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mirror of https://github.com/penpot/penpot.git synced 2025-03-13 16:21:57 -05:00

Implement drag & drop for set groups

🚧 PR feedback

♻️ Remove unused functions

♻️ Throw on non-allowed changes

🚧 key fixes

🚧 Fix tests


🚧 Add set group test

🚧 Remove 'drop' in name

🚧 Add group tests


🚧 Always return changes
This commit is contained in:
Florian Schroedl 2025-01-10 13:42:30 +01:00 committed by Andrés Moya
parent 32f0da7514
commit 19daffd1c0
22 changed files with 1015 additions and 346 deletions

View file

@ -78,6 +78,23 @@
(declare index-of)
(defn oreorder-before
"Assoc a k v pair, in the order position just before the other key."
[o ks k v before-k]
(let [f (fn [o']
(cond-> (reduce
(fn [acc [k' v']]
(and before-k (= k' before-k)) (assoc acc k v k' v')
(= k k') acc
:else (assoc acc k' v')))
(not before-k) (assoc k v)))]
(if (seq ks)
(oupdate-in o ks f)
(f o))))
(defn oassoc-before
"Assoc a k v pair, in the order position just before the other key"
[o before-k k v]

View file

@ -418,8 +418,8 @@
[:map {:title "RenameTokenSetGroup"}
[:type [:= :rename-token-set-group]]
[:from-path-str :string]
[:to-path-str :string]]]
[:set-group-path [:vector :string]]
[:set-group-fname :string]]]
[:map {:title "ModTokenSetChange"}
@ -430,8 +430,18 @@
[:map {:title "MoveTokenSetBefore"}
[:type [:= :move-token-set-before]]
[:set-name :string]
[:before-set-name [:maybe :string]]]]
[:from-path [:vector :string]]
[:to-path [:vector :string]]
[:before-path [:maybe [:vector :string]]]
[:before-group? [:maybe :boolean]]]]
[:map {:title "MoveTokenSetGroupBefore"}
[:type [:= :move-token-set-group-before]]
[:from-path [:vector :string]]
[:to-path [:vector :string]]
[:before-path [:maybe [:vector :string]]]
[:before-group? [:maybe :boolean]]]]
[:map {:title "DelTokenSetChange"}
@ -1070,11 +1080,11 @@
(ctob/add-sets (map ctob/make-token-set token-sets)))))
(defmethod process-change :rename-token-set-group
[data {:keys [from-path-str to-path-str]}]
[data {:keys [set-group-path set-group-fname]}]
(update data :tokens-lib (fn [lib]
(-> lib
(ctob/rename-set-group from-path-str to-path-str)))))
(ctob/rename-set-group set-group-path set-group-fname)))))
(defmethod process-change :mod-token-set
[data {:keys [name token-set]}]
@ -1085,10 +1095,16 @@
(merge prev-set (dissoc token-set :tokens))))))))
(defmethod process-change :move-token-set-before
[data {:keys [set-name before-set-name]}]
[data {:keys [from-path to-path before-path before-group?] :as changes}]
(update data :tokens-lib #(-> %
(ctob/move-set-before set-name before-set-name))))
(ctob/move-set from-path to-path before-path before-group?))))
(defmethod process-change :move-token-set-group-before
[data {:keys [from-path to-path before-path before-group?]}]
(update data :tokens-lib #(-> %
(ctob/move-set-group from-path to-path before-path before-group?))))
(defmethod process-change :del-token-set
[data {:keys [name]}]

View file

@ -813,12 +813,13 @@
(defn rename-token-set-group
[changes from-path-str to-path-str]
(-> changes
(update :redo-changes conj {:type :rename-token-set-group :from-path-str from-path-str :to-path-str to-path-str})
;; TODO: Figure out undo
#_(update :undo-changes conj {:type :rename-token-set-group :name (:name token-set) :token-set (or prev-token-set token-set)})
[changes set-group-path set-group-fname]
(let [undo-path (ctob/replace-last-path-name set-group-path set-group-fname)
undo-fname (last set-group-path)]
(-> changes
(update :redo-changes conj {:type :rename-token-set-group :set-group-path set-group-path :set-group-fname set-group-fname})
(update :undo-changes conj {:type :rename-token-set-group :set-group-path undo-path :set-group-fname undo-fname})
(defn update-token-set
[changes token-set prev-token-set]
@ -828,21 +829,50 @@
(defn delete-token-set-path
[changes token-set-path]
[changes group? path]
(assert-library! changes)
(let [library-data (::library-data (meta changes))
(let [;; TODO Move leaking prefix to library
prefixed-path (if group?
(ctob/set-group-path->set-group-prefixed-path path)
(ctob/set-full-path->set-prefixed-full-path path))
prefixed-path-str (ctob/join-set-path prefixed-path)
library-data (::library-data (meta changes))
prev-token-sets (some-> (get library-data :tokens-lib)
(ctob/get-path-sets token-set-path))]
(ctob/get-path-sets prefixed-path-str))]
(-> changes
(update :redo-changes conj {:type :del-token-set-path :path token-set-path})
(update :redo-changes conj {:type :del-token-set-path :path prefixed-path-str})
(update :undo-changes conj {:type :add-token-sets :token-sets prev-token-sets})
(defn move-token-set-before
[changes set-name before-set-name prev-before-set-name]
[changes {:keys [from-path to-path before-path before-group? prev-before-path prev-before-group?] :as opts}]
(-> changes
(update :redo-changes conj {:type :move-token-set-before :set-name set-name :before-set-name before-set-name})
(update :undo-changes conj {:type :move-token-set-before :set-name set-name :before-set-name prev-before-set-name})
(update :redo-changes conj {:type :move-token-set-before
:from-path from-path
:to-path to-path
:before-path before-path
:before-group? before-group?})
(update :undo-changes conj {:type :move-token-set-before
:from-path to-path
:to-path from-path
:before-path prev-before-path
:before-group? prev-before-group?})
(defn move-token-set-group-before
[changes {:keys [from-path to-path before-path before-group? prev-before-path prev-before-group?]}]
(prn prev-before-path prev-before-group?)
(-> changes
(update :redo-changes conj {:type :move-token-set-group-before
:from-path from-path
:to-path to-path
:before-path before-path
:before-group? before-group?})
(update :undo-changes conj {:type :move-token-set-group-before
:from-path to-path
:to-path from-path
:before-path prev-before-path
:before-group? prev-before-group?})
(defn set-tokens-lib

View file

@ -29,14 +29,103 @@
[changes tokens-lib set-name]
(generate-update-active-sets changes tokens-lib #(ctob/toggle-set % set-name)))
(defn generate-toggle-token-set-group
"Toggle a token set group at `prefixed-set-path-str` in `tokens-lib` without modifying a user theme."
[changes tokens-lib prefixed-set-path-str]
(let [deactivate? (contains? #{:all :partial} (ctob/sets-at-path-all-active? tokens-lib prefixed-set-path-str))
sets-names (->> (ctob/get-sets-at-prefix-path tokens-lib prefixed-set-path-str)
(defn toggle-token-set-group
"Toggle a token set group at `group-path` in `tokens-lib` for a `tokens-lib-theme`."
[group-path tokens-lib tokens-lib-theme]
(let [deactivate? (contains? #{:all :partial} (ctob/sets-at-path-all-active? tokens-lib group-path))
sets-names (->> (ctob/get-sets-at-path tokens-lib group-path)
(map :name)
(into #{}))
update-fn (if deactivate?
#(ctob/disable-sets % sets-names)
#(ctob/enable-sets % sets-names))]
(generate-update-active-sets changes tokens-lib update-fn)))
(into #{}))]
(if deactivate?
(ctob/disable-sets tokens-lib-theme sets-names)
(ctob/enable-sets tokens-lib-theme sets-names))))
(defn generate-toggle-token-set-group
"Toggle a token set group at `group-path` in `tokens-lib` without modifying a user theme."
[changes tokens-lib group-path]
(generate-update-active-sets changes tokens-lib #(toggle-token-set-group group-path tokens-lib %)))
(defn vec-starts-with? [v1 v2]
(= (subvec v1 0 (min (count v1) (count v2))) v2))
(defn calculate-move-token-set-or-set-group
[tokens-lib {:keys [from-index to-index position collapsed-paths]
:or {collapsed-paths #{}}}]
(let [tree (-> (ctob/get-set-tree tokens-lib)
(ctob/walk-sets-tree-seq :walk-children? #(contains? collapsed-paths %)))
from (nth tree from-index)
to (nth tree to-index)
before (case position
:top to
:bot (nth tree (inc to-index) nil)
:center nil)
prev-before (if (:group? from)
(->> (drop (inc from-index) tree)
(filter (fn [element]
(<= (:depth element) (:depth from))))
(nth tree (inc from-index) nil))
drop-as-direct-group-child? (or
(= :center position)
(= :bot position)
(:group? to)
(not (get collapsed-paths (:path to)))))
from-path (:path from)
to-parent-path (if drop-as-direct-group-child?
(:path to)
(into [] (butlast (:path to))))
to-path (conj to-parent-path (last from-path))
identical? (or (= from-index to-index)
(and (= from-path to-path)
(case position
:top (= from-index (dec to-index))
:bot (= from-index to-index)
to-exists? (and
(not= (:parent-path from) to-parent-path)
(if (:group? from)
(ctob/set-group-path-exists? tokens-lib to-path)
(ctob/set-path-exists? tokens-lib to-path)))
parent-to-child-drop? (and
(not= (:parent-path from) to-parent-path)
(:group? from)
(vec-starts-with? to-path (:path from)))]
identical? nil
(throw (ex-info "move token set error: path exists"
{:error :path-exists
:path to-path}))
(throw (ex-info "move token set error: parent-to-child"
{:error :parent-to-child
:from-path from-path
:to-path to-path}))
(cond-> {:from-path from-path
:to-path to-path
:before-path nil
:before-group? nil}
before (assoc :before-path (:path before)
:before-group? (:group? before))
prev-before (assoc :prev-before-path (:path prev-before)
:prev-before-group? (:group? prev-before))))))
(defn generate-move-token-set
"Create changes for dropping a token set or token set.
Throws for impossible moves."
[changes tokens-lib drop-opts]
(if-let [drop-opts' (calculate-move-token-set-or-set-group tokens-lib drop-opts)]
(pcb/move-token-set-before changes drop-opts')
(defn generate-move-token-set-group
"Create changes for dropping a token set or token set group.
Throws for impossible moves"
[changes tokens-lib drop-opts]
(if-let [drop-opts' (calculate-move-token-set-or-set-group tokens-lib drop-opts)]
(pcb/move-token-set-group-before changes drop-opts')

