mirror of
synced 2025-02-12 18:18:24 -05:00
🐛 Fix problem when exporting texts with gradients or opacity
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 271 additions and 62 deletions
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
- Fix problem with exporting before the document is saved [Taiga #2189](https://tree.taiga.io/project/penpot/issue/2189)
- Fix undo stacking when changing color from color-picker [Taiga #2191](https://tree.taiga.io/project/penpot/issue/2191)
- Fix pages dropdown in viewer [Taiga #2087](https://tree.taiga.io/project/penpot/issue/2087)
- Fix problem when exporting texts with gradients or opacity [Taiga #2200](https://tree.taiga.io/project/penpot/issue/2200)
### :arrow_up: Deps updates
### :heart: Community contributions by (Thank you!)
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
[app.renderer.bitmap :refer [create-cookie]]
[promesa.core :as p]))
(log/set-level "app.http.export-svg" :trace)
(log/set-level "app.renderer.svg" :trace)
(defn- xml->clj
@ -146,15 +146,61 @@
{:color color
:svgdata data}))))))
(join-color-layers [{:keys [x y width height] :as node} layers]
(log/trace :fn :join-color-layers)
(set-path-color [id color mapping node]
(let [color-mapping (get mapping color)]
(and (some? color-mapping)
(= "transparent" (get color-mapping "type")))
(update node "attributes" assoc
"fill" (get color-mapping "hex")
"fill-opacity" (get color-mapping "opacity"))
(and (some? color-mapping)
(= "gradient" (get color-mapping "type")))
(update node "attributes" assoc
"fill" (str "url(#gradient-" id "-" (subs color 1) ")"))
(update node "attributes" assoc "fill" color))))
(get-stops [data]
(->> (get-in data ["gradient" "stops"])
(mapv (fn [stop-data]
{"type" "element"
"name" "stop"
"attributes" {"offset" (get stop-data "offset")
"stop-color" (get stop-data "color")
"stop-opacity" (get stop-data "opacity")}}))))
(data->gradient-def [id [color data]]
(let [id (str "gradient-" id "-" (subs color 1))]
(if (= type "linear")
{"type" "element"
"name" "linearGradient"
"attributes" {"id" id "x1" "0.5" "y1" "1" "x2" "0.5" "y2" "0"}
"elements" (get-stops data)}
{"type" "element"
"name" "radialGradient"
"attributes" {"id" id "cx" "0.5" "cy" "0.5" "r" "0.5"}
"elements" (get-stops data)}
(get-gradients [id mapping]
(->> mapping
(filter (fn [[color data]]
(= (get data "type") "gradient")))
(mapv (partial data->gradient-def id))))
(join-color-layers [{:keys [id x y width height mapping] :as node} layers]
(log/trace :fn :join-color-layers :mapping mapping)
(loop [result (-> (:svgdata (first layers))
(assoc "elements" []))
layers (seq layers)]
(if-let [{:keys [color svgdata]} (first layers)]
(recur (->> (get svgdata "elements")
(filter #(= (get % "name") "g"))
(map #(update % "attributes" assoc "fill" color))
(map (partial set-path-color id color mapping))
(update result "elements" d/concat))
(rest layers))
@ -166,11 +212,12 @@
transform (str/fmt "translate(%s, %s) scale(%s, %s)" x y
(/ width (:width vbox))
(/ height (:height vbox)))]
(-> result
(assoc "name" "g")
(assoc "attributes" {})
(update "elements" (fn [elements]
(/ height (:height vbox)))
gradient-defs (get-gradients id mapping)
(->> (get result "elements")
(mapv (fn [group]
(let [paths (get group "elements")]
(if (= 1 (count paths))
@ -180,8 +227,18 @@
(-> attrs
(d/merge (get group "attributes"))
(update "transform" #(str transform " " %))))))
(update-in group ["attributes" "transform"] #(str transform " " %)))))
(update-in group ["attributes" "transform"] #(str transform " " %)))))))
elements (cond->> elements
(not (empty? gradient-defs))
(d/concat [{"type" "element" "name" "defs" "attributes" {}
"elements" gradient-defs}]))]
(-> result
(assoc "name" "g")
(assoc "attributes" {})
(assoc "elements" elements))))))
(convert-to-svg [ppmpath {:keys [colors] :as node}]
(log/trace :fn :convert-to-svg :ppmpath ppmpath :colors colors)
@ -202,13 +259,15 @@
(extract-element-attrs [^js element]
(let [^js attrs (.. element -attributes)
^js colors (.. element -dataset -colors)]
^js colors (.. element -dataset -colors)
^js mapping (.. element -dataset -mapping)]
#js {:id (.. attrs -id -value)
