Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/penpot/penpot.git synced 2025-03-27 23:21:47 -05:00

Merge remote-tracking branch 'penpot/develop' into token-studio-develop

This commit is contained in:
Florian Schroedl 2024-05-14 12:00:45 +02:00
commit 230b271be3
72 changed files with 4793 additions and 3475 deletions

View file

@ -102,6 +102,16 @@ jobs:
yarn install
yarn test
- run:
name: "frontend integration tests"
working_directory: "./frontend"
command: |
yarn install
yarn run compile
clojure -M:dev:shadow-cljs compile main
yarn playwright install --with-deps chromium
yarn e2e:test
- run:
name: "backend tests"
working_directory: "./backend"

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -68,3 +68,7 @@

View file

@ -744,6 +744,7 @@
(map lookupf)
(map mk-change))
(defn update-component

View file

@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns app.common.files.libraries-common-helpers
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.files.changes-builder :as pcb]
[app.common.files.helpers :as cfh]
[app.common.types.component :as ctk]
[app.common.types.container :as ctn]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]))
(defn generate-add-component-changes
[changes root objects file-id page-id components-v2]
(let [name (:name root)
[path name] (cfh/parse-path-name name)
[root-shape new-shapes updated-shapes]
(if-not components-v2
(ctn/make-component-shape root objects file-id components-v2)
(ctn/convert-shape-in-component root objects file-id))
changes (-> changes
(pcb/add-component (:id root-shape)
(:id root)
[root-shape changes]))
(defn generate-add-component
"If there is exactly one id, and it's a frame (or a group in v1), and not already a component,
use it as root. Otherwise, create a frame (v2) or group (v1) that contains all ids. Then, make a
component with it, and link all shapes to their corresponding one in the component."
[it shapes objects page-id file-id components-v2 prepare-create-group prepare-create-board]
(let [changes (pcb/empty-changes it page-id)
shapes-count (count shapes)
first-shape (first shapes)
(and (= 1 shapes-count)
(cfh/frame-shape? first-shape))
[root changes old-root-ids]
(if (and (= shapes-count 1)
(or (and (cfh/group-shape? first-shape)
(not components-v2))
(cfh/frame-shape? first-shape))
(not (ctk/instance-head? first-shape)))
(-> (pcb/empty-changes it page-id)
(pcb/with-objects objects))
(:shapes first-shape)]
(let [root-name (if (= 1 shapes-count)
(:name first-shape)
"Component 1")
shape-ids (into (d/ordered-set) (map :id) shapes)
[root changes]
(if-not components-v2
(prepare-create-group it ; These functions needs to be passed as argument
objects ; to avoid a circular dependence
(not (ctk/instance-head? first-shape)))
(prepare-create-board changes
(:parent-id first-shape)
[root changes shape-ids]))
(cond-> changes
(not from-singe-frame?)
(:shapes root)
(fn [shape]
(assoc shape :constraints-h :scale :constraints-v :scale))))
objects' (assoc objects (:id root) root)
[root-shape changes] (generate-add-component-changes changes root objects' file-id page-id components-v2)
changes (pcb/update-shapes changes
#(dissoc % :component-root)
[root (:id root-shape) changes]))

View file

@ -22,8 +22,10 @@
[app.common.types.components-list :as ctkl]
[app.common.types.container :as ctn]
[app.common.types.file :as ctf]
[app.common.types.page :as ctp]
[app.common.types.pages-list :as ctpl]
[app.common.types.shape-tree :as ctst]
[app.common.types.shape.interactions :as ctsi]
[app.common.types.shape.layout :as ctl]
[app.common.types.typography :as cty]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
@ -148,8 +150,6 @@
[new-component-shape new-component-shapes nil nil]))))
(defn generate-duplicate-component
"Create a new component copied from the one with the given id."
[changes library component-id components-v2]
@ -1923,3 +1923,295 @@
(cond-> changes
(some? swap-slot)
(generate-sync-head file-full libraries container id components-v2 true))))
(defn generate-duplicate-flows
[changes shapes page ids-map]
(let [flows (-> page :options :flows)
unames (volatile! (into #{} (map :name flows)))
frames-with-flow (->> shapes
(filter #(= (:type %) :frame))
(filter #(some? (ctp/get-frame-flow flows (:id %)))))]
(if-not (empty? frames-with-flow)
(let [update-flows (fn [flows]
(fn [flows frame]
(let [name (cfh/generate-unique-name @unames "Flow 1")
_ (vswap! unames conj name)
new-flow {:id (uuid/next)
:name name
:starting-frame (get ids-map (:id frame))}]
(ctp/add-flow flows new-flow)))
(pcb/update-page-option changes :flows update-flows))
(defn generate-duplicate-guides
[changes shapes page ids-map delta]
(let [guides (get-in page [:options :guides])
frames (->> shapes (filter cfh/frame-shape?))
(fn [g frame]
(let [new-id (ids-map (:id frame))
new-frame (-> frame (gsh/move delta))
(->> guides
(filter #(= (:frame-id %) (:id frame)))
(map #(-> %
(assoc :id (uuid/next))
(assoc :frame-id new-id)
(assoc :position (if (= (:axis %) :x)
(+ (:position %) (- (:x new-frame) (:x frame)))
(+ (:position %) (- (:y new-frame) (:y frame))))))))]
(cond-> g
(not-empty new-guides)
(conj (into {} (map (juxt :id identity) new-guides))))))
(-> (pcb/with-page changes page)
(pcb/set-page-option :guides new-guides))))
(defn generate-duplicate-component-change
[changes objects page component-root parent-id frame-id delta libraries library-data]
(let [component-id (:component-id component-root)
file-id (:component-file component-root)
main-component (ctf/get-component libraries file-id component-id)
moved-component (gsh/move component-root delta)
pos (gpt/point (:x moved-component) (:y moved-component))
origin-frame (get-in page [:objects frame-id])
delta (cond-> delta
(some? origin-frame)
(gpt/subtract (-> origin-frame :selrect gpt/point)))
#(generate-instantiate-component changes
(:component-id component-root)
(:id component-root)
#(let [restore (prepare-restore-component changes library-data (:component-id component-root) page delta (:id component-root) parent-id frame-id)]
[(:shape restore) (:changes restore)])
[_shape changes]
(if (nil? main-component)
(defn generate-duplicate-shape-change
([changes objects page unames update-unames! ids-map obj delta level-delta libraries library-data file-id]
(generate-duplicate-shape-change changes objects page unames update-unames! ids-map obj delta level-delta libraries library-data file-id (:frame-id obj) (:parent-id obj) false false true))
([changes objects page unames update-unames! ids-map obj delta level-delta libraries library-data file-id frame-id parent-id duplicating-component? child? remove-swap-slot?]
(nil? obj)
(ctf/is-main-of-known-component? obj libraries)
(generate-duplicate-component-change changes objects page obj parent-id frame-id delta libraries library-data)
(let [frame? (cfh/frame-shape? obj)
group? (cfh/group-shape? obj)
bool? (cfh/bool-shape? obj)
new-id (ids-map (:id obj))
parent-id (or parent-id frame-id)
parent (get objects parent-id)
name (:name obj)
is-component-root? (or (:saved-component-root obj)
;; Backward compatibility
(:saved-component-root? obj)
(ctk/instance-root? obj))
duplicating-component? (or duplicating-component? (ctk/instance-head? obj))
is-component-main? (ctk/main-instance? obj)
subinstance-head? (ctk/subinstance-head? obj)
instance-root? (ctk/instance-root? obj)
into-component? (and duplicating-component?
(ctn/in-any-component? objects parent))
level-delta (if (some? level-delta)
(ctn/get-nesting-level-delta objects obj parent))
new-shape-ref (ctf/advance-shape-ref nil page libraries obj level-delta {:include-deleted? true})
(fn [changes shape]
(let [components-v2 (dm/get-in library-data [:options :components-v2])
[_ changes] (generate-add-component-changes changes shape objects file-id (:id page) components-v2)]
(-> obj
(assoc :id new-id
:name name
:parent-id parent-id
:frame-id frame-id)
(cond-> (and (not instance-root?)
(dissoc :shapes
(cond-> (not is-component-root?)
(dissoc :main-instance))
(cond-> into-component?
(dissoc :component-root))
(cond-> (and (ctk/instance-head? obj)
(not into-component?))
(assoc :component-root true))
(cond-> (or frame? group? bool?)
(assoc :shapes []))
(cond-> (and (some? new-shape-ref)
(not= new-shape-ref (:shape-ref obj)))
(assoc :shape-ref new-shape-ref))
(gsh/move delta)
(d/update-when :interactions #(ctsi/remap-interactions % ids-map objects))
(cond-> (ctl/grid-layout? obj)
(ctl/remap-grid-cells ids-map)))
new-obj (cond-> new-obj
(not duplicating-component?)
;; We want the first added object to touch it's parent, but not subsequent children
changes (-> (pcb/add-object changes new-obj {:ignore-touched (and duplicating-component? child?)})
(pcb/amend-last-change #(assoc % :old-id (:id obj)))
(cond-> (ctl/grid-layout? objects (:parent-id obj))
(-> (pcb/update-shapes [(:parent-id obj)] ctl/assign-cells {:with-objects? true})
(pcb/reorder-grid-children [(:parent-id obj)]))))
changes (cond-> changes
(and is-component-root? is-component-main?)
(regenerate-component new-obj))
;; This is needed for the recursive call to find the new object as parent
page' (ctst/add-shape (:id new-obj)
{:objects objects}
(:frame-id new-obj)
(:parent-id new-obj)
(reduce (fn [changes child]
(generate-duplicate-shape-change changes
(:objects page')
(if frame? new-id frame-id)
(and remove-swap-slot?
;; only remove swap slot of children when the current shape
;; is not a subinstance head nor a instance root
(not subinstance-head?)
(not instance-root?))))
(map (d/getf objects) (:shapes obj)))))))
(defn generate-duplicate-changes
"Prepare objects to duplicate: generate new id, give them unique names,
move to the desired position, and recalculate parents and frames as needed."
[changes all-objects page ids delta libraries library-data file-id]
(let [shapes (map (d/getf all-objects) ids)
unames (volatile! (cfh/get-used-names (:objects page)))
update-unames! (fn [new-name] (vswap! unames conj new-name))
all-ids (reduce #(into %1 (cons %2 (cfh/get-children-ids all-objects %2))) (d/ordered-set) ids)
;; We need ids-map for remapping the grid layout. But when duplicating the guides
;; we calculate a new one because the components will have created new shapes.
ids-map (into {} (map #(vector % (uuid/next))) all-ids)
changes (-> changes
(pcb/with-page page)
(pcb/with-objects all-objects))
(->> shapes
(reduce #(generate-duplicate-shape-change %1
;; We need to check the changes to get the ids-map
(into {}
(filter #(= :add-obj (:type %)))
(map #(vector (:old-id %) (-> % :obj :id))))
(:redo-changes changes))]
(-> changes
(generate-duplicate-flows shapes page ids-map)
(generate-duplicate-guides shapes page ids-map delta))))
(defn generate-duplicate-changes-update-indices
"Updates the changes to correctly set the indexes of the duplicated objects,
depending on the index of the original object respect their parent."
[changes objects ids]
(let [;; index-map is a map that goes from parent-id => vector([id index-in-parent])
index-map (reduce (fn [index-map id]
(let [parent-id (get-in objects [id :parent-id])
parent-index (cfh/get-position-on-parent objects id)]
(update index-map parent-id (fnil conj []) [id parent-index])))
(fn [[offset result] [id index]]
[(inc offset) (conj result [id (+ index offset)])])
(fn [_ entry]
(->> entry
(sort-by second)
(reduce inc-indices [1 []])
(into {})))
objects-indices (->> index-map (d/mapm fix-indices) (vals) (reduce merge))]
(fn [change]
(assoc change :index (get objects-indices (:old-id change)))))))

View file

@ -4,22 +4,22 @@
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns common-tests.helpers.components
(ns app.common.test-helpers.components
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.files.changes-builder :as pcb]
[app.common.files.helpers :as cfh]
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.logic.libraries :as cll]
[app.common.test-helpers.files :as thf]
[app.common.test-helpers.ids-map :as thi]
[app.common.test-helpers.shapes :as ths]
[app.common.types.component :as ctk]
[app.common.types.components-list :as ctkl]
[app.common.types.container :as ctn]
[app.common.types.file :as ctf]
[app.common.types.pages-list :as ctpl]
[app.common.types.shape-tree :as ctst]
[common-tests.helpers.files :as thf]
[common-tests.helpers.ids-map :as thi]
[common-tests.helpers.shapes :as ths]))
[app.common.types.shape-tree :as ctst]))
(defn make-component
[file label root-label & {:keys [] :as params}]
@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
(let [[_new-root _new-shapes updated-shapes]
(ctn/convert-shape-in-component root (:objects page) (:id file))
updated-root (first updated-shapes)] ; Can't use new-root because it has a new id
updated-root (first updated-shapes) ; Can't use new-root because it has a new id
[path name] (cfh/parse-path-name (:name updated-root))]
(thi/set-id! label (:component-id updated-root))
@ -49,14 +50,15 @@
(ctkl/add-component $ (assoc params
:id (:component-id updated-root)
:name (:name updated-root)
:name name
:path path
:main-instance-id (:id updated-root)
:main-instance-page (:id page)
:shapes updated-shapes))))))))
(defn get-component
[file label]
(ctkl/get-component (:data file) (thi/id label)))
[file label & {:keys [include-deleted?] :or {include-deleted? false}}]
(ctkl/get-component (:data file) (thi/id label) include-deleted?))
(defn get-component-by-id
[file id]
@ -129,6 +131,7 @@
(when children-labels
(dotimes [idx (count children-labels)]
(set-child-label file' copy-root-label idx (nth children-labels idx))))
(defn component-swap

View file

@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns common-tests.helpers.compositions
(ns app.common.test-helpers.compositions
[app.common.data :as d]
[common-tests.helpers.components :as thc]
[common-tests.helpers.shapes :as ths]))
[app.common.test-helpers.components :as thc]
[app.common.test-helpers.shapes :as ths]))
(defn add-rect
[file rect-label & {:keys [] :as params}]
@ -140,8 +140,8 @@
(defn add-nested-component-with-copy
[file component1-label main1-root-label main1-child-label component2-label main2-root-label nested-head-label copy2-label
& {:keys [component1-params root1-params main1-child-params component2-params main2-root-params nested-head-params copy2-params]}]
[file component1-label main1-root-label main1-child-label component2-label main2-root-label nested-head-label copy2-root-label
& {:keys [component1-params root1-params main1-child-params component2-params main2-root-params nested-head-params copy2-root-params]}]
;; Generated shape tree:
;; {:main1-root-label} [:name: Frame1] # [Component :component1-label]
;; :main1-child-label [:name: Rect1]
@ -166,4 +166,4 @@
:component2-params component2-params
:main2-root-params main2-root-params
:nested-head-params nested-head-params)
(thc/instantiate-component component2-label copy2-label copy2-params)))
(thc/instantiate-component component2-label copy2-root-label copy2-root-params)))

View file

@ -4,18 +4,19 @@
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns common-tests.helpers.files
(ns app.common.test-helpers.files
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.features :as ffeat]
[app.common.files.changes :as cfc]
[app.common.files.validate :as cfv]
[app.common.pprint :refer [pprint]]
[app.common.test-helpers.ids-map :as thi]
[app.common.types.component :as ctk]
[app.common.types.file :as ctf]
[app.common.types.page :as ctp]
[app.common.types.pages-list :as ctpl]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[common-tests.helpers.ids-map :as thi]
[cuerdas.core :as str]))
;; ----- Files
@ -87,7 +88,7 @@
;; ----- Debug
(defn dump-file-type
(defn dump-tree
"Dump a file using dump-tree function in common.types.file."
[file & {:keys [page-label libraries] :as params}]
(let [params (-> params
@ -115,44 +116,74 @@
(println "}"))
(defn- stringify-keys [m keys]
(apply str (interpose ", " (map #(str % ": " (get m %)) keys))))
(let [kv (-> (select-keys m keys)
(assoc :swap-slot (when ((set keys) :swap-slot)
(ctk/get-swap-slot m)))
(assoc :swap-slot-label (when ((set keys) :swap-slot-label)
(when-let [slot (ctk/get-swap-slot m)]
(thi/label slot))))
pretty-uuid (fn [id]
(let [id (str id)]
(str "#" (subs id (- (count id) 6)))))
format-kv (fn [[k v]]
(uuid? v)
(str k " " (pretty-uuid v))
(str k " " v)))]
(when (seq kv)
(str " [" (apply str (interpose ", " (map format-kv kv))) "]"))))
(defn- dump-page-shape
[shape keys padding]
[shape keys padding show-refs?]
(println (str/pad (str padding
(when (:main-instance shape) "{")
(or (thi/label (:id shape)) "<no-label>")
(when (:main-instance shape) "}")
(when keys
(str " [" (stringify-keys shape keys) "]")))
{:length 40 :type :right})
(when (and (:main-instance shape) show-refs?) "{")
(thi/label (:id shape))
(when (and (:main-instance shape) show-refs?) "}")
(when (seq keys)
(stringify-keys shape keys)))
{:length 50 :type :right})
(if (nil? (:shape-ref shape))
(if (:component-root shape)
(str "# [Component " (or (thi/label (:component-id shape)) "<no-label>") "]")
(if (and (:component-root shape) show-refs?)
(str "# [Component " (thi/label (:component-id shape)) "]")
(str/format "%s--> %s%s"
(cond (:component-root shape) "#"
(:component-id shape) "@"
:else "-")
(if (:component-root shape)
(str "[Component " (or (thi/label (:component-id shape)) "<no-label>") "] ")
(or (thi/label (:shape-ref shape)) "<no-label>")))))
(if show-refs?
(str/format "%s--> %s%s"
(cond (:component-root shape) "#"
(:component-id shape) "@"
:else "-")
(if (:component-root shape)
(str "[Component " (thi/label (:component-id shape)) "] ")
(thi/label (:shape-ref shape)))
(defn dump-page
"Dump the layer tree of the page. Print the label of each shape, and the specified keys."
([page keys]
(dump-page page uuid/zero "" keys))
([page root-id padding keys]
(let [lookupf (d/getf (:objects page))
root-shape (lookupf root-id)
shapes (map lookupf (:shapes root-shape))]
(doseq [shape shapes]
(dump-page-shape shape keys padding)
(dump-page page (:id shape) (str padding " ") keys)))))
"Dump the layer tree of the page, showing labels of the shapes.
- keys: a list of attributes of the shapes you want to show. In addition, you
can add :swap-slot to show the slot id (if any) or :swap-slot-label
to show the corresponding label.
- show-refs?: if true, the component references will be shown."
[page & {:keys [keys root-id padding show-refs?]
:or {keys [:name :swap-slot-label] root-id uuid/zero padding "" show-refs? true}}]
(let [lookupf (d/getf (:objects page))
root-shape (lookupf root-id)
shapes (map lookupf (:shapes root-shape))]
(doseq [shape shapes]
(dump-page-shape shape keys padding show-refs?)
(dump-page page
:keys keys
:root-id (:id shape)
:padding (str padding " ")
:show-refs? show-refs?))))
(defn dump-file
"Dump the current page of the file, using dump-page above.
Example: (thf/dump-file file [:id :touched])"
([file] (dump-file file []))
([file keys] (dump-page (current-page file) keys)))
Example: (thf/dump-file file :keys [:name :swap-slot-label] :show-refs? false)"
[file & {:keys [] :as params}]
(dump-page (current-page file) params))

