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mirror of https://github.com/penpot/penpot.git synced 2025-03-26 22:51:29 -05:00

♻️ Refactor: shape data structure, dashboard data loading...

This commit is contained in:
Andrey Antukh 2020-01-07 09:35:38 +01:00
parent 9f8936ea40
commit 1e058463b2
56 changed files with 1785 additions and 2316 deletions

View file

@ -56,7 +56,6 @@
(let [sql create-project-user-sql
project-id (mk-uuid "project" project-index user-index)
user-id (mk-uuid "user" (dec user-index))]
(println sql project-id user-id)
(db/query-one conn [sql project-id user-id])))
;; --- Projects creation
@ -114,10 +113,10 @@
(let [canvas {:id (mk-uuid "canvas" 1)
:name "Canvas-1"
:type :canvas
:x1 200
:y1 200
:x2 1224
:y2 968}
:x 200
:y 200
:width 1024
:height 768}
data {:shapes []
:canvas [(:id canvas)]
:shapes-by-id {(:id canvas) canvas}}

View file

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
[conn {:keys [name] :as item}]
(log/info "Creating or updating icons collection:" name)
(let [id (uuid/namespaced +icons-uuid-ns+ name)
sql "insert into icons_collections (id, user_id, name)
sql "insert into icon_collections (id, user_id, name)
values ($1, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'::uuid, $2)
on conflict (id)
do update set name = $2
@ -122,8 +122,8 @@
"Create or replace image collection by its name."
[conn {:keys [name] :as item}]
(log/info "Creating or updating image collection:" name)
(let [id (uuid/namespaced +icons-uuid-ns+ name)
sql "insert into images_collections (id, user_id, name)
(let [id (uuid/namespaced +images-uuid-ns+ name)
sql "insert into image_collections (id, user_id, name)
values ($1, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'::uuid, $2)
on conflict (id)
do update set name = $2

View file

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
(sm/defmutation ::create-icons-collection
[{:keys [id user name] :as params}]
(let [id (or id (uuid/next))
sql "insert into icons_collections (id, user_id, name)
sql "insert into icon_collections (id, user_id, name)
values ($1, $2, $3) returning *"]
(db/query-one db/pool [sql id user name])))
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
(sm/defmutation ::update-icons-collection
[{:keys [id user name] :as params}]
(let [sql "update icons_collections
(let [sql "update icon_collections
set name = $3
where id = $1
and user_id = $2
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
(sm/defmutation ::delete-icons-collection
[{:keys [user id] :as params}]
(let [sql "update icons_collections
(let [sql "update icon_collections
set deleted_at = clock_timestamp()
where id = $1
and user_id = $2

View file

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
(sm/defmutation ::create-image-collection
[{:keys [id user name] :as params}]
(let [sql "insert into images_collections (id, user_id, name)
(let [sql "insert into image_collections (id, user_id, name)
values ($1, $2, $3) returning *;"]
(db/query-one db/pool [sql (or id (uuid/next)) user name])))
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
(sm/defmutation ::update-images-collection
[{:keys [id user name] :as params}]
(let [sql "update images_collections
(let [sql "update image_collections
set name = $3
where id = $1
and user_id = $2
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
(sm/defmutation ::delete-images-collection
[{:keys [id user] :as params}]
(let [sql "update images_collections
(let [sql "update image_collections
set deleted_at = clock_timestamp()
where id = $1
and user_id = $2
@ -102,13 +102,13 @@
(-> (ds/save storage filename path)
(def ^:private create-image-sql
(su/defstr sql:create-image
"insert into images (user_id, name, collection_id, path, width, height, mimetype)
values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) returning *")
(defn- store-image-in-db
[conn {:keys [id user name path collection-id height width mimetype]}]
(let [sqlv [create-image-sql user name collection-id
(let [sqlv [sql:create-image user name collection-id
path width height mimetype]]
(-> (db/query-one conn sqlv)
(p/then populate-thumbnail)

View file

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :not-authorized))))))
;; --- Mutation: Create Project
;; --- Mutation: Create Project File
(declare create-file)
(declare create-page)
@ -72,9 +72,9 @@
[{:keys [user project-id] :as params}]
(db/with-atomic [conn db/pool]
(proj/check-edition-permissions! conn user project-id)
(p/let [file (create-file conn params)]
(create-page conn (assoc params :file-id (:id file)))
(p/let [file (create-file conn params)
page (create-page conn (assoc params :file-id (:id file)))]
(assoc file :pages [(:id page)]))))
(defn create-file
[conn {:keys [id user name project-id] :as params}]
@ -88,7 +88,10 @@
[conn {:keys [user file-id] :as params}]
(let [id (uuid/next)
name "Page 1"
data (blob/encode {})
data (blob/encode
{:shapes []
:canvas []
:shapes-by-id {}})
sql "insert into project_pages (id, user_id, file_id, name, version,
ordering, data)
values ($1, $2, $3, $4, 0, 1, $5) returning id"]

View file

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
(def ^:private icons-collections-sql
"select *,
(select count(*) from icons where collection_id = ic.id) as num_icons
from icons_collections as ic
from icon_collections as ic
where (ic.user_id = $1 or
ic.user_id = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'::uuid)
and ic.deleted_at is null

View file

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
(def ^:private images-collections-sql
"select *,
(select count(*) from images where collection_id = ic.id) as num_images
from images_collections as ic
from image_collections as ic
where (ic.user_id = $1 or
ic.user_id = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'::uuid)
and ic.deleted_at is null
@ -86,23 +86,32 @@
;; --- Query Images by Collection (id)
(def images-by-collection-sql
(su/defstr sql:images-by-collection
"select * from images
where (user_id = $1 or
user_id = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'::uuid)
and deleted_at is null
and case when $2::uuid is null then collection_id is null
else collection_id = $2::uuid
order by created_at desc;")
order by created_at desc")
(s/def ::images-by-collection-query
(su/defstr sql:images-by-collection1
"with images as (~{sql:images-by-collection})
select im.* from images as im
where im.collection_id is null")
(su/defstr sql:images-by-collection2
"with images as (~{sql:images-by-collection})
select im.* from images as im
where im.collection_id = $2")
(s/def ::images-by-collection
(s/keys :req-un [::user]
:opt-un [::collection-id]))
(sq/defquery ::images-by-collection
[{:keys [user collection-id] :as params}]
(let [sqlv [images-by-collection-sql user collection-id]]
(let [sqlv (if (nil? collection-id)
[sql:images-by-collection1 user]
[sql:images-by-collection2 user collection-id])]
(-> (db/query db/pool sqlv)
(p/then populate-thumbnails)
(p/then #(mapv populate-urls %)))))

View file

@ -99,13 +99,13 @@
{:enter (fn [data]
(let [context (get-in data [:request ::vw/routing-context])
uploads (reduce (fn [acc ^FileUpload upload]
(assoc acc
(keyword (.name upload))
{:type :uploaded-file
:mtype (.contentType upload)
:path (.uploadedFileName upload)
:name (.fileName upload)
:size (.size upload)}))
(assoc! acc
(keyword (.name upload))
{:type :uploaded-file
:mtype (.contentType upload)
:path (.uploadedFileName upload)
:name (.fileName upload)
:size (.size upload)}))
(transient {})
(.fileUploads ^RoutingContext context))]
(update data :request assoc attr (persistent! uploads))))}))

View file

@ -7,7 +7,13 @@
(ns uxbox.common.data
"Data manipulation and query helper functions."
(:refer-clojure :exclude [concat])
(:require [clojure.set :as set]))
(:require [clojure.set :as set]
#?(:cljs [cljs.reader :as r]
:clj [clojure.edn :as r])))
;; Data Structures Manipulation
(defn concat
[& colls]
@ -18,6 +24,18 @@
(rest colls))
(defn enumerate
([items] (enumerate items 0))
([items start]
(loop [idx start
items items
res []]
(if (empty? items)
(recur (inc idx)
(rest items)
(conj res [idx (first items)]))))))
(defn seek
([pred coll]
(seek pred coll nil))
@ -48,3 +66,75 @@
(recur (first r) (rest r) rs)
(recur (first r) (rest r) (conj rs [:mod k vmb]))))
(defn index-by
"Return a indexed map of the collection keyed by the result of
executing the getter over each element of the collection."
[getter coll]
(reduce #(assoc! %1 (getter %2) %2) (transient {}) coll)))
(defn remove-nil-vals
"Given a map, return a map removing key-value
pairs when value is `nil`."
(into {} (remove (comp nil? second) data)))
(defn without-keys
"Return a map without the keys provided
in the `keys` parameter."
[data keys]
(reduce #(dissoc! %1 %2) (transient data) keys)))
;; Data Parsing / Conversion
(defn- nan?
(not= v v))
(defn- impl-parse-integer
#?(:cljs (js/parseInt v 10)
:clj (try
(Integer/parseInt v)
(catch Throwable e
(defn- impl-parse-double
#?(:cljs (js/parseFloat v)
:clj (try
(Double/parseDouble v)
(catch Throwable e
(defn parse-integer
(parse-integer v nil))
([v default]
(let [v (impl-parse-integer v)]
(if (or (nil? v) (nan? v))
(defn parse-double
(parse-double v nil))
([v default]
(let [v (impl-parse-double v)]
(if (or (nil? v) (nan? v))
(defn read-string
(r/read-string v))
(defn coalesce-str
[val default]
(if (or (nil? val) (nan? val))
(str val)))

View file

@ -16,13 +16,12 @@
(s/def ::background string?)
(s/def ::background-opacity number?)
;; Page related
(s/def ::file-id uuid?)
(s/def ::user uuid?)
(s/def ::created-at inst?)
(s/def ::modified-at inst?)
(s/def ::version number?)
(s/def ::ordering number?)
(s/def ::metadata
(s/keys :opt-un [::grid-y-axis
;; Page Data related
(s/def ::shape
@ -35,19 +34,9 @@
(s/def ::shapes-by-id
(s/map-of uuid? ::shape))
;; Main
(s/def ::data
(s/keys :req-un [::shapes ::canvas ::shapes-by-id]))
(s/def ::metadata
(s/keys :opt-un [::grid-y-axis
(s/def ::shape-change
(s/tuple #{:add :mod :del} keyword? any?))

View file

@ -3,15 +3,15 @@
org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.10.1"}
com.cognitect/transit-cljs {:mvn/version "0.8.256"}
cljsjs/react {:mvn/version "16.11.0-0"}
cljsjs/react-dom {:mvn/version "16.11.0-0"}
cljsjs/react-dom-server {:mvn/version "16.11.0-0"}
cljsjs/react {:mvn/version "16.12.0-1"}
cljsjs/react-dom {:mvn/version "16.12.0-1"}
cljsjs/react-dom-server {:mvn/version "16.12.0-1"}
environ/environ {:mvn/version "1.1.0"}
metosin/reitit-core {:mvn/version "0.3.10"}
expound/expound {:mvn/version "0.7.2"}
funcool/beicon {:mvn/version "5.1.0"}
funcool/beicon {:mvn/version "6.0.0-SNAPSHOT"}
funcool/cuerdas {:mvn/version "2.2.0"}
funcool/lentes {:mvn/version "1.3.3"}
funcool/potok {:mvn/version "2.8.0-SNAPSHOT"}

View file

@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
&.images-th {
background-color: $primary-ui-bg;
border: 1px dashed $color-gray-light;
border-bottom: 2px solid lighten($color-gray-light, 12%);
&:hover {

View file

@ -17,21 +17,14 @@
[uxbox.util.time :as dt]
[uxbox.util.uuid :as uuid]))
;; TODO: need a good refactor
;; --- Initialize
(declare fetch-collections)
(declare persist-collections)
(declare collections-fetched?)
(defrecord Initialize []
(update [_ state]
(assoc-in state [:dashboard :colors] {:selected #{}})))
(defn initialize
;; --- Collections Fetched
(defrecord CollectionsFetched [data]
@ -56,7 +49,7 @@
(defrecord FetchCollections []
(watch [_ state s]
(->> (rp/query! :kvstore-entry {:key "color-collections"})
(->> (rp/query! :user-attr {:key "color-collections"})
(rx/map collections-fetched)
(rx/catch (fn [{:keys [type] :as error}]
(if (= type :not-found)
@ -99,10 +92,9 @@
version (or (get state ::version) -1)
value (->> (get state :colors-collections)
(into {} xform))
data {:id "color-collections"
:version version
:value value}]
(->> (rp/mutation! :upsert-kvstore data)
data {:key "color-collections"
:val value}]
(->> (rp/mutation! :upsert-user-attr data)
(rx/map collections-fetched)))))
(defn persist-collections

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
(ns uxbox.main.data.icons
[cljs.spec.alpha :as s]
[beicon.core :as rx]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[potok.core :as ptk]
@ -18,30 +19,32 @@
[uxbox.util.router :as r]
[uxbox.util.uuid :as uuid]))
;; --- Initialize
(s/def ::id uuid?)
(s/def ::name string?)
(s/def ::created-at inst?)
(s/def ::modified-at inst?)
(s/def ::user-id uuid?)
(def initialize
(ptk/reify ::initialize
(update [_ state]
(assoc-in state [:dashboard :icons] {:selected #{}}))))
;; (s/def ::collection-id (s/nilable ::us/uuid))
;; --- Select a Collection
;; (s/def ::mimetype string?)
;; (s/def ::thumbnail us/url-str?)
;; (s/def ::width number?)
;; (s/def ::height number?)
;; (s/def ::url us/url-str?)
(defn select-collection
(select-collection type nil))
([type id]
{:pre [(keyword? type)]}
(ptk/reify ::select-collection
(watch [_ state stream]
(rx/of (r/navigate :dashboard/icons {:type type :id id}))))))
(s/def ::collection
(s/keys :req-un [::id
;; --- Collections Fetched
(defn collections-fetched
(s/assert (s/every ::collection) items)
(ptk/reify ::collections-fetched
(-deref [_] items)
@ -55,10 +58,6 @@
(defn collections-fetched?
(= ::collections-fetched (ptk/type v)))
;; --- Fetch Collections
(def fetch-collections
@ -72,15 +71,12 @@
(defn collection-created
(s/assert ::collection item)
(ptk/reify ::collection-created
(update [_ state]
(let [{:keys [id] :as item} (assoc item :type :own)]
(update state :icons-collections assoc id item)))
(watch [_ state stream]
(rx/of (select-collection :own (:id item))))))
(update state :icons-collections assoc id item)))))
;; --- Create Collection
@ -100,7 +96,7 @@
(ptk/reify ::collection-updated
(update [_ state]
(update-in state [:icons-collections (:id item)] merge item))))
(update-in state [:icons-collections (:id item)] merge item))))
;; --- Update Collection
@ -141,7 +137,7 @@
(watch [_ state s]
(let [type (get-in state [:dashboard :icons :type])]
(->> (rp/mutation! :delete-icons-collection {:id id})
(rx/map #(select-collection type))))))
(rx/map #(r/nav :dashboard-icons {:type type}))))))
(defn delete-collection
@ -179,44 +175,42 @@
(dom/append-child! gc child))
(recur (dom/get-first-child svg)))
(let [width (.. svg -width -baseVal -value)
header (.. svg -height -baseVal -value)
height (.. svg -height -baseVal -value)
view-box [(.. svg -viewBox -baseVal -x)
(.. svg -viewBox -baseVal -y)
(.. svg -viewBox -baseVal -width)
(.. svg -viewBox -baseVal -height)]
props {:width width
:mimetype "image/svg+xml"
:height header
:height height
:view-box view-box}]
[(dom/get-outer-html g) props])))))
(defrecord CreateIcons [id files]
(watch [_ state s]
(letfn [(parse [file]
(->> (files/read-as-text file)
(rx/map parse-svg)))
(allowed? [file]
(= (.-type file) "image/svg+xml"))
(prepare [[content metadata]]
{:collection-id id
:content content
:id (uuid/random)
;; TODO Keep the name of the original icon
:name (str "Icon " (gensym "i"))
:metadata metadata})]
(->> (rx/from-coll files)
(rx/filter allowed?)
(rx/flat-map parse)
(rx/map prepare)
(rx/flat-map #(rp/mutation! :create-icon %))
(rx/map :payload)
(rx/map icon-created)))))
(defn create-icons
[id files]
{:pre [(or (uuid? id) (nil? id))]}
(CreateIcons. id files))
(s/assert (s/nilable uuid?) id)
(ptk/reify ::create-icons
(watch [_ state s]
(letfn [(parse [file]
(->> (files/read-as-text file)
(rx/map parse-svg)))
(allowed? [file]
(= (.-type file) "image/svg+xml"))
(prepare [[content metadata]]
{:collection-id id
:content content
:id (uuid/random)
;; TODO Keep the name of the original icon
:name (str "Icon " (gensym "i"))
:metadata metadata})]
(->> (rx/from files)
(rx/filter allowed?)
(rx/flat-map parse)
(rx/map prepare)
(rx/flat-map #(rp/mutation! :create-icon %))
(rx/map icon-created))))))
;; --- Icon Persisted
@ -345,14 +339,14 @@
(watch [_ state stream]
(let [selected (get-in state [:dashboard :icons :selected])]
(->> (rx/from-coll selected)
(->> (rx/from selected)
(rx/map #(get-in state [:icons %]))
(rx/map #(dissoc % :id))
(rx/map #(assoc % :collection-id id))
(rx/flat-map #(rp/mutation :create-icon %))
(rx/map :payload)
(rx/map icon-created))
(->> (rx/from-coll selected)
(->> (rx/from selected)
(rx/map deselect-icon))))))
(defn copy-selected
@ -375,9 +369,9 @@
(watch [_ state stream]
(let [selected (get-in state [:dashboard :icons :selected])]
(->> (rx/from-coll selected)
(->> (rx/from selected)
(rx/map persist-icon))
(->> (rx/from-coll selected)
(->> (rx/from selected)
(rx/map deselect-icon))))))
(defn move-selected
@ -391,7 +385,7 @@
(watch [_ state stream]
(let [selected (get-in state [:dashboard :icons :selected])]
(->> (rx/from-coll selected)
(->> (rx/from selected)
(rx/map delete-icon)))))
(defn delete-selected

