mirror of
synced 2025-02-13 02:28:18 -05:00
✨ Adds rects, ellipses and uses to svg elements
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 215 additions and 116 deletions
@ -578,7 +578,9 @@
[frame-id parent-id (inc index)])))))
(defn add-shape-changes
[page-id objects selected attrs]
([page-id objects selected attrs]
(add-shape-changes page-id objects selected attrs true))
([page-id objects selected attrs reg-object?]
(let [id (:id attrs)
shape (gpr/setup-proportions attrs)
@ -593,21 +595,22 @@
[frame-id parent-id index] (get-shape-layer-position objects selected attrs)
redo-changes [{:type :add-obj
redo-changes (cond-> [{:type :add-obj
:id id
:page-id page-id
:frame-id frame-id
:parent-id parent-id
:index index
:obj shape}
{:type :reg-objects
:obj shape}]
(conj {:type :reg-objects
:page-id page-id
:shapes [id]}]
:shapes [id]}))
undo-changes [{:type :del-obj
:page-id page-id
:id id}]]
[redo-changes undo-changes]))
[redo-changes undo-changes])))
(defn add-shape
@ -28,10 +28,9 @@
(let [width (get-in data [:attrs :width] 100)
height (get-in data [:attrs :height] 100)
viewbox (get-in data [:attrs :viewBox] (str "0 0 " width " " height))
[_ _ width-str height-str] (str/split viewbox " ")
width (d/parse-integer width-str)
height (d/parse-integer height-str)]
[width height]))
[x y width height] (->> (str/split viewbox " ")
(map d/parse-double))]
[x y width height]))
(defn tag->name
"Given a tag returns its layer name"
@ -61,15 +60,10 @@
(get-in shape [:svg-attrs :style :fill-opacity])
(-> (update :svg-attrs dissoc :fill-opacity)
(-> (update-in [:svg-attrs :style] dissoc :fill-opacity)
(assoc :fill-opacity (-> (get-in shape [:svg-attrs :style :fill-opacity])
(defonce default-stroke {:stroke-color "#000000"
:stroke-opacity 1
:stroke-alignment :center
:stroke-style :svg})
(defn setup-stroke [shape]
(let [shape
(cond-> shape
@ -90,9 +84,8 @@
(-> (update-in [:svg-attrs :style] dissoc :stroke-width)
(assoc :stroke-width (-> (get-in shape [:svg-attrs :style :stroke-width])
#_(if (d/any-key? shape :stroke-color :stroke-opacity :stroke-width)
(merge default-stroke shape)
(if (d/any-key? shape :stroke-color :stroke-opacity :stroke-width)
(merge {:stroke-style :svg} shape)
(defn create-raw-svg [name frame-id svg-data {:keys [attrs] :as data}]
@ -112,27 +105,39 @@
(defn create-svg-root [frame-id svg-data]
(let [{:keys [name x y width height]} svg-data]
(let [{:keys [name x y width height offset-x offset-y]} svg-data]
(-> {:id (uuid/next)
:type :group
:name name
:frame-id frame-id
:width width
:height height
:x x
:y y}
:x (+ x offset-x)
:y (+ y offset-y)}
(assoc :svg-attrs (-> (:attrs svg-data)
(dissoc :viewBox :xmlns))))))
(defn create-group [name frame-id svg-data {:keys [attrs]}]
(let [{:keys [x y width height offset-x offset-y]} svg-data]
(-> {:id (uuid/next)
:type :group
:name name
:frame-id frame-id
:x (+ x offset-x)
:y (+ y offset-y)
:width width
:height height}
(assoc :svg-attrs (dissoc attrs :transform))
(assoc :svg-viewbox (select-keys svg-data [:x :y :width :height]))
(defn create-path-shape [name frame-id svg-data {:keys [attrs] :as data}]
(let [svg-transform (usvg/parse-transform (:transform attrs))
content (cond-> (ugp/path->content (:d attrs))
(gsh/transform-content svg-transform))
;; attrs (d/update-when attrs :transform #(-> (usvg/parse-transform %) str))
selrect (gsh/content->selrect content)
points (gsh/rect->points selrect)
@ -149,7 +154,6 @@
(assoc :svg-transform svg-transform)
(gsh/translate-to-frame origin))))
(defn inverse-matrix [{:keys [a b c d e f]}]
(let [dom-matrix (-> (js/DOMMatrix.)
