From 253b9e5bd839c9a0e382c130175269c80d1c1043 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrey Antukh <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 16:11:25 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/6] :sparkles: Split file-gc task in two separated tasks

Add a new file-gc-scheduler task for analizing all files for
elegibility and leave file-gc task with the responsability to
performn the GC operation.
 backend/src/app/main.clj                    |   6 +-
 backend/src/app/tasks/file_gc.clj           | 175 +++++++++-----------
 backend/src/app/tasks/file_gc_scheduler.clj |  65 ++++++++
 3 files changed, 148 insertions(+), 98 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 backend/src/app/tasks/file_gc_scheduler.clj

diff --git a/backend/src/app/main.clj b/backend/src/app/main.clj
index ee58a21b5..07946e59a 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/main.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/main.clj
@@ -344,6 +344,7 @@
     {:sendmail           (ig/ref ::email/handler)
      :objects-gc         (ig/ref :app.tasks.objects-gc/handler)
      :file-gc            (ig/ref :app.tasks.file-gc/handler)
+     :file-gc-scheduler  (ig/ref :app.tasks.file-gc-scheduler/handler)
      :file-xlog-gc       (ig/ref :app.tasks.file-xlog-gc/handler)
      :tasks-gc           (ig/ref :app.tasks.tasks-gc/handler)
      :telemetry          (ig/ref :app.tasks.telemetry/handler)
@@ -394,6 +395,9 @@
    {::db/pool     (ig/ref ::db/pool)
     ::sto/storage (ig/ref ::sto/storage)}
+   :app.tasks.file-gc-scheduler/handler
+   {::db/pool (ig/ref ::db/pool)}
    {::db/pool (ig/ref ::db/pool)}
@@ -485,7 +489,7 @@
       :task :tasks-gc}
      {:cron #app/cron "0 0 2 * * ?" ;; daily
-      :task :file-gc}
+      :task :file-gc-scheduler}
      {:cron #app/cron "0 30 */3,23 * * ?"
       :task :telemetry}
diff --git a/backend/src/app/tasks/file_gc.clj b/backend/src/app/tasks/file_gc.clj
index 79f5ff8b9..e007485f5 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/tasks/file_gc.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/tasks/file_gc.clj
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
   file is eligible to be garbage collected after some period of
   inactivity (the default threshold is 72h)."
+   [ :as d]
    [app.binfile.common :as bfc]
    [app.common.files.migrations :as fmg]
    [app.common.files.validate :as cfv]
@@ -30,69 +31,9 @@
    [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
    [integrant.core :as ig]))
-(declare ^:private clean-file!)
-(defn- decode-file
-  [cfg {:keys [id] :as file}]
-  (binding [pmap/*load-fn* (partial feat.fdata/load-pointer cfg id)]
-    (-> file
-        (update :features db/decode-pgarray #{})
-        (update :data blob/decode)
-        (update :data feat.fdata/process-pointers deref)
-        (update :data feat.fdata/process-objects (partial into {}))
-        (update :data assoc :id id)
-        (fmg/migrate-file))))
-(defn- update-file!
-  [{:keys [::db/conn] :as cfg} {:keys [id] :as file}]
-  (let [file (if (contains? (:features file) "fdata/objects-map")
-               (feat.fdata/enable-objects-map file)
-               file)
-        file (if (contains? (:features file) "fdata/pointer-map")
-               (binding [pmap/*tracked* (pmap/create-tracked)]
-                 (let [file (feat.fdata/enable-pointer-map file)]
-                   (feat.fdata/persist-pointers! cfg id)
-                   file))
-               file)
-        file (-> file
-                 (update :features db/encode-pgarray conn "text")
-                 (update :data blob/encode))]
-    (db/update! conn :file
-                {:has-media-trimmed true
-                 :features (:features file)
-                 :version (:version file)
-                 :data (:data file)}
-                {:id id}
-                {::db/return-keys true})))
-(def ^:private
-  sql:get-candidates
-          f.revn,
-          f.version,
-          f.features,
-          f.modified_at
-     FROM file AS f
-    WHERE f.has_media_trimmed IS false
-      AND f.modified_at < now() - ?::interval
-      AND f.deleted_at IS NULL
-    ORDER BY f.modified_at DESC
-(defn- get-candidates
-  [{:keys [::db/conn ::min-age ::file-id]}]
-  (if (uuid? file-id)
-    (do
-      (l/warn :hint "explicit file id passed on params" :file-id (str file-id))
-      (db/query conn :file {:id file-id}))
-    (let [min-age (db/interval min-age)]
-      (db/cursor conn [sql:get-candidates min-age] {:chunk-size 1}))))
+(declare ^:private get-file)
+(declare ^:private decode-file)
+(declare ^:private persist-file!)
 (def ^:private sql:mark-file-media-object-deleted
   "UPDATE file_media_object
@@ -172,7 +113,6 @@
 (def ^:private sql:get-files-for-library
   "SELECT,, f.modified_at, f.features, f.version
      FROM file AS f
@@ -274,16 +214,74 @@
     (cfv/validate-file-schema! file)
+(def ^:private sql:get-file
+          f.revn,
+          f.version,
+          f.features,
+          f.modified_at
+     FROM file AS f
+    WHERE f.has_media_trimmed IS false
+      AND f.modified_at < now() - ?::interval
+      AND f.deleted_at IS NULL
+      AND = ?
+(defn- get-file
+  [{:keys [::db/conn ::min-age ::file-id]}]
+  (->> (db/exec! conn [sql:get-file min-age file-id])
+       (first)))
+(defn- decode-file
+  [cfg {:keys [id] :as file}]
+  (binding [pmap/*load-fn* (partial feat.fdata/load-pointer cfg id)]
+    (-> file
+        (update :features db/decode-pgarray #{})
+        (update :data blob/decode)
+        (update :data feat.fdata/process-pointers deref)
+        (update :data feat.fdata/process-objects (partial into {}))
+        (update :data assoc :id id)
+        (fmg/migrate-file))))
+(defn- persist-file!
+  [{:keys [::db/conn] :as cfg} {:keys [id] :as file}]
+  (let [file (if (contains? (:features file) "fdata/objects-map")
+               (feat.fdata/enable-objects-map file)
+               file)
+        file (if (contains? (:features file) "fdata/pointer-map")
+               (binding [pmap/*tracked* (pmap/create-tracked)]
+                 (let [file (feat.fdata/enable-pointer-map file)]
+                   (feat.fdata/persist-pointers! cfg id)
+                   file))
+               file)
+        file (-> file
+                 (update :features db/encode-pgarray conn "text")
+                 (update :data blob/encode))]
+    (db/update! conn :file
+                {:has-media-trimmed true
+                 :features (:features file)
+                 :version (:version file)
+                 :data (:data file)}
+                {:id id}
+                {::db/return-keys true})))
 (defn- process-file!
-  [cfg file]
+  [cfg]
-    (let [file (decode-file cfg file)
-          file (clean-media! cfg file)
-          file (update-file! cfg file)]
-      (clean-data-fragments! cfg file))
+    (if-let [file (get-file cfg)]
+      (let [file (decode-file cfg file)
+            file (clean-media! cfg file)
+            file (persist-file! cfg file)]
+        (clean-data-fragments! cfg file))
+      (l/dbg :hint "skip" :file-id (str (::file-id cfg))))
     (catch Throwable cause
-      (l/err :hint "error on cleaning file (skiping)"
-             :file-id (str (:id file))
+      (l/err :hint "error on cleaning file"
+             :file-id (str (::file-id cfg))
              :cause cause))))
@@ -293,33 +291,16 @@
 (defmethod ig/pre-init-spec ::handler [_]
   (s/keys :req [::db/pool ::sto/storage]))
-(defmethod ig/prep-key ::handler
-  [_ cfg]
-  (assoc cfg ::min-age (cf/get-deletion-delay)))
 (defmethod ig/init-key ::handler
   [_ cfg]
   (fn [{:keys [props] :as task}]
-    (db/tx-run! cfg
-                (fn [{:keys [::db/conn] :as cfg}]
-                  (let [min-age (dt/duration (or (:min-age props) (::min-age cfg)))
-                        cfg     (-> cfg
-                                    (update ::sto/storage media/configure-assets-storage conn)
-                                    (assoc ::file-id (:file-id props))
-                                    (assoc ::min-age min-age))
+    (let [min-age (dt/duration (:min-age props 0))
+          cfg     (-> cfg
+                      (assoc ::db/rollback (:rollback? props))
+                      (assoc ::file-id (:file-id props))
+                      (assoc ::min-age (db/interval min-age)))]
-                        total   (reduce (fn [total file]
-                                          (process-file! cfg file)
-                                          (inc total))
-                                        0
-                                        (get-candidates cfg))]
-                    (l/inf :hint "finished"
-                           :min-age (dt/format-duration min-age)
-                           :processed total)
-                    ;; Allow optional rollback passed by params
-                    (when (:rollback? props)
-                      (db/rollback! conn))
-                    {:processed total})))))
+      (db/tx-run! cfg (fn [{:keys [::db/conn] :as cfg}]
+                        (let [cfg (update cfg ::sto/storage media/configure-assets-storage conn)]
+                          (process-file! cfg))))
+      nil)))
diff --git a/backend/src/app/tasks/file_gc_scheduler.clj b/backend/src/app/tasks/file_gc_scheduler.clj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..11c24e889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/src/app/tasks/file_gc_scheduler.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+;; file, You can obtain one at
+;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
+(ns app.tasks.file-gc-scheduler
+  "A maintenance task that is responsible of properly scheduling the
+  file-gc task for all files that matches the eligibility threshold."
+  (:require
+   [app.common.logging :as l]
+   [app.config :as cf]
+   [app.db :as db]
+   [app.util.time :as dt]
+   [app.worker :as wrk]
+   [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
+   [integrant.core :as ig]))
+(def ^:private
+  sql:get-candidates
+          f.modified_at
+     FROM file AS f
+    WHERE f.has_media_trimmed IS false
+      AND f.modified_at < now() - ?::interval
+      AND f.deleted_at IS NULL
+    ORDER BY f.modified_at DESC
+(defn- get-candidates
+  [{:keys [::db/conn ::min-age] :as cfg}]
+  (let [min-age (db/interval min-age)]
+    (db/cursor conn [sql:get-candidates min-age] {:chunk-size 10})))
+(defn- schedule!
+  [{:keys [::min-age] :as cfg}]
+  (let [total (reduce (fn [total {:keys [id]}]
+                        (let [params {:file-id id :min-age min-age}]
+                          (wrk/submit! (assoc cfg ::wrk/params params))
+                          (inc total)))
+                      0
+                      (get-candidates cfg))]
+    {:processed total}))
+(defmethod ig/pre-init-spec ::handler [_]
+  (s/keys :req [::db/pool]))
+(defmethod ig/prep-key ::handler
+  [_ cfg]
+  (assoc cfg ::min-age (cf/get-deletion-delay)))
+(defmethod ig/init-key ::handler
+  [_ cfg]
+  (fn [{:keys [props] :as task}]
+    (let [min-age (dt/duration (or (:min-age props) (::min-age cfg)))]
+      (-> cfg
+          (assoc ::db/rollback (:rollback? props))
+          (assoc ::min-age min-age)
+          (assoc ::wrk/task :file-gc)
+          (assoc ::wrk/priority 10)
+          (assoc ::wrk/mark-retries 0)
+          (assoc ::wrk/delay 1000)
+          (db/tx-run! schedule!)))))