View file

@ -55,80 +55,50 @@
;; --- Initialize
(defrecord Initialize []
(update [_ state]
(assoc-in state [:dashboard :images] {:selected #{}})))
(defn initialize
;; --- Color Collections Fetched
(defrecord CollectionsFetched [items]
(update [_ state]
(reduce (fn [state {:keys [id user] :as item}]
(let [type (if (uuid/zero? (:user-id item)) :builtin :own)
item (assoc item :type type)]
(assoc-in state [:images-collections id] item)))
;; --- Collections Fetched
(defn collections-fetched
{:pre [(us/valid? (s/every ::collection-entity) items)]}
(CollectionsFetched. items))
(s/assert (s/every ::collection-entity) items)
(ptk/reify ::collections-fetched
(update [_ state]
(reduce (fn [state {:keys [id user] :as item}]
(let [type (if (uuid/zero? (:user-id item)) :builtin :own)
item (assoc item :type type)]
(assoc-in state [:images-collections id] item)))
;; --- Fetch Color Collections
(defrecord FetchCollections []
(watch [_ state s]
(->> (rp/query! :images-collections)
(rx/map collections-fetched))))
(defn fetch-collections
(def fetch-collections
(ptk/reify ::fetch-collections
(watch [_ state s]
(->> (rp/query! :images-collections)
(rx/map collections-fetched)))))
;; --- Collection Created
(defrecord CollectionCreated [item]
(update [_ state]
(let [{:keys [id] :as item} (assoc item :type :own)]
(update state :images-collections assoc id item)))
(watch [_ state stream]
(rx/of (rt/nav :dashboard/images nil {:type :own :id (:id item)}))))
(defn collection-created
{:pre [(us/valid? ::collection-entity item)]}
(CollectionCreated. item))
(s/assert ::collection-entity item)
(ptk/reify ::collection-created
(update [_ state]
(let [{:keys [id] :as item} (assoc item :type :own)]
(update state :images-collections assoc id item)))))
;; --- Create Collection
(defrecord CreateCollection []
(watch [_ state s]
(let [data {:name (tr "ds.default-library-title" (gensym "c"))}]
(->> (rp/mutation! :create-image-collection data)
(rx/map :payload)
(rx/map collection-created)))))
(defn create-collection
(defn collections-fetched?
(instance? CollectionsFetched v))
(def create-collection
(ptk/reify ::create-collection
(watch [_ state s]
(let [data {:name (tr "ds.default-library-title" (gensym "c"))}]
(->> (rp/mutation! :create-image-collection data)
(rx/map collection-created))))))
;; --- Collection Updated
@ -189,61 +159,55 @@
;; --- Image Created
(defrecord ImageCreated [item]
(update [_ state]
(update state :images assoc (:id item) item)))
(defn image-created
{:pre [(us/valid? ::image-entity item)]}
(ImageCreated. item))
(s/assert ::image-entity item)
(ptk/reify ::image-created
(update [_ state]
(update state :images assoc (:id item) item))))
;; --- Create Image
(def allowed-file-types #{"image/jpeg" "image/png"})
(defrecord CreateImages [id files on-uploaded]
(update [_ state]
(assoc-in state [:dashboard :images :uploading] true))
(watch [_ state stream]
(letfn [(image-size [file]
(->> (files/get-image-size file)
(rx/map (partial vector file))))
(allowed-file? [file]
(contains? allowed-file-types (.-type file)))
(finalize-upload [state]
(assoc-in state [:dashboard :images :uploading] false))
(prepare [[file [width height]]]
(cond-> {:name (.-name file)
:mimetype (.-type file)
:id (uuid/random)
:file file
:width width
:height height}
id (assoc :collection-id id)))]
(->> (rx/from-coll files)
(rx/filter allowed-file?)
(rx/mapcat image-size)
(rx/map prepare)
(rx/mapcat #(rp/mutation! :create-image %))
(rx/map :payload)
(rx/reduce conj [])
(rx/do #(st/emit! finalize-upload))
(rx/do on-uploaded)
(rx/mapcat identity)
(rx/map image-created)))))
(defn create-images
([id files]
{:pre [(or (uuid? id) (nil? id))]}
(CreateImages. id files (constantly nil)))
([id files] (create-images id files identity))
([id files on-uploaded]
{:pre [(or (uuid? id) (nil? id)) (fn? on-uploaded)]}
(CreateImages. id files on-uploaded)))
(s/assert (s/nilable ::us/uuid) id)
(s/assert fn? on-uploaded)
(ptk/reify ::create-images
(update [_ state]
(assoc-in state [:dashboard :images :uploading] true))
(watch [_ state stream]
(letfn [(image-size [file]
(->> (files/get-image-size file)
(rx/map (partial vector file))))
(allowed-file? [file]
(contains? allowed-file-types (.-type file)))
(finalize-upload [state]
(assoc-in state [:dashboard :images :uploading] false))
(prepare [[file [width height]]]
(cond-> {:name (.-name file)
:mimetype (.-type file)
:id (uuid/random)
:file file
:width width
:height height}
id (assoc :collection-id id)))]
(->> (rx/from files)
(rx/filter allowed-file?)
(rx/mapcat image-size)
(rx/map prepare)
(rx/mapcat #(rp/mutation! :create-image %))
(rx/reduce conj [])
(rx/do #(st/emit! finalize-upload))
(rx/do on-uploaded)
(rx/mapcat identity)
(rx/map image-created)))))))
;; --- Update Image
@ -259,32 +223,29 @@
;; --- Images Fetched
(defrecord ImagesFetched [items]
(update [_ state]
(reduce (fn [state {:keys [id] :as image}]
(assoc-in state [:images id] image))
(defn images-fetched
(ImagesFetched. items))
(s/assert (s/every ::image-entity) items)
(ptk/reify ::images-fetched
(update [_ state]
(reduce (fn [state {:keys [id] :as image}]
(assoc-in state [:images id] image))
;; --- Fetch Images
(defrecord FetchImages [id]
(watch [_ state s]
(let [params (cond-> {} id (assoc :collection-id id))]
(->> (rp/query! :images-by-collection params)
(rx/map images-fetched)))))
(defn fetch-images
"Fetch a list of images of the selected collection"
{:pre [(or (uuid? id) (nil? id))]}
(FetchImages. id))
(s/assert (s/nilable ::us/uuid) id)
(ptk/reify ::fetch-images
(watch [_ state s]
(let [params (cond-> {} id (assoc :collection-id id))]
(->> (rp/query! :images-by-collection params)
(rx/map images-fetched))))))
;; --- Fetch Image
@ -392,10 +353,10 @@
(watch [_ state stream]
(let [selected (get-in state [:dashboard :images :selected])]
(->> (rx/from-coll selected)
(->> (rx/from selected)
(rx/flat-map #(rp/mutation! :copy-image {:id % :collection-id id}))
(rx/map image-created))
(->> (rx/from-coll selected)
(->> (rx/from selected)
(rx/map deselect-image))))))
(defn copy-selected
@ -418,9 +379,9 @@
(watch [_ state stream]
(let [selected (get-in state [:dashboard :images :selected])]
(->> (rx/from-coll selected)
(->> (rx/from selected)
(rx/map persist-image))
(->> (rx/from-coll selected)
(->> (rx/from selected)
(rx/map deselect-image))))))
(defn move-selected
@ -434,7 +395,7 @@
(watch [_ state stream]
(let [selected (get-in state [:dashboard :images :selected])]
(->> (rx/from-coll selected)
(->> (rx/from selected)
(rx/map delete-image)))))
(defn delete-selected

View file

@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
[cljs.spec.alpha :as s]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[potok.core :as ptk]
[uxbox.common.pages :as cp]
[uxbox.main.repo.core :as rp]
[uxbox.util.data :refer [index-by-id concatv]]
[uxbox.util.router :as rt]
[uxbox.util.spec :as us]
[uxbox.util.time :as dt]
@ -25,12 +25,15 @@
(s/def ::user ::us/uuid)
(s/def ::type ::us/keyword)
(s/def ::file-id ::us/uuid)
(s/def ::project-id ::us/uuid)
(s/def ::created-at ::us/inst)
(s/def ::modified-at ::us/inst)
(s/def ::version ::us/number)
(s/def ::ordering ::us/number)
(s/def ::metadata (s/nilable ::cp/metadata))
(s/def ::data ::cp/data)
(s/def ::project-entity
(s/def ::project
(s/keys ::req-un [::id
@ -38,38 +41,18 @@
(s/def ::grid-x-axis ::us/number)
(s/def ::grid-y-axis ::us/number)
(s/def ::grid-color ::us/string)
(s/def ::background ::us/string)
(s/def ::background-opacity ::us/number)
(s/def ::metadata
(s/keys :opt-un [::grid-y-axis
;; TODO: start using uxbox.common.pagedata/data spec ...
(s/def ::minimal-shape
(s/keys :req-un [::type ::name]
:opt-un [::id]))
(s/def ::shapes (s/coll-of ::us/uuid :kind vector?))
(s/def ::canvas (s/coll-of ::us/uuid :kind vector?))
(s/def ::shapes-by-id
(s/map-of ::us/uuid ::minimal-shape))
(s/def ::data
(s/keys :req-un [::shapes ::canvas ::shapes-by-id]))
(s/def ::file
(s/keys :req-un [::id
(s/def ::page
(s/keys :req-un [::id
@ -77,23 +60,8 @@
(s/def ::pages
(s/every ::page :kind vector?))
;; --- Helpers
(defn assoc-project
"A reduce function for assoc the project to the state map."
[state {:keys [id] :as project}]
(s/assert ::project-entity project)
(update-in state [:projects id] merge project))
(defn dissoc-project
"A reduce function for dissoc the project from the state map."
[state id]
(update state :projects dissoc id))
(defn unpack-page
[state {:keys [id data metadata] :as page}]
(-> state
@ -114,13 +82,10 @@
;; --- Initialize Dashboard
(declare fetch-projects)
(declare projects-fetched?)
(declare fetch-files)
(declare initialized)
;; TODO: rename to initialize dashboard
(defn initialize
(ptk/reify ::initialize
@ -156,21 +121,8 @@
(when order {:order order})
(when filter {:filter filter})))))
;; --- Projects Fetched
(defn projects-fetched
(s/assert (s/every ::project-entity) projects)
(ptk/reify ::projects-fetched
(update [_ state]
(reduce assoc-project state projects))))
(defn projects-fetched?
(= ::projects-fetched (ptk/type v)))
;; --- Fetch Projects
(declare projects-fetched)
(def fetch-projects
(ptk/reify ::fetch-projects
@ -179,6 +131,17 @@
(->> (rp/query :projects)
(rx/map projects-fetched)))))
;; --- Projects Fetched
(defn projects-fetched
(s/assert (s/every ::project) projects)
(ptk/reify ::projects-fetched
(update [_ state]
(let [assoc-project #(update-in %1 [:projects (:id %2)] merge %2)]
(reduce assoc-project state projects)))))
;; --- Fetch Files
(declare files-fetched)
@ -205,11 +168,9 @@
;; --- Files Fetched
(s/def ::files any?)
(defn files-fetched
(s/assert ::files files)
(s/assert (s/every ::file) files)
(ptk/reify ::files-fetched
(-deref [_] files)
@ -219,6 +180,34 @@
(let [assoc-file #(assoc-in %1 [:files (:id %2)] %2)]
(reduce assoc-file state files)))))
;; --- Create Project
(declare project-created)
(def create-project
(ptk/reify ::create-project
(watch [this state stream]
(let [name (str "Project Name " (gensym "p"))]
(->> (rp/mutation! :create-project {:name name})
(rx/map (fn [data]
(projects-fetched [data]))))))))
;; --- Create File
(defn create-file
[{:keys [project-id] :as params}]
(ptk/reify ::create-file
(watch [this state stream]
(let [name (str "File Name " (gensym "p"))
params {:name name :project-id project-id}]
(->> (rp/mutation! :create-project-file params)
(fn [data]
(rx/of (files-fetched [data])
#(update-in % [:dashboard-projects :files project-id] conj (:id data))))))))))
;; --- Rename Project
(defn rename-project
@ -243,7 +232,7 @@
(ptk/reify ::delete-project
(update [_ state]
(dissoc-project state id))
(update state :projects dissoc id))
(watch [_ state s]
@ -265,32 +254,6 @@
(->> (rp/mutation :delete-project-file {:id id})
;; --- Create Project
(declare project-created)
(s/def ::create-project
(s/keys :req-un [::name]))
(defn create-project
[{:keys [name] :as params}]
(s/assert ::create-project params)
(ptk/reify ::create-project
(watch [this state stream]
(->> (rp/mutation :create-project {:name name})
(rx/map project-created)))))
;; --- Project Created
(defn project-created
(ptk/reify ::project-created
(update [_ state]
(assoc-project state data))))
;; --- Rename Project
(defn rename-file
@ -348,7 +311,7 @@
(defn pages-fetched
(s/assert ::pages pages)
(s/assert (s/every ::page) pages)
(ptk/reify ::pages-fetched
(-deref [_] pages)

View file

@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
(s/def ::font-size number?)
(s/def ::font-style string?)
(s/def ::font-weight string?)
(s/def ::height number?)
(s/def ::hidden boolean?)
(s/def ::id uuid?)
(s/def ::letter-spacing number?)
@ -67,12 +66,13 @@
(s/def ::stroke-style #{:none :solid :dotted :dashed :mixed})
(s/def ::stroke-width number?)
(s/def ::text-align #{"left" "right" "center" "justify"})
(s/def ::type #{:rect :path :circle :image :text})
(s/def ::type #{:rect :path :circle :image :text :canvas})
(s/def ::x number?)
(s/def ::y number?)
(s/def ::cx number?)
(s/def ::cy number?)
(s/def ::width number?)
(s/def ::x1 number?)
(s/def ::x2 number?)
(s/def ::y1 number?)
(s/def ::y2 number?)
(s/def ::height number?)
(s/def ::attributes
(s/keys :opt-un [::blocked
@ -91,13 +91,14 @@
::rx ::ry
::cx ::cy
::x ::y
::x1 ::x2
::y1 ::y2]))
::width ::height]))
(s/def ::minimal-shape
(s/keys :req-un [::id ::page ::type ::name]))
@ -169,28 +170,6 @@
(ws/-close (get-in state [:ws file-id]))
(rx/of ::finalize))))
;; --- Fetch Workspace Users
(declare users-fetched)
(defn fetch-users
(ptk/reify ::fetch-users
(watch [_ state stream]
(->> (rp/query :project-file-users {:file-id file-id})
(rx/map users-fetched)))))
(defn users-fetched
(ptk/reify ::users-fetched
(update [_ state]
(reduce (fn [state user]
(update-in state [:workspace-users :by-id (:id user)] merge user))
;; --- Handle: Who
;; TODO: assign color
@ -256,66 +235,119 @@
(defn initialize
"Initialize the workspace state."
[file-id page-id]
(s/assert ::us/uuid file-id)
(s/assert ::us/uuid page-id)
(ptk/reify ::initialize
(update [_ state]
(let [local (assoc workspace-default
:file-id file-id
:page-id page-id)]
:file-id file-id)
;; :page-id page-id)
;; TODO: this need to be parametrized
uri (str "ws://localhost:6060/sub/" file-id)]
(-> state
(assoc :workspace-layout default-layout)
(assoc :workspace-local local))))
(assoc :workspace-local local)
(assoc-in [:ws file-id] (ws/open uri)))))
(watch [_ state stream]
#_(when-not (get-in state [:pages page-id])
(reset! st/loader true))
(let [wsession (get-in state [:ws file-id])]
;; Stop possible previous watchers and re-fetch the main page
;; and all project related pages.
(rx/of ::stop-watcher
(dp/fetch-file file-id)
(dp/fetch-pages file-id)
(fetch-users file-id))
;; Stop possible previous watchers and re-fetch the main page
;; and all project related pages.
(rx/of ::stop-watcher
(dp/fetch-file file-id)
(dp/fetch-pages file-id))
;; When main page is fetched, schedule the main initialization.
(->> (rx/zip (rx/filter (ptk/type? ::dp/pages-fetched) stream)
(rx/filter (ptk/type? ::dp/files-fetched) stream))
(rx/take 1)
(rx/do #(reset! st/loader false))
(rx/mapcat #(rx/of (initialized file-id)
#_(initialize-alignment page-id))))
;; When main page is fetched, schedule the main initialization.
(->> (rx/zip (rx/filter (ptk/type? ::dp/pages-fetched) stream)
(rx/filter (ptk/type? ::dp/files-fetched) stream))
(rx/take 1)
(rx/do #(reset! st/loader false))
(rx/mapcat #(rx/of (initialized file-id page-id)
#_(initialize-alignment page-id))))
(->> stream
(rx/filter uxbox.main.ui.workspace.streams/pointer-event?)
(rx/sample 150)
(rx/tap (fn [{:keys [pt] :as event}]
(let [msg {:type :pointer-update
:page-id page-id
:x (:x pt)
:y (:y pt)}]
(ws/-send (get-in state [:ws file-id]) (t/encode msg)))))
(rx/take-until (rx/filter #(= ::stop-watcher %) stream)))))))
;; WebSocket Incoming Messages Handling
(->> (ws/-stream wsession)
(rx/filter #(= :message (:type %)))
(rx/map (comp t/decode :payload))
(rx/filter #(s/valid? ::message %))
(rx/map (fn [{:keys [type] :as msg}]
(case type
:who (handle-who msg)
:pointer-update (handle-pointer-update msg)
:page-snapshot (handle-page-snapshot msg)
#_(->> stream
;; TODO: this need to be rethinked
(rx/filter uxbox.main.ui.workspace.streams/pointer-event?)
(rx/sample 150)
(rx/tap (fn [{:keys [pt] :as event}]
(let [msg {:type :pointer-update
:page-id page-id
:x (:x pt)
:y (:y pt)}]
(ws/-send (get-in state [:ws file-id]) (t/encode msg)))))
(rx/take-until (rx/filter #(= ::finalize %) stream))))))))
(defn- initialized
[file-id page-id]
(s/assert ::us/uuid file-id)
(s/assert ::us/uuid page-id)
(ptk/reify ::initialized
(update [_ state]
(let [file (get-in state [:files file-id])
page (get-in state [:pages page-id])
(let [file (get-in state [:files file-id])]
(assoc state :workspace-file file)))))
(defn finalize
(ptk/reify ::finalize
(-deref [_] file-id)
(effect [_ state stream]
(ws/-close (get-in state [:ws file-id])))))
(defn initialize-page
(ptk/reify ::initialize-page
(update [_ state]
(let [page (get-in state [:pages page-id])
data (get-in state [:pages-data page-id])]
(assoc state
:workspace-file file
:workspace-data data
:workspace-page page)))))
:workspace-page page)))
(effect [_ state stream])))
;; --- Fetch Workspace Users
(declare users-fetched)
(defn fetch-users
(ptk/reify ::fetch-users
(watch [_ state stream]
(->> (rp/query :project-file-users {:file-id file-id})
(rx/map users-fetched)))))
(defn users-fetched
(ptk/reify ::users-fetched
(update [_ state]
(reduce (fn [state user]
(update-in state [:workspace-users :by-id (:id user)] merge user))
;; --- Toggle layout flag
@ -576,14 +608,22 @@
(declare select-shape)
(declare recalculate-shape-canvas-relation)
(def shape-default-attrs
{:stroke-color "#000000"
:stroke-opacity 1
:fill-color "#000000"
:fill-opacity 1})
(defn add-shape
(s/assert ::attributes data)
(let [id (uuid/random)]
(ptk/reify ::add-shape
(update [_ state]
(let [shape (-> (geom/setup-proportions data)
(assoc :id id))
shape (merge shape-default-attrs shape)
shape (recalculate-shape-canvas-relation state shape)]
(impl-assoc-shape state shape)))
@ -593,6 +633,32 @@
(rx/of (commit-shapes-changes [[:add-shape id shape]])
(select-shape id)))))))
(def canvas-default-attrs
{:stroke-color "#000000"
:stroke-opacity 1
:fill-color "#ffffff"
:fill-opacity 1})
(defn add-canvas
(s/assert ::attributes data)
(let [id (uuid/random)]
(ptk/reify ::add-canvas
(update [_ state]
(let [shape (-> (geom/setup-proportions data)
(assoc :id id))
shape (merge canvas-default-attrs shape)
shape (recalculate-shape-canvas-relation state shape)]
(impl-assoc-shape state shape)))
(watch [_ state stream]
(let [shape (get-in state [:workspace-data :shapes-by-id id])]
(rx/of (commit-shapes-changes [[:add-canvas id shape]])
(select-shape id)))))))
;; --- Duplicate Selected
(defn impl-duplicate-shape
@ -608,7 +674,7 @@
duplicate (partial impl-duplicate-shape state)
shapes (map duplicate selected)]
(rx/from-coll (map (fn [s] #(impl-assoc-shape % s)) shapes))
(rx/from (map (fn [s] #(impl-assoc-shape % s)) shapes))
(rx/of (commit-shapes-changes (mapv #(vector :add-shape (:id %) %) shapes))))))))
;; --- Toggle shape's selection status (selected or deselected)
@ -675,41 +741,35 @@
;; --- Update Shape Attrs
(defn update-shape-attrs
[id attrs]
(s/assert ::us/uuid id)
(let [atts (s/conform ::attributes attrs)]
(ptk/reify ::update-shape-attrs
(update [_ state]
(if (map? attrs)
(update-in state [:workspace-data :shapes-by-id id] merge attrs)
(defn update-shape
[id & attrs]
(let [attrs' (->> (apply hash-map attrs)
(s/conform ::attributes))]
(ptk/reify ::update-shape
(update [_ state]
(cond-> state
(not= attrs' ::s/invalid)
(update-in [:workspace-data :shapes-by-id id] merge attrs'))))))
[id attrs]
(s/assert ::attributes attrs)
(ptk/reify ::update-shape
(update [_ state]
(let [shape-old (get-in state [:workspace-data :shapes-by-id id])
shape-new (merge shape-old attrs)
diff (d/diff-maps shape-old shape-new)]
(-> state
(assoc-in [:workspace-data :shapes-by-id id] shape-new)
(assoc ::tmp-change (into [:mod-shape id] diff)))))
(watch [_ state stream]
(let [change (::tmp-change state)]
(prn "update-shape" change)
(rx/of (commit-shapes-changes [change])
#(dissoc state ::tmp-change))))))
;; --- Update Selected Shapes attrs
;; TODO: improve performance of this event
(defn update-selected-shapes-attrs
(s/assert ::attributes attrs)
(defn update-selected-shapes
[& attrs]
(ptk/reify ::update-selected-shapes-attrs
(watch [_ state stream]
(let [selected (get-in state [:workspace-local :selected])]
(rx/from-coll (map #(update-shape-attrs % attrs) selected))))))
(rx/from (map #(apply update-shape % attrs) selected))))))
;; --- Move Selected
@ -763,19 +823,6 @@
(rx/of (apply-temporal-displacement-in-bulk selected displacement))
(rx/of (materialize-temporal-modifier-in-bulk selected)))))))
;; --- Update Shape Position
(deftype UpdateShapePosition [id point]
(update [_ state]
(update-in state [:shapes id] geom/absolute-move point)))
(defn update-position
"Update the start position coordenate of the shape."
[id point]
{:pre [(uuid? id) (gpt/point? point)]}
(UpdateShapePosition. id point))
;; --- Delete Selected
(defn impl-dissoc-shape
@ -923,9 +970,10 @@
(defn- recalculate-shape-canvas-relation
[state shape]
(let [xfmt (comp (map #(get-in state [:workspace-data :shapes-by-id %]))
(let [shape' (geom/shape->rect-shape shape)
xfmt (comp (map #(get-in state [:workspace-data :shapes-by-id %]))
(map geom/shape->rect-shape)
(filter #(geom/overlaps? % shape))
(filter #(geom/overlaps? % shape'))
(map :id))
id (->> (get-in state [:workspace-data :canvas])
@ -1035,59 +1083,16 @@
(rx/map (constantly clear-drawing))
(rx/take-until stoper)))))))
;; --- Shape Proportions
;; (defn toggle-shape-proportion-lock
;; [id]
;; (ptk/reify ::toggle-shape-proportion-lock
;; ptk/UpdateEvent
;; (update [_ state]
;; (let [shape (-> (get-in state [:workspace-data :shapes-by-id id])
;; (geom/size)
;; TODO: revisit
(deftype LockShapeProportions [id]
(update [_ state]
(let [[width height] (-> (get-in state [:shapes id])
(keep [:width :height]))
proportion (/ width height)]
(update-in state [:shapes id] assoc
:proportion proportion
:proportion-lock true))))
(defn lock-proportions
"Mark proportions of the shape locked and save the current
proportion as additional precalculated property."
{:pre [(uuid? id)]}
(LockShapeProportions. id))
;; TODO: revisit
(deftype UnlockShapeProportions [id]
(update [_ state]
(assoc-in state [:shapes id :proportion-lock] false)))
(defn unlock-proportions
{:pre [(uuid? id)]}
(UnlockShapeProportions. id))
;; --- Update Dimensions
;; TODO: revisit
(s/def ::width (s/and ::us/number ::us/positive))
(s/def ::height (s/and ::us/number ::us/positive))
(s/def ::width ::us/number)
(s/def ::height ::us/number)
(s/def ::update-dimensions
(s/keys :opt-un [::width ::height]))
;; TODO: emit commit-changes
(defn update-dimensions
"A helper event just for update the position
of the shape using the width and height attrs
@ -1098,35 +1103,31 @@
(ptk/reify ::update-dimensions
(update [_ state]
(update-in state [:shapes id] geom/resize-dim dimensions))))
(update-in state [:workspace-data :shapes-by-id id] geom/resize-dim dimensions))))
;; --- Update Interaction
;; --- Shape Proportions
;; TODO: revisit
(deftype UpdateInteraction [shape interaction]
(update [_ state]
(let [id (or (:id interaction)
data (assoc interaction :id id)]
(assoc-in state [:shapes shape :interactions id] data))))
(defn toggle-shape-proportion-lock
(ptk/reify ::toggle-shape-proportion-lock
(update [_ state]
(let [shape (get-in state [:workspace-data :shapes-by-id id])]
(if (:proportion-lock shape)
(assoc-in state [:workspace-data :shapes-by-id id :proportion-lock] false)
(->> (geom/assign-proportions (assoc shape :proportion-lock true))
(assoc-in state [:workspace-data :shapes-by-id id])))))))
(defn update-interaction
[shape interaction]
(UpdateInteraction. shape interaction))
;; --- Update Shape Position
;; --- Delete Interaction
;; TODO: revisit
(deftype DeleteInteracton [shape id]
(update [_ state]
(update-in state [:shapes shape :interactions] dissoc id)))
(defn delete-interaction
[shape id]
{:pre [(uuid? id) (uuid? shape)]}
(DeleteInteracton. shape id))
(defn update-position
[id point]
(s/assert ::us/uuid id)
(s/assert gpt/point? point)
(ptk/reify ::update-position
(update [_ state]
(update-in state [:workspace-data :shapes-by-id id] geom/absolute-move point))))
;; --- Path Modifications

