mirror of
synced 2025-01-23 06:58:58 -05:00
✨ Add tests and improve impl of registration with invitation
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 69 additions and 8 deletions
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
[app.rpc.queries.profile :as profile]
[app.rpc.rlimit :as rlimit]
[app.storage :as sto]
[app.util.async :as async]
[app.util.services :as sv]
[app.util.time :as dt]
[buddy.hashers :as hashers]
@ -100,10 +99,15 @@
(sv/defmethod ::prepare-register-profile {:auth false}
[{:keys [pool tokens] :as cfg} params]
(when-not (or (contains? :invitation-token params)
(contains? cf/flags :registration))
(ex/raise :type :restriction
:code :registration-disabled))
(when-not (contains? cf/flags :registration)
(if-not (contains? params :invitation-token)
(ex/raise :type :restriction
:code :registration-disabled)
(let [invitation (tokens :verify {:token (:invitation-token params) :iss :team-invitation})]
(when-not (= (:email params) (:member-email invitation))
(ex/raise :type :restriction
:code :email-does-not-match-invitation
:hint "email should match the invitation")))))
(when-let [domains (cf/get :registration-domain-whitelist)]
(when-not (email-domain-in-whitelist? domains (:email params))
@ -130,6 +134,7 @@
:backend "penpot"
:iss :prepared-register
:exp (dt/in-future "48h")}
token (tokens :generate params)]
{:token token}))
@ -150,7 +155,6 @@
[{:keys [conn tokens session] :as cfg} {:keys [token] :as params}]
(let [claims (tokens :verify {:token token :iss :prepared-register})
params (merge params claims)]
(check-profile-existence! conn params)
(let [is-active (or (:is-active params)
@ -159,10 +163,8 @@
(create-profile conn)
(create-profile-relations conn)
invitation (when-let [token (:invitation-token params)]
(tokens :verify {:token token :iss :team-invitation}))]
;; If invitation token comes in params, this is because the user comes from team-invitation process;
;; in this case, regenerate token and send back to the user a new invitation token (and mark current
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
(ns app.services-profile-test
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.config :as cf]
[app.db :as db]
[app.rpc.mutations.profile :as profile]
[app.test-helpers :as th]
@ -195,6 +196,56 @@
(t/is (nil? error))))
(t/deftest prepare-and-register-with-invitation-and-disabled-registration-1
(with-redefs [app.config/flags [:disable-registration]]
(let [tokens-fn (:app.tokens/tokens th/*system*)
itoken (tokens-fn :generate
{:iss :team-invitation
:exp (dt/in-future "48h")
:role :editor
:team-id uuid/zero
:member-email "user@example.com"})
data {::th/type :prepare-register-profile
:invitation-token itoken
:email "user@example.com"
:password "foobar"}
{:keys [result error] :as out} (th/mutation! data)]
(t/is (nil? error))
(t/is (map? result))
(t/is (string? (:token result)))
(let [rtoken (:token result)
data {::th/type :register-profile
:token rtoken
:fullname "foobar"}
{:keys [result error] :as out} (th/mutation! data)]
;; (th/print-result! out)
(t/is (nil? error))
(t/is (map? result))
(t/is (string? (:invitation-token result)))))))
(t/deftest prepare-and-register-with-invitation-and-disabled-registration-2
(with-redefs [app.config/flags [:disable-registration]]
(let [tokens-fn (:app.tokens/tokens th/*system*)
itoken (tokens-fn :generate
{:iss :team-invitation
:exp (dt/in-future "48h")
:role :editor
:team-id uuid/zero
:member-email "user2@example.com"})
data {::th/type :prepare-register-profile
:invitation-token itoken
:email "user@example.com"
:password "foobar"}
{:keys [result error] :as out} (th/mutation! data)]
(t/is (th/ex-info? error))
(t/is (= :restriction (th/ex-type error)))
(t/is (= :email-does-not-match-invitation (th/ex-code error))))))
(t/deftest prepare-register-with-registration-disabled
(th/with-mocks {#'app.config/flags nil}
(let [data {::th/type :prepare-register-profile
@ -313,6 +313,14 @@
(instance? clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo v))
(defn ex-type
(:type (ex-data e)))
(defn ex-code
(:code (ex-data e)))
(defn ex-of-type?
[e type]
(let [data (ex-data e)]
Add table
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