From f6bfe3931cc761f4e8ad745832305bdf04279095 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrey Antukh <>
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2024 12:25:47 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/6] :zap: Add performance enhacements to storage/gc-touched

 backend/src/app/storage/gc_deleted.clj |   2 -
 backend/src/app/storage/gc_touched.clj | 151 ++++++++++++-------------
 2 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)

diff --git a/backend/src/app/storage/gc_deleted.clj b/backend/src/app/storage/gc_deleted.clj
index 52cdce4b1..7f903b000 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/storage/gc_deleted.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/storage/gc_deleted.clj
@@ -121,5 +121,3 @@
                                  :total total)
                           {:deleted total}))))))
diff --git a/backend/src/app/storage/gc_touched.clj b/backend/src/app/storage/gc_touched.clj
index bd499bb65..4e805bae6 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/storage/gc_touched.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/storage/gc_touched.clj
@@ -28,58 +28,53 @@
    [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
    [integrant.core :as ig]))
-(def ^:private sql:get-team-font-variant-nrefs
-  "SELECT ((SELECT count(*) FROM team_font_variant WHERE woff1_file_id = ?) +
-           (SELECT count(*) FROM team_font_variant WHERE woff2_file_id = ?) +
-           (SELECT count(*) FROM team_font_variant WHERE otf_file_id = ?) +
-           (SELECT count(*) FROM team_font_variant WHERE ttf_file_id = ?)) AS nrefs")
+(def ^:private sql:has-team-font-variant-refs
+  "SELECT ((SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM team_font_variant WHERE woff1_file_id = ?)) OR
+           (SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM team_font_variant WHERE woff2_file_id = ?)) OR
+           (SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM team_font_variant WHERE otf_file_id = ?)) OR
+           (SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM team_font_variant WHERE ttf_file_id = ?))) AS has_refs")
-(defn- get-team-font-variant-nrefs
+(defn- has-team-font-variant-refs?
   [conn id]
-  (-> (db/exec-one! conn [sql:get-team-font-variant-nrefs id id id id])
-      (get :nrefs)))
+  (-> (db/exec-one! conn [sql:has-team-font-variant-refs id id id id])
+      (get :has-refs)))
 (def ^:private
-  sql:get-file-media-object-nrefs
-  "SELECT ((SELECT count(*) FROM file_media_object WHERE media_id = ?) +
-           (SELECT count(*) FROM file_media_object WHERE thumbnail_id = ?)) AS nrefs")
+  sql:has-file-media-object-refs
+  "SELECT ((SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM file_media_object WHERE media_id = ?)) OR
+           (SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM file_media_object WHERE thumbnail_id = ?))) AS has_refs")
-(defn- get-file-media-object-nrefs
+(defn- has-file-media-object-refs?
   [conn id]
-  (-> (db/exec-one! conn [sql:get-file-media-object-nrefs id id])
-      (get :nrefs)))
+  (-> (db/exec-one! conn [sql:has-file-media-object-refs id id])
+      (get :has-refs)))
+(def ^:private sql:has-profile-refs
+  "SELECT ((SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM profile WHERE photo_id = ?)) OR
+           (SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM team WHERE photo_id = ?))) AS has_refs")
-(def ^:private sql:get-profile-nrefs
-  "SELECT ((SELECT count(*) FROM profile WHERE photo_id = ?) +
-           (SELECT count(*) FROM team WHERE photo_id = ?)) AS nrefs")
-(defn- get-profile-nrefs
+(defn- has-profile-refs?
   [conn id]
-  (-> (db/exec-one! conn [sql:get-profile-nrefs id id])
-      (get :nrefs)))
+  (-> (db/exec-one! conn [sql:has-profile-refs id id])
+      (get :has-refs)))
 (def ^:private
-  sql:get-file-object-thumbnail-nrefs
-  "SELECT (SELECT count(*) FROM file_tagged_object_thumbnail WHERE media_id = ?) AS nrefs")
+  sql:has-file-object-thumbnail-refs
+  "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM file_tagged_object_thumbnail WHERE media_id = ?) AS has_refs")
-(defn- get-file-object-thumbnails
+(defn- has-file-object-thumbnails-refs?
   [conn id]
-  (-> (db/exec-one! conn [sql:get-file-object-thumbnail-nrefs id])
-      (get :nrefs)))
+  (-> (db/exec-one! conn [sql:has-file-object-thumbnail-refs id])
+      (get :has-refs)))
 (def ^:private
-  sql:get-file-thumbnail-nrefs
-  "SELECT (SELECT count(*) FROM file_thumbnail WHERE media_id = ?) AS nrefs")
+  sql:has-file-thumbnail-refs
+  "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM file_thumbnail WHERE media_id = ?) AS has_refs")
-(defn- get-file-thumbnails
+(defn- has-file-thumbnails-refs?
   [conn id]
-  (-> (db/exec-one! conn [sql:get-file-thumbnail-nrefs id])
-      (get :nrefs)))
+  (-> (db/exec-one! conn [sql:has-file-thumbnail-refs id])
+      (get :has-refs)))
 (def ^:private sql:mark-freeze-in-bulk
   "UPDATE storage_object
@@ -91,7 +86,6 @@
   (let [ids (db/create-array conn "uuid" ids)]
     (db/exec-one! conn [sql:mark-freeze-in-bulk ids])))
 (def ^:private sql:mark-delete-in-bulk
   "UPDATE storage_object
       SET deleted_at = now(),
@@ -123,25 +117,24 @@
 (defn- process-objects!
-  [conn get-fn ids bucket]
+  [conn has-refs? ids bucket]
   (loop [to-freeze #{}
          to-delete #{}
          ids       (seq ids)]
     (if-let [id (first ids)]
-      (let [nrefs (get-fn conn id)]
-        (if (pos? nrefs)
-          (do
-            (l/debug :hint "processing object"
-                     :id (str id)
-                     :status "freeze"
-                     :bucket bucket :refs nrefs)
-            (recur (conj to-freeze id) to-delete (rest ids)))
-          (do
-            (l/debug :hint "processing object"
-                     :id (str id)
-                     :status "delete"
-                     :bucket bucket :refs nrefs)
-            (recur to-freeze (conj to-delete id) (rest ids)))))
+      (if (has-refs? conn id)
+        (do
+          (l/debug :hint "processing object"
+                   :id (str id)
+                   :status "freeze"
+                   :bucket bucket)
+          (recur (conj to-freeze id) to-delete (rest ids)))
+        (do
+          (l/debug :hint "processing object"
+                   :id (str id)
+                   :status "delete"
+                   :bucket bucket)
+          (recur to-freeze (conj to-delete id) (rest ids))))
         (some->> (seq to-freeze) (mark-freeze-in-bulk! conn))
         (some->> (seq to-delete) (mark-delete-in-bulk! conn))
@@ -150,15 +143,23 @@
 (defn- process-bucket!
   [conn bucket ids]
   (case bucket
-    "file-media-object"     (process-objects! conn get-file-media-object-nrefs ids bucket)
-    "team-font-variant"     (process-objects! conn get-team-font-variant-nrefs ids bucket)
-    "file-object-thumbnail" (process-objects! conn get-file-object-thumbnails ids bucket)
-    "file-thumbnail"        (process-objects! conn get-file-thumbnails ids bucket)
-    "profile"               (process-objects! conn get-profile-nrefs ids bucket)
+    "file-media-object"     (process-objects! conn has-file-media-object-refs? ids bucket)
+    "team-font-variant"     (process-objects! conn has-team-font-variant-refs? ids bucket)
+    "file-object-thumbnail" (process-objects! conn has-file-object-thumbnails-refs? ids bucket)
+    "file-thumbnail"        (process-objects! conn has-file-thumbnails-refs? ids bucket)
+    "profile"               (process-objects! conn has-profile-refs? ids bucket)
     (ex/raise :type :internal
               :code :unexpected-unknown-reference
-              :hint (dm/fmt "unknown reference %" bucket))))
+              :hint (dm/fmt "unknown reference '%'" bucket))))
+(defn process-chunk!
+  [{:keys [::db/conn]} chunk]
+  (reduce-kv (fn [[nfo ndo] bucket ids]
+               (let [[nfo' ndo'] (process-bucket! conn bucket ids)]
+                 [(+ nfo nfo')
+                  (+ ndo ndo')]))
+             [0 0]
+             (d/group-by lookup-bucket :id #{} chunk)))
 (def ^:private
@@ -167,29 +168,22 @@
     WHERE so.touched_at IS NOT NULL
     ORDER BY touched_at ASC
+    LIMIT 10")
-(defn- group-by-bucket
-  [row]
-  (d/group-by lookup-bucket :id #{} row))
-(defn- get-buckets
+(defn get-chunk
-  (sequence
-   (comp (map impl/decode-row)
-         (partition-all 25)
-         (mapcat group-by-bucket))
-   (db/cursor conn sql:get-touched-storage-objects)))
+  (->> (db/exec! conn [sql:get-touched-storage-objects])
+       (map impl/decode-row)
+       (not-empty)))
 (defn- process-touched!
-  [{:keys [::db/conn]}]
-  (loop [buckets (get-buckets conn)
-         freezed 0
+  [{:keys [::db/pool] :as cfg}]
+  (loop [freezed 0
          deleted 0]
-    (if-let [[bucket ids] (first buckets)]
-      (let [[nfo ndo] (process-bucket! conn bucket ids)]
-        (recur (rest buckets)
-               (+ freezed nfo)
+    (if-let [chunk (get-chunk pool)]
+      (let [[nfo ndo] (db/tx-run! cfg process-chunk! chunk)]
+        (recur (+ freezed nfo)
                (+ deleted ndo)))
         (l/inf :hint "task finished"
@@ -198,11 +192,14 @@
         {:freeze freezed :delete deleted}))))
 (defmethod ig/pre-init-spec ::handler [_]
   (s/keys :req [::db/pool]))
 (defmethod ig/init-key ::handler
   [_ cfg]
-  (fn [_]
-    (db/tx-run! cfg process-touched!)))
+  (fn [_] (process-touched! cfg)))