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns common-tests.helpers.ids-map
(ns app.common.test-helpers.ids-map
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]))
@ -36,7 +36,8 @@
(defn label [id]
(->> @idmap
(filter #(= id (val %)))
(map key)
(or (->> @idmap
(filter #(= id (val %)))
(map key)
(str "<no-label #" (subs (str id) (- (count (str id)) 6)) ">")))

View file

@ -4,10 +4,12 @@
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns common-tests.helpers.shapes
(ns app.common.test-helpers.shapes
[app.common.colors :as clr]
[app.common.files.helpers :as cfh]
[app.common.test-helpers.files :as thf]
[app.common.test-helpers.ids-map :as thi]
[app.common.types.color :as ctc]
[app.common.types.colors-list :as ctcl]
[app.common.types.file :as ctf]
@ -15,9 +17,7 @@
[app.common.types.shape :as cts]
[app.common.types.shape-tree :as ctst]
[app.common.types.typographies-list :as cttl]
[app.common.types.typography :as ctt]
[common-tests.helpers.files :as thf]
[common-tests.helpers.ids-map :as thi]))
[app.common.types.typography :as ctt]))
(defn sample-shape
[label & {:keys [type] :as params}]

View file

@ -61,6 +61,10 @@
(update container :objects update-objects parent-id)))
(defn parent-of?
[parent child]
(= (:id parent) (:parent-id child)))
(defn get-shape
"Get a shape identified by id"
[container id]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns common-tests.logic.chained-propagation-test
[app.common.files.changes-builder :as pcb]
[app.common.logic.libraries :as cll]
[app.common.logic.shapes :as cls]
[app.common.test-helpers.components :as thc]
[app.common.test-helpers.compositions :as tho]
[app.common.test-helpers.files :as thf]
[app.common.test-helpers.ids-map :as thi]
[app.common.test-helpers.shapes :as ths]
[app.common.types.container :as ctn]
[clojure.test :as t]))
(t/use-fixtures :each thi/test-fixture)
(defn- first-fill-color [file tag]
(-> (ths/get-shape file tag)
(defn- first-child-fill-color [file tag]
(let [shape (ths/get-shape file tag)]
(-> (ths/get-shape-by-id file (first (:shapes shape)))
;; Related .penpot file: common/test/cases/chained-components-changes-propagation.penpot
(t/deftest test-propagation-with-anidated-components
(letfn [(setup []
(-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-frame :frame-comp-1)
(ths/add-sample-shape :rectangle :parent-label :frame-comp-1)
(thc/make-component :comp-1 :frame-comp-1)
(tho/add-frame :frame-comp-2)
(thc/instantiate-component :comp-1 :copy-comp-1 :parent-label :frame-comp-2 :children-labels [:rect-comp-2])
(thc/make-component :comp-2 :frame-comp-2)
(tho/add-frame :frame-comp-3)
(thc/instantiate-component :comp-2 :copy-comp-2 :parent-label :frame-comp-3 :children-labels [:comp-1-comp-2])
(thc/make-component :comp-3 :frame-comp-3)))
(step-update-color-comp-2 [file]
(let [page (thf/current-page file)
;; Changes to update the color of the contained rectangle in component comp-2
(cls/generate-update-shapes (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
(:shapes (ths/get-shape file :copy-comp-1))
(fn [shape]
(assoc shape :fills (ths/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#FF0000")))
(:objects page)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes-update-color-comp-1)]
(t/is (= (first-child-fill-color file' :comp-1-comp-2) "#B1B2B5"))
(step-propagate-comp-2 [file]
(let [page (thf/current-page file)
file-id (:id file)
;; Changes to propagate the color changes of component comp-1
changes-sync-comp-1 (-> (pcb/empty-changes)
(:id (thc/get-component file :comp-2))
{file-id file}
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes-sync-comp-1)]
(t/is (= (first-fill-color file' :rect-comp-2) "#FF0000"))
(t/is (= (first-child-fill-color file' :comp-1-comp-2) "#FF0000"))
(step-update-color-comp-3 [file]
(let [page (thf/current-page file)
page-id (:id page)
comp-1-comp-2 (ths/get-shape file :comp-1-comp-2)
rect-comp-3 (ths/get-shape-by-id file (first (:shapes comp-1-comp-2)))
;; Changes to update the color of the contained rectangle in component comp-3
(cls/generate-update-shapes (pcb/empty-changes nil page-id)
[(:id rect-comp-3)]
(fn [shape]
(assoc shape :fills (ths/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#00FF00")))
(:objects page)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes-update-color-comp-3)]
(t/is (= (first-child-fill-color file' :comp-1-comp-2) "#00FF00"))
(step-reset [file]
(let [page (thf/current-page file)
file-id (:id file)
comp-1-comp-2 (ths/get-shape file :comp-1-comp-2)
;; Changes to reset the changes on comp-1 inside comp-3
changes-reset (cll/generate-reset-component (pcb/empty-changes)
{file-id file}
(ctn/make-container page :page)
(:id comp-1-comp-2)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes-reset)]
(t/is (= (first-child-fill-color file' :comp-1-comp-2) "#FF0000"))
(-> (setup)
(t/deftest test-propagation-with-deleted-component
(letfn [(setup []
(-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-frame :frame-comp-4)
(ths/add-sample-shape :rectangle :parent-label :frame-comp-4)
(thc/make-component :comp-4 :frame-comp-4)
(tho/add-frame :frame-comp-5)
(thc/instantiate-component :comp-4 :copy-comp-4 :parent-label :frame-comp-5 :children-labels [:rect-comp-5])
(thc/make-component :comp-5 :frame-comp-5)
(tho/add-frame :frame-comp-6)
(thc/instantiate-component :comp-5 :copy-comp-5 :parent-label :frame-comp-6 :children-labels [:comp-4-comp-5])
(thc/make-component :comp-6 :frame-comp-6)))
(step-delete-comp-5 [file]
(let [page (thf/current-page file)
;; Changes to delete comp-5
[_ changes-delete] (cls/generate-delete-shapes (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
(:objects page)
#{(-> (ths/get-shape file :frame-comp-5)
{:components-v2 true})
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes-delete)]
(t/is (= (first-child-fill-color file' :comp-4-comp-5) "#B1B2B5"))
(step-update-color-comp-4 [file]
(let [page (thf/current-page file)
;; Changes to update the color of the contained rectangle in component comp-4
(cls/generate-update-shapes (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
[(-> (ths/get-shape file :rectangle)
(fn [shape]
(assoc shape :fills (ths/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#FF0000")))
(:objects page)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes-update-color-comp-4)]
(t/is (= (first-fill-color file' :rectangle) "#FF0000"))
(step-propagate-comp-4 [file]
(let [file-id (:id file)
;; Changes to propagate the color changes of component comp-4
changes-sync-comp-4 (-> (pcb/empty-changes)
(:id (thc/get-component file :comp-4))
{file-id file}
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes-sync-comp-4)]
(step-propagate-comp-5 [file]
(let [file-id (:id file)
;; Changes to propagate the color changes of component comp-5
changes-sync-comp-5 (-> (pcb/empty-changes)
(:id (thc/get-component file :comp-5))
{file-id file}
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes-sync-comp-5)]
(t/is (= (first-child-fill-color file' :comp-4-comp-5) "#FF0000"))
(-> (setup)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns common-tests.logic.comp-creation-test
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.files.changes-builder :as pcb]
[app.common.files.shapes-helpers :as cfsh]
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.logic.libraries :as cll]
[app.common.logic.shapes :as cls]
[app.common.test-helpers.components :as thc]
[app.common.test-helpers.compositions :as tho]
[app.common.test-helpers.files :as thf]
[app.common.test-helpers.ids-map :as thi]
[app.common.test-helpers.shapes :as ths]
[app.common.types.component :as ctk]
[app.common.types.components-list :as ctkl]
[app.common.types.shape-tree :as ctst]
[clojure.test :as t]))
(t/use-fixtures :each thi/test-fixture)
(t/deftest test-add-component-from-single-frame
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(ths/add-sample-shape :frame1 :type :frame))
page (thf/current-page file)
frame1 (ths/get-shape file :frame1)
;; ==== Action
[_ component-id changes]
(cll/generate-add-component (pcb/empty-changes)
(:objects page)
(:id page)
(:id file)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component (thc/get-component-by-id file' component-id)
root (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (:main-instance-id component))
frame1' (ths/get-shape file' :frame1)]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? component))
(t/is (some? root))
(t/is (some? frame1'))
(t/is (= (:id root) (:id frame1')))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance? root))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance-of? (:id root) (:id page) component))))
(t/deftest test-add-component-from-single-shape
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(ths/add-sample-shape :shape1 :type :rect))
page (thf/current-page file)
shape1 (ths/get-shape file :shape1)
;; ==== Action
[_ component-id changes]
(cll/generate-add-component (pcb/empty-changes)
(:objects page)
(:id page)
(:id file)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component (thc/get-component-by-id file' component-id)
root (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (:main-instance-id component))
shape1' (ths/get-shape file' :shape1)]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? component))
(t/is (some? root))
(t/is (some? shape1'))
(t/is (ctst/parent-of? root shape1'))
(t/is (= (:type root) :frame))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance? root))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance-of? (:id root) (:id page) component))))
(t/deftest test-add-component-from-several-shapes
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(ths/add-sample-shape :shape1 :type :rect)
(ths/add-sample-shape :shape2 :type :rect))
page (thf/current-page file)
shape1 (ths/get-shape file :shape1)
shape2 (ths/get-shape file :shape2)
;; ==== Action
[_ component-id changes]
(cll/generate-add-component (pcb/empty-changes)
[shape1 shape2]
(:objects page)
(:id page)
(:id file)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component (thc/get-component-by-id file' component-id)
root (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (:main-instance-id component))
shape1' (ths/get-shape file' :shape1)
shape2' (ths/get-shape file' :shape2)]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? component))
(t/is (some? root))
(t/is (some? shape1'))
(t/is (some? shape2'))
(t/is (ctst/parent-of? root shape1'))
(t/is (ctst/parent-of? root shape2'))
(t/is (= (:type root) :frame))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance? root))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance-of? (:id root) (:id page) component))))
(t/deftest test-add-component-from-several-frames
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(ths/add-sample-shape :frame1 :type :frame)
(ths/add-sample-shape :frame2 :type :frame))
page (thf/current-page file)
frame1 (ths/get-shape file :frame1)
frame2 (ths/get-shape file :frame2)
;; ==== Action
[_ component-id changes]
(cll/generate-add-component (pcb/empty-changes)
[frame1 frame2]
(:objects page)
(:id page)
(:id file)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component (thc/get-component-by-id file' component-id)
root (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (:main-instance-id component))
frame1' (ths/get-shape file' :frame1)
frame2' (ths/get-shape file' :frame2)]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? component))
(t/is (some? root))
(t/is (some? frame1'))
(t/is (some? frame2'))
(t/is (ctst/parent-of? root frame1'))
(t/is (ctst/parent-of? root frame2'))
(t/is (= (:type root) :frame))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance? root))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance-of? (:id root) (:id page) component))))
(t/deftest test-add-component-from-frame-with-children
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(ths/add-sample-shape :frame1 :type :frame)
(ths/add-sample-shape :shape1 :type :rect :parent-label :frame1)
(ths/add-sample-shape :shape2 :type :rect :parent-label :frame1))
page (thf/current-page file)
frame1 (ths/get-shape file :frame1)
;; ==== Action
[_ component-id changes]
(cll/generate-add-component (pcb/empty-changes)
(:objects page)
(:id page)
(:id file)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component (thc/get-component-by-id file' component-id)
root (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (:main-instance-id component))
frame1' (ths/get-shape file' :frame1)
shape1' (ths/get-shape file' :shape1)
shape2' (ths/get-shape file' :shape2)]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? component))
(t/is (some? root))
(t/is (some? frame1'))
(t/is (= (:id root) (:id frame1')))
(t/is (ctst/parent-of? frame1' shape1'))
(t/is (ctst/parent-of? frame1' shape2'))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance? root))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance-of? (:id root) (:id page) component))))
(t/deftest test-add-component-from-copy
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component-with-copy :component1
page (thf/current-page file)
copy1-root (ths/get-shape file :copy1-root)
;; ==== Action
[_ component2-id changes]
(cll/generate-add-component (pcb/empty-changes)
(:objects page)
(:id page)
(:id file)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component2' (thc/get-component-by-id file' component2-id)
root2' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (:main-instance-id component2'))
copy1-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy1-root)]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? component2'))
(t/is (some? root2'))
(t/is (some? copy1-root'))
(t/is (ctst/parent-of? root2' copy1-root'))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance? root2'))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance-of? (:id root2') (:id page) component2'))))
(t/deftest test-rename-component
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component :component1
:name "Test component before"))
component (thc/get-component file :component1)
;; ==== Action
changes (cll/generate-rename-component (pcb/empty-changes)
(:id component)
"Test component after"
(:data file)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component' (thc/get-component file' :component1)]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (= (:name component') "Test component after"))))
(t/deftest test-duplicate-component
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component :component1
component (thc/get-component file :component1)
;; ==== Action
changes (cll/generate-duplicate-component (pcb/empty-changes)
(:id component)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
components' (ctkl/components-seq (:data file'))
component1' (d/seek #(= (:id %) (thi/id :component1)) components')
component2' (d/seek #(not= (:id %) (thi/id :component1)) components')
root1' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (:main-instance-id component1'))
root2' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (:main-instance-id component2'))
child1' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (first (:shapes root1')))
child2' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (first (:shapes root2')))]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (= 2 (count components')))
(t/is (some? component1'))
(t/is (some? component2'))
(t/is (some? root1'))
(t/is (some? root2'))
(t/is (= (thi/id :main1-root) (:id root1')))
(t/is (not= (thi/id :main1-root) (:id root2')))
(t/is (some? child1'))
(t/is (some? child2'))
(t/is (= (thi/id :main1-child) (:id child1')))
(t/is (not= (thi/id :main1-child) (:id child2')))))
(t/deftest test-delete-component
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component-with-copy :component1
page (thf/current-page file)
root (ths/get-shape file :main1-root)
;; ==== Action
[_ changes]
(cls/generate-delete-shapes (pcb/empty-changes)
(:objects page)
#{(:id root)}
{:components-v2 true})
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component1' (thc/get-component file' :component1 :include-deleted? true)
copy1-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy1-root)
main1-root' (ths/get-shape file' :main1-root)
main1-child' (ths/get-shape file' :main1-child)
saved-objects (:objects component1')
saved-main1-root' (get saved-objects (thi/id :main1-root))
saved-main1-child' (get saved-objects (thi/id :main1-child))]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (true? (:deleted component1')))
(t/is (some? copy1-root'))
(t/is (nil? main1-root'))
(t/is (nil? main1-child'))
(t/is (some? saved-main1-root'))
(t/is (some? saved-main1-child'))))
(t/deftest test-restore-component
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component-with-copy :component1
page (thf/current-page file)
root (ths/get-shape file :main1-root)
;; ==== Action
[_ changes]
(cls/generate-delete-shapes (pcb/empty-changes)
(:objects page)
#{(:id root)}
{:components-v2 true})
file-deleted (thf/apply-changes file changes)
page-deleted (thf/current-page file-deleted)
changes (cll/generate-restore-component (pcb/empty-changes)
(:data file-deleted)
(thi/id :component1)
(:id file-deleted)
(:objects page-deleted))
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component1' (thc/get-component file' :component1 :include-deleted? false)
copy1-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy1-root)
main1-root' (ths/get-shape file' :main1-root)
main1-child' (ths/get-shape file' :main1-child)
saved-objects' (:objects component1')]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (nil? (:deleted component1')))
(t/is (some? copy1-root'))
(t/is (some? main1-root'))
(t/is (some? main1-child'))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance? main1-root'))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance-of? (:id main1-root') (:id page) component1'))
(t/is (nil? saved-objects'))))
(t/deftest test-instantiate-component
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component :component1
page (thf/current-page file)
component (thc/get-component file :component1)
;; ==== Action
[new-shape changes]
(cll/generate-instantiate-component (-> (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page)) ;; This may not be moved to generate
(pcb/with-objects (:objects page))) ;; because in some cases the objects
(:objects page) ;; not the same as those on the page
(:id file)
(:id component)
(gpt/point 1000 1000)
{(:id file) file})
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component' (thc/get-component file' :component1)
main1-root' (ths/get-shape file' :main1-root)
main1-child' (ths/get-shape file' :main1-child)
copy1-root' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (:id new-shape))
copy1-child' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (first (:shapes copy1-root')))]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? main1-root'))
(t/is (some? main1-child'))
(t/is (some? copy1-root'))
(t/is (some? copy1-child'))
(t/is (ctk/instance-root? copy1-root'))
(t/is (ctk/instance-of? copy1-root' (:id file') (:id component')))
(t/is (ctk/is-main-of? main1-root' copy1-root' true))
(t/is (ctk/is-main-of? main1-child' copy1-child' true))
(t/is (ctst/parent-of? copy1-root' copy1-child'))))
(t/deftest test-instantiate-component-from-lib
(let [;; ==== Setup
library (-> (thf/sample-file :library1)
(tho/add-simple-component :component1
file (thf/sample-file :file1)
page (thf/current-page file)
component (thc/get-component library :component1)
;; ==== Action
[new-shape changes]
(cll/generate-instantiate-component (-> (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
(pcb/with-objects (:objects page)))
(:objects page)
(:id library)
(:id component)
(gpt/point 1000 1000)
{(:id file) file
(:id library) library})
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component' (thc/get-component library :component1)
main1-root' (ths/get-shape library :main1-root)
main1-child' (ths/get-shape library :main1-child)
copy1-root' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (:id new-shape))
copy1-child' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (first (:shapes copy1-root')))]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? main1-root'))
(t/is (some? main1-child'))
(t/is (some? copy1-root'))
(t/is (some? copy1-child'))
(t/is (ctk/instance-root? copy1-root'))
(t/is (ctk/instance-of? copy1-root' (:id library) (:id component')))
(t/is (ctk/is-main-of? main1-root' copy1-root' true))
(t/is (ctk/is-main-of? main1-child' copy1-child' true))
(t/is (ctst/parent-of? copy1-root' copy1-child'))))
(t/deftest test-instantiate-nested-component
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-nested-component :component1
page (thf/current-page file)
component (thc/get-component file :component1)
;; ==== Action
[new-shape changes]
(cll/generate-instantiate-component (-> (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
(pcb/with-objects (:objects page)))
(:objects page)
(:id file)
(:id component)
(gpt/point 1000 1000)
{(:id file) file})
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component' (thc/get-component file' :component1)
main1-root' (ths/get-shape file' :main1-root)
main1-child' (ths/get-shape file' :main1-child)
copy1-root' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (:id new-shape))
copy1-child' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (first (:shapes copy1-root')))]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? main1-root'))
(t/is (some? main1-child'))
(t/is (some? copy1-root'))
(t/is (some? copy1-child'))
(t/is (ctk/instance-root? copy1-root'))
(t/is (ctk/instance-of? copy1-root' (:id file') (:id component')))
(t/is (ctk/is-main-of? main1-root' copy1-root' true))
(t/is (ctk/is-main-of? main1-child' copy1-child' true))
(t/is (ctst/parent-of? copy1-root' copy1-child'))))
(t/deftest test-instantiate-nested-component-from-lib
(let [;; ==== Setup
library (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-nested-component :component1
file (thf/sample-file :file1)
page (thf/current-page file)
component (thc/get-component library :component1)
;; ==== Action
[new-shape changes]
(cll/generate-instantiate-component (-> (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
(pcb/with-objects (:objects page)))
(:objects page)
(:id library)
(:id component)
(gpt/point 1000 1000)
{(:id file) file
(:id library) library})
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component' (thc/get-component library :component1)
main1-root' (ths/get-shape library :main1-root)
main1-child' (ths/get-shape library :main1-child)
copy1-root' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (:id new-shape))
copy1-child' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (first (:shapes copy1-root')))]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? main1-root'))
(t/is (some? main1-child'))
(t/is (some? copy1-root'))
(t/is (some? copy1-child'))
(t/is (ctk/instance-root? copy1-root'))
(t/is (ctk/instance-of? copy1-root' (:id library) (:id component')))
(t/is (ctk/is-main-of? main1-root' copy1-root' true))
(t/is (ctk/is-main-of? main1-child' copy1-child' true))
(t/is (ctst/parent-of? copy1-root' copy1-child'))))
(t/deftest test-detach-copy
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component-with-copy :component1
page (thf/current-page file)
copy1-root (ths/get-shape file :copy1-root)
;; ==== Action
changes (cll/generate-detach-component (pcb/empty-changes)
(:id copy1-root)
(:data file)
(:id page)
{(:id file) file})
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
copy1-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy1-root)]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? copy1-root'))
(t/is (not (ctk/instance-head? copy1-root')))
(t/is (not (ctk/in-component-copy? copy1-root')))))

