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♻️ Add a tool to generate swap-slots

This commit is contained in:
Andrés Moya 2024-03-08 16:47:30 +01:00
parent a6f70c77cb
commit 2247f0ecac
3 changed files with 116 additions and 8 deletions

View file

@ -10,10 +10,15 @@
[app.binfile.common :as bfc]
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.files.changes :as cpc]
[app.common.files.helpers :as cfh]
[app.common.files.repair :as cfr]
[app.common.files.validate :as cfv]
[app.common.logging :as l]
[app.common.types.component :as ctk]
[app.common.types.container :as ctn]
[app.common.types.file :as ctf]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.db :as db]
[app.features.fdata :as feat.fdata]
@ -133,4 +138,102 @@
(fn [touched]
(disj touched :shapes-group))))]
file (-> file
(update :data fix-fdata))))
(update :data fix-fdata))))
(defn add-swap-slots
[file libs _opts]
;; Detect swapped copies and try to generate a valid swap-slot.
(letfn [(process-fdata [data]
;; Walk through all containers in the file, both pages and deleted components.
(reduce process-container data (ctf/object-containers-seq data)))
(process-container [data container]
;; Walk through all shapes in depth-first tree order.
(l/dbg :hint "Processing container" :type (:type container) :name (:name container))
(let [root-shape (ctn/get-container-root container)]
(ctf/update-container data
#(reduce process-shape % (ctn/get-direct-children container root-shape)))))
(process-shape [container shape]
;; Look for head copies in the first level (either component roots or inside main components).
;; Even if they have been swapped, we don't add slot to them because there is no way to know
;; the original shape. Only children.
(if (and (ctk/instance-head? shape)
(ctk/in-component-copy? shape)
(nil? (ctk/get-swap-slot shape)))
(process-copy-head container shape)
(reduce process-shape container (ctn/get-direct-children container shape))))
(process-copy-head [container head-shape]
;; Process recursively all children, comparing each one with the corresponding child in the main
;; component, looking by position. If the shape-ref does not point to the found child, then it has
;; been swapped and need to set up a slot.
(l/trc :hint "Processing copy-head" :id (:id head-shape) :name (:name head-shape))
(let [component-shape (ctf/find-ref-shape file container libs head-shape :include-deleted? true :with-context? true)
component-container (:container (meta component-shape))]
(loop [container container
children (map #(ctn/get-shape container %) (:shapes head-shape))
component-children (map #(ctn/get-shape component-container %) (:shapes component-shape))]
(let [child (first children)
component-child (first component-children)]
(if (or (nil? child) (nil? component-child))
(let [container (if (and (not (ctk/is-main-of? component-child child))
(nil? (ctk/get-swap-slot child))
(ctk/instance-head? child))
(let [slot (guess-swap-slot component-child component-container)]
(l/dbg :hint "child" :id (:id child) :name (:name child) :slot slot)
(ctn/update-shape container (:id child)
#(update % :touched
(ctk/build-swap-slot-group slot))))
(recur (process-copy-head container child)
(rest children)
(rest component-children))))))))
(guess-swap-slot [shape container]
;; To guess the slot, we must follow the chain until we find the definitive main. But
;; we cannot navigate by shape-ref, because main shapes may also have been swapped. So
;; chain by position, too.
(if-let [slot (ctk/get-swap-slot shape)]
(if-not (ctk/in-component-copy? shape)
(:id shape)
(let [head-copy (ctn/get-component-shape (:objects container) shape)]
(if (= (:id head-copy) (:id shape))
(:id shape)
(let [head-main (ctf/find-ref-shape file
:include-deleted? true
:with-context? true)
container-main (:container (meta head-main))
shape-main (find-match-by-position shape
(guess-swap-slot shape-main container-main)))))))
(find-match-by-position [shape-copy head-copy container-copy head-main container-main]
;; Find the shape in the main that has the same position under its parent than
;; the copy under its one. To get the parent we must process recursively until
;; the component head, because mains may also have been swapped.
(let [parent-copy (ctn/get-shape container-copy (:parent-id shape-copy))
parent-main (if (= (:id parent-copy) (:id head-copy))
(find-match-by-position parent-copy
index (cfh/get-position-on-parent (:objects container-copy)
(:id shape-copy))
shape-main-id (dm/get-in parent-main [:shapes index])]
(ctn/get-shape container-main shape-main-id)))]
file (-> file
(update :data process-fdata))))

View file

@ -90,6 +90,10 @@
[container shape-id f]
(update-in container [:objects shape-id] f))
(defn get-container-root
(d/seek #(or (nil? (:parent-id %)) (= (:parent-id %) uuid/zero)) (shapes-seq container)))
(defn get-direct-children
[container shape]
(map #(get-shape container %) (:shapes shape)))
@ -107,7 +111,7 @@
(get-children-rec [] id)))
(defn get-component-shape
"Get the parent top shape linked to a component for this shape, if any"
"Get the parent top shape linked to a component main for this shape, if any"
([objects shape] (get-component-shape objects shape nil))
([objects shape {:keys [allow-main?] :or {allow-main? false} :as options}]
(let [parent (get objects (:parent-id shape))]

View file

@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
(defn get-component-container
"Retrieve the container that holds the component shapes (the page in components-v2
or the component itself in v1)"
or the component itself in v1 or deleted component)."
[file-data component]
(let [components-v2 (dm/get-in file-data [:options :components-v2])]
(if (and components-v2 (not (:deleted component)))
@ -182,11 +182,12 @@
:data file-data}
:container (ctn/make-container component-page :page)})))))
(cond-> (dm/get-in component [:objects shape-id])
(with-meta {:file {:id (:id file-data)
:data file-data}
:container (ctn/make-container component :component)})))))
(let [shape (dm/get-in component [:objects shape-id])]
(cond-> shape
(and shape with-context?)
(with-meta {:file {:id (:id file-data)
:data file-data}
:container (ctn/make-container component :component)}))))))
(defn get-ref-shape
"Retrieve the shape in the component that is referenced by the instance shape."