From 0e92bcc0de2526fcd58cf5cbfccd02c44dff74c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrey Antukh <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 16:17:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/6] :tada: Add file-data offload mechanism

 backend/scripts/repl                          |   8 +-
 backend/scripts/start-dev                     |   7 +-
 backend/src/app/binfile/v1.clj                |   9 +-
 backend/src/app/binfile/v2.clj                |   6 +-
 backend/src/app/config.clj                    |  16 +-
 backend/src/app/db.clj                        |   2 +-
 backend/src/app/features/components_v2.clj    |   3 +-
 backend/src/app/features/fdata.clj            |  23 ++-
 backend/src/app/http/assets.clj               |   9 +-
 backend/src/app/main.clj                      |  34 +++-
 backend/src/app/media.clj                     |  14 --
 backend/src/app/migrations.clj                |  11 +-
 .../sql/0122-mod-file-data-fragment-table.sql |   6 +
 .../sql/0122-mod-file-fragment-table.sql      |   6 +
 .../migrations/sql/0122-mod-file-table.sql    |   4 +
 .../sql/0123-mod-file-change-table.sql        |   2 +
 backend/src/app/rpc/commands/auth.clj         |   1 -
 backend/src/app/rpc/commands/files.clj        |  23 ++-
 .../src/app/rpc/commands/files_snapshot.clj   |   5 +-
 .../src/app/rpc/commands/files_thumbnails.clj |   8 +-
 backend/src/app/rpc/commands/files_update.clj |   7 +-
 backend/src/app/rpc/commands/fonts.clj        |  30 +---
 backend/src/app/rpc/commands/media.clj        |  31 ++--
 backend/src/app/rpc/commands/profile.clj      |   3 +-
 backend/src/app/rpc/commands/teams.clj        |   3 +-
 backend/src/app/storage.clj                   |  88 +++++++---
 backend/src/app/storage/gc_touched.clj        |  20 +++
 backend/src/app/storage/impl.clj              |   6 +-
 backend/src/app/tasks/file_gc.clj             |  48 +++--
 backend/src/app/tasks/file_gc_scheduler.clj   |   1 -
 backend/src/app/tasks/objects_gc.clj          |  20 +--
 backend/src/app/tasks/offload_file_data.clj   |  85 +++++++++
 backend/test/backend_tests/rpc_file_test.clj  | 165 ++++++++++++++----
 .../rpc_file_thumbnails_test.clj              |   8 +-
 backend/test/backend_tests/rpc_font_test.clj  |   6 +-
 35 files changed, 502 insertions(+), 216 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 backend/src/app/migrations/sql/0122-mod-file-data-fragment-table.sql
 create mode 100644 backend/src/app/migrations/sql/0122-mod-file-fragment-table.sql
 create mode 100644 backend/src/app/migrations/sql/0122-mod-file-table.sql
 create mode 100644 backend/src/app/migrations/sql/0123-mod-file-change-table.sql
 create mode 100644 backend/src/app/tasks/offload_file_data.clj