View file

@ -216,6 +216,16 @@
set-name (add-set-path-prefix (last full-path))]
(conj set-path set-name)))
(defn set-group-path->set-group-prefixed-path
"Adds `set-group-prefix` (G-) to the `path` vector elements."
(mapv add-set-path-group-prefix path))
(defn set-group-path->set-group-prefixed-path-str
(-> (set-group-path->set-group-prefixed-path path)
(defn split-set-prefix [set-path]
(some->> set-path
(re-matches #"^([SG]-)(.*)")
@ -302,6 +312,12 @@
(= (get-prefixed-token-set-final-prefix prefixed-path-str) set-prefix))
(defn replace-last-path-name
"Replaces the last element in a `path` vector with `name`."
[path name]
(-> (into [] (drop-last path))
(conj name)))
(defn tokens-tree
"Convert tokens into a nested tree with their `:name` as the path.
Optionally use `update-token-fn` option to transform the token."
@ -448,8 +464,8 @@
(add-sets [_ token-set] "add a collection of sets to the library, at the end")
(update-set [_ set-name f] "modify a set in the library")
(delete-set-path [_ set-path] "delete a set in the library")
(move-set-before [_ set-name before-set-name] "move a set with `set-name` before a set with `before-set-name` in the library.
When `before-set-name` is nil, move set to bottom")
(move-set [_ from-path to-path before-path before-group?] "Move token set at `from-path` to `to-path` and order it before `before-path` with `before-group?`.")
(move-set-group [_ from-path to-path before-path before-group?] "Move token set group at `from-path` to `to-path` and order it before `before-path` with `before-group?`.")
(set-count [_] "get the total number if sets in the library")
(get-set-tree [_] "get a nested tree of all sets in the library")
(get-in-set-tree [_ path] "get `path` in nested tree of all sets in the library")
@ -654,6 +670,41 @@ used for managing active sets without a user created theme.")
;; === Import / Export from DTCG format
(defn walk-sets-tree-seq
[nodes & {:keys [walk-children?]
:or {walk-children? (constantly true)}}]
(let [walk (fn walk [node {:keys [parent depth]
:or {parent []
depth 0}
:as opts}]
(if (d/ordered-map? node)
(mapcat #(walk % opts) node)
(let [[k v] node]
;;; Set
(and v (instance? TokenSet v))
[{:group? false
:path (split-token-set-path (:name v))
:parent-path parent
:depth depth
:set v}]
;; Set group
(and v (d/ordered-map? v))
(let [unprefixed-path (last (split-set-str-path-prefix k))
path (conj parent unprefixed-path)
item {:group? true
:path path
:parent-path parent
:depth depth}]
(if (walk-children? path)
(mapcat #(walk % (assoc opts :parent path :depth (inc depth))) v)))))))))]
(walk nodes nil)))
(defn flatten-nested-tokens-json
"Recursively flatten the dtcg token structure, joining keys with '.'."
[tokens token-path]
@ -683,12 +734,14 @@ used for managing active sets without a user created theme.")
(defprotocol ITokensLib
"A library of tokens, sets and themes."
(set-path-exists? [_ path] "if a set at `path` exists")
(set-group-path-exists? [_ path] "if a set group at `path` exists")
(add-token-in-set [_ set-name token] "add token to a set")
(update-token-in-set [_ set-name token-name f] "update a token in a set")
(delete-token-from-set [_ set-name token-name] "delete a token from a set")
(toggle-set-in-theme [_ group-name theme-name set-name] "toggle a set used / not used in a theme")
(get-active-themes-set-names [_] "set of set names that are active in the the active themes")
(sets-at-path-all-active? [_ prefixed-path] "compute active state for child sets at `prefixed-path`.
(sets-at-path-all-active? [_ group-path] "compute active state for child sets at `group-path`.
Will return a value that matches this schema:
`:none` None of the nested sets are active
`:all` All of the nested sets are active
@ -772,21 +825,87 @@ Will return a value that matches this schema:
;; TODO Handle groups and nesting
(move-set-before [this set-name before-set-name]
(let [source-path (set-name->prefixed-full-path set-name)
token-set (-> (get-set this set-name)
(assoc :modified-at (dt/now)))
target-path (set-name->prefixed-full-path before-set-name)]
(if before-set-name
(TokensLib. (d/oassoc-in-before sets target-path source-path token-set)
(TokensLib. (-> sets
(d/dissoc-in source-path)
(d/oassoc-in source-path token-set))
(move-set [_ from-path to-path before-path before-group?]
(let [prefixed-from-path (set-full-path->set-prefixed-full-path from-path)
prev-set (get-in sets prefixed-from-path)]
(if (instance? TokenSet prev-set)
(let [prefixed-to-path (set-full-path->set-prefixed-full-path to-path)
prefixed-before-path (when before-path
(if before-group?
(mapv add-set-path-group-prefix before-path)
(set-full-path->set-prefixed-full-path before-path)))
set (assoc prev-set :name (join-set-path to-path))
reorder? (= prefixed-from-path prefixed-to-path)
(if reorder?
(d/oreorder-before sets
(into [] (butlast prefixed-from-path))
(last prefixed-from-path)
(last prefixed-before-path))
(-> (if before-path
(d/oassoc-in-before sets prefixed-before-path prefixed-to-path set)
(d/oassoc-in sets prefixed-to-path set))
(d/dissoc-in prefixed-from-path)))]
(TokensLib. sets'
(if reorder?
(fn [form]
(if (instance? TokenTheme form)
(update-set-name form (:name prev-set) (:name set))
(TokensLib. sets themes active-themes))))
(move-set-group [this from-path to-path before-path before-group?]
(let [prefixed-from-path (set-group-path->set-group-prefixed-path from-path)
prev-set-group (get-in sets prefixed-from-path)]
(if prev-set-group
(let [from-path-str (join-set-path from-path)
to-path-str (join-set-path to-path)
prefixed-to-path (set-group-path->set-group-prefixed-path to-path)
prefixed-before-path (when before-path
(if before-group?
(set-group-path->set-group-prefixed-path before-path)
(set-full-path->set-prefixed-full-path before-path)))
reorder? (= prefixed-from-path prefixed-to-path)
(if reorder?
(d/oreorder-before sets
(into [] (butlast prefixed-from-path))
(last prefixed-from-path)
(last prefixed-before-path))
(-> (if before-path
(d/oassoc-in-before sets prefixed-before-path prefixed-to-path prev-set-group)
(d/oassoc-in sets prefixed-to-path prev-set-group))
(d/dissoc-in prefixed-from-path)
(d/oupdate-in prefixed-to-path (fn [sets]
(fn [form]
(if (instance? TokenSet form)
(update form :name #(str to-path-str (str/strip-prefix % from-path-str)))
themes' (if reorder?
(let [rename-sets-map (->> (get-sets-at-path this from-path)
(map (fn [set]
[(:name set) (str to-path-str (str/strip-prefix (:name set) from-path-str))]))
(into {}))]
(fn [form]
(if (instance? TokenTheme form)
(update form :sets #(set (replace rename-sets-map %)))
(TokensLib. sets'
(TokensLib. sets themes active-themes))))
(get-set-tree [_]
@ -808,20 +927,22 @@ Will return a value that matches this schema:
(tree-seq d/ordered-map? vals)
(filter (partial instance? TokenSet))))
(get-sets-at-path [_ path-str]
(some->> (split-token-set-path path-str)
(map add-set-path-group-prefix)
(get-sets-at-path [_ path]
(some->> (map add-set-path-group-prefix path)
(get-in sets)
(tree-seq d/ordered-map? vals)
(filter (partial instance? TokenSet))))
(rename-set-group [this from-path-str to-path-str]
(->> (get-sets-at-path this from-path-str)
(fn [lib set]
(update-set lib (:name set) (fn [set']
(update set' :name #(str to-path-str (str/strip-prefix % from-path-str))))))
(rename-set-group [this path path-fname]
(let [from-path-str (join-set-path path)
to-path-str (-> (replace-last-path-name path path-fname)
sets (get-sets-at-path this path)]
(fn [lib set]
(update-set lib (:name set) (fn [set']
(update set' :name #(str to-path-str (str/strip-prefix % from-path-str))))))
this sets)))
(get-ordered-set-names [this]
(map :name (get-sets this)))
@ -938,6 +1059,12 @@ Will return a value that matches this schema:
(tree-seq d/ordered-map? vals themes)))
(set-path-exists? [_ set-path]
(some? (get-in sets (set-full-path->set-prefixed-full-path set-path))))
(set-group-path-exists? [_ set-path]
(some? (get-in sets (set-group-path->set-group-prefixed-path set-path))))
(add-token-in-set [this set-name token]
(dm/assert! "expected valid token instance" (check-token! token))
(update-set this set-name #(add-token % token)))
@ -961,8 +1088,9 @@ Will return a value that matches this schema:
(mapcat :sets)
(get-active-themes this)))
(sets-at-path-all-active? [this prefixed-path-str]
(let [active-set-names (get-active-themes-set-names this)]
(sets-at-path-all-active? [this group-path]
(let [active-set-names (get-active-themes-set-names this)
prefixed-path-str (set-group-path->set-group-prefixed-path-str group-path)]
(if (seq active-set-names)
(let [path-active-set-names (->> (get-sets-at-prefix-path this prefixed-path-str)
(map :name)

