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🐛 Fix bad redirect on new oops page with social login

This commit is contained in:
Pablo Alba 2024-09-12 16:11:15 +02:00 committed by Andrey Antukh
parent 017aad6454
commit 229eeae6db
5 changed files with 154 additions and 50 deletions

View file

@ -169,12 +169,20 @@
(letfn [(get-redirect-events []
(let [team-id (get-current-team-id profile)
welcome-file-id (get-in profile [:props :welcome-file-id])]
(if (some? welcome-file-id)
(rt/nav' :workspace {:project-id (:default-project-id profile)
welcome-file-id (dm/get-in profile [:props :welcome-file-id])
redirect-href (:login-redirect @s/session)]
(some? redirect-href)
(binding [s/*sync* true]
(swap! s/session dissoc :login-redirect)
(rx/of (rt/nav-raw :href redirect-href)))
(some? welcome-file-id)
(rx/of (rt/nav' :workspace {:project-id (:default-project-id profile)
:file-id welcome-file-id})
(update-profile-props {:welcome-file-id nil}))
(rx/of (rt/nav' :dashboard-projects {:team-id team-id})))))]
(ptk/reify ::logged-in

View file

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
[app.util.i18n :refer [tr]]
[app.util.keyboard :as k]
[app.util.router :as rt]
[app.util.storage :as s]
[beicon.v2.core :as rx]
[rumext.v2 :as mf]))
@ -47,10 +48,21 @@
(defn- login-with-oidc
[event provider params]
(dom/prevent-default event)
(binding [s/*sync* true]
(if (some? (:save-login-redirect params))
;; Save the current login raw uri for later redirect user back to
;; the same page, we need it to be synchronous because the user is
;; going to be redirected instantly to the oidc provider uri
(swap! s/session assoc :login-redirect (rt/get-current-href))
;; Clean the login redirect
(swap! s/session dissoc :login-redirect)))
;; FIXME: this code should be probably moved outside of the UI
(->> (rp/cmd! :login-with-oidc (assoc params :provider provider))
(rx/subs! (fn [{:keys [redirect-uri] :as rsp}]
(if redirect-uri
(.replace js/location redirect-uri)
(st/emit! (rt/nav-raw :uri redirect-uri))
(log/error :hint "unexpected response from OIDC method"
:resp (pr-str rsp))))
(fn [cause]

View file

@ -118,7 +118,8 @@
[:div {:class (stl/css :logo-title)} (tr "labels.login")]
[:div {:class (stl/css :logo-subtitle)} (tr "not-found.login.free")]
[:& login-methods {:on-recovery-request set-section-recovery
:on-success-callback success-login}]
:on-success-callback success-login
:params {:save-login-redirect true}}]
[:hr {:class (stl/css :separator)}]
[:div {:class (stl/css :change-section)}
(tr "auth.register")

View file

@ -151,11 +151,20 @@
(set! (.-href globals/location) "/"))
(defn nav-raw
[& {:keys [href uri]}]
(ptk/reify ::nav-raw
(effect [_ _ _]
(set! (.-href globals/location) href))))
(string? uri)
(.replace globals/location uri)
(string? href)
(set! (.-href globals/location) href)))))
(defn get-current-href
(.-href globals/location))
(defn get-current-path
@ -164,6 +173,7 @@
(subs hash 1)
;; --- History API
(defn initialize-history