diff --git a/backend/scripts/repl b/backend/scripts/repl
index 0debeece2..a9efcb623 100755
--- a/backend/scripts/repl
+++ b/backend/scripts/repl
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ export PENPOT_FLAGS="\
        enable-file-snapshot \
        enable-webhooks \
        enable-access-tokens \
+       enable-tiered-file-data-storage \
        enable-file-validation \
@@ -62,9 +63,10 @@ mc mb penpot-s3/penpot -p -q
 export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=penpot-devenv
 export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=penpot-devenv
-export PENPOT_STORAGE_ASSETS_S3_ENDPOINT=http://minio:9000
+export PENPOT_OBJECTS_STORAGE_S3_ENDPOINT=http://minio:9000
 export OPTIONS="
        -A:jmx-remote -A:dev \
diff --git a/backend/scripts/start-dev b/backend/scripts/start-dev
index 564151bef..b137af101 100755
--- a/backend/scripts/start-dev
+++ b/backend/scripts/start-dev
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ export PENPOT_FLAGS="\
        enable-smtp \
        enable-file-snapshot \
        enable-access-tokens \
+       enable-tiered-file-data-storage \
        enable-file-validation \
@@ -56,9 +57,9 @@ mc mb penpot-s3/penpot -p -q
 export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=penpot-devenv
 export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=penpot-devenv
-export PENPOT_STORAGE_ASSETS_S3_ENDPOINT=http://minio:9000
+export PENPOT_OBJECTS_STORAGE_S3_ENDPOINT=http://minio:9000
diff --git a/backend/src/app/binfile/v1.clj b/backend/src/app/binfile/v1.clj
index 3e1c93aa0..87f02d391 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/binfile/v1.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/binfile/v1.clj
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
    [app.db :as db]
    [app.loggers.audit :as-alias audit]
    [app.loggers.webhooks :as-alias webhooks]
-   [ :as media]
    [app.rpc :as-alias rpc]
    [app.rpc.commands.teams :as teams]
    [app.rpc.doc :as-alias doc]
@@ -403,9 +402,9 @@
     (write-obj! output rels)))
 (defmethod write-section :v1/sobjects
-  [{:keys [::sto/storage ::output]}]
+  [{:keys [::output] :as cfg}]
   (let [sids    (-> bfc/*state* deref :sids)
-        storage (media/configure-assets-storage storage)]
+        storage (sto/resolve cfg)]
     (l/dbg :hint "found sobjects"
            :items (count sids)
@@ -620,8 +619,8 @@
                   ::l/sync? true))))))
 (defmethod read-section :v1/sobjects
-  [{:keys [::sto/storage ::db/conn ::input ::bfc/overwrite ::bfc/timestamp]}]
-  (let [storage (media/configure-assets-storage storage)
+  [{:keys [::db/conn ::input ::bfc/overwrite ::bfc/timestamp] :as cfg}]
+  (let [storage (sto/resolve cfg)
         ids     (read-obj! input)
         thumb?  (into #{} (map :media-id) (:thumbnails @bfc/*state*))]
diff --git a/backend/src/app/binfile/v2.clj b/backend/src/app/binfile/v2.clj
index 1a5f10342..bef327acc 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/binfile/v2.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/binfile/v2.clj
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
    [app.db.sql :as sql]
    [app.loggers.audit :as-alias audit]
    [app.loggers.webhooks :as-alias webhooks]
-   [ :as media]
    [ :as sto]
    [ :as tmp]
    [ :as events]
@@ -347,9 +346,7 @@
   [cfg team-id]
   (let [id  (uuid/next)
         tp  (dt/tpoint)
-        cfg (-> (create-database cfg)
-                (update ::sto/storage media/configure-assets-storage))]
+        cfg (create-database cfg)]
     (l/inf :hint "start"
            :operation "export"
@@ -390,7 +387,6 @@
         tp  (dt/tpoint)
         cfg (-> (create-database cfg path)
-                (update ::sto/storage media/configure-assets-storage)
                 (assoc ::bfc/timestamp (dt/now)))]
     (l/inf :hint "start"
diff --git a/backend/src/app/config.clj b/backend/src/app/config.clj
index d1315d48b..161ccc854 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/config.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/config.clj
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@
    :redis-uri "redis://redis/0"
-   :assets-storage-backend :assets-fs
-   :storage-assets-fs-directory "assets"
+   :objects-storage-backend "fs"
+   :objects-storage-fs-directory "assets"
    :assets-path "/internal/assets/"
    :smtp-default-reply-to "Penpot <>"
@@ -207,16 +207,24 @@
     [:prepl-host {:optional true} :string]
     [:prepl-port {:optional true} :int]
-    [:assets-storage-backend {:optional true} :keyword]
     [:media-directory {:optional true} :string] ;; REVIEW
     [:media-uri {:optional true} :string]
     [:assets-path {:optional true} :string]
+    ;; Legacy, will be removed in 2.5
+    [:assets-storage-backend {:optional true} :keyword]
     [:storage-assets-fs-directory {:optional true} :string]
     [:storage-assets-s3-bucket {:optional true} :string]
     [:storage-assets-s3-region {:optional true} :keyword]
     [:storage-assets-s3-endpoint {:optional true} :string]
-    [:storage-assets-s3-io-threads {:optional true} :int]]))
+    [:storage-assets-s3-io-threads {:optional true} :int]
+    [:objects-storage-backend {:optional true} :keyword]
+    [:objects-storage-fs-directory {:optional true} :string]
+    [:objects-storage-s3-bucket {:optional true} :string]
+    [:objects-storage-s3-region {:optional true} :keyword]
+    [:objects-storage-s3-endpoint {:optional true} :string]
+    [:objects-storage-s3-io-threads {:optional true} :int]]))
 (def default-flags
diff --git a/backend/src/app/db.clj b/backend/src/app/db.clj
index 097ada50a..8c03be660 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/db.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/db.clj
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
 (s/def ::conn some?)
 (s/def ::nilable-pool (s/nilable ::pool))
 (s/def ::pool pool?)
-(s/def ::pool-or-conn some?)
+(s/def ::connectable some?)
 (defn closed?
diff --git a/backend/src/app/features/components_v2.clj b/backend/src/app/features/components_v2.clj
index 47dc3fad0..d0e03eca6 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/features/components_v2.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/features/components_v2.clj
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
    [ :as io]
    [promesa.util :as pu]))
 (def ^:dynamic *stats*
   "A dynamic var for setting up state for collect stats globally."
@@ -1742,7 +1743,7 @@
                :validate validate?
                :skip-on-graphic-error skip-on-graphic-error?)
-        (db/tx-run! (update system ::sto/storage media/configure-assets-storage)
+        (db/tx-run! system
                     (fn [system]
                       (binding [*system* system]
                         (when (string? label)
diff --git a/backend/src/app/features/fdata.clj b/backend/src/app/features/fdata.clj
index 5370df038..e44488539 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/features/fdata.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/features/fdata.clj
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
    [app.common.logging :as l]
    [app.db :as db]
    [app.db.sql :as-alias sql]
+   [ :as sto]
    [app.util.blob :as blob]
    [app.util.objects-map :as omap]
    [app.util.pointer-map :as pmap]))
@@ -55,12 +56,28 @@
+(defn get-file-data
+  "Get file data given a file instance."
+  [system {:keys [data-backend data-ref-id] :as file} & {:keys [touch]}]
+  (if (= data-backend "objects-storage")
+    (let [storage (sto/resolve system ::db/reuse-conn true)
+          object  (sto/get-object storage data-ref-id)]
+      (when touch (sto/touch-object! storage data-ref-id))
+      (sto/get-object-bytes storage object))
+    (:data file)))
+(defn resolve-file-data
+  [system file & {:as opts}]
+  (let [data (get-file-data system file opts)]
+    (assoc file :data data)))
 (defn load-pointer
   "A database loader pointer helper"
   [system file-id id]
   (let [fragment (db/get* system :file-data-fragment
                           {:id id :file-id file-id}
-                          {::sql/columns [:data]})]
+                          {::sql/columns [:data :data-backend :data-ref-id :id]})]
     (l/trc :hint "load pointer"
            :file-id (str file-id)
@@ -74,7 +91,9 @@
                 :file-id file-id
                 :fragment-id id))
-    (blob/decode (:data fragment))))
+    (let [data (get-file-data system fragment)]
+      ;; FIXME: conditional thread scheduling for decoding big objects
+      (blob/decode data))))
 (defn persist-pointers!
   "Persist all currently tracked pointer objects"
diff --git a/backend/src/app/http/assets.clj b/backend/src/app/http/assets.clj
index 06c331849..9a8e69dbf 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/http/assets.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/http/assets.clj
@@ -57,11 +57,10 @@
 (defn- serve-object
   "Helper function that returns the appropriate response depending on
   the storage object backend type."
-  [{:keys [::sto/storage] :as cfg} {:keys [backend] :as obj}]
-  (let [backend (sto/resolve-backend storage backend)]
-    (case (::sto/type backend)
-      :s3 (serve-object-from-s3 cfg obj)
-      :fs (serve-object-from-fs cfg obj))))
+  [cfg {:keys [backend] :as obj}]
+  (case backend
+    (:s3 :assets-s3) (serve-object-from-s3 cfg obj)
+    (:fs :assets-fs) (serve-object-from-fs cfg obj)))
 (defn objects-handler
   "Handler that servers storage objects by id."
diff --git a/backend/src/app/main.clj b/backend/src/app/main.clj
index 07946e59a..692d9c190 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/main.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/main.clj
@@ -345,6 +345,7 @@
      :objects-gc         (ig/ref :app.tasks.objects-gc/handler)
      :file-gc            (ig/ref :app.tasks.file-gc/handler)
      :file-gc-scheduler  (ig/ref :app.tasks.file-gc-scheduler/handler)
+     :offload-file-data  (ig/ref :app.tasks.offload-file-data/handler)
      :file-xlog-gc       (ig/ref :app.tasks.file-xlog-gc/handler)
      :tasks-gc           (ig/ref :app.tasks.tasks-gc/handler)
      :telemetry          (ig/ref :app.tasks.telemetry/handler)
@@ -398,6 +399,10 @@
    {::db/pool (ig/ref ::db/pool)}
+   :app.tasks.offload-file-data/handler
+   {::db/pool     (ig/ref ::db/pool)
+    ::sto/storage (ig/ref ::sto/storage)}
    {::db/pool (ig/ref ::db/pool)}
@@ -452,17 +457,28 @@
    {::db/pool      (ig/ref ::db/pool)
-    {:assets-s3 (ig/ref [::assets])
-     :assets-fs (ig/ref [::assets])}}
+    {:s3 (ig/ref
+     :fs (ig/ref
-   [::assets]
-   {::sto.s3/region     (cf/get :storage-assets-s3-region)
-    ::sto.s3/endpoint   (cf/get :storage-assets-s3-endpoint)
-    ::sto.s3/bucket     (cf/get :storage-assets-s3-bucket)
-    ::sto.s3/io-threads (cf/get :storage-assets-s3-io-threads)}
+     ;; LEGACY (should not be removed, can only be removed after an
+     ;; explicit migration because the database objects/rows will
+     ;; still reference the old names).
+     :assets-s3 (ig/ref
+     :assets-fs (ig/ref}}
-   [::assets]
-   {::sto.fs/directory (cf/get :storage-assets-fs-directory)}})
+   {::sto.s3/region     (or (cf/get :storage-assets-s3-region)
+                            (cf/get :objects-storage-s3-region))
+    ::sto.s3/endpoint   (or (cf/get :storage-assets-s3-endpoint)
+                            (cf/get :objects-storage-s3-endpoint))
+    ::sto.s3/bucket     (or (cf/get :storage-assets-s3-bucket)
+                            (cf/get :objects-storage-s3-bucket))
+    ::sto.s3/io-threads (or (cf/get :storage-assets-s3-io-threads)
+                            (cf/get :objects-storage-s3-io-threads))}
+   {::sto.fs/directory (or (cf/get :storage-assets-fs-directory)
+                           (cf/get :objects-storage-fs-directory))}})
 (def worker-config
diff --git a/backend/src/app/media.clj b/backend/src/app/media.clj
index 9e1a120fe..ba40a7a52 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/media.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/media.clj
@@ -313,17 +313,3 @@
               (= stype :ttf)
               (-> (assoc "font/otf" (ttf->otf sfnt))
                   (assoc "font/ttf" sfnt)))))))))
-;; Utility functions
-(defn configure-assets-storage
-  "Given storage map, returns a storage configured with the appropriate
-  backend for assets and optional connection attached."
-  ([storage]
-   (assoc storage ::sto/backend (cf/get :assets-storage-backend :assets-fs)))
-  ([storage pool-or-conn]
-   (-> (configure-assets-storage storage)
-       (assoc ::db/pool-or-conn pool-or-conn))))
diff --git a/backend/src/app/migrations.clj b/backend/src/app/migrations.clj
index 32768abf9..965b0ce77 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/migrations.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/migrations.clj
@@ -382,7 +382,16 @@
     :fn (mg/resource "app/migrations/sql/0120-mod-audit-log-table.sql")}
    {:name "0121-mod-file-data-fragment-table"
-    :fn (mg/resource "app/migrations/sql/0121-mod-file-data-fragment-table.sql")}])
+    :fn (mg/resource "app/migrations/sql/0121-mod-file-data-fragment-table.sql")}
+   {:name "0122-mod-file-table"
+    :fn (mg/resource "app/migrations/sql/0122-mod-file-table.sql")}
+   {:name "0122-mod-file-data-fragment-table"
+    :fn (mg/resource "app/migrations/sql/0122-mod-file-data-fragment-table.sql")}
+   {:name "0123-mod-file-change-table"
+    :fn (mg/resource "app/migrations/sql/0123-mod-file-change-table.sql")}])
 (defn apply-migrations!
   [pool name migrations]
diff --git a/backend/src/app/migrations/sql/0122-mod-file-data-fragment-table.sql b/backend/src/app/migrations/sql/0122-mod-file-data-fragment-table.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..87955aea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/src/app/migrations/sql/0122-mod-file-data-fragment-table.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ALTER TABLE file_data_fragment
+  ADD COLUMN data_backend text NULL,
+  ADD COLUMN data_ref_id uuid NULL;
+CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS file_data_fragment__data_ref_id__idx
+    ON file_data_fragment (data_ref_id);
diff --git a/backend/src/app/migrations/sql/0122-mod-file-fragment-table.sql b/backend/src/app/migrations/sql/0122-mod-file-fragment-table.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..87955aea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/src/app/migrations/sql/0122-mod-file-fragment-table.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ALTER TABLE file_data_fragment
+  ADD COLUMN data_backend text NULL,
+  ADD COLUMN data_ref_id uuid NULL;
+CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS file_data_fragment__data_ref_id__idx
+    ON file_data_fragment (data_ref_id);
diff --git a/backend/src/app/migrations/sql/0122-mod-file-table.sql b/backend/src/app/migrations/sql/0122-mod-file-table.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4f0a05155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/src/app/migrations/sql/0122-mod-file-table.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ALTER TABLE file ADD COLUMN data_ref_id uuid NULL;
+CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS file__data_ref_id__idx
+    ON file (data_ref_id);
diff --git a/backend/src/app/migrations/sql/0123-mod-file-change-table.sql b/backend/src/app/migrations/sql/0123-mod-file-change-table.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..37fccfd51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/src/app/migrations/sql/0123-mod-file-change-table.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS file_change__created_at__label__idx
+    ON file_change (created_at, label);
diff --git a/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/auth.clj b/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/auth.clj
index ff8bfdb8f..a8fc218ec 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/auth.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/auth.clj
@@ -522,7 +522,6 @@
                (send-email-notification conn)))))))
 (def schema:request-profile-recovery
   [:map {:title "request-profile-recovery"}
    [:email ::sm/email]])
diff --git a/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/files.clj b/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/files.clj
index 4c8497693..336c4aeb2 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/files.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/files.clj
@@ -68,6 +68,9 @@
                 :max-version fmg/version))
+;; --- FILE DATA
 (def ^:private sql:file-permissions
@@ -258,11 +261,12 @@
   (let [params (merge {:id id}
                       (when (some? project-id)
                         {:project-id project-id}))
-        file   (-> (db/get conn :file params
-                           {::db/check-deleted (not include-deleted?)
-                            ::db/remove-deleted (not include-deleted?)
-                            ::sql/for-update lock-for-update?})
-                   (decode-row))]
+        file   (->> (db/get conn :file params
+                            {::db/check-deleted (not include-deleted?)
+                             ::db/remove-deleted (not include-deleted?)
+                             ::sql/for-update lock-for-update?})
+                    (feat.fdata/resolve-file-data cfg)
+                    (decode-row))]
     (if (and migrate? (fmg/need-migration? file))
       (migrate-file cfg file)
@@ -328,8 +332,10 @@
 (defn- get-file-fragment
   [cfg file-id fragment-id]
-  (some-> (db/get cfg :file-data-fragment {:file-id file-id :id fragment-id})
-          (update :data blob/decode)))
+  (let [resolve-file-data (partial feat.fdata/resolve-file-data cfg)]
+    (some-> (db/get cfg :file-data-fragment {:file-id file-id :id fragment-id})
+            (resolve-file-data)
+            (update :data blob/decode))))
 (sv/defmethod ::get-file-fragment
   "Retrieve a file fragment by its ID. Only authenticated users."
@@ -802,7 +808,8 @@
       (db/update! cfg :file
                   {:revn (inc (:revn file))
                    :data (blob/encode (:data file))
-                   :modified-at (dt/now)}
+                   :modified-at (dt/now)
+                   :has-media-trimmed false}
                   {:id file-id})
       (feat.fdata/persist-pointers! cfg file-id))))
diff --git a/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/files_snapshot.clj b/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/files_snapshot.clj
index 1e9c3081a..99b241317 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/files_snapshot.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/files_snapshot.clj
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
    [app.db :as db]
    [app.db.sql :as-alias sql]
    [app.main :as-alias main]
-   [ :as media]
    [app.rpc :as-alias rpc]
    [app.rpc.commands.files :as files]
    [app.rpc.commands.profile :as profile]
@@ -63,8 +62,8 @@
   (db/run! cfg get-file-snapshots params))
 (defn restore-file-snapshot!
-  [{:keys [::db/conn ::sto/storage] :as cfg} {:keys [file-id id]}]
-  (let [storage  (media/configure-assets-storage storage conn)
+  [{:keys [::db/conn] :as cfg} {:keys [file-id id]}]
+  (let [storage  (sto/resolve cfg {::db/reuse-conn true})
         file     (files/get-minimal-file conn file-id {::db/for-update true})
         snapshot (db/get* conn :file-change
                           {:file-id file-id
diff --git a/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/files_thumbnails.clj b/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/files_thumbnails.clj
index 446de5378..411f4fef4 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/files_thumbnails.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/files_thumbnails.clj
@@ -295,8 +295,7 @@
   (db/run! cfg files/check-edition-permissions! profile-id file-id)
-  (let [cfg (update cfg ::sto/storage media/configure-assets-storage)]
-    (create-file-object-thumbnail! cfg file-id object-id media (or tag "frame"))))
+  (create-file-object-thumbnail! cfg file-id object-id media (or tag "frame")))
 ;; --- MUTATION COMMAND: delete-file-object-thumbnail
@@ -327,7 +326,7 @@
   (files/check-edition-permissions! cfg profile-id file-id)
   (db/tx-run! cfg (fn [{:keys [::db/conn] :as cfg}]
                     (-> cfg
-                        (update ::sto/storage media/configure-assets-storage conn)
+                        (update ::sto/storage sto/configure conn)
                         (delete-file-object-thumbnail! file-id object-id))
@@ -405,7 +404,6 @@
   (db/tx-run! cfg (fn [{:keys [::db/conn] :as cfg}]
                     (files/check-edition-permissions! conn profile-id file-id)
                     (when-not (db/read-only? conn)
-                      (let [cfg   (update cfg ::sto/storage media/configure-assets-storage)
-                            media (create-file-thumbnail! cfg params)]
+                      (let [media (create-file-thumbnail! cfg params)]
                         {:uri (files/resolve-public-uri (:id media))
                          :id (:id media)})))))
diff --git a/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/files_update.clj b/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/files_update.clj
index 76b621b3c..c25d05c24 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/files_update.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/files_update.clj
@@ -227,8 +227,12 @@
 (defn- update-file*
   [{:keys [::db/conn ::wrk/executor] :as cfg}
    {:keys [profile-id file changes session-id ::created-at skip-validate] :as params}]
