From 12fa4fdef54c753970a0c3ba0eb2fafea89142c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrey Antukh <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 13:19:27 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] :lipstick: Add cosmetic changes to common libraries logic ns

 common/src/app/common/logic/libraries.cljc | 37 ++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/common/src/app/common/logic/libraries.cljc b/common/src/app/common/logic/libraries.cljc
index e610eef24..e5c3e506a 100644
--- a/common/src/app/common/logic/libraries.cljc
+++ b/common/src/app/common/logic/libraries.cljc
@@ -204,21 +204,23 @@
                                       (cond-> {}
                                         force-frame? (assoc :force-frame-id frame-id)))
-         first-shape (cond-> (first new-shapes)
-                       (not (nil? parent-id))
-                       (assoc :parent-id parent-id)
-                       (and (not (nil? parent)) (= :frame (:type parent)))
-                       (assoc :frame-id (:id parent))
-                       (and (not (nil? parent)) (not= :frame (:type parent)))
-                       (assoc :frame-id (:frame-id parent))
-                       (and (not (nil? parent)) (ctn/in-any-component? objects parent))
-                       (dissoc :component-root)
-                       (and (nil? parent) (not (nil? frame-id)))
-                       (assoc :frame-id frame-id))
+         first-shape
+         (cond-> (first new-shapes)
+           (not (nil? parent-id))
+           (assoc :parent-id parent-id)
+           (and (not (nil? parent)) (= :frame (:type parent)))
+           (assoc :frame-id (:id parent))
+           (and (not (nil? parent)) (not= :frame (:type parent)))
+           (assoc :frame-id (:frame-id parent))
+           (and (not (nil? parent)) (ctn/in-any-component? objects parent))
+           (dissoc :component-root)
+           (and (nil? parent) (not (nil? frame-id)))
+           (assoc :frame-id frame-id))
          ;; on copy/paste old id is used later to reorder the paster layers
-         changes (cond-> (pcb/add-object changes first-shape {:ignore-touched true})
-                   (some? old-id) (pcb/amend-last-change #(assoc % :old-id old-id)))
+         changes
+         (cond-> (pcb/add-object changes first-shape {:ignore-touched true})
+           (some? old-id) (pcb/amend-last-change #(assoc % :old-id old-id)))
          (if (ctl/grid-layout? objects (:parent-id first-shape))
@@ -239,9 +241,10 @@
                  (pcb/reorder-grid-children [(:parent-id first-shape)])))
-         changes (reduce #(pcb/add-object %1 %2 {:ignore-touched true})
-                         changes
-                         (rest new-shapes))]
+         changes
+         (reduce #(pcb/add-object %1 %2 {:ignore-touched true})
+                 changes
+                 (rest new-shapes))]
      [new-shape changes])))
@@ -1487,7 +1490,7 @@
 (defn- update-tokens
   "Token synchronization algorithm. Copy the applied tokens that have changed
    in the origin shape to the dest shape (applying or removing as necessary).
    Only the given token attributes are synced."
   [changes container dest-shape orig-shape token-attrs]
   (let [orig-tokens  (get orig-shape :applied-tokens {})