate"
[initial handler shape]
(let [{:keys [x y width height]} (:selrect shape)]
(cond-> initial
(contains? #{:left :top-left :bottom-left} handler)
(assoc :x x)
(let [selrect (dm/get-prop shape :selrect)
x (dm/get-prop selrect :x)
y (dm/get-prop selrect :y)
width (dm/get-prop selrect :width)
height (dm/get-prop selrect :height)]
(contains? #{:right :top-right :bottom-right} handler)
(assoc :x (+ x width))
(case handler
(assoc initial :x x)
(contains? #{:top :top-right :top-left} handler)
(assoc :y y)
(assoc initial :y y)
(contains? #{:bottom :bottom-right :bottom-left} handler)
(assoc :y (+ y height)))))
(-> initial
(assoc :x x)
(assoc :y y))
(-> initial
(assoc :x x)
(assoc :y (+ y height)))
(assoc initial :x (+ x width))
(-> initial
(assoc :x (+ x width))
(assoc :y y))
(-> initial
(assoc :x (+ x width))
(assoc :y (+ y height)))
(assoc initial :y (+ y height)))))
(defn finish-transform []
(ptk/reify ::finish-transform
@ -104,16 +133,16 @@
(update [_ state]
(update state :workspace-local dissoc :transform :duplicate-move-started? false))))
;; -- Resize --------------------------------------------------------
(defn start-resize
"Enter mouse resize mode, until mouse button is released."
[handler ids shape]
(letfn [(resize
[shape initial layout [point lock? center? point-snap]]
(let [{:keys [width height]} (:selrect shape)
{:keys [rotation]} shape
(letfn [(resize [shape initial layout [point lock? center? point-snap]]
(let [selrect (dm/get-prop shape :selrect)
width (dm/get-prop selrect :width)
height (dm/get-prop selrect :height)
rotation (dm/get-prop shape :rotation)
shape-center (gsh/shape->center shape)
shape-transform (:transform shape)
@ -129,78 +158,84 @@
shapev (-> (gpt/point width height))
scale-text (:scale-text layout)
scale-text (contains? layout :scale-text)
;; Force lock if the scale text mode is active
lock? (or lock? scale-text)
lock? (or ^boolean lock?
^boolean scale-text)
;; Vector modifiers depending on the handler
handler-mult (let [[x y] (handler-multipliers handler)] (gpt/point x y))
;; Difference between the origin point in the coordinate system of the rotation
;; Difference between the origin point in the
;; coordinate system of the rotation
deltav (-> (gpt/to-vec initial point)
(gpt/multiply handler-mult))
;; Vector modifiers depending on the handler
(gpt/multiply (get-handler-multiplier handler)))
;; Resize vector
scalev (-> (gpt/divide (gpt/add shapev deltav) shapev)
scalev (if lock?
scalev (if ^boolean lock?
(let [v (cond
(#{:right :left} handler) (:x scalev)
(#{:top :bottom} handler) (:y scalev)
:else (max (:x scalev) (:y scalev)))]
(gpt/point v v))
(or (= handler :right)
(= handler :left))
(dm/get-prop scalev :x)
(or (= handler :top)
(= handler :bottom))
(dm/get-prop scalev :y)
(mth/max (dm/get-prop scalev :x)
(dm/get-prop scalev :y)))]
(gpt/point v v))
;; Resize origin point given the selected handler
handler-origin (handler-resize-origin (:selrect shape) handler)
selrect (dm/get-prop shape :selrect)
handler-origin (get-handler-resize-origin selrect handler)
;; If we want resize from center, displace the shape
;; so it is still centered after resize.
(when center?
(-> shape-center
(gpt/subtract handler-origin)
(gpt/multiply scalev)
(gpt/add handler-origin)
(gpt/subtract shape-center)
(gpt/multiply (gpt/point -1 -1))
(gpt/transform shape-transform)))
displacement (when ^boolean center?
(-> shape-center
(gpt/subtract handler-origin)
(gpt/multiply scalev)
(gpt/add handler-origin)
(gpt/subtract shape-center)
(gpt/multiply (gpt/point -1 -1))
(gpt/transform shape-transform)))
(cond-> (gmt/transform-point-center handler-origin shape-center shape-transform)
(some? displacement)
(gpt/add displacement))
resize-origin (gmt/transform-point-center handler-origin shape-center shape-transform)
resize-origin (if (some? displacement)
(gpt/add resize-origin displacement)
;; When the horizontal/vertical scale a flex children with auto/fill
;; we change it too fixed
(not (mth/close? (:x scalev) 1))
(not (mth/close? (dm/get-prop scalev :x) 1))
(not (mth/close? (:y scalev) 1))
(not (mth/close? (dm/get-prop scalev :y) 1))
(-> (ctm/empty)
modifiers (cond-> (ctm/empty)
(some? displacement)
(ctm/move displacement)
(cond-> displacement
(ctm/move displacement))
(ctm/resize scalev resize-origin shape-transform shape-transform-inverse)
(ctm/resize scalev resize-origin shape-transform shape-transform-inverse)
^boolean set-fix-width?
(ctm/change-property :layout-item-h-sizing :fix)
(cond-> set-fix-width?
(ctm/change-property :layout-item-h-sizing :fix))
^boolean set-fix-height?
(ctm/change-property :layout-item-v-sizing :fix)
(cond-> set-fix-height?
(ctm/change-property :layout-item-v-sizing :fix))
(cond-> scale-text
(ctm/scale-content (:x scalev))))
^boolean scale-text
(ctm/scale-content (dm/get-prop scalev :x)))
modif-tree (dwm/create-modif-tree ids modifiers)]
(rx/of (dwm/set-modifiers modif-tree scale-text))))
;; Unifies the instantaneous proportion lock modifier
@ -208,7 +243,10 @@
;; lock flag that can be activated on element options.
(normalize-proportion-lock [[point shift? alt?]]
(let [proportion-lock? (:proportion-lock shape)]
[point (or proportion-lock? shift?) alt?]))]
(or ^boolean proportion-lock?
^boolean shift?)
(update [_ state]
@ -218,15 +256,16 @@
(watch [_ state stream]
(let [initial-position @ms/mouse-position
stopper (->> stream
(rx/filter mse/mouse-event?)
(rx/filter mse/mouse-up-event?))
layout (:workspace-layout state)
page-id (:current-page-id state)
focus (:workspace-focus-selected state)
zoom (get-in state [:workspace-local :zoom] 1)
zoom (dm/get-in state [:workspace-local :zoom] 1)
objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects state page-id)
resizing-shapes (map #(get objects %) ids)]
shapes (map (d/getf objects) ids)]
(->> ms/mouse-position
@ -234,7 +273,7 @@
(rx/with-latest-from ms/mouse-position-shift ms/mouse-position-alt)
(rx/map normalize-proportion-lock)
(rx/switch-map (fn [[point _ _ :as current]]
(->> (snap/closest-snap-point page-id resizing-shapes objects layout zoom focus point)
(->> (snap/closest-snap-point page-id shapes objects layout zoom focus point)
(rx/map #(conj current %)))))
(rx/mapcat (partial resize shape initial-position layout))
(rx/take-until stopper))
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