-  (let [;; Process the file data on separated thread for avoid to do
+  (let [;; Retrieve the file data
+        file     (feat.fdata/resolve-file-data cfg file {:touch true})
+        ;; Process the file data on separated thread for avoid to do
         ;; the CPU intensive operation on vthread.
         file     (px/invoke! executor (partial update-file-data cfg file changes skip-validate))
         features (db/create-array conn "text" (:features file))]
@@ -254,6 +258,7 @@
                  :version (:version file)
                  :features features
                  :data-backend nil
+                 :data-ref-id nil
                  :modified-at created-at
                  :has-media-trimmed false}
                 {:id (:id file)})
diff --git a/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/fonts.clj b/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/fonts.clj
index 0942da601..51081eb19 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/fonts.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/fonts.clj
@@ -95,12 +95,11 @@
   [cfg {:keys [::rpc/profile-id team-id] :as params}]
   (db/tx-run! cfg
               (fn [{:keys [::db/conn] :as cfg}]
-                (let [cfg (update cfg ::sto/storage media/configure-assets-storage)]
-                  (teams/check-edition-permissions! conn profile-id team-id)
-                  (quotes/check-quote! conn {::quotes/id ::quotes/font-variants-per-team
-                                             ::quotes/profile-id profile-id
-                                             ::quotes/team-id team-id})
-                  (create-font-variant cfg (assoc params :profile-id profile-id))))))
+                (teams/check-edition-permissions! conn profile-id team-id)
+                (quotes/check-quote! conn {::quotes/id ::quotes/font-variants-per-team
+                                           ::quotes/profile-id profile-id
+                                           ::quotes/team-id team-id})
+                (create-font-variant cfg (assoc params :profile-id profile-id)))))
 (defn create-font-variant
   [{:keys [::sto/storage ::db/conn ::wrk/executor]} {:keys [data] :as params}]
@@ -203,14 +202,13 @@
    ::sm/params schema:delete-font}
   [cfg {:keys [::rpc/profile-id id team-id]}]
   (db/tx-run! cfg
-              (fn [{:keys [::db/conn ::sto/storage] :as cfg}]
+              (fn [{:keys [::db/conn] :as cfg}]
                 (teams/check-edition-permissions! conn profile-id team-id)
                 (let [fonts   (db/query conn :team-font-variant
                                         {:team-id team-id
                                          :font-id id
                                          :deleted-at nil}
                                         {::sql/for-update true})
-                      storage (media/configure-assets-storage storage conn)
                       tnow    (dt/now)]
                   (when-not (seq fonts)
@@ -220,11 +218,7 @@
                   (doseq [font fonts]
                     (db/update! conn :team-font-variant
                                 {:deleted-at tnow}
-                                {:id (:id font)})
-                    (some->> (:woff1-file-id font) (sto/touch-object! storage))
-                    (some->> (:woff2-file-id font) (sto/touch-object! storage))
-                    (some->> (:ttf-file-id font) (sto/touch-object! storage))
-                    (some->> (:otf-file-id font) (sto/touch-object! storage)))
+                                {:id (:id font)}))
                   (rph/with-meta (rph/wrap)
                     {::audit/props {:id id
@@ -245,22 +239,16 @@
    ::sm/params schema:delete-font-variant}
   [cfg {:keys [::rpc/profile-id id team-id]}]
   (db/tx-run! cfg
-              (fn [{:keys [::db/conn ::sto/storage] :as cfg}]
+              (fn [{:keys [::db/conn] :as cfg}]
                 (teams/check-edition-permissions! conn profile-id team-id)
                 (let [variant (db/get conn :team-font-variant
                                       {:id id :team-id team-id}
-                                      {::sql/for-update true})
-                      storage (media/configure-assets-storage storage conn)]
+                                      {::sql/for-update true})]
                   (db/update! conn :team-font-variant
                               {:deleted-at (dt/now)}
                               {:id (:id variant)})
-                  (some->> (:woff1-file-id variant) (sto/touch-object! storage))
-                  (some->> (:woff2-file-id variant) (sto/touch-object! storage))
-                  (some->> (:ttf-file-id variant) (sto/touch-object! storage))
-                  (some->> (:otf-file-id variant) (sto/touch-object! storage))
                   (rph/with-meta (rph/wrap)
                     {::audit/props {:font-family (:font-family variant)
                                     :font-id (:font-id variant)}})))))
diff --git a/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/media.clj b/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/media.clj
index 992c5d1da..d915933b6 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/media.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/media.clj
@@ -56,21 +56,19 @@
    ::climit/id [[:process-image/by-profile ::rpc/profile-id]
   [{:keys [::db/pool] :as cfg} {:keys [::rpc/profile-id file-id content] :as params}]
-  (let [cfg (update cfg ::sto/storage media/configure-assets-storage)]
+  (files/check-edition-permissions! pool profile-id file-id)
+  (media/validate-media-type! content)
+  (media/validate-media-size! content)
-    (files/check-edition-permissions! pool profile-id file-id)
-    (media/validate-media-type! content)
-    (media/validate-media-size! content)
-    (db/run! cfg (fn [cfg]
-                   (let [object (create-file-media-object cfg params)
-                         props  {:name (:name params)
-                                 :file-id file-id
-                                 :is-local (:is-local params)
-                                 :size (:size content)
-                                 :mtype (:mtype content)}]
-                     (with-meta object
-                       {::audit/replace-props props}))))))
+  (db/run! cfg (fn [cfg]
+                 (let [object (create-file-media-object cfg params)
+                       props  {:name (:name params)
+                               :file-id file-id
+                               :is-local (:is-local params)
+                               :size (:size content)
+                               :mtype (:mtype content)}]
+                   (with-meta object
+                     {::audit/replace-props props})))))
 (defn- big-enough-for-thumbnail?
   "Checks if the provided image info is big enough for
@@ -183,9 +181,8 @@
   {::doc/added "1.17"
    ::sm/params schema:create-file-media-object-from-url}
   [{:keys [::db/pool] :as cfg} {:keys [::rpc/profile-id file-id] :as params}]
-  (let [cfg (update cfg ::sto/storage media/configure-assets-storage)]
-    (files/check-edition-permissions! pool profile-id file-id)
-    (create-file-media-object-from-url cfg (assoc params :profile-id profile-id))))
+  (files/check-edition-permissions! pool profile-id file-id)
+  (create-file-media-object-from-url cfg (assoc params :profile-id profile-id)))
 (defn download-image
   [{:keys [::http/client]} uri]
diff --git a/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/profile.clj b/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/profile.clj
index e3b453e26..0e594f978 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/profile.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/profile.clj
@@ -210,8 +210,7 @@
   [cfg {:keys [::rpc/profile-id file] :as params}]
   ;; Validate incoming mime type
   (media/validate-media-type! file #{"image/jpeg" "image/png" "image/webp"})
-  (let [cfg (update cfg ::sto/storage media/configure-assets-storage)]
-    (update-profile-photo cfg (assoc params :profile-id profile-id))))
+  (update-profile-photo cfg (assoc params :profile-id profile-id)))
 (defn update-profile-photo
   [{:keys [::db/pool ::sto/storage] :as cfg} {:keys [profile-id file] :as params}]
diff --git a/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/teams.clj b/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/teams.clj
index 74918de97..553257560 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/teams.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/teams.clj
@@ -674,8 +674,7 @@
   [cfg {:keys [::rpc/profile-id file] :as params}]
   ;; Validate incoming mime type
   (media/validate-media-type! file #{"image/jpeg" "image/png" "image/webp"})
-  (let [cfg (update cfg ::sto/storage media/configure-assets-storage)]
-    (update-team-photo cfg (assoc params :profile-id profile-id))))
+  (update-team-photo cfg (assoc params :profile-id profile-id)))
 (defn update-team-photo
   [{:keys [::db/pool ::sto/storage] :as cfg} {:keys [profile-id team-id] :as params}]
diff --git a/backend/src/app/storage.clj b/backend/src/app/storage.clj
index c818b03fa..861730e33 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/storage.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/storage.clj
@@ -6,11 +6,13 @@
   "Objects storage abstraction layer."
+  (:refer-clojure :exclude [resolve])
    [ :as d]
    [ :as dm]
    [app.common.spec :as us]
    [app.common.uuid :as uuid]
+   [app.config :as cf]
    [app.db :as db]
    [ :as sfs]
    [ :as impl]
@@ -18,16 +20,23 @@
    [app.util.time :as dt]
    [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
    [datoteka.fs :as fs]
-   [integrant.core :as ig]
-   [promesa.core :as p])
+   [integrant.core :as ig])
+(defn get-legacy-backend
+  []
+  (let [name (cf/get :assets-storage-backend)]
+    (case name
+      :assets-fs :fs
+      :assets-s3 :s3
+      :fs)))
 ;; Storage Module State
-(s/def ::id #{:assets-fs :assets-s3})
+(s/def ::id #{:assets-fs :assets-s3 :fs :s3})
 (s/def ::s3 ::ss3/backend)
 (s/def ::fs ::sfs/backend)
 (s/def ::type #{:fs :s3})
@@ -45,11 +54,13 @@
   [_ {:keys [::backends ::db/pool] :as cfg}]
   (-> (d/without-nils cfg)
       (assoc ::backends (d/without-nils backends))
-      (assoc ::db/pool-or-conn pool)))
+      (assoc ::backend (or (get-legacy-backend)
+                           (cf/get :objects-storage-backend :fs)))
+      (assoc ::db/connectable pool)))
 (s/def ::backend keyword?)
 (s/def ::storage
-  (s/keys :req [::backends ::db/pool ::db/pool-or-conn]
+  (s/keys :req [::backends ::db/pool ::db/connectable]
           :opt [::backend]))
 (s/def ::storage-with-backend
@@ -61,23 +72,26 @@
 (defn get-metadata
-  (into {}
-        (remove (fn [[k _]] (qualified-keyword? k)))
-        params))
+  (reduce-kv (fn [res k _]
+               (if (qualified-keyword? k)
+                 (dissoc res k)
+                 res))
+             params
+             params))
 (defn- get-database-object-by-hash
-  [pool-or-conn backend bucket hash]
+  [connectable backend bucket hash]
   (let [sql (str "select * from storage_object "
                  " where (metadata->>'~:hash') = ? "
                  "   and (metadata->>'~:bucket') = ? "
                  "   and backend = ?"
                  "   and deleted_at is null"
                  " limit 1")]
-    (some-> (db/exec-one! pool-or-conn [sql hash bucket (name backend)])
+    (some-> (db/exec-one! connectable [sql hash bucket (name backend)])
             (update :metadata db/decode-transit-pgobject))))
 (defn- create-database-object
-  [{:keys [::backend ::db/pool-or-conn]} {:keys [::content ::expired-at ::touched-at] :as params}]
+  [{:keys [::backend ::db/connectable]} {:keys [::content ::expired-at ::touched-at ::touch] :as params}]
   (let [id     (or (:id params) (uuid/random))
         mdata  (cond-> (get-metadata params)
                  (satisfies? impl/IContentHash content)
@@ -86,7 +100,9 @@
                  (dissoc :id))
-        ;; FIXME: touch object on deduplicated put operation ??
+        touched-at (if touch
+                     (or touched-at (dt/now))
+                     touched-at)
         ;; NOTE: for now we don't reuse the deleted objects, but in
         ;; futute we can consider reusing deleted objects if we
@@ -95,10 +111,20 @@
         result (when (and (::deduplicate? params)
                           (:hash mdata)
                           (:bucket mdata))
-                 (get-database-object-by-hash pool-or-conn backend (:bucket mdata) (:hash mdata)))
+                 (let [result (get-database-object-by-hash connectable backend
+                                                           (:bucket mdata)
+                                                           (:hash mdata))]
+                   (if touch
+                     (do
+                       (db/update! connectable :storage-object
+                                   {:touched-at touched-at}
+                                   {:id (:id result)}
+                                   {::db/return-keys false})
+                       (assoc result :touced-at touched-at))
+                     result)))
         result (or result
-                   (-> (db/insert! pool-or-conn :storage-object
+                   (-> (db/insert! connectable :storage-object
                                    {:id id
                                     :size (impl/get-size content)
                                     :backend (name backend)
@@ -154,9 +180,9 @@
 (dm/export impl/object?)
 (defn get-object
-  [{:keys [::db/pool-or-conn] :as storage} id]
+  [{:keys [::db/connectable] :as storage} id]
   (us/assert! ::storage storage)
-  (retrieve-database-object pool-or-conn id))
+  (retrieve-database-object connectable id))
 (defn put-object!
   "Creates a new object with the provided content."
@@ -172,10 +198,10 @@
 (defn touch-object!
   "Mark object as touched."
-  [{:keys [::db/pool-or-conn] :as storage} object-or-id]
+  [{:keys [::db/connectable] :as storage} object-or-id]
   (us/assert! ::storage storage)
   (let [id (if (impl/object? object-or-id) (:id object-or-id) object-or-id)]
-    (-> (db/update! pool-or-conn :storage-object
+    (-> (db/update! connectable :storage-object
                     {:touched-at (dt/now)}
                     {:id id})
@@ -195,11 +221,10 @@
   "Returns a byte array of object content."
   [storage object]
   (us/assert! ::storage storage)
-  (if (or (nil? (:expired-at object))
-          (dt/is-after? (:expired-at object) (dt/now)))
+  (when (or (nil? (:expired-at object))
+            (dt/is-after? (:expired-at object) (dt/now)))
     (-> (impl/resolve-backend storage (:backend object))
-        (impl/get-object-bytes object))
-    (p/resolved nil)))
+        (impl/get-object-bytes object))))
 (defn get-object-url
   ([storage object]
@@ -223,13 +248,26 @@
       (-> (impl/get-object-url backend object nil) file-url->path))))
 (defn del-object!
-  [{:keys [::db/pool-or-conn] :as storage} object-or-id]
+  [{:keys [::db/connectable] :as storage} object-or-id]
   (us/assert! ::storage storage)
   (let [id  (if (impl/object? object-or-id) (:id object-or-id) object-or-id)
-        res (db/update! pool-or-conn :storage-object
+        res (db/update! connectable :storage-object
                         {:deleted-at (dt/now)}
                         {:id id})]
     (pos? (db/get-update-count res))))
-(dm/export impl/resolve-backend)
 (dm/export impl/calculate-hash)
+(defn configure
+  [storage connectable]
+  (assoc storage ::db/connectable connectable))
+(defn resolve
+  "Resolves the storage instance with preconfigured backend. You can
+  specify to reuse the database connection from provided
+  cfg/system (default false)."
+  [cfg & {:as opts}]
+  (let [storage (::storage cfg)]
+    (if (::db/reuse-conn opts false)
+      (configure storage (db/get-connectable cfg))
+      storage)))
diff --git a/backend/src/app/storage/gc_touched.clj b/backend/src/app/storage/gc_touched.clj
index 4e805bae6..155496b41 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/storage/gc_touched.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/storage/gc_touched.clj
@@ -76,6 +76,24 @@
   (-> (db/exec-one! conn [sql:has-file-thumbnail-refs id])
       (get :has-refs)))
+(def ^:private
+  sql:has-file-data-refs
+  "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM file WHERE data_ref_id = ?) AS has_refs")
+(defn- has-file-data-refs?
+  [conn id]
+  (-> (db/exec-one! conn [sql:has-file-data-refs id])
+      (get :has-refs)))
+(def ^:private
+  sql:has-file-data-fragment-refs
+  "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM file_data_fragment WHERE data_ref_id = ?) AS has_refs")
+(defn- has-file-data-fragment-refs?
+  [conn id]
+  (-> (db/exec-one! conn [sql:has-file-data-fragment-refs id])
+      (get :has-refs)))
 (def ^:private sql:mark-freeze-in-bulk
   "UPDATE storage_object
       SET touched_at = NULL
@@ -148,6 +166,8 @@
     "file-object-thumbnail" (process-objects! conn has-file-object-thumbnails-refs? ids bucket)
     "file-thumbnail"        (process-objects! conn has-file-thumbnails-refs? ids bucket)
     "profile"               (process-objects! conn has-profile-refs? ids bucket)
+    "file-data"             (process-objects! conn has-file-data-refs? ids bucket)
+    "file-data-fragment"    (process-objects! conn has-file-data-fragment-refs? ids bucket)
     (ex/raise :type :internal
               :code :unexpected-unknown-reference
               :hint (dm/fmt "unknown reference '%'" bucket))))
diff --git a/backend/src/app/storage/impl.clj b/backend/src/app/storage/impl.clj
index 156d86b87..6de48b682 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/storage/impl.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/storage/impl.clj
@@ -207,15 +207,13 @@
     (str "blake2b:" result)))
 (defn resolve-backend
-  [{:keys [::db/pool] :as storage} backend-id]
+  [storage backend-id]
   (let [backend (get-in storage [::sto/backends backend-id])]
     (when-not backend
       (ex/raise :type :internal
                 :code :backend-not-configured
                 :hint (dm/fmt "backend '%' not configured" backend-id)))
-    (-> backend
-        (assoc ::sto/id backend-id)
-        (assoc ::db/pool pool))))
+    (assoc backend ::sto/id backend-id)))
 (defrecord StorageObject [id size created-at expired-at touched-at backend])
diff --git a/backend/src/app/tasks/file_gc.clj b/backend/src/app/tasks/file_gc.clj
index e007485f5..e84e5a450 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/tasks/file_gc.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/tasks/file_gc.clj
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
   file is eligible to be garbage collected after some period of
   inactivity (the default threshold is 72h)."
-   [ :as d]
    [app.binfile.common :as bfc]
    [app.common.files.migrations :as fmg]
    [app.common.files.validate :as cfv]
@@ -22,11 +21,11 @@
    [app.config :as cf]
    [app.db :as db]
    [app.features.fdata :as feat.fdata]
-   [ :as media]
    [ :as sto]
    [app.util.blob :as blob]
    [app.util.pointer-map :as pmap]
    [app.util.time :as dt]
+   [app.worker :as wrk]
    [clojure.set :as set]
    [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
    [integrant.core :as ig]))
@@ -272,17 +271,16 @@
 (defn- process-file!
-  (try
-    (if-let [file (get-file cfg)]
-      (let [file (decode-file cfg file)
-            file (clean-media! cfg file)
-            file (persist-file! cfg file)]
-        (clean-data-fragments! cfg file))
-      (l/dbg :hint "skip" :file-id (str (::file-id cfg))))
-    (catch Throwable cause
-      (l/err :hint "error on cleaning file"
-             :file-id (str (::file-id cfg))
-             :cause cause))))
+  (if-let [file (get-file cfg)]
+    (let [file (decode-file cfg file)
+          file (clean-media! cfg file)
+          file (persist-file! cfg file)]
+      (clean-data-fragments! cfg file)
+      true)
+    (do
+      (l/dbg :hint "skip" :file-id (str (::file-id cfg)))
+      false)))
@@ -294,13 +292,27 @@
 (defmethod ig/init-key ::handler
   [_ cfg]
   (fn [{:keys [props] :as task}]
-    (let [min-age (dt/duration (:min-age props 0))
+    (let [min-age (dt/duration (or (:min-age props)
+                                   (cf/get-deletion-delay)))
           cfg     (-> cfg
                       (assoc ::db/rollback (:rollback? props))
                       (assoc ::file-id (:file-id props))
                       (assoc ::min-age (db/interval min-age)))]
-      (db/tx-run! cfg (fn [{:keys [::db/conn] :as cfg}]
-                        (let [cfg (update cfg ::sto/storage media/configure-assets-storage conn)]
-                          (process-file! cfg))))
-      nil)))
+      (try
+        (db/tx-run! cfg (fn [{:keys [::db/conn] :as cfg}]
+                          (let [cfg (update cfg ::sto/storage sto/configure conn)
+                                res (process-file! cfg)]
+                            (when (contains? cf/flags :tiered-file-data-storage)
+                              (wrk/submit! (-> cfg
+                                               (assoc ::wrk/task :offload-file-data)
+                                               (assoc ::wrk/params props)
+                                               (assoc ::wrk/priority 10)
+                                               (assoc ::wrk/delay 1000))))
+                            res)))
+        (catch Throwable cause