View file

@ -7,44 +7,45 @@
(ns common-tests.logic.comp-remove-swap-slots-test
[app.common.files.changes-builder :as pcb]
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.logic.libraries :as cll]
[app.common.logic.shapes :as cls]
[app.common.test-helpers.components :as thc]
[app.common.test-helpers.compositions :as tho]
[app.common.test-helpers.files :as thf]
[app.common.test-helpers.ids-map :as thi]
[app.common.test-helpers.shapes :as ths]
[app.common.types.component :as ctk]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[clojure.test :as t]
[common-tests.helpers.components :as thc]
[common-tests.helpers.compositions :as tho]
[common-tests.helpers.files :as thf]
[common-tests.helpers.ids-map :as thi]
[common-tests.helpers.shapes :as ths]))
[cuerdas.core :as str]))
(t/use-fixtures :each thi/test-fixture)
;; Related .penpot file: common/test/cases/remove-swap-slots.penpot
(defn- setup-file
;; :frame-b1 [:id: 3aee2370-44e4-81c8-8004-46e56a459d70, :touched: ]
;; :blue1 [:id: 3aee2370-44e4-81c8-8004-46e56a45fc55, :touched: #{:swap-slot-3aee2370-44e4-81c8-8004-46e56a459d75}]
;; :green-copy [:id: 3aee2370-44e4-81c8-8004-46e56a45fc56, :touched: ]
;; :blue-copy-in-green-copy [:id: 3aee2370-44e4-81c8-8004-46e56a4631a4, :touched: #{:swap-slot-3aee2370-44e4-81c8-8004-46e56a459d6f}]
;; :frame-yellow [:id: 3aee2370-44e4-81c8-8004-46e56a459d73, :touched: ]
;; :frame-green [:id: 3aee2370-44e4-81c8-8004-46e56a459d6c, :touched: ]
;; :red-copy-green [:id: 3aee2370-44e4-81c8-8004-46e56a459d6f, :touched: ]
;; :frame-blue [:id: 3aee2370-44e4-81c8-8004-46e56a459d69, :touched: ]
;; :frame-b2 [:id: 3aee2370-44e4-81c8-8004-46e56a4631a5, :touched: ]
;; :frame-red [:id: 3aee2370-44e4-81c8-8004-46e56a459d66, :touched: ]
;; {:frame-red} [:name Frame1] # [Component :red]
;; {:frame-blue} [:name Frame1] # [Component :blue]
;; {:frame-green} [:name Frame1] # [Component :green]
;; :red-copy-green [:name Frame1] @--> :frame-red
;; {:frame-b1} [:name Frame1] # [Component :b1]
;; :blue1 [:name Frame1, :swap-slot-label :red-copy] @--> :frame-blue
;; :frame-yellow [:name Frame1]
;; :green-copy [:name Frame1] @--> :frame-green
;; :blue-copy-in-green-copy [:name Frame1, :swap-slot-label :red-copy-green] @--> :frame-blue
;; {:frame-b2} [:name Frame1] # [Component :b2]
(-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-frame :frame-red)
(thc/make-component :red :frame-red)
(tho/add-frame :frame-blue)
(tho/add-frame :frame-blue :name "frame-blue")
(thc/make-component :blue :frame-blue)
(tho/add-frame :frame-green)
(thc/make-component :green :frame-green)
(thc/instantiate-component :red :red-copy-green :parent-label :frame-green)
(tho/add-frame :frame-b1)
(thc/make-component :b1 :frame-b1)
(tho/add-frame :frame-yellow :parent-label :frame-b1)
(tho/add-frame :frame-yellow :parent-label :frame-b1 :name "frame-yellow")
(thc/instantiate-component :red :red-copy :parent-label :frame-b1)
(thc/component-swap :red-copy :blue :blue1)
(thc/instantiate-component :green :green-copy :parent-label :frame-b1 :children-labels [:red-copy-in-green-copy])
@ -52,7 +53,7 @@
(tho/add-frame :frame-b2)
(thc/make-component :b2 :frame-b2)))
(t/deftest test-keep-swap-slot-relocating-blue1-to-root
(t/deftest test-remove-swap-slot-relocating-blue1-to-root
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (setup-file)
@ -81,7 +82,7 @@
(t/is (some? blue1'))
(t/is (nil? (ctk/get-swap-slot blue1')))))
(t/deftest test-keep-swap-slot-move-blue1-to-root
(t/deftest test-remove-swap-slot-move-blue1-to-root
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (setup-file)
page (thf/current-page file)
@ -111,7 +112,7 @@
(t/is (nil? (ctk/get-swap-slot blue1')))))
(t/deftest test-keep-swap-slot-relocating-blue1-to-b2
(t/deftest test-remove-swap-slot-relocating-blue1-to-b2
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (setup-file)
page (thf/current-page file)
@ -141,7 +142,7 @@
(t/is (some? blue1'))
(t/is (nil? (ctk/get-swap-slot blue1')))))
(t/deftest test-keep-swap-slot-move-blue1-to-b2
(t/deftest test-remove-swap-slot-move-blue1-to-b2
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (setup-file)
page (thf/current-page file)
@ -172,7 +173,7 @@
(t/is (some? blue1'))
(t/is (nil? (ctk/get-swap-slot blue1')))))
(t/deftest test-keep-swap-slot-relocating-yellow-to-root
(t/deftest test-remove-swap-slot-relocating-yellow-to-root
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (setup-file)
page (thf/current-page file)
@ -215,7 +216,7 @@
(t/is (some? blue1''))
(t/is (nil? (ctk/get-swap-slot blue1'')))))
(t/deftest test-keep-swap-slot-move-yellow-to-root
(t/deftest test-remove-swap-slot-move-yellow-to-root
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (setup-file)
page (thf/current-page file)
@ -259,7 +260,7 @@
(t/is (nil? (ctk/get-swap-slot blue1'')))))
(t/deftest test-keep-swap-slot-relocating-yellow-to-b2
(t/deftest test-remove-swap-slot-relocating-yellow-to-b2
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (setup-file)
page (thf/current-page file)
@ -303,7 +304,7 @@
(t/is (some? blue1''))
(t/is (nil? (ctk/get-swap-slot blue1'')))))
(t/deftest test-keep-swap-slot-move-yellow-to-b2
(t/deftest test-remove-swap-slot-move-yellow-to-b2
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (setup-file)
page (thf/current-page file)
@ -347,3 +348,105 @@
;; blue1 has not swap-id after move
(t/is (some? blue1''))
(t/is (nil? (ctk/get-swap-slot blue1'')))))
(defn- find-duplicated-shape
[original-shape page]
;; duplicated shape has the same name, the same parent, and doesn't have a label
(->> (vals (:objects page))
(filter #(and (= (:name %) (:name original-shape))
(= (:parent-id %) (:parent-id original-shape))
(str/starts-with? (thi/label (:id %)) "<no-label")))
(t/deftest test-remove-swap-slot-duplicating-blue1
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (setup-file)
page (thf/current-page file)
blue1 (ths/get-shape file :blue1)
;; ==== Action
changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes nil)
(cll/generate-duplicate-changes (:objects page) ;; objects
page ;; page
#{(:id blue1)} ;; ids
(gpt/point 0 0) ;; delta
{(:id file) file} ;; libraries
(:data file) ;; library-data
(:id file)) ;; file-id
(cll/generate-duplicate-changes-update-indices (:objects page) ;; objects
#{(:id blue1)})) ;; ids
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
page' (thf/current-page file')
blue1' (ths/get-shape file' :blue1)
duplicated-blue1' (find-duplicated-shape blue1' page')]
;; ==== Check
;; blue1 has swap-id
(t/is (some? (ctk/get-swap-slot blue1')))
;; duplicated-blue1 has not swap-id
(t/is (some? duplicated-blue1'))
(t/is (nil? (ctk/get-swap-slot duplicated-blue1')))))
(t/deftest test-remove-swap-slot-duplicate-yellow
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (setup-file)
page (thf/current-page file)
blue1 (ths/get-shape file :blue1)
yellow (ths/get-shape file :frame-yellow)
;; ==== Action
;; Move blue1 into yellow
changes (cls/generate-move-shapes-to-frame (pcb/empty-changes nil)
#{(:id blue1)} ;; ids
(:id yellow) ;; frame-id
(:id page) ;; page-id
(:objects page) ;; objects
0 ;; drop-index
nil) ;; cell
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
page' (thf/current-page file')
yellow' (ths/get-shape file' :frame-yellow)
;; Duplicate yellow
changes' (-> (pcb/empty-changes nil)
(cll/generate-duplicate-changes (:objects page') ;; objects
page' ;; page
#{(:id yellow')} ;; ids
(gpt/point 0 0) ;; delta
{(:id file') file'} ;; libraries
(:data file') ;; library-data
(:id file')) ;; file-id
(cll/generate-duplicate-changes-update-indices (:objects page') ;; objects
#{(:id yellow')})) ;; ids
file'' (thf/apply-changes file' changes')
;; ==== Get
page'' (thf/current-page file'')
blue1'' (ths/get-shape file'' :blue1)
yellow'' (ths/get-shape file'' :frame-yellow)
duplicated-yellow'' (find-duplicated-shape yellow'' page'')
duplicated-blue1-id'' (-> duplicated-yellow''
duplicated-blue1'' (get (:objects page'') duplicated-blue1-id'')]
;; ==== Check
;; blue1'' has swap-id
(t/is (some? (ctk/get-swap-slot blue1'')))
;; duplicated-blue1'' has not swap-id
(t/is (some? duplicated-blue1''))
(t/is (nil? (ctk/get-swap-slot duplicated-blue1'')))))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns common-tests.logic.comp-reset-test
[app.common.files.changes-builder :as pcb]
[app.common.logic.libraries :as cll]
[app.common.logic.shapes :as cls]
[app.common.test-helpers.components :as thc]
[app.common.test-helpers.compositions :as tho]
[app.common.test-helpers.files :as thf]
[app.common.test-helpers.ids-map :as thi]
[app.common.test-helpers.shapes :as ths]
[clojure.test :as t]))
(t/use-fixtures :each thi/test-fixture)
(t/deftest test-reset-after-changing-attribute
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component-with-copy :component1
:main-child-params {:fills (ths/sample-fills-color
:fill-color "#abcdef")}
:copy-root-params {:children-labels [:copy-child]}))
page (thf/current-page file)
copy-root (ths/get-shape file :copy-root)
copy-child (ths/get-shape file :copy-child)
;; ==== Action
changes (cls/generate-update-shapes (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
#{(:id copy-child)}
(fn [shape]
(assoc shape :fills (ths/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#fabada")))
(:objects page)
file-mdf (thf/apply-changes file changes)
page-mdf (thf/current-page file-mdf)
changes (cll/generate-reset-component (pcb/empty-changes)
{(:id file-mdf) file-mdf}
(:id copy-root)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
copy-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-root)
copy-child' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-child)
fills' (:fills copy-child')
fill' (first fills')]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? copy-root'))
(t/is (some? copy-child'))
(t/is (= (count fills') 1))
(t/is (= (:fill-color fill') "#abcdef"))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity fill') 1))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-child') nil))))
(t/deftest test-reset-from-library
(let [;; ==== Setup
library (-> (thf/sample-file :library :is-shared true)
(tho/add-simple-component :component1 :main-root :main-child
:child-params {:fills (ths/sample-fills-color
:fill-color "#abcdef")}))
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file)
(thc/instantiate-component :component1 :copy-root
:library library
:children-labels [:copy-child]))
page (thf/current-page file)
copy-root (ths/get-shape file :copy-root)
copy-child (ths/get-shape file :copy-child)
;; ==== Action
changes (cls/generate-update-shapes (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
#{(:id copy-child)}
(fn [shape]
(assoc shape :fills (ths/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#fabada")))
(:objects page)
file-mdf (thf/apply-changes file changes)
page-mdf (thf/current-page file-mdf)
changes (cll/generate-reset-component (pcb/empty-changes)
{(:id file-mdf) file-mdf
(:id library) library}
(:id copy-root)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
copy-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-root)
copy-child' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-child)
fills' (:fills copy-child')
fill' (first fills')]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? copy-root'))
(t/is (some? copy-child'))
(t/is (= (count fills') 1))
(t/is (= (:fill-color fill') "#abcdef"))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity fill') 1))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-child') nil))))
(t/deftest test-reset-after-adding-shape
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component-with-copy :component1
:copy-root-params {:children-labels [:copy-child]})
(ths/add-sample-shape :free-shape))
page (thf/current-page file)
copy-root (ths/get-shape file :copy-root)
;; ==== Action
;; IMPORTANT: as modifying copies structure is now forbidden, this action
;; will not have any effect, and so the parent shape won't also be touched.
changes (cls/generate-relocate-shapes (pcb/empty-changes)
(:objects page)
#{(:parent-id copy-root)} ; parents
(thi/id :copy-root) ; parent-id
(:id page) ; page-id
0 ; to-index
#{(thi/id :free-shape)}) ; ids
file-mdf (thf/apply-changes file changes)
page-mdf (thf/current-page file-mdf)
changes (cll/generate-reset-component (pcb/empty-changes)
{(:id file-mdf) file-mdf}
(:id copy-root)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
copy-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-root)
copy-child' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-child)]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? copy-root'))
(t/is (some? copy-child'))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-child') nil))))
(t/deftest test-reset-after-deleting-shape
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component-with-copy :component1
:copy-root-params {:children-labels [:copy-child]}))
page (thf/current-page file)
copy-root (ths/get-shape file :copy-root)
copy-child (ths/get-shape file :copy-child)
;; ==== Action
;; IMPORTANT: as modifying copies structure is now forbidden, this action will not
;; delete the child shape, but hide it (thus setting the visibility group).
[_all-parents changes]
(cls/generate-delete-shapes (pcb/empty-changes)
(:objects page)
#{(:id copy-child)}
{:components-v2 true})
file-mdf (thf/apply-changes file changes)
page-mdf (thf/current-page file-mdf)
changes (cll/generate-reset-component (pcb/empty-changes)
{(:id file-mdf) file-mdf}
(:id copy-root)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
copy-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-root)
copy-child' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-child)]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? copy-root'))
(t/is (some? copy-child'))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-child') nil))))
(t/deftest test-reset-after-moving-shape
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-component-with-many-children-and-copy :component1
[:main-child1 :main-child2 :main-child3]
:copy-root-params {:children-labels [:copy-child]})
(ths/add-sample-shape :free-shape))
page (thf/current-page file)
copy-root (ths/get-shape file :copy-root)
copy-child1 (ths/get-shape file :copy-child)
;; ==== Action
;; IMPORTANT: as modifying copies structure is now forbidden, this action
;; will not have any effect, and so the parent shape won't also be touched.
changes (cls/generate-relocate-shapes (pcb/empty-changes)
(:objects page)
#{(:parent-id copy-child1)} ; parents
(thi/id :copy-root) ; parent-id
(:id page) ; page-id
2 ; to-index
#{(:id copy-child1)}) ; ids
file-mdf (thf/apply-changes file changes)
page-mdf (thf/current-page file-mdf)
changes (cll/generate-reset-component (pcb/empty-changes)
{(:id file-mdf) file-mdf}
(:id copy-root)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
copy-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-root)
copy-child' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-child)]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? copy-root'))
(t/is (some? copy-child'))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-child') nil))))
(t/deftest test-reset-after-changing-upper
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-nested-component-with-copy :component1
:main2-root-params {:fills (ths/sample-fills-color
:fill-color "#abcdef")}))
page (thf/current-page file)
copy2-root (ths/get-shape file :copy2-root)
;; ==== Action
changes (cls/generate-update-shapes (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
#{(:id copy2-root)}
(fn [shape]
(assoc shape :fills (ths/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#fabada")))
(:objects page)
file-mdf (thf/apply-changes file changes)
page-mdf (thf/current-page file-mdf)
changes (cll/generate-reset-component (pcb/empty-changes)
{(:id file-mdf) file-mdf}
(:id copy2-root)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
copy2-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy2-root)
fills' (:fills copy2-root')
fill' (first fills')]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? copy2-root'))
(t/is (= (count fills') 1))
(t/is (= (:fill-color fill') "#abcdef"))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity fill') 1))
(t/is (= (:touched copy2-root') nil))))
(t/deftest test-reset-after-changing-lower
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-nested-component-with-copy :component1
:copy2-root-params {:children-labels [:copy2-child]}))
page (thf/current-page file)
copy2-root (ths/get-shape file :copy2-root)
copy2-child (ths/get-shape file :copy2-child)
;; ==== Action
changes (cls/generate-update-shapes (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
#{(:id copy2-child)}
(fn [shape]
(assoc shape :fills (ths/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#fabada")))
(:objects page)
file-mdf (thf/apply-changes file changes)
page-mdf (thf/current-page file-mdf)
changes (cll/generate-reset-component (pcb/empty-changes)
{(:id file-mdf) file-mdf}
(:id copy2-root)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
copy2-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy2-root)
copy2-child' (ths/get-shape file' :copy2-child)
fills' (:fills copy2-child')
fill' (first fills')]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? copy2-root'))
(t/is (some? copy2-child'))
(t/is (= (count fills') 1))
(t/is (= (:fill-color fill') "#FFFFFF"))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity fill') 1))
(t/is (= (:touched copy2-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy2-child') nil))))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns common-tests.logic.comp-sync-test
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.files.changes-builder :as pcb]
[app.common.logic.libraries :as cll]
[app.common.logic.shapes :as cls]
[app.common.test-helpers.components :as thc]
[app.common.test-helpers.compositions :as tho]
[app.common.test-helpers.files :as thf]
[app.common.test-helpers.ids-map :as thi]
[app.common.test-helpers.shapes :as ths]
[app.common.types.component :as ctk]
[app.common.types.shape-tree :as ctst]
[clojure.test :as t]))
(t/use-fixtures :each thi/test-fixture)
(t/deftest test-sync-when-changing-attribute
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component-with-copy :component1
:main-child-params {:fills (ths/sample-fills-color
:fill-color "#abcdef")}
:copy-root-params {:children-labels [:copy-child]}))
page (thf/current-page file)
main-child (ths/get-shape file :main-child)
;; ==== Action
changes1 (cls/generate-update-shapes (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
#{(:id main-child)}
(fn [shape]
(assoc shape :fills (ths/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#fabada")))
(:objects page)
updated-file (thf/apply-changes file changes1)
changes2 (cll/generate-sync-file-changes (pcb/empty-changes)
(:id updated-file)
(thi/id :component1)
(:id updated-file)
{(:id updated-file) updated-file}
(:id updated-file))
file' (thf/apply-changes updated-file changes2)
;; ==== Get
copy-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-root)
copy-child' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-child)
fills' (:fills copy-child')
fill' (first fills')]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? copy-root'))
(t/is (some? copy-child'))
(t/is (= (count fills') 1))
(t/is (= (:fill-color fill') "#fabada"))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity fill') 1))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-child') nil))))
(t/deftest test-sync-when-changing-attribute-from-library
(let [;; ==== Setup
library (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component :component1
:main-child-params {:fills (ths/sample-fills-color
:fill-color "#abcdef")}))
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file)
(thc/instantiate-component :component1 :copy-root
:library library
:children-labels [:copy-child]))
page (thf/current-page library)
main-child (ths/get-shape library :main-child)
;; ==== Action
changes1 (cls/generate-update-shapes (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
