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mirror of https://github.com/penpot/penpot.git synced 2025-03-25 22:21:44 -05:00

Add proper deletion/restore helpers to srepl/main

This commit is contained in:
Andrey Antukh 2024-07-22 15:16:36 +02:00
parent e916c97491
commit 34293326b8
2 changed files with 265 additions and 84 deletions

View file

@ -192,15 +192,33 @@
(::webhooks/event? resultm)
(defn- handle-event!
[cfg event]
(defn- event->params
(let [params {:id (uuid/next)
:name (::name event)
:type (::type event)
:profile-id (::profile-id event)
:ip-addr (::ip-addr event)
:context (::context event)
:props (::props event)}
:ip-addr (::ip-addr event "")
:context (::context event {})
:props (::props event {})
:source "backend"}
tnow (::tracked-at event)]
(cond-> params
(some? tnow)
(assoc :tracked-at tnow))))
(defn- append-audit-entry!
[cfg params]
(let [params (-> params
(update :props db/tjson)
(update :context db/tjson)
(update :ip-addr db/inet))]
(db/insert! cfg :audit-log params)))
(defn- handle-event!
[cfg event]
(let [params (event->params event)
tnow (dt/now)]
(when (contains? cf/flags :audit-log)
@ -209,12 +227,8 @@
;; this case we just retry the operation.
(let [params (-> params
(assoc :created-at tnow)
(assoc :tracked-at tnow)
(update :props db/tjson)
(update :context db/tjson)
(update :ip-addr db/inet)
(assoc :source "backend"))]
(db/insert! cfg :audit-log params)))
(update :tracked-at #(or % tnow)))]
(append-audit-entry! cfg params)))
(when (and (or (contains? cf/flags :telemetry)
(cf/get :telemetry-enabled))
@ -226,12 +240,11 @@
;; NOTE: this is only executed when general audit log is disabled
(let [params (-> params
(assoc :created-at tnow)
(assoc :tracked-at tnow)
(assoc :props (db/tjson {}))
(assoc :context (db/tjson {}))
(assoc :ip-addr (db/inet ""))
(assoc :source "backend"))]
(db/insert! cfg :audit-log params)))
(update :tracked-at #(or % tnow))
(assoc :props {})
(assoc :context {})
(assoc :ip-addr ""))]
(append-audit-entry! cfg params)))
(when (and (contains? cf/flags :webhooks)
(::webhooks/event? event))
@ -258,9 +271,9 @@
(defn submit!
"Submit audit event to the collector."
[cfg params]
[cfg event]
(let [event (d/without-nils params)
(let [event (d/without-nils event)
cfg (-> cfg
(assoc ::rtry/when rtry/conflict-exception?)
(assoc ::rtry/max-retries 6)
@ -269,3 +282,18 @@
(rtry/invoke! cfg db/tx-run! handle-event! event))
(catch Throwable cause
(l/error :hint "unexpected error processing event" :cause cause))))
(defn insert!
"Submit audit event to the collector, intended to be used only from
command line helpers because this skips all webhooks and telemetry
[cfg event]
(when (contains? cf/flags :audit-log)
(let [event (d/without-nils event)]
(us/verify! ::event event)
(db/run! cfg (fn [cfg]
(let [tnow (dt/now)
params (-> (event->params event)
(assoc :created-at tnow)
(update :tracked-at #(or % tnow)))]
(append-audit-entry! cfg params)))))))