+          (l/err :hint "error on cleaning file"
+                 :file-id (str (:file-id props))
+                 :cause cause))))))
diff --git a/backend/src/app/tasks/file_gc_scheduler.clj b/backend/src/app/tasks/file_gc_scheduler.clj
index 11c24e889..a133b6c41 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/tasks/file_gc_scheduler.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/tasks/file_gc_scheduler.clj
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
   "A maintenance task that is responsible of properly scheduling the
   file-gc task for all files that matches the eligibility threshold."
-   [app.common.logging :as l]
    [app.config :as cf]
    [app.db :as db]
    [app.util.time :as dt]
diff --git a/backend/src/app/tasks/objects_gc.clj b/backend/src/app/tasks/objects_gc.clj
index 9858585cc..95d3128bd 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/tasks/objects_gc.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/tasks/objects_gc.clj
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
    [app.common.logging :as l]
    [app.config :as cf]
    [app.db :as db]
-   [ :as media]
    [ :as sto]
    [app.util.time :as dt]
    [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
@@ -126,7 +125,7 @@
 (def ^:private sql:get-files
-  "SELECT id, deleted_at, project_id
+  "SELECT id, deleted_at, project_id, data_ref_id
      FROM file
     WHERE deleted_at IS NOT NULL
       AND deleted_at < now() - ?::interval
@@ -136,15 +135,17 @@
 (defn- delete-files!
-  [{:keys [::db/conn ::min-age ::chunk-size] :as cfg}]
+  [{:keys [::db/conn ::sto/storage ::min-age ::chunk-size] :as cfg}]
   (->> (db/cursor conn [sql:get-files min-age chunk-size] {:chunk-size 1})
-       (reduce (fn [total {:keys [id deleted-at project-id]}]
+       (reduce (fn [total {:keys [id deleted-at project-id data-ref-id]}]
                  (l/trc :hint "permanently delete"
                         :rel "file"
                         :id (str id)
                         :project-id (str project-id)
                         :deleted-at (dt/format-instant deleted-at))
+                 (some->> data-ref-id (sto/touch-object! storage))
                  ;; And finally, permanently delete the file.
                  (db/delete! conn :file {:id id})
@@ -210,7 +211,7 @@
 (def ^:private sql:get-file-data-fragments
-  "SELECT file_id, id, deleted_at
+  "SELECT file_id, id, deleted_at, data_ref_id
      FROM file_data_fragment
     WHERE deleted_at IS NOT NULL
       AND deleted_at < now() - ?::interval
@@ -220,15 +221,16 @@
 (defn- delete-file-data-fragments!
-  [{:keys [::db/conn ::min-age ::chunk-size] :as cfg}]
+  [{:keys [::db/conn ::sto/storage ::min-age ::chunk-size] :as cfg}]
   (->> (db/cursor conn [sql:get-file-data-fragments min-age chunk-size] {:chunk-size 1})
-       (reduce (fn [total {:keys [file-id id deleted-at]}]
+       (reduce (fn [total {:keys [file-id id deleted-at data-ref-id]}]
                  (l/trc :hint "permanently delete"
                         :rel "file-data-fragment"
                         :id (str id)
                         :file-id (str file-id)
                         :deleted-at (dt/format-instant deleted-at))
+                 (some->> data-ref-id (sto/touch-object! storage))
                  (db/delete! conn :file-data-fragment {:file-id file-id :id id})
                  (inc total))
@@ -299,9 +301,7 @@
   [_ cfg]
   (fn [{:keys [props] :as task}]
     (let [min-age (dt/duration (or (:min-age props) (::min-age cfg)))
-          cfg     (-> cfg
-                      (assoc ::min-age (db/interval min-age))
-                      (update ::sto/storage media/configure-assets-storage))]
+          cfg     (assoc cfg ::min-age (db/interval min-age))]
       (loop [procs (map deref deletion-proc-vars)
              total 0]
diff --git a/backend/src/app/tasks/offload_file_data.clj b/backend/src/app/tasks/offload_file_data.clj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec8739179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/src/app/tasks/offload_file_data.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+;; file, You can obtain one at
+;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
+(ns app.tasks.offload-file-data
+  "A maintenance task responsible of moving file data from hot
+  storage (the database row) to a cold storage (fs or s3)."
+  (:require
+   [app.common.logging :as l]
+   [app.db :as db]
+   [app.db.sql :as-alias sql]
+   [ :as sto]
+   [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
+   [integrant.core :as ig]))
+(defn- offload-file-data!
+  [{:keys [::db/conn ::sto/storage ::file-id] :as cfg}]
+  (let [file (db/get conn :file {:id file-id}
+                     {::sql/for-update true})
+        data (sto/content (:data file))
+        sobj (sto/put-object! storage
+                              {::sto/content data
+                               ::sto/touch true
+                               :bucket "file-data"
+                               :content-type "application/octet-stream"
+                               :file-id file-id})]
+    (l/trc :hint "offload file data"
+           :file-id (str file-id)
+           :storage-id (str (:id sobj)))
+    (db/update! conn :file
+                {:data-backend "objects-storage"
+                 :data-ref-id (:id sobj)
+                 :data nil}
+                {:id file-id}
+                {::db/return-keys false})))
+(defn- offload-file-data-fragments!
+  [{:keys [::db/conn ::sto/storage ::file-id] :as cfg}]
+  (doseq [fragment (db/query conn :file-data-fragment
+                             {:file-id file-id
+                              :deleted-at nil
+                              :data-backend nil}
+                             {::db/for-update true})]
+    (let [data (sto/content (:data fragment))
+          sobj (sto/put-object! storage
+                                {::sto/content data
+                                 ::sto/touch true
+                                 :bucket "file-data-fragment"
+                                 :content-type "application/octet-stream"
+                                 :file-id file-id
+                                 :file-fragment-id (:id fragment)})]
+      (l/trc :hint "offload file data fragment"
+             :file-id (str file-id)
+             :file-fragment-id (str (:id fragment))
+             :storage-id (str (:id sobj)))
+      (db/update! conn :file-data-fragment
+                  {:data-backend "objects-storage"
+                   :data-ref-id (:id sobj)
+                   :data nil}
+                  {:id (:id fragment)}
+                  {::db/return-keys false}))))
+(defmethod ig/pre-init-spec ::handler [_]
+  (s/keys :req [::db/pool ::sto/storage]))
+(defmethod ig/init-key ::handler
+  [_ cfg]
+  (fn [{:keys [props] :as task}]
+    (-> cfg
+        (assoc ::db/rollback (:rollback? props))
+        (assoc ::file-id (:file-id props))
+        (db/tx-run! (fn [cfg]
+                      (offload-file-data! cfg)
+                      (offload-file-data-fragments! cfg))))))
diff --git a/backend/test/backend_tests/rpc_file_test.clj b/backend/test/backend_tests/rpc_file_test.clj
index 5d1fe1824..8dd9ce412 100644
--- a/backend/test/backend_tests/rpc_file_test.clj
+++ b/backend/test/backend_tests/rpc_file_test.clj
@@ -149,8 +149,7 @@
           shape-id (uuid/random)]
       ;; Preventive file-gc
-      (let [res (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0})]
-        (t/is (= 1 (:processed res))))
+      (t/is (true? (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0 :file-id (:id file)})))
       ;; Check the number of fragments before adding the page
       (let [rows (th/db-query :file-data-fragment {:file-id (:id file)})]
@@ -171,8 +170,7 @@
         (t/is (= 3 (count rows))))
       ;; The file-gc should mark for remove unused fragments
-      (let [res (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0})]
-        (t/is (= 1 (:processed res))))
+      (t/is (true? (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0 :file-id (:id file)})))
       ;; Check the number of fragments
       (let [rows (th/db-query :file-data-fragment {:file-id (:id file)})]
@@ -210,15 +208,13 @@
         (t/is (= 3 (count rows))))
       ;; The file-gc should mark for remove unused fragments
-      (let [res (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0})]
-        (t/is (= 1 (:processed res))))
+      (t/is (true? (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0 :file-id (:id file)})))
       ;; The objects-gc should remove unused fragments
       (let [res (th/run-task! :objects-gc {:min-age 0})]
         (t/is (= 3 (:processed res))))
-      ;; Check the number of fragments; should be 3 because changes
-      ;; are also holding pointers to fragments;
+      ;; Check the number of fragments;
       (let [rows (th/db-query :file-data-fragment {:file-id (:id file)
                                                    :deleted-at nil})]
         (t/is (= 2 (count rows))))
@@ -231,8 +227,7 @@
       ;; The file-gc should remove fragments related to changes
       ;; snapshots previously deleted.
-      (let [res (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0})]
-        (t/is (= 1 (:processed res))))
+      (t/is (true? (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0 :file-id (:id file)})))
       ;; Check the number of fragments;
       (let [rows (th/db-query :file-data-fragment {:file-id (:id file)})]
@@ -325,12 +320,10 @@
         (t/is (= 0 (:delete res))))
       ;; run the file-gc task immediately without forced min-age
-      (let [res (th/run-task! :file-gc)]
-        (t/is (= 0 (:processed res))))
+      (t/is (false? (th/run-task! :file-gc {:file-id (:id file)})))
       ;; run the task again
-      (let [res (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0})]
-        (t/is (= 1 (:processed res))))
+      (t/is (true? (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0 :file-id (:id file)})))
       ;; retrieve file and check trimmed attribute
       (let [row (th/db-get :file {:id (:id file)})]
@@ -367,8 +360,7 @@
       ;; Now, we have deleted the usage of pointers to the
       ;; file-media-objects, if we paste file-gc, they should be marked
       ;; as deleted.
-      (let [res (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0})]
-        (t/is (= 1 (:processed res))))
+      (t/is (true? (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0 :file-id (:id file)})))
       (let [res (th/run-task! :objects-gc {:min-age 0})]
         (t/is (= 3 (:processed res))))
@@ -490,12 +482,10 @@
                 :strokes [{:opacity 1 :stroke-image {:id (:id fmo5) :width 100 :height 100 :mtype "image/jpeg"}}]})}])
       ;; run the file-gc task immediately without forced min-age
-      (let [res (th/run-task! :file-gc)]
-        (t/is (= 0 (:processed res))))
+      (t/is (false? (th/run-task! :file-gc {:file-id (:id file)})))
       ;; run the task again
-      (let [res (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0})]
-        (t/is (= 1 (:processed res))))
+      (t/is (true? (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0 :file-id (:id file)})))
       (let [res (th/run-task! :objects-gc {:min-age 0})]
         (t/is (= 2 (:processed res))))
@@ -534,9 +524,7 @@
       ;; Now, we have deleted the usage of pointers to the
       ;; file-media-objects, if we paste file-gc, they should be marked
       ;; as deleted.
-      (let [res (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0})]
-        (t/is (= 1 (:processed res))))
+      (t/is (true? (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0 :file-id (:id file)})))
       (let [res (th/run-task! :objects-gc {:min-age 0})]
         (t/is (= 7 (:processed res))))
@@ -659,12 +647,10 @@
         (t/is (= 0 (:delete res))))
       ;; run the file-gc task immediately without forced min-age
-      (let [res (th/run-task! :file-gc)]
-        (t/is (= 0 (:processed res))))
+      (t/is (false? (th/run-task! :file-gc {:file-id (:id file)})))
       ;; run the task again
-      (let [res (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0})]
-        (t/is (= 1 (:processed res))))
+      (t/is (true? (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0 :file-id (:id file)})))
       ;; retrieve file and check trimmed attribute
       (let [row (th/db-get :file {:id (:id file)})]
@@ -693,8 +679,7 @@
                   :page-id page-id
                   :id frame-id-2}])
-      (let [res (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0})]
-        (t/is (= 1 (:processed res))))
+      (t/is (true? (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0 :file-id (:id file)})))
       (let [rows (th/db-query :file-tagged-object-thumbnail {:file-id file-id})]
         (t/is (= 2 (count rows)))
@@ -727,8 +712,7 @@
                   :page-id page-id
                   :id frame-id-1}])
-      (let [res (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0})]
-        (t/is (= 1 (:processed res))))
+      (t/is (true? (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0 :file-id (:id file)})))
       (let [rows (th/db-query :file-tagged-object-thumbnail {:file-id file-id})]
         (t/is (= 1 (count rows)))
@@ -1127,8 +1111,7 @@
       (th/sleep 300)
       ;; run the task
-      (let [res (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0})]
-        (t/is (= 1 (:processed res))))
+      (t/is (true? (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0 :file-id (:id file)})))
       ;; check that object thumbnails are still here
       (let [rows (th/db-query :file-tagged-object-thumbnail {:file-id (:id file)})]
@@ -1157,8 +1140,7 @@
         (t/is (= 2 (count rows))))
       ;; run the task again
-      (let [res (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0})]
-        (t/is (= 1 (:processed res))))
+      (t/is (true? (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0 :file-id (:id file)})))
       ;; check that we have all object thumbnails
       (let [rows (th/db-query :file-tagged-object-thumbnail {:file-id (:id file)})]
@@ -1220,8 +1202,7 @@
         (t/is (= 2 (count rows)))))
     (t/testing "gc task"
-      (let [res (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0})]
-        (t/is (= 1 (:processed res))))
+      (t/is (true? (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0 :file-id (:id file)})))
       (let [rows (th/db-query :file-thumbnail {:file-id (:id file)})]
         (t/is (= 2 (count rows)))
@@ -1232,3 +1213,113 @@
       (let [rows (th/db-query :file-thumbnail {:file-id (:id file)})]
         (t/is (= 1 (count rows)))))))
+(defn- update-file!
+  [& {:keys [profile-id file-id changes revn] :or {revn 0}}]
+  (let [params {::th/type :update-file
+                ::rpc/profile-id profile-id
+                :id file-id
+                :session-id (uuid/random)
+                :revn revn
+                :features cfeat/supported-features
+                :changes changes}
+        out    (th/command! params)]
+    ;; (th/print-result! out)
+    (t/is (nil? (:error out)))
+    (:result out)))
+(t/deftest file-tiered-storage
+  (let [profile (th/create-profile* 1)
+        file    (th/create-file* 1 {:profile-id (:id profile)
+                                    :project-id (:default-project-id profile)
+                                    :is-shared false})
+        page-id  (uuid/random)
+        shape-id (uuid/random)]
+      ;; Preventive file-gc
+    (t/is (true? (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0 :file-id (:id file)})))
+      ;; Preventive objects-gc
+    (let [result (th/run-task! :objects-gc {:min-age 0})]
+      (t/is (= 1 (:processed result))))
+      ;; Check the number of fragments before adding the page
+    (let [rows (th/db-query :file-data-fragment {:file-id (:id file)})]
+      (t/is (= 1 (count rows)))
+      (t/is (every? #(some? (:data %)) rows)))
+      ;; Mark the file ellegible again for GC
+    (th/db-update! :file
+                   {:has-media-trimmed false}
+                   {:id (:id file)})
+      ;; Run FileGC again, with tiered storage activated
+    (with-redefs [app.config/flags (conj app.config/flags :tiered-file-data-storage)]
+      (t/is (true? (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0 :file-id (:id file)})))
+        ;; The FileGC task will schedule an inner taskq
+      (th/run-pending-tasks!))
+      ;; Clean objects after file-gc
+    (let [result (th/run-task! :objects-gc {:min-age 0})]
+      (t/is (= 1 (:processed result))))
+      ;; Check the number of fragments before adding the page
+    (let [rows (th/db-query :file-data-fragment {:file-id (:id file)})]
+      (t/is (= 1 (count rows)))
+      (t/is (every? #(nil? (:data %)) rows))
+      (t/is (every? #(uuid? (:data-ref-id %)) rows))
+      (t/is (every? #(= "objects-storage" (:data-backend %)) rows)))
+    (let [file    (th/db-get :file {:id (:id file)})
+          storage (sto/resolve th/*system*)]
+      (t/is (= "objects-storage" (:data-backend file)))
+      (t/is (nil? (:data file)))
+      (t/is (uuid? (:data-ref-id file)))
+      (let [sobj (sto/get-object storage (:data-ref-id file))]
+        (t/is (= "file-data" (:bucket (meta sobj))))
+        (t/is (= (:id file) (:file-id (meta sobj))))))
+      ;; Add shape to page that should load from cold storage again into the hot storage (db)
+    (update-file!
+     :file-id (:id file)
+     :profile-id (:id profile)
+     :revn 0
+     :changes
+     [{:type :add-page
+       :name "test"
+       :id page-id}])
+      ;; Check the number of fragments
+    (let [rows (th/db-query :file-data-fragment {:file-id (:id file)})]
+      (t/is (= 2 (count rows))))
+      ;; Check the number of fragments
+    (let [[row1 row2 :as rows]
+          (th/db-query :file-data-fragment
+                       {:file-id (:id file)
+                        :deleted-at nil}
+                       {:order-by [:created-at]})]
+        ;; (pp/pprint rows)
+      (t/is (= 2 (count rows)))
+      (t/is (nil? (:data row1)))
+      (t/is (= "objects-storage" (:data-backend row1)))
+      (t/is (bytes? (:data row2)))
+      (t/is (nil? (:data-backend row2))))
+      ;; The file-gc should mark for remove unused fragments
+    (t/is (true? (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0 :file-id (:id file)})))
+      ;; The objects-gc should remove unused fragments
+    (let [res (th/run-task! :objects-gc {:min-age 0})]
+      (t/is (= 2 (:processed res))))
+      ;; Check the number of fragments before adding the page
+    (let [rows (th/db-query :file-data-fragment {:file-id (:id file)})]
+      (t/is (= 2 (count rows)))
+      (t/is (every? #(bytes? (:data %)) rows))
+      (t/is (every? #(nil? (:data-ref-id %)) rows))
+      (t/is (every? #(nil? (:data-backend %)) rows)))))
diff --git a/backend/test/backend_tests/rpc_file_thumbnails_test.clj b/backend/test/backend_tests/rpc_file_thumbnails_test.clj
index c73941aff..2ceffbddf 100644
--- a/backend/test/backend_tests/rpc_file_thumbnails_test.clj
+++ b/backend/test/backend_tests/rpc_file_thumbnails_test.clj
@@ -114,8 +114,7 @@
       ;; Run the File GC task that should remove unused file object
       ;; thumbnails
-      (let [result (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0})]
-        (t/is (= 1 (:processed result))))
+      (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0 :file-id (:id file)})
       (let [result (th/run-task! :objects-gc {:min-age 0})]
         (t/is (= 3 (:processed result))))
@@ -134,7 +133,7 @@
       (t/is (some? (sto/get-object storage (:media-id row2))))
       ;; run the task again
-      (let [res (th/run-task! "storage-gc-touched" {:min-age 0})]
+      (let [res (th/run-task! :storage-gc-touched {:min-age 0})]
         (t/is (= 1 (:delete res)))
         (t/is (= 0 (:freeze res))))
@@ -217,8 +216,7 @@
       ;; Run the File GC task that should remove unused file object
       ;; thumbnails
-      (let [result (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0})]
-        (t/is (= 1 (:processed result))))
+      (t/is (true? (th/run-task! :file-gc {:min-age 0 :file-id (:id file)})))
       (let [result (th/run-task! :objects-gc {:min-age 0})]
         (t/is (= 2 (:processed result))))
diff --git a/backend/test/backend_tests/rpc_font_test.clj b/backend/test/backend_tests/rpc_font_test.clj
index 2d6404435..ab9b57f4b 100644
--- a/backend/test/backend_tests/rpc_font_test.clj
+++ b/backend/test/backend_tests/rpc_font_test.clj
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
       (t/is (nil? (:result out))))
     (let [res (th/run-task! :storage-gc-touched {:min-age 0})]
-      (t/is (= 6 (:freeze res)))
+      (t/is (= 0 (:freeze res)))
       (t/is (= 0 (:delete res))))
     (let [res (th/run-task! :objects-gc {:min-age 0})]
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
       (t/is (nil? (:result out))))
     (let [res (th/run-task! :storage-gc-touched {:min-age 0})]
-      (t/is (= 3 (:freeze res)))
+      (t/is (= 0 (:freeze res)))
       (t/is (= 0 (:delete res))))
     (let [res (th/run-task! :objects-gc {:min-age 0})]
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
       (t/is (nil? (:result out))))
     (let [res (th/run-task! :storage-gc-touched {:min-age 0})]
-      (t/is (= 3 (:freeze res)))
+      (t/is (= 0 (:freeze res)))
       (t/is (= 0 (:delete res))))
     (let [res (th/run-task! :objects-gc {:min-age 0})]