#{(:id main-child)}
(fn [shape]
(assoc shape :fills (ths/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#fabada")))
(:objects page)
updated-library (thf/apply-changes library changes1)
changes2 (cll/generate-sync-file-changes (pcb/empty-changes)
(:id file)
(thi/id :component1)
(:id updated-library)
{(:id updated-library) updated-library
(:id file) file}
(:id file))
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes2)
;; ==== Get
copy-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-root)
copy-child' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-child)
fills' (:fills copy-child')
fill' (first fills')]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? copy-root'))
(t/is (some? copy-child'))
(t/is (= (count fills') 1))
(t/is (= (:fill-color fill') "#fabada"))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity fill') 1))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-child') nil))))
(t/deftest test-sync-when-changing-attribute-preserve-touched
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component-with-copy :component1
:main-child-params {:fills (ths/sample-fills-color
:fill-color "#abcdef")}
:copy-root-params {:children-labels [:copy-child]}))
page (thf/current-page file)
main-child (ths/get-shape file :main-child)
copy-child (ths/get-shape file :copy-child)
;; ==== Action
changes1 (-> (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
#{(:id copy-child)}
(fn [shape]
(assoc shape :fills (ths/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#aaaaaa")))
(:objects page)
#{(:id main-child)}
(fn [shape]
(assoc shape :fills (ths/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#fabada")))
(:objects page)
updated-file (thf/apply-changes file changes1)
changes2 (cll/generate-sync-file-changes (pcb/empty-changes)
(:id updated-file)
(thi/id :component1)
(:id updated-file)
{(:id updated-file) updated-file}
(:id updated-file))
file' (thf/apply-changes updated-file changes2)
;; ==== Get
copy-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-root)
copy-child' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-child)
fills' (:fills copy-child')
fill' (first fills')]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? copy-root'))
(t/is (some? copy-child'))
(t/is (= (count fills') 1))
(t/is (= (:fill-color fill') "#aaaaaa"))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity fill') 1))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-child') #{:fill-group}))))
(t/deftest test-sync-when-adding-shape
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component-with-copy :component1
:copy-root-params {:children-labels [:copy-child]})
(ths/add-sample-shape :free-shape))
page (thf/current-page file)
main-root (ths/get-shape file :main-root)
;; ==== Action
changes1 (cls/generate-relocate-shapes (pcb/empty-changes)
(:objects page)
#{(:parent-id main-root)} ; parents
(thi/id :main-root) ; parent-id
(:id page) ; page-id
0 ; to-index
#{(thi/id :free-shape)}) ; ids
updated-file (thf/apply-changes file changes1)
changes2 (cll/generate-sync-file-changes (pcb/empty-changes)
(:id updated-file)
(thi/id :component1)
(:id updated-file)
{(:id updated-file) updated-file}
(:id updated-file))
file' (thf/apply-changes updated-file changes2)
;; ==== Get
main-free-shape' (ths/get-shape file' :free-shape)
copy-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-root)
copy-new-child-id' (d/seek #(not= % (thi/id :copy-child)) (:shapes copy-root'))
copy-new-child' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' copy-new-child-id')]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? copy-root'))
(t/is (some? copy-new-child'))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-new-child') nil))
(t/is (ctst/parent-of? copy-root' copy-new-child'))
(t/is (ctk/is-main-of? main-free-shape' copy-new-child' true))))
(t/deftest test-sync-when-deleting-shape
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component-with-copy :component1
:copy-root-params {:children-labels [:copy-child]}))
page (thf/current-page file)
main-child (ths/get-shape file :main-child)
;; ==== Action
;; IMPORTANT: as modifying copies structure is now forbidden, this action will not
;; delete the child shape, but hide it (thus setting the visibility group).
[_all-parents changes1]
(cls/generate-delete-shapes (pcb/empty-changes)
(:objects page)
#{(:id main-child)}
{:components-v2 true})
updated-file (thf/apply-changes file changes1)
changes2 (cll/generate-sync-file-changes (pcb/empty-changes)
(:id updated-file)
(thi/id :component1)
(:id updated-file)
{(:id updated-file) updated-file}
(:id updated-file))
file' (thf/apply-changes updated-file changes2)
;; ==== Get
copy-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-root)
copy-child' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-child)]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? copy-root'))
(t/is (nil? copy-child'))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-root') nil))
(t/is (empty? (:shapes copy-root')))))
(t/deftest test-sync-when-moving-shape
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-component-with-many-children-and-copy :component1
[:main-child1 :main-child2 :main-child3]
:copy-root-params {:children-labels [:copy-child1
(ths/add-sample-shape :free-shape))
page (thf/current-page file)
main-child1 (ths/get-shape file :main-child1)
;; ==== Action
changes1 (cls/generate-relocate-shapes (pcb/empty-changes)
(:objects page)
#{(:parent-id main-child1)} ; parents
(thi/id :main-root) ; parent-id
(:id page) ; page-id
2 ; to-index
#{(:id main-child1)}) ; ids
updated-file (thf/apply-changes file changes1)
changes2 (cll/generate-sync-file-changes (pcb/empty-changes)
(:id updated-file)
(thi/id :component1)
(:id updated-file)
{(:id updated-file) updated-file}
(:id updated-file))
file' (thf/apply-changes updated-file changes2)
;; ==== Get
copy-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-root)
copy-child1' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-child1)
copy-child2' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-child2)
copy-child3' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-child3)]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? copy-root'))
(t/is (some? copy-child1'))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-child1') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-child2') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-child3') nil))
(t/is (= (second (:shapes copy-root')) (:id copy-child1')))
(t/is (= (first (:shapes copy-root')) (:id copy-child2')))
(t/is (= (nth (:shapes copy-root') 2) (:id copy-child3')))))
(t/deftest test-sync-when-changing-upper
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-nested-component-with-copy :component1
:main2-root-params {:fills (ths/sample-fills-color
:fill-color "#abcdef")}))
page (thf/current-page file)
main2-root (ths/get-shape file :main2-root)
;; ==== Action
changes1 (cls/generate-update-shapes (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
#{(:id main2-root)}
(fn [shape]
(assoc shape :fills (ths/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#fabada")))
(:objects page)
updated-file (thf/apply-changes file changes1)
changes2 (cll/generate-sync-file-changes (pcb/empty-changes)
(:id updated-file)
(thi/id :component2)
(:id updated-file)
{(:id updated-file) updated-file}
(:id updated-file))
file' (thf/apply-changes updated-file changes2)
;; ==== Get
copy2-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy2-root)
fills' (:fills copy2-root')
fill' (first fills')]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? copy2-root'))
(t/is (= (count fills') 1))
(t/is (= (:fill-color fill') "#fabada"))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity fill') 1))
(t/is (= (:touched copy2-root') nil))))
(t/deftest test-sync-when-changing-lower-near
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-nested-component-with-copy :component1
:copy2-root-params {:children-labels [:copy2-child]}))
page (thf/current-page file)
main2-nested-head (ths/get-shape file :main2-nested-head)
;; ==== Action
changes1 (cls/generate-update-shapes (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
#{(:id main2-nested-head)}
(fn [shape]
(assoc shape :fills (ths/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#fabada")))
(:objects page)
updated-file (thf/apply-changes file changes1)
changes2 (cll/generate-sync-file-changes (pcb/empty-changes)
(:id updated-file)
(thi/id :component2)
(:id updated-file)
{(:id updated-file) updated-file}
(:id updated-file))
file' (thf/apply-changes updated-file changes2)
;; ==== Get
copy2-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy2-root)
copy2-child' (ths/get-shape file' :copy2-child)
fills' (:fills copy2-child')
fill' (first fills')]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? copy2-root'))
(t/is (some? copy2-child'))
(t/is (= (count fills') 1))
(t/is (= (:fill-color fill') "#fabada"))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity fill') 1))
(t/is (= (:touched copy2-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy2-child') nil))))
(t/deftest test-sync-when-changing-lower-remote
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-nested-component-with-copy :component1
:copy2-root-params {:children-labels [:copy2-child]}))
page (thf/current-page file)
main1-root (ths/get-shape file :main1-root)
;; ==== Action
changes1 (cls/generate-update-shapes (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
#{(:id main1-root)}
(fn [shape]
(assoc shape :fills (ths/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#fabada")))
(:objects page)
updated-file (thf/apply-changes file changes1)
changes2 (cll/generate-sync-file-changes (pcb/empty-changes)
(:id updated-file)
(thi/id :component1)
(:id updated-file)
{(:id updated-file) updated-file}
(:id updated-file))
synced-file (thf/apply-changes updated-file changes2)
changes3 (cll/generate-sync-file-changes (pcb/empty-changes)
(:id synced-file)
(thi/id :component2)
(:id synced-file)
{(:id synced-file) synced-file}
(:id synced-file))
file' (thf/apply-changes synced-file changes3)
;; ==== Get
copy2-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy2-root)
copy2-child' (ths/get-shape file' :copy2-child)
fills' (:fills copy2-child')
fill' (first fills')]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? copy2-root'))
(t/is (some? copy2-child'))
(t/is (= (count fills') 1))
(t/is (= (:fill-color fill') "#fabada"))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity fill') 1))
(t/is (= (:touched copy2-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy2-child') nil))))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns common-tests.logic.comp-touched-test
[app.common.files.changes-builder :as pcb]
[app.common.logic.shapes :as cls]
[app.common.test-helpers.components :as thc]
[app.common.test-helpers.compositions :as tho]
[app.common.test-helpers.files :as thf]
[app.common.test-helpers.ids-map :as thi]
[app.common.test-helpers.shapes :as ths]
[clojure.test :as t]))
(t/use-fixtures :each thi/test-fixture)
(t/deftest test-touched-when-changing-attribute
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component-with-copy :component1
:main-child-params {:fills (ths/sample-fills-color
:fill-color "#abcdef")}
:copy-root-params {:children-labels [:copy-child]}))
page (thf/current-page file)
copy-child (ths/get-shape file :copy-child)
;; ==== Action
changes (cls/generate-update-shapes (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
#{(:id copy-child)}
(fn [shape]
(assoc shape :fills (ths/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#fabada")))
(:objects page)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
copy-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-root)
copy-child' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-child)
fills' (:fills copy-child')
fill' (first fills')]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? copy-root'))
(t/is (some? copy-child'))
(t/is (= (count fills') 1))
(t/is (= (:fill-color fill') "#fabada"))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity fill') 1))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-child') #{:fill-group}))))
(t/deftest test-touched-from-library
(let [;; ==== Setup
library (-> (thf/sample-file :library :is-shared true)
(tho/add-simple-component :component1 :main-root :main-child
:child-params {:fills (ths/sample-fills-color
:fill-color "#abcdef")}))
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file)
(thc/instantiate-component :component1 :copy-root
:library library
:children-labels [:copy-child]))
page (thf/current-page file)
copy-child (ths/get-shape file :copy-child)
;; ==== Action
changes (cls/generate-update-shapes (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
#{(:id copy-child)}
(fn [shape]
(assoc shape :fills (ths/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#fabada")))
(:objects page)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
copy-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-root)
copy-child' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-child)
fills' (:fills copy-child')
fill' (first fills')]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? copy-root'))
(t/is (some? copy-child'))
(t/is (= (count fills') 1))
(t/is (= (:fill-color fill') "#fabada"))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity fill') 1))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-child') #{:fill-group}))))
(t/deftest test-not-touched-when-adding-shape
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component-with-copy :component1
:copy-root-params {:children-labels [:copy-child]})
(ths/add-sample-shape :free-shape))
page (thf/current-page file)
copy-root (ths/get-shape file :copy-root)
;; ==== Action
;; IMPORTANT: as modifying copies structure is now forbidden, this action
;; will not have any effect, and so the parent shape won't also be touched.
changes (cls/generate-relocate-shapes (pcb/empty-changes)
(:objects page)
#{(:parent-id copy-root)} ; parents
(thi/id :copy-root) ; parent-id
(:id page) ; page-id
0 ; to-index
#{(thi/id :free-shape)}) ; ids
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
copy-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-root)
copy-child' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-child)]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? copy-root'))
(t/is (some? copy-child'))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-child') nil))))
(t/deftest test-not-touched-when-deleting-shape
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component-with-copy :component1
:copy-root-params {:children-labels [:copy-child]}))
page (thf/current-page file)
copy-child (ths/get-shape file :copy-child)
;; ==== Action
;; IMPORTANT: as modifying copies structure is now forbidden, this action will not
;; delete the child shape, but hide it (thus setting the visibility group).
[_all-parents changes]
(cls/generate-delete-shapes (pcb/empty-changes)
(:objects page)
#{(:id copy-child)}
{:components-v2 true})
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
copy-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-root)
copy-child' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-child)]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? copy-root'))
(t/is (some? copy-child'))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-child') #{:visibility-group}))))
(t/deftest test-not-touched-when-moving-shape
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-component-with-many-children-and-copy :component1
[:main-child1 :main-child2 :main-child3]
:copy-root-params {:children-labels [:copy-child1
(ths/add-sample-shape :free-shape))
page (thf/current-page file)
copy-child1 (ths/get-shape file :copy-child1)
;; ==== Action
;; IMPORTANT: as modifying copies structure is now forbidden, this action
;; will not have any effect, and so the parent shape won't also be touched.
changes (cls/generate-relocate-shapes (pcb/empty-changes)
(:objects page)
#{(:parent-id copy-child1)} ; parents
(thi/id :copy-root) ; parent-id
(:id page) ; page-id
2 ; to-index
#{(:id copy-child1)}) ; ids
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
copy-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-root)
copy-child1' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-child1)
copy-child2' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-child2)
copy-child3' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-child3)]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? copy-root'))
(t/is (some? copy-child1'))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-child1') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-child2') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-child3') nil))
(t/is (= (first (:shapes copy-root')) (:id copy-child1')))
(t/is (= (second (:shapes copy-root')) (:id copy-child2')))
(t/is (= (nth (:shapes copy-root') 2) (:id copy-child3')))))
(t/deftest test-touched-when-changing-upper
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-nested-component-with-copy :component1
:main2-root-params {:fills (ths/sample-fills-color
:fill-color "#abcdef")}))
page (thf/current-page file)
copy2-root (ths/get-shape file :copy2-root)
;; ==== Action
changes (cls/generate-update-shapes (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
#{(:id copy2-root)}
(fn [shape]
(assoc shape :fills (ths/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#fabada")))
(:objects page)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
copy2-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy2-root)
fills' (:fills copy2-root')
fill' (first fills')]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? copy2-root'))
(t/is (= (count fills') 1))
(t/is (= (:fill-color fill') "#fabada"))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity fill') 1))
(t/is (= (:touched copy2-root') #{:fill-group}))))
(t/deftest test-touched-when-changing-lower
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-nested-component-with-copy :component1
:copy2-root-params {:children-labels [:copy2-child]}))
page (thf/current-page file)
copy2-child (ths/get-shape file :copy2-child)
;; ==== Action
changes (cls/generate-update-shapes (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
#{(:id copy2-child)}
(fn [shape]
(assoc shape :fills (ths/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#fabada")))
(:objects page)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
copy2-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy2-root)
copy2-child' (ths/get-shape file' :copy2-child)
fills' (:fills copy2-child')
fill' (first fills')]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? copy2-root'))
(t/is (some? copy2-child'))
(t/is (= (count fills') 1))
(t/is (= (:fill-color fill') "#fabada"))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity fill') 1))
(t/is (= (:touched copy2-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy2-child') #{:fill-group}))))
(t/deftest test-touched-when-changing-lower
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-nested-component-with-copy :component1
:copy2-root-params {:children-labels [:copy2-child]}))
page (thf/current-page file)
copy2-child (ths/get-shape file :copy2-child)
;; ==== Action
changes (cls/generate-update-shapes (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
#{(:id copy2-child)}
(fn [shape]
(assoc shape :fills (ths/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#fabada")))
(:objects page)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
copy2-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy2-root)
copy2-child' (ths/get-shape file' :copy2-child)
fills' (:fills copy2-child')
fill' (first fills')]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? copy2-root'))
(t/is (some? copy2-child'))
(t/is (= (count fills') 1))
(t/is (= (:fill-color fill') "#fabada"))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity fill') 1))
(t/is (= (:touched copy2-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy2-child') #{:fill-group}))))