View file

@ -21,8 +21,10 @@
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.config :as cf]
[app.db :as db]
[app.db.sql :as-alias sql]
[app.features.components-v2 :as feat.comp-v2]
[app.features.fdata :as feat.fdata]
[app.loggers.audit :as audit]
[app.main :as main]
[app.msgbus :as mbus]
[app.rpc.commands.auth :as auth]
@ -38,10 +40,12 @@
[app.util.pointer-map :as pmap]
[app.util.time :as dt]
[app.worker :as wrk]
[clojure.java.io :as io]
[clojure.pprint :refer [print-table]]
[clojure.stacktrace :as strace]
[clojure.tools.namespace.repl :as repl]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[datoteka.fs :as fs]
[promesa.exec :as px]
[promesa.exec.semaphore :as ps]
[promesa.util :as pu]))
@ -475,6 +479,27 @@
(defn delete-file!
"Mark a project for deletion"
(let [file-id (h/parse-uuid file-id)
tnow (dt/now)]
(audit/insert! main/system
{::audit/name "delete-file"
::audit/type "action"
::audit/profile-id uuid/zero
::audit/props {:id file-id}
::audit/context {:triggered-by "srepl"
:cause "explicit call to delete-file!"}
::audit/tracked-at tnow})
(wrk/invoke! (-> main/system
(assoc ::wrk/task :delete-object)
(assoc ::wrk/params {:object :file
:deleted-at tnow
:id file-id})))
(defn- restore-file*
[{:keys [::db/conn]} file-id]
(db/update! conn :file
@ -502,20 +527,105 @@
(defn restore-file!
"Mark a file and all related objects as not deleted"
(let [file-id (h/parse-uuid file-id)]
(db/tx-run! main/system
(fn [system]
(when-let [file (some-> (db/get* system :file
{:id file-id}
{::db/remove-deleted false
::sql/columns [:id :name]})
(audit/insert! system
{::audit/name "restore-file"
::audit/type "action"
::audit/profile-id uuid/zero
::audit/props file
::audit/context {:triggered-by "srepl"
:cause "explicit call to restore-file!"}
::audit/tracked-at (dt/now)})
(restore-file* system file-id))))))
(defn delete-project!
"Mark a project for deletion"
(let [project-id (h/parse-uuid project-id)
tnow (dt/now)]
(audit/insert! main/system
{::audit/name "delete-project"
::audit/type "action"
::audit/profile-id uuid/zero
::audit/props {:id project-id}
::audit/context {:triggered-by "srepl"
:cause "explicit call to delete-project!"}
::audit/tracked-at tnow})
(wrk/invoke! (-> main/system
(assoc ::wrk/task :delete-object)
(assoc ::wrk/params {:object :project
:deleted-at tnow
:id project-id})))
(defn- restore-project*
[{:keys [::db/conn] :as cfg} project-id]
(db/update! conn :project
{:deleted-at nil}
{:id project-id})
(doseq [{:keys [id]} (db/query conn :file
{:project-id project-id}
{::db/columns [:id]})]
{::sql/columns [:id]})]
(restore-file* cfg id))
(defn restore-project!
"Mark a project and all related objects as not deleted"
(let [project-id (h/parse-uuid project-id)]
(db/tx-run! main/system
(fn [system]
(when-let [project (db/get* system :project
{:id project-id}
{::db/remove-deleted false})]
(audit/insert! system
{::audit/name "restore-project"
::audit/type "action"
::audit/profile-id uuid/zero
::audit/props project
::audit/context {:triggered-by "srepl"
:cause "explicit call to restore-team!"}
::audit/tracked-at (dt/now)})
(restore-project* system project-id))))))
(defn delete-team!
"Mark a team for deletion"
(let [team-id (h/parse-uuid team-id)
tnow (dt/now)]
(audit/insert! main/system
{::audit/name "delete-team"
::audit/type "action"
::audit/profile-id uuid/zero
::audit/props {:id team-id}
::audit/context {:triggered-by "srepl"
:cause "explicit call to delete-profile!"}
::audit/tracked-at tnow})
(wrk/invoke! (-> main/system
(assoc ::wrk/task :delete-object)
(assoc ::wrk/params {:object :team
:deleted-at tnow
:id team-id})))
(defn- restore-team*
[{:keys [::db/conn] :as cfg} team-id]
(db/update! conn :team
@ -528,84 +638,127 @@
(doseq [{:keys [id]} (db/query conn :project
{:team-id team-id}
{::db/columns [:id]})]
{::sql/columns [:id]})]
(restore-project* cfg id))
(defn- restore-profile*
[{:keys [::db/conn] :as cfg} profile-id]
(db/update! conn :profile
{:deleted-at nil}
{:id profile-id})
(doseq [{:keys [id]} (profile/get-owned-teams conn profile-id)]
(restore-team* cfg id))
(defn restore-deleted-profile!
"Mark a team and all related objects as not deleted"