View file

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
(ctob/add-theme (ctob/make-hidden-token-theme))
(ctob/set-active-themes #{ctob/hidden-token-theme-path})))
changes (clt/generate-toggle-token-set-group (pcb/empty-changes) (tht/get-tokens-lib file) "G-foo/S-bar")
changes (clt/generate-toggle-token-set-group (pcb/empty-changes) (tht/get-tokens-lib file) ["foo"])
redo (thf/apply-changes file changes)
redo-lib (tht/get-tokens-lib redo)
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "foo/bar/baz/baz-child"))
(ctob/add-theme (ctob/make-token-theme :name "theme"))
(ctob/set-active-themes #{"/theme"})))
changes (clt/generate-toggle-token-set-group (pcb/empty-changes) (tht/get-tokens-lib file) "G-foo/G-bar")
changes (clt/generate-toggle-token-set-group (pcb/empty-changes) (tht/get-tokens-lib file) ["foo" "bar"])
redo (thf/apply-changes file changes)
redo-lib (tht/get-tokens-lib redo)
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
:sets #{"foo/bar/baz"}))
(ctob/set-active-themes #{"/theme"})))
changes (clt/generate-toggle-token-set-group (pcb/empty-changes) (tht/get-tokens-lib file) "G-foo/G-bar")
changes (clt/generate-toggle-token-set-group (pcb/empty-changes) (tht/get-tokens-lib file) ["foo" "bar"])
redo (thf/apply-changes file changes)
redo-lib (tht/get-tokens-lib redo)
@ -115,3 +115,242 @@
;; Undo
(t/is (nil? (ctob/get-hidden-theme undo-lib)))
(t/is (= #{"/theme"} (ctob/get-active-theme-paths undo-lib))))))
(t/deftest generate-move-token-set-test
(t/testing "Ignore dropping set to the same position:"
(let [file (setup-file #(-> %
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "foo"))
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "bar/baz"))))
drop (partial clt/generate-move-token-set (pcb/empty-changes) (tht/get-tokens-lib file))]
(t/testing "on top of identical"
(t/is (= (pcb/empty-changes)
(drop {:from-index 0
:to-index 0
:position :top}))))
(t/testing "on bottom of identical"
(t/is (= (pcb/empty-changes)
(drop {:from-index 0
:to-index 0
:position :bot}))))
(t/testing "on top of next to identical"
(t/is (= (pcb/empty-changes)
(drop {:from-index 0
:to-index 1
:position :top}))))))
(t/testing "Reorder sets when dropping next to a set:"
(t/testing "at top"
(let [file (setup-file #(-> %
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "foo"))
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "bar"))
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "baz"))))
lib (tht/get-tokens-lib file)
changes (clt/generate-move-token-set (pcb/empty-changes) lib {:from-index 1
:to-index 0
:position :top})
redo (thf/apply-changes file changes)
redo-sets (-> (tht/get-tokens-lib redo)
undo (thf/apply-undo-changes redo changes)
undo-sets (-> (tht/get-tokens-lib undo)
(t/is (= ["bar" "foo" "baz"] (vec redo-sets)))
(t/testing "undo"
(t/is (= (ctob/get-ordered-set-names lib) undo-sets)))))
(t/testing "at bottom"
(let [file (setup-file #(-> %
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "foo"))
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "bar"))
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "baz"))))
lib (tht/get-tokens-lib file)
changes (clt/generate-move-token-set (pcb/empty-changes) lib {:from-index 0
:to-index 2
:position :bot})
redo (thf/apply-changes file changes)
redo-sets (-> (tht/get-tokens-lib redo)
undo (thf/apply-undo-changes redo changes)
undo-sets (-> (tht/get-tokens-lib undo)
(t/is (= ["bar" "baz" "foo"] (vec redo-sets)))
(t/testing "undo"
(t/is (= (ctob/get-ordered-set-names lib) undo-sets)))))
(t/testing "dropping out of set group"
(let [file (setup-file #(-> %
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "foo/bar"))
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "foo"))))
lib (tht/get-tokens-lib file)
changes (clt/generate-move-token-set (pcb/empty-changes) lib {:from-index 1
:to-index 0
:position :top})
redo (thf/apply-changes file changes)
redo-sets (-> (tht/get-tokens-lib redo)
undo (thf/apply-undo-changes redo changes)
undo-sets (-> (tht/get-tokens-lib undo)
(t/is (= ["bar" "foo"] (vec redo-sets)))
(t/testing "undo"
(t/is (= (ctob/get-ordered-set-names lib) undo-sets)))))
(t/testing "into set group"
(let [file (setup-file #(-> %
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "foo/bar"))
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "foo"))))
lib (tht/get-tokens-lib file)
changes (clt/generate-move-token-set (pcb/empty-changes) lib {:from-index 2
:to-index 1
:position :bot})
redo (thf/apply-changes file changes)
redo-sets (-> (tht/get-tokens-lib redo)
undo (thf/apply-undo-changes redo changes)
undo-sets (-> (tht/get-tokens-lib undo)
(t/is (= ["foo/bar" "foo/foo"] (vec redo-sets)))
(t/testing "undo"
(t/is (= (ctob/get-ordered-set-names lib) undo-sets)))))
(t/testing "edge-cases:"
(t/testing "prevent overriding set to identical path"
(let [file (setup-file #(-> %
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "foo/foo"))
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "foo"))))
lib (tht/get-tokens-lib file)]
(t/is (thrown?
#?(:cljs js/Error :clj Exception)
(clt/generate-move-token-set (pcb/empty-changes) lib {:from-index 2
:to-index 0
:position :bot})
#"move token set error: path exists"))
(t/is (thrown?
#?(:cljs js/Error :clj Exception)
(clt/generate-move-token-set (pcb/empty-changes) lib {:from-index 2
:to-index 1
:position :bot})
#"move token set error: path exists"))))
(t/testing "dropping below collapsed group doesnt add as child"
(let [file (setup-file #(-> %
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "foo"))
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "foo/bar"))))
lib (tht/get-tokens-lib file)
changes (clt/generate-move-token-set (pcb/empty-changes) lib {:from-index 0
:to-index 1
:position :bot
:collapsed-paths #{["foo"]}})
redo (thf/apply-changes file changes)
redo-sets (-> (tht/get-tokens-lib redo)
undo (thf/apply-undo-changes redo changes)
undo-sets (-> (tht/get-tokens-lib undo)
(t/is (= ["foo/bar" "foo"] (vec redo-sets)))
(t/testing "undo"
(t/is (= (ctob/get-ordered-set-names lib) undo-sets))))))))
(t/deftest generate-move-token-group-test
(t/testing "Ignore dropping set group to the same position"
(let [file (setup-file #(-> %
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "foo"))
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "bar/baz"))))
drop (partial clt/generate-move-token-set-group (pcb/empty-changes) (tht/get-tokens-lib file))]
(t/testing "on top of identical"
(t/is (= (pcb/empty-changes)
(drop {:from-index 1
:to-index 1
:position :top}))))
(t/testing "on bottom of identical"
(t/is (= (pcb/empty-changes)
(drop {:from-index 1
:to-index 1
:position :bot}))))
(t/testing "on top of next to identical"
(t/is (= (pcb/empty-changes)
(drop {:from-index 1
:to-index 1
:position :top}))))))
(t/testing "Move set groups"
(t/testing "to top"
(let [file (setup-file #(-> %
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "foo/foo"))
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "bar/bar"))
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "baz/baz"))))
lib (tht/get-tokens-lib file)
changes (clt/generate-move-token-set-group (pcb/empty-changes) lib {:from-index 2
:to-index 0
:position :top})
redo (thf/apply-changes file changes)
redo-sets (-> (tht/get-tokens-lib redo)
undo (thf/apply-undo-changes redo changes)
undo-sets (-> (tht/get-tokens-lib undo)
(t/is (= ["bar/bar" "foo/foo" "baz/baz"] (vec redo-sets)))
(t/testing "undo"
(t/is (= (ctob/get-ordered-set-names lib) undo-sets)))))
(t/testing "to bottom"
(let [file (setup-file #(-> %
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "foo/foo"))
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "bar"))))
lib (tht/get-tokens-lib file)
changes (clt/generate-move-token-set-group (pcb/empty-changes) lib {:from-index 0
:to-index 2
:position :bot})
redo (thf/apply-changes file changes)
redo-sets (-> (tht/get-tokens-lib redo)
undo (thf/apply-undo-changes redo changes)
undo-sets (-> (tht/get-tokens-lib undo)
(t/is (= ["bar" "foo/foo"] (vec redo-sets)))
(t/testing "undo"
(t/is (= (ctob/get-ordered-set-names lib) undo-sets)))))
(t/testing "into set group"
(let [file (setup-file #(-> %
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "foo/foo"))
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "bar/bar"))))
lib (tht/get-tokens-lib file)
changes (clt/generate-move-token-set-group (pcb/empty-changes) lib {:from-index 0
:to-index 2
:position :bot})
redo (thf/apply-changes file changes)
redo-sets (-> (tht/get-tokens-lib redo)
undo (thf/apply-undo-changes redo changes)
undo-sets (-> (tht/get-tokens-lib undo)
(t/is (= ["bar/foo/foo" "bar/bar"] (vec redo-sets)))
(t/testing "undo"
(t/is (= (ctob/get-ordered-set-names lib) undo-sets))))
(t/testing "edge-cases:"
(t/testing "prevent overriding set to identical path"
(let [file (setup-file #(-> %
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "foo/identical/foo"))
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "identical/bar"))))
lib (tht/get-tokens-lib file)]
(t/is (thrown?
#?(:cljs js/Error :clj Exception)
(clt/generate-move-token-set-group (pcb/empty-changes) lib {:from-index 3
:to-index 1
:position :top})
#"move token set error: path exists"))))
(t/testing "prevent dropping parent to child"
(let [file (setup-file #(-> %
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "foo/bar/baz"))))
lib (tht/get-tokens-lib file)]
(t/is (thrown?
#?(:cljs js/Error :clj Exception)
(clt/generate-move-token-set-group (pcb/empty-changes) lib {:from-index 0
:to-index 1
:position :bot})
#"move token set error: parent-to-child"))))))))

