mirror of
synced 2025-02-13 10:38:13 -05:00
✨ Measurements in handoff mode
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 233 additions and 34 deletions
@ -108,6 +108,8 @@
.color-bullet {
width: 24px;
height: 24px;
border-radius: $br-small;
border: 1px solid $color-gray-60;
.attributes-copy-button {
padding: 1rem 0.5rem;
@ -252,5 +254,12 @@
opacity: 1;
.attributes-shadow-block {
border-top: 1px solid $color-gray-60;
.attributes-shadow-blocks :first-child {
border-top: none;
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
:selected #{}
:collapsed #{}
:hover #{}}))
:hover nil}))
(watch [_ state stream]
@ -317,8 +317,7 @@
(ptk/reify ::hover-shape
(update [_ state]
(update-in state [:viewer-local :hover] (if hover? conj disj) id))))
(assoc-in state [:viewer-local :hover] (when hover? id)))))
;; --- Shortcuts
@ -72,8 +72,9 @@
(when handle-copy-shadow
[:button.attributes-copy-button {:on-click handle-copy-shadow} i/copy])]
(for [shape shapes]
(for [shadow (:shadow shape)]
[:& shadow-block {:shape shape
:locale locale
:shadow shadow}]))])))
(for [shape shapes]
(for [shadow (:shadow shape)]
[:& shadow-block {:shape shape
:locale locale
:shadow shadow}]))]])))
@ -10,15 +10,49 @@
(ns app.main.ui.viewer.handoff.selection-feedback
[rumext.alpha :as mf]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[okulary.core :as l]
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.math :as mth]
[app.common.geom.shapes :as gsh]
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.main.store :as st]))
(def selection-rect-color-normal "#1FDEA7")
(def selection-rect-color-component "#00E0FF")
;; ------------------------------------------------
;; ------------------------------------------------
(def select-color "#1FDEA7")
(def hover-color "#DB00FF")
(def hover-color-text "#FFF")
(def font-size 10)
(def selection-rect-width 1)
(def select-guide-width 1)
(def select-guide-dasharray 5)
(def hover-guide-width 1)
(def size-display-color "#FFF")
(def size-display-opacity 0.7)
(def size-display-text-color "#000")
(def size-display-width-min 50)
(def size-display-width-max 75)
(def size-display-height 16)
(def distance-color "#DB00FF")
(def distance-text-color "#FFF")
(def distance-border-radius 2)
(def distance-pill-width 40)
(def distance-pill-height 16)
(def distance-line-stroke 1)
;; ------------------------------------------------
;; ------------------------------------------------
(defn make-selected-shapes-iref
"Creates a lens to the current selected shapes"
(let [selected->shapes
(fn [state]
@ -29,38 +63,194 @@
#(l/derived selected->shapes st/state)))
(defn make-hover-shapes-iref
"Creates a lens to the shapes the user is making hover"
(let [hover->shapes
(fn [state]
(let [hover (get-in state [:viewer-local :hover])
objects (get-in state [:viewer-data :page :objects])
resolve-shape #(get objects %)]
(mapv resolve-shape hover)))]
objects (get-in state [:viewer-data :page :objects])]
(get objects hover)))]
#(l/derived hover->shapes st/state)))
(mf/defc selection-rect [{:keys [shape]}]
(let [{:keys [x y width height]} (:selrect shape)]
[:rect {:x x
:y y
:width width
:height height
:fill "transparent"
:stroke selection-rect-color-normal
:stroke-width selection-rect-width
:pointer-events "none"}]))
(def selected-zoom
(l/derived (l/in [:viewer-local :zoom]) st/state))
;; ------------------------------------------------
;; ------------------------------------------------
(defn frame->selrect [frame]
{:x1 0
:y1 0
:x2 (:width frame)
:y2 (:height frame)
:width (:width frame)
:height (:height frame)})
(defn calculate-guides
"Calculates coordinates for the selection guides"
[frame selrect]
(let [{frame-width :width frame-height :height} frame
{:keys [x y width height]} selrect]
[[0 y frame-width y]
[0 (+ y height) frame-width (+ y height)]
[x 0 x frame-height]
[(+ x width) 0 (+ x width) frame-height]]))
(defn calculate-distance-lines
"Given a start/end from two shapes gives the distance lines"
[from-s from-e to-s to-e]
(let [ss (- to-s from-s)
se (- to-e from-s)
es (- to-s from-e)
ee (- to-e from-e)]
(cond-> []
(or (and (neg? ss) (pos? se))
(and (pos? ss) (neg? ee))
(and (neg? ss) (> ss se)))
(conj [ from-s (+ from-s ss) ])
(or (and (neg? se) (<= ss se)))
(conj [ from-s (+ from-s se) ])
(or (and (pos? es) (<= es ee)))
(conj [ from-e (+ from-e es) ])
(or (and (pos? ee) (neg? es))
(and (neg? ee) (pos? ss))
(and (pos? ee) (< ee es)))
