mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 23:31:21 -05:00
♻️ Normalize redis api and its usage in msgbus module
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 94 additions and 76 deletions
@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
[clojure.core.async :as a]
[clojure.core.async :as a]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[integrant.core :as ig]
[integrant.core :as ig]
[promesa.core :as p]))
[promesa.core :as p]
[promesa.exec :as px]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
@ -52,8 +53,8 @@
(s/def ::rcv-ch ::aa/channel)
(s/def ::rcv-ch ::aa/channel)
(s/def ::pub-ch ::aa/channel)
(s/def ::pub-ch ::aa/channel)
(s/def ::state ::us/agent)
(s/def ::state ::us/agent)
(s/def ::pconn ::redis/connection)
(s/def ::pconn ::redis/connection-holder)
(s/def ::sconn ::redis/connection)
(s/def ::sconn ::redis/connection-holder)
(s/def ::msgbus
(s/def ::msgbus
(s/keys :req [::cmd-ch ::rcv-ch ::pub-ch ::state ::pconn ::sconn ::wrk/executor]))
(s/keys :req [::cmd-ch ::rcv-ch ::pub-ch ::state ::pconn ::sconn ::wrk/executor]))
@ -205,31 +206,33 @@
(when-let [closed (a/<! (send-to-topic topic message))]
(when-let [closed (a/<! (send-to-topic topic message))]
(send-via executor state unsubscribe-channels cfg closed nil))))
(send-via executor state unsubscribe-channels cfg closed nil))))
{:name "penpot/msgbus-io-loop"}
(loop []
(let [[val port] (a/alts!! [pub-ch rcv-ch])]
(nil? val)
(l/trace :hint "stopping io-loop, nil received")
(send-via executor state (fn [state]
(->> (vals state)
(mapcat identity)
(filter some?)
(run! a/close!))
(a/go-loop []
(= port rcv-ch)
(let [[val port] (a/alts! [pub-ch rcv-ch])]
(a/<!! (process-incoming val))
(nil? val)
(l/trace :hint "stopping io-loop, nil received")
(send-via executor state (fn [state]
(->> (vals state)
(mapcat identity)
(filter some?)
(run! a/close!))
(= port rcv-ch)
(= port pub-ch)
(let [result (a/<!! (redis-pub cfg val))]
(a/<! (process-incoming val))
(when (ex/exception? result)
(l/error :hint "unexpected error on publishing"
:message val
(= port pub-ch)
:cause result))
(let [result (a/<! (redis-pub cfg val))]
(when (ex/exception? result)
(l/error :hint "unexpected error on publishing" :message val
:cause result))
(defn- redis-pub
(defn- redis-pub
"Publish a message to the redis server. Asynchronous operation,
"Publish a message to the redis server. Asynchronous operation,
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
(s/def ::timer
(s/def ::timer
#(instance? Timer %))
#(instance? Timer %))
(s/def ::connection
(s/def ::default-connection
#(or (instance? StatefulRedisConnection %)
#(or (instance? StatefulRedisConnection %)
(and (instance? IDeref %)
(and (instance? IDeref %)
(instance? StatefulRedisConnection (deref %)))))
(instance? StatefulRedisConnection (deref %)))))
@ -61,6 +61,13 @@
(and (instance? IDeref %)
(and (instance? IDeref %)
(instance? StatefulRedisPubSubConnection (deref %)))))
(instance? StatefulRedisPubSubConnection (deref %)))))
(s/def ::connection
(s/or :default ::default-connection
:pubsub ::pubsub-connection))
(s/def ::connection-holder
(s/keys :req [::connection]))
(s/def ::redis-uri
(s/def ::redis-uri
#(instance? RedisURI %))
#(instance? RedisURI %))
@ -94,7 +101,7 @@
(merge {:timeout (dt/duration 5000)
(merge {:timeout (dt/duration 5000)
:io-threads (max 3 cpus)
:io-threads (max 3 cpus)
:worker-threads (max 3 cpus)}
:worker-threads (max 3 cpus)}
(d/without-nils cfg))))
(d/without-nils cfg))))
(defmethod ig/init-key ::redis
(defmethod ig/init-key ::redis
[_ {:keys [connect?] :as cfg}]
[_ {:keys [connect?] :as cfg}]
@ -146,27 +153,28 @@
(.stop ^Timer timer)))
(.stop ^Timer timer)))
(defn connect
(defn connect
[{:keys [::resources ::redis-uri] :as cfg}
[{:keys [::resources ::redis-uri] :as state}
& {:keys [timeout codec type] :or {codec default-codec type :default}}]
& {:keys [timeout codec type]
:or {codec default-codec type :default}}]
(us/assert! ::resources resources)
(us/assert! ::resources resources)
(let [client (RedisClient/create ^ClientResources resources ^RedisURI redis-uri)
(let [client (RedisClient/create ^ClientResources resources ^RedisURI redis-uri)
timeout (or timeout (:timeout cfg))
timeout (or timeout (:timeout state))
conn (case type
conn (case type
:default (.connect ^RedisClient client ^RedisCodec codec)
:default (.connect ^RedisClient client ^RedisCodec codec)
:pubsub (.connectPubSub ^RedisClient client ^RedisCodec codec))]
:pubsub (.connectPubSub ^RedisClient client ^RedisCodec codec))]
(.setTimeout ^StatefulConnection conn ^Duration timeout)
(.setTimeout ^StatefulConnection conn ^Duration timeout)
(assoc state ::connection
(deref [_] conn)
(close [_]
(deref [_] conn)
(.close ^StatefulConnection conn)
(.shutdown ^RedisClient client))))))
(close [_]
(.close ^StatefulConnection conn)
(.shutdown ^RedisClient client)))))
(defn get-or-connect
(defn get-or-connect
[{:keys [::cache] :as state} key options]
[{:keys [::cache] :as state} key options]
@ -179,42 +187,47 @@
(get key)))))
(get key)))))
(defn add-listener!