(obj/set! "a" a)
@ -212,51 +216,108 @@
:name name
:frame-id frame-id}
(contains? attrs :rx) (:rx attrs)
(contains? attrs :rx) (:rx attrs))
(contains? attrs :rx) (assoc :rx (d/parse-double (:rx attrs)))
(contains? attrs :ry) (assoc :ry (d/parse-double (:ry attrs))))
(merge metadata)
(assoc :svg-transform transform)
(assoc :svg-viewbox (select-keys rect [:x :y :width :height]))
(assoc :svg-attrs (dissoc attrs :x :y :width :height :rx :ry :transform)))))
(defn create-group [name frame-id svg-data {:keys [attrs]}]
(let [{:keys [x y width height]} svg-data]
(def default-circle {:r 0 :cx 0 :cy 0})
(defn create-circle-shape [name frame-id svg-data {:keys [attrs] :as data}]
(let [svg-transform (usvg/parse-transform (:transform attrs))
transform (->> svg-transform
(gmt/transform-in (gpt/point svg-data)))
circle (->> (select-keys attrs [:r :ry :rx :cx :cy])
(d/mapm #(d/parse-double %2)))
{:keys [cx cy]} circle
rx (or (:r circle) (:rx circle))
ry (or (:r circle) (:ry circle))
rect {:x (- cx rx)
:y (- cy ry)
:width (* 2 rx)
:height (* 2 ry)}
origin (gpt/negate (gpt/point svg-data))
rect-data (-> rect
(update :x - (:x origin))
(update :y - (:y origin)))
metadata (calculate-rect-metadata rect-data transform)]
(-> {:id (uuid/next)
:type :group
:type :circle
:name name
:frame-id frame-id
:x x
:y y
:width width
:height height}
(assoc :svg-attrs attrs)
(assoc :svg-viewbox (select-keys svg-data [0 0 :width :height]))
:frame-id frame-id}
(merge metadata)
(assoc :svg-transform transform)
(assoc :svg-viewbox (select-keys rect [:x :y :width :height]))
(assoc :svg-attrs (dissoc attrs :cx :cy :r :rx :ry :transform)))))
(defn add-transform [transform node]
(letfn [(append-transform [old-transform]
(if (or (nil? old-transform) (empty? old-transform))
(str old-transform " " transform)))]
(cond-> node
(update-in [:attrs :transform] append-transform))))
(defn parse-svg-element [frame-id svg-data element-data unames]
(let [{:keys [tag attrs]} element-data
attrs (cond-> attrs (contains? attrs :style) usvg/format-styles)
element-data (cond-> element-data (map? element-data) (assoc :attrs attrs))
name (dwc/generate-unique-name unames (or (:id attrs) (tag->name tag)) true)
att-refs (usvg/find-attr-references attrs)
references (usvg/find-def-references (:defs svg-data) att-refs)]
references (usvg/find-def-references (:defs svg-data) att-refs)
href-id (-> (or (:href attrs) (:xlink:href attrs) "")
(subs 1))
defs (:defs svg-data)
use-tag? (and (= :use tag) (contains? defs href-id))]
(if use-tag?
(let [use-data (get defs href-id)
translate (gpt/point (:x attrs 0) (:y attrs 0))
attrs' (dissoc attrs :x :y :width :height :href :xlink:href)
;; TODO: If the child is a symbol we've to take the width/height into account
use-data (update use-data :attrs #(d/deep-merge attrs' %))
[shape children] (parse-svg-element frame-id svg-data use-data unames)]
[(-> shape (gsh/move translate)) children])
;; SVG graphic elements
;; :circle :ellipse :image :line :path :polygon :polyline :rect :text :use
(-> (case tag
:g (create-group name frame-id svg-data element-data)
(let [shape (-> (case tag
(:g :a) (create-group name frame-id svg-data element-data)
:rect (create-rect-shape name frame-id svg-data element-data)
:ellipse) (create-circle-shape name frame-id svg-data element-data)
:path (create-path-shape name frame-id svg-data element-data)
#_other (create-raw-svg name frame-id svg-data element-data))
(assoc :svg-defs (select-keys (:defs svg-data) references))
(defn add-svg-child-changes [page-id objects selected frame-id parent-id svg-data ids-mappings result [index data]]
(let [[unames [rchs uchs]] result
shape (parse-svg-element frame-id svg-data data unames)
children (cond->> (:content element-data)
(= tag :g)
(mapv #(add-transform (:transform attrs) %)))]
[shape children]))))
(defn add-svg-child-changes [page-id objects selected frame-id parent-id svg-data [unames [rchs uchs]] [index data]]
(let [[shape children] (parse-svg-element frame-id svg-data data unames)
shape-id (:id shape)
[rch1 uch1] (dwc/add-shape-changes page-id objects selected shape)
[rch1 uch1] (dwc/add-shape-changes page-id objects selected shape false)
;; Mov-objects won't have undo because we "delete" the object in the undo of the
;; previous operation
@ -270,8 +331,8 @@
;; Careful! the undo changes are concatenated reversed (we undo in reverse order
changes [(d/concat rchs rch1 rch2) (d/concat uch1 uchs)]
unames (conj unames (:name shape))
reducer-fn (partial add-svg-child-changes page-id objects selected frame-id shape-id svg-data ids-mappings)]
(reduce reducer-fn [unames changes] (d/enumerate (:content data)))))