View file

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
@ -75,6 +76,7 @@

View file

@ -91,28 +91,75 @@
(apply ctob/make-token-set args)))))
(t/testing "move-token-set"
(let [tokens-lib (-> (ctob/make-tokens-lib)
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "A"))
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "B"))
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "Move")))
original-order (into [] (ctob/get-ordered-set-names tokens-lib))
move (fn [set-name before-set-name]
(->> (ctob/move-set-before tokens-lib set-name before-set-name)
(into [])))]
(t/testing "regular moving"
(t/is (= ["A" "Move" "B"] (move "Move" "B")))
(t/is (= ["B" "A" "Move"] (move "A" "Move"))))
(t/testing "flat"
(let [tokens-lib (-> (ctob/make-tokens-lib)
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "A"))
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "B"))
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "Move")))
move (fn [from-path to-path before-path before-group?]
(->> (ctob/move-set tokens-lib from-path to-path before-path before-group?)
(into [])))]
(t/testing "move to top"
(t/is (= ["Move" "A" "B"] (move ["Move"] ["Move"] ["A"] false))))
(t/testing "move to bottom"
(t/is (= ["B" "Move" "A"] (move "A" nil))))
(t/testing "move in-between"
(t/is (= ["A" "Move" "B"] (move ["Move"] ["Move"] ["B"] false))))
(t/testing "no move expected"
(t/is (= original-order (move "Move" "Move"))))
(t/testing "move to bottom"
(t/is (= ["A" "B" "Move"] (move ["Move"] ["Move"] nil false))))))
(t/testing "ignore invalid moves"
(t/is (= original-order (move "A" "foo/bar/baz")))
(t/is (= original-order (move "Missing" "Move"))))))
(t/testing "nested"
(let [tokens-lib (-> (ctob/make-tokens-lib)
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "Foo/Baz"))
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "Foo/Bar"))
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "Foo")))
move (fn [from-path to-path before-path before-group?]
(->> (ctob/move-set tokens-lib from-path to-path before-path before-group?)
(into [])))]
(t/testing "move outside of group"
(t/is (= ["Foo/Baz" "Bar" "Foo"] (move ["Foo" "Bar"] ["Bar"] ["Foo"] false)))
(t/is (= ["Bar" "Foo/Baz" "Foo"] (move ["Foo" "Bar"] ["Bar"] ["Foo" "Baz"] true)))
(t/is (= ["Foo/Baz" "Foo" "Bar"] (move ["Foo" "Bar"] ["Bar"] nil false))))
(t/testing "move inside of group"
(t/is (= ["Foo/Foo" "Foo/Baz" "Foo/Bar"] (move ["Foo"] ["Foo" "Foo"] ["Foo" "Baz"] false)))
(t/is (= ["Foo/Baz" "Foo/Bar" "Foo/Foo"] (move ["Foo"] ["Foo" "Foo"] nil false))))))
(t/testing "updates theme set names"
(let [tokens-lib (-> (ctob/make-tokens-lib)
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "Foo/Bar/Baz"))
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "Other"))
(ctob/add-theme (ctob/make-token-theme :name "Theme"
:sets #{"Foo/Bar/Baz"}))
(ctob/move-set ["Foo" "Bar" "Baz"] ["Other/Baz"] nil nil))]
(t/is (= #{"Other/Baz"} (:sets (ctob/get-theme tokens-lib "" "Theme")))))))
(t/testing "move-token-set-group"
(t/testing "reordering"
(let [tokens-lib (-> (ctob/make-tokens-lib)
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "Foo/A"))
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "Foo/B"))
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "Bar/Foo"))
(ctob/add-theme (ctob/make-token-theme :name "Theme"
:sets #{"Foo/A" "Bar/Foo"})))
move (fn [from-path to-path before-path before-group?]
(->> (ctob/move-set-group tokens-lib from-path to-path before-path before-group?)
(into [])))]
(t/is (= ["Bar/Foo" "Bar/Foo/A" "Bar/Foo/B"] (move ["Foo"] ["Bar" "Foo"] nil nil)))
(t/is (= ["Bar/Foo" "Foo/A" "Foo/B"] (move ["Bar"] ["Bar"] ["Foo"] true)))))
(t/testing "updates theme set names"
(let [tokens-lib (-> (ctob/make-tokens-lib)
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "Foo/A"))
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "Foo/B"))
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "Bar/Foo"))
(ctob/add-theme (ctob/make-token-theme :name "Theme"
:sets #{"Foo/A" "Bar/Foo"}))
(ctob/move-set-group ["Foo"] ["Bar" "Foo"] nil nil))]
(t/is (= #{"Bar/Foo/A" "Bar/Foo"} (:sets (ctob/get-theme tokens-lib "" "Theme")))))))
(t/testing "tokens-tree"
(let [tokens-lib (-> (ctob/make-tokens-lib)
@ -237,8 +284,8 @@
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "foo/bar/baz/baz-child-2"))
(ctob/add-theme (ctob/make-token-theme :name "theme" :sets #{"foo/bar/baz/baz-child-1"})))
tokens-lib' (-> tokens-lib
(ctob/rename-set-group "foo/bar" "foo/bar-renamed")
(ctob/rename-set-group "foo/bar-renamed/baz" "foo/bar-renamed/baz-renamed"))
(ctob/rename-set-group ["foo" "bar"] "bar-renamed")
(ctob/rename-set-group ["foo" "bar-renamed" "baz"] "baz-renamed"))
expected-set-names (ctob/get-ordered-set-names tokens-lib')
expected-theme-sets (-> (ctob/get-theme tokens-lib' "" "theme")
@ -436,16 +483,16 @@
expected-none (-> tokens-lib
(ctob/set-active-themes #{"/none"})
(ctob/sets-at-path-all-active? "G-foo"))
(ctob/sets-at-path-all-active? ["foo"]))
expected-all (-> tokens-lib
(ctob/set-active-themes #{"/all"})
(ctob/sets-at-path-all-active? "G-foo"))
(ctob/sets-at-path-all-active? ["foo"]))
expected-partial (-> tokens-lib
(ctob/set-active-themes #{"/partial"})
(ctob/sets-at-path-all-active? "G-foo"))
(ctob/sets-at-path-all-active? ["foo"]))
expected-invalid-none (-> tokens-lib
(ctob/set-active-themes #{"/invalid"})
(ctob/sets-at-path-all-active? "G-foo"))]
(ctob/sets-at-path-all-active? ["foo"]))]
(t/is (= :none expected-none))
(t/is (= :all expected-all))
(t/is (= :partial expected-partial))