:x (.. attrs -x -value)
:y (.. attrs -y -value)
:width (.. attrs -width -value)
:height (.. attrs -height -value)
:colors (.split colors ",")}))
:colors (.split colors ",")
:mapping (js/JSON.parse mapping)}))
(extract-single-node [[shot node]]
(log/trace :fn :extract-single-node)
@ -220,6 +279,7 @@
:width (unchecked-get attrs "width")
:height (unchecked-get attrs "height")
:colors (vec (unchecked-get attrs "colors"))
:mapping (js->clj (unchecked-get attrs "mapping"))
:data shot}))
(resolve-text-node [page node]
@ -313,3 +373,4 @@
:length (alength content)
:mime-type "image/svg+xml"}))
@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
(def render-ctx (mf/create-context nil))
(def def-ctx (mf/create-context false))
;; This content is used to replace complex colors to simple ones
;; for text shapes in the export process
(def text-plain-colors-ctx (mf/create-context false))
(def current-route (mf/create-context nil))
(def current-team-id (mf/create-context nil))
(def current-project-id (mf/create-context nil))
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
[app.main.exports :as exports]
[app.main.repo :as repo]
[app.main.store :as st]
[app.main.ui.context :as muc]
[app.main.ui.shapes.embed :as embed]
[app.main.ui.shapes.export :as ed]
[app.main.ui.shapes.filters :as filters]
@ -124,6 +125,7 @@
;; Auxiliary SVG for rendering text-shapes
(when render-texts?
(for [object text-shapes]
[:& (mf/provider muc/text-plain-colors-ctx) {:value true}
[:svg {:id (str "screenshot-text-" (:id object))
:view-box (str "0 0 " (:width object) " " (:height object))
:width (:width object)
@ -131,7 +133,7 @@
:version "1.1"
:xmlns "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
:xmlnsXlink "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"}
[:& shape-wrapper {:shape (-> object (assoc :x 0 :y 0))}]]))]))
[:& shape-wrapper {:shape (-> object (assoc :x 0 :y 0))}]]]))]))
(defn- adapt-root-frame
[objects object-id]
@ -10,24 +10,10 @@
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.geom.shapes :as gsh]
[app.main.ui.context :as muc]
[app.main.ui.shapes.export :as ed]
[app.util.object :as obj]
[rumext.alpha :as mf]))
(mf/defc linear-gradient [{:keys [id gradient shape]}]
(let [transform (when (= :path (:type shape)) (gsh/transform-matrix shape nil (gpt/point 0.5 0.5)))]
[:> :linearGradient #js {:id id
:x1 (:start-x gradient)
:y1 (:start-y gradient)
:x2 (:end-x gradient)
:y2 (:end-y gradient)
:gradientTransform transform
:penpot:gradient "true"}
(for [{:keys [offset color opacity]} (:stops gradient)]
[:stop {:key (str id "-stop-" offset)
:offset (or offset 0)
:stop-color color
:stop-opacity opacity}])]))
(defn add-metadata [props gradient]
(-> props
(obj/set! "penpot:gradient" "true")
@ -38,6 +24,30 @@
(obj/set! "penpot:end-y" (:end-y gradient))
(obj/set! "penpot:width" (:width gradient))))
(mf/defc linear-gradient [{:keys [id gradient shape]}]
(let [transform (when (= :path (:type shape)) (gsh/transform-matrix shape nil (gpt/point 0.5 0.5)))
base-props #js {:id id
:x1 (:start-x gradient)
:y1 (:start-y gradient)
:x2 (:end-x gradient)
:y2 (:end-y gradient)
:gradientTransform transform}
include-metadata? (mf/use-ctx ed/include-metadata-ctx)
props (cond-> base-props
(add-metadata gradient))]
[:> :linearGradient props
(for [{:keys [offset color opacity]} (:stops gradient)]
[:stop {:key (str id "-stop-" offset)
:offset (or offset 0)
:stop-color color
:stop-opacity opacity}])]))
(mf/defc radial-gradient [{:keys [id gradient shape]}]
(let [{:keys [x y width height]} (:selrect shape)
transform (if (= :path (:type shape))
@ -73,7 +83,11 @@
:gradientUnits "userSpaceOnUse"
:gradientTransform transform}
props (-> base-props (add-metadata gradient))]
include-metadata? (mf/use-ctx ed/include-metadata-ctx)
props (cond-> base-props
(add-metadata gradient))]
[:> :radialGradient props
(for [{:keys [offset color opacity]} (:stops gradient)]
[:stop {:key (str id "-stop-" offset)
@ -8,9 +8,12 @@
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.geom.shapes :as geom]
[app.main.ui.context :as muc]
[app.main.ui.shapes.attrs :as attrs]
[app.main.ui.shapes.text.styles :as sts]
[app.util.color :as uc]
