mirror of
synced 2025-02-14 19:19:09 -05:00
Merge pull request #111 from tokens-studio/71-apply-token-from-the-shapes-panel-right-side
Apply border radius token from the shapes panel
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 98 additions and 26 deletions
@ -57,15 +57,34 @@
(->> (map (fn [attr] [attr token-id]) attributes)
(into {})))
(defn apply-token-id-to-attributes [{:keys [shape token-id attributes]}]
(let [token (token-from-attributes token-id attributes)]
(toggle-or-apply-token shape token)))
(defn apply-token-to-shape
[{:keys [shape token attributes] :as _props}]
(let [applied-tokens (apply-token-id-to-attributes {:shape shape
:token-id (:id token)
:attributes attributes})]
(update shape :applied-tokens #(merge % applied-tokens))))
(defn maybe-apply-token-to-shape
"When the passed `:token` is non-nil apply it to the `:applied-tokens` on a shape."
[{:keys [shape token _attributes] :as props}]
(if token
(apply-token-to-shape props)
(defn update-token-from-attributes
[{:keys [token-id shape-id attributes]}]
(ptk/reify ::update-token-from-attributes
(watch [_ state _]
(let [shape (get-shape-from-state shape-id state)
token (token-from-attributes token-id attributes)
next-applied-tokens (toggle-or-apply-token shape token)]
(rx/of (update-shape shape-id {:applied-tokens next-applied-tokens}))))))
applied-tokens (apply-token-id-to-attributes {:shape shape
:token-id token-id
:attributes attributes})]
(rx/of (update-shape shape-id {:applied-tokens applied-tokens}))))))
(defn get-token-data-from-token-id
@ -230,6 +230,12 @@
(def workspace-data
(l/derived :workspace-data st/state))
(def workspace-tokens
(l/derived (fn [data]
(get data :tokens []))
(def workspace-file-colors
(l/derived (fn [data]
(when data
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
[app.common.types.shape.layout :as ctl]
[app.common.types.shape.radius :as ctsr]
[app.main.constants :refer [size-presets]]
[app.main.data.tokens :as dt]
[app.main.data.workspace :as udw]
[app.main.data.workspace.changes :as dch]
[app.main.data.workspace.interactions :as dwi]
@ -19,10 +20,12 @@
[app.main.refs :as refs]
[app.main.store :as st]
[app.main.ui.components.dropdown :refer [dropdown]]
[app.main.ui.components.editable-select :refer [editable-select]]
[app.main.ui.components.numeric-input :refer [numeric-input*]]
[app.main.ui.components.radio-buttons :refer [radio-button radio-buttons]]
[app.main.ui.hooks :as hooks]
[app.main.ui.icons :as i]
[app.main.ui.workspace.tokens.core :as wtc]
[app.util.dom :as dom]
[app.util.i18n :as i18n :refer [tr]]
[clojure.set :refer [rename-keys union]]
@ -95,6 +98,10 @@
selection-parents-ref (mf/use-memo (mf/deps ids) #(refs/parents-by-ids ids))
selection-parents (mf/deref selection-parents-ref)
tokens (mf/deref refs/workspace-tokens)
border-radius-tokens (mf/use-memo (mf/deps tokens) #(wtc/tokens-name-map-for-type :border-radius tokens))
border-radius-options (mf/use-memo (mf/deps border-radius-tokens) #(map (comp :name val) border-radius-tokens))
flex-child? (->> selection-parents (some ctl/flex-layout?))
absolute? (ctl/item-absolute? shape)
flex-container? (ctl/flex-layout? shape)
@ -255,7 +262,7 @@
(update-fn shape)
{:reg-objects? true
:attrs [:rx :ry :r1 :r2 :r3 :r4]})))
:attrs [:rx :ry :r1 :r2 :r3 :r4 :applied-tokens]})))
@ -282,9 +289,17 @@
(mf/deps ids change-radius)
(mf/deps ids change-radius border-radius-tokens)
(fn [value]
(st/emit! (change-radius #(ctsr/set-radius-1 % value)))))
(let [token (when (symbol? value)
(get border-radius-tokens (str value)))
token-value (some-> token wtc/resolve-token-value)]
(change-radius (fn [shape]
(-> (dt/maybe-apply-token-to-shape {:token token
:shape shape
:attributes (wtc/token-attributes :border-radius)})
(ctsr/set-radius-1 (or token-value value)))))))))
@ -468,12 +483,14 @@
[:div {:class (stl/css :radius-1)
:title (tr "workspace.options.radius")}
[:span {:class (stl/css :icon)} i/corner-radius]
[:> numeric-input*
[:& editable-select
{:placeholder (if (= :multiple (:rx values)) (tr "settings.multiple") "--")
:ref radius-input-ref
:class (stl/css :token-select)
:type "number"
:min 0
:input-class (stl/css :numeric-input)
:on-change on-radius-1-change
:className (stl/css :numeric-input)
:options border-radius-options
:value (:rx values)}]]
@ -236,3 +236,10 @@
.checkbox-button {
@extend .button-icon;
.token-select {
li > span {
display: flex;
align-content: center;
@ -37,6 +37,29 @@
(throw (ex-info (str "Implement token value resolve for " value) token))))
(defn group-tokens-by-type
"Groups tokens by their `:type` property."