View file

@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
(declare move-rect)
(declare move-path)
(declare move-circle)
(declare move-group)
(defn move
"Move the shape relativelly to its current
@ -28,18 +27,15 @@
:text (move-rect shape dpoint)
:curve (move-path shape dpoint)
:path (move-path shape dpoint)
:circle (move-circle shape dpoint)
:group (move-group shape dpoint)))
:circle (move-circle shape dpoint)))
(defn- move-rect
"A specialized function for relative movement
for rect-like shapes."
[shape {dx :x dy :y}]
(assoc shape
:x1 (mth/round (+ (:x1 shape) dx))
:y1 (mth/round (+ (:y1 shape) dy))
:x2 (mth/round (+ (:x2 shape) dx))
:y2 (mth/round (+ (:y2 shape) dy))))
:x (mth/round (+ (:x shape) dx))
:y (mth/round (+ (:y shape) dy))))
(defn- move-circle
"A specialized function for relative movement
@ -49,14 +45,6 @@
:cx (mth/round (+ (:cx shape) dx))
:cy (mth/round (+ (:cy shape) dy))))
(defn- move-group
"A specialized function for relative movement
for group shapes."
[shape {dx :x dy :y}]
(assoc shape
:dx (mth/round (+ (:dx shape 0) dx))
:dy (mth/round (+ (:dy shape 0) dy))))
(defn- move-path
"A specialized function for relative movement
for path shapes."
@ -71,7 +59,6 @@
(declare absolute-move-rect)
(declare absolute-move-circle)
(declare absolute-move-group)
(defn absolute-move
"Move the shape to the exactly specified position."
@ -80,31 +67,24 @@
:icon (absolute-move-rect shape point)
:image (absolute-move-rect shape point)
:rect (absolute-move-rect shape point)
:circle (absolute-move-circle shape point)
:group (absolute-move-group shape point)))
:circle (absolute-move-circle shape point)))
(defn- absolute-move-rect
"A specialized function for absolute moviment
for rect-like shapes."
[shape {:keys [x y] :as pos}]
(let [dx (if x (- x (:x1 shape)) 0)
dy (if y (- y (:y1 shape)) 0)]
(let [dx (if x (- x (:x shape)) 0)
dy (if y (- y (:y shape)) 0)]
(move shape (gpt/point dx dy))))
(defn- absolute-move-circle
"A specialized function for absolute moviment
for rect-like shapes."
[shape {:keys [x y] :as pos}]
(let [dx (if x (- x(:cx shape)) 0)
(let [dx (if x (- x (:cx shape)) 0)
dy (if y (- y (:cy shape)) 0)]
(move shape (gpt/point dx dy))))
(defn- absolute-move-group
"A specialized function for absolute moviment
for rect-like shapes."
[shape {:keys [x y] :as pos}]
(throw (ex-info "Not implemented (TODO)" {})))
;; --- Rotation
;; TODO: maybe we can consider apply the rotation
@ -159,6 +139,30 @@
(merge shape {:width (* rx 2)
:height (* ry 2)}))
;; --- Proportions
(declare assign-proportions-path)
(declare assign-proportions-circle)
(declare assign-proportions-rect)
(defn assign-proportions
[{:keys [type] :as shape}]
(case type
:circle (assign-proportions-circle shape)
:path (assign-proportions-path shape)
(assign-proportions-rect shape)))
(defn- assign-proportions-rect
[{:keys [width height] :as shape}]
(assoc shape :proportion (/ width height)))
(defn- assign-proportions-circle
[{:as shape}]
(prn "assign-proportions-circle" shape)
(assoc shape :proportion 1))
;; TODO: implement the rest of shapes
;; --- Paths
(defn update-path-point
@ -171,20 +175,16 @@
;; --- Setup Proportions
(declare setup-proportions-rect)
(declare setup-proportions-const)
(declare setup-proportions-image)
(defn setup-proportions
(case (:type shape)
:canvas (setup-proportions-rect shape)
:rect (setup-proportions-rect shape)
:circle (setup-proportions-rect shape)
:icon (setup-proportions-image shape)
:image (setup-proportions-image shape)
:text shape
:curve (setup-proportions-rect shape)
:path (setup-proportions-rect shape)))
(setup-proportions-const shape)))
(defn setup-proportions-image
[{:keys [metadata] :as shape}]
@ -193,12 +193,11 @@
:proportion (/ width height)
:proportion-lock false)))
(defn setup-proportions-rect
(defn setup-proportions-const
(let [{:keys [width height]} (size shape)]
(assoc shape
:proportion (/ width height)
:proportion-lock false)))
(assoc shape
:proportion 1
:proportion-lock false))
;; --- Resize (Dimentsions)
@ -216,20 +215,19 @@
:circle (resize-dim-circle shape opts)))
(defn- resize-dim-rect
[{:keys [proportion proportion-lock x1 y1] :as shape}
{:keys [width height]}]
{:pre [(not (and width height))]}
[{:keys [proportion proportion-lock x y] :as shape}
{:keys [width height] :as dimensions}]
(if-not proportion-lock
(if width
(assoc shape :x2 (+ x1 width))
(assoc shape :y2 (+ y1 height)))
(assoc shape :width width)
(assoc shape :height height))
(if width
(-> shape
(assoc :x2 (+ x1 width))
(assoc :y2 (+ y1 (/ width proportion))))
(assoc :width width)
(assoc :height (/ width proportion)))
(-> shape
(assoc :y2 (+ y1 height))
(assoc :x2 (+ x1 (* height proportion)))))))
(assoc :height height)
(assoc :width (* height proportion))))))
(defn- resize-dim-circle
[{:keys [proportion proportion-lock] :as shape}
@ -299,11 +297,11 @@
(-> (gmt/matrix)
(gmt/translate (+ (:x1 shape))
(+ (:y1 shape)))
(gmt/translate (+ (:x shape))
(+ (:y shape)))
(gmt/scale scalex scaley)
(gmt/translate (- (:x1 shape))
(- (:y1 shape))))
(gmt/translate (- (:x shape))
(- (:y shape))))
(-> (gmt/matrix)
@ -373,8 +371,8 @@
:height (if lock? (/ width proportion) height)))
(let [width (- x (:x1 shape))
height (- y (:y1 shape))
(let [width (- x (:x shape))
height (- y (:y shape))
proportion (:proportion shape 1)]
(assoc shape
:width width
@ -421,38 +419,39 @@
(defn- setup-rect
"A specialized function for setup rect-like shapes."
[shape {:keys [x1 y1 x2 y2]}]
[shape {:keys [x y width height]}]
(assoc shape
:x1 x1
:y1 y1
:x2 x2
:y2 y2))
:x x
:y y
:width width
:height height))
(defn- setup-circle
"A specialized function for setup circle shapes."
[shape {:keys [x1 y1 x2 y2]}]
[shape {:keys [x y width height]}]
(assoc shape
:cx x1
:cy y1
:rx (mth/abs (- x2 x1))
:ry (mth/abs (- y2 y1))))
:cx x
:cy y
:rx (mth/abs width)
:ry (mth/abs height)))
(defn- setup-image
[{:keys [metadata] :as shape} {:keys [x1 y1 x2 y2] :as props}]
(let [{:keys [width height]} metadata]
(assoc shape
:x1 x1
:y1 y1
:x2 x2
:y2 y2
:proportion (/ width height)
:proportion-lock true)))
[{:keys [metadata] :as shape} {:keys [x y width height] :as props}]
(assoc shape
:x x
:y y
:width width
:height height
:proportion (/ (:width metadata)
(:height metadata))
:proportion-lock true))
;; --- Coerce to Rect-like shape.
(declare circle->rect-shape)
(declare path->rect-shape)
(declare group->rect-shape)
(declare rect->rect-shape)
(defn shape->rect-shape
"Coerce shape to rect like shape."
@ -461,7 +460,7 @@
:circle (circle->rect-shape shape)
:path (path->rect-shape shape)
:curve (path->rect-shape shape)
(rect->rect-shape shape)))
(defn shapes->rect-shape
@ -474,29 +473,41 @@
:y1 miny
:x2 maxx
:y2 maxy
:x minx
:y miny
:width (- maxx minx)
:height (- maxy miny)
:type :rect}))
(defn shapes->rect-shape'
(let [shapes (mapv shape->rect-shape shapes)
total (count shapes)]
(loop [idx (int 0)
(if (> total idx)
(let [{:keys [x1 y1 x2 y2]} (nth shapes idx)]
(recur (inc idx)
(min minx x1)
(min miny y1)
(max maxx x2)
(max maxy y2)))
{:x1 minx
:y1 miny
:x2 maxx
:y2 maxy
:type :rect}))))
;; (defn shapes->rect-shape'
;; [shapes]
;; (let [shapes (mapv shape->rect-shape shapes)
;; total (count shapes)]
;; (loop [idx (int 0)
;; minx js/Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
;; miny js/Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
;; maxx js/Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY
;; maxy js/Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY]
;; (if (> total idx)
;; (let [{:keys [x1 y1 x2 y2]} (nth shapes idx)]
;; (recur (inc idx)
;; (min minx x1)
;; (min miny y1)
;; (max maxx x2)
;; (max maxy y2)))
;; {:x1 minx
;; :y1 miny
;; :x2 maxx
;; :y2 maxy
;; :type :rect}))))
(defn- rect->rect-shape
[{:keys [x y width height] :as shape}]
(assoc shape
:x1 x
:y1 y
:x2 (+ x width)
:y2 (+ y height)))
(defn- path->rect-shape
[{:keys [segments] :as shape}]
@ -508,7 +519,11 @@
:x1 minx
:y1 miny
:x2 maxx
:y2 maxy)))
:y2 maxy
:x minx
:y miny
:width (- maxx minx)
:height (- maxy miny))))
(defn- circle->rect-shape
[{:keys [cx cy rx ry] :as shape}]
@ -520,7 +535,11 @@
:x1 x1
:y1 y1
:x2 (+ x1 width)
:y2 (+ y1 height))))
:y2 (+ y1 height)
:x x1
:y y1
:width width
:height height)))
;; --- Transform Shape
@ -542,21 +561,23 @@
:circle (transform-circle shape xfmt)))
(defn- transform-rect
[{:keys [x1 y1] :as shape} mx]
(let [{:keys [width height]} (size shape)
tl (gpt/transform [x1 y1] mx)
tr (gpt/transform [(+ x1 width) y1] mx)
bl (gpt/transform [x1 (+ y1 height)] mx)
br (gpt/transform [(+ x1 width) (+ y1 height)] mx)
[{:keys [x y width height] :as shape} mx]
(let [tl (gpt/transform [x y] mx)
tr (gpt/transform [(+ x width) y] mx)
bl (gpt/transform [x (+ y height)] mx)
br (gpt/transform [(+ x width) (+ y height)] mx)
minx (apply min (map :x [tl tr bl br]))
maxx (apply max (map :x [tl tr bl br]))
miny (apply min (map :y [tl tr bl br]))
maxy (apply max (map :y [tl tr bl br]))]
(assoc shape
:x1 minx
:y1 miny
:x2 (+ minx (- maxx minx))
:y2 (+ miny (- maxy miny)))))
:x minx
:y miny
:width (- maxx minx)
:height (- maxy miny))))
;; :x2 (+ minx (- maxx minx))
;; :y2 (+ miny (- maxy miny)))))
(defn- transform-circle
[{:keys [cx cy rx ry] :as shape} xfmt]
@ -585,8 +606,6 @@
;; --- Outer Rect
(declare selection-rect-generic)
(defn rotation-matrix
"Generate a rotation matrix from shape."
[{:keys [x1 y1 rotation] :as shape}]
@ -607,15 +626,12 @@
(defn selection-rect
"Return the selection rect for the shape."
(selection-rect @st/state shape))
([state shape]
(let [modifier (:modifier-mtx shape)]
(-> (shape->rect-shape shape)
(assoc :type :rect :id (:id shape))
(transform (or modifier (gmt/matrix)))
(let [modifier (:modifier-mtx shape)]
(-> (shape->rect-shape shape)
(assoc :type :rect :id (:id shape))
(transform (or modifier (gmt/matrix)))
;; --- Helpers
@ -623,8 +639,8 @@
"Check if a shape is contained in the
provided selection rect."
[shape selrect]
(let [{sx1 :x1 sx2 :x2 sy1 :y1 sy2 :y2} selrect
{rx1 :x1 rx2 :x2 ry1 :y1 ry2 :y2} shape]
(let [{sx1 :x1 sx2 :x2 sy1 :y1 sy2 :y2} (shape->rect-shape selrect)
{rx1 :x1 rx2 :x2 ry1 :y1 ry2 :y2} (shape->rect-shape shape)]
(and (neg? (- sy1 ry1))
(neg? (- sx1 rx1))
(pos? (- sy2 ry2))
@ -633,8 +649,8 @@
(defn overlaps?
"Check if a shape overlaps with provided selection rect."
[shape selrect]
(let [{sx1 :x1 sx2 :x2 sy1 :y1 sy2 :y2} selrect
{rx1 :x1 rx2 :x2 ry1 :y1 ry2 :y2} shape]
(let [{sx1 :x1 sx2 :x2 sy1 :y1 sy2 :y2} (shape->rect-shape selrect)
{rx1 :x1 rx2 :x2 ry1 :y1 ry2 :y2} (shape->rect-shape shape)]
(and (< rx1 sx2)
(> rx2 sx1)
(< ry1 sy2)

View file

@ -80,33 +80,8 @@
"ds.project.placeholder" "New project name"
"ds.project.new" "New project"
"ds.radius" "Radius"
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"ds.rotation" "Rotation"
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"ds.background-color" "Background color"
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"ds.size-weight" "Size and Weight"
"ds.font-size" "Font Size"
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"ds.line-height" "Line height"
"ds.letter-spacing" "Letter spacing"
"ds.text-align" "Text align"
"ds.name" "Name"
"ds.go" "Go go go!"
"ds.accept" "Accept"
"ds.cancel" "Cancel"
"common.accept" "Accept"
"common.cancel" "Cancel"
"ds.settings.icons" "Icons"
"ds.settings.element-options" "Element options"
@ -122,43 +97,69 @@
"ds.history.versions" "History"
"ds.history.pinned" "Pinned"
"ds.help.rect" "Box (Ctrl + B)"
"ds.help.circle" "Circle (Ctrl + E)"
"ds.help.line" "Line (Ctrl + L)"
"ds.help.text" "Text"
"ds.help.path" "Path"
"ds.help.curve" "Curve"
"ds.help.ruler" "Ruler"
"ds.help.canvas" "Canvas"
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"workspace.header.circle" "Circle (Ctrl + E)"
"workspace.header.line" "Line (Ctrl + L)"
"workspace.header.text" "Text"
"workspace.header.path" "Path"
"workspace.header.curve" "Curve"
"workspace.header.ruler" "Ruler"
"workspace.header.canvas" "Canvas"
"ds.user.profile" "Profile"
"ds.user.password" "Password"
"ds.user.notifications" "Notifications"
"ds.user.exit" "Exit"
"header.sitemap" "Sitemap (Ctrl + Shift + M)"
"header.draw-tools" "Draw tools (Ctrl + Shift + S)"
"header.color-palette" "Color Palette (---)"
"header.icons" "Icons (Ctrl + Shift + I)"
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"header.redo" "Redo (Ctrl + Shift + Z)"
"header.download" "Download (Ctrl + E)"
"header.image" "Image (Ctrl + I)"
"header.rules" "Rules"
"header.grid" "Grid (Ctrl + G)"
"header.grid-snap" "Snap to grid"
"header.align" "Align (Ctrl + A)"
"header.view-mode" "View mode (Ctrl + P)"
"workspace.header.sitemap" "Sitemap (Ctrl + Shift + M)"
"workspace.header.draw-tools" "Draw tools (Ctrl + Shift + S)"
"workspace.header.color-palette" "Color Palette (---)"
"workspace.header.icons" "Icons (Ctrl + Shift + I)"
"workspace.header.layers" "Layers (Ctrl + Shift + L)"
"workspace.header.element-options" "Element options (Ctrl + Shift + O)"
"workspace.header.document-history" "History (Ctrl + Shift + H)"
"workspace.header.undo" "Undo (Ctrl + Z)"
"workspace.header.redo" "Redo (Ctrl + Shift + Z)"
"workspace.header.download" "Download (Ctrl + E)"
"workspace.header.image" "Image (Ctrl + I)"
"workspace.header.rules" "Rules"
"workspace.header.grid" "Grid (Ctrl + G)"
"workspace.header.grid-snap" "Snap to grid"
"workspace.header.align" "Align (Ctrl + A)"
"workspace.header.view-mode" "View mode (Ctrl + P)"
"workspace.options.radius" "Radius"
"workspace.options.size" "Size"
"workspace.options.width" "Width"
"workspace.options.height" "Height"
"workspace.options.stroke.style" "Style"
"workspace.options.stroke.none" "None"
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"workspace.options.stroke.dotted" "Dotted"
"workspace.options.stroke.dashed" "Dashed"
"workspace.options.stroke.mixed" "Mixed"
"workspace.options.position" "Position"
"workspace.options.rotation" "Rotation"
"workspace.options.opacity" "Opacity"
"workspace.options.color" "Color"
"workspace.options.background-color" "Background color"
"workspace.options.font-family" "Font family"
"workspace.options.size-weight" "Size and Weight"
"workspace.options.font-size" "Font Size"
"workspace.options.line-height-letter-spacing" "Line height and Letter spacing"
"workspace.options.line-height" "Line height"
"workspace.options.letter-spacing" "Letter spacing"
"workspace.options.text-align" "Text align"
"workspace.options.name" "Name"
"workspace.options.go" "Go go go!"
"workspace.options.measures" "Size, position & rotation"
"workspace.options.rotation-radius" "Rotation & Radius"
"element.measures" "Size, position & rotation"
"element.fill" "Fill"
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"workspace.options.page-measures" "Page settings"
"element.page-grid-options" "Grid settings"
"image.new" "New image"

