mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 01:31:22 -05:00
✨ Adds grid column/row sizing without spanned tracks
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 424 additions and 123 deletions
@ -15,9 +15,8 @@
(def conjv (fnil conj []))
(defn layout-bounds
[{:keys [layout-padding] :as shape} shape-bounds]
(let [;; Add padding to the bounds
{pad-top :p1 pad-right :p2 pad-bottom :p3 pad-left :p4} layout-padding]
[parent shape-bounds]
(let [[pad-top pad-right pad-bottom pad-left] (ctl/paddings parent)]
(gpo/pad-points shape-bounds pad-top pad-right pad-bottom pad-left)))
(defn init-layout-lines
@ -4,10 +4,63 @@
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
;; Each track has specified minimum and maximum sizing functions (which may be the same)
;; - Fixed
;; - Percent
;; - Auto
;; - Flex
;; Min functions:
;; - Fixed: value
;; - Percent: value to pixels
;; - Auto: auto
;; - Flex: auto
;; Max functions:
;; - Fixed: value
;; - Percent: value to pixels
;; - Auto: max-content
;; - Flex: flex
;; Algorithm
;; - Initialize tracks:
;; * base = size or 0
;; * max = size or INF
;; - Resolve intrinsic sizing
;; 1. Shim baseline-aligned items so their intrinsic size contributions reflect their baseline alignment
;; 2. Size tracks to fit non-spanning items
;; base-size = max (children min contribution) floored 0
;; 3. Increase sizes to accommodate spanning items crossing content-sized tracks
;; 4. Increase sizes to accommodate spanning items crossing flexible tracks:
;; 5. If any track still has an infinite growth limit set its growth limit to its base size.
;; - Distribute extra space accross spaned tracks
;; - Maximize tracks
;; - Expand flexible tracks
;; - Find `fr` size
;; - Stretch auto tracks
(ns app.common.geom.shapes.grid-layout.layout-data
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.geom.shapes.points :as gpo]))
[app.common.geom.shapes.points :as gpo]
[app.common.types.shape.layout :as ctl]))
(defn layout-bounds
[parent shape-bounds]
(let [[pad-top pad-right pad-bottom pad-left] (ctl/paddings parent)]
(gpo/pad-points shape-bounds pad-top pad-right pad-bottom pad-left)))
#_(defn set-sample-data
[parent children]
@ -50,91 +103,218 @@
[parent children]))
(defn calculate-initial-track-values
[{:keys [type value]} total-value]
(defn calculate-initial-track-size
[total-value {:keys [type value] :as track}]
(case type
(let [value (/ (* total-value value) 100) ]
(let [[size max-size]
(case type
(let [value (/ (* total-value value) 100) ]
[value value])
[value value]
;; flex, auto
[0.01 ##Inf])]
(assoc track :size size :max-size max-size)))
(defn set-auto-base-size
[track-list children shape-cells type]
(let [[prop prop-span size-fn]
(if (= type :column)
[:column :column-span gpo/width-points]
[:row :row-span gpo/height-points])]
(reduce (fn [tracks [child-bounds child-shape]]
(let [cell (get shape-cells (:id child-shape))
idx (dec (get cell prop))
track (nth tracks idx)]
(cond-> tracks
(and (= (get cell prop-span) 1) (= :auto (:type track)))
(update-in [idx :size] max (size-fn child-bounds)))))
(defn tracks-total-size
(let [calc-tracks-total-size
(fn [acc {:keys [size]}]
(+ acc size))]
(->> track-list (reduce calc-tracks-total-size 0))))
(defn tracks-total-frs
(let [calc-tracks-total-frs
(fn [acc {:keys [type value]}]
(let [value (max 1 value)]
(cond-> acc
(= type :flex)
(+ value))))]
(->> track-list (reduce calc-tracks-total-frs 0))))
(defn tracks-total-autos
(let [calc-tracks-total-autos
(fn [acc {:keys [type]}]
(cond-> acc (= type :auto) (inc)))]
(->> track-list (reduce calc-tracks-total-autos 0))))