reducer-fn (partial add-svg-child-changes page-id objects selected frame-id shape-id svg-data)]
(reduce reducer-fn [unames changes] (d/enumerate children))))
(defn svg-uploaded [svg-data x y]
(ptk/reify ::svg-uploaded
@ -283,21 +344,22 @@
frame-id (cp/frame-id-by-position objects {:x x :y y})
selected (get-in state [:workspace-local :selected])
[width height] (svg-dimensions svg-data)
x (- x (/ width 2))
y (- y (/ height 2))
[vb-x vb-y vb-width vb-height] (svg-dimensions svg-data)
x (- x vb-x (/ vb-width 2))
y (- y vb-y (/ vb-height 2))
unames (dwc/retrieve-used-names objects)
svg-name (->> (str/replace (:name svg-data) ".svg" "")
(dwc/generate-unique-name unames))
ids-mappings (usvg/generate-id-mapping svg-data)
svg-data (-> svg-data
(assoc :x x
:y y
:width width
:height height
:offset-x vb-x
:offset-y vb-y
:width vb-width
:height vb-height
:name svg-name))
[def-nodes svg-data] (usvg/extract-defs svg-data)
@ -308,11 +370,17 @@
changes (dwc/add-shape-changes page-id objects selected root-shape)
reducer-fn (partial add-svg-child-changes page-id objects selected frame-id root-id svg-data ids-mappings)
[_ [rchanges uchanges]] (reduce reducer-fn [unames changes] (d/enumerate (:content svg-data)))]
reducer-fn (partial add-svg-child-changes page-id objects selected frame-id root-id svg-data)
[_ [rchanges uchanges]] (reduce reducer-fn [unames changes] (d/enumerate (:content svg-data)))
reg-objects-action {:type :reg-objects
:page-id page-id
:shapes (->> rchanges (map :id) (remove nil?) (into #{root-id}) vec)}
rchanges (conj rchanges reg-objects-action)]
(rx/of (dwc/commit-changes rchanges uchanges {:commit-local? true})
(dwc/select-shapes (d/ordered-set root-id))))
(catch :default e
(.error js/console e))
(.error js/console "Error upload" e))))))
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
;; This is a list of svg tags that can be grouped in shape-container
;; this allows them to have gradients, shadows and masks
(def svg-elements #{:svg :circle :ellipse :image :line :path :polygon :polyline :rect :symbol :text :textPath})
(def svg-elements #{:svg :circle :ellipse :image :line :path :polygon :polyline :rect :symbol :text :textPath :use})
(defn svg-raw-wrapper-factory
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
[app.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.fill :refer [fill-attrs fill-menu]]
[app.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.stroke :refer [stroke-attrs stroke-menu]]
[app.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.shadow :refer [shadow-menu]]
[app.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.blur :refer [blur-menu]]))
[app.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.blur :refer [blur-menu]]
[app.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.svg-attrs :refer [svg-attrs-menu]]))
(mf/defc options
[{:keys [shape] :as props}]
@ -36,4 +37,6 @@
[:& shadow-menu {:ids ids
:values (select-keys shape [:shadow])}]
[:& blur-menu {:ids ids
:values (select-keys shape [:blur])}]]))
:values (select-keys shape [:blur])}]
[:& svg-attrs-menu {:ids ids
:values (select-keys shape [:svg-attrs])}]]))
@ -38,6 +38,5 @@
:values (select-keys shape [:shadow])}]
[:& blur-menu {:ids ids
:values (select-keys shape [:blur])}]
[:& svg-attrs-menu {:ids ids
:values (select-keys shape [:svg-attrs])}]]))
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
[app.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.fill :refer [fill-attrs fill-menu]]
[app.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.stroke :refer [stroke-attrs stroke-menu]]
[app.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.shadow :refer [shadow-menu]]
[app.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.blur :refer [blur-menu]]))
[app.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.blur :refer [blur-menu]]
[app.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.svg-attrs :refer [svg-attrs-menu]]))
(mf/defc options
{::mf/wrap [mf/memo]}
@ -41,4 +42,7 @@
:values (select-keys shape [:shadow])}]
[:& blur-menu {:ids ids
:values (select-keys shape [:blur])}]]))
:values (select-keys shape [:blur])}]
[:& svg-attrs-menu {:ids ids
:values (select-keys shape [:svg-attrs])}]]))
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
(ns app.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.svg-attrs
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.main.data.workspace.common :as dwc]
[app.main.store :as st]
@ -22,13 +23,22 @@
(mf/deps attr on-change)
(fn [event]
(on-change attr (dom/get-target-val event))))]
(on-change attr (dom/get-target-val event))))
label (->> attr (map name) (str/join "."))]