View file

@ -82,9 +82,6 @@
;; Something else
(js/console.error "Unhandled Error:"
"\n - message:" (ex-message error)
"\n - data:" (pr-str (ex-data error)))
(js/console.error error)
(ts/schedule 100 #(st/emit! (uum/error (tr "errors.generic")))))))

View file

@ -17,28 +17,28 @@
id (when (uuid-str? id) (uuid id))]
[:& messages-widget]
[:& header {:section :dashboard/projects}]
[:& header {:section :dashboard-projects}]
[:& projects/projects-page {:id id}]]))
(mf/defc dashboard-assets
[{:keys [route] :as props}]
(let [section (:name route)
(let [section (get-in route [:data :name])
{:keys [id type]} (get-in route [:params :query])
id (cond
;; (str/digits? id) (parse-int id)
(uuid-str? id) (uuid id)
(str/empty-or-nil? id) nil
:else id)
type (when (str/alpha? type) (keyword type))]
type (if (str/alpha? type) (keyword type) :own)]
[:& messages-widget]
[:& header {:section section}]
(case section
[:& icons/icons-page {:type type :id id}]
[:& images/images-page {:type type :id id}]
[:& colors/colors-page {:type type :id id}])]))

View file

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
(delete []
(dc/delete-collection (:id coll))
(rt/nav :dashboard/colors nil {:type (:type coll)})))
(rt/nav :dashboard-colors nil {:type (:type coll)})))
(on-delete []
(modal/show! confirm-dialog {:on-accept delete}))]
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
editable? (= type :own)]
(letfn [(on-click [event]
(let [type (or type :own)]
(st/emit! (rt/nav :dashboard/colors nil {:type type :id id}))))
(st/emit! (rt/nav :dashboard-colors nil {:type type :id id}))))
(on-input-change [event]
(let [value (dom/get-target event)
value (dom/get-value value)]
@ -107,14 +107,14 @@
:on-key-down on-input-keyup}]
[:span.close {:on-click on-cancel} i/close]]
[:span.element-title name])
(tr "ds.num-elements" (t/c colors))]])))
(mf/defc nav
[{:keys [id type colls selected-coll] :as props}]
(let [own? (= type :own)
builtin? (= type :builtin)
select-tab #(st/emit! (rt/nav :dashboard/colors nil {:type %}))]
select-tab #(st/emit! (rt/nav :dashboard-colors nil {:type %}))]
@ -259,7 +259,8 @@
[{:keys [id type coll] :as props}]
(let [selected (mf/deref selected-colors-iref)]
[:& grid-header {:coll coll}]
(when coll
[:& grid-header {:coll coll}])
[:& grid {:coll coll :id id :type type :selected selected}]
(when (seq selected)
[:& grid-options {:id id :type type
@ -282,14 +283,12 @@
(first colls))
id (:id selected-coll)]
(mf/use-effect #(st/emit! (dc/initialize)) #js [id type])
(mf/use-effect #(st/emit! (dc/fetch-collections)))
[:& nav {:type type
:id id
:colls colls
:selected-coll selected-coll}]
:colls colls}]
[:& content {:type type
:id id
:coll selected-coll}]]))

View file

@ -25,26 +25,26 @@
(mf/defc header
[{:keys [section] :as props}]
(let [projects? (= section :dashboard/projects)
icons? (= section :dashboard/icons)
images? (= section :dashboard/images)
colors? (= section :dashboard/colors)]
(let [projects? (= section :dashboard-projects)
icons? (= section :dashboard-icons)
images? (= section :dashboard-images)
colors? (= section :dashboard-colors)]
[:& header-link {:section :dashboard/projects
[:& header-link {:section :dashboard-projects
:content i/logo}]]
[:li {:class (when projects? "current")}
[:& header-link {:section :dashboard/projects
[:& header-link {:section :dashboard-projects
:content (tr "ds.projects")}]]
[:li {:class (when icons? "current")}
[:& header-link {:section :dashboard/icons
[:& header-link {:section :dashboard-icons
:content (tr "ds.icons")}]]
[:li {:class (when images? "current")}
[:& header-link {:section :dashboard/images
[:& header-link {:section :dashboard-images
:content (tr "ds.images")}]]
[:li {:class (when colors? "current")}
[:& header-link {:section :dashboard/colors
[:& header-link {:section :dashboard-colors
:content (tr "ds.colors")}]]]
[:& user]]))

View file

@ -79,29 +79,14 @@
;; --- Nav
(defn- make-num-icons-iref
(letfn [(selector [icons]
(->> (vals icons)
(filter #(= id (:collection-id %)))
(-> (comp (l/key :icons)
(l/lens selector))
(l/derive st/state))))
(mf/defc nav-item
[{:keys [coll selected?] :as props}]
(let [local (mf/use-state {})
{:keys [id type name num-icons]} coll
;; TODO: recalculate the num-icons on crud operations for
;; avod doing this on UI.
;; num-icons-iref (mf/use-memo {:deps #js [id]
;; :fn #(make-num-icons-iref (:id coll))})
;; num-icons (mf/deref num-icons-iref)
{:keys [id type name]} coll
editable? (= type :own)]
(letfn [(on-click [event]
(let [type (or type :own)]
(st/emit! (rt/nav :dashboard/icons {} {:type type :id id}))))
(st/emit! (rt/nav :dashboard-icons {} {:type type :id id}))))
(on-input-change [event]
(-> (dom/get-target event)
@ -127,15 +112,14 @@
:on-change on-input-change
:on-key-down on-input-keyup}]
[:span.close {:on-click on-cancel} i/close]]
[:span.element-title (if id name "Storage")])
[:span.element-subtitle (tr "ds.num-elements" (t/c num-icons))]])))
[:span.element-title (if id name "Storage")])])))
(mf/defc nav
[{:keys [id type colls selected-coll] :as props}]
(let [own? (= type :own)
builtin? (= type :builtin)
select-tab #(st/emit! (rt/nav :dashboard/icons nil {:type %}))]
select-tab #(st/emit! (rt/nav :dashboard-icons nil {:type %}))]
@ -350,54 +334,12 @@
:selected (contains? (:selected opts) (:id icon))
:edition? (= (:edition opts) (:id icon))}])]]]))
;; --- Menu
(mf/defc menu
[{:keys [opts coll] :as props}]
(let [ordering (:order opts :name)
filtering (:filter opts "")
icount (count (:icons coll))]
(letfn [(on-term-change [event]
(let [term (-> (dom/get-target event)
(st/emit! (di/update-opts :filter term))))
(on-ordering-change [event]
(let [value (dom/event->value event)
value (read-string value)]
(st/emit! (di/update-opts :order value))))
(on-clear [event]
(st/emit! (di/update-opts :filter "")))]
;; Counter
[:span.dashboard-icons (tr "ds.num-icons" (t/c icount))]
;; Sorting
[:span (tr "ds.ordering")]
[:select.input-select {:on-change on-ordering-change
:value (pr-str ordering)}
(for [[key value] (seq +ordering-options+)]
[:option {:key key :value (pr-str key)} (tr value)])]]
;; Search
[:input.input-text {:key :icons-search-box
:type "text"
:on-change on-term-change
:auto-focus true
:placeholder (tr "ds.search.placeholder")
:value filtering}]
[:div.clear-search {:on-click on-clear} i/close]]]])))
;; --- Content
(mf/defc content
[{:keys [id type coll] :as props}]
(let [opts (mf/deref opts-iref)]
[:& menu {:opts opts :coll coll}]
(when coll
[:& grid-header {:coll coll}])
@ -425,15 +367,13 @@
:else (first colls))
id (:id selected-coll)]
(mf/use-effect #(st/emit! di/fetch-collections))
(mf/use-effect {:fn #(st/emit! di/initialize
(di/fetch-icons id))
:deps #js [id type]})
(mf/use-effect {:fn #(st/emit! (di/fetch-icons id))
:deps #js [(str id)]})
[:& nav {:type type
:id id
:colls colls
:selected-coll selected-coll}]
:colls colls}]
[:& content {:type type
:id id
:coll selected-coll}]]))

View file

@ -26,30 +26,6 @@
[uxbox.util.router :as rt]
[uxbox.util.time :as dt]))
;; --- Helpers & Constants
(def +ordering-options+
{:name "ds.ordering.by-name"
:created "ds.ordering.by-creation-date"})
(defn- sort-images-by
[ordering images]
(case ordering
:name (sort-by :name images)
:created (reverse (sort-by :created-at images))
(defn- contains-term?
[phrase term]
(let [term (name term)]
(str/includes? (str/lower phrase) (str/trim (str/lower term)))))
(defn- filter-images-by
[term images]
(if (str/blank? term)
(filter #(contains-term? (:name %) term) images)))
;; --- Refs
(def collections-iref
@ -80,61 +56,41 @@
;; --- Nav
(defn- make-num-images-iref
(letfn [(selector [images]
(->> (vals images)
(filter #(= id (:collection-id %)))
(-> (comp (l/key :images)
(l/lens selector))
(l/derive st/state))))
(mf/defc nav-item
[{:keys [coll selected?] :as props}]
(let [local (mf/use-state {})
{:keys [id type name num-images]} coll
;; TODO: recalculate the num-images on crud operations for
;; avod doing this on UI.
num-images-iref (mf/use-memo #(make-num-images-iref (:id coll)) #js [id])
num-images (mf/deref num-images-iref)
editable? (= type :own)]
(letfn [(on-click [event]
(let [type (or type :own)]
(st/emit! (rt/nav :dashboard/images {} {:type type :id id}))))
(on-input-change [event]
(-> (dom/get-target event)
(swap! local assoc :name)))
(on-cancel [event]
(swap! local dissoc :name :edit))
(on-double-click [event]
(when editable?
(swap! local assoc :edit true)))
(on-input-keyup [event]
(when (kbd/enter? event)
(let [value (-> (dom/get-target event) (dom/get-value))]
(st/emit! (di/rename-collection id (str/trim (:name @local))))
(swap! local assoc :edit false))))]
[:li {:on-click on-click
:on-double-click on-double-click
:class-name (when selected? "current")}
(if (:edit @local)
[:input.element-title {:value (if (:name @local)
(:name @local)
(if id name "Storage"))
:on-change on-input-change
:on-key-down on-input-keyup}]
[:span.close {:on-click on-cancel} i/close]]
[:span.element-title (if id name "Storage")])
[:span.element-subtitle (tr "ds.num-elements" (t/c num-images))]])))
editable? (= type :own)
(fn [event]
(let [type (or type :own)]
(st/emit! (rt/nav :dashboard-images {} {:type type :id id}))))
on-cancel-edition #(swap! local dissoc :edit)
on-double-click #(when editable? (swap! local assoc :edit true))
(fn [event]
(when (kbd/enter? event)
(let [value (-> (dom/get-target event)
(st/emit! (di/rename-collection id value))
(swap! local assoc :edit false))))]
[:li {:on-click on-click
:on-double-click on-double-click
:class-name (when selected? "current")}
(if (:edit @local)
[:input.element-title {:default-value name
:on-key-down on-input-keyup}]
[:span.close {:on-click on-cancel-edition} i/close]]
[:span.element-title (if id name "Storage")])]))
(mf/defc nav
[{:keys [id type colls selected-coll] :as props}]
[{:keys [id type colls] :as props}]
(let [own? (= type :own)
builtin? (= type :builtin)
select-tab #(st/emit! (rt/nav :dashboard/images nil {:type %}))]
select-tab #(st/emit! (rt/nav :dashboard-images nil {:type %}))]
@ -148,7 +104,7 @@
(when own?
[:a.btn-primary {:on-click #(st/emit! (di/create-collection))}
[:a.btn-primary {:on-click #(st/emit! di/create-collection)}
(tr "ds.images-collection.new")]])
(when own?
[:& nav-item {:selected? (nil? id)}])
@ -168,7 +124,7 @@
colls (->> (vals colls)
(filter #(= :own (:type %)))
(remove #(= selected (:id %)))
(sort-by :name colls))
#_(sort-by :name colls))
on-select (fn [event id]
(dom/prevent-default event)
(dom/stop-propagation event)
@ -306,20 +262,21 @@
;; --- Grid
(defn- make-images-iref
(-> (comp (l/key :images)
(l/lens (fn [images]
(->> (vals images)
(filter #(= id (:collection-id %)))))))
(l/derive st/state)))
[id type]
(letfn [(selector-fn [state]
(let [images (vals (:images state))]
(filterv #(= id (:collection-id %)) images)))]
(-> (l/lens selector-fn)
(l/derive st/state))))
(mf/defc grid
[{:keys [id type coll opts] :as props}]
(let [editable? (or (= type :own) (nil? id))
images-iref (mf/use-memo #(make-images-iref id) #js [id])
images-iref (mf/use-memo
{:fn #(make-images-iref id type)
:deps (mf/deps id type)})
images (->> (mf/deref images-iref)
(filter-images-by (:filter opts ""))
(sort-images-by (:order opts :name)))]
(sort-by :created-at))]
(when editable?
@ -332,53 +289,53 @@
;; --- Menu
(mf/defc menu
[{:keys [opts coll] :as props}]
(let [ordering (:order opts :name)
filtering (:filter opts "")
icount (count (:images coll))]
(letfn [(on-term-change [event]
(let [term (-> (dom/get-target event)
(st/emit! (di/update-opts :filter term))))
(on-ordering-change [event]
(let [value (dom/event->value event)
value (read-string value)]
(st/emit! (di/update-opts :order value))))
(on-clear [event]
(st/emit! (di/update-opts :filter "")))]
;; (mf/defc menu
;; [{:keys [opts coll] :as props}]
;; (let [ordering (:order opts :name)
;; filtering (:filter opts "")
;; icount (count (:images coll))]
;; (letfn [(on-term-change [event]
;; (let [term (-> (dom/get-target event)
;; (dom/get-value))]
;; (st/emit! (di/update-opts :filter term))))
;; (on-ordering-change [event]
;; (let [value (dom/event->value event)
;; value (read-string value)]
;; (st/emit! (di/update-opts :order value))))
;; (on-clear [event]
;; (st/emit! (di/update-opts :filter "")))]
;; [:section.dashboard-bar.library-gap
;; [:div.dashboard-info
;; Counter
[:span.dashboard-images (tr "ds.num-images" (t/c icount))]
;; ;; Counter
;; [:span.dashboard-images (tr "ds.num-images" (t/c icount))]
;; Sorting
[:span (tr "ds.ordering")]
[:select.input-select {:on-change on-ordering-change
:value (pr-str ordering)}
(for [[key value] (seq +ordering-options+)]
[:option {:key key :value (pr-str key)} (tr value)])]]
;; ;; Sorting
;; [:div
;; [:span (tr "ds.ordering")]
;; [:select.input-select {:on-change on-ordering-change
;; :value (pr-str ordering)}
;; (for [[key value] (seq +ordering-options+)]
;; [:option {:key key :value (pr-str key)} (tr value)])]]
;; Search
[:input.input-text {:key :images-search-box
:type "text"
:on-change on-term-change
:auto-focus true
:placeholder (tr "ds.search.placeholder")
:value filtering}]
[:div.clear-search {:on-click on-clear} i/close]]]])))
;; ;; Search
;; [:form.dashboard-search
;; [:input.input-text {:key :images-search-box
;; :type "text"
;; :on-change on-term-change
;; :auto-focus true
;; :placeholder (tr "ds.search.placeholder")
;; :value filtering}]
;; [:div.clear-search {:on-click on-clear} i/close]]]])))
(mf/defc content
[{:keys [id type coll] :as props}]
(let [opts (mf/deref opts-iref)]
[:& menu {:opts opts :coll coll}]
(when coll
[:& grid-header {:coll coll}])
[:& grid {:id id
:type type
:coll coll
@ -390,28 +347,26 @@
(mf/defc images-page
[{:keys [id type] :as props}]
(let [type (or type :own)
colls (mf/deref collections-iref)
(let [colls (mf/deref collections-iref)
colls (cond->> (vals colls)
(= type :own) (filter #(= :own (:type %)))
(= type :builtin) (filter #(= :builtin (:type %)))
true (sort-by :created-at))
selected-coll (cond
(and (= type :own) (nil? id)) nil
(uuid? id) (seek #(= id (:id %)) colls)
:else (first colls))
id (:id selected-coll)]
(mf/use-effect #(st/emit! (di/fetch-collections)))
(mf/use-effect {:fn #(st/emit! (di/initialize)
(di/fetch-images id))
:deps #js [id type]})
coll (cond
(and (= type :own) (nil? id)) nil
(uuid? id) (seek #(= id (:id %)) colls)
:else (first colls))
id (:id coll)]
(mf/use-effect #(st/emit! di/fetch-collections))
(mf/use-effect {:fn #(st/emit! (di/fetch-images (:id coll)))
:deps #js [(str (:id coll))]})
[:& nav {:type type
:id id
:colls colls
:selected-coll selected-coll}]
:colls colls}]
[:& content {:type type
:id id
:coll selected-coll}]]))
:coll coll}]]))

View file

@ -64,60 +64,6 @@
(filter #(contains-term? (:name %) term) files)))
;; --- Menu (Filter & Sort)
(mf/defc menu
[{:keys [id opts files] :as props}]
(let [ordering (:order opts :modified)
filtering (:filter opts "")
(fn [event]
(let [term (-> (dom/get-target event)
(st/emit! (udp/update-opts :filter term))))
(fn [event]
(let [value (dom/event->value event)
value (read-string value)]
(st/emit! (udp/update-opts :order value))))
(fn [event]
(st/emit! (udp/update-opts :filter "")))]
;; Counter
[:span.dashboard-images (tr "ds.num-files" (t/c (count files)))]
;; Sorting
;; TODO: convert to separate component?
(when id
[:span (tr "ds.ordering")]
[:select.input-select {:on-change on-order-change
:value (pr-str ordering)}
(for [[key value] (seq +ordering-options+)]
(let [key (pr-str key)]
[:option {:key key :value key} (tr value)]))]])]
;; Search
;; TODO: convert to separate component?
; [:form.dashboard-search
; [:input.input-text
; {:key :images-search-box
; :type "text"
; :on-change on-term-change
; :auto-focus true
; :placeholder (tr "ds.search.placeholder")
; :value (or filtering "")}]
; [:div.clear-search {:on-click on-clear} i/close]]
;; --- Grid Item Thumbnail
(mf/defc grid-item-thumbnail
@ -164,9 +110,9 @@
;; [:div.project-th-icon.pages
;; i/page
;; #_[:span (:total-pages project)]]
[:span "0"]]
;; [:div.project-th-icon.comments
;; i/chat
;; [:span "0"]]
{:on-click on-edit}
@ -177,7 +123,7 @@
;; --- Grid
(mf/defc grid
[{:keys [opts files] :as props}]
[{:keys [id opts files] :as props}]
(let [order (:order opts :modified)
filter (:filter opts "")
files (->> files
@ -185,15 +131,13 @@
(sort-by order))
on-click #(do
(dom/prevent-default %)
#_(modal/show! create-project-dialog {})
#_(udl/open! :create-project))
(st/emit! (udp/create-file {:project-id id})))]
;; [:h2 (tr "ds.projects.file-name")]
[:div.grid-item.add-project #_{:on-click on-click}
[:span (tr "ds.new-file")]]
(when id
[:div.grid-item.add-project {:on-click on-click}
[:span (tr "ds.new-file")]])
(for [item files]
[:& grid-item {:file item :key (:id item)}])]]]))
@ -245,10 +189,6 @@
:placeholder (tr "ds.search.placeholder")}]
[:div.clear-search i/close]]
; [:li
; [:a.btn-primary #_{:on-click #(st/emit! di/create-collection)}
; "new project +"]]
[:li.recent-projects {:on-click #(st/emit! (udp/go-to-project nil))
:class-name (when (nil? id) "current")}
[:span.element-title "Recent"]]
@ -280,10 +220,8 @@
[{:keys [id] :as props}]
(let [opts (mf/deref opts-iref)
files (mf/deref files-ref)]
#_[:& menu {:id id :opts opts :files files}]
[:& grid {:id id :opts opts :files files}]]]))
[:& grid {:id id :opts opts :files files}]]))
;; --- Projects Page