(defn set-fr-value
[track-list fr-value]
(->> track-list
(mapv (fn [{:keys [type value max-size] :as track}]
(cond-> track
(= :flex type)
(assoc :size (min (* value fr-value) max-size)))))))
(defn add-auto-size
[track-list add-size]
(->> track-list
(mapv (fn [{:keys [type size max-size] :as track}]
(cond-> track
(= :auto type)
(assoc :size (min (+ size add-size) max-size)))))))
(defn calc-layout-data
[parent _children transformed-parent-bounds]
[parent children transformed-parent-bounds]
(let [height (gpo/height-points transformed-parent-bounds)
width (gpo/width-points transformed-parent-bounds)
(let [hv #(gpo/start-hv transformed-parent-bounds %)
vv #(gpo/start-vv transformed-parent-bounds %)
;; Initialize tracks
(->> (:layout-grid-columns parent)
(map (fn [track]
(let [initial (calculate-initial-track-values track width)]
(assoc track :value initial)))))
layout-bounds (layout-bounds parent transformed-parent-bounds)
(->> (:layout-grid-rows parent)
(map (fn [track]
(let [initial (calculate-initial-track-values track height)]
(assoc track :value initial)))))
bound-height (gpo/height-points layout-bounds)
bound-width (gpo/width-points layout-bounds)
bound-corner (gpo/origin layout-bounds)
;; Go through cells to adjust auto sizes
grid-columns (:layout-grid-columns parent)
grid-rows (:layout-grid-rows parent)
[row-gap column-gap] (ctl/gaps parent)
;; Once auto sizes have been calculated we get calculate the `fr` with the remainining size and adjust the size
;; Adjust final distances
(fn [[result next-distance] data]
(let [result (conj result (assoc data :distance next-distance))
next-distance (+ next-distance (:value data))]
[result next-distance]))
(->> column-tracks
(reduce acc-track-distance [[] 0])
(->> row-tracks
(reduce acc-track-distance [[] 0])
;; Map shape->cell
(into {}
(mapcat (fn [[_ cell]]
(->> (:shapes cell)
(map #(vector % cell)))))
(->> (:shapes cell) (map #(vector % cell)))))
(:layout-grid-cells parent))
;; Initialize tracks
(->> grid-columns
(mapv (partial calculate-initial-track-size bound-width)))
(->> grid-rows
(mapv (partial calculate-initial-track-size bound-height)))
;; Go through cells to adjust auto sizes for span=1. Base is the max of its children
column-tracks (set-auto-base-size column-tracks children shape-cells :column)
row-tracks (set-auto-base-size row-tracks children shape-cells :row)
;; Adjust multi-spaned cells with no flex columns
;; Calculate the `fr` unit and adjust the size
column-total-size (tracks-total-size column-tracks)
row-total-size (tracks-total-size row-tracks)
column-total-gap (* column-gap (dec (count column-tracks)))
row-total-gap (* row-gap (dec (count row-tracks)))
column-frs (tracks-total-frs column-tracks)
row-frs (tracks-total-frs row-tracks)
;; Once auto sizes have been calculated we get calculate the `fr` unit with the remainining size and adjust the size
free-column-space (- bound-width (+ column-total-size column-total-gap))
free-row-space (- bound-height (+ row-total-size row-total-gap))
column-fr (/ free-column-space column-frs)
row-fr (/ free-row-space row-frs)
column-tracks (set-fr-value column-tracks column-fr)
row-tracks (set-fr-value row-tracks row-fr)
;; Distribute free space between `auto` tracks
column-total-size (tracks-total-size column-tracks)
row-total-size (tracks-total-size row-tracks)
free-column-space (- bound-width (+ column-total-size column-total-gap))
free-row-space (- bound-height (+ row-total-size row-total-gap))
column-autos (tracks-total-autos column-tracks)
row-autos (tracks-total-autos row-tracks)