(let [profile-id (h/parse-uuid profile-id)]
(db/tx-run! main/system restore-profile* profile-id)))
(defn restore-deleted-team!
(defn restore-team!
"Mark a team and all related objects as not deleted"
(let [team-id (h/parse-uuid team-id)]
(db/tx-run! main/system restore-team* team-id)))
(db/tx-run! main/system
(fn [system]
(when-let [team (some-> (db/get* system :team
{:id team-id}
{::db/remove-deleted false})
(audit/insert! system
{::audit/name "restore-team"
::audit/type "action"
::audit/profile-id uuid/zero
::audit/props team
::audit/context {:triggered-by "srepl"
:cause "explicit call to restore-team!"}
::audit/tracked-at (dt/now)})
(defn restore-deleted-project!
"Mark a project and all related objects as not deleted"
(let [project-id (h/parse-uuid project-id)]
(db/tx-run! main/system restore-project* project-id)))
(restore-team* system team-id))))))
(defn restore-deleted-file!
"Mark a file and all related objects as not deleted"
(let [file-id (h/parse-uuid file-id)]
(db/tx-run! main/system restore-file* file-id)))
(defn delete-team!
"Mark a team for deletion"
(let [team-id (h/parse-uuid team-id)]
(wrk/invoke! (-> main/system
(assoc ::wrk/task :delete-object)
(assoc ::wrk/params {:object :team
:deleted-at (dt/now)
:id team-id})))))
(defn delete-profile!
"Mark a profile for deletion"
"Mark a profile for deletion."
(let [profile-id (h/parse-uuid profile-id)]
(let [profile-id (h/parse-uuid profile-id)
tnow (dt/now)]
(audit/insert! main/system
{::audit/name "delete-profile"
::audit/type "action"
::audit/profile-id uuid/zero
::audit/context {:triggered-by "srepl"
:cause "explicit call to delete-profile!"}
::audit/tracked-at tnow})
(wrk/invoke! (-> main/system
(assoc ::wrk/task :delete-object)
(assoc ::wrk/params {:object :profile
:deleted-at (dt/now)
:id profile-id})))))
(defn delete-project!
"Mark a project for deletion"
(let [project-id (h/parse-uuid project-id)]
(wrk/invoke! (-> main/system
(assoc ::wrk/task :delete-object)
(assoc ::wrk/params {:object :project
:deleted-at (dt/now)
:id project-id})))))
:deleted-at tnow
:id profile-id})))
(defn delete-file!
"Mark a project for deletion"
(let [file-id (h/parse-uuid file-id)]
(wrk/invoke! (-> main/system
(assoc ::wrk/task :delete-object)
(assoc ::wrk/params {:object :file
:deleted-at (dt/now)
:id file-id})))))
(defn restore-profile!
"Mark a team and all related objects as not deleted"
(let [profile-id (h/parse-uuid profile-id)]
(db/tx-run! main/system
(fn [system]
(when-let [profile (some-> (db/get* system :profile
{:id profile-id}
{::db/remove-deleted false})
(audit/insert! system
{::audit/name "restore-profile"
::audit/type "action"
::audit/profile-id uuid/zero
::audit/props (audit/profile->props profile)
::audit/context {:triggered-by "srepl"
:cause "explicit call to restore-profile!"}
::audit/tracked-at (dt/now)})
(db/update! system :profile
{:deleted-at nil}
{:id profile-id}
{::db/return-keys false})
(doseq [{:keys [id]} (profile/get-owned-teams system profile-id)]
(restore-team* system id))
(defn delete-profiles-in-bulk!
[system path]
(letfn [(process-data! [system deleted-at emails]
(loop [emails emails
deleted 0
total 0]
(if-let [email (first emails)]
(if-let [profile (db/get* system :profile
{:email (str/lower email)}
{::db/remove-deleted false})]
(audit/insert! system
{::audit/name "delete-profile"
::audit/type "action"
::audit/tracked-at deleted-at
::audit/props (audit/profile->props profile)
::audit/context {:triggered-by "srepl"
:cause "explicit call to delete-profiles-in-bulk!"}})
(wrk/invoke! (-> system
(assoc ::wrk/task :delete-object)
(assoc ::wrk/params {:object :profile
:deleted-at deleted-at
:id (:id profile)})))
(recur (rest emails)
(inc deleted)
(inc total)))
(recur (rest emails)
(inc total)))
{:deleted deleted :total total})))]
(let [path (fs/path path)
deleted-at (dt/minus (dt/now) cf/deletion-delay)]
(when-not (fs/exists? path)
(throw (ex-info "path does not exists" {:path path})))
(db/tx-run! system
(fn [system]
(with-open [reader (io/reader path)]
(process-data! system deleted-at (line-seq reader))))))))
(defn process-deleted-profiles-cascade