From ba167f256bbef2849b62f3f3f100cb46100a3d2d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrey Antukh <>
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2024 13:07:44 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 4/6] :zap: Add performance enhancements on telemetry related

 backend/src/app/migrations.clj                |  5 ++++-
 .../migrations/sql/0124-mod-profile-table.sql |  2 ++
 backend/src/app/tasks/telemetry.clj           | 22 ++++++++++++-------
 3 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 backend/src/app/migrations/sql/0124-mod-profile-table.sql

diff --git a/backend/src/app/migrations.clj b/backend/src/app/migrations.clj
index 965b0ce77..2a4728c8e 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/migrations.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/migrations.clj
@@ -391,7 +391,10 @@
     :fn (mg/resource "app/migrations/sql/0122-mod-file-data-fragment-table.sql")}
    {:name "0123-mod-file-change-table"
-    :fn (mg/resource "app/migrations/sql/0123-mod-file-change-table.sql")}])
+    :fn (mg/resource "app/migrations/sql/0123-mod-file-change-table.sql")}
+   {:name "0124-mod-profile-table"
+    :fn (mg/resource "app/migrations/sql/0124-mod-profile-table.sql")}])
 (defn apply-migrations!
   [pool name migrations]
diff --git a/backend/src/app/migrations/sql/0124-mod-profile-table.sql b/backend/src/app/migrations/sql/0124-mod-profile-table.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e9624abd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/src/app/migrations/sql/0124-mod-profile-table.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+CREATE INDEX profile__props__newsletter1__idx ON profile (email) WHERE props->>'~:newsletter-news' = 'true';
+CREATE INDEX profile__props__newsletter2__idx ON profile (email) WHERE props->>'~:newsletter-updates' = 'true';
diff --git a/backend/src/app/tasks/telemetry.clj b/backend/src/app/tasks/telemetry.clj
index 410595f72..204d6be0c 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/tasks/telemetry.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/tasks/telemetry.clj
@@ -62,19 +62,25 @@
   (-> (db/exec-one! conn ["SELECT count(*) AS count FROM file"]) :count))
+(def ^:private sql:num-file-changes
+  "SELECT count(*) AS count
+     FROM file_change
+    WHERE created_at < date_trunc('day', now()) + '24 hours'::interval
+      AND created_at > date_trunc('day', now())")
 (defn- get-num-file-changes
-  (let [sql (str "SELECT count(*) AS count "
-                 "  FROM file_change "
-                 " where date_trunc('day', created_at) = date_trunc('day', now())")]
-    (-> (db/exec-one! conn [sql]) :count)))
+  (-> (db/exec-one! conn [sql:num-file-changes]) :count))
+(def ^:private sql:num-touched-files
+  "SELECT count(distinct file_id) AS count
+     FROM file_change
+    WHERE created_at < date_trunc('day', now()) + '24 hours'::interval
+      AND created_at > date_trunc('day', now())")
 (defn- get-num-touched-files
-  (let [sql (str "SELECT count(distinct file_id) AS count "
-                 "  FROM file_change "
-                 " where date_trunc('day', created_at) = date_trunc('day', now())")]
-    (-> (db/exec-one! conn [sql]) :count)))
+  (-> (db/exec-one! conn [sql:num-touched-files]) :count))
 (defn- get-num-users