(conj [ from-e (+ from-e ee) ]))))
;; ------------------------------------------------
;; ------------------------------------------------
(mf/defc selection-guides [{:keys [frame selrect zoom]}]
(for [[x1 y1 x2 y2] (calculate-guides frame selrect)]
[:line {:x1 x1
:y1 y1
:x2 x2
:y2 y2
:style {:stroke select-color
:stroke-width (/ select-guide-width zoom)
:stroke-dasharray (/ select-guide-dasharray zoom)}}])])
(mf/defc selection-rect [{:keys [type frame selrect zoom]}]
(let [{:keys [x y width height]} selrect
stroke-color (case type
:selection select-color
:hover hover-color)]
[:rect {:x x
:y y
:width width
:height height
:style {:fill "transparent"
:stroke stroke-color
:stroke-width (/ selection-rect-width zoom)}}]]))
(mf/defc size-display [{:keys [type selrect zoom]}]
(let [{:keys [x y width height]} selrect
size-label (str/fmt "%s x %s" (mth/round width) (mth/round height))
rect-height (/ size-display-height zoom)
rect-width (/ (if (<= (count size-label) 9)
text-padding (/ 4 zoom)]
[:rect {:x (+ x (/ width 2) (- (/ rect-width 2)))
:y (- (+ y height) rect-height)
:width rect-width
:height rect-height
:style {:fill size-display-color
:fill-opacity size-display-opacity}}]
[:text {:x (+ (+ x (/ width 2) (- (/ rect-width 2))) (/ rect-width 2))
:y (- (+ y height (+ text-padding (/ rect-height 2))) rect-height)
:width rect-width
:height rect-height
:text-anchor "middle"
:style {:fill size-display-text-color
:font-size (/ font-size zoom)}}
(mf/defc distance-display [{:keys [type from to zoom]}]
(let [h-lines (let [y (+ (:y from) (/ (:height from) 2))]
(->> (calculate-distance-lines (:x1 from) (:x2 from) (:x1 to) (:x2 to))
(map (fn [[start end]] [start y end y]))))
v-lines (let [x (+ (:x from) (/ (:width from) 2))]
(->> (calculate-distance-lines (:y1 from) (:y2 from) (:y1 to) (:y2 to))
(map (fn [[start end]] [x start x end]))))
lines (d/concat [] v-lines h-lines)
distance-pill-width (/ distance-pill-width zoom)
distance-pill-height (/ distance-pill-height zoom)
distance-line-stroke (/ distance-line-stroke zoom)
font-size (/ font-size zoom)
text-padding (/ 3 zoom)
distance-border-radius (/ distance-border-radius zoom)]
(for [[x1 y1 x2 y2] lines]
(let [center-x (+ x1 (/ (- x2 x1) 2))
center-y (+ y1 (/ (- y2 y1) 2))]
[:g.distance-line {:key (str "line-%s-%s-%s-%s" x1 y1 x2 y2)}
[:line {:x1 x1
:y1 y1
:x2 x2
:y2 y2
:style {:stroke distance-color
:stroke-width distance-line-stroke}}]
[:rect {:x (- center-x (/ distance-pill-width 2))
:y (- center-y (/ distance-pill-height 2))
:rx distance-border-radius
:ry distance-border-radius
:width distance-pill-width
:height distance-pill-height
:style {:fill distance-color}}]
[:text {:x center-x
:y (+ center-y text-padding)
:rx distance-border-radius
:ry distance-border-radius
:text-anchor "middle"
:width distance-pill-width
:height distance-pill-height
:style {:fill distance-text-color
:font-size font-size}}
(str (mth/round
(gpt/distance (gpt/point x1 y1) (gpt/point x2 y2))) "px")]]))))
(mf/defc selection-feedback [{:keys [frame]}]
(let [hover-shapes-ref (mf/use-memo (make-hover-shapes-iref))
hover-shapes (->> (mf/deref hover-shapes-ref)
(map #(gsh/translate-to-frame % frame)))
(let [zoom (mf/deref selected-zoom)
hover-shapes-ref (mf/use-memo (make-hover-shapes-iref))
hover-shape (mf/deref hover-shapes-ref)
selected-shapes-ref (mf/use-memo (make-selected-shapes-iref))
selected-shapes (->> (mf/deref selected-shapes-ref)
(map #(gsh/translate-to-frame % frame)))]
(map #(gsh/translate-to-frame % frame)))
(for [shape hover-shapes]
[:& selection-rect {:shape shape}])
selrect (gsh/selection-rect selected-shapes)]
(when (seq selected-shapes)
[:g.measurement-feedback {:pointer-events "none"}
[:& selection-guides {:selrect selrect :frame frame :zoom zoom}]
[:& selection-rect {:type :selection :selrect selrect :zoom zoom}]
[:& size-display {:selrect selrect :zoom zoom}]]
(if (and (not-empty selected-shapes) (not hover-shape))
[:& distance-display {:from (frame->selrect frame) :to selrect :zoom zoom}]]
(let [hover-selrect (-> hover-shape (gsh/translate-to-frame frame) :selrect)]
[:& selection-rect {:type :hover :selrect hover-selrect :zoom zoom}]
[:& size-display {:selrect hover-selrect :zoom zoom}]
[:& distance-display {:from hover-selrect :to selrect :zoom zoom}]]))])))
(for [shape selected-shapes]
[:& selection-rect {:shape shape}])]))
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