View file

@ -4,7 +4,43 @@
;; Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Andrey Antukh <niwi@niwi.nz>
(ns uxbox.main.ui.shapes.attrs)
(ns uxbox.main.ui.shapes.attrs
(:require [cuerdas.core :as str]))
;; (defn camel-case
;; "Returns camel case version of the key, e.g. :http-equiv becomes :httpEquiv."
;; [k]
;; (if (or (keyword? k)
;; (string? k)
;; (symbol? k))
;; (let [[first-word & words] (str/split (name k) #"-")]
;; (if (or (empty? words)
;; (= "aria" first-word)
;; (= "data" first-word))
;; k
;; (-> (map str/capital words)
;; (conj first-word)
;; str/join
;; keyword)))
;; k))
(defn- process-key
(if (keyword? k)
(keyword-identical? k :stroke-color) :stroke
(keyword-identical? k :fill-color) :fill
(str/includes? (name k) "-") (str/camel k)
:else k)))
(defn- process-attrs
(reduce-kv (fn [m k v]
(assoc! m (process-key k) v))
(transient {})
(def shape-style-attrs
@ -17,12 +53,6 @@
(def shape-default-attrs
{:stroke-color "#000000"
:stroke-opacity 1
:fill-color "#000000"
:fill-opacity 1})
(defn- stroke-type->dasharray
(case style
@ -30,24 +60,23 @@
:dotted "5,5"
:dashed "10,10"))
(defn- rename-attr
[[key value :as pair]]
(case key
:stroke-color [:stroke value]
:fill-color [:fill value]
;; (defn- rename-attr
;; [[key value :as pair]]
;; (case key
;; :stroke-color [:stroke value]
;; :fill-color [:fill value]
;; pair))
(defn- rename-attrs
(into {} (map rename-attr) attrs))
;; (defn- rename-attrs
;; [attrs]
;; (into {} (map rename-attr) attrs))
(defn- transform-stroke-attrs
[{:keys [stroke-style] :or {stroke-style :none} :as attrs}]
(case stroke-style
:none (dissoc attrs :stroke-style :stroke-width :stroke-opacity :stroke-color)
:solid (-> (merge shape-default-attrs attrs)
(dissoc :stroke-style))
(-> (merge shape-default-attrs attrs)
:solid (dissoc attrs :stroke-style)
(-> attrs
(assoc :stroke-dasharray (stroke-type->dasharray stroke-style))
(dissoc :stroke-style))))
@ -56,4 +85,4 @@
(-> (select-keys shape shape-style-attrs)

View file

@ -47,18 +47,19 @@
(mf/defc image-shape
[{:keys [shape image] :as props}]
(let [{:keys [id x1 y1 width height modifier-mtx]} (geom/size shape)
(let [{:keys [id x y width height modifier-mtx]} shape
moving? (boolean modifier-mtx)
transform (when (gmt/matrix? modifier-mtx)
(str modifier-mtx))
props {:x x1 :y y1
:id (str "shape-" id)
:preserve-aspect-ratio "none"
:class (classnames :move-cursor moving?)
:xlink-href (:url image)
:transform transform
:width width
:height height}
attrs (merge props (attrs/extract-style-attrs shape))]
[:> :image (normalize-props attrs)]))
props (-> (attrs/extract-style-attrs shape)
(assoc :x x
:y y
:id (str "shape-" id)
:preserveAspectRatio "none"
:class (classnames :move-cursor moving?)
:xlinkHref (:url image)
:transform transform
:width width
:height height))]
[:& "image" props]))

View file

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
(ns uxbox.main.ui.shapes.rect
[rumext.alpha :as mf]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[uxbox.main.geom :as geom]
[uxbox.main.refs :as refs]
[uxbox.main.ui.shapes.attrs :as attrs]
@ -46,18 +47,19 @@
(gmt/matrix? modifier-mtx) (geom/transform shape modifier-mtx)
:else shape)
{:keys [x1 y1 width height] :as shape} (geom/size shape)
{:keys [x y width height]} shape
transform (when (pos? rotation)
(str (rotate (gmt/matrix) shape)))
moving? (boolean modifier-mtx)
props {:x x1 :y y1
:id (str "shape-" id)
:className (classnames :move-cursor moving?)
:width width
:height height
:transform transform}
attrs (merge (attrs/extract-style-attrs shape) props)]
[:& "rect" attrs]))
props (-> (attrs/extract-style-attrs shape)
(assoc :x x
:y y
:id (str "shape-" id)
:className (classnames :move-cursor moving?)
:width width
:height height
:transform transform))]
[:& "rect" props]))

View file

@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
style (make-style shape)
on-input (fn [ev]
(let [content (dom/event->inner-text ev)]
(st/emit! (udw/update-shape-attrs id {:content content}))))]
#_(st/emit! (udw/update-shape-attrs id {:content content}))))]
[:foreignObject {:x x1 :y y1 :width width :height height}
[:div {:style (normalize-props style)
:ref (::container own)

View file

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
(scroll/scroll-to-point dom mouse-point scroll-position))))
(mf/defc workspace-content
[{:keys [layout page file] :as params}]
[{:keys [layout page file flags] :as params}]
(let [canvas (mf/use-ref nil)
left-sidebar? (not (empty? (keep layout [:layers :sitemap
@ -93,28 +93,13 @@
(when right-sidebar?
[:& right-sidebar {:page page :layout layout}])]))
(mf/defc workspace
[{:keys [file-id page-id] :as props}]
(mf/defc workspace-page
[{:keys [file-id page-id layout file flags] :as props}]
{:deps #js [(str file-id)]
:fn (fn []
(st/emit! (dw/initialize-ws file-id))
#(st/emit! (dw/finalize-ws file-id)))})
{:deps #js [(str file-id)
(str page-id)]
:fn (fn []
(let [sub (shortcuts/init)]
(st/emit! (dw/initialize file-id page-id))
#(rx/cancel! sub)))})
(let [layout (mf/deref refs/workspace-layout)
file (mf/deref refs/workspace-file)
page (mf/deref refs/workspace-page)
flags (mf/deref refs/selected-flags)]
{:deps (mf/deps file-id page-id)
:fn #(st/emit! (dw/initialize-page page-id))})
(let [page (mf/deref refs/workspace-page)]
[:> rdnd/provider {:backend rdnd/html5}
[:& messages-widget]
[:& header {:page page :layout layout :flags flags}]
@ -124,5 +109,34 @@
(when (and layout page)
[:& workspace-content {:layout layout
:flags flags
:file file
:page page}])]))
(mf/defc workspace
[{:keys [file-id page-id] :as props}]
{:deps (mf/deps file-id)
:fn (fn []
(st/emit! (dw/initialize file-id))
#(st/emit! (dw/finalize file-id)))})
{:deps (mf/deps file-id page-id)
:fn (fn []
(let [sub (shortcuts/init)]
#(rx/cancel! sub)))})
(let [layout (mf/deref refs/workspace-layout)
file (mf/deref refs/workspace-file)
flags (mf/deref refs/selected-flags)]
;; TODO: maybe loading state?
(when file
[:& workspace-page {:layout layout
:file file
:flags flags
:page-id page-id
:file-id file-id}])))

View file

@ -30,10 +30,9 @@
(mf/defc palette-item
[{:keys [color] :as props}]
(letfn [(select-color [event]
(let [attrs (if (kbd/shift? event)
{:stroke-color color}
{:fill-color color})]
(st/emit! (udw/update-selected-shapes-attrs attrs))))]
(if (kbd/shift? event)
(st/emit! (udw/update-selected-shapes :stroke-color color))
(st/emit! (udw/update-selected-shapes :fill-color color))))]
(let [rgb-vec (hex->rgb color)
rgb-color (apply str "" (interpose ", " rgb-vec))]
[:div.color-cell {:key (str color)

View file

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
(let [event (js/MouseEvent. "click")
link (.createElement js/document "a")
now (dt/now)
stream (->> (rx/from-coll (generate-files pages))
stream (->> (rx/from (generate-files pages))
(rx/reduce conj [])
(rx/mapcat zip/build)
(rx/map blob/create-uri)

View file

@ -51,8 +51,7 @@
:fill-opacity 0
:segments []}
{:type :canvas
:name "Canvas"
:stroke-color "#000000"}
:name "Canvas"}
{:type :curve
:name "Path"
:stroke-style :solid
@ -109,18 +108,17 @@
(def handle-drawing-generic
(letfn [(initialize-drawing [state point]
(let [shape (get-in state [:workspace-local :drawing])
shape (geom/setup shape {:x1 (:x point)
:y1 (:y point)
:x2 (+ (:x point) 2)
:y2 (+ (:y point) 2)})]
shape (geom/setup shape {:x (:x point)
:y (:y point)
:width 2
:height 2})]
(assoc-in state [:workspace-local :drawing] (assoc shape ::initialized? true))))
(resize-shape [shape point lock?]
(let [shape (-> (geom/shape->rect-shape shape)
result (geom/resize-shape :bottom-right shape point lock?)
scale (geom/calculate-scale-ratio shape result)
mtx (geom/generate-resize-matrix :bottom-right shape scale)]
(let [shape' (geom/shape->rect-shape shape)
result (geom/resize-shape :bottom-right shape' point lock?)
scale (geom/calculate-scale-ratio shape' result)
mtx (geom/generate-resize-matrix :bottom-right shape' scale)]
(assoc shape :modifier-mtx mtx)))
(update-drawing [state point lock?]
@ -150,13 +148,13 @@
(def handle-drawing-path
(letfn [(stoper-event? [{:keys [type shift] :as event}]
(or (= event :interrupt)
(and (uws/mouse-event? event)
(or (and (= type :double-click) shift)
(= type :context-menu)))
(and (uws/keyboard-event? event)
(= type :down)
(= 13 (:key event)))))
(or (= event ::end-path-drawing)
(and (uws/mouse-event? event)
(or (and (= type :double-click) shift)
(= type :context-menu)))
(and (uws/keyboard-event? event)
(= type :down)
(= 13 (:key event)))))
(initialize-drawing [state point]
(-> state
@ -238,8 +236,7 @@
(def handle-drawing-curve
(letfn [(stoper-event? [{:keys [type shift] :as event}]
(or (= event :interrupt)
(and (uws/mouse-event? event) (= type :up))))
(uws/mouse-event? event) (= type :up))
(initialize-drawing [state]
(assoc-in state [:workspace-local :drawing ::initialized?] true))
@ -282,7 +279,9 @@
shape (dissoc shape ::initialized? :modifier-mtx)]
;; Add & select the created shape to the workspace
(rx/of dw/deselect-all
(dw/add-shape shape)))))))))
(if (= :canvas (:type shape))
(dw/add-canvas shape)
(dw/add-shape shape))))))))))
(def close-drawing-path
(ptk/reify ::close-drawing-path
@ -322,7 +321,8 @@
(dom/stop-propagation event)
(st/emit! (dw/set-tooltip nil)
(on-mouse-enter [event]
(st/emit! (dw/set-tooltip "Click to close the path")))
(on-mouse-leave [event]

View file

@ -7,22 +7,19 @@
(ns uxbox.main.ui.workspace.header
[rumext.alpha :as mf]
[lentes.core :as l]
[rumext.alpha :as mf]
[uxbox.builtins.icons :as i]
[uxbox.config :as cfg]
[uxbox.main.data.history :as udh]
[uxbox.main.data.undo :as udu]
[uxbox.main.data.workspace :as dw]
[uxbox.main.ui.workspace.images :refer [import-image-modal]]
[uxbox.main.ui.modal :as modal]
[uxbox.main.refs :as refs]
[uxbox.main.store :as st]
[uxbox.main.ui.modal :as modal]
[uxbox.main.ui.users :refer [user]]
[uxbox.util.data :refer [index-of]]
[uxbox.util.i18n :refer (tr)]
[uxbox.util.geom.point :as gpt]
[uxbox.main.ui.workspace.images :refer [import-image-modal]]
[uxbox.util.i18n :refer [tr]]
[uxbox.util.math :as mth]
[uxbox.util.router :as rt]))
@ -66,6 +63,7 @@
(mf/defc header
[{:keys [page layout flags] :as props}]
(let [toggle #(st/emit! (dw/toggle-flag %))
toggle-layout #(st/emit! (dw/toggle-layout-flag %))
on-undo #(st/emit! (udu/undo))
on-redo #(st/emit! (udu/redo))
on-image #(modal/show! import-image-modal {})
@ -91,100 +89,100 @@
{:alt (tr "ds.help.canvas")
{:alt (tr "workspace.header.canvas")
:class (when (= selected-drawtool :canvas) "selected")
:on-click (partial select-drawtool :canvas)}
{:alt (tr "ds.help.rect")
{:alt (tr "workspace.header.rect")
:class (when (= selected-drawtool :rect) "selected")
:on-click (partial select-drawtool :rect)}
{:alt (tr "ds.help.circle")
{:alt (tr "workspace.header.circle")
:class (when (= selected-drawtool :circle) "selected")
:on-click (partial select-drawtool :circle)}
{:alt (tr "ds.help.text")
{:alt (tr "workspace.header.text")
:class (when (= selected-drawtool :text) "selected")
:on-click (partial select-drawtool :text)}
{:alt (tr "ds.help.path")
{:alt (tr "workspace.header.path")
:class (when (= selected-drawtool :path) "selected")
:on-click (partial select-drawtool :path)}
{:alt (tr "ds.help.curve")
{:alt (tr "workspace.header.curve")
:class (when (= selected-drawtool :curve) "selected")
:on-click (partial select-drawtool :curve)}
{:alt (tr "header.color-palette")
{:alt (tr "workspace.header.color-palette")
:class (when (contains? layout :colorpalette) "selected")
:on-click #(st/emit! (dw/toggle-layout-flag :colorpalette))}
{:alt (tr "header.icons")
{:alt (tr "workspace.header.icons")
:class (when (contains? layout :icons) "selected")
:on-click #(st/emit! (dw/toggle-layout-flag :icons))}
; [:li.tooltip.tooltip-bottom
; {:alt (tr "header.layers")
; :class (when (contains? layout :layers) "selected")
; :on-click #(st/emit! (dw/toggle-layout-flag :layers))}
; i/layers]
; [:li.tooltip.tooltip-bottom
; {:alt (tr "header.element-options")
; :class (when (contains? layout :element-options) "selected")
; :on-click #(st/emit! (dw/toggle-layout-flag :element-options))}
; i/options]
;; [:li.tooltip.tooltip-bottom
;; {:alt (tr "header.layers")
;; :class (when (contains? layout :layers) "selected")
;; :on-click #(st/emit! (dw/toggle-layout-flag :layers))}
;; i/layers]
;; [:li.tooltip.tooltip-bottom
;; {:alt (tr "header.element-options")
;; :class (when (contains? layout :element-options) "selected")
;; :on-click #(st/emit! (dw/toggle-layout-flag :element-options))}
;; i/options]
{:alt (tr "header.document-history")
{:alt (tr "workspace.header.document-history")
:class (when (contains? layout :document-history) "selected")
:on-click #(st/emit! (dw/toggle-layout-flag :document-history))}
; [:li.tooltip.tooltip-bottom
; {:alt (tr "header.undo")
; :on-click on-undo}
; i/undo]
; [:li.tooltip.tooltip-bottom
; {:alt (tr "header.redo")
; :on-click on-redo}
; i/redo]
;; [:li.tooltip.tooltip-bottom
;; {:alt (tr "header.undo")
;; :on-click on-undo}
;; i/undo]
;; [:li.tooltip.tooltip-bottom
;; {:alt (tr "header.redo")
;; :on-click on-redo}
;; i/redo]
{:alt (tr "header.download")
{:alt (tr "workspace.header.download")
;; :on-click on-download
{:alt (tr "header.image")
{:alt (tr "workspace.header.image")
:on-click on-image}
{:alt (tr "header.rules")
:class (when (contains? flags :rules) "selected")
:on-click (partial toggle :rules)}
{:alt (tr "workspace.header.rules")
:class (when (contains? layout :rules) "selected")
:on-click (partial toggle-layout :rules)}
{:alt (tr "header.grid")
{:alt (tr "workspace.header.grid")
:class (when (contains? flags :grid) "selected")
:on-click (partial toggle :grid)}
{:alt (tr "header.grid-snap")
{:alt (tr "workspace.header.grid-snap")
:class (when (contains? flags :grid-snap) "selected")
:on-click (partial toggle :grid-snap)}
;; [:li.tooltip.tooltip-bottom
;; {:alt (tr "header.align")}
;; i/alignment]]
;;[:& user]
;; [:li.tooltip.tooltip-bottom
;; {:alt (tr "header.align")}
;; i/alignment]]
;; [:& user]
[:& zoom-widget]
{:alt (tr "header.view-mode")
{:alt (tr "workspace.header.view-mode")
;; :on-click #(st/emit! (dw/->OpenView (:id page)))

View file

@ -129,13 +129,9 @@
(swap! local assoc :id))]
{:fn #(do (st/emit! (udi/fetch-collections))
(st/emit! (udi/fetch-images nil)))})
{:deps #js [type id]
:fn #(st/emit! (udi/fetch-images id))})
(mf/use-effect #(st/emit! udi/fetch-collections))
(mf/use-effect {:deps #js [(str id)]
:fn #(st/emit! (udi/fetch-images id))})
[:h3 (tr "image.import-library")]

View file

@ -99,10 +99,10 @@
(mf/defc controls
[{:keys [shape zoom on-click] :as props}]
(let [{:keys [x1 y1 width height]} shape
(let [{:keys [x y width height]} shape
radius (if (> (max width height) handler-size-threshold) 6.0 4.0)]
[:rect.main {:x x1 :y y1
[:rect.main {:x x :y y
:width width
:height height
:stroke-dasharray (str (/ 8.0 zoom) "," (/ 5 zoom))
@ -111,42 +111,42 @@
[:& control-item {:class "top"
:on-click #(on-click :top %)
:r (/ radius zoom)
:cx (+ x1 (/ width 2))
:cy (- y1 2)}]
:cx (+ x (/ width 2))
:cy (- y 2)}]
[:& control-item {:on-click #(on-click :right %)
:r (/ radius zoom)
:cy (+ y1 (/ height 2))
:cx (+ x1 width 1)
:cy (+ y (/ height 2))
:cx (+ x width 1)
:class "right"}]
[:& control-item {:on-click #(on-click :bottom %)
:r (/ radius zoom)
:cx (+ x1 (/ width 2))
:cy (+ y1 height 2)
:cx (+ x (/ width 2))
:cy (+ y height 2)
:class "bottom"}]
[:& control-item {:on-click #(on-click :left %)
:r (/ radius zoom)
:cy (+ y1 (/ height 2))
:cx (- x1 3)
:cy (+ y (/ height 2))
:cx (- x 3)
:class "left"}]
[:& control-item {:on-click #(on-click :top-left %)
:r (/ radius zoom)
:cx x1
:cy y1
:cx x
:cy y
:class "top-left"}]
[:& control-item {:on-click #(on-click :top-right %)
:r (/ radius zoom)
:cx (+ x1 width)
:cy y1
:cx (+ x width)
:cy y
:class "top-right"}]
[:& control-item {:on-click #(on-click :bottom-left %)
:r (/ radius zoom)
:cx x1
:cy (+ y1 height)
:cx x
:cy (+ y height)
:class "bottom-left"}]
[:& control-item {:on-click #(on-click :bottom-right %)
:r (/ radius zoom)
:cx (+ x1 width)
:cy (+ y1 height)
:cx (+ x width)
:cy (+ y height)
:class "bottom-right"}]]))
;; --- Selection Handlers (Component)
@ -203,9 +203,9 @@
(mf/defc text-edition-selection-handlers
[{:keys [shape zoom] :as props}]
(let [{:keys [x1 y1 width height] :as shape} (geom/selection-rect shape)]
(let [{:keys [x y width height] :as shape} (geom/selection-rect shape)]
[:rect.main {:x x1 :y y1
[:rect.main {:x x :y y
:width width
:height height
;; :stroke-dasharray (str (/ 5.0 zoom) "," (/ 5 zoom))

View file

@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
:class (when-not collapsed? "inverse")}
(for [[index shape] shapes]
(for [[index shape] (reverse shapes)]
[:& layer-item {:shape shape
:selected selected
:index index

View file

@ -9,28 +9,15 @@
[lentes.core :as l]
[rumext.alpha :as mf]
[rumext.core :as mx]
[uxbox.builtins.icons :as i]
[uxbox.main.data.workspace :as udw]
[uxbox.main.geom :as geom]
[uxbox.main.store :as st]
[uxbox.main.refs :as refs]
[uxbox.main.ui.shapes.attrs :refer [shape-default-attrs]]
[uxbox.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.rect :as rect]
[uxbox.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.circle :as circle]
[uxbox.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.path :as path]
[uxbox.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.image :as image]
[uxbox.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.page :as page]
;; [uxbox.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.circle-measures :as options-circlem]
;; [uxbox.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.fill :as options-fill]
;; [uxbox.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.icon-measures :as options-iconm]
;; [uxbox.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.image-measures :as options-imagem]
;; [uxbox.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.interactions :as options-interactions]
;; [uxbox.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.rect-measures :as options-rectm]
;; [uxbox.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.stroke :as options-stroke]
;; [uxbox.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.text :as options-text]
[uxbox.util.data :as data]
[uxbox.util.dom :as dom]
[uxbox.util.i18n :refer [tr]]))
;; --- Constants
@ -44,43 +31,6 @@
;; :image [::image-measures]
;; ::page [::page-measures ::page-grid-options]})
;; (def ^:private +menus+
;; [{:name "element.measures"
;; :id ::icon-measures
;; :icon i/infocard
;; :comp options-iconm/icon-measures-menu}
;; {:name "element.measures"
;; :id ::image-measures
;; :icon i/infocard
;; :comp options-imagem/image-measures-menu}
;; {:name "element.measures"
;; :id ::rect-measures
;; :icon i/infocard
;; :comp options-rectm/rect-measures-menu}
;; {:name "element.measures"
;; :id ::circle-measures
;; :icon i/infocard
;; :comp options-circlem/circle-measures-menu}
;; {:name "element.fill"
;; :id ::fill
;; :icon i/fill
;; :comp options-fill/fill-menu}
;; {:name "element.stroke"
;; :id ::stroke
;; :icon i/stroke
;; :comp options-stroke/stroke-menu}
;; {:name "element.text"
;; :id ::text
;; :icon i/text
;; :comp options-text/text-menu}
;; {:name "element.interactions"
;; :id ::interactions
;; :icon i/action
;; :comp options-interactions/interactions-menu}])
;; (def ^:private +menus-by-id+
;; (data/index-by-id +menus+))
;; --- Options
(mf/defc shape-options
@ -93,6 +43,9 @@
(case (:type shape)
:rect [:& rect/options {:shape shape}]
:circle [:& circle/options {:shape shape}]
:path [:& path/options {:shape shape}]
:curve [:& path/options {:shape shape}]
:image [:& image/options {:shape shape}]
(mf/defc options-toolbox
@ -102,9 +55,9 @@
selected (mf/deref refs/selected-shapes)]
;; [:div.tool-window-bar
;; [:div.tool-window-icon i/options]
;; [:span (tr "ds.settings.element-options")]
;; [:div.tool-window-close {:on-click close} i/close]]
;; [:div.tool-window-icon i/options]
;; [:span (tr "ds.settings.element-options")]
;; [:div.tool-window-close {:on-click close} i/close]]
(if (= (count selected) 1)