(->> (vals tokens)
(group-by :type)))
(defn tokens-name-map
"Convert tokens into a map with their `:name` as the key.
E.g.: {\"sm\" {:token-type :border-radius :id #uuid \"000\" ...}}"
(->> (map (fn [{:keys [name] :as token}] [name token]) tokens)
(into {})))
(defn tokens-name-map-for-type
"Convert tokens with `token-type` into a map with their `:name` as the key.
E.g.: {\"sm\" {:token-type :border-radius :id #uuid \"000\" ...}}"
[token-type tokens]
(-> (group-tokens-by-type tokens)
(get token-type [])
;; Update functions ------------------------------------------------------------
(defn on-apply-token [{:keys [token token-type-props selected-shapes] :as _props}]
@ -171,3 +194,6 @@
{:label "Paragraph Indent" :key :paragraph-indent}
{:label "Text Decoration" :key :text-decoration}
{:label "Text Case" :key :text-case}]}}]))
(defn token-attributes [token-type]
(get-in token-types [token-type :attributes]))
@ -7,14 +7,14 @@
(ns app.main.ui.workspace.tokens.sidebar
(:require-macros [app.main.style :as stl])
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.main.data.modal :as modal]
[app.main.data.tokens :as dt]
[app.main.refs :as refs]
[app.main.store :as st]
[app.main.ui.icons :as i]
[app.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.assets.common :as cmm]
[app.main.ui.workspace.tokens.common :refer [workspace-shapes]]
[app.main.ui.workspace.tokens.core :refer [tokens-applied?] :as wtc]
[app.main.ui.workspace.tokens.core :as wtc]
[app.util.dom :as dom]
[rumext.v2 :as mf]))
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
(mf/defc token-component
[{:keys [type file tokens selected-shapes token-type-props]}]
[{:keys [type tokens selected-shapes token-type-props]}]
(let [open? (mf/use-state false)
{:keys [modal attributes title]} token-type-props
@ -87,8 +87,7 @@
:selected-shapes selected-shapes})))
tokens-count (count tokens)]
[:div {:on-click on-toggle-open-click}
[:& cmm/asset-section {:file-id (:id file)
:icon (mf/fnc icon-wrapper [_]
[:& cmm/asset-section {:icon (mf/fnc icon-wrapper [_]
[:div {:class (stl/css :section-icon)}
[:& token-section-icon {:type type}]])
@ -106,7 +105,7 @@
[:& token-pill
{:key (:id token)
:token token
:highlighted? (tokens-applied? token selected-shapes attributes)
:highlighted? (wtc/tokens-applied? token selected-shapes attributes)
:on-click #(on-token-pill-click % token)
:on-context-menu #(on-context-menu % token)}])]])]]))
@ -114,13 +113,12 @@
"Separate token-types into groups of `:empty` or `:filled` depending if tokens exist for that type.
Sort each group alphabetically (by their `:token-key`)."
(let [tokens-by-group (->> (vals tokens)
(group-by :type))
(let [tokens-by-type (wtc/group-tokens-by-type tokens)
{:keys [empty filled]} (->> wtc/token-types
(map (fn [[token-key token-type-props]]
{:token-key token-key
:token-type-props token-type-props
:tokens (get tokens-by-group token-key [])}))
:tokens (get tokens-by-type token-key [])}))
(group-by (fn [{:keys [tokens]}]
(if (empty? tokens) :empty :filled))))]
{:empty (sort-by :token-key empty)
@ -128,21 +126,20 @@
(mf/defc tokens-explorer
(let [file (mf/deref refs/workspace-file)
current-page-id (:current-page-id @st/state)
workspace-data (mf/deref refs/workspace-data)
tokens (get workspace-data :tokens)
(let [objects (mf/deref refs/workspace-page-objects)
selected (mf/deref refs/selected-shapes)
selected-shapes (into [] (keep (d/getf objects)) selected)
tokens (mf/deref refs/workspace-tokens)
token-groups (mf/with-memo [tokens]
(sorted-token-groups tokens))
selected-shape-ids (mf/deref refs/selected-shapes)
selected-shapes (workspace-shapes workspace-data current-page-id selected-shape-ids)]
(sorted-token-groups tokens))]
(for [{:keys [token-key token-type-props tokens]} (concat (:filled token-groups)
(:empty token-groups))]
[:& token-component {:key token-key
:type token-key
:file file
:selected-shapes selected-shapes
:tokens tokens
:token-type-props token-type-props}])]]))
Add table
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