View file

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns common-tests.logic.component-creation-test
[app.common.files.changes-builder :as pcb]
[app.common.logic.libraries :as cll]
[clojure.test :as t]
[common-tests.helpers.components :as thc]
[common-tests.helpers.files :as thf]
[common-tests.helpers.ids-map :as thi]
[common-tests.helpers.shapes :as ths]))
(t/use-fixtures :each thi/test-fixture)
(t/deftest test-add-component-from-single-shape
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(ths/add-sample-shape :shape1 :type :frame))
page (thf/current-page file)
shape1 (ths/get-shape file :shape1)
;; ==== Action
[_ component-id changes]
(cll/generate-add-component (pcb/empty-changes)
(:objects page)
(:id page)
(:id file)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component (thc/get-component-by-id file' component-id)
root (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (:main-instance-id component))]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? component))
(t/is (some? root))
(t/is (= (:component-id root) (:id component)))))

View file

@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns common-tests.logic.components-touched-test
[app.common.files.changes-builder :as pcb]
[app.common.logic.shapes :as cls]
[clojure.test :as t]
[common-tests.helpers.compositions :as tho]
[common-tests.helpers.files :as thf]
[common-tests.helpers.ids-map :as thi]
[common-tests.helpers.shapes :as ths]))
(t/use-fixtures :each thi/test-fixture)
(t/deftest test-touched-when-changing-attribute
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component-with-copy :component1
:main-child-params {:fills (ths/sample-fills-color
:fill-color "#abcdef")}))
page (thf/current-page file)
copy-root (ths/get-shape file :copy-root)
;; ==== Action
update-fn (fn [shape]
(assoc shape :fills (ths/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#fabada")))
changes (cls/generate-update-shapes (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
(:shapes copy-root)
(:objects page)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
copy-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-root)
copy-child' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (first (:shapes copy-root')))
fills' (:fills copy-child')
fill' (first fills')]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (= (count fills') 1))
(t/is (= (:fill-color fill') "#fabada"))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity fill') 1))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-child') #{:fill-group}))))
(t/deftest test-not-touched-when-adding-shape
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component-with-copy :component1
(ths/add-sample-shape :free-shape))
page (thf/current-page file)
copy-root (ths/get-shape file :copy-root)
;; ==== Action
;; IMPORTANT: as modifying copies structure is now forbidden, this action
;; will not have any effect, and so the parent shape won't also be touched.
changes (cls/generate-relocate-shapes (pcb/empty-changes)
(:objects page)
#{(:parent-id copy-root)} ; parents
(thi/id :copy-root) ; parent-id
(:id page) ; page-id
0 ; to-index
#{(thi/id :free-shape)}) ; ids
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
copy-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-root)
copy-child' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (first (:shapes copy-root')))]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (= (:touched copy-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-child') nil))))
(t/deftest test-touched-when-deleting-shape
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component-with-copy :component1
page (thf/current-page file)
copy-root (ths/get-shape file :copy-root)
;; ==== Action
;; IMPORTANT: as modifying copies structure is now forbidden, this action will not
;; delete the child shape, but hide it (thus setting the visibility group).
[_all-parents changes]
(cls/generate-delete-shapes (pcb/empty-changes)
(:objects page)
(set (:shapes copy-root))
{:components-v2 true})
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
copy-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-root)
copy-child' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (first (:shapes copy-root')))]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (= (:touched copy-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-child') #{:visibility-group}))))
(t/deftest test-not-touched-when-moving-shape
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-component-with-many-children-and-copy :component1
[:main-child1 :main-child2 :main-child3]
(ths/add-sample-shape :free-shape))
page (thf/current-page file)
copy-root (ths/get-shape file :copy-root)
copy-child1 (ths/get-shape-by-id file (first (:shapes copy-root)))
;; ==== Action
;; IMPORTANT: as modifying copies structure is now forbidden, this action
;; will not have any effect, and so the parent shape won't also be touched.
changes (cls/generate-relocate-shapes (pcb/empty-changes)
(:objects page)
#{(:parent-id copy-child1)} ; parents
(thi/id :copy-root) ; parent-id
(:id page) ; page-id
2 ; to-index
#{(:id copy-child1)}) ; ids
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
copy-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy-root)
copy-child' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (first (:shapes copy-root')))]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (= (:touched copy-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy-child') nil))))
(t/deftest test-touched-when-changing-upper
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-nested-component-with-copy :component1
:root2-params {:fills (ths/sample-fills-color
:fill-color "#abcdef")}))
page (thf/current-page file)
copy2-root (ths/get-shape file :copy2-root)
;; ==== Action
update-fn (fn [shape]
(assoc shape :fills (ths/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#fabada")))
changes (cls/generate-update-shapes (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
#{(:id copy2-root)}
(:objects page)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
copy2-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy2-root)
fills' (:fills copy2-root')
fill' (first fills')]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (= (count fills') 1))
(t/is (= (:fill-color fill') "#fabada"))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity fill') 1))
(t/is (= (:touched copy2-root') #{:fill-group}))))
(t/deftest test-touched-when-changing-lower
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-nested-component-with-copy :component1
:nested-head-params {:fills (ths/sample-fills-color
:fill-color "#abcdef")}))
page (thf/current-page file)
copy2-root (ths/get-shape file :copy2-root)
;; ==== Action
update-fn (fn [shape]
(assoc shape :fills (ths/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#fabada")))
changes (cls/generate-update-shapes (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
(:shapes copy2-root)
(:objects page)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
copy2-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy2-root)
copy2-child' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (first (:shapes copy2-root')))
fills' (:fills copy2-child')
fill' (first fills')]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (= (count fills') 1))
(t/is (= (:fill-color fill') "#fabada"))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity fill') 1))
(t/is (= (:touched copy2-root') nil))
(t/is (= (:touched copy2-child') #{:fill-group}))))

View file

@ -8,14 +8,14 @@
[app.common.files.changes-builder :as pcb]
[app.common.logic.libraries :as cll]
[app.common.test-helpers.components :as thc]
[app.common.test-helpers.compositions :as tho]
[app.common.test-helpers.files :as thf]
[app.common.test-helpers.ids-map :as thi]
[app.common.test-helpers.shapes :as ths]
[app.common.types.component :as ctk]
[app.common.types.file :as ctf]
[clojure.test :as t]
[common-tests.helpers.components :as thc]
[common-tests.helpers.compositions :as tho]
[common-tests.helpers.files :as thf]
[common-tests.helpers.ids-map :as thi]
[common-tests.helpers.shapes :as ths]))
[clojure.test :as t]))
(t/use-fixtures :each thi/test-fixture)

View file

@ -7,6 +7,11 @@
(ns common-tests.types.types-libraries-test
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.test-helpers.components :as thc]
[app.common.test-helpers.compositions :as tho]
[app.common.test-helpers.files :as thf]
[app.common.test-helpers.ids-map :as thi]
[app.common.test-helpers.shapes :as ths]
[app.common.text :as txt]
[app.common.types.colors-list :as ctcl]
[app.common.types.component :as ctk]
@ -14,12 +19,7 @@
[app.common.types.file :as ctf]
[app.common.types.pages-list :as ctpl]
[app.common.types.typographies-list :as ctyl]
[clojure.test :as t]
[common-tests.helpers.components :as thc]
[common-tests.helpers.compositions :as tho]
[common-tests.helpers.files :as thf]
[common-tests.helpers.ids-map :as thi]
[common-tests.helpers.shapes :as ths]))
[clojure.test :as t]))
(t/use-fixtures :each thi/test-fixture)

View file

@ -18,18 +18,18 @@ export default defineConfig({
/* Retry on CI only */
retries: process.env.CI ? 2 : 0,
/* Opt out of parallel tests on CI. */
workers: process.env.CI ? 1 : undefined,
workers: process.env.CI ? 4 : undefined,
/* Reporter to use. See https://playwright.dev/docs/test-reporters */
reporter: "html",
/* Shared settings for all the projects below. See https://playwright.dev/docs/api/class-testoptions. */
use: {
/* Base URL to use in actions like `await page.goto('/')`. */
baseURL: "",
baseURL: "http://localhost:3000",
/* Collect trace when retrying the failed test. See https://playwright.dev/docs/trace-viewer */
trace: "on-first-retry",
locale: "en-US"
locale: "en-US",
/* Configure projects for major browsers */
@ -42,8 +42,9 @@ export default defineConfig({
/* Run your local dev server before starting the tests */
webServer: {
timeout: 2 * 60 * 1000,
command: "yarn e2e:server",
url: "",
url: "http://localhost:3000",
reuseExistingServer: !process.env.CI,

View file

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View file

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View file

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View file

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"~:is-active": true

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"~:name": "Drafts"

View file

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"~:permissions": {
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View file

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"~:file-id": "~uc7ce0794-0992-8105-8004-38f280443849",
"~:session-id": "~u37730924-d520-80f1-8004-4ae6e5c3942d",
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
export class MockWebSocketHelper extends EventTarget {
static #mocks = new Map();
static async init(page) {
await page.exposeFunction("MockWebSocket$$constructor", (url, protocols) => {
const webSocket = new MockWebSocketHelper(page, url, protocols);
this.#mocks.set(url, webSocket);
await page.exposeFunction("MockWebSocket$$spyMessage", (url, data) => {
if (!this.#mocks.has(url)) {
throw new Error(`WebSocket with URL ${url} not found`);
this.#mocks.get(url).dispatchEvent(new MessageEvent("message", { data }));
await page.exposeFunction("MockWebSocket$$spyClose", (url, code, reason) => {
if (!this.#mocks.has(url)) {
throw new Error(`WebSocket with URL ${url} not found`);
this.#mocks.get(url).dispatchEvent(new CloseEvent("close", { code, reason }));
await page.addInitScript({ path: "playwright/scripts/MockWebSocket.js" });
static waitForURL(url) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const intervalID = setInterval(() => {
for (const [wsURL, ws] of this.#mocks) {
if (wsURL.includes(url)) {
return resolve(ws);
}, 30);
#page = null;
constructor(page, url, protocols) {
this.#page = page;
this.#url = url;
this.#protocols = protocols;
mockOpen(options) {
return this.#page.evaluate(({ url, options }) => {
if (typeof WebSocket.getByURL !== 'function') {
throw new Error('WebSocket.getByURL is not a function. Did you forget to call MockWebSocket.init(page)?')
}, { url: this.#url, options });
mockMessage(data) {
return this.#page.evaluate(({ url, data }) => {
if (typeof WebSocket.getByURL !== 'function') {
throw new Error('WebSocket.getByURL is not a function. Did you forget to call MockWebSocket.init(page)?')
}, { url: this.#url, data });
mockClose() {
return this.#page.evaluate(({ url }) => {
if (typeof WebSocket.getByURL !== 'function') {
throw new Error('WebSocket.getByURL is not a function. Did you forget to call MockWebSocket.init(page)?')
}, { url: this.#url });

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
export const interceptRPC = async (page, path, jsonFilename, options = {}) => {
const interceptConfig = {
status: 200,
await page.route(`**/api/rpc/command/${path}`, async (route) => {
await route.fulfill({
contentType: "application/transit+json",
path: `playwright/data/${jsonFilename}`,

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
import { interceptRPC } from "./index";
export const setupNotLogedIn = async (page) => {
await interceptRPC(page, "get-profile", "get-profile-anonymous.json");

