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Refactor degroup-shape impl.

In order to fix many corner cases and make
the code more easy to understand.

Related to #72.
This commit is contained in:
Andrey Antukh 2017-03-10 08:48:23 +01:00
parent 1835b496d1
commit 13e02283d8
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4DFEBCB8316A8B95
2 changed files with 81 additions and 64 deletions

View file

@ -382,41 +382,73 @@
(update $ :workspace assoc :selected #{sid})))))
(defn degroup-shapes
[state shapes page]
(letfn [(empty-group [state page-id group-id]
(let [group (get-in state [:shapes group-id])
parent-id (:group group)
position (if (nil? parent-id)
(index-of (get-in state [:pages page-id :shapes]) group-id)
(index-of (get-in state [:shapes parent-id :items]) group-id))
reduce-func (fn [state item]
(if (nil? parent-id)
(-> state
(update-in [:pages page-id :shapes] #(drop-at-index position % item))
(update-in [:shapes item] dissoc :group))
(-> state
(update-in [:shapes parent-id :items] #(drop-at-index position % item))
(assoc-in [:shapes item :group] parent-id))))]
[state shapes page-id]
(letfn [(get-relocation-position [state {id :id parent-id :group}]
(if (nil? parent-id)
(index-of (get-in state [:pages page-id :shapes]) id)
(index-of (get-in state [:shapes parent-id :items]) id)))
(relocate-shape [state shape-id parent-id position]
(if (nil? parent-id)
(-> state
(update-in [:pages page-id :shapes] #(drop-at-index position % shape-id))
(update-in [:shapes shape-id] dissoc :group))
(-> state
(update-in [:shapes parent-id :items] #(drop-at-index position % shape-id))
(assoc-in [:shapes shape-id :group] parent-id))))
(remove-group [state {id :id parent-id :group}]
(let [xform (remove #{id})]
(as-> state $
(reduce reduce-func $ (reverse (:items group)))
(update $ :shapes dissoc id)
(if (nil? parent-id)
(update-in $ [:pages page-id :shapes] #(into [] (remove #{group-id} %)))
(update-in $ [:shapes parent-id :items] #(into [] (remove #{group-id} %))))
(update-in $ [:shapes] dissoc group-id))))
(update-in $ [:pages page-id :shapes] #(into [] xform %))
(update-in $ [:shapes parent-id :items] #(into [] xform %))))))
(empty-groups [state page-id groups-ids]
(reduce (fn [state group-id]
(empty-group state page-id group-id))
(let [shapes' (map #(get-in state [:shapes %]) shapes)
groups (filter #(= (:type %) :group) shapes')
groups-ids (map :id groups)
groups-items (remove (set groups-ids) (mapcat :items groups))]
(as-> state $
(empty-groups $ page groups-ids)
(update $ :workspace assoc :selected (set groups-items))))))
(relocate-group-items [state {id :id parent-id :group items :items :as group}]
(let [position (get-relocation-position state group)]
(as-> state $
(reduce #(relocate-shape %1 %2 parent-id position) $ (reverse items))
(remove-group $ group))))
(select-degrouped [state groups]
(let [items (into #{} (mapcat :items groups))]
(assoc-in state [:workspace :selected] items)))
(remove-from-parent [state id parent-id]
(assert (not (nil? parent-id)) "parent-id should never be nil here")
(update-in state [:shapes parent-id :items] #(into [] (remove #{id}) %)))
(selective-degroup [state [shape & rest :as shapes]]
(let [group (get-in state [:shapes (:group shape)])
position (get-relocation-position state group)
parent-id (:group group)]
(as-> state $
(assoc-in $ [:workspace :selected] (into #{} (map :id shapes)))
(reduce (fn [state {shape-id :id}]
(-> state
(relocate-shape shape-id parent-id position)
(remove-from-parent shape-id (:id group))))
$ shapes))))]
(let [shapes (into #{} (map #(get-in state [:shapes %])) shapes)
groups (into #{} (filter #(= (:type %) :group)) shapes)
parents (into #{} (map :group) shapes)]
(and (= (count shapes) (count groups))
(= 1 (count parents))
(not (empty? groups)))
(as-> state $
(reduce relocate-group-items $ groups)
(reduce remove-group $ groups)
(select-degrouped $ groups))
(and (empty? groups)
(= 1 (count parents))
(not (nil? (first parents))))
(selective-degroup state shapes)
(throw (ex-info "invalid condition for degrouping" {}))))))
(defn materialize-xfmt
[state id xfmt]

View file

@ -430,7 +430,7 @@
;; degroup a single group
(t/deftest degroup-shapes-1
(t/deftest degroup-shapes-1-0
(let [initial {:pages {1 {:id 1 :shapes [3]}}
:shapes {1 {:id 1 :page 1 :group 3}
2 {:id 2 :page 1 :group 3}
@ -444,6 +444,23 @@
;; (pprint result)
(t/is (= result expected)))))
;; degroup single shape from group
(t/deftest degroup-shapes-1-1
(let [initial {:pages {1 {:id 1 :shapes [3]}}
:shapes {1 {:id 1 :page 1 :group 3}
2 {:id 2 :page 1 :group 3}
3 {:id 3 :page 1 :type :group :items [1 2]}}}
expected {:workspace {:selected #{1}}
:pages {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1 3]}}
:shapes {1 {:id 1 :page 1}
2 {:id 2 :page 1 :group 3}
3 {:id 3 :page 1 :type :group :items [2]}}}]
(let [result (impl/degroup-shapes initial [1] 1)]
;; (pprint expected)
;; (pprint result)
(t/is (= result expected)))))
;; degroup group inside a group
(t/deftest degroup-shapes-2
@ -477,35 +494,3 @@
;; (pprint expected)
;; (pprint result)
(t/is (= result expected)))))
;; degroup multiple groups nested (child first)
(t/deftest degroup-shapes-4
(let [initial {:pages {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1]}}
:shapes {1 {:id 1 :page 1 :type :group :items [2]}
2 {:id 2 :page 1 :type :group :items [3] :group 1}
3 {:id 3 :page 1 :group 2}}}
expected {:pages {1 {:id 1, :shapes [3]}},
:shapes {3 {:id 3, :page 1}},
:workspace {:selected #{3}}}]
(let [result (impl/degroup-shapes initial [2 1] 1)]
;; (pprint expected)
;; (pprint result)
(t/is (= result expected)))))
;; degroup multiple groups nested (parent first)
(t/deftest degroup-shapes-5
(let [initial {:pages {1 {:id 1 :shapes [1]}}
:shapes {1 {:id 1 :page 1 :type :group :items [2]}
2 {:id 2 :page 1 :type :group :items [3] :group 1}
3 {:id 3 :page 1 :group 2}}}
expected {:pages {1 {:id 1, :shapes [3]}},
:shapes {3 {:id 3, :page 1}},
:workspace {:selected #{3}}}]
(let [result (impl/degroup-shapes initial [1 2] 1)]
;; (pprint expected)
;; (pprint result)
(t/is (= result expected)))))