mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 17:21:17 -05:00
✨ Parsing and file builder
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 307 additions and 32 deletions
@ -7,14 +7,52 @@
(ns app.common.file-builder
"A version parsing helper."
[app.common.spec :as us]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.common.pages.init :as init]
[app.common.geom.shapes :as gsh]
[app.common.pages.changes :as ch]
[app.common.pages.init :as init]
[app.common.pages.spec :as spec]
[app.common.spec :as us]
[app.common.spec :as us]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]))
(def root-frame uuid/zero)
;; This flag controls if we should execute spec validation after every commit
(def verify-on-commit? true)
(defn- commit-change [file change]
(when verify-on-commit?
(us/assert ::spec/change change))
(-> file
(update :changes conj change)
(update :data ch/process-changes [change] verify-on-commit?)))
(defn- lookup-objects
(lookup-objects file (:current-page-id file)))
([file page-id]
(get-in file [:data :pages-index page-id :objects])))
(defn- lookup-shape [file shape-id]
(-> (lookup-objects file)
(get shape-id)))
(defn- commit-shape [file obj]
(let [page-id (:current-page-id file)
frame-id (:current-frame-id file)
parent-id (-> file :parent-stack peek)]
(-> file
{:type :add-obj
:id (:id obj)
:page-id page-id
:frame-id frame-id
:parent-id parent-id
:obj obj}))))
(defn create-file
(let [id (uuid/next)]
@ -26,17 +64,8 @@
;; We keep the changes so we can send them to the backend
:changes []})))
;; TODO: Change to `false`
(def verify-on-commit? true)
(defn commit-change [file change]
(-> file
(update :changes conj change)
(update :data ch/process-changes [change] verify-on-commit?)))
(defn add-page
[file name]
(let [page-id (uuid/next)]
(-> file
@ -49,22 +78,82 @@
;; Current page being edited
(assoc :current-page-id page-id)
;; Current frame-id
(assoc :current-frame-id root-frame)
;; Current parent stack we'll be nesting
(assoc :parent-stack [root-frame]))))
(defn add-artboard [file data])
(defn add-artboard [file data]
(let [obj (-> (init/make-minimal-shape :frame)
(merge data))]
(-> file
(commit-shape obj)
(assoc :current-frame-id (:id obj))
(update :parent-stack conj (:id obj)))))
(defn close-artboard [file])
(defn close-artboard [file]
(-> file
(assoc :current-frame-id root-frame)
(update :parent-stack pop)))
(defn add-group [file data])
(defn close-group [file data])
(defn add-group [file data]
(let [frame-id (:current-frame-id file)
selrect init/empty-selrect
name (:name data)
obj (-> (init/make-minimal-group frame-id selrect name)
(merge data))]
(-> file
(commit-shape obj)
(update :parent-stack conj (:id obj)))))
(defn create-rect [file data])
(defn create-circle [file data])
(defn create-path [file data])
(defn create-text [file data])
(defn create-image [file data])
(defn close-group [file]
(let [group-id (-> file :parent-stack peek)
group (lookup-shape file group-id)
shapes (->> group :shapes (mapv #(lookup-shape file %)))
selrect (gsh/selection-rect shapes)
points (gsh/rect->points selrect)]
(defn close-page [file])
(-> file
{:type :mod-obj
:page-id (:current-page-id file)
:id group-id
[{:type :set :attr :selrect :val selrect}
{:type :set :attr :points :val points}]})
(update :parent-stack pop))))
(defn generate-changes [file])
(defn create-shape [file type data]
(let [frame-id (:current-frame-id file)
frame (when-not (= frame-id root-frame)
(lookup-shape file frame-id))
obj (-> (init/make-minimal-shape type)
(merge data)
(cond-> frame
(gsh/translate-from-frame frame)))]
(commit-shape file obj)))
(defn create-rect [file data]
(create-shape file :rect data))
(defn create-circle [file data]
(create-shape file :circle data))
(defn create-path [file data]
(create-shape file :path data))
(defn create-text [file data]
(create-shape file :text data))
(defn create-image [file data]
(create-shape file :image data))
(defn close-page [file]
(-> file
(dissoc :current-page-id)
(dissoc :parent-stack)))
(defn generate-changes
(:changes file))
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#?(:cljs [cljs.pprint :as pp]
:clj [clojure.pprint :as pp])
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.math :as mth]))
@ -25,6 +26,15 @@
([a b c d e f]
(Matrix. a b c d e f)))
(def number-regex #"[+-]?\d*(\.\d+)?(e[+-]?\d+)?")
(defn str->matrix
(let [params (->> (re-seq number-regex matrix-str)
(filter #(-> % first empty? not))
(map (comp d/parse-double first)))]
(apply matrix params)))
(defn multiply
([{m1a :a m1b :b m1c :c m1d :d m1e :e m1f :f}
{m2a :a m2b :b m2c :c m2d :d m2e :e m2f :f}]
@ -100,6 +100,10 @@
[shape {:keys [x y]}]
(gtr/move shape (gpt/negate (gpt/point x y))) )
(defn translate-from-frame
[shape {:keys [x y]}]
(gtr/move shape (gpt/point x y)) )
;; --- Helpers
(defn fully-contained?