View file

@ -15,10 +15,12 @@
[app.main.data.changes :as dch]
[app.main.data.event :as ev]
[app.main.data.helpers :as dsh]
[app.main.data.notifications :as ntf]
[app.main.data.workspace.shapes :as dwsh]
[app.main.data.workspace.tokens.selected-set :as dwts]
[app.main.store :as st]
[app.main.ui.workspace.tokens.token-set :as wtts]
[app.main.ui.workspace.tokens.update :as wtu]
[app.util.i18n :refer [tr]]
[beicon.v2.core :as rx]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[potok.v2.core :as ptk]))
@ -53,21 +55,6 @@
;; TOKENS Actions
(defn set-selected-token-set-path
(ptk/reify ::set-selected-token-set-path
(update [_ state]
(wtts/assoc-selected-token-set-path state full-path))))
(defn set-selected-token-set-path-from-name
(ptk/reify ::set-selected-token-set-path-from-name
(update [_ state]
(->> (ctob/set-name-string->prefixed-set-path-string token-set-name)
(wtts/assoc-selected-token-set-path state)))))
(defn create-token-theme [token-theme]
(let [new-token-theme token-theme]
(ptk/reify ::create-token-theme
@ -131,17 +118,16 @@
(let [changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it)
(pcb/add-token-set new-token-set))]
(set-selected-token-set-path-from-name (:name new-token-set))
(dwts/set-selected-token-set-name (:name new-token-set))
(dch/commit-changes changes)))))))
(defn rename-token-set-group [from-path-str to-path-str]
(defn rename-token-set-group [set-group-path set-group-fname]
(ptk/reify ::rename-token-set-group
(watch [it _state _]
(let [changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it)
(pcb/rename-token-set-group from-path-str to-path-str))]
(pcb/rename-token-set-group set-group-path set-group-fname))]
(set-selected-token-set-path-from-name to-path-str)
(dch/commit-changes changes))))))
(defn update-token-set [set-name token-set]
@ -153,7 +139,7 @@
changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it)
(pcb/update-token-set token-set prev-token-set))]
(set-selected-token-set-path-from-name (:name token-set))
(dwts/set-selected-token-set-name (:name token-set))
(dch/commit-changes changes))))))
(defn toggle-token-set [{:keys [token-set-name]}]
@ -165,11 +151,11 @@
(dch/commit-changes changes)
(defn toggle-token-set-group [{:keys [prefixed-path-str]}]
(defn toggle-token-set-group [group-path]
(ptk/reify ::toggle-token-set-group
(watch [_ state _]
(let [changes (clt/generate-toggle-token-set-group (pcb/empty-changes) (get-tokens-lib state) prefixed-path-str)]
(let [changes (clt/generate-toggle-token-set-group (pcb/empty-changes) (get-tokens-lib state) group-path)]
(dch/commit-changes changes)
@ -183,7 +169,7 @@
changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it)
(pcb/with-library-data data)
(pcb/set-tokens-lib lib))]
@ -192,39 +178,66 @@
(defn delete-token-set-path [prefixed-full-set-path]
(defn delete-token-set-path [group? path]
(ptk/reify ::delete-token-set-path
(watch [it state _]
(let [data (dsh/lookup-file-data state)
changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it)
(pcb/with-library-data data)
(pcb/delete-token-set-path prefixed-full-set-path))]
(pcb/delete-token-set-path group? path))]
(dch/commit-changes changes)
(defn move-token-set [source-set-name dest-set-name position]
(ptk/reify ::move-token-set
(defn drop-error [{:keys [error to-path]}]
(ptk/reify ::drop-error
(watch [_ _ _]
(let [content (case error
:path-exists (tr "errors.drag-drop.set-exists" to-path)
:parent-to-child (tr "errors.drag-drop.parent-to-child")
(when content
(ntf/show {:content content
:type :toast
:level :error
:timeout 9000})))))))
(defn drop-token-set-group [drop-opts]
(ptk/reify ::drop-token-set-group
(watch [it state _]
(let [tokens-lib (get-tokens-lib state)
prev-before-set-name (ctob/get-neighbor-set-name tokens-lib source-set-name 1)
[source-set-name' dest-set-name'] (if (= :top position)
[source-set-name dest-set-name]
[source-set-name (ctob/get-neighbor-set-name tokens-lib dest-set-name 1)])
changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it)
(pcb/move-token-set-before source-set-name' dest-set-name' prev-before-set-name))]
(dch/commit-changes changes)
(when-let [changes (clt/generate-move-token-set-group (pcb/empty-changes it) (get-tokens-lib state) drop-opts)]
(dch/commit-changes changes)
(catch js/Error e
(drop-error (ex-data e))))))))
(defn drop-token-set [drop-opts]
(ptk/reify ::drop-token-set
(watch [it state _]
(when-let [changes (clt/generate-move-token-set (pcb/empty-changes it) (get-tokens-lib state) drop-opts)]
(dch/commit-changes changes)
(some-> (get-in changes [:redo-changes 0 :to-path]) (dwts/set-selected-token-set-name))
(catch js/Error e
(drop-error (ex-data e))))))))
(defn update-create-token
[{:keys [token prev-token-name]}]
(ptk/reify ::update-create-token
(watch [_ state _]
(let [token-set (wtts/get-selected-token-set state)
(let [token-set (dwts/get-selected-token-set state)
token-set-name (or (:name token-set) "Global")
changes (if (not token-set)
;; No set created add a global set
@ -251,7 +264,7 @@
(st/emit! (ptk/event ::ev/event {::ev/name "create-tokens"}))
(pcb/add-token (pcb/empty-changes) (:name token-set) token))))]
(set-selected-token-set-path-from-name token-set-name)
(dwts/set-selected-token-set-name token-set-name)
(dch/commit-changes changes))))))
(defn delete-token
@ -273,8 +286,7 @@
(ptk/reify ::duplicate-token
(watch [_ state _]
(when-let [token (some-> (wtts/get-selected-token-set state)
(ctob/get-token token-name)
(when-let [token (some-> (dwts/get-selected-token-set-token state token-name)
(update :name #(str/concat % "-copy")))]
(update-create-token {:token token}))))))
@ -317,19 +329,3 @@
(update [_ state]
(assoc-in state [:workspace-local :token-set-context-menu] nil))))
;; === Import Export Context Menu
(defn show-import-export-context-menu
[{:keys [position] :as params}]
(dm/assert! (gpt/point? position))
(ptk/reify ::show-import-export-context-menu
(update [_ state]
(assoc-in state [:workspace-local :import-export-context-menu] params))))
(def hide-import-export-set-context-menu
(ptk/reify ::hide-import-export-set-context-menu
(update [_ state]
(assoc-in state [:workspace-local :import-export-set-context-menu] nil))))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
(ns app.main.data.workspace.tokens.common
[app.main.data.helpers :as dsh]))
(defn get-workspace-tokens-lib
(-> (dsh/lookup-file-data state)
(get :tokens-lib)))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
(ns app.main.data.workspace.tokens.selected-set
"The user selected token set in the ui, stored by the `:name` of the set.
Will default to the first set."
[app.common.types.tokens-lib :as ctob]
[app.main.data.workspace.tokens.common :as dwtc]
[potok.v2.core :as ptk]))
(defn assoc-selected-token-set-name [state set-name]
(assoc-in state [:workspace-local :selected-token-set-name] set-name))
(defn get-selected-token-set-name [state]
(or (get-in state [:workspace-local :selected-token-set-name])
(some-> (dwtc/get-workspace-tokens-lib state)
(defn get-selected-token-set [state]
(when-let [set-name (get-selected-token-set-name state)]
(some-> (dwtc/get-workspace-tokens-lib state)
(ctob/get-set set-name))))
(defn get-selected-token-set-token [state token-name]
(some-> (get-selected-token-set state)
(ctob/get-token token-name)))
(defn get-selected-token-set-tokens [state]
(some-> (get-selected-token-set state)
(defn set-selected-token-set-name
(ptk/reify ::set-selected-token-set-path-from-name
(update [_ state]
(assoc-selected-token-set-name state set-name))))