column-add-auto (/ free-column-space column-autos)
row-add-auto (/ free-row-space row-autos)
column-tracks (add-auto-size column-tracks column-add-auto)
row-tracks (add-auto-size row-tracks row-add-auto)
(cond-> bound-corner
(= :end (:layout-align-content parent))
(gpt/add (hv (- bound-width (+ column-total-size column-total-gap))))
(= :center (:layout-align-content parent))
(gpt/add (hv (/ (- bound-width (+ column-total-size column-total-gap)) 2)))
(= :end (:layout-justify-content parent))
(gpt/add (vv (- bound-height (+ row-total-size row-total-gap))))
(= :center (:layout-justify-content parent))
(gpt/add (vv (/ (- bound-height (+ row-total-size row-total-gap)) 2))))
(->> column-tracks
(reduce (fn [[tracks start-p] {:keys [size] :as track}]
[(conj tracks (assoc track :start-p start-p))
(gpt/add start-p (hv (+ size column-gap)))])
[[] start-p])
(->> row-tracks
(reduce (fn [[tracks start-p] {:keys [size] :as track}]
[(conj tracks (assoc track :start-p start-p))
(gpt/add start-p (vv (+ size row-gap)))])
[[] start-p])
{:row-tracks row-tracks
{:origin start-p
:layout-bounds layout-bounds
:row-tracks row-tracks
:column-tracks column-tracks
:shape-cells shape-cells}))
:shape-cells shape-cells
;; Convenient informaton for visualization
:column-total-size column-total-size
:column-total-gap column-total-gap
:row-total-size row-total-size
:row-total-gap row-total-gap
(defn get-cell-data
[{:keys [row-tracks column-tracks shape-cells]} transformed-parent-bounds [_ child]]
[{:keys [origin row-tracks column-tracks shape-cells]} _transformed-parent-bounds [_ child]]
(let [origin (gpo/origin transformed-parent-bounds)
hv #(gpo/start-hv transformed-parent-bounds %)
vv #(gpo/start-vv transformed-parent-bounds %)
grid-cell (get shape-cells (:id child))]
(let [grid-cell (get shape-cells (:id child))]
(when (some? grid-cell)
(let [column (nth column-tracks (dec (:column grid-cell)) nil)
row (nth row-tracks (dec (:row grid-cell)) nil)
start-p (-> origin
(gpt/add (hv (:distance column)))
(gpt/add (vv (:distance row))))]
column-start-p (:start-p column)
row-start-p (:start-p row)
start-p (gpt/add origin
(gpt/to-vec origin column-start-p)
(gpt/to-vec origin row-start-p)))
(assoc grid-cell :start-p start-p)))))
@ -221,8 +221,7 @@
bound+child (first children)
pending (rest children)]
(if (some? bound+child)
(let [[_ child] bound+child
cell-data (gcgl/get-cell-data grid-data @transformed-parent-bounds bound+child)
(let [cell-data (gcgl/get-cell-data grid-data @transformed-parent-bounds bound+child)
modif-tree (cond-> modif-tree
(some? cell-data)
(set-child-modifiers cell-data bound+child))]
@ -298,6 +298,13 @@
layout-gap-col (or (-> layout-gap :column-gap (mth/finite 0)) 0)]
[layout-gap-row layout-gap-col]))
(defn paddings
[{:keys [layout-padding-type layout-padding]}]
(let [{pad-top :p1 pad-right :p2 pad-bottom :p3 pad-left :p4} layout-padding]
(if (= :simple layout-padding-type)
[pad-top pad-right pad-top pad-right]
[pad-top pad-right pad-bottom pad-left])))
(defn child-min-width
(if (and (fill-width? child)
@ -556,8 +563,7 @@
(declare assign-cells)
(def default-track-value
{:type :fixed
:value 100})
{:type :auto})
(def grid-cell-defaults
{:row-span 1
@ -740,21 +746,21 @@
(if (= (:layout-grid-dir parent) :row)
(mth/ceil (/ (- (count no-cell-shapes) (count free-cells)) (count (:layout-grid-columns parent))))
(mth/ceil (/ (- (count no-cell-shapes) (count free-cells)) (count (:layout-grid-rows parent)))))
(mth/ceil (/ (- (count no-cell-shapes) (count free-cells)) (count (:layout-grid-rows parent))))