View file

@ -8,126 +8,125 @@
(ns uxbox.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.circle
[rumext.alpha :as mf]
[uxbox.common.data :as d]
[uxbox.builtins.icons :as i]
[uxbox.main.data.workspace :as udw]
[uxbox.main.geom :as geom]
[uxbox.main.store :as st]
[uxbox.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.fill :refer [fill-menu]]
[uxbox.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.stroke :refer [stroke-menu]]
[uxbox.util.data :refer (parse-int parse-float read-string)]
[uxbox.util.dom :as dom]
[uxbox.util.geom.point :as gpt]
[uxbox.util.i18n :refer (tr)]
[uxbox.util.math :refer (precision-or-0)]))
[uxbox.util.i18n :refer [tr]]
[uxbox.util.math :as math :refer (precision-or-0)]))
(mf/defc size-options
(mf/defc measures-menu
[{:keys [shape] :as props}]
[:span (tr "ds.size")]
[:input.input-text {:placeholder (tr "ds.width")
:type "number"
:min "0"
;; :on-change #(on-size-change % shape :rx)
:value (precision-or-0 (:rx shape 0) 2)}]]
[:div.lock-size {:class (when (:proportion-lock shape) "selected")
;; :on-click #(on-proportion-lock-change % shape)
(if (:proportion-lock shape) i/lock i/unlock)]
(let [on-size-change
(fn [event attr]
(let [value (-> (dom/get-target event)
(d/parse-integer 0))]
(st/emit! (udw/update-dimensions (:id shape) {attr value}))))
{:placeholder (tr "ds.height")
:type "number"
:min "0"
;; :on-change #(on-size-change % shape :ry)
:value (precision-or-0 (:ry shape 0) 2)}]]]])
(fn [event]
(st/emit! (udw/toggle-shape-proportion-lock (:id shape))))
(mf/defc position-options
[{:keys [shape] :as props}]
[:span (tr "ds.position")]
{:placeholder "cx"
:type "number"
;; :on-change #(on-position-change % shape :x)
:value (precision-or-0 (:cx shape 0) 2)}]]
{:placeholder "cy"
:type "number"
;; :on-change #(on-position-change % shape :y)
:value (precision-or-0 (:cy shape 0) 2)}]]]])
on-size-rx-change #(on-size-change % :rx)
on-size-ry-change #(on-size-change % :ry)
(mf/defc rotation-options
[{:keys [shape] :as props}]
[:span (tr "ds.rotation")]
{:type "range"
:min 0
:max 360
;; :on-change #(on-rotation-change % shape)
:value (:rotation shape 0)}]]
(fn [event attr]
(let [value (-> (dom/get-target event)
point (gpt/point {attr value})]
(st/emit! (udw/update-position (:id shape) point))))
{:placeholder ""
:type "number"
:min 0
:max 360
;; :on-change #(on-rotation-change % shape)
:value (precision-or-0 (:rotation shape 0) 2)}]]
{:style {:visibility "hidden"}}]]])
on-pos-cx-change #(on-position-change % :x)
on-pos-cy-change #(on-position-change % :y)
(mf/defc measures-options
[{:keys [shape] :as props}]
[:div.element-set-title (tr "element.measures")]
[:& size-options {:shape shape}]
[:& position-options {:shape shape}]
[:& rotation-options {:shape shape}]]])
(fn [event]
(let [value (-> (dom/get-target event)
(d/parse-integer 0))]
(st/emit! (udw/update-shape (:id shape) {:rotation value}))))
;; (defn- on-size-change
;; [event shape attr]
;; (let [value (dom/event->value event)
;; value (parse-int value 0)
;; sid (:id shape)
;; props {attr value}]
;; (st/emit! (udw/update-dimensions sid props))))
(fn [event]
(let [value (-> (dom/get-target event)
(d/parse-double 0))]
(st/emit! (udw/update-shape (:id shape) {:rx value :ry value}))))]
;; (defn- on-rotation-change
;; [event shape]
;; (let [value (dom/event->value event)
;; value (parse-int value 0)
;; sid (:id shape)]
;; (st/emit! (udw/update-shape-attrs sid {:rotation value}))))
[:div.element-set-title (tr "workspace.options.measures")]
;; (defn- on-position-change
;; [event shape attr]
;; (let [value (dom/event->value event)
;; value (parse-int value nil)
;; sid (:id shape)
;; point (gpt/point {attr value})]
;; (st/emit! (udw/update-position sid point))))
[:span (tr "workspace.options.size")]
[:input.input-text {:type "number"
:min "0"
:on-change on-size-rx-change
:value (-> (:rx shape)
(math/precision 2)
(d/coalesce-str "0"))}]]
[:div.lock-size {:class (when (:proportion-lock shape) "selected")
:on-click on-proportion-lock-change}
(if (:proportion-lock shape)
;; (defn- on-proportion-lock-change
;; [event shape]
;; (if (:proportion-lock shape)
;; (st/emit! (udw/unlock-proportions (:id shape)))
;; (st/emit! (udw/lock-proportions (:id shape)))))
[:input.input-text {:type "number"
:min "0"
:on-change on-size-ry-change
:value (-> (:ry shape)
(math/precision 2)
(d/coalesce-str "0"))}]]]
[:span (tr "workspace.options.position")]
[:input.input-text {:type "number"
:on-change on-pos-cx-change
:value (-> (:cx shape)
(math/precision 2)
(d/coalesce-str "0"))}]]
[:input.input-text {:type "number"
:on-change on-pos-cy-change
:value (-> (:cy shape)
(math/precision 2)
(d/coalesce-str "0"))}]]]
[:span (tr "workspace.options.rotation-radius")]
[:input.input-text {:placeholder ""
:type "number"
:min 0
:max 360
:on-change on-rotation-change
:value (-> (:rotation shape)
(math/precision 2)
(d/coalesce-str "0"))}]]
[:input.input-text {:type "number"
:on-change on-radius-change
:value (-> (:rx shape)
(math/precision 2)
(d/coalesce-str "0"))}]]]]]))
(mf/defc options
[{:keys [shape] :as props}]
[:& measures-options {:shape shape}]
[:& measures-menu {:shape shape}]
[:& fill-menu {:shape shape}]
[:& stroke-menu {:shape shape}]])

View file

@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Juan de la Cruz <delacruzgarciajuan@gmail.com>
;; Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Andrey Antukh <niwi@niwi.nz>
(ns uxbox.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.circle-measures
[rumext.alpha :as mf]
[uxbox.builtins.icons :as i]
[uxbox.main.data.workspace :as udw]
[uxbox.main.geom :as geom]
[uxbox.main.store :as st]
[uxbox.util.data :refer (parse-int parse-float read-string)]
[uxbox.util.dom :as dom]
[uxbox.util.geom.point :as gpt]
[uxbox.util.i18n :refer (tr)]
[uxbox.util.math :refer (precision-or-0)]))
(declare on-size-change)
(declare on-rotation-change)
(declare on-position-change)
(declare on-proportion-lock-change)
(mf/defc circle-measures-menu
[{:keys [menu shape] :as props}]
[:div.element-set {:key (str (:id menu))}
[:div.element-set-title (:name menu)]
[:span (tr "ds.size")]
{:placeholder (tr "ds.width")
:type "number"
:min "0"
:value (precision-or-0 (:rx shape 0) 2)
:on-change #(on-size-change % shape :rx)}]]
[:div.lock-size {:class (when (:proportion-lock shape) "selected")
:on-click #(on-proportion-lock-change % shape)}
(if (:proportion-lock shape) i/lock i/unlock)]
{:placeholder (tr "ds.height")
:type "number"
:min "0"
:value (precision-or-0 (:ry shape 0) 2)
:on-change #(on-size-change % shape :ry)}]]]
[:span (tr "ds.position")]
{:placeholder "cx"
:type "number"
:value (precision-or-0 (:cx shape 0) 2)
:on-change #(on-position-change % shape :x)}]]
{:placeholder "cy"
:type "number"
:value (precision-or-0 (:cy shape 0) 2)
:on-change #(on-position-change % shape :y)}]]]
[:span (tr "ds.rotation")]
{:type "range"
:min 0
:max 360
:value (:rotation shape 0)
:on-change #(on-rotation-change % shape)}]]
{:placeholder ""
:type "number"
:min 0
:max 360
:value (precision-or-0 (:rotation shape 0) 2)
:on-change #(on-rotation-change % shape)}]]
{:style {:visibility "hidden"}}]]]])
(defn- on-size-change
[event shape attr]
(let [value (dom/event->value event)
value (parse-int value 0)
sid (:id shape)
props {attr value}]
(st/emit! (udw/update-dimensions sid props))))
(defn- on-rotation-change
[event shape]
(let [value (dom/event->value event)
value (parse-int value 0)
sid (:id shape)]
(st/emit! (udw/update-shape-attrs sid {:rotation value}))))
(defn- on-position-change
[event shape attr]
(let [value (dom/event->value event)
value (parse-int value nil)
sid (:id shape)
point (gpt/point {attr value})]
(st/emit! (udw/update-position sid point))))
(defn- on-proportion-lock-change
[event shape]
(if (:proportion-lock shape)
(st/emit! (udw/unlock-proportions (:id shape)))
(st/emit! (udw/lock-proportions (:id shape)))))

View file

@ -9,31 +9,33 @@
[rumext.alpha :as mf]
[uxbox.builtins.icons :as i]
[uxbox.common.data :as d]
[uxbox.main.data.workspace :as udw]
[uxbox.main.store :as st]
[uxbox.main.ui.modal :as modal]
[uxbox.main.ui.workspace.colorpicker :refer [colorpicker-modal]]
[uxbox.util.data :refer [parse-float]]
[uxbox.util.dom :as dom]
[uxbox.util.i18n :refer [tr]]))
(mf/defc fill-menu
[{:keys [shape] :as props}]
(letfn [(change-attrs [attrs]
(st/emit! (udw/update-shape-attrs (:id shape) attrs)))
(letfn [(update-shape! [attr value]
(st/emit! (udw/update-shape (:id shape) {attr value})))
(on-color-change [event]
(let [value (dom/event->value event)]
(change-attrs {:fill-color value})))
(let [value (-> (dom/get-target event)
(update-shape! :fill-color value)))
(on-opacity-change [event]
(let [value (dom/event->value event)
value (parse-float value 1)
value (/ value 10000)]
(change-attrs {:fill-opacity value})))
(let [value (-> (dom/get-target event)
(d/parse-double 1)
(/ 10000))]
(update-shape! :fill-opacity value)))
(show-color-picker [event]
(let [x (.-clientX event)
y (.-clientY event)
props {:x x :y y
:on-change #(change-attrs {:fill-color %})
:on-change #(update-shape! :fill-color %)
:default "#ffffff"
:value (:fill-color shape)
:transparent? true}]
@ -42,10 +44,10 @@
[:div.element-set-title (tr "element.fill")]
[:span (tr "ds.color")]
[:span (tr "workspace.options.color")]
{:style {:background-color (:fill-color shape)}
{:style {:background-color (:fill-color shape "#000000")}
:on-click show-color-picker}]
@ -53,7 +55,7 @@
:value (:fill-color shape "")}]]]
[:span (tr "ds.opacity")]
[:span (tr "workspace.options.opacity")]
{:type "range"

View file

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
[event shape]
(let [value (dom/event->value event)
value (parse-int value 0)]
(st/emit! (udw/update-shape-attrs (:id shape) {:rotation value}))))
#_(st/emit! (udw/update-shape-attrs (:id shape) {:rotation value}))))
(defn- on-position-change
[event shape attr]
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
(defn- on-proportion-lock-change
[event shape]
(if (:proportion-lock shape)
#_(if (:proportion-lock shape)
(st/emit! (udw/unlock-proportions (:id shape)))
(st/emit! (udw/lock-proportions (:id shape)))))

View file

@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Andrey Antukh <niwi@niwi.nz>
;; Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Juan de la Cruz <delacruzgarciajuan@gmail.com>
(ns uxbox.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.image-measures
[rumext.alpha :as mf]
[uxbox.builtins.icons :as i]
[uxbox.main.data.workspace :as dw]
[uxbox.main.geom :as geom]
[uxbox.main.store :as st]
[uxbox.util.data :refer (parse-int parse-float read-string)]
[uxbox.util.dom :as dom]
[uxbox.util.geom.point :as gpt]
[uxbox.util.i18n :refer (tr)]
[uxbox.util.math :refer (precision-or-0)]))
(declare on-size-change)
(declare on-rotation-change)
(declare on-opacity-change)
(declare on-position-change)
(declare on-proportion-lock-change)
(mf/defc image-measures-menu
[{:keys [menu shape] :as props}]
(let [size (geom/size shape)]
[:div.element-set-title (:name menu)]
[:span (tr "ds.size")]
{:placeholder (tr "ds.width")
:type "number"
:min "0"
:value (precision-or-0 (:width size) 2)
:on-change #(on-size-change % shape :width)}]]
{:class (when (:proportion-lock shape) "selected")
:on-click #(on-proportion-lock-change % shape)}
(if (:proportion-lock shape) i/lock i/unlock)]
{:placeholder (tr "ds.height")
:type "number"
:min "0"
:value (precision-or-0 (:height size) 2)
:on-change #(on-size-change % shape :height)}]]]
[:span (tr "ds.position")]
{:placeholder "X"
:type "number"
:value (precision-or-0 (:x1 shape 0) 2)
:on-change #(on-position-change % shape :x)}]]
{:placeholder "Y"
:type "number"
:value (precision-or-0 (:y1 shape 0) 2)
:on-change #(on-position-change % shape :y)}]]]
;; [:span (tr "ds.rotation")]
;; [:div.row-flex
;; [:input.slidebar
;; {:type "range"
;; :min 0
;; :max 360
;; :value (:rotation shape 0)
;; :on-change on-rotation-change}]]
;; [:div.row-flex
;; [:div.input-element.degrees
;; [:input.input-text
;; {:placeholder ""
;; :type "number"
;; :min 0
;; :max 360
;; :value (precision-or-0 (:rotation shape 0) 2)
;; :on-change on-rotation-change
;; }]]
;; [:input.input-text
;; {:style {:visibility "hidden"}}]]
[:span (tr "ds.opacity")]
{:type "range"
:min "0"
:max "10000"
:value (* 10000 (:opacity shape 1))
:step "1"
:on-change #(on-opacity-change % shape)}]]]]))
(defn- on-size-change
[event shape attr]
(let [value (dom/event->value event)
value (parse-int value 0)
props {attr value}]
(st/emit! (dw/update-dimensions (:id shape) props))))
(defn- on-rotation-change
[event shape]
(let [value (dom/event->value event)
value (parse-int value 0)]
(st/emit! (dw/update-shape-attrs (:id shape) {:rotation value}))))
(defn- on-opacity-change
[event shape]
(let [value (dom/event->value event)
value (parse-float value 1)
value (/ value 10000)]
(st/emit! (dw/update-shape-attrs (:id shape) {:opacity value}))))
(defn- on-position-change
[event shape attr]
(let [value (dom/event->value event)
value (parse-int value nil)
point (gpt/point {attr value})]
(st/emit! (dw/update-position (:id shape) point))))
(defn- on-proportion-lock-change
[event shape]
(if (:proportion-lock shape)
(st/emit! (dw/unlock-proportions (:id shape)))
(st/emit! (dw/lock-proportions (:id shape)))))