@ -84,6 +84,7 @@
(d/export init/make-file-data)
(d/export init/make-minimal-shape)
(d/export init/make-minimal-group)
(d/export init/empty-file-data)
;; Specs
@ -85,6 +85,12 @@
{:type :svg-raw}])
(def empty-selrect
{:x 0 :y 0
:x1 0 :y1 0
:x2 1 :y2 1
:width 1 :height 1})
(defn make-minimal-shape
(let [type (cond (= type :curve) :path
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) UXBOX Labs SL
(ns app.util.import.parser
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.geom.matrix :as gmt]
[app.common.geom.shapes :as gsh]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[app.util.path.parser :as upp]))
(defn valid?
(contains? (:attrs root) :xmlns:penpot))
(defn branch?
(and (contains? node :content)
(some? (:content node))))
(defn close?
(and (vector? node)
(= ::close (first node))))
(defn get-type
(if (close? node)
(second node)
(-> (get-in node [:attrs :penpot:type])
(defn shape?
(or (close? node)
(contains? (:attrs node) :penpot:type)))
(defn get-attr
([m att]
(get-attr m att identity))
([m att val-fn]
(let [ns-att (->> att d/name (str "penpot:") keyword)
val (get-in m [:attrs ns-att])]
(when val (val-fn val)))))
(defn get-children
(cond-> (:content node)
;; We add a "fake" node to know when we are leaving the shape children
(shape? node)
(conj [::close (get-type node)])))
(defn node-seq
(->> content (tree-seq branch? get-children)))
(defn get-transform
[type node])
(defn parse-style
"Transform style list into a map"
(if (string? style-str)
(->> (str/split style-str ";")
(map str/trim)
(map #(str/split % ":"))
(group-by first)
(map (fn [[key val]]
(vector (keyword key) (second (first val)))))
(into {}))
(defn add-attrs
[m attrs]
(fn [m k v]
(if (#{:style :data-style} k)
(assoc m :style (parse-style v))
(assoc m k v)))
(defn get-data-node
(let [data-tags #{:ellipse :rect :path}]
(->> node
(filter #(contains? data-tags (:tag %)))
(map #(:attrs %))
(reduce add-attrs {}))))
(def search-data-node? #{:rect :image :path :text :circle})
(def has-position? #{:frame :rect :image :text})
(defn parse-position
[props data]
(let [values (->> (select-keys data [:x :y :width :height])
(d/mapm (fn [_ val] (d/parse-double val))))]
(d/merge props values)))
(defn parse-circle
[props data]
(let [values (->> (select-keys data [:cx :cy :rx :ry])
(d/mapm (fn [_ val] (d/parse-double val))))]
{:x (- (:cx values) (:rx values))
:y (- (:cy values) (:ry values))
:width (* (:rx values) 2)
:height (* (:ry values) 2)}))
(defn parse-path
[props data]
(let [content (upp/parse-path (:d data))
selrect (gsh/content->selrect content)
points (gsh/rect->points selrect)]
(-> props
(assoc :content content)
(assoc :selrect selrect)
(assoc :points points))))
(defn extract-data
[type node]
(let [data (if (search-data-node? type)
(get-data-node node)
(:attrs node))]
(cond-> {}
(has-position? type)
(-> (parse-position data)
(= type :circle)
(-> (parse-circle data)
(= type :path)
(parse-path data))))
(defn str->bool
(= val "true"))
(defn parse-data
[type node]
(when-not (close? node)
(let [name (get-attr node :name)
blocked (get-attr node :blocked str->bool)
hidden (get-attr node :hidden str->bool)
transform (get-attr node :transform gmt/str->matrix)
transform-inverse (get-attr node :transform-inverse gmt/str->matrix)]
(-> (extract-data type node)
(assoc :name name)
(assoc :blocked blocked)
(assoc :hidden hidden)
(cond-> (some? transform)
(assoc :transform transform))
(cond-> (some? transform-inverse)
(assoc :transform-inverse transform-inverse))))))
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(ns app.util.object
"A collection of helpers for work with javascript objects."
(:refer-clojure :exclude [set! get get-in merge clone])
(:refer-clojure :exclude [set! get get-in merge clone contains?])
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[goog.object :as gobj]
@ -22,6 +22,10 @@
(let [result (get obj k)]
(if (undefined? result) default result))))
(defn contains?
[obj k]
(some? (unchecked-get obj k)))
(defn get-keys
(js/Object.keys ^js obj))
@ -9,14 +9,13 @@
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.geom.shapes.path :as gshp]
[app.common.math :as mth]
[app.util.path.arc-to-curve :refer [a2c]]
[app.util.path.commands :as upc]
[app.util.svg :as usvg]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[clojure.set :as set]
[app.common.math :as mth]
[app.util.path.geom :as upg]
[app.util.svg :as usvg]
[clojure.set :as set]
[cuerdas.core :as str]))
(def commands-regex #"(?i)[mzlhvcsqta][^mzlhvcsqta]*")
@ -745,8 +745,6 @@
(reduce gmt/multiply (gmt/matrix) matrices))
(defn format-move [[x y]] (str "M" x " " y))
(defn format-line [[x y]] (str "L" x " " y))
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