View file

@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
window.WebSocket = class MockWebSocket extends EventTarget {
static CONNECTING = 0;
static OPEN = 1;
static CLOSING = 2;
static CLOSED = 3;
static #mocks = new Map();
static getAll() {
return this.#mocks.values();
static getByURL(url) {
if (this.#mocks.has(url)) {
return this.#mocks.get(url);
for (const [wsURL, ws] of this.#mocks) {
if (wsURL.includes(url)) {
return ws;
return undefined;
#protocol = "";
#binaryType = "blob";
#bufferedAmount = 0;
#extensions = "";
#readyState = MockWebSocket.CONNECTING;
#onopen = null;
#onerror = null;
#onmessage = null;
#onclose = null;
#spyMessage = null;
#spyClose = null;
constructor(url, protocols) {
this.#url = url;
this.#protocols = protocols || [];
MockWebSocket.#mocks.set(this.#url, this);
if (typeof window["MockWebSocket$$constructor"] === "function") {
MockWebSocket$$constructor(this.#url, this.#protocols);
if (typeof window["MockWebSocket$$spyMessage"] === "function") {
this.#spyMessage = MockWebSocket$$spyMessage;
if (typeof window["MockWebSocket$$spyClose"] === "function") {
this.#spyClose = MockWebSocket$$spyClose;
set binaryType(binaryType) {
if (!["blob", "arraybuffer"].includes(binaryType)) {
this.#binaryType = binaryType;
get binaryType() {
return this.#binaryType;
get bufferedAmount() {
return this.#bufferedAmount;
get extensions() {
return this.#extensions;
get readyState() {
return this.#readyState;
get protocol() {
return this.#protocol;
get url() {
return this.#url;
set onopen(callback) {
this.removeEventListener("open", this.#onopen);
this.#onopen = null;
if (typeof callback === "function") {
this.addEventListener("open", callback);
this.#onopen = callback;
get onopen() {
return this.#onopen;
set onerror(callback) {
this.removeEventListener("error", this.#onerror);
this.#onerror = null;
if (typeof callback === "function") {
this.addEventListener("error", callback);
this.#onerror = callback;
get onerror() {
return this.#onerror;
set onmessage(callback) {
this.removeEventListener("message", this.#onmessage);
this.#onmessage = null;
if (typeof callback === "function") {
this.addEventListener("message", callback);
this.#onmessage = callback;
get onmessage() {
return this.#onmessage;
set onclose(callback) {
this.removeEventListener("close", this.#onclose);
this.#onclose = null;
if (typeof callback === "function") {
this.addEventListener("close", callback);
this.#onclose = callback;
get onclose() {
return this.#onclose;
get mockProtocols() {
return this.#protocols;
spyClose(callback) {
if (typeof callback !== "function") {
throw new TypeError("Invalid callback");
this.#spyClose = callback;
return this;
spyMessage(callback) {
if (typeof callback !== "function") {
throw new TypeError("Invalid callback");
this.#spyMessage = callback;
return this;
mockOpen(options) {
this.#protocol = options?.protocol || "";
this.#extensions = options?.extensions || "";
this.#readyState = MockWebSocket.OPEN;
this.dispatchEvent(new Event("open"));
return this;
mockError(error) {
this.#readyState = MockWebSocket.CLOSED;
this.dispatchEvent(new ErrorEvent("error", { error }));
return this;
mockMessage(data) {
if (this.#readyState !== MockWebSocket.OPEN) {
throw new Error("MockWebSocket is not connected");
this.dispatchEvent(new MessageEvent("message", { data }));
return this;
mockClose(code, reason) {
this.#readyState = MockWebSocket.CLOSED;
this.dispatchEvent(new CloseEvent("close", { code: code || 1000, reason: reason || "" }));
return this;
send(data) {
if (this.#readyState === MockWebSocket.CONNECTING) {
throw new DOMException("InvalidStateError", "MockWebSocket is not connected");
if (this.#spyMessage) {
this.#spyMessage(this.url, data);
close(code, reason) {
if (code && !Number.isInteger(code) && code !== 1000 && (code < 3000 || code > 4999)) {
throw new DOMException("InvalidAccessError", "Invalid code");
if (reason && typeof reason === "string") {
const reasonBytes = new TextEncoder().encode(reason);
if (reasonBytes.length > 123) {
throw new DOMException("SyntaxError", "Reason is too long");
if ([MockWebSocket.CLOSED, MockWebSocket.CLOSING].includes(this.#readyState)) {
this.#readyState = MockWebSocket.CLOSING;
if (this.#spyClose) {
this.#spyClose(this.url, code, reason);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
export class BasePage {
static async mockRPC(page, path, jsonFilename, options) {
if (!page) {
throw new TypeError("Invalid page argument. Must be a Playwright page.");
if (typeof path !== "string" && !(path instanceof RegExp)) {
throw new TypeError("Invalid path argument. Must be a string or a RegExp.");
const url = typeof path === "string" ? `**/api/rpc/command/${path}` : path;
const interceptConfig = {
status: 200,
contentType: "application/transit+json",
return page.route(url, (route) =>
path: `playwright/data/${jsonFilename}`,
#page = null;
constructor(page) {
this.#page = page;
get page() {
return this.#page;
async mockRPC(path, jsonFilename, options) {
return BasePage.mockRPC(this.page, path, jsonFilename, options);
export default BasePage;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import { MockWebSocketHelper } from "../../helpers/MockWebSocketHelper";
import BasePage from "./BasePage";
export class BaseWebSocketPage extends BasePage {
* This should be called on `test.beforeEach`.
* @param {Page} page
* @returns
static initWebSockets(page) {
return MockWebSocketHelper.init(page);
* Returns a promise that resolves when a WebSocket with the given URL is created.
* @param {string} url
* @returns {Promise<MockWebSocketHelper>}
async waitForWebSocket(url) {
return MockWebSocketHelper.waitForURL(url);
* @returns {Promise<MockWebSocketHelper>}
async waitForNotificationsWebSocket() {
return this.waitForWebSocket("ws://localhost:3000/ws/notifications");

View file

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
import { BaseWebSocketPage } from "./BaseWebSocketPage";
export class DashboardPage extends BaseWebSocketPage {
static async init(page) {
await BaseWebSocketPage.initWebSockets(page);
await BaseWebSocketPage.mockRPC(
await BaseWebSocketPage.mockRPC(page, "get-teams", "logged-in-user/get-teams-default.json");
await BaseWebSocketPage.mockRPC(
await BaseWebSocketPage.mockRPC(
await BaseWebSocketPage.mockRPC(
await BaseWebSocketPage.mockRPC(
await BaseWebSocketPage.mockRPC(
await BaseWebSocketPage.mockRPC(
await BaseWebSocketPage.mockRPC(
await BaseWebSocketPage.mockRPC(
static anyTeamId = "c7ce0794-0992-8105-8004-38e630f40f6d";
static draftProjectId = "c7ce0794-0992-8105-8004-38e630f7920b";
constructor(page) {
this.titleLabel = page.getByRole("heading", { name: "Projects" });
this.addProjectBtn = page.getByRole("button", { name: "+ NEW PROJECT" });
this.projectName = page.getByText("Project 1");
this.draftTitle = page.getByRole("heading", { name: "Drafts" });
this.draftLink = page.getByTestId("drafts-link-sidebar");
this.draftsFile = page.getByText(/New File 1/);
async setupDraftsEmpty() {
await this.mockRPC("get-project-files?project-id=*", "dashboard/get-project-files-empty.json");
async setupDrafts() {
await this.mockRPC("get-project-files?project-id=*", "dashboard/get-project-files.json");
async setupNewProject() {
await this.mockRPC("create-project", "dashboard/create-project.json", { method: "POST" });
await this.mockRPC("get-projects?team-id=*", "dashboard/get-projects-new.json");
async goToWorkspace() {
await this.page.goto(`#/dashboard/team/${DashboardPage.anyTeamId}/projects`);
async goToDrafts() {
await this.page.goto(
export default DashboardPage;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
import { BasePage } from "./BasePage";
export class LoginPage extends BasePage {
static async initWithLoggedOutUser(page) {
await BasePage.mockRPC(page, "get-profile", "get-profile-anonymous.json");
constructor(page) {
this.loginButton = page.getByRole("button", { name: "Login" });
this.password = page.getByLabel("Password");
this.userName = page.getByLabel("Email");
this.invalidCredentialsError = page.getByText("Email or password is incorrect");
this.invalidEmailError = page.getByText("Enter a valid email please");
this.initialHeading = page.getByRole("heading", { name: "Log into my account" });
async fillEmailAndPasswordInputs(email, password) {
await this.userName.fill(email);
await this.password.fill(password);
async clickLoginButton() {
await this.loginButton.click();
async setupLoggedInUser() {
await this.mockRPC("get-profile", "logged-in-user/get-profile-logged-in.json");
await this.mockRPC("get-teams", "logged-in-user/get-teams-default.json");
await this.mockRPC("get-font-variants?team-id=*", "logged-in-user/get-font-variants-empty.json");
await this.mockRPC("get-projects?team-id=*", "logged-in-user/get-projects-default.json");
await this.mockRPC("get-team-members?team-id=*", "logged-in-user/get-team-members-your-penpot.json");
await this.mockRPC("get-team-users?team-id=*", "logged-in-user/get-team-users-single-user.json");
await this.mockRPC(
await this.mockRPC("get-team-recent-files?team-id=*", "logged-in-user/get-team-recent-files-empty.json");
await this.mockRPC(
async setupLoginSuccess() {
await this.mockRPC("login-with-password", "logged-in-user/login-with-password-success.json");
async setupLoginError() {
await this.mockRPC("login-with-password", "login-with-password-error.json", { status: 400 });
export default LoginPage;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
import { expect } from "@playwright/test";
import { BaseWebSocketPage } from "./BaseWebSocketPage";
export class WorkspacePage extends BaseWebSocketPage {
* This should be called on `test.beforeEach`.
* @param {Page} page
* @returns
static async init(page) {
await BaseWebSocketPage.initWebSockets(page);
await BaseWebSocketPage.mockRPC(page, "get-profile", "logged-in-user/get-profile-logged-in.json");
await BaseWebSocketPage.mockRPC(
await BaseWebSocketPage.mockRPC(
await BaseWebSocketPage.mockRPC(page, "get-project?id=*", "workspace/get-project-default.json");
await BaseWebSocketPage.mockRPC(page, "get-team?id=*", "workspace/get-team-default.json");
await BaseWebSocketPage.mockRPC(
static anyProjectId = "c7ce0794-0992-8105-8004-38e630f7920b";
static anyFileId = "c7ce0794-0992-8105-8004-38f280443849";
static anyPageId = "c7ce0794-0992-8105-8004-38f28044384a";
#ws = null;
constructor(page) {
this.pageName = page.getByTestId("page-name");
this.presentUserListItems = page.getByTestId("active-users-list").getByAltText("Princesa Leia");
this.viewport = page.getByTestId("viewport");
this.rootShape = page.locator(`[id="shape-00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"]`);
this.rectShapeButton = page.getByRole("button", { name: "Rectangle (R)" });
async goToWorkspace() {
await this.page.goto(
this.#ws = await this.waitForNotificationsWebSocket();
await this.#ws.mockOpen();
await this.#waitForWebSocketReadiness();
async #waitForWebSocketReadiness() {
// TODO: find a better event to settle whether the app is ready to receive notifications via ws
await expect(this.pageName).toHaveText("Page 1");
async sendPresenceMessage(fixture) {
await this.#ws.mockMessage(JSON.stringify(fixture));
async cleanUp() {
await this.#ws.mockClose();
async setupEmptyFile() {
await this.mockRPC("get-profile", "logged-in-user/get-profile-logged-in.json");
await this.mockRPC("get-team-users?file-id=*", "logged-in-user/get-team-users-single-user.json");
await this.mockRPC("get-comment-threads?file-id=*", "workspace/get-comment-threads-empty.json");
await this.mockRPC("get-project?id=*", "workspace/get-project-default.json");
await this.mockRPC("get-team?id=*", "workspace/get-team-default.json");
await this.mockRPC(
await this.mockRPC(/get\-file\?/, "workspace/get-file-blank.json");
await this.mockRPC(
await this.mockRPC("get-font-variants?team-id=*", "workspace/get-font-variants-empty.json");
await this.mockRPC("get-file-fragment?file-id=*", "workspace/get-file-fragment-blank.json");
await this.mockRPC("get-file-libraries?file-id=*", "workspace/get-file-libraries-empty.json");
async clickWithDragViewportAt(x, y, width, height) {
await this.page.waitForTimeout(100);
await this.viewport.hover({ position: { x, y } });
await this.page.mouse.down();
await this.viewport.hover({ position: { x: x + width, y: y + height } });
await this.page.mouse.up();

View file

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
import { interceptRPC } from "../../helpers/index";
class LoginPage {
constructor(page) {
this.page = page;
this.loginButton = page.getByRole("button", { name: "Login" });
this.password = page.getByLabel("Password");
this.userName = page.getByLabel("Email");
this.message = page.getByText("Email or password is incorrect");
this.badLoginMsg = page.getByText("Enter a valid email please");
this.initialHeading = page.getByRole("heading", { name: "Log into my account" });
url() {
return this.page.url();
context() {
return this.page.context();
async fillEmailAndPasswordInputs(email, password) {
await this.userName.fill(email);
await this.password.fill(password);
async clickLoginButton() {
await this.loginButton.click();
async setupAllowedUser() {
await interceptRPC(this.page, "get-profile", "logged-in-user/get-profile-logged-in.json");
await interceptRPC(this.page, "get-teams", "logged-in-user/get-teams-default.json");
await interceptRPC(
await interceptRPC(this.page, "get-projects?team-id=*", "logged-in-user/get-projects-default.json");
await interceptRPC(
await interceptRPC(
await interceptRPC(
await interceptRPC(
await interceptRPC(
async setupLoginSuccess() {
await interceptRPC(this.page, "login-with-password", "logged-in-user/login-with-password-success.json");
async setupLoginError() {
await interceptRPC(this.page, "login-with-password", "login-with-password-error.json", { status: 400 });
export default LoginPage;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
import { test, expect } from "@playwright/test";
import DashboardPage from "../pages/DashboardPage";
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await DashboardPage.init(page);
test("Dashboad page has title ", async ({ page }) => {
const dashboardPage = new DashboardPage(page);
await dashboardPage.goToWorkspace();
await expect(dashboardPage.page).toHaveURL(/dashboard/);
await expect(dashboardPage.titleLabel).toBeVisible();
test("User can create a new project", async ({ page }) => {
const dashboardPage = new DashboardPage(page);
await dashboardPage.setupNewProject();
await dashboardPage.goToWorkspace();
await dashboardPage.addProjectBtn.click();
await expect(dashboardPage.projectName).toBeVisible();
test("User goes to draft page", async ({ page }) => {
const dashboardPage = new DashboardPage(page);
await dashboardPage.setupDraftsEmpty();
await dashboardPage.goToWorkspace();
await dashboardPage.draftLink.click();
await expect(dashboardPage.draftTitle).toBeVisible();
test("User loads the draft page", async ({ page }) => {
const dashboardPage = new DashboardPage(page);
await dashboardPage.setupDrafts();
await dashboardPage.goToDrafts();
await expect(dashboardPage.draftsFile).toBeVisible();

View file

@ -1,54 +1,50 @@
import { test, expect } from "@playwright/test";
import { setupNotLogedIn } from "../../helpers/intercepts";
import LoginPage from "../pages/login-page";
import { LoginPage } from "../pages/LoginPage";
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await setupNotLogedIn(page);
await LoginPage.initWithLoggedOutUser(page);
await page.goto("/#/auth/login");
test("Shows login page when going to index and user is logged out", async ({ page }) => {
test("User is redirected to the login page when logged out", async ({ page }) => {
const loginPage = new LoginPage(page);
await loginPage.setupAllowedUser();
await loginPage.setupLoggedInUser();
await expect(loginPage.url()).toMatch(/auth\/login$/);
await expect(loginPage.page).toHaveURL(/auth\/login$/);
await expect(loginPage.initialHeading).toBeVisible();
test("User submit a wrong formated email ", async ({ page }) => {
const loginPage = new LoginPage(page);
test.describe("Login form", () => {
test("User logs in by filling the login form", async ({ page }) => {
const loginPage = new LoginPage(page);
await loginPage.setupLoginSuccess();
await loginPage.setupLoggedInUser();
await loginPage.setupLoginSuccess();
await loginPage.fillEmailAndPasswordInputs("foo@example.com", "loremipsum");
await loginPage.clickLoginButton();
await loginPage.fillEmailAndPasswordInputs("foo", "lorenIpsum");
await page.waitForURL("**/dashboard/**");
await expect(loginPage.page).toHaveURL(/dashboard/);
await expect(loginPage.badLoginMsg).toBeVisible();
test("User logs in by filling the login form", async ({ page }) => {
const loginPage = new LoginPage(page);
await loginPage.setupLoginSuccess();
await loginPage.setupAllowedUser();
await loginPage.fillEmailAndPasswordInputs("foo@example.com", "loremipsum");
await loginPage.clickLoginButton();
await page.waitForURL('**/dashboard/**');
await expect(page).toHaveURL(/dashboard/);
// await expect(loginPage.url()).toMatch(/dashboard/);
test("User submits wrong credentials", async ({ page }) => {
const loginPage = new LoginPage(page);
await loginPage.setupLoginError();
await loginPage.fillEmailAndPasswordInputs("test@example.com", "loremipsum");
await loginPage.clickLoginButton();
await expect(loginPage.message).toBeVisible();
await expect(loginPage.url()).toMatch(/auth\/login$/);
test("User gets error message when submitting an bad formatted email ", async ({ page }) => {
const loginPage = new LoginPage(page);
await loginPage.setupLoginSuccess();
await loginPage.fillEmailAndPasswordInputs("foo", "lorenIpsum");
await expect(loginPage.invalidEmailError).toBeVisible();
test("User gets error message when submitting wrong credentials", async ({ page }) => {
const loginPage = new LoginPage(page);
await loginPage.setupLoginError();
await loginPage.fillEmailAndPasswordInputs("test@example.com", "loremipsum");
await loginPage.clickLoginButton();
await expect(loginPage.invalidCredentialsError).toBeVisible();
await expect(loginPage.page).toHaveURL(/auth\/login$/);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
import { test, expect } from "@playwright/test";
import { WorkspacePage } from "../pages/WorkspacePage";
import { presenceFixture } from "../../data/workspace/ws-notifications";
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await WorkspacePage.init(page);
test.skip("User loads worskpace with empty file", async ({ page }) => {
const workspacePage = new WorkspacePage(page);
await workspacePage.setupEmptyFile(page);
await workspacePage.goToWorkspace();
await expect(workspacePage.pageName).toHaveText("Page 1");
test.skip("User receives presence notifications updates in the workspace", async ({ page }) => {
const workspacePage = new WorkspacePage(page);
await workspacePage.setupEmptyFile();
await workspacePage.goToWorkspace();
await workspacePage.sendPresenceMessage(presenceFixture);
await expect(page.getByTestId("active-users-list").getByAltText("Princesa Leia")).toHaveCount(2);
test.skip("User draws a rect", async ({ page }) => {
const workspacePage = new WorkspacePage(page);
await workspacePage.setupEmptyFile();
await workspacePage.mockRPC("update-file?id=*", "workspace/update-file-create-rect.json");
await workspacePage.goToWorkspace();
await workspacePage.rectShapeButton.click();
await workspacePage.clickWithDragViewportAt(128, 128, 200, 100);
const shape = await workspacePage.rootShape.locator("rect");
expect(shape).toHaveAttribute("width", "200");
expect(shape).toHaveAttribute("height", "100");

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { fileURLToPath } from "url";
import path from "path";
const app = express();
const port = 3500;
const port = 3000;
const staticPath = path.join(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url), "../../resources/public");