View file

@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
[app.common.types.tokens-lib :as ctob]
[app.config :as cf]
[app.main.data.helpers :as dsh]
[app.main.data.workspace.tokens.selected-set :as dwts]
[app.main.store :as st]
[app.main.ui.workspace.tokens.token-set :as wtts]
[okulary.core :as l]))
;; ---- Global refs
@ -450,11 +450,8 @@
(def workspace-token-themes-no-hidden
(l/derived #(remove ctob/hidden-temporary-theme? %) workspace-token-themes))
(def workspace-selected-token-set-path
(l/derived wtts/get-selected-token-set-path st/state))
(def workspace-token-set-group-selected?
(l/derived wtts/token-group-selected? st/state))
(def workspace-selected-token-set-name
(l/derived dwts/get-selected-token-set-name st/state))
(def workspace-ordered-token-sets
(l/derived #(or (some-> % ctob/get-sets) []) tokens-lib))
@ -466,11 +463,11 @@
(l/derived (d/nilf ctob/get-active-theme-paths) tokens-lib))
(defn token-sets-at-path-all-active
(fn [lib]
(when lib
(ctob/sets-at-path-all-active? lib prefixed-path)))
(ctob/sets-at-path-all-active? lib group-path)))
(def workspace-active-theme-paths-no-hidden
@ -485,12 +482,12 @@
(def workspace-selected-token-set-token
(fn [token-name]
#(some-> (wtts/get-selected-token-set %)
(ctob/get-token token-name))
#(dwts/get-selected-token-set-token % token-name)
(def workspace-selected-token-set-tokens
(l/derived #(or (wtts/get-selected-token-set-tokens %) {}) st/state))
(l/derived #(or (dwts/get-selected-token-set-tokens %) {}) st/state))
(def plugins-permissions-peek
(l/derived (fn [state]

View file

@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
(generic-attribute-actions #{:x} "X" (assoc context-data :on-update-shape wtch/update-shape-position))
(generic-attribute-actions #{:y} "Y" (assoc context-data :on-update-shape wtch/update-shape-position))))}))
(defn default-actions [{:keys [token selected-token-set-path]}]
(defn default-actions [{:keys [token selected-token-set-name]}]
(let [{:keys [modal]} (wtty/get-token-properties token)]
[{:title (tr "workspace.token.edit")
:no-selectable true
@ -220,16 +220,16 @@
:position :right
:fields fields
:action "edit"
:selected-token-set-path selected-token-set-path
:selected-token-set-name selected-token-set-name
:token token})))}
{:title (tr "workspace.token.duplicate")
:no-selectable true
:action #(st/emit! (dt/duplicate-token (:name token)))}
{:title (tr "workspace.token.delete")
:no-selectable true
:action #(st/emit! (-> selected-token-set-path
(dt/delete-token (:name token))))}]))
:action #(st/emit! (dt/delete-token
(ctob/prefixed-set-path-string->set-name-string selected-token-set-name)
(:name token)))}]))
(defn selection-actions [{:keys [type token] :as context-data}]
(let [with-actions (get shape-attribute-actions-map (or type (:type token)))
@ -350,13 +350,13 @@
selected-shapes (into [] (keep (d/getf objects)) selected)
token-name (:token-name mdata)
token (mf/deref (refs/workspace-selected-token-set-token token-name))
selected-token-set-path (mf/deref refs/workspace-selected-token-set-path)]
selected-token-set-name (mf/deref refs/workspace-selected-token-set-name)]
[:ul {:class (stl/css :context-list)}
[:& menu-tree {:submenu-offset width
:submenu-direction direction
:token token
:errors errors
:selected-token-set-path selected-token-set-path
:selected-token-set-name selected-token-set-name
:selected-shapes selected-shapes}]]))
(mf/defc token-context-menu

View file

@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
(mf/defc form
{::mf/wrap-props false}
[{:keys [token token-type action selected-token-set-path]}]
[{:keys [token token-type action selected-token-set-name]}]
(let [token (or token {:type token-type})
token-properties (wtty/get-token-properties token)
color? (wtt/color-token? token)
@ -376,11 +376,11 @@
(mf/deps selected-token-set-path)
(mf/deps selected-token-set-name)
(fn [e]
(dom/prevent-default e)
(st/emit! (dt/delete-token (ctob/prefixed-set-path-string->set-name-string selected-token-set-path) (:name token)))))
(st/emit! (dt/delete-token (ctob/prefixed-set-path-string->set-name-string selected-token-set-name) (:name token)))))

View file

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
(mf/defc token-update-create-modal
{::mf/wrap-props false}
[{:keys [x y position token token-type action selected-token-set-path] :as _args}]
[{:keys [x y position token token-type action selected-token-set-name] :as _args}]
(let [wrapper-style (use-viewport-position-style x y position)
close-modal (mf/use-fn
(fn []
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
:aria-label (tr "labels.close")}]
[:& form {:token token
:action action
:selected-token-set-path selected-token-set-path
:selected-token-set-name selected-token-set-name
:token-type token-type}]]))
;; Modals ----------------------------------------------------------------------

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
(:require-macros [app.main.style :as stl])
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.logic.tokens :as clt]
[app.common.types.tokens-lib :as ctob]
[app.main.data.event :as ev]
[app.main.data.modal :as modal]
@ -308,8 +309,8 @@
(mf/deps theme-state)
(fn [prefixed-path]
(ctob/sets-at-path-all-active? lib prefixed-path)))
(fn [group-path]
(ctob/sets-at-path-all-active? lib group-path)))
@ -323,6 +324,12 @@
(fn [set-name]
(swap! theme-state #(ctob/toggle-set % set-name))))
(mf/deps theme-state)
(fn [group-path]
(swap! theme-state #(clt/toggle-token-set-group group-path lib %))))
(mf/deps on-toggle-token-set)
@ -358,6 +365,7 @@
:token-set-group-active? token-set-group-active?
:on-select on-click-token-set
:on-toggle-token-set on-toggle-token-set
:on-toggle-token-set-group on-toggle-token-set-group
:origin "theme-modal"
:context sets-context/static-context}]]
@ -400,4 +408,5 @@
:aria-label (tr "labels.close")
:variant "action"
:icon "close"}]
[:& themes-modal-body]]]))
[:& sets-context/provider {}
[:& themes-modal-body]]]]))