(mth/ceil (/ (- (count no-cell-shapes) (count free-cells)) (count (:layout-grid-columns parent)))))
add-track (if (= (:layout-grid-dir parent) :row) add-grid-row add-grid-column)
add-track (if (= (:layout-grid-dir parent) :row) add-grid-column add-grid-row)
(->> (range to-add-tracks)
(reduce #(add-track %1 default-track-value) parent))
(reduce (fn [parent _] (add-track parent default-track-value)) parent))
[pending-shapes cells]
(loop [cells (:layout-grid-cells parent)
free-cells (get-free-cells parent {:sort? true})
pending no-cell-shapes]
(if (or (empty? free-cells) (empty? pending))
[pending cells]
(let [next-free (first free-cells)
current (first pending)
cells (update-in cells [next-free :shapes] conj current)]
@ -24,6 +24,13 @@
(defn apply-to-point [result next-fn]
(conj result (next-fn (last result))))
(defn format-size [{:keys [type value]}]
(case type
:fixed (str value "PX")
:percent (str value "%")
:flex (str value "FR")
:auto "AUTO"))
(mf/defc track-marker
{::mf/wrap-props false}
@ -57,6 +64,8 @@
:width (/ 26.26 zoom)
:height (/ 32 zoom)
:font-size (/ 16 zoom)
:font-family "worksans"
:font-weight 600
:text-anchor "middle"
:dominant-baseline "middle"
:style {:fill "var(--color-distance)"}}
@ -114,9 +123,7 @@
(mf/deps on-click)
(fn [event]
(when on-click
#(when on-click (on-click)))]
[:g.plus-button {:cursor "pointer"
:on-click handle-click}
@ -135,12 +142,84 @@
:href (dm/str "#icon-plus")
:fill "white"}]]))
(defn use-drag
[{:keys [on-drag-start on-drag-end on-drag-delta on-drag-position]}]
(let [
dragging-ref (mf/use-ref false)
start-pos-ref (mf/use-ref nil)
current-pos-ref (mf/use-ref nil)
(mf/deps on-drag-start)
(fn [event]
(let [position (dom/get-client-position event)]
(dom/capture-pointer event)
(mf/set-ref-val! dragging-ref true)
(mf/set-ref-val! start-pos-ref position)
(mf/set-ref-val! current-pos-ref position)
(when on-drag-start (on-drag-start position)))))
(mf/deps on-drag-end)
(fn [event]
(let [position (mf/ref-val current-pos-ref)]
(dom/release-pointer event)
(mf/set-ref-val! dragging-ref false)
(mf/set-ref-val! start-pos-ref nil)
(when on-drag-end (on-drag-end position)))))
(fn [event]
(when (mf/ref-val dragging-ref)
(let [start (mf/ref-val start-pos-ref)
pos (dom/get-client-position event)]
(mf/set-ref-val! current-pos-ref pos)
(when on-drag-delta (on-drag-delta (gpt/to-vec start pos)))
(when on-drag-position (on-drag-position pos))))))]
{:handle-pointer-down handle-pointer-down
:handle-lost-pointer-capture handle-lost-pointer-capture
:handle-pointer-move handle-pointer-move}))
(mf/defc resize-cell-handler
{::mf/wrap-props false}
(let [x (unchecked-get props "x")
y (unchecked-get props "y")
width (unchecked-get props "width")
height (unchecked-get props "height")
direction (unchecked-get props "direction")
cursor (if (= direction :row) (cur/scale-ns 0) (cur/scale-ew 0))
(fn [delta]
(prn ">>>" delta)))
{:keys [handle-pointer-down handle-lost-pointer-capture handle-pointer-move]}
(use-drag {:on-drag-delta handle-drag-delta})]
{:x x
:y y
:height height
:width width
:style {:fill "transparent" :stroke-width 0 :cursor cursor}
:on-pointer-down handle-pointer-down
:on-lost-pointer-capture handle-lost-pointer-capture
:on-pointer-move handle-pointer-move}]))
(mf/defc grid-cell
{::mf/wrap-props false}
(let [shape (unchecked-get props "shape")
{:keys [row-tracks column-tracks]} (unchecked-get props "layout-data")
bounds (unchecked-get props "bounds")
{:keys [origin row-tracks column-tracks layout-bounds]} (unchecked-get props "layout-data")
zoom (unchecked-get props "zoom")
hover? (unchecked-get props "hover?")