View file

@ -22,452 +22,452 @@
;; --- Helpers
(defn- on-change
([form attr event]
(dom/prevent-default event)
(let [value (dom/event->value event)
value (read-string value)]
(swap! form assoc attr value)))
([form attr keep event]
(let [data (select-keys @form keep)]
(reset! form data)
(on-change form attr event))))
;; (defn- on-change
;; ([form attr event]
;; (dom/prevent-default event)
;; (let [value (dom/event->value event)
;; value (read-string value)]
;; (swap! form assoc attr value)))
;; ([form attr keep event]
;; (let [data (select-keys @form keep)]
;; (reset! form data)
;; (on-change form attr event))))
;; --- Interactions List
;; ;; --- Interactions List
(defn- translate-trigger-name
(case trigger
:click "Click"
:doubleclick "Double Click"
:rightclick "Right Click"
:hover "Hover"
:mousein "Mouse In"
:mouseout "Mouse Out"
;; :swiperight "Swipe Right"
;; :swipeleft "Swipe Left"
;; :swipedown "Swipe Down"
;; :touchandhold "Touch and Hold"
;; :holdrelease "Hold release"
(pr-str trigger)))
;; (defn- translate-trigger-name
;; [trigger]
;; (case trigger
;; :click "Click"
;; :doubleclick "Double Click"
;; :rightclick "Right Click"
;; :hover "Hover"
;; :mousein "Mouse In"
;; :mouseout "Mouse Out"
;; ;; :swiperight "Swipe Right"
;; ;; :swipeleft "Swipe Left"
;; ;; :swipedown "Swipe Down"
;; ;; :touchandhold "Touch and Hold"
;; ;; :holdrelease "Hold release"
;; (pr-str trigger)))
(mf/defc interactions-list
[{:keys [shape form] :as props}]
(letfn [(on-edit [item event]
(dom/prevent-default event)
(reset! form item))
(delete [item]
(let [sid (:id shape)
id (:id item)]
(st/emit! (dw/delete-interaction sid id))))
(on-delete [item event]
(dom/prevent-default event)
(let [delete (partial delete item)]
(udl/open! :confirm {:on-accept delete})))]
(for [item (vals (:interactions shape))
:let [key (pr-str (:id item))]]
[:li {:key key}
[:div.list-icon i/action]
[:span (translate-trigger-name (:trigger item))]
[:a {:on-click (partial on-edit item)} i/pencil]
[:a {:on-click (partial on-delete item)} i/trash]]])]))
;; (mf/defc interactions-list
;; [{:keys [shape form] :as props}]
;; (letfn [(on-edit [item event]
;; (dom/prevent-default event)
;; (reset! form item))
;; (delete [item]
;; (let [sid (:id shape)
;; id (:id item)]
;; (st/emit! (dw/delete-interaction sid id))))
;; (on-delete [item event]
;; (dom/prevent-default event)
;; (let [delete (partial delete item)]
;; (udl/open! :confirm {:on-accept delete})))]
;; [:ul.element-list
;; (for [item (vals (:interactions shape))
;; :let [key (pr-str (:id item))]]
;; [:li {:key key}
;; [:div.list-icon i/action]
;; [:span (translate-trigger-name (:trigger item))]
;; [:div.list-actions
;; [:a {:on-click (partial on-edit item)} i/pencil]
;; [:a {:on-click (partial on-delete item)} i/trash]]])]))
;; --- Trigger Input
;; ;; --- Trigger Input
(mf/defc trigger-input
[{:keys [form] :as props}]
;; (mf/use-effect
;; {:init #(when-not (:trigger @form) (swap! form assoc :trigger :click))
;; :deps true})
[:span "Trigger"]
[:select.input-select {:placeholder "Choose a trigger"
:on-change (partial on-change form :trigger)
:value (pr-str (:trigger @form))}
[:option {:value ":click"} "Click"]
[:option {:value ":doubleclick"} "Double-click"]
[:option {:value ":rightclick"} "Right-click"]
[:option {:value ":hover"} "Hover"]
[:option {:value ":mousein"} "Mouse in"]
[:option {:value ":mouseout"} "Mouse out"]
#_[:option {:value ":swiperight"} "Swipe right"]
#_[:option {:value ":swipeleft"} "Swipe left"]
#_[:option {:value ":swipedown"} "Swipe dpwn"]
#_[:option {:value ":touchandhold"} "Touch and hold"]
#_[:option {:value ":holdrelease"} "Hold release"]
#_[:option {:value ":keypress"} "Key press"]
#_[:option {:value ":pageisloaded"} "Page is loaded"]
#_[:option {:value ":windowscroll"} "Window is scrolled to"]]]])
;; (mf/defc trigger-input
;; [{:keys [form] :as props}]
;; ;; (mf/use-effect
;; ;; {:init #(when-not (:trigger @form) (swap! form assoc :trigger :click))
;; ;; :deps true})
;; [:div
;; [:span "Trigger"]
;; [:div.row-flex
;; [:select.input-select {:placeholder "Choose a trigger"
;; :on-change (partial on-change form :trigger)
;; :value (pr-str (:trigger @form))}
;; [:option {:value ":click"} "Click"]
;; [:option {:value ":doubleclick"} "Double-click"]
;; [:option {:value ":rightclick"} "Right-click"]
;; [:option {:value ":hover"} "Hover"]
;; [:option {:value ":mousein"} "Mouse in"]
;; [:option {:value ":mouseout"} "Mouse out"]
;; #_[:option {:value ":swiperight"} "Swipe right"]
;; #_[:option {:value ":swipeleft"} "Swipe left"]
;; #_[:option {:value ":swipedown"} "Swipe dpwn"]
;; #_[:option {:value ":touchandhold"} "Touch and hold"]
;; #_[:option {:value ":holdrelease"} "Hold release"]
;; #_[:option {:value ":keypress"} "Key press"]
;; #_[:option {:value ":pageisloaded"} "Page is loaded"]
;; #_[:option {:value ":windowscroll"} "Window is scrolled to"]]]])
;; --- URL Input
;; ;; --- URL Input
(mf/defc url-input
[:span "Url"]
{:placeholder "http://"
:on-change (partial on-change form :url)
:value (:url @form "")
:type "url"}]]])
;; --- Elements Input
(defn- collect-shapes
[state page]
(let [shapes-by-id (:shapes state)
shapes (get-in state [:pages page :shapes])]
(letfn [(resolve-shape [acc id]
(let [shape (get shapes-by-id id)]
(if (= (:type shape) :group)
(reduce resolve-shape (conj acc shape) (:items shape))
(conj acc shape))))]
(reduce resolve-shape [] shapes))))
(mf/defc elements-input
[{:keys [page-id form] :as props}]
(let [shapes (collect-shapes @st/state page-id)]
[:span "Element"]
{:placeholder "Choose an element"
:on-change (partial on-change form :element)
:value (pr-str (:element @form))}
[:option {:value "nil"} "---"]
(for [shape shapes
:let [key (pr-str (:id shape))]]
[:option {:key key :value key} (:name shape)])]]]))
;; --- Page Input
(mf/defc pages-input
[form-ref path]
;; FIXME: react on ref
#_(let [pages (mx/react refs/selected-project-pages)]
(when (and (not (:page @form-ref))
(pos? (count pages)))
(swap! form-ref assoc :page (:id (first pages))))
[:span "Page"]
[:select.input-select {:placeholder "Choose a page"
:on-change (partial on-change form-ref :page)
:value (pr-str (:page @form-ref))}
(for [page pages
:let [key (pr-str (:id page))]]
[:option {:key key :value key} (:name page)])]]]))
;; --- Animation
(mf/defc animation-input
[{:keys [form] :as props}]
(when-not (:action @form)
(swap! form assoc :animation :none))
[:span "Animation"]
{:placeholder "Animation"
:on-change (partial on-change form :animation)
:value (pr-str (:animation @form))}
[:option {:value ":none"} "None"]
[:option {:value ":fade"} "Fade"]
[:option {:value ":slide"} "Slide"]]]])
;; --- MoveTo Input
(mf/defc moveto-input
[{:keys [form] :as props}]
(when-not (:moveto-x @form)
(swap! form assoc :moveto-x 0))
(when-not (:moveto-y @form)
(swap! form assoc :moveto-y 0))
[:span "Move to position"]
{:placeholder "X"
:on-change (partial on-change form :moveto-x)
:type "number"
:value (:moveto-x @form "")}]]
{:placeholder "Y"
:on-change (partial on-change form :moveto-y)
:type "number"
:value (:moveto-y @form "")}]]]])
;; --- MoveBy Input
(mf/defc moveby-input
[{:keys [form] :as props}]
(when-not (:moveby-x @form)
(swap! form assoc :moveby-x 0))
(when-not (:moveby-y @form)
(swap! form assoc :moveby-y 0))
[:span "Move to position"]
{:placeholder "X"
:on-change (partial on-change form :moveby-x)
:type "number"
:value (:moveby-x @form "")}]]
{:placeholder "Y"
:on-change (partial on-change form :moveby-y)
:type "number"
:value (:moveby-y @form "")}]]]])
;; --- Opacity Input
(mf/defc opacity-input
[{:keys [form] :as props}]
(when-not (:opacity @form)
(swap! form assoc :opacity 100))
[:span "Opacity"]
{:placeholder "%"
:on-change (partial on-change form :opacity)
:min "0"
:max "100"
:type "number"
:value (:opacity @form "")}]]]])
;; --- Rotate Input
;; (mx/defc rotate-input
;; (mf/defc url-input
;; [form]
;; [:div
;; [:span "Rotate (dg)"]
;; [:span "Url"]
;; [:div.row-flex
;; [:div.input-element.degrees
;; [:input.input-text
;; {:placeholder "http://"
;; :on-change (partial on-change form :url)
;; :value (:url @form "")
;; :type "url"}]]])
;; ;; --- Elements Input
;; (defn- collect-shapes
;; [state page]
;; (let [shapes-by-id (:shapes state)
;; shapes (get-in state [:pages page :shapes])]
;; (letfn [(resolve-shape [acc id]
;; (let [shape (get shapes-by-id id)]
;; (if (= (:type shape) :group)
;; (reduce resolve-shape (conj acc shape) (:items shape))
;; (conj acc shape))))]
;; (reduce resolve-shape [] shapes))))
;; (mf/defc elements-input
;; [{:keys [page-id form] :as props}]
;; (let [shapes (collect-shapes @st/state page-id)]
;; [:div
;; [:span "Element"]
;; [:div.row-flex
;; [:select.input-select
;; {:placeholder "Choose an element"
;; :on-change (partial on-change form :element)
;; :value (pr-str (:element @form))}
;; [:option {:value "nil"} "---"]
;; (for [shape shapes
;; :let [key (pr-str (:id shape))]]
;; [:option {:key key :value key} (:name shape)])]]]))
;; ;; --- Page Input
;; (mf/defc pages-input
;; [form-ref path]
;; ;; FIXME: react on ref
;; #_(let [pages (mx/react refs/selected-project-pages)]
;; (when (and (not (:page @form-ref))
;; (pos? (count pages)))
;; (swap! form-ref assoc :page (:id (first pages))))
;; [:div
;; [:span "Page"]
;; [:div.row-flex
;; [:select.input-select {:placeholder "Choose a page"
;; :on-change (partial on-change form-ref :page)
;; :value (pr-str (:page @form-ref))}
;; (for [page pages
;; :let [key (pr-str (:id page))]]
;; [:option {:key key :value key} (:name page)])]]]))
;; ;; --- Animation
;; (mf/defc animation-input
;; [{:keys [form] :as props}]
;; (when-not (:action @form)
;; (swap! form assoc :animation :none))
;; [:div
;; [:span "Animation"]
;; [:div.row-flex
;; [:select.input-select
;; {:placeholder "Animation"
;; :on-change (partial on-change form :animation)
;; :value (pr-str (:animation @form))}
;; [:option {:value ":none"} "None"]
;; [:option {:value ":fade"} "Fade"]
;; [:option {:value ":slide"} "Slide"]]]])
;; ;; --- MoveTo Input
;; (mf/defc moveto-input
;; [{:keys [form] :as props}]
;; (when-not (:moveto-x @form)
;; (swap! form assoc :moveto-x 0))
;; (when-not (:moveto-y @form)
;; (swap! form assoc :moveto-y 0))
;; [:div
;; [:span "Move to position"]
;; [:div.row-flex
;; [:div.input-element.pixels
;; [:input.input-text
;; {:placeholder "dg"
;; :on-change (partial on-change form :rotation)
;; {:placeholder "X"
;; :on-change (partial on-change form :moveto-x)
;; :type "number"
;; :value (:rotation @form "")}]]]])
;; :value (:moveto-x @form "")}]]
;; [:div.input-element.pixels
;; [:input.input-text
;; {:placeholder "Y"
;; :on-change (partial on-change form :moveto-y)
;; :type "number"
;; :value (:moveto-y @form "")}]]]])
;; --- Resize Input
;; ;; --- MoveBy Input
(mf/defc resize-input
[{:keys [form] :as props}]
[:span "Resize"]
{:placeholder "Width"
:on-change (partial on-change form :resize-width)
:type "number"
:value (:resize-width @form "")}]]
{:placeholder "Height"
:on-change (partial on-change form :resize-height)
:type "number"
:value (:resize-height @form "")}]]]])
;; (mf/defc moveby-input
;; [{:keys [form] :as props}]
;; (when-not (:moveby-x @form)
;; (swap! form assoc :moveby-x 0))
;; (when-not (:moveby-y @form)
;; (swap! form assoc :moveby-y 0))
;; [:div
;; [:span "Move to position"]
;; [:div.row-flex
;; [:div.input-element.pixels
;; [:input.input-text
;; {:placeholder "X"
;; :on-change (partial on-change form :moveby-x)
;; :type "number"
;; :value (:moveby-x @form "")}]]
;; [:div.input-element.pixels
;; [:input.input-text
;; {:placeholder "Y"
;; :on-change (partial on-change form :moveby-y)
;; :type "number"
;; :value (:moveby-y @form "")}]]]])
;; --- Color Input
;; ;; --- Opacity Input
(mf/defc colorpicker
[{:keys [x y on-change value]}]
(let [left (- x 260)
top (- y 50)]
{:style {:left (str left "px")
:top (str top "px")}}
;; (mf/defc opacity-input
;; [{:keys [form] :as props}]
;; (when-not (:opacity @form)
;; (swap! form assoc :opacity 100))
;; [:div
;; [:span "Opacity"]
;; [:div.row-flex
;; [:div.input-element.percentail
;; [:input.input-text
;; {:placeholder "%"
;; :on-change (partial on-change form :opacity)
;; :min "0"
;; :max "100"
;; :type "number"
;; :value (:opacity @form "")}]]]])
:theme :small
:value value
:on-change on-change)]))
;; ;; --- Rotate Input
(defmethod lbx/render-lightbox :interactions/colorpicker
(colorpicker params))
;; ;; (mx/defc rotate-input
;; ;; [form]
;; ;; [:div
;; ;; [:span "Rotate (dg)"]
;; ;; [:div.row-flex
;; ;; [:div.input-element.degrees
;; ;; [:input.input-text
;; ;; {:placeholder "dg"
;; ;; :on-change (partial on-change form :rotation)
;; ;; :type "number"
;; ;; :value (:rotation @form "")}]]]])
(mf/defc color-input
[{:keys [form] :as props}]
(when-not (:fill-color @form)
(swap! form assoc :fill-color "#000000"))
(when-not (:stroke-color @form)
(swap! form assoc :stroke-color "#000000"))
(letfn [(on-change [attr color]
(swap! form assoc attr color))
(on-change-fill-color [event]
(let [value (dom/event->value event)]
(when (color? value)
(on-change :fill-color value))))
(on-change-stroke-color [event]
(let [value (dom/event->value event)]
(when (color? value)
(on-change :stroke-color value))))
(show-picker [attr event]
(let [x (.-clientX event)
y (.-clientY event)
opts {:x x :y y
:on-change (partial on-change attr)
:value (get @form attr)
:transparent? true}]
(udl/open! :interactions/colorpicker opts)))]
(let [stroke-color (:stroke-color @form)
fill-color (:fill-color @form)]
[:span "Fill"]
{:style {:background-color fill-color}
:on-click (partial show-picker :fill-color)}]
{:on-change on-change-fill-color
:value fill-color}]]]]
[:span "Stroke"]
{:style {:background-color stroke-color}
:on-click (partial show-picker :stroke-color)}]
{:on-change on-change-stroke-color
:value stroke-color}]]]]]])))
;; ;; --- Resize Input
;; --- Easing Input
;; (mf/defc resize-input
;; [{:keys [form] :as props}]
;; [:div
;; [:span "Resize"]
;; [:div.row-flex
;; [:div.input-element.pixels
;; [:input.input-text
;; {:placeholder "Width"
;; :on-change (partial on-change form :resize-width)
;; :type "number"
;; :value (:resize-width @form "")}]]
;; [:div.input-element.pixels
;; [:input.input-text
;; {:placeholder "Height"
;; :on-change (partial on-change form :resize-height)
;; :type "number"
;; :value (:resize-height @form "")}]]]])
(mf/defc easing-input
[{:keys [form] :as props}]
(when-not (:easing @form)
(swap! form assoc :easing :linear))
[:span "Easing"]
{:placeholder "Easing"
:on-change (partial on-change form :easing)
:value (pr-str (:easing @form))}
[:option {:value ":linear"} "Linear"]
[:option {:value ":easein"} "Ease in"]
[:option {:value ":easeout"} "Ease out"]
[:option {:value ":easeinout"} "Ease in out"]]]])
;; ;; --- Color Input
;; --- Duration Input
;; (mf/defc colorpicker
;; [{:keys [x y on-change value]}]
;; (let [left (- x 260)
;; top (- y 50)]
;; [:div.colorpicker-tooltip
;; {:style {:left (str left "px")
;; :top (str top "px")}}
(mf/defc duration-input
[{:keys [form] :as props}]
(when-not (:duration @form)
(swap! form assoc :duration 300))
(when-not (:delay @form)
(swap! form assoc :delay 0))
[:span "Duration | Delay"]
{:placeholder "Duration"
:type "number"
:on-change (partial on-change form :duration)
:value (pr-str (:duration @form))}]]
[:input.input-text {:placeholder "Delay"
:type "number"
:on-change (partial on-change form :delay)
:value (pr-str (:delay @form))}]]]])
;; (cp/colorpicker
;; :theme :small
;; :value value
;; :on-change on-change)]))
;; --- Action Input
;; (defmethod lbx/render-lightbox :interactions/colorpicker
;; [params]
;; (colorpicker params))
(mf/defc action-input
[{:keys [shape form] :as props}]
;; (when-not (:action @form)
;; (swap! form assoc :action :show))
(let [form-data (deref form)
simple? #{:gotourl :gotopage}
elements? (complement simple?)
animation? #{:show :hide :toggle}
only-easing? (complement animation?)]
[:span "Action"]
{:placeholder "Choose an action"
:on-change (partial on-change form :action [:trigger])
:value (pr-str (:action form-data))}
[:option {:value ":show"} "Show"]
[:option {:value ":hide"} "Hide"]
[:option {:value ":toggle"} "Toggle"]
;; [:option {:value ":moveto"} "Move to"]
[:option {:value ":moveby"} "Move by"]
[:option {:value ":opacity"} "Opacity"]
[:option {:value ":size"} "Size"]
[:option {:value ":color"} "Color"]
;; [:option {:value ":rotate"} "Rotate"]
[:option {:value ":gotopage"} "Go to page"]
[:option {:value ":gotourl"} "Go to URL"]
#_[:option {:value ":goback"} "Go back"]
[:option {:value ":scrolltoelement"} "Scroll to element"]]]
;; (mf/defc color-input
;; [{:keys [form] :as props}]
;; (when-not (:fill-color @form)
;; (swap! form assoc :fill-color "#000000"))
;; (when-not (:stroke-color @form)
;; (swap! form assoc :stroke-color "#000000"))
;; (letfn [(on-change [attr color]
;; (swap! form assoc attr color))
;; (on-change-fill-color [event]
;; (let [value (dom/event->value event)]
;; (when (color? value)
;; (on-change :fill-color value))))
;; (on-change-stroke-color [event]
;; (let [value (dom/event->value event)]
;; (when (color? value)
;; (on-change :stroke-color value))))
;; (show-picker [attr event]
;; (let [x (.-clientX event)
;; y (.-clientY event)
;; opts {:x x :y y
;; :on-change (partial on-change attr)
;; :value (get @form attr)
;; :transparent? true}]
;; (udl/open! :interactions/colorpicker opts)))]
;; (let [stroke-color (:stroke-color @form)
;; fill-color (:fill-color @form)]
;; [:div
;; [:div.row-flex
;; [:div.column-half
;; [:span "Fill"]
;; [:div.color-data
;; [:span.color-th
;; {:style {:background-color fill-color}
;; :on-click (partial show-picker :fill-color)}]
;; [:div.color-info
;; [:input
;; {:on-change on-change-fill-color
;; :value fill-color}]]]]
;; [:div.column-half
;; [:span "Stroke"]
;; [:div.color-data
;; [:span.color-th
;; {:style {:background-color stroke-color}
;; :on-click (partial show-picker :stroke-color)}]
;; [:div.color-info
;; [:input
;; {:on-change on-change-stroke-color
;; :value stroke-color}]]]]]])))
(case (:action form-data)
:gotourl [:& url-input {:form form}]
;; :gotopage (pages-input form)
:color [:& color-input {:form form}]
;; :rotate (rotate-input form)
:size [:& resize-input {:form form}]
:moveto [:& moveto-input {:form form}]
:moveby [:& moveby-input {:form form}]
:opacity [:& opacity-input {:form form}]
;; ;; --- Easing Input
(when (elements? (:action form-data))
[:& elements-input {:page-id (:page shape)
:form form}])
;; (mf/defc easing-input
;; [{:keys [form] :as props}]
;; (when-not (:easing @form)
;; (swap! form assoc :easing :linear))
;; [:div
;; [:span "Easing"]
;; [:div.row-flex
;; [:select.input-select
;; {:placeholder "Easing"
;; :on-change (partial on-change form :easing)
;; :value (pr-str (:easing @form))}
;; [:option {:value ":linear"} "Linear"]
;; [:option {:value ":easein"} "Ease in"]
;; [:option {:value ":easeout"} "Ease out"]
;; [:option {:value ":easeinout"} "Ease in out"]]]])
(when (and (animation? (:action form-data))
(:element form-data))
[:& animation-input {:form form}])
;; ;; --- Duration Input
(when (or (not= (:animation form-data :none) :none)
(and (only-easing? (:action form-data))
(:element form-data)))
[:& easing-input {:form form}]
[:& duration-input {:form form}]])]))
;; (mf/defc duration-input
;; [{:keys [form] :as props}]
;; (when-not (:duration @form)
;; (swap! form assoc :duration 300))
;; (when-not (:delay @form)
;; (swap! form assoc :delay 0))
;; [:div
;; [:span "Duration | Delay"]
;; [:div.row-flex
;; [:div.input-element.miliseconds
;; [:input.input-text
;; {:placeholder "Duration"
;; :type "number"
;; :on-change (partial on-change form :duration)
;; :value (pr-str (:duration @form))}]]
;; [:div.input-element.miliseconds
;; [:input.input-text {:placeholder "Delay"
;; :type "number"
;; :on-change (partial on-change form :delay)
;; :value (pr-str (:delay @form))}]]]])
;; ;; --- Action Input
;; (mf/defc action-input
;; [{:keys [shape form] :as props}]
;; ;; (when-not (:action @form)
;; ;; (swap! form assoc :action :show))
;; (let [form-data (deref form)
;; simple? #{:gotourl :gotopage}
;; elements? (complement simple?)
;; animation? #{:show :hide :toggle}
;; only-easing? (complement animation?)]
;; [:div
;; [:span "Action"]
;; [:div.row-flex
;; [:select.input-select
;; {:placeholder "Choose an action"
;; :on-change (partial on-change form :action [:trigger])
;; :value (pr-str (:action form-data))}
;; [:option {:value ":show"} "Show"]
;; [:option {:value ":hide"} "Hide"]
;; [:option {:value ":toggle"} "Toggle"]
;; ;; [:option {:value ":moveto"} "Move to"]
;; [:option {:value ":moveby"} "Move by"]
;; [:option {:value ":opacity"} "Opacity"]
;; [:option {:value ":size"} "Size"]
;; [:option {:value ":color"} "Color"]
;; ;; [:option {:value ":rotate"} "Rotate"]
;; [:option {:value ":gotopage"} "Go to page"]
;; [:option {:value ":gotourl"} "Go to URL"]
;; #_[:option {:value ":goback"} "Go back"]
;; [:option {:value ":scrolltoelement"} "Scroll to element"]]]
;; (case (:action form-data)
;; :gotourl [:& url-input {:form form}]
;; ;; :gotopage (pages-input form)
;; :color [:& color-input {:form form}]
;; ;; :rotate (rotate-input form)
;; :size [:& resize-input {:form form}]
;; :moveto [:& moveto-input {:form form}]
;; :moveby [:& moveby-input {:form form}]
;; :opacity [:& opacity-input {:form form}]
;; nil)
;; (when (elements? (:action form-data))
;; [:& elements-input {:page-id (:page shape)
;; :form form}])
;; (when (and (animation? (:action form-data))
;; (:element form-data))
;; [:& animation-input {:form form}])
;; (when (or (not= (:animation form-data :none) :none)
;; (and (only-easing? (:action form-data))
;; (:element form-data)))
;; [:*
;; [:& easing-input {:form form}]
;; [:& duration-input {:form form}]])]))
;; --- Form
;; ;; --- Form
(mf/defc interactions-form
[{:keys [shape form] :as props}]
(letfn [(on-submit [event]
(dom/prevent-default event)
(let [sid (:id shape)
data (deref form)]
(st/emit! (dw/update-interaction sid data))
(reset! form nil)))
(on-cancel [event]
(dom/prevent-default event)
(reset! form nil))]
[:form {:on-submit on-submit}
[:& trigger-input {:form form}]
[:& action-input {:shape shape :form form}]
{:value "Save" :type "submit"}]
[:a.cancel-btn {:on-click on-cancel}
;; (mf/defc interactions-form
;; [{:keys [shape form] :as props}]
;; (letfn [(on-submit [event]
;; (dom/prevent-default event)
;; (let [sid (:id shape)
;; data (deref form)]
;; (st/emit! (dw/update-interaction sid data))
;; (reset! form nil)))
;; (on-cancel [event]
;; (dom/prevent-default event)
;; (reset! form nil))]
;; [:form {:on-submit on-submit}
;; [:& trigger-input {:form form}]
;; [:& action-input {:shape shape :form form}]
;; [:div.row-flex
;; [:input.btn-primary.btn-small.save-btn
;; {:value "Save" :type "submit"}]
;; [:a.cancel-btn {:on-click on-cancel}
;; "Cancel"]]]))
;; --- Interactions Menu
@ -477,7 +477,7 @@
(mf/defc interactions-menu
[{:keys [menu shape] :as props}]
(let [form (mf/use-state nil)
#_(let [form (mf/use-state nil)
interactions (:interactions shape)]
[:div.element-set {:key (str (:id menu))}
[:div.element-set-title (:name menu)]