[app.util.object :as obj]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[rumext.alpha :as mf]))
(mf/defc render-text
@ -73,12 +76,111 @@
(obj/set! "key" index))]
[:> render-node props]))])))))
(defn- next-color
"Given a set of colors try to get a color not yet used"
(assert (set? colors))
(loop [current-rgb [0 0 0]]
(let [current-hex (uc/rgb->hex current-rgb)]
(if (contains? colors current-hex)
(recur (uc/next-rgb current-rgb))
(defn- remap-colors
"Returns a new content replacing the original colors by their mapped 'simple color'"
[content color-mapping]
(cond-> content
(and (:fill-opacity content) (< (:fill-opacity content) 1.0))
(-> (assoc :fill-color (get color-mapping [(:fill-color content) (:fill-opacity content)]))
(assoc :fill-opacity 1.0))
(some? (:fill-color-gradient content))
(-> (assoc :fill-color (get color-mapping (:fill-color-gradient content)))
(assoc :fill-opacity 1.0)
(dissoc :fill-color-gradient))
(contains? content :children)
(update :children #(mapv (fn [node] (remap-colors node color-mapping)) %))))
(defn- fill->color
"Given a content node returns the information about that node fill color"
[{:keys [fill-color fill-opacity fill-color-gradient]}]
(some? fill-color-gradient)
{:type :gradient
:gradient fill-color-gradient}
(and (string? fill-color) (some? fill-opacity) (not= fill-opacity 1))
{:type :transparent
:hex fill-color
:opacity fill-opacity}
(string? fill-color)
{:type :solid
:hex fill-color
:map-to fill-color}))
(defn- retrieve-colors
"Given a text shape returns a triple with the values:
- colors used as fills
- a mapping from simple solid colors to complex ones (transparents/gradients)
- the inverse of the previous mapping (to restore the value in the SVG)"
(let [colors (->> (:content shape)
(let [color-data
(->> (:content shape)
(tree-seq map? :children)
(into #{"#000000"} (comp (map :fill-color) (filter string?))))]
(apply str (interpose "," colors))))
(map fill->color)
(filter some?))
colors (->> color-data
(into #{"#000000"}
(comp (filter #(= :solid (:type %)))
(map :hex))))
[colors color-data]
(loop [colors colors
head (first color-data)
tail (rest color-data)
result []]
(if (nil? head)
[colors result]
(if (= :solid (:type head))
(recur colors
(first tail)
(rest tail)
(conj result head))
(let [next-color (next-color colors)
head (assoc head :map-to next-color)
colors (conj colors next-color)]
(recur colors
(first tail)
(rest tail)
(conj result head))))))
(->> color-data
(remove #(= :solid (:type %)))
(group-by :map-to)
(d/mapm #(first %2)))
(->> color-data
(filter #(= :transparent (:type %)))
(map #(vector [(:hex %) (:opacity %)] (:map-to %)))
(into {}))
(->> color-data
(filter #(= :gradient (:type %)))
(map #(vector (:gradient %) (:map-to %)))
(into {})))]
[colors color-mapping color-mapping-inverse]))
(mf/defc text-shape
{::mf/wrap-props false
@ -88,11 +190,19 @@
grow-type (obj/get props "grow-type") ;; This is only needed in workspace
;; We add 8px to add a padding for the exporter
;; width (+ width 8)
[colors color-mapping color-mapping-inverse] (retrieve-colors shape)
plain-colors? (mf/use-ctx muc/text-plain-colors-ctx)
content (cond-> content
(remap-colors color-mapping))]
[:foreignObject {:x x
:y y
:id id
:data-colors (retrieve-colors shape)
:data-colors (->> colors (str/join ","))
:data-mapping (-> color-mapping-inverse (clj->js) (js/JSON.stringify))
:transform (geom/transform-matrix shape)
:width (if (#{:auto-width} grow-type) 100000 width)
:height (if (#{:auto-height :auto-width} grow-type) 100000 height)
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
(ns app.util.color
"Color conversion utils."
[app.common.exceptions :as ex]
[app.util.object :as obj]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[goog.color :as gcolor]))
@ -155,3 +156,19 @@
(def empty-color
(into {} (map #(vector % nil)) [:color :id :file-id :gradient :opacity]))
(defn next-rgb
"Given a color in rgb returns the next color"
[[r g b]]
(and (= 255 r) (= 255 g) (= 255 b))
(ex/raise "Cannot get next color")
(and (= 255 g) (= 255 b))
[(inc r) 0 0]
(= 255 b)
[r (inc g) 0]
[r g (inc b)]))
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