View file

@ -157,8 +157,10 @@
(defn resolve-file-media
(resolve-file-media media false))
([{:keys [id] :as media} thumbnail?]
(cond-> (u/join public-uri "assets/by-file-media-id/")
(true? thumbnail?) (u/join (dm/str id "/thumbnail"))
(false? thumbnail?) (u/join (dm/str id))))))
([{:keys [id data-uri] :as media} thumbnail?]
(if data-uri
(cond-> (u/join public-uri "assets/by-file-media-id/")
(true? thumbnail?) (u/join (dm/str id "/thumbnail"))
(false? thumbnail?) (u/join (dm/str id)))))))

View file

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
[app.common.geom.rect :as grc]
[app.common.geom.shapes :as gsh]
[app.common.geom.shapes.grid-layout :as gslg]
[app.common.logic.libraries :as cll]
[app.common.logic.shapes :as cls]
[app.common.schema :as sm]
[app.common.text :as txt]
@ -1868,7 +1869,8 @@
drop-cell (when (ctl/grid-layout? all-objects parent-id)
(gslg/get-drop-cell frame-id all-objects position))
changes (-> (dws/prepare-duplicate-changes all-objects page selected delta it libraries ldata file-id)
changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it)
(cll/generate-duplicate-changes all-objects page selected delta libraries ldata file-id)
(pcb/amend-changes (partial process-rchange media-idx))
(pcb/amend-changes (partial change-add-obj-index objects selected index)))

View file

@ -17,12 +17,6 @@
[app.common.logic.libraries :as cll]
[app.common.record :as cr]
[app.common.types.component :as ctk]
[app.common.types.container :as ctn]
[app.common.types.file :as ctf]
[app.common.types.page :as ctp]
[app.common.types.shape-tree :as ctst]
[app.common.types.shape.interactions :as ctsi]
[app.common.types.shape.layout :as ctl]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.main.data.events :as ev]
[app.main.data.modal :as md]
@ -368,308 +362,6 @@
(rx/of (select-shape (:id selected))))))))
;; --- Duplicate Shapes
(declare prepare-duplicate-shape-change)
(declare prepare-duplicate-flows)
(declare prepare-duplicate-guides)
(defn prepare-duplicate-changes
"Prepare objects to duplicate: generate new id, give them unique names,
move to the desired position, and recalculate parents and frames as needed."
([all-objects page ids delta it libraries library-data file-id]
(let [init-changes
(-> (pcb/empty-changes it)
(pcb/with-page page)
(pcb/with-objects all-objects))]
(prepare-duplicate-changes all-objects page ids delta it libraries library-data file-id init-changes)))
([all-objects page ids delta it libraries library-data file-id init-changes]
(let [shapes (map (d/getf all-objects) ids)
unames (volatile! (cfh/get-used-names (:objects page)))
update-unames! (fn [new-name] (vswap! unames conj new-name))
all-ids (reduce #(into %1 (cons %2 (cfh/get-children-ids all-objects %2))) (d/ordered-set) ids)
;; We need ids-map for remapping the grid layout. But when duplicating the guides
;; we calculate a new one because the components will have created new shapes.
ids-map (into {} (map #(vector % (uuid/next))) all-ids)
(->> shapes
(reduce #(prepare-duplicate-shape-change %1
;; We need to check the changes to get the ids-map
(into {}
(filter #(= :add-obj (:type %)))
(map #(vector (:old-id %) (-> % :obj :id))))
(:redo-changes changes))]
(-> changes
(prepare-duplicate-flows shapes page ids-map)
(prepare-duplicate-guides shapes page ids-map delta)))))
(defn- prepare-duplicate-component-change
[changes objects page component-root parent-id frame-id delta libraries library-data]
(let [component-id (:component-id component-root)
file-id (:component-file component-root)
main-component (ctf/get-component libraries file-id component-id)
moved-component (gsh/move component-root delta)
pos (gpt/point (:x moved-component) (:y moved-component))
origin-frame (get-in page [:objects frame-id])
delta (cond-> delta
(some? origin-frame)
(gpt/subtract (-> origin-frame :selrect gpt/point)))
#(cll/generate-instantiate-component changes
(:component-id component-root)
(:id component-root)
#(let [restore (cll/prepare-restore-component changes library-data (:component-id component-root) page delta (:id component-root) parent-id frame-id)]
[(:shape restore) (:changes restore)])
[_shape changes]
(if (nil? main-component)
;; TODO: move to common.files.shape-helpers
(defn- prepare-duplicate-shape-change
([changes objects page unames update-unames! ids-map obj delta level-delta libraries library-data it file-id]
(prepare-duplicate-shape-change changes objects page unames update-unames! ids-map obj delta level-delta libraries library-data it file-id (:frame-id obj) (:parent-id obj) false false true))
([changes objects page unames update-unames! ids-map obj delta level-delta libraries library-data it file-id frame-id parent-id duplicating-component? child? remove-swap-slot?]
(nil? obj)
(ctf/is-main-of-known-component? obj libraries)
(prepare-duplicate-component-change changes objects page obj parent-id frame-id delta libraries library-data)
(let [frame? (cfh/frame-shape? obj)
group? (cfh/group-shape? obj)
bool? (cfh/bool-shape? obj)
new-id (ids-map (:id obj))
parent-id (or parent-id frame-id)
parent (get objects parent-id)
name (:name obj)
is-component-root? (or (:saved-component-root obj)
;; Backward compatibility
(:saved-component-root? obj)
(ctk/instance-root? obj))
duplicating-component? (or duplicating-component? (ctk/instance-head? obj))
is-component-main? (ctk/main-instance? obj)
subinstance-head? (ctk/subinstance-head? obj)
instance-root? (ctk/instance-root? obj)
into-component? (and duplicating-component?
(ctn/in-any-component? objects parent))
level-delta (if (some? level-delta)
(ctn/get-nesting-level-delta objects obj parent))
new-shape-ref (ctf/advance-shape-ref nil page libraries obj level-delta {:include-deleted? true})
(fn [changes shape]
(let [components-v2 (dm/get-in library-data [:options :components-v2])
[_ changes] (cll/generate-add-component-changes changes shape objects file-id (:id page) components-v2)]
(-> obj
(assoc :id new-id
:name name
:parent-id parent-id
:frame-id frame-id)
(cond-> (and (not instance-root?)
(dissoc :shapes
(cond-> (not is-component-root?)
(dissoc :main-instance))
(cond-> into-component?
(dissoc :component-root))
(cond-> (and (ctk/instance-head? obj)
(not into-component?))
(assoc :component-root true))
(cond-> (or frame? group? bool?)
(assoc :shapes []))
(cond-> (and (some? new-shape-ref)
(not= new-shape-ref (:shape-ref obj)))
(assoc :shape-ref new-shape-ref))
(gsh/move delta)
(d/update-when :interactions #(ctsi/remap-interactions % ids-map objects))
(cond-> (ctl/grid-layout? obj)
(ctl/remap-grid-cells ids-map)))
new-obj (cond-> new-obj
(not duplicating-component?)
;; We want the first added object to touch it's parent, but not subsequent children
changes (-> (pcb/add-object changes new-obj {:ignore-touched (and duplicating-component? child?)})
(pcb/amend-last-change #(assoc % :old-id (:id obj)))
(cond-> (ctl/grid-layout? objects (:parent-id obj))
(-> (pcb/update-shapes [(:parent-id obj)] ctl/assign-cells {:with-objects? true})
(pcb/reorder-grid-children [(:parent-id obj)]))))
changes (cond-> changes
(and is-component-root? is-component-main?)
(regenerate-component new-obj))
;; This is needed for the recursive call to find the new object as parent
page' (ctst/add-shape (:id new-obj)
{:objects objects}
(:frame-id new-obj)
(:parent-id new-obj)
(reduce (fn [changes child]
(prepare-duplicate-shape-change changes
(:objects page')
(if frame? new-id frame-id)
(and remove-swap-slot?
;; only remove swap slot of children when the current shape
;; is not a subinstance head nor a instance root
(not subinstance-head?)
(not instance-root?))))
(map (d/getf objects) (:shapes obj)))))))
(defn- prepare-duplicate-flows
[changes shapes page ids-map]
(let [flows (-> page :options :flows)
unames (volatile! (into #{} (map :name flows)))
frames-with-flow (->> shapes
(filter #(= (:type %) :frame))
(filter #(some? (ctp/get-frame-flow flows (:id %)))))]
(if-not (empty? frames-with-flow)
(let [update-flows (fn [flows]
(fn [flows frame]
(let [name (cfh/generate-unique-name @unames "Flow 1")
_ (vswap! unames conj name)
new-flow {:id (uuid/next)
:name name
:starting-frame (get ids-map (:id frame))}]
(ctp/add-flow flows new-flow)))
(pcb/update-page-option changes :flows update-flows))
(defn- prepare-duplicate-guides
[changes shapes page ids-map delta]
(let [guides (get-in page [:options :guides])
frames (->> shapes (filter cfh/frame-shape?))
(fn [g frame]
(let [new-id (ids-map (:id frame))
new-frame (-> frame (gsh/move delta))
(->> guides
(filter #(= (:frame-id %) (:id frame)))
(map #(-> %
(assoc :id (uuid/next))
(assoc :frame-id new-id)
(assoc :position (if (= (:axis %) :x)
(+ (:position %) (- (:x new-frame) (:x frame)))
(+ (:position %) (- (:y new-frame) (:y frame))))))))]
(cond-> g
(not-empty new-guides)
(conj (into {} (map (juxt :id identity) new-guides))))))
(-> (pcb/with-page changes page)
(pcb/set-page-option :guides new-guides))))
(defn duplicate-changes-update-indices
"Updates the changes to correctly set the indexes of the duplicated objects,
depending on the index of the original object respect their parent."
[objects ids changes]
(let [;; index-map is a map that goes from parent-id => vector([id index-in-parent])
index-map (reduce (fn [index-map id]
(let [parent-id (get-in objects [id :parent-id])
parent-index (cfh/get-position-on-parent objects id)]
(update index-map parent-id (fnil conj []) [id parent-index])))
(fn [[offset result] [id index]]
[(inc offset) (conj result [id (+ index offset)])])
(fn [_ entry]
(->> entry
(sort-by second)
(reduce inc-indices [1 []])
(into {})))
objects-indices (->> index-map (d/mapm fix-indices) (vals) (reduce merge))]
(fn [change]
(assoc change :index (get objects-indices (:old-id change)))))))
(defn clear-memorize-duplicated
@ -746,8 +438,9 @@
libraries (wsh/get-libraries state)
library-data (wsh/get-file state file-id)
changes (->> (prepare-duplicate-changes objects page ids delta it libraries library-data file-id)
(duplicate-changes-update-indices objects ids))
changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it)
(cll/generate-duplicate-changes objects page ids delta libraries library-data file-id)
(cll/generate-duplicate-changes-update-indices objects ids))
tags (or (:tags changes) #{})

View file

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.geom.shapes.flex-layout :as flex]
[app.common.geom.shapes.grid-layout :as grid]
[app.common.logic.libraries :as cll]
[app.common.types.component :as ctc]
[app.common.types.modifiers :as ctm]
[app.common.types.shape.layout :as ctl]
@ -339,8 +340,9 @@
selected (set shapes-by-track)
(->> (dwse/prepare-duplicate-changes objects page selected (gpt/point 0 0) it libraries library-data file-id)
(dwse/duplicate-changes-update-indices objects selected))
(-> (pcb/empty-changes it)
(cll/generate-duplicate-changes objects page selected (gpt/point 0 0) libraries library-data file-id)
(cll/generate-duplicate-changes-update-indices objects selected))
;; Creates a map with shape-id => duplicated-shape-id

View file

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
(mf/defc link
{::mf/wrap-props false}
[{:keys [action class data-test keyboard-action children]}]
[{:keys [action class data-test keyboard-action children data-testid]}]
(let [keyboard-action (d/nilv keyboard-action action)]
[:a {:on-click action
:class class
@ -20,5 +20,6 @@
(when ^boolean (kbd/enter? event)
(keyboard-action event)))
:tab-index "0"
:data-testid data-testid
:data-test data-test}

View file

@ -783,6 +783,7 @@
[:li {:class (stl/css-case :current drafts?
:sidebar-nav-item true)}
[:& link {:action go-drafts
:data-testid "drafts-link-sidebar"
:class (stl/css :sidebar-link)
:keyboard-action go-drafts-with-key}
[:span {:class (stl/css :element-title)} (tr "labels.drafts")]]]

View file

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
:class (stl/css :active-users-opened)
:on-click on-close
:on-blur on-close}
[:ul {:class (stl/css :active-users-list)}
[:ul {:class (stl/css :active-users-list) :data-testid "active-users-list"}
(for [session sessions]
[:& session-widget
{:color (:color session)
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
[:button {:class (stl/css-case :active-users true)
:on-click on-open}
[:ul {:class (stl/css :active-users-list)}
[:ul {:class (stl/css :active-users-list) :data-testid "active-users-list"}
(when (> num-sessions 2)
[:span {:class (stl/css :users-num)} (dm/str "+" (- num-sessions 2))])

View file

@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
:auto-focus true
:default-value (:name page "")}]]
[:span {:class (stl/css :page-name)}
[:span {:class (stl/css :page-name) :data-testid "page-name"}
(:name page)]
[:div {:class (stl/css :page-actions)}
(when (and deletable? (not workspace-read-only?))

View file

@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
(hooks/setup-shortcuts node-editing? drawing-path? text-editing? grid-editing?)
(hooks/setup-active-frames base-objects hover-ids selected active-frames zoom transform vbox)
[:div.viewport {:style #js {"--zoom" zoom}}
[:div.viewport {:style #js {"--zoom" zoom} :data-testid "viewport"}
[:& top-bar/top-bar {:layout layout}]
;; The behaviour inside a foreign object is a bit different that in plain HTML so we wrap

View file

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns frontend-tests.basic-shapes-test
[app.common.test-helpers.files :as cthf]
[app.common.test-helpers.ids-map :as cthi]
[app.common.test-helpers.shapes :as cths]
[app.main.data.workspace.changes :as dch]
[cljs.test :as t :include-macros true]
[frontend-tests.helpers.state :as ths]))
(t/deftest test-update-shape
(let [;; ==== Setup
(-> (cthf/sample-file :file1 :page-label :page1)
(cths/add-sample-shape :shape1)))
;; ==== Action
[(dch/update-shapes [(cthi/id :shape1)]
#(assoc % :fills
(cths/sample-fills-color :fill-color
store done events
(fn [new-state]
(let [;; ==== Get
shape1' (get-in new-state [:workspace-data
(cthi/id :page1)
(cthi/id :shape1)])
fills' (:fills shape1')
fill' (first fills')]
(cthf/dump-shape shape1')
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? shape1'))
(t/is (= (count fills') 1))
(t/is (= (:fill-color fill') "#fabada"))
(t/is (= (:fill-opacity fill') 1))))))))

View file

@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
(if (empty? shapes)
(let [[group changes]
(dwg/prepare-create-group nil (:objects page) (:id page) shapes prefix true)]
(dwg/prepare-create-group (pcb/empty-changes) nil (:objects page) (:id page) shapes prefix true)]
(swap! idmap assoc label (:id group))
(update state :workspace-data

View file

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns frontend-tests.helpers.state
[app.common.pprint :refer [pprint]]
[app.common.schema :as sm]
[app.common.test-helpers.files :as cthf]
[app.main.data.workspace.layout :as layout]
[beicon.v2.core :as rx]
[potok.v2.core :as ptk]))
(def ^private initial-state
{:workspace-layout layout/default-layout
:workspace-global layout/default-global
:current-file-id nil
:current-page-id nil
:workspace-data nil
:workspace-libraries {}
:features/team #{"components/v2"}})
(defn- on-error
(js/console.log "STORE ERROR" (.-stack cause))
(when-let [data (some-> cause ex-data ::sm/explain)]
(pprint (sm/humanize-explain data))))
(defn setup-store
(let [state (-> initial-state
(assoc :current-file-id (:id file)
:current-page-id (cthf/current-page-id file)
:workspace-file (dissoc file :data)
:workspace-data (:data file)))
store (ptk/store {:state state :on-error on-error})]
(defn run-store
[store done events completed-cb]
(let [stream (ptk/input-stream store)]
(->> stream
(rx/take-until (rx/filter #(= :the/end %) stream))
(rx/tap (fn []
(completed-cb @store)))
(rx/subs! (fn [_] (done))
(fn [cause]
(js/console.log "[error]:" cause))
(fn [_]
(js/console.log "[complete]"))))
(doall (for [event events]
(ptk/emit! store event)))
(ptk/emit! store :the/end)))