@ -152,18 +231,17 @@
column-track (nth column-tracks (dec column) nil)
row-track (nth row-tracks (dec row) nil)
hv #(gpo/start-hv layout-bounds %)
vv #(gpo/start-vv layout-bounds %)
origin (gpo/origin bounds)
hv #(gpo/start-hv bounds %)
vv #(gpo/start-vv bounds %)
start-p (-> origin
(gpt/add (hv (:distance column-track)))
(gpt/add (vv (:distance row-track))))
start-p (gpt/add origin
(gpt/to-vec origin (:start-p column-track))
(gpt/to-vec origin (:start-p row-track))))
end-p (-> start-p
(gpt/add (hv (:value column-track)))
(gpt/add (vv (:value row-track))))
(gpt/add (hv (:size column-track)))
(gpt/add (vv (:size row-track))))
cell-width (- (:x end-p) (:x start-p))
cell-height (- (:y end-p) (:y start-p))]
@ -190,34 +268,33 @@
(when selected?
(let [handlers
;; Handlers positions, size and cursor
[[(:x start-p) (+ (:y start-p) (/ -10 zoom)) cell-width (/ 20 zoom) (cur/scale-ns 0)]
[(+ (:x start-p) cell-width (/ -10 zoom)) (:y start-p) (/ 20 zoom) cell-height (cur/scale-ew 0)]
[(:x start-p) (+ (:y start-p) cell-height (/ -10 zoom)) cell-width (/ 20 zoom) (cur/scale-ns 0)]
[(+ (:x start-p) (/ -10 zoom)) (:y start-p) (/ 20 zoom) cell-height (cur/scale-ew 0)]]]
[[(:x start-p) (+ (:y start-p) (/ -10 zoom)) cell-width (/ 20 zoom) :row]
[(+ (:x start-p) cell-width (/ -10 zoom)) (:y start-p) (/ 20 zoom) cell-height :column]
[(:x start-p) (+ (:y start-p) cell-height (/ -10 zoom)) cell-width (/ 20 zoom) :row]
[(+ (:x start-p) (/ -10 zoom)) (:y start-p) (/ 20 zoom) cell-height :column]]]
(for [[x y width height cursor] handlers]
{:x x
:y y
:height height
:width width
:style {:fill "transparent" :stroke-width 0 :cursor cursor}}])]))]))
(for [[x y width height dir] handlers]
[:& resize-cell-handler {:x x
:y y
:width width
:height height
:direction dir}])]))]))
(mf/defc resize-handler
{::mf/wrap-props false}
(let [start-p (unchecked-get props "start-p")
(let [shape (unchecked-get props "shape")
{:keys [column-total-size column-total-gap row-total-size row-total-gap]} (unchecked-get props "layout-data")
start-p (unchecked-get props "start-p")
type (unchecked-get props "type")
bounds (unchecked-get props "bounds")
zoom (unchecked-get props "zoom")
width (gpo/width-points bounds)
height (gpo/height-points bounds)
dragging-ref (mf/use-ref false)
start-ref (mf/use-ref nil)
[layout-gap-row layout-gap-col] (ctl/gaps shape)
(fn [event]
@ -247,15 +324,15 @@
[x y width height]
(if (= type :column)
[(- (:x start-p) (/ 8 zoom))
[(- (:x start-p) (max layout-gap-col (/ 8 zoom)))
(- (:y start-p) (/ 40 zoom))
(/ 16 zoom)
(+ height (/ 40 zoom))]
(max layout-gap-col (/ 16 zoom))
(+ row-total-size row-total-gap (/ 40 zoom))]
[(- (:x start-p) (/ 40 zoom))
(- (:y start-p) (/ 8 zoom))
