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Add optimizations to order-by-indexed-shapes fn

This commit is contained in:
Andrey Antukh 2024-04-04 09:53:34 +02:00
parent 26ca36d8c6
commit 29332b67f9

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@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
[clojure.set :as set]
[cuerdas.core :as str]))
#?(:clj (set! *warn-on-reflection* true))
(declare reduce-objects)
@ -327,12 +329,9 @@
"Selects the shape that will be the base to add the shapes over"
[objects selected]
(let [;; Gets the tree-index for all the shapes
indexed-shapes (indexed-shapes objects)
indexed-shapes (indexed-shapes objects selected)
;; Filters the selected and retrieve a list of ids
sorted-ids (->> indexed-shapes
(filter (comp selected second))
(map second))]
sorted-ids (map val indexed-shapes)]
;; The first id will be the top-most
(get objects (first sorted-ids))))
@ -486,43 +485,62 @@
(reduce add-element (d/ordered-set) ids)))
(defn indexed-shapes
"Retrieves a list with the indexes for each element in the layer tree.
This will be used for shift+selection."
(letfn [(red-fn [cur-idx id]
(let [[prev-idx _] (first cur-idx)
prev-idx (or prev-idx 0)
cur-idx (conj cur-idx (d/vec2 (inc prev-idx) id))]
(rec-index cur-idx id)))
(rec-index [cur-idx id]
(let [object (get objects id)]
(reduce red-fn cur-idx (reverse (:shapes object)))))]
(into {} (rec-index '() uuid/zero))))
(defn- indexed-shapes
"Retrieves a vector with the indexes for each element in the layer
tree. This will be used for shift+selection."
[objects selected]
(loop [index 1
result (transient [])
;; Flag to start adding elements to the index
add? false
;; Only add elements while we're in the selection, we finish when the selection is over
pending (set selected)
shapes (-> objects
(get uuid/zero)
(get :shapes)
(let [shape-id (first shapes)]
(if (and (d/not-empty? pending) shape-id)
(let [shape (get objects shape-id)
add? (or add? (contains? selected shape-id))
pending (disj pending shape-id)
result (if add?
(conj! result (d/vec2 index shape-id))
(if-let [children (get shape :shapes)]
(recur (inc index)
(concat (rseq children) (rest shapes)))
(recur (inc index)
(rest shapes))))
(persistent! result)))))
(defn expand-region-selection
"Given a selection selects all the shapes between the first and last in
an indexed manner (shift selection)"
[objects selection]
(let [indexed-shapes (indexed-shapes objects)
filter-indexes (->> indexed-shapes
(filter (comp selection second))
(map first))
from (apply min filter-indexes)
to (apply max filter-indexes)]
(->> indexed-shapes
(filter (fn [[idx _]] (and (>= idx from) (<= idx to))))
(map second)
(into #{}))))
(let [selection (if (set? selection) selection (set selection))
indexed-shapes (indexed-shapes objects selection)
indexes (map key indexed-shapes)
from (apply min indexes)
to (apply max indexes)
xform (comp
(filter (fn [[idx _]] (and (>= idx from) (<= idx to))))
(map val))]
(into #{} xform indexed-shapes)))
(defn order-by-indexed-shapes
[objects ids]
(let [ids (if (set? ids) ids (set ids))]
(->> (indexed-shapes objects)
(filter (fn [o] (contains? ids (val o))))
(sort-by key)
(map val))))
"Retrieves a ordered vector for each element in the layer tree and
filted by selected set"
[objects selected]
(let [selected (if (set? selected) selected (set selected))]
(sequence (map val) (indexed-shapes objects selected))))
(defn get-index-replacement
"Given a collection of shapes, calculate their positions