View file

@ -7,15 +7,18 @@
(ns app.main.ui.workspace.tokens.sets
(:require-macros [app.main.style :as stl])
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.types.tokens-lib :as ctob]
[app.main.data.event :as ev]
[app.main.data.tokens :as wdt]
[app.main.data.workspace.tokens.selected-set :as dwts]
[app.main.refs :as refs]
[app.main.store :as st]
[app.main.ui.ds.buttons.icon-button :refer [icon-button*]]
[app.main.ui.ds.foundations.assets.icon :refer [icon*] :as ic]
[app.main.ui.ds.foundations.typography.text :refer [text*]]
[app.main.ui.hooks :as h]
[app.main.ui.workspace.tokens.sets-context :as sets-context]
[app.util.dom :as dom]
[app.util.i18n :refer [tr]]
@ -27,23 +30,17 @@
(defn on-toggle-token-set-click [token-set-name]
(st/emit! (wdt/toggle-token-set {:token-set-name token-set-name})))
(defn on-toggle-token-set-group-click [prefixed-path-str]
(st/emit! (wdt/toggle-token-set-group {:prefixed-path-str prefixed-path-str})))
(defn on-toggle-token-set-group-click [group-path]
(st/emit! (wdt/toggle-token-set-group group-path)))
(defn on-select-token-set-click [tree-path]
(st/emit! (wdt/set-selected-token-set-path tree-path)))
(defn on-select-token-set-click [set-name]
(st/emit! (dwts/set-selected-token-set-name set-name)))
(defn on-update-token-set [set-name token-set]
(st/emit! (wdt/update-token-set set-name token-set)))
(defn on-update-token-set-group [from-prefixed-path-str to-path-str]
(ctob/prefixed-set-path-string->set-name-string from-prefixed-path-str)
(-> (ctob/prefixed-set-path-string->set-path from-prefixed-path-str)
(ctob/join-set-path-str to-path-str)))))
(defn on-update-token-set-group [set-group-path set-group-fname]
(st/emit! (wdt/rename-token-set-group set-group-path set-group-fname)))
(defn on-create-token-set [_ token-set]
(st/emit! (ptk/event ::ev/event {::ev/name "create-tokens-set"}))
@ -105,58 +102,83 @@
:icon-id (if mixed? ic/remove ic/tick)}])]))
(mf/defc sets-tree-set-group
[{:keys [label tree-depth tree-path active? selected? collapsed? editing? on-toggle on-edit on-edit-reset on-edit-submit]}]
(let [editing?' (editing? tree-path)
active?' (active? tree-path)
[{:keys [label tree-depth tree-path active? selected? draggable? on-toggle-collapse on-toggle editing-id editing? on-edit on-edit-reset on-edit-submit collapsed-paths tree-index]}]
(let [active?' (active? tree-path)
editing?' (editing? editing-id)
collapsed? (some? (get @collapsed-paths tree-path))
can-edit? (:can-edit (deref refs/permissions))
(mf/deps editing? tree-path can-edit?)
(mf/deps editing?' editing-id can-edit?)
(fn [event]
(dom/prevent-default event)
(dom/stop-propagation event)
(when (and can-edit? (not editing?'))
(when-not editing?'
{:position (dom/get-client-position event)
:prefixed-set-path tree-path})))))
:group? true
:path tree-path})))))
(fn [event]
(dom/stop-propagation event)
(swap! collapsed? not)))
(on-toggle-collapse tree-path)))
(mf/deps tree-path can-edit?)
(fn []
(when can-edit?
(on-edit tree-path))))
(mf/deps editing-id can-edit?)
#(on-edit editing-id))
(mf/deps on-toggle tree-path can-edit?)
(fn []
(when can-edit?
(on-toggle tree-path))))
#(on-toggle tree-path))
(mf/deps tree-path on-edit-submit can-edit?)
(fn [e]
(when can-edit? (on-edit-submit tree-path e))))]
[:div {:role "button"
#(on-edit-submit tree-path %))
(mf/deps tree-index collapsed-paths)
(fn [position data]
(let [props {:from-index (:index data)
:to-index tree-index
:position position
:collapsed-paths @collapsed-paths}]
(if (:group? data)
(st/emit! (wdt/drop-token-set-group props))
(st/emit! (wdt/drop-token-set props))))))
[dprops dref]
:data-type "penpot/token-set"
:on-drop on-drop
:data {:index tree-index
:group? true}
:detect-center? true
:draggable? draggable?)]
[:div {:ref dref
:role "button"
:data-testid "tokens-set-group-item"
:style {"--tree-depth" tree-depth}
:class (stl/css-case :set-item-container true
:set-item-group true
:selected-set selected?)
:selected-set selected?
:dnd-over (= (:over dprops) :center)
:dnd-over-top (= (:over dprops) :top)
:dnd-over-bot (= (:over dprops) :bot))
:on-context-menu on-context-menu}
[:> icon-button*
{:class (stl/css :set-item-group-collapse-button)
:on-click on-collapse-click
:aria-label (tr "labels.collapse")
:icon (if @collapsed? "arrow-right" "arrow-down")
:icon (if collapsed? "arrow-right" "arrow-down")
:variant "action"}]
(if editing?'
[:& editing-label
@ -178,18 +200,20 @@
:arial-label (tr "workspace.token.select-set")}]])]))
(mf/defc sets-tree-set
[{:keys [set label tree-depth tree-path selected? on-select active? on-toggle editing? on-edit on-edit-reset on-edit-submit]}]
(let [set-name (.-name set)
editing?' (editing? tree-path)
active?' (some? (active? set-name))
[{:keys [set label tree-depth tree-path tree-index selected? on-select active? draggable? on-toggle editing-id editing? on-edit on-edit-reset on-edit-submit collapsed-paths]}]
(let [set-name (.-name set)
editing?' (editing? editing-id)
active?' (some? (active? set-name))
can-edit? (:can-edit (deref refs/permissions))
(mf/deps editing?' tree-path)
(fn [event]
(dom/stop-propagation event)
(when-not editing?'
(on-select tree-path))))
(on-select set-name))))
(mf/deps editing?' tree-path can-edit?)
@ -200,23 +224,64 @@
{:position (dom/get-client-position event)
:prefixed-set-path tree-path})))))
on-double-click (mf/use-fn
(mf/deps tree-path)
#(on-edit tree-path))
on-checkbox-click (mf/use-fn
(mf/deps set-name)
(fn [event]
(dom/stop-propagation event)
(on-toggle set-name)))
on-edit-submit' (mf/use-fn
(mf/deps set on-edit-submit)
#(on-edit-submit set-name (ctob/update-name set %)))]
[:div {:role "button"
:group? false
:path tree-path})))))
(mf/deps editing-id)
(fn []
(on-edit editing-id)))
(mf/deps set-name)
(fn [event]
(dom/stop-propagation event)
(on-toggle set-name)))
(mf/deps set on-edit-submit)
#(on-edit-submit set-name (ctob/update-name set %)))
(mf/deps tree-path)
(fn [_]
(when-not selected?
(on-select tree-path))))
(mf/deps tree-index collapsed-paths)
(fn [position data]
(let [props {:from-index (:index data)
:to-index tree-index
:position position
:collapsed-paths @collapsed-paths}]
(if (:group? data)
(st/emit! (wdt/drop-token-set-group props))
(st/emit! (wdt/drop-token-set props))))))
[dprops dref]
:data-type "penpot/token-set"
:on-drag on-drag
:on-drop on-drop
:data {:index tree-index
:group? false}
:draggable? draggable?)]
[:div {:ref dref
:role "button"
:data-testid "tokens-set-item"
:style {"--tree-depth" tree-depth}
:class (stl/css-case :set-item-container true
:selected-set selected?)
:selected-set selected?
:dnd-over (= (:over dprops) :center)
:dnd-over-top (= (:over dprops) :top)
:dnd-over-bot (= (:over dprops) :bot))
:on-click on-click
:on-context-menu on-context-menu
:aria-checked active?'}
@ -241,82 +306,75 @@
:checked active?'}]])]))
(mf/defc sets-tree
[{:keys [active?
[{:keys [draggable?
:or {tree-depth 0}
:as props}]
(let [[set-path-prefix set-fname] (some-> set-path (ctob/split-set-str-path-prefix))
set? (instance? ctob/TokenSet set-node)
set-group? (= ctob/set-group-prefix set-path-prefix)
root? (= tree-depth 0)
collapsed? (mf/use-state false)
children? (and
(or root? set-group?)
(not @collapsed?))]
root? nil
[:& sets-tree-set
{:set set-node
:active? active?
:selected? (selected? tree-path)
:on-select on-select
:label set-fname
:tree-path (or tree-path set-path)
:tree-depth tree-depth
:editing? editing?
:on-toggle on-toggle-set
:on-edit on-edit
:on-edit-reset on-edit-reset
:on-edit-submit on-edit-submit-set}]
[:& sets-tree-set-group
{:selected? (selected? tree-path)
:active? group-active?
:on-select on-select
:label set-fname
:collapsed? collapsed?
:tree-path (or tree-path set-path)
:tree-depth tree-depth
:editing? editing?
:on-toggle on-toggle-set-group
:on-edit on-edit
:on-edit-reset on-edit-reset
:on-edit-submit on-edit-submit-group}])
(when children?
(for [[set-path set-node] set-node
:let [tree-path' (ctob/join-set-path-str tree-path set-path)]]
[:& sets-tree
{:key tree-path'
:set-path set-path
:set-node set-node
:tree-depth (when-not root? (inc tree-depth))
:tree-path tree-path'
:on-select on-select
:selected? selected?
:on-toggle-set on-toggle-set
:on-toggle-set-group on-toggle-set-group
:active? active?
:group-active? group-active?
:editing? editing?
:on-edit on-edit
:on-edit-reset on-edit-reset
:on-edit-submit-set on-edit-submit-set
:on-edit-submit-group on-update-token-set-group}]))]))
(let [{:keys [on-edit] :as ctx} (sets-context/use-context)
collapsed-paths (mf/use-state #{})
#(contains? @collapsed-paths %))
(fn [path]
(swap! collapsed-paths #(if (contains? % path)
(disj % path)
(conj % path)))))]
(for [[index {:keys [group? path parent-path depth] :as node}]
(d/enumerate (ctob/walk-sets-tree-seq set-node :walk-children? #(contains? @collapsed-paths %)))]
(if (not group?)
(let [editing-id (sets-context/set-path->id path)]
[:& sets-tree-set
{:key editing-id
:set (:set node)
:label (last path)
:active? active?
:selected? (selected? (get-in node [:set :name]))
:draggable? draggable?
:on-select on-select
:tree-path path
:tree-depth depth
:tree-index index
:tree-parent-path parent-path
:on-toggle on-toggle-set
:editing-id editing-id
:editing? editing?
:on-edit on-edit
:on-edit-reset on-edit-reset
:on-edit-submit on-edit-submit-set
:collapsed-paths collapsed-paths}])
(let [editing-id (sets-context/set-group-path->id path)]
[:& sets-tree-set-group
{:key editing-id
:label (last path)
:active? group-active?
:selected? false
:draggable? draggable?
:on-select on-select
:tree-path path
:tree-depth depth
:tree-index index
:tree-parent-path parent-path
:editing-id editing-id
:editing? editing?
:on-edit on-edit
:on-edit-reset on-edit-reset
:on-edit-submit on-edit-submit-group
:collapsed? (collapsed? path)
:on-toggle-collapse on-toggle-collapse
:on-toggle on-toggle-set-group
:collapsed-paths collapsed-paths}])))))
(mf/defc controlled-sets-list
[{:keys [token-sets
@ -332,19 +390,23 @@
:as _props}]
(let [{:keys [editing? new? on-edit on-reset] :as ctx} (or context (sets-context/use-context))]
(let [{:keys [editing? new? on-edit on-reset] :as ctx} (or context (sets-context/use-context))
theme-modal? (= origin "theme-modal")
can-edit? (:can-edit (deref refs/permissions))
draggable? (and (not theme-modal?) can-edit?)]
[:fieldset {:class (stl/css :sets-list)}
(if (and (= origin "theme-modal")
(if (and theme-modal?
(empty? token-sets))
[:> text* {:as "span" :typography "body-small" :class (stl/css :empty-state-message-sets)}
(tr "workspace.token.no-sets-create")]
(if (and (= origin "theme-modal")
(if (and theme-modal?
(empty? token-sets))
[:> text* {:as "span" :typography "body-small" :class (stl/css :empty-state-message-sets)}
(tr "workspace.token.no-sets-create")]
[:& sets-tree
{:set-node token-sets
{:draggable? draggable?
:set-node token-sets
:selected? token-set-selected?
:on-select on-select
:active? token-set-active?
@ -368,22 +430,23 @@
:on-edit-reset on-reset
:on-edit-submit on-create-token-set}])]))]))
(mf/defc sets-list
[{:keys []}]
(let [token-sets (mf/deref refs/workspace-token-sets-tree)
selected-token-set-path (mf/deref refs/workspace-selected-token-set-path)
selected-token-set-name (mf/deref refs/workspace-selected-token-set-name)
token-set-selected? (mf/use-fn
(mf/deps token-sets selected-token-set-path)
(fn [tree-path]
(= tree-path selected-token-set-path)))
(mf/deps token-sets selected-token-set-name)
(fn [set-name]
(= set-name selected-token-set-name)))
active-token-set-names (mf/deref refs/workspace-active-set-names)
token-set-active? (mf/use-fn
(mf/deps active-token-set-names)
(fn [set-name]
(get active-token-set-names set-name)))
token-set-group-active? (mf/use-fn
(fn [prefixed-path]
@(refs/token-sets-at-path-all-active prefixed-path)))]
(fn [group-path]
@(refs/token-sets-at-path-all-active group-path)))]
[:& controlled-sets-list
{:token-sets token-sets
:token-set-selected? token-set-selected?