View file

@ -46,9 +46,9 @@
(modal/show! colorpicker-modal props)))]
[:div.element-set-title (tr "element.page-measures")]
[:div.element-set-title (tr "workspace.options.page-measures")]
[:span (tr "ds.background-color")]
[:span (tr "workspace.options.background-color")]
{:style {:background-color (:background metadata "#ffffff")}
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
[:div.element-set-title (tr "element.page-grid-options")]
[:span (tr "ds.size")]
[:span (tr "workspace.options.size")]
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
:value (:grid-y-axis metadata)
:on-change on-y-change
:placeholder "y"}]]]
[:span (tr "ds.color")]
[:span (tr "workspace.options.color")]
{:style {:background-color (:grid-color metadata)}

View file

@ -8,111 +8,130 @@
(ns uxbox.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.rect
[rumext.alpha :as mf]
[uxbox.common.data :as d]
[uxbox.builtins.icons :as i]
[uxbox.main.data.workspace :as udw]
[uxbox.main.geom :as geom]
[uxbox.main.store :as st]
[uxbox.util.data :refer [parse-int parse-float read-string]]
[uxbox.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.fill :refer [fill-menu]]
[uxbox.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.stroke :refer [stroke-menu]]
[uxbox.util.dom :as dom]
[uxbox.util.geom.point :as gpt]
[uxbox.util.i18n :refer [tr]]
[uxbox.util.math :refer [precision-or-0]]))
[uxbox.util.math :as math]))
(declare on-size-change)
(declare on-rotation-change)
(declare on-position-change)
(declare on-proportion-lock-change)
(mf/defc measures-menu
[{:keys [shape] :as props}]
(let [on-size-change
(fn [event attr]
(let [value (-> (dom/get-target event)
(d/parse-integer 0))]
(st/emit! (udw/update-dimensions (:id shape) {attr value}))))
(fn [event]
(st/emit! (udw/toggle-shape-proportion-lock (:id shape))))
(fn [event attr]
(let [value (-> (dom/get-target event)
point (gpt/point {attr value})]
(st/emit! (udw/update-position (:id shape) point))))
(fn [event]
(let [value (-> (dom/get-target event)
(d/parse-integer 0))]
(st/emit! (udw/update-shape (:id shape) {:rotation value}))))
(fn [event]
(let [value (-> (dom/get-target event)
(d/parse-double 0))]
(st/emit! (udw/update-shape (:id shape) {:rx value :ry value}))))
on-width-change #(on-size-change % :width)
on-height-change #(on-size-change % :height)
on-pos-x-change #(on-position-change % :x)
on-pos-y-change #(on-position-change % :y)]
(mf/defc measures
[{:keys [menu shape] :as props}]
(let [size (geom/size shape)]
[:div.element-set-title (tr "element.measures")]
[:div.element-set-title (tr "workspace.options.measures")]
[:span (tr "ds.size")]
[:span (tr "workspace.options.size")]
[:input.input-text {:placeholder (tr "ds.width")
:type "number"
[:input.input-text {:type "number"
:min "0"
:value (precision-or-0 (:width size) 2)}]]
:on-change on-width-change
:value (-> (:width shape)
(math/precision 2)
(d/coalesce-str "0"))}]]
[:div.lock-size {:class (when (:proportion-lock shape) "selected")
:on-click #(on-proportion-lock-change % shape)}
(if (:proportion-lock shape) i/lock i/unlock)]
:on-click on-proportion-lock-change}
(if (:proportion-lock shape)
[:input.input-text {:placeholder (tr "ds.height")
:type "number"
[:input.input-text {:type "number"
:min "0"
:value (precision-or-0 (:height size) 2)}]]]
:on-change on-height-change
:value (-> (:height shape)
(math/precision 2)
(d/coalesce-str "0"))}]]]
[:span (tr "ds.position")]
[:span (tr "workspace.options.position")]
[:input.input-text {:placeholder "x"
:type "number"
:value (precision-or-0 (:x1 shape 0) 2)}]]
:on-change on-pos-x-change
:value (-> (:x shape)
(math/precision 2)
(d/coalesce-str "0"))}]]
[:input.input-text {:placeholder "y"
:type "number"
:value (precision-or-0 (:y1 shape 0) 2)}]]]
[:span (tr "ds.rotation")]
[:input.slidebar {:type "range"
:min 0
:max 360
;; :on-change #(on-rotation-change % shape)
:value (:rotation shape 0)}]]
:on-change on-pos-y-change
:value (-> (:y shape)
(math/precision 2)
(d/coalesce-str "0"))}]]]
[:span (tr "workspace.options.rotation-radius")]
[:input.input-text {:placeholder ""
:type "number"
:min 0
:max 360
:on-change #(on-rotation-change % shape)
:value (precision-or-0 (:rotation shape "0") 2)}]]
[:input.input-text {:style {:visibility "hidden"}}]]]]))
:on-change on-rotation-change
:value (-> (:rotation shape 0)
(math/precision 2)
(d/coalesce-str "0"))}]]
;; (defn- on-size-change
;; [event shape attr]
;; (let [value (-> (dom/event->value event)
;; (parse-int 0))]
;; (st/emit! (udw/update-dimensions (:id shape) {attr value}))))
{:placeholder "rx"
:type "number"
:on-change on-radius-change
:value (-> (:rx shape)
(math/precision 2)
(d/coalesce-str "0"))}]]]]]))
;; (defn- on-rotation-change
;; [event shape]
;; (let [value (dom/event->value event)
;; value (parse-int value 0)]
;; (st/emit! (udw/update-shape-attrs (:id shape) {:rotation value}))))
;; (defn- on-position-change
;; [event shape attr]
;; (let [value (-> (dom/event->value event)
;; (parse-int nil))
;; point (gpt/point {attr value})]
;; (st/emit! (udw/update-position (:id shape) point))))
;; (defn- on-proportion-lock-change
;; [event shape]
;; (if (:proportion-lock shape)
;; (st/emit! (udw/unlock-proportions (:id shape)))
;; (st/emit! (udw/lock-proportions (:id shape)))))
;; :rect [::rect-measures ::fill ::stroke]
(mf/defc options
[{:keys [shape] :as props}]
[:& measures {:shape shape}]
[:& measures-menu {:shape shape}]
[:& fill-menu {:shape shape}]
[:& stroke-menu {:shape shape}]])

View file

@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Andrey Antukh <niwi@niwi.nz>
;; Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Juan de la Cruz <delacruzgarciajuan@gmail.com>
(ns uxbox.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.rect-measures
[rumext.alpha :as mf]
[uxbox.builtins.icons :as i]
[uxbox.main.data.workspace :as udw]
[uxbox.main.geom :as geom]
[uxbox.main.store :as st]
[uxbox.util.data :refer [parse-int parse-float read-string]]
[uxbox.util.dom :as dom]
[uxbox.util.geom.point :as gpt]
[uxbox.util.i18n :refer [tr]]
[uxbox.util.math :refer [precision-or-0]]))
(declare on-size-change)
(declare on-rotation-change)
(declare on-position-change)
(declare on-proportion-lock-change)
(mf/defc rect-measures-menu
[{:keys [menu shape] :as props}]
(let [size (geom/size shape)]
[:div.element-set-title (:name menu)]
[:span (tr "ds.size")]
[:input.input-text {:placeholder (tr "ds.width")
:type "number"
:min "0"
:value (precision-or-0 (:width size) 2)
:on-change #(on-size-change % shape :width)}]]
[:div.lock-size {:class (when (:proportion-lock shape) "selected")
:on-click #(on-proportion-lock-change % shape)}
(if (:proportion-lock shape) i/lock i/unlock)]
[:input.input-text {:placeholder (tr "ds.height")
:type "number"
:min "0"
:value (precision-or-0 (:height size) 2)
:on-change #(on-size-change % shape :height)}]]]
[:span (tr "ds.position")]
[:input.input-text {:placeholder "x"
:type "number"
:value (precision-or-0 (:x1 shape 0) 2)
:on-change #(on-position-change % shape :x)}]]
[:input.input-text {:placeholder "y"
:type "number"
:value (precision-or-0 (:y1 shape 0) 2)
:on-change #(on-position-change % shape :y)}]]]
[:span (tr "ds.rotation")]
[:input.slidebar {:type "range"
:min 0
:max 360
:value (:rotation shape 0)
:on-change #(on-rotation-change % shape)}]]
[:input.input-text {:placeholder ""
:type "number"
:min 0
:max 360
:value (precision-or-0 (:rotation shape "0") 2)
:on-change #(on-rotation-change % shape)}]]
[:input.input-text {:style {:visibility "hidden"}}]]]]))
(defn- on-size-change
[event shape attr]
(let [value (-> (dom/event->value event)
(parse-int 0))]
(st/emit! (udw/update-dimensions (:id shape) {attr value}))))
(defn- on-rotation-change
[event shape]
(let [value (dom/event->value event)
value (parse-int value 0)]
(st/emit! (udw/update-shape-attrs (:id shape) {:rotation value}))))
(defn- on-position-change
[event shape attr]
(let [value (-> (dom/event->value event)
(parse-int nil))
point (gpt/point {attr value})]
(st/emit! (udw/update-position (:id shape) point))))
(defn- on-proportion-lock-change
[event shape]
(if (:proportion-lock shape)
(st/emit! (udw/unlock-proportions (:id shape)))
(st/emit! (udw/lock-proportions (:id shape)))))

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
(ns uxbox.main.ui.workspace.sidebar.options.stroke
[rumext.alpha :as mf]
[uxbox.common.data :as d]
[uxbox.builtins.icons :as i]
[uxbox.main.data.workspace :as udw]
[uxbox.main.store :as st]
@ -16,126 +17,82 @@
[uxbox.util.data :refer [parse-int parse-float read-string]]
[uxbox.util.dom :as dom]
[uxbox.util.i18n :refer [tr]]
[uxbox.util.math :refer [precision-or-0]]))
(declare on-width-change)
(declare on-opacity-change)
(declare on-stroke-style-change)
(declare on-stroke-color-change)
(declare on-border-change)
(declare show-color-picker)
[uxbox.util.math :as math]))
(mf/defc stroke-menu
[{:keys [shape] :as props}]
(let [local (mf/use-state {})
on-border-lock #(swap! local update :border-lock not)
on-stroke-style-change #(on-stroke-style-change % shape)
on-width-change #(on-width-change % shape)
on-stroke-color-change #(on-stroke-color-change % shape)
on-border-change-rx #(on-border-change % shape local :rx)
on-border-change-ry #(on-border-change % shape local :ry)
on-opacity-change #(on-opacity-change % shape)
show-color-picker #(show-color-picker % shape)]
(let [on-stroke-style-change
(fn [event]
(let [value (-> (dom/get-target event)
(st/emit! (udw/update-shape (:id shape) {:stroke-style value}))))
(fn [event]
(let [value (-> (dom/get-target event)
(d/parse-double 1))]
(st/emit! (udw/update-shape (:id shape) {:stroke-width value}))))
(fn [event]
(let [value (-> (dom/get-target event)
(d/parse-double 1)
(/ 10000))]
(st/emit! (udw/update-shape (:id shape) {:stroke-opacity value}))))
(fn [event]
(let [x (.-clientX event)
y (.-clientY event)
props {:x x :y y
:default "#ffffff"
:value (:stroke-color shape)
:on-change #(st/emit! (udw/update-shape (:id shape) {:stroke-color %}))
:transparent? true}]
(modal/show! colorpicker-modal props)))]
[:div.element-set-title (tr "element.stroke")]
[:div.element-set-title (tr "workspace.options.stroke")]
[:span (tr "ds.style")]
;; Stroke Style & Width
[:span (tr "workspace.options.stroke.style")]
[:select#style.input-select {:placeholder (tr "ds.style")
:value (pr-str (:stroke-style shape))
[:select#style.input-select {:value (pr-str (:stroke-style shape))
:on-change on-stroke-style-change}
[:option {:value ":none"} (tr "ds.none")]
[:option {:value ":solid"} (tr "ds.solid")]
[:option {:value ":dotted"} (tr "ds.dotted")]
[:option {:value ":dashed"} (tr "ds.dashed")]
[:option {:value ":mixed"} (tr "ds.mixed")]]
{:placeholder (tr "ds.width")
:type "number"
:min "0"
:value (precision-or-0 (:stroke-width shape 1) 2)
:on-change on-width-change}]]]
[:option {:value ":none"} (tr "workspace.options.stroke.none")]
[:option {:value ":solid"} (tr "workspace.options.stroke.solid")]
[:option {:value ":dotted"} (tr "workspace.options.stroke.dotted")]
[:option {:value ":dashed"} (tr "workspace.options.stroke.dashed")]
[:option {:value ":mixed"} (tr "workspace.options.stroke.mixed")]]
[:span (tr "ds.color")]
[:input.input-text {:type "number"
:min "0"
:value (-> (:stroke-width shape)
(math/precision 2)
(d/coalesce-str "1"))
:on-change on-stroke-width-change}]]]
;; Stroke Color
[:span (tr "workspace.options.color")]
{:style {:background-color (:stroke-color shape)}
:on-click show-color-picker}]
[:span.color-th {:style {:background-color (:stroke-color shape)}
:on-click show-color-picker}]
{:on-change on-stroke-color-change
:value (:stroke-color shape "")}]]]
[:input {:read-only true
:default-value (:stroke-color shape "")}]]]
[:span (tr "ds.radius")]
[:span (tr "workspace.options.opacity")]
{:placeholder "rx"
:type "number"
:value (precision-or-0 (:rx shape 0) 2)
:on-change on-border-change-rx}]]
{:class (when (:border-lock @local) "selected")
:on-click on-border-lock}
{:placeholder "ry"
:type "number"
:value (precision-or-0 (:ry shape 0) 2)
:on-change on-border-change-ry}]]]
[:span (tr "ds.opacity")]
{:type "range"
:min "0"
:max "10000"
:value (* 10000 (:stroke-opacity shape 1))
:step "1"
:on-change on-opacity-change}]]]]))
(defn- on-width-change
[event shape]
(let [value (-> (dom/event->value event)
(parse-float 1))]
(st/emit! (udw/update-shape-attrs (:id shape) {:stroke-width value}))))
(defn- on-opacity-change
[event shape]
(let [value (-> (dom/event->value event)
(parse-float 1)
(/ 10000))]
(st/emit! (udw/update-shape-attrs (:id shape) {:stroke-opacity value}))))
(defn- on-stroke-style-change
[event shape]
(let [value (-> (dom/event->value event)
(st/emit! (udw/update-shape-attrs (:id shape) {:stroke-style value}))))
(defn- on-stroke-color-change
[event shape]
(let [value (dom/event->value event)]
(st/emit! (udw/update-shape-attrs (:id shape) {:stroke-color value}))))
(defn- on-border-change
[event shape local attr]
(let [value (-> (dom/event->value event)
(parse-int nil))
id (:id shape)]
(if (:border-lock @local)
(st/emit! (udw/update-shape-attrs id {:rx value :ry value}))
(st/emit! (udw/update-shape-attrs id {attr value})))))
(defn- show-color-picker
[event shape]
(let [x (.-clientX event)
y (.-clientY event)
props {:x x :y y
:default "#ffffff"
:value (:stroke-color shape)
:on-change #(st/emit! (udw/update-shape-attrs (:id shape) {:stroke-color %}))
:transparent? true}]
(modal/show! colorpicker-modal props)))
[:input.slidebar {:type "range"
:min "0"
:max "10000"
:value (-> (:stroke-opacity shape 1)
(* 10000)
(d/coalesce-str "1"))
:step "1"
:on-change on-stroke-opacity-change}]]]]))

View file

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
{:mixins [mx/static]}
[menu {:keys [id] :as shape}]
(letfn [(update-attrs [attrs]
(st/emit! (udw/update-shape-attrs id attrs)))
#_(st/emit! (udw/update-shape-attrs id attrs)))
(on-font-family-change [event]
(let [value (dom/event->value event)
attrs {:font-family (read-string value)

View file

@ -82,11 +82,11 @@
end-x (max (:x start) (:x stop))
end-y (max (:y start) (:y stop))]
(assoc data
:x1 start-x
:y1 start-y
:x2 end-x
:y2 end-y
:type :rect)))
:type :rect
:x start-x
:y start-y
:width (- end-x start-x)
:height (- end-y start-y))))
(def ^:private handle-selrect
(letfn [(update-state [state position]
@ -115,13 +115,11 @@
{:wrap [mf/wrap-memo]}
[{:keys [data] :as props}]
(when data
(let [{:keys [x1 y1 width height]} (geom/size data)]
{:x x1
:y y1
:width width
:height height}])))
{:x (:x data)
:y (:y data)
:width (:width data)
:height (:height data)}]))
;; --- Viewport Positioning
@ -155,7 +153,7 @@
(for [item canvas]
[:& shape-wrapper {:shape item :key (:id item)}])
(for [item (reverse shapes)]
(for [item shapes]
[:& shape-wrapper {:shape item :key (:id item)}])]))
(mf/defc viewport

View file

@ -201,6 +201,14 @@
(str/camel (name key))))))
;; (defn coalesce
;; [^number v ^number n]
;; (if (.-toFixed v)
;; (js/parseFloat (.toFixed v n))
;; 0))
;; (defmacro mirror-map [& fields]
;; (let [keys# (map #(keyword (name %)) fields)
;; vals# fields]

View file

@ -81,7 +81,8 @@
(defn precision
[^number v ^number n]
(js/parseFloat (.toFixed v n)))
(when (and (number? v) (number? n))
(js/parseFloat (.toFixed v n))))
(defn precision-or-0
[^number v ^number n]

View file

@ -5,12 +5,15 @@
;; Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Andrey Antukh <niwi@niwi.nz>
(ns uxbox.util.router
(:require [reitit.core :as r]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[potok.core :as ptk]
[uxbox.util.html.history :as html-history])
(:import goog.Uri
[reitit.core :as r]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[potok.core :as ptk]
[uxbox.common.data :as d]
[uxbox.util.html.history :as html-history])
(defonce +router+ nil)
@ -42,7 +45,9 @@
(if (empty? qparams)
(r/match->path match)
(let [uri (.parse goog.Uri (r/match->path match))
qdt (.createFromMap QueryData (clj->js qparams))]
qdt (.createFromMap QueryData (-> qparams
(.setQueryData uri qdt)
(.toString uri))))))

View file

@ -12,20 +12,20 @@
(schedule 0 func))
([ms func]
(let [sem (js/setTimeout #(func) ms)]
(reify rx/ICancellable
(-cancel [_]
(reify rx/IDisposable
(-dispose [_]
(js/clearTimeout sem))))))
(defn interval
[ms func]
(let [sem (js/setInterval #(func) ms)]
(reify rx/ICancellable
(-cancel [_]
(reify rx/IDisposable
(-dispose [_]
(js/clearInterval sem)))))
(defn schedule-on-idle
(let [sem (js/requestIdleCallback #(func))]
(reify rx/ICancellable
(-cancel [_]
(reify rx/IDisposable
(-dispose [_]
(js/cancelIdleCallback sem)))))

View file

@ -16,4 +16,4 @@
(let [zobj (js/JSZip.)]
(run! (partial attach-file zobj) files)
(->> (.generateAsync zobj #js {:type "blob"})