From 3219c150d4b3cd94aac780cd6c397cc10b50b763 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrey Antukh <>
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2024 13:18:12 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 5/6] :zap: Add better internal fillfactor setting for file

Increasing the change for HOT updates on db for this heavy-update
 backend/src/app/migrations.clj                         | 5 ++++-
 backend/src/app/migrations/sql/0125-mod-file-table.sql | 3 +++
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 backend/src/app/migrations/sql/0125-mod-file-table.sql

diff --git a/backend/src/app/migrations.clj b/backend/src/app/migrations.clj
index 2a4728c8e..0efd24613 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/migrations.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/migrations.clj
@@ -394,7 +394,10 @@
     :fn (mg/resource "app/migrations/sql/0123-mod-file-change-table.sql")}
    {:name "0124-mod-profile-table"
-    :fn (mg/resource "app/migrations/sql/0124-mod-profile-table.sql")}])
+    :fn (mg/resource "app/migrations/sql/0124-mod-profile-table.sql")}
+   {:name "0125-mod-file-table"
+    :fn (mg/resource "app/migrations/sql/0125-mod-file-table.sql")}])
 (defn apply-migrations!
   [pool name migrations]
diff --git a/backend/src/app/migrations/sql/0125-mod-file-table.sql b/backend/src/app/migrations/sql/0125-mod-file-table.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20d560bbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/src/app/migrations/sql/0125-mod-file-table.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+--- This setting allow to optimize the table for heavy write workload
+--- leaving space on the page for HOT updates

From d2937a76d9792c6b8a2ce68023e9e40d65418181 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrey Antukh <>
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2024 14:16:16 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 6/6] :bug: Fix error handling issue on login with oidc

happens when no oidc backend is configured on backend
 frontend/src/app/main/ui/auth/login.cljs | 15 ++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/frontend/src/app/main/ui/auth/login.cljs b/frontend/src/app/main/ui/auth/login.cljs
index c43741175..2881458d8 100644
--- a/frontend/src/app/main/ui/auth/login.cljs
+++ b/frontend/src/app/main/ui/auth/login.cljs
@@ -53,14 +53,15 @@
                      (.replace js/location redirect-uri)
                      (log/error :hint "unexpected response from OIDC method"
                                 :resp (pr-str rsp))))
-                 (fn [{:keys [type code] :as error}]
-                   (cond
-                     (and (= type :restriction)
-                          (= code :provider-not-configured))
-                     (st/emit! (ntf/error (tr "errors.auth-provider-not-configured")))
+                 (fn [cause]
+                   (let [{:keys [type code] :as error} (ex-data cause)]
+                     (cond
+                       (and (= type :restriction)
+                            (= code :provider-not-configured))
+                       (st/emit! (ntf/error (tr "errors.auth-provider-not-configured")))
-                     :else
-                     (st/emit! (ntf/error (tr "errors.generic"))))))))
+                       :else
+                       (st/emit! (ntf/error (tr "errors.generic")))))))))
 (def ^:private schema:login-form
   [:map {:title "LoginForm"}