View file

@ -6,8 +6,15 @@
(ns app.main.ui.workspace.tokens.sets-context
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[rumext.v2 :as mf]))
(defn set-group-path->id [set-group-path]
(dm/str "group-" set-group-path))
(defn set-path->id [set-path]
(dm/str "set-" set-path))
(def initial {:editing-id nil
:new? false})
@ -35,7 +42,8 @@
(mf/deps editing-id)
#(= editing-id %))
on-edit (mf/use-fn
#(swap! ctx assoc :editing-id %))
(fn [editing-id]
(reset! ctx (assoc @ctx :editing-id editing-id))))
on-create (mf/use-fn
#(swap! ctx assoc :editing-id (random-uuid) :new? true))
on-reset (mf/use-fn

View file

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
(ns app.main.ui.workspace.tokens.sets-context-menu
(:require-macros [app.main.style :as stl])
[app.common.types.tokens-lib :as ctob]
[app.main.data.tokens :as wdt]
[app.main.refs :as refs]
[app.main.store :as st]
@ -35,13 +34,20 @@
[:span {:class (stl/css :title)} title]])
(mf/defc menu
[{:keys [prefixed-set-path]}]
[{:keys [group? path]}]
(let [{:keys [on-edit]} (sets-context/use-context)
edit-name (mf/use-fn #(on-edit prefixed-set-path))
delete-set (mf/use-fn #(st/emit! (wdt/delete-token-set-path prefixed-set-path)))]
edit-name (mf/use-fn
(mf/deps group?)
(fn []
(let [path (if group?
(sets-context/set-group-path->id path)
(sets-context/set-path->id path))]
(on-edit path))))
delete-set (mf/use-fn #(st/emit! (wdt/delete-token-set-path group? path)))]
[:ul {:class (stl/css :context-list)}
(when (ctob/prefixed-set-path-final-group? prefixed-set-path)
[:& menu-entry {:title "Add set to this group" :on-click js/console.log}])
;; TODO Implement
;; (when (ctob/prefixed-set-path-final-group? prefixed-set-path)
;; [:& menu-entry {:title "Add set to this group" :on-click js/console.log}])
[:& menu-entry {:title (tr "labels.rename") :on-click edit-name}]
[:& menu-entry {:title (tr "labels.delete") :on-click delete-set}]]))
@ -63,4 +69,5 @@
:ref dropdown-ref
:style {:top top :left left}
:on-context-menu prevent-default}
[:& menu {:prefixed-set-path (:prefixed-set-path mdata)}]]]))
[:& menu {:group? (:group? mdata)
:path (:path mdata)}]]]))

View file

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
(:require-macros [app.main.style :as stl])
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.types.tokens-lib :as ctob]
[app.main.data.event :as ev]
[app.main.data.modal :as modal]
@ -269,7 +268,7 @@
selected-token-set-tokens (mf/deref refs/workspace-selected-token-set-tokens)
selected-token-set-path (mf/deref refs/workspace-selected-token-set-path)
selected-token-set-name (mf/deref refs/workspace-selected-token-set-name)
token-groups (mf/with-memo [tokens selected-token-set-tokens]
(-> (select-keys tokens (keys selected-token-set-tokens))
@ -277,7 +276,7 @@
[:& token-context-menu]
[:& title-bar {:all-clickable true
:title (dm/str "TOKENS - " (ctob/set-path->set-name selected-token-set-path))}]
:title (tr "workspace.token.tokens-section-title" selected-token-set-name)}]
(for [{:keys [token-key token-type-props tokens]} (concat (:filled token-groups)
(:empty token-groups))]

View file

@ -43,38 +43,3 @@
(defn get-active-theme-sets-tokens-names-map [state]
(when-let [lib (get-workspace-tokens-lib state)]
(ctob/get-active-themes-set-tokens lib)))
;; === Set selection
(defn get-selected-token-set-path [state]
(or (get-in state [:workspace-local :selected-token-set-path])
(some-> (get-workspace-tokens-lib state)
(defn get-selected-token-set-node [state]
(when-let [path (some-> (get-selected-token-set-path state)
(some-> (get-workspace-tokens-lib state)
(ctob/get-in-set-tree path))))
(defn get-selected-token-set [state]
(let [set-node (get-selected-token-set-node state)]
(when (instance? ctob/TokenSet set-node)
(defn get-selected-token-set-group [state]
(let [set-node (get-selected-token-set-node state)]
(when (and set-node (not (instance? ctob/TokenSet set-node)))
(defn get-selected-token-set-tokens [state]
(some-> (get-selected-token-set state)
(defn token-group-selected? [state]
(some? (get-selected-token-set-group state)))
(defn assoc-selected-token-set-path [state id]
(assoc-in state [:workspace-local :selected-token-set-path] id))

View file

@ -1200,6 +1200,14 @@ msgstr "An unexpected error occurred."
msgid "errors.unexpected-token"
msgstr "Unknown token"
#: src/app/main/data/tokens.cljs
msgid "errors.drag-drop.set-exists"
msgstr "Cannot complete drop, a set with same name already exists at path %s."
#: src/app/main/data/tokens.cljs
msgid "errors.drag-drop.parent-to-child"
msgstr "Cannot drop a parent set to an own child path."
#, unused
msgid "errors.validation"
msgstr "Validation Error"
@ -6717,6 +6725,10 @@ msgstr "Description"
msgid "workspace.token.enter-token-description"
msgstr "Add a description (optional)"
#: src/app/main/ui/workspace/tokens/sidebar.cljs
msgid "workspace.token.tokens-section-title"
msgstr "TOKENS - %s"
#: src/app/main/ui/workspace/tokens/sidebar.cljs
msgid "workspace.token.original-value"
msgstr "Original value: %s"