(defn add-listener!
[conn listener]
[{:keys [::connection] :as conn} listener]
(us/assert! ::pubsub-connection @conn)
(us/assert! ::connection-holder conn)
(us/assert! ::pubsub-connection connection)
(us/assert! ::pubsub-listener listener)
(us/assert! ::pubsub-listener listener)
(.addListener ^StatefulRedisPubSubConnection @connection
(.addListener ^StatefulRedisPubSubConnection @conn
^RedisPubSubListener listener)
^RedisPubSubListener listener)
(defn publish!
(defn publish!
[conn topic message]
[{:keys [::connection] :as conn} topic message]
(us/assert! ::us/string topic)
(us/assert! ::us/string topic)
(us/assert! ::us/bytes message)
(us/assert! ::us/bytes message)
(us/assert! ::connection @conn)
(us/assert! ::connection-holder conn)
(us/assert! ::default-connection connection)
(let [pcomm (.async ^StatefulRedisConnection @conn)]
(let [pcomm (.async ^StatefulRedisConnection @connection)]
(.publish ^RedisAsyncCommands pcomm ^String topic ^bytes message)))
(.publish ^RedisAsyncCommands pcomm ^String topic ^bytes message)))
(defn subscribe!
(defn subscribe!
"Blocking operation, intended to be used on a worker/agent thread."
"Blocking operation, intended to be used on a thread/agent thread."
[conn & topics]
[{:keys [::connection] :as conn} & topics]
(us/assert! ::pubsub-connection @conn)
(us/assert! ::connection-holder conn)
(us/assert! ::pubsub-connection connection)
(let [topics (into-array String (map str topics))
(let [topics (into-array String (map str topics))
cmd (.sync ^StatefulRedisPubSubConnection @conn)]
cmd (.sync ^StatefulRedisPubSubConnection @connection)]
(.subscribe ^RedisPubSubCommands cmd topics)))
(.subscribe ^RedisPubSubCommands cmd topics)))
(defn unsubscribe!
(defn unsubscribe!
"Blocking operation, intended to be used on a worker/agent thread."
"Blocking operation, intended to be used on a thread/agent thread."
[conn & topics]
[{:keys [::connection] :as conn} & topics]
(us/assert! ::pubsub-connection @conn)
(us/assert! ::connection-holder conn)
(us/assert! ::pubsub-connection connection)
(let [topics (into-array String (map str topics))
(let [topics (into-array String (map str topics))
cmd (.sync ^StatefulRedisPubSubConnection @conn)]
cmd (.sync ^StatefulRedisPubSubConnection @connection)]
(.unsubscribe ^RedisPubSubCommands cmd topics)))
(.unsubscribe ^RedisPubSubCommands cmd topics)))
(defn open?
(defn open?
[{:keys [::connection] :as conn}]
(.isOpen ^StatefulConnection @conn))
(us/assert! ::connection-holder conn)
(us/assert! ::pubsub-connection connection)
(.isOpen ^StatefulConnection @connection))
(defn pubsub-listener
(defn pubsub-listener
[& {:keys [on-message on-subscribe on-unsubscribe]}]
[& {:keys [on-message on-subscribe on-unsubscribe]}]
@ -244,8 +257,10 @@
(on-unsubscribe nil topic count)))))
(on-unsubscribe nil topic count)))))
(defn close!