(+ width (/ 40 zoom))
(/ 16 zoom)])]
(- (:y start-p) (max layout-gap-row (/ 8 zoom)))
(+ column-total-size column-total-gap (/ 40 zoom))
(max layout-gap-row (/ 16 zoom))])]
{:x x
@ -295,6 +372,8 @@
height (gpo/height-points bounds)
origin (gpo/origin bounds)
[layout-gap-row layout-gap-col] (ctl/gaps shape)
{:keys [row-tracks column-tracks] :as layout-data}
(gsg/calc-layout-data shape children bounds)
@ -332,38 +411,76 @@
(for [[idx column-data] (d/enumerate column-tracks)]
(let [start-p (-> origin (gpt/add (hv (:distance column-data))))
marker-p (-> start-p (gpt/subtract (vv (/ 20 zoom))))]
(let [start-p (:start-p column-data)
marker-p (-> start-p
(gpt/subtract (vv (/ 20 zoom)))
(cond-> (not= idx 0)
(gpt/subtract (hv (/ layout-gap-col 2)))))
text-p (-> start-p
(gpt/subtract (vv (/ 20 zoom)))
(gpt/add (hv (/ (:size column-data) 2))))]
[:& track-marker {:center marker-p
:value (dm/str (inc idx))
:zoom zoom}]
[:& resize-handler {:type :column
:start-p start-p
:zoom zoom
:bounds bounds}]]))
[:text {:x (:x text-p)
:y (:y text-p)
:font-size (/ 14 zoom)
:font-weight 600
:font-family "worksans"
:dominant-baseline "central"
:text-anchor "middle"
:style {:fill "var(--color-distance)"}}
(format-size column-data)]
(when (not= idx 0)
[:& resize-handler {:shape shape
:layout-data layout-data
:start-p start-p
:type :column
:zoom zoom}])]))
(for [[idx row-data] (d/enumerate row-tracks)]
(let [start-p (-> origin (gpt/add (vv (:distance row-data))))
marker-p (-> start-p (gpt/subtract (hv (/ 20 zoom))))]
(let [start-p (:start-p row-data)
marker-p (-> start-p
(gpt/subtract (hv (/ 20 zoom)))
(cond-> (not= idx 0)
(gpt/subtract (vv (/ layout-gap-row 2)))))
text-p (-> start-p
(gpt/subtract (hv (/ 20 zoom)))
(gpt/add (vv (/ (:size row-data) 2))))]
[:g {:transform (dm/fmt "rotate(-90 % %)" (:x marker-p) (:y marker-p))}
[:& track-marker {:center marker-p
:value (dm/str (inc idx))
:zoom zoom}]]
[:& resize-handler {:type :row
:start-p start-p
:zoom zoom
:bounds bounds}]]))
[:g {:transform (dm/fmt "rotate(-90 % %)" (:x text-p) (:y text-p))}
[:text {:x (:x text-p)
:y (:y text-p)
:font-size (/ 14 zoom)
:font-weight 600
:font-family "worksans"
:dominant-baseline "central"
:text-anchor "middle"
:style {:fill "var(--color-distance)"}}
(format-size row-data)]]
(when (not= idx 0)
[:& resize-handler {:shape shape
:layout-data layout-data
:start-p start-p
:type :column
:zoom zoom}])]))
(for [[_ {:keys [column row]}] (:layout-grid-cells shape)]
[:& grid-cell {:shape shape
:layout-data layout-data
:row row
:column column
:bounds bounds
:zoom zoom
:hover? (contains? hover-cells [row column])
:selected? (= selected-cells [row column])}])]))
Add table
Reference in a new issue