Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/penpot/penpot.git synced 2025-02-07 23:08:24 -05:00

Move to ns

This commit is contained in:
Florian Schroedl 2024-06-11 15:12:30 +02:00
parent e691628648
commit 1519f8f560
3 changed files with 77 additions and 50 deletions

View file

@ -56,56 +56,6 @@
:sizing [:div {:style {:rotate "45deg"}} i/constraint-horizontal]
(defn tokens->sd [tokens]
(let [data {:tokens tokens
:platforms {:json {:transformGroup "tokens-studio"
:files [{:format "custom/json"
:destination "foo"}]}}
:preprocessors ["tokens-studio"]
:log {:warnings "warn"
:verbosity "verbose"}}
js-data (clj->js data)]
(js/console.log "Input Data" js-data)
(js/window.StyleDictionary. js-data)))
(defn simple-example []
(let [math-token-id (random-uuid)
dynamic-token-id (random-uuid)]
{:dimension {"scale" {"value" "2px"
"type" :sizing}
"sm" {"value" "{dimension.scale} * {dimension.scale}"
"type" :sizing}}}))
(defn tokens-studio-example []
(-> (shadow.resource/inline "./example-data.json")
(defn test-tokens [data]
(let [performance-start (js/window.performance.now)
sd (tokens->sd data)]
(js/console.log "StyleDictionary" sd)
(-> sd
(.buildAllPlatforms sd "json")
(.catch js/console.error)
(.then (fn [resp]
(let [performance-end (js/window.performance.now)
duration-ms (- performance-end performance-start)]
(js/console.log "Time elapsed" duration-ms "ms")
(js/console.log "Finished" (.-allTokens resp))))))))
(-> (tokens-studio-example)
(doto js/console.log))
(test-tokens (tokens-studio-example))
(mf/defc token-component
[{:keys [type tokens selected-shapes token-type-props]}]
(let [open? (mf/deref (-> (l/key type)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
(ns app.main.ui.workspace.tokens.style-dictionary
[app.main.refs :as refs]
(def StyleDictionary
"The global StyleDictionary instance used as an external library for now,
as the package would need webpack to be bundled,
because shadow-cljs doesn't support some of the more modern bundler features."
;; Helpers ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn tokens->tree
"Convert flat tokens list into a tokens tree that is consumable by StyleDictionary."
(fn [acc [_ {:keys [type name] :as token}]]
(assoc-in acc [type name] token))
{} tokens))
;; Functions -------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn tokens->style-dictionary+
"Resolves references and math expressions using StyleDictionary.
Returns a promise with the resolved dictionary."
[tokens {:keys [debug?]}]
(let [data (cond-> {:tokens tokens
:platforms {:json {:transformGroup "tokens-studio"
:files [{:format "custom/json"
:destination "fake-filename"}]}}
:preprocessors ["tokens-studio"]}
debug? (assoc :log {:warnings "warn"
:verbosity "verbose"}))
js-data (clj->js data)]
(when debug?
(js/console.log "Input Data" js-data))
(StyleDictionary. js-data)))
(defn resolve-tokens+
"Resolves references and math expressions using StyleDictionary.
Returns a promise with the resolved dictionary."
[tokens & {:keys [debug?] :as config}]
(let [performance-start (js/window.performance.now)
sd (tokens->style-dictionary+ tokens config)]
(when debug?
(js/console.log "StyleDictionary" sd))
(-> sd
(.buildAllPlatforms "json")
(.catch js/console.error)
(.then (fn [^js resp]
(let [performance-end (js/window.performance.now)
duration-ms (- performance-end performance-start)
resolved-tokens (.-allTokens resp)]
(when debug?
(js/console.log "Time elapsed" duration-ms "ms")
(js/console.log "Resolved tokens" resolved-tokens))
;; Testing ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn tokens-studio-example []
(-> (shadow.resource/inline "./data/example-tokens-set.json")
(-> @refs/workspace-tokens
(#(doto % js/console.log))
(resolve-tokens+ {:debug? true}))
(-> (tokens-studio-example)
(resolve-tokens+ {:debug? true}))