(defn close!
[{:keys [::connection] :as conn}]
(.close ^AutoCloseable o))
(us/assert! ::connection-holder conn)
(us/assert! ::connection connection)
(.close ^AutoCloseable connection))
(def ^:private scripts-cache (atom {}))
(def ^:private scripts-cache (atom {}))
(def noop-fn (constantly nil))
(def noop-fn (constantly nil))
@ -262,12 +277,12 @@
(defn eval!
(defn eval!
[{:keys [::mtx/metrics] :as state} script]
[{:keys [::mtx/metrics ::connection] :as state} script]
(us/assert! ::rscript/script script)
(us/assert! ::redis state)
(us/assert! ::redis state)
(us/assert! ::connection-holder state)
(us/assert! ::rscript/script script)
(let [rconn (-> state ::connection deref)
(let [cmd (.async ^StatefulRedisConnection @connection)
cmd (.async ^StatefulRedisConnection rconn)
keys (into-array String (map str (::rscript/keys script)))
keys (into-array String (map str (::rscript/keys script)))
vals (into-array String (map str (::rscript/vals script)))
vals (into-array String (map str (::rscript/vals script)))
sname (::rscript/name script)]
sname (::rscript/name script)]
@ -276,20 +291,20 @@
(if (instance? io.lettuce.core.RedisNoScriptException cause)
(if (instance? io.lettuce.core.RedisNoScriptException cause)
(l/error :hint "no script found" :name sname :cause cause)
(l/error :hint "no script found" :name sname :cause cause)
(-> (load-script)
(->> (load-script)
(p/then eval-script)))
(p/mapcat eval-script)))
(if-let [on-error (::rscript/on-error script)]
(if-let [on-error (::rscript/on-error script)]
(on-error cause)
(on-error cause)
(p/rejected cause))))
(p/rejected cause))))
(eval-script [sha]
(eval-script [sha]
(let [tpoint (dt/tpoint)]
(let [tpoint (dt/tpoint)]
(-> (.evalsha ^RedisScriptingAsyncCommands cmd
(->> (.evalsha ^RedisScriptingAsyncCommands cmd
^String sha
^String sha
^ScriptOutputType ScriptOutputType/MULTI
^ScriptOutputType ScriptOutputType/MULTI
^"[Ljava.lang.String;" keys
^"[Ljava.lang.String;" keys
^"[Ljava.lang.String;" vals)
^"[Ljava.lang.String;" vals)
(p/then (fn [result]
(p/map (fn [result]
(let [elapsed (tpoint)]
(let [elapsed (tpoint)]
(mtx/run! metrics {:id :redis-eval-timing
(mtx/run! metrics {:id :redis-eval-timing
:labels [(name sname)]
:labels [(name sname)]
@ -300,20 +315,20 @@
:params (str/join "," (::rscript/vals script))
:params (str/join "," (::rscript/vals script))
:elapsed (dt/format-duration elapsed))
:elapsed (dt/format-duration elapsed))
(p/catch on-error))))
(p/error on-error))))
(read-script []
(read-script []
(-> script ::rscript/path io/resource slurp))
(-> script ::rscript/path io/resource slurp))
(load-script []
(load-script []
(l/trace :hint "load script" :name sname)
(l/trace :hint "load script" :name sname)
(-> (.scriptLoad ^RedisScriptingAsyncCommands cmd
(->> (.scriptLoad ^RedisScriptingAsyncCommands cmd
^String (read-script))
^String (read-script))
(p/then (fn [sha]
(p/map (fn [sha]
(swap! scripts-cache assoc sname sha)
(swap! scripts-cache assoc sname sha)
(if-let [sha (get @scripts-cache sname)]
(if-let [sha (get @scripts-cache sname)]
(eval-script sha)
(eval-script sha)
(-> (load-script)
(->> (load-script)
(p/then eval-script))))))
(p/mapcat eval-script))))))
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
com.cognitect/transit-cljs {:mvn/version "0.8.280"}
com.cognitect/transit-cljs {:mvn/version "0.8.280"}
java-http-clj/java-http-clj {:mvn/version "0.4.3"}
java-http-clj/java-http-clj {:mvn/version "0.4.3"}
funcool/promesa {:mvn/version "9.0.507"}
funcool/promesa {:mvn/version "9.1.539"}
funcool/cuerdas {:mvn/version "2022.06.16-403"}
funcool/cuerdas {:mvn/version "2022.06.16-403"}
lambdaisland/uri {:mvn/version "1.13.95"
lambdaisland/uri {:mvn/version "1.13.95"
Add table
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