[:& input-row {:label (name attr)
(if (string? value)
[:& input-row {:label label
:type :text
:class "large"
:value (str value)
:on-change handle-change}]]))
:on-change handle-change}]
(for [[key value] value]
[:& attribute-value {:key key
:attr (conj attr key)
:value value
:on-change handle-change}]))]))
(mf/defc svg-attrs-menu [{:keys [ids type values]}]
(let [handle-change
@ -36,7 +46,7 @@
(mf/deps ids)
(fn [attr value]
(let [update-fn
(fn [shape] (assoc-in shape [:svg-attrs attr] value))]
(fn [shape] (assoc-in shape (concat [:svg-attrs] attr) value))]
(st/emit! (dwc/update-shapes ids update-fn)))))]
@ -47,7 +57,6 @@
(for [[index [attr-key attr-value]] (d/enumerate (:svg-attrs values))]
[:& attribute-value {:key attr-key
:ids ids
:attr attr-key
:attr [attr-key]
:value attr-value
:on-change handle-change}])])))
@ -35,6 +35,22 @@
(defn format-styles
"Transforms attributes to their react equivalent"
(letfn [(format-styles [style-str]
(if (string? style-str)
(->> (str/split style-str ";")
(map str/trim)
(map #(str/split % ":"))
(group-by first)
(map (fn [[key val]]
(vector (keyword key) (second (first val)))))
(into {}))
(update attrs :style format-styles)))
(defn clean-attrs
"Transforms attributes to their react equivalent"
@ -60,6 +76,7 @@
(= key :class) [:className val]
(and (= key :style) (string? val)) [key (format-styles val)]
(and (= key :style) (map? val)) [key (clean-attrs val)]
:else (vector (transform-key key) val))))]
(->> attrs
@ -100,34 +117,30 @@
(reduce visit-node result (:content node))))]
(visit-node {} content)))
(defn extract-defs [{:keys [tag content] :as node}]
(defn extract-defs [{:keys [tag attrs content] :as node}]
(if-not (map? node)
[{} node]
(letfn [(def-tag? [{:keys [tag]}] (= tag :defs))
(assoc-node [result node]
(assoc result (-> node :attrs :id) node))
(let [remove-node? (fn [{:keys [tag]}] (= tag :defs))
(node-data [node]
(->> (:content node) (reduce assoc-node {})))]
rec-result (->> (:content node) (map extract-defs))
node (assoc node :content (->> rec-result (map second) (filterv (comp not remove-node?))))
(let [current-def (->> content
(filterv def-tag?)
(map node-data)
(reduce merge))
result (->> content
(filter (comp not def-tag?))
(map extract-defs))
current-def (->> result (map first) (reduce merge current-def))
content (->> result (mapv second))]
current-node-defs (if (contains? attrs :id)
(hash-map (:id attrs) node)
[current-def (assoc node :content content)]))))
node-defs (->> rec-result (map first) (reduce merge current-node-defs))]
[ node-defs node ])))
(defn find-attr-references [attrs]
(->> attrs
(mapcat (fn [[_ attr-value]] (extract-ids attr-value)))))
(mapcat (fn [[_ attr-value]]
(if (string? attr-value)
(extract-ids attr-value)
(find-attr-references attr-value))))))
(defn find-node-references [node]
(let [current (->> (find-attr-references (:attrs node)) (into #{}))
Add table
Reference in a new issue