View file

@ -10,75 +10,148 @@
[app.common.transit :as t]
[app.util.functions :as fns]
[app.util.globals :as g]
[cuerdas.core :as str]))
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[okulary.util :as ou]))
;; Using ex/ignoring because can receive a DOMException like this when
;; importing the code as a library: Failed to read the 'localStorage'
;; property from 'Window': Storage is disabled inside 'data:' URLs.
(defonce ^:private local-storage
(defonce ^:private local-storage-backend
(ex/ignoring (unchecked-get g/global "localStorage")))
(defonce ^:private session-storage-backend
(ex/ignoring (unchecked-get g/global "sessionStorage")))
(def ^:dynamic *sync*
"Dynamic variable which determines the mode of operation of the
storage mutatio actions. By default is asynchronous."
(defn- encode-key
[prefix k]
(assert (keyword? k) "key must be keyword")
(let [kns (namespace k)
kn (name k)]
(str "penpot:" kns "/" kn)))
(str prefix ":" kns "/" kn)))
(defn- decode-key
(when (str/starts-with? k "penpot:")
(let [k (subs k 7)]
[prefix k]
(when (str/starts-with? k prefix)
(let [l (+ (count prefix) 1)
k (subs k l)]
(if (str/starts-with? k "/")
(keyword (subs k 1))
(let [[kns kn] (str/split k "/" 2)]
(keyword kns kn))))))
(defn- lookup-by-index
[result index]
[backend prefix result index]
(let [key (.key ^js local-storage index)
key' (decode-key key)]
(let [key (.key ^js backend index)
key' (decode-key prefix key)]
(if key'
(let [val (.getItem ^js local-storage key)]
(let [val (.getItem ^js backend key)]
(assoc! result key' (t/decode-str val)))
(catch :default _
(defn- load
(when (some? local-storage)
(let [length (.-length ^js local-storage)]
(defn- load-data
[backend prefix]
(if (some? backend)
(let [length (.-length ^js backend)]
(loop [index 0
result (transient {})]
(if (< index length)
(recur (inc index)
(lookup-by-index result index))
(persistent! result))))))
(lookup-by-index backend prefix result index))
(persistent! result))))
(defonce ^:private latest-state (load))
(defn create-storage
[backend prefix]
(let [initial (load-data backend prefix)
curr-data #js {:content initial}
last-data #js {:content initial}
watches (js/Map.)
(defn- on-change*
(let [prev-state latest-state]
(fn [key val]
(when (some? backend)
(if (some? val)
(.setItem ^js backend (encode-key prefix key) (t/encode-str val))
(.removeItem ^js backend (encode-key prefix key)))))
(fn [curr-state]
(let [prev-state (unchecked-get last-data "content")]
(run! (fn [key]
(let [prev-val (get prev-state key)
curr-val (get curr-state key)]
(when-not (identical? curr-val prev-val)
(if (some? curr-val)
(.setItem ^js local-storage (encode-key key) (t/encode-str curr-val))
(.removeItem ^js local-storage (encode-key key))))))
(update-key key curr-val))))
(into #{} (concat (keys curr-state)
(keys prev-state))))
(set! latest-state curr-state)))))
(unchecked-set last-data "content" curr-state)))))
(defonce on-change
(fns/debounce on-change* 2000))
(fns/debounce on-change* 2000)]
(defonce storage (atom latest-state))
(add-watch storage :persistence
(fn [_ _ _ curr-state]
(on-change curr-state)))
(-deref [_] (unchecked-get curr-data "content"))
(-lookup [coll k]
(-lookup coll k nil))
(-lookup [_ k not-found]
(let [state (unchecked-get curr-data "content")]
(-lookup state k not-found)))
(-reset! [self newval]
(let [oldval (unchecked-get curr-data "content")]
(unchecked-set curr-data "content" newval)
(if *sync*
(on-change* newval)
(on-change newval))
(when (> (.-size watches) 0)
(-notify-watches self oldval newval))
(-swap! [self f]
(let [state (unchecked-get curr-data "content")]
(-reset! self (f state))))
(-swap! [self f x]
(let [state (unchecked-get curr-data "content")]
(-reset! self (f state x))))
(-swap! [self f x y]
(let [state (unchecked-get curr-data "content")]
(-reset! self (f state x y))))
(-swap! [self f x y more]
(let [state (unchecked-get curr-data "content")]
(-reset! self (apply f state x y more))))
(-notify-watches [self oldval newval]
(.entries watches)
(fn [n]
(let [f (aget n 1)
k (aget n 0)]
(f k self oldval newval)))))
(-add-watch [self key f]
(.set watches key f)
(-remove-watch [_ key]
(.delete watches key)))))
(defonce storage (create-storage local-storage-backend "penpot"))
(defonce session (create-storage session-storage-backend "penpot"))