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,860 +0,0 @@
(ns frontend-tests.state-components-test
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.types.components-list :as ctkl]
[app.common.types.container :as ctn]
[app.common.types.file :as ctf]
[app.main.data.workspace :as dw]
[app.main.data.workspace.libraries :as dwl]
[app.main.data.workspace.shapes :as dwsh]
[app.main.data.workspace.state-helpers :as wsh]
[cljs.test :as t :include-macros true]
[frontend-tests.helpers.events :as the]
[frontend-tests.helpers.libraries :as thl]
[frontend-tests.helpers.pages :as thp]
[linked.core :as lks]
[potok.v2.core :as ptk]))
(t/use-fixtures :each
{:before thp/reset-idmap!})
(t/deftest test-add-component-from-single-shape
(t/testing "test-add-component-from-single-shape"
(let [state (-> thp/initial-state
(thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect
{:name "Rect 1"}))
store (the/prepare-store state done
(fn [new-state]
;; Uncomment to debug
;; (ctf/dump-tree (get new-state :workspace-data)
;; (get new-state :current-page-id)
;; (get new-state :workspace-libraries)
;; false true)
;; Expected shape tree:
;; [Page]
;; Root Frame
;; Rect 1 #--> Rect 1
;; Rect 1 ---> Rect 1
;; [Rect 1]
;; Rect 1
;; Rect 1
(let [shape1 (thp/get-shape new-state :shape1)
[[group shape1] [c-group c-shape1] component]
(:parent-id shape1))
file (wsh/get-local-file new-state)]
(t/is (= (:name shape1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name group) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name component) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-shape1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-group) "Rect 1"))
(thl/is-from-file group file))))]
(dw/select-shape (thp/id :shape1))
(t/deftest test-add-component-from-several-shapes
(let [state (-> thp/initial-state
(thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect
{:name "Rect 1"})
(thp/sample-shape :shape2 :rect
{:name "Rect-2"}))
store (the/prepare-store state done
(fn [new-state]
;; Expected shape tree:
;; [Page]
;; Root Frame
;; Component 1
;; Rect 1
;; Rect-2
;; [Component 1]
;; page1 / Component 1
(let [shape1 (thp/get-shape new-state :shape1)
[[group shape1 shape2]
[c-group c-shape1 c-shape2]
(:parent-id shape1))
file (wsh/get-local-file new-state)]
(t/is (= (:name group) "Component 1"))
(t/is (= (:name shape1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name shape2) "Rect-2"))
(t/is (= (:name component) "Component 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-group) "Component 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-shape1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-shape2) "Rect-2"))
(thl/is-from-file group file))))]
(dw/select-shapes (lks/set (thp/id :shape1)
(thp/id :shape2)))
(t/deftest test-add-component-from-frame
(let [state (-> thp/initial-state
(thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect
{:name "Rect 1"})
(thp/sample-shape :shape2 :rect
{:name "Rect-2"})
(thp/frame-shapes :frame1
[(thp/id :shape1)
(thp/id :shape2)]))
store (the/prepare-store state done
(fn [new-state]
;; Expected shape tree:
;; [Page]
;; Root Frame
;; Group
;; Rect 1
;; Rect-2
;; [Group]
;; page1 / Group
(let [[[group shape1 shape2]
[c-group c-shape1 c-shape2]
(thp/id :frame1))
file (wsh/get-local-file new-state)]
(t/is (= (:name shape1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name shape2) "Rect-2"))
(t/is (= (:name group) "Board"))
(t/is (= (:name component) "Board"))
(t/is (= (:name c-shape1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-shape2) "Rect-2"))
(t/is (= (:name c-group) "Board"))
(thl/is-from-file group file))))]
(dw/select-shape (thp/id :frame1))
(t/deftest test-add-component-from-component-instance
(let [state (-> thp/initial-state
(thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect
{:name "Rect 1"})
(thp/make-component :main1 :component1
[(thp/id :shape1)])
(thp/instantiate-component :instance1 (thp/id :component1)))
store (the/prepare-store state done
(fn [new-state]
;; Expected shape tree:
;; [Page: Page]
;; Root Frame
;; Rect 1 #
;; Rect 1
;; Rect 1 #
;; Rect 1* @--> Rect 1
;; Rect 1 ---> Rect 1
(let [[[instance1 shape1]
[c-instance1 c-shape1]
(thp/id :instance1)
[[instance2 instance1' shape1']
[c-instance2 c-instance1' c-shape1']
(:parent-id instance1))]
(t/is (= (:name shape1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name instance1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name component1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-shape1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-instance1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name shape1') "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name instance1') "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name instance2) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name component2) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-shape1') "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-instance1') "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-instance2) "Rect 1")))))]
(dw/select-shape (thp/id :instance1))
(t/deftest test-add-component-from-component-main
(let [state (-> thp/initial-state
(thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect
{:name "Rect 1"})
(thp/make-component :main1 :component1
[(thp/id :shape1)]))
store (the/prepare-store state done
(fn [new-state]
;; Expected shape tree:
;; [Page]
;; Root Frame
;; Rect 1
;; Rect 1
;; [Rect 1]
;; page1 / Rect 1
(let [file (wsh/get-local-file new-state)
components (ctkl/components file)
page (thp/current-page new-state)
shape1 (thp/get-shape new-state :shape1)
parent1 (ctn/get-shape page (:parent-id shape1))
main1 (thp/get-shape state :main1)
[[instance1 shape1]
[c-instance1 c-shape1]
(:id main1))]
;; Creating a component from a main doesn't generate a new component
(t/is (= (count components) 1))
(t/is (= (:name shape1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name instance1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name component1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-shape1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-instance1) "Rect 1")))))]
(dw/select-shape (thp/id :main1))
(t/deftest test-rename-component
(let [state (-> thp/initial-state
(thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect
{:name "Rect 1"})
(thp/make-component :main1 :component1
[(thp/id :shape1)]))
main1 (thp/get-shape state :main1)
store (the/prepare-store state done
(fn [new-state]
;; Expected shape tree:
;; [Page]
;; Root Frame
;; Rect 1
;; Rect 1
;; [Renamed component]
;; page1 / Rect 1
(let [libs (wsh/get-libraries new-state)
component (ctf/get-component libs
(:component-file main1)
(:component-id main1))]
(t/is (= (:name component)
"Renamed component")))))]
(dwl/rename-component (:component-id main1) "Renamed component")
(t/deftest test-duplicate-component
(let [state (-> thp/initial-state
(thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect
{:name "Rect 1"})
(thp/make-component :main1 :component1
[(thp/id :shape1)]))
main1 (thp/get-shape state :main1)
component-id (:component-id main1)
store (the/prepare-store state done
(fn [new-state]
;; Expected shape tree:
;; [Page]
;; Root Frame
;; Rect 1
;; Rect 1
;; Rect 1 #--> Rect 1
;; Rect 1 ---> Rect 1
;; [Rect 1]
;; page1 / Rect 1
;; [Rect 1]
;; page1 / Rect 1
(let [new-component-id (->> (get-in new-state
(filter #(not= % component-id))
[[_instance1 _shape1]
[_c-instance1 _c-shape1]
(:id main1))
[[_c-component2 _c-shape2]
(:current-file-id new-state)
(t/is (= (:name component2) "Rect 1")))))]
(dwl/duplicate-component thp/current-file-id component-id)
(t/deftest test-delete-component
(t/async done
(let [state (-> thp/initial-state
(thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect {:name "Rect 1"})
(thp/make-component :main1 :component1 [(thp/id :shape1)])
(thp/instantiate-component :instance1 (thp/id :component1)))
store (the/prepare-store state done
(fn [new-state]
;; Expected shape tree:
;; [Page]
;; Root Frame
;; Rect 1 #--> ?
;; Rect 1 ---> ?
(let [[main1 shape1]
(thp/id :main1))
[[instance1 shape2] [c-instance1 c-shape2] component1]
(thp/id :instance1))
file (wsh/get-local-file new-state)
component2 (ctkl/get-component file (thp/id :component1))
component3 (ctkl/get-deleted-component file (thp/id :component1))
saved-objects (:objects component3)
saved-main1 (get saved-objects (:shape-ref instance1))
saved-shape2 (get saved-objects (:shape-ref shape2))]
(t/is (nil? main1))
(t/is (nil? shape1))
(t/is (= (:name instance1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:touched instance1) nil))
(t/is (not= (:shape-ref instance1) nil))
(t/is (= (:name shape2) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:touched shape2) nil))
(t/is (not= (:shape-ref shape2) nil))
(t/is (nil? c-instance1))
(t/is (nil? c-shape2))
(t/is (nil? component1))
(t/is (nil? component2))
(t/is (= (:name component3) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:deleted component3) true))
(t/is (some? (:objects component3)))
(t/is (= (:name saved-main1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name saved-shape2) "Rect 1")))))]
(ptk/emit! store
(dwl/delete-component {:id (thp/id :component1)})
(t/deftest test-restore-component
(let [state (-> thp/initial-state
(thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect
{:name "Rect 1"})
(thp/make-component :main1 :component1
[(thp/id :shape1)])
(thp/instantiate-component :instance1
(thp/id :component1)))
store (the/prepare-store state done
(fn [new-state]
;; Expected shape tree:
;; [Page]
;; Root Frame
;; Rect 1 #--> Rect 1
;; Rect 1 ---> Rect 1
;; Rect 1
;; Rect 1
;; [Rect 1]
;; page1 / Rect 1
(let [[[instance1 shape2] [c-instance1 c-shape2] component1]
(thp/id :instance1))
file (wsh/get-local-file new-state)
component2 (ctkl/get-component file (thp/id :component1))
saved-objects (:objects component2)]
(t/is (= (:name instance1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name shape2) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-instance1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-shape2) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (some? component1))
(t/is (some? component2))
(t/is (nil? saved-objects)))))]
(dwl/delete-component {:id (thp/id :component1)})
(dwl/restore-component thp/current-file-id (thp/id :component1))
(t/deftest test-instantiate-component
(let [state (-> thp/initial-state
(thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect
{:name "Rect 1"})
(thp/make-component :main1 :component1
[(thp/id :shape1)]))
file (wsh/get-local-file state)
component-id (thp/id :component1)
main1 (thp/get-shape state :main1)
store (the/prepare-store state done
(fn [new-state]
;; Expected shape tree:
;; [Page]
;; Root Frame
;; Rect 1
;; Rect 1
;; Rect 1 #--> Rect 1
;; Rect 1 ---> Rect 1
;; [Rect 1]
;; page1 / Rect 1
(let [new-instance-id (-> new-state
[[instance1 shape2]
[c-instance1 c-shape2]
(t/is (not= (:id main1) (:id instance1)))
(t/is (= (:id component) component-id))
(t/is (= (:name instance1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name shape2) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-instance1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-shape2) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:component-file instance1)
(dwl/instantiate-component (:id file)
(gpt/point 100 100))
(t/deftest test-instantiate-component-from-lib
(let [state (-> thp/initial-state
(thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect
{:name "Rect 1"})
(thp/make-component :main1 :component1
[(thp/id :shape1)])
(thp/move-to-library :lib1 "Library 1")
library-id (thp/id :lib1)
component-id (thp/id :component1)
store (the/prepare-store state done
(fn [new-state]
;; Expected shape tree:
;; [Page]
;; Root Frame
;; Rect 1 #--> <Library 1> Rect 1
;; Rect 1 ---> <Library 1> Rect 1
(let [new-instance-id (-> new-state
[[instance1 shape2]
[c-instance1 c-shape2]
(t/is (= (:id component) component-id))
(t/is (= (:name instance1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name shape2) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-instance1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-shape2) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:component-file instance1) library-id)))))]
(dwl/instantiate-component library-id
(gpt/point 100 100))
(t/deftest test-detach-component
(let [state (-> thp/initial-state
(thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect
{:name "Rect 1"})
(thp/make-component :main1 :component1
[(thp/id :shape1)])
(thp/instantiate-component :instance1
(thp/id :component1)))
instance1 (thp/get-shape state :instance1)
store (the/prepare-store state done
(fn [new-state]
;; Expected shape tree:
;; [Page]
;; Root Frame
;; Rect 1
;; Rect 1
;; Rect 1
;; Rect 1
;; [Rect 1]
;; page1 / Rect 1
(let [[instance2 shape1]
(:id instance1))]
(t/is (some? instance2))
(t/is (some? shape1)))))]
(dwl/detach-component (:id instance1))
(t/deftest test-add-nested-component-instance
(let [state (-> thp/initial-state
(thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect
{:name "Rect 1"})
(thp/make-component :main1 :component1
[(thp/id :shape1)])
(thp/instantiate-component :instance1 (thp/id :component1)))
store (the/prepare-store state done
(fn [new-state]
;; Expected shape tree:
;; [Page]
;; Root Frame
;; Rect 1
;; Rect 1
;; Board
;; Rect 1
;; Rect 1
;; [Rect 1]
;; page1 / Rect 1
;; [Board]
;; page1 / Board
(let [instance1 (thp/get-shape new-state :instance1)
[[group shape1 shape2]
[c-group c-shape1 c-shape2]
(:parent-id instance1))]
(t/is (= (:name group) "Board"))
(t/is (= (:name shape1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name shape2) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name component) "Board"))
(t/is (= (:name c-group) "Board"))
(t/is (= (:name c-shape1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-shape2) "Rect 1")))))]
(dw/select-shape (thp/id :instance1))
(t/deftest test-add-nested-component-main
(let [state (-> thp/initial-state
(thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect
{:name "Rect 1"}))
store (the/prepare-store state done
(fn [new-state]
;; Expected shape tree:
;; [Page]
;; Root Frame
;; Board
;; Rect 1
;; Rect 1
;; [Rect 1]
;; page1 / Rect 1
(let [file (wsh/get-local-file new-state)
components (ctkl/components file)
page (thp/current-page new-state)
shape1 (thp/get-shape new-state :shape1)
parent1 (ctn/get-shape page (:parent-id shape1))
[[group shape1]
[c-group c-shape1]
(:parent-id shape1))]
;; Creating a component from something containing a main doesn't generate a new component
(t/is (= (count components) 1))
(t/is (= (:name group) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name shape1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name component) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-group) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-shape1) "Rect 1")))))]
(dw/select-shape (thp/id :shape1))
(t/deftest test-instantiate-nested-component
(let [state (-> thp/initial-state
(thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect
{:name "Rect 1"})
(thp/make-component :main1 :component1
[(thp/id :shape1)])
(thp/make-component :main2 :component-2
[(thp/id :main1)]))
file (wsh/get-local-file state)
main1 (thp/get-shape state :main1)
main2 (thp/get-shape state :main2)
component-id (:component-id main2)
store (the/prepare-store state done
(fn [new-state]
;; Expected shape tree:
;; [Page]
;; Root Frame
;; Rect 1
;; Rect 1
;; Rect 1
;; Rect 1 #--> Rect 1
;; Rect 1 @--> Rect 1
;; Rect 1 ---> Rect 1
;; [Rect 1]
;; page1 / Rect 1
;; [Rect 1]
;; page1 / Rect 1
(let [new-instance-id (-> new-state
[[instance1 shape1 shape2]
[c-instance1 c-shape1 c-shape2]
;; TODO: get and check the instance inside component [Rect-2]
(t/is (not= (:id main1) (:id instance1)))
(t/is (= (:id component) component-id))
(t/is (= (:name instance1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name shape1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name shape2) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-instance1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-shape1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-shape2) "Rect 1")))))]
(dwl/instantiate-component (:id file)
(:component-id main2)
(gpt/point 100 100))
(t/deftest test-instantiate-nested-component-from-lib
(let [state (-> thp/initial-state
(thp/sample-shape :shape1 :rect
{:name "Rect 1"})
(thp/make-component :main1 :component1
[(thp/id :shape1)])
(thp/move-to-library :lib1 "Library 1")
(thp/instantiate-component :instance1
(thp/id :component1)
(thp/id :lib1)))
file (wsh/get-local-file state)
library-id (thp/id :lib1)
store (the/prepare-store state done
(fn [new-state]
;; Expected shape tree:
;; [Page]
;; Root Frame
;; Group
;; Rect 1 #--> <Library 1> Rect 1
;; Rect 1 ---> <Library 1> Rect 1
;; [Group]
;; page1 / Group
(let [instance1 (thp/get-shape new-state :instance1)
[[group1 shape1 shape2] [c-group1 c-shape1 c-shape2] _component]
(:parent-id instance1))]
(t/is (= (:name group1) "Board"))
(t/is (= (:name shape1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name shape2) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-group1) "Board"))
(t/is (= (:name c-shape1) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:name c-shape2) "Rect 1"))
(t/is (= (:component-file group1) thp/current-file-id))
(t/is (= (:component-file shape1) library-id))
(t/is (= (:component-file shape2) nil))
(t/is (= (:component-file c-group1) (:id file)))
(t/is (= (:component-file c-shape1) library-id))
(t/is (= (:component-file c-shape2) nil)))))]
(dw/select-shape (thp/id :instance1))

package-lock.json generated Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
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"": {
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View file

@ -18,5 +18,9 @@
"lint:clj:backend": "clj-kondo --parallel=true --lint backend/src",
"lint:clj:exporter": "clj-kondo --parallel=true --lint exporter/src",
"lint:clj": "yarn run lint:clj:common && yarn run lint:clj:frontend && yarn run lint:clj:backend && yarn run lint:clj:exporter"
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"@playwright/test": "^1.43.1",
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playwright.config.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
import { defineConfig, devices } from '@playwright/test';
* Read environment variables from file.
* https://github.com/motdotla/dotenv
// require('dotenv').config();
* See https://playwright.dev/docs/test-configuration.
export default defineConfig({
testDir: './tests',
/* Run tests in files in parallel */
fullyParallel: true,
/* Fail the build on CI if you accidentally left test.only in the source code. */
forbidOnly: !!process.env.CI,
/* Retry on CI only */
retries: process.env.CI ? 2 : 0,
/* Opt out of parallel tests on CI. */
workers: process.env.CI ? 1 : undefined,
/* Reporter to use. See https://playwright.dev/docs/test-reporters */
reporter: 'html',
/* Shared settings for all the projects below. See https://playwright.dev/docs/api/class-testoptions. */
use: {
/* Base URL to use in actions like `await page.goto('/')`. */
// baseURL: '',
/* Collect trace when retrying the failed test. See https://playwright.dev/docs/trace-viewer */
trace: 'on-first-retry',
/* Configure projects for major browsers */
projects: [
name: 'chromium',
use: { ...devices['Desktop Chrome'] },
name: 'firefox',
use: { ...devices['Desktop Firefox'] },
name: 'webkit',
use: { ...devices['Desktop Safari'] },
/* Test against mobile viewports. */
// {
// name: 'Mobile Chrome',
// use: { ...devices['Pixel 5'] },
// },
// {
// name: 'Mobile Safari',
// use: { ...devices['iPhone 12'] },
// },
/* Test against branded browsers. */
// {
// name: 'Microsoft Edge',
// use: { ...devices['Desktop Edge'], channel: 'msedge' },
// },
// {
// name: 'Google Chrome',
// use: { ...devices['Desktop Chrome'], channel: 'chrome' },
// },
/* Run your local dev server before starting the tests */
// webServer: {
// command: 'npm run start',
// url: '',
// reuseExistingServer: